Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y en Montenegro

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Transcript of Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y en Montenegro

Boletín de Licitaciones en

Serbia y en Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado

Embajada de España


Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado


Administraciones públicas ……………….. 3


Transporte ……………………………………….. 26

Energía …………………………………………….. 48

Medio ambiente ………………………………. 59


Justicia …………………………………………….. 64

Sanidad ………………………………………....... 68

Consultoría y servicios

Educación ………………………………………… 73

Telecomunicaciones ……………………...... 75

Vojvode Šupljikca, 40 11118 Belgrado

(00/381-11) 380 68 32 ICEXBelgrado

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Education and training services Ref.: 2015/S 188-341872

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas National Employment Service (NES) IPA Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

29/09/2015 30/10/2015 2.516.400

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Solicitud de expresiones de



This Contract will finance the provision of training in response to labor market needs for at least 5400 people in two training cycles (thus an average of 2700 people per cycle) out of which 300 are Roma as an expansion of the NES existing scheme.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Laboratory supplies for scientific and research organisations Ref. EIB: IOP/05-2015/C/8

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas PIU Research and Development EIB Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

30/09/2015 18/11/2015 -

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Solicitud de ofertas


Procurement of laboratory supplies for scientific and research organizations.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Project Preparation Facility Ref. EuropeAid/137044/DH/SER/RS

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia IPA Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

20/10/2015 20/11/2015 10.000.000

Link Contrato Estado

pub=&orderby=ctr&orderbyad=Desc&nbPubliList=50&page=1&aoref=137044 Consultoría

Solicitud de expresiones de interés


The purpose of this contract is to assist Serbian administration in preparing transport and environment infrastructure projects and bring these projects to the stage of readiness which would ensure efficient and effective absorption and management of EU pre-accession funds. The Contract will provide assistance in: 1. Preparing technical documentation for minimum two infrastructure projects in transport and environment sectors to be financed under IPA 2014-2020 programmes, in accordance with Serbian legal requirements and EU standards and norms; 2. Strengthening capacities related to preparation and implementation of the infrastructure projects of the main stakeholders in transport and environment sectors through implementation of tailored capacity building programme.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Assistance for implementing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement – The EU Services Directive

Ref. EuropeAid: EuropeAid/136637/DH/SER/XK Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas European Commission IPA Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

21/10/2015 23/11/2015 1.000.000

Link Contrato Estado

RS&aofr=136637&userlanguage=en Servicios

Solicitud de expresiones de interés


The overall objective of the project is to facilitate the EU accession process by supporting alignment and implementation of Kosovar legislation with EU acquis in the fields of services. The specific objective is to build the capacity of the Ministry of Trade and Industry to effectively transpose and implement the EU Services Directive in Kosovo (Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of Council of 12 December 2006 on Services in the Internal Market) which includes: - Comprehensive screening and further harmonisation of the legislation on services, - Simplification of administrative procedures and proposal for establishing ""Points of Single Contact"", - Building Administrative capacity for continuous screening and amending of the legislation according to the requirements of the Services Directive after the end of the project, and improvement of knowledge and raising awareness on Service Directive, among private sector, public authorities and general public.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages

Ref.: 2015/S 192-348867 Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas National Employment Service (NES) IPA Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

28/09/2015 02/12/2015 -

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Solicitud de ofertas


Procurement of vehicles, furniture and IT equipment for the project ‘Increasing the Effectiveness of Employment Policies Towards Disadvantaged Groups’, implemented by the National Employment Service.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Second Public Expenditure Development Policy Loan Ref. World Bank: P120399

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas Ministry of Finance WORLD BANK Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

28/04/2011 31/12/2015 100.000.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The objective of the proposed Public Expenditure Development Policy Loan Program is to help reduce the size of Serbia‘s large public sector by supporting reforms that will help improve the efficiency of public spending, structured around three key policy areas:

(i) improving allocation of public expenditure to enhance the efficiency of spending in the largest spending sectors; (ii) strengthening of public expenditure and debt management to make spending more strategic; and, (iii) strengthening social assistance to cushion the impact of the economic crisis and expand the coverage of the social assistance programs.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Land Administration and Management Project Ref. World Bank: P106906

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

09/12/2008 31/12/2015 32.310.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The development objective of the project would be: to improve the efficiency of permitting and property registration. The beneficiaries of the investment will be: (a) the public living within the municipalities as more order is brought to the built environment; and (b) the business community as more transparent and efficient processes for the establishment and operations of a business are facilitated. The proposed project would have three main components: the first dealing with real estate administration; the second with planning and inspections; and the third with streamlining the regulatory environment for business entry and operations. A fourth component would cover project management.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


YF Innovation Serbia Ref. World Bank: P126229

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

23/11/2011 10/01/2016 8.400.000

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Aviso de licitación


The Republic of Serbia has applied for financingin the amount of EUR 8.4 million equivalent a Grant from European Union Instrumentfor Pre-Accession (hereinafter: IPA), administered by the World Bank (hereinafter: WB) toward the cost of the Innovation SerbiaProject, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, related services and consulting services to beprocured under this project. The development objective of the Innovation Serbia Project is to assist in building institutional capacity to stimulate innovativeactivities in the enterprise sector through the following components: Component1: Supportingthe operationalization of the Serbia Innovation Fund (SIF); Component 2: Pilotingfinancial instruments for technological development and innovation in enterprises; Component 3: Encouraging selected research and development institutes (RDIs) to engage in technology transfer andcommercialization, and assisting in formulating RDI sector reform policy.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Supply of vehicles, furniture and IT equipment for the project “Increasing the Effectiveness of Employment Policies Towards

Disadvantaged Groups” Ref.: 2015/S 151-279426

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas National Employment Service (NES) IPA Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

07/08/2015 28/02/2016 -

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Firmado


The objective of this contract is to support project activities through procurement of: - furniture, office equipment and IT equipment for furnishing job clubs, Career Guidance and Counseling Centers and self-service centers, new units which will be established throughout the Serbia; - Off-road vehicles which will be used for introducing employment caravans service.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


First Programmatic State Owned Enterprises Reform DPL Ref. World Bank: P127408

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Ministry of Economy


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

24/03/2015 31/03/2016 83.300.000

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Frimado


o Accelerating the restructuring and divestiture program of the Privatization Agency portfolio and selected SOEs operating in the commercial sector

o Strengthening the governance, regulatory and institutional framework, and monitoring and transparency arrangements for SOEs

o Mitigating the social and labor market impact of the SOE reform program

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Kosovo Youth Development Project Additional Financing Ref. World Bank: P150079

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar



Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

19/06/2014 30/03/2016 2.000.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The project development objective is to: (i) promote social cohesion though inter-ethnic collaboration among youth, especially from marginalized and vulnerable groups; and (ii) improve economic opportunities for young people and sustainable access to youth services in Kosovo. The objective remains unchanged for the additional


Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Montenegro Institutional Development and Agriculture Strengthening (MIDAS) Ref. World Bank: P107473

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar



Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

21/04/2009 31/03/2016 19.920.000 USD (total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado

Servicios Firmado


The development objective of the Institutional Development and Agriculture Strengthening Project for Montenegro is to improve delivery of government assistance for sustainable agriculture and rural development in a manner consistent with the European Union's (EU's) pre-accession requirements. This restructuring will bring the following changes:

(i) extension of closing date of the project from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2015, and (ii) revision of project result framework to redefine some intermediate indicators in order to better capture project impacts and achievements, and facilitate

project monitoring and final evaluation.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Montenegro Institutional Development and Agriculture Strengthening (MIDAS) Ref. World Bank: P107473

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar



Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

21/04/2009 31/03/2016 19.920.000 USD (total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado

Servicios Firmado


The development objective of the Institutional Development and Agriculture Strengthening Project for Montenegro is to improve delivery of government assistance for sustainable agriculture and rural development in a manner consistent with the European Union's (EU's) pre-accession requirements. This restructuring will bring the following changes:

(i) extension of closing date of the project from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2015, and (ii) revision of project result framework to redefine some intermediate indicators in order to better capture project impacts and achievements, and facilitate

project monitoring and final evaluation.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Deposit Insurance Strengthening Project Ref. World Bank: P146248

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas Ministry of Finance and Economy WORLD BANK Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

25/02/2014 30/06/2016 145.300.000

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Aviso de licitación


Strengthen the financial and institutional capacity of the Deposit Insurance Agency, so as to enable it to meet its deposit insurance and bank resolution obligations and serve as a core part of financial sector safety net.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Public Sector Modernization Project Ref. World Bank: P101614

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas Ministry of Finance WORLD BANK Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

04/02/2010 30/06/2016 8.000.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The objectives of the Public Sector Modernization Project for Kosovo are: o to strengthen the performance of key budget organizations in budget formulation, budget execution, and public procurement; o b) to establish the foundations for fiscally sustainable payroll management and effective human resource management in the core civil service; and o c) to create conditions for further automation of government work processes and for development of e-government applications. The extension is

necessary to make up for the time lost due to the delay in effectiveness and to allow for the implementation of the planned activities.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Kosovo Financial Sector Strengthening & Market Infrastructure Project Ref. World bank: P108080

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas UNMIK WORLD BANK Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

13/12/2007 30/06/2016 2.000.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The main objective of the Financial Sector Technical Assistance Project of Kosovo is to enhance the Central Banking Authority of Kosovo's capacity to oversee the financial system's stability and its development in Kosovo. The project will focus mostly on strengthening the capacity of the Central Banking Authority of Kosovo (CBAK) to supervise banks and non bank financial institutions (in particular insurance companies and pension funds). The project includes three components, benefiting respectively CBAK, Kosovo Bankers' Association (KBA) and Association of Microfinance Institutions in Kosovo (AMIK). Component I, assistance to CBAK, will aim to strengthen CBAK's institutional capacity and the regulatory and supervisory framework for banks and non banks. The component will include two main sub-components aimed respectively to

(i) strengthen CBAK's long term institutional and financial capacity and sustainability; and (ii) (ii) further strengthen banking sector supervision, especially off-site supervision; and strengthen and upgrade the regulatory and supervisory framework for

insurance activities and intermediaries (mainly on ongoing supervision) and for other Non Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) under the purview of CBAK. Component II, assistance to AMIK, will aim to strengthen the microfinance industry of Kosovo to achieve sustainability and expand outreach. Component III, assistance to KBA, will strengthen the capacity of the Kosovo Bankers' Association to provide adequate training to local banks, especially small ones, to build their technical capacity.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Real Estate Cadastre and Registration Ref. World Bank: P101214

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

04/02/2010 31/01/2017 13.860.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The objective of the Real Estate Cadastre and Registration Project is to help develop Kosovo's land and property markets and enhance security of tenure. There are three components to the project:

1) The first component being municipal land administration. The component supports improving the capacity of Municipal Cadastre Offices (MCOs) to deliver services, with two subcomponents: detailed design and rehabilitation of the MCOs, and systematic registration in the Kosovo Cadastre Land Information System (KCLIS).

2) The second component is the Kosovo Cadastre Agency (KCA) institutional framework. This component supports two subcomponents: KCA institutional reform, and upgrading KCA technical infrastructure.

3) The third component is the project management, training and public outreach. This component will support KCA to manage the project, monitor, and evaluate the program's effectiveness, as well as build its management and other skills.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Agriculture and Rural Development Ref. World Bank: P112526

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

14/06/2011 31/07/2017 25.830.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado

Descripción The development objective of the Agriculture and Rural Development Project is to assist the Recipient to promote competitiveness and growth in the livestock and horticulture sub-sectors over the next decade through implementation of selected measures of its agricultural strategy and institutional development. There are three components to the project.

1) The first component of the project is transferring knowledge to the rural sector. This component will serve to strengthen the knowledge of farm operators, commercial and semi-commercial agro-processing enterprises and municipal advisors to effectively plan investments and utilize financial support available under component two of the project, other donor-supported grant schemes as well as future grants schemes supported under the EU's Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD).

2) The second component of the project is enhancing investments to promote sustainable rural development. this component will: (i) provide rural development grants to foster growth and competitiveness in the rural sector through the promotion of improved agricultural technologies; and (ii) support capacity building of the Managing Authority (MA) and Paying Unit (PU) within the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD) to manage grant programs supported by the government, the proposed project, other donors and eventually future schemes under IPARD.

3) The third component of the project is project management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation. A Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will be established within the MAFRD for the daily management, administration, coordination and public awareness of project activities.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas



Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

28/10/2014 31/12/2017 4.500.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The Project development objective is to increase the experience of Montenegrin authorities in administering rural development grants in accordance with the core rules of the European Union Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD) and to improve the productivity of a targeted number of agriculture holdings."

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Serbia Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer Project Ref. World Bank: P145231

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

01/04/2014 31/01/2018 2.500.000

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Aviso de licitación


"The Republic of Serbia has applied for financing in the amount of EUR 2,500,000 equivalent a Grant from European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA), administered by the World Bank (Bank) toward the cost of the Serbia Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer Project (Project), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, related services and consulting services to be procured under the Project. The objective of Project is to facilitate reorientation of the public research sector toward the needs of the private sector. The project will support a framework for increasing the efficiency of future investments in research and innovation in Serbia and will include the following components: Component 1: Establishment of a Technology Transfer Facility; Component 2: Technical Assistance for the design of a Collaborative R&D Grant Scheme with relevant monitoring indicators as well as an independent annual evaluation of Grant Scheme implementation; Component 3: Technical Assistance for the development of an R&D and Innovation Strategy, an R&D Infrastructure Roadmap and corresponding Action Plan(s)."

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Real Estate Management Project Ref. World Bank: P147050

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

16/03/2015 31/12/2020 32.200.000

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


To improve the efficiency, transparency, accessibility and reliability of Serbia’s real property management systems.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Mobile Flood Defense Equipment EuropeAid/137461/DH/SUP/RS

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia IPA Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

21/08/2015 - -

Link Contrato Estado

erbyad=Desc&nbPubliList=15&searchtype=RS&userlanguage=en Suministros Aviso de licitación


This supply contract will contribute directly to the implementation of Government priorities in the post-flood period and concerns the upgrading of the emergency response and prevention systems with the procurement of Mobile Flood Defense Equipment for the protection of New Belgrade from Danube and Sava high water.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Administraciones públicas


Project preparation facility for Ministry of European Integration EuropeAid/137475/DH/SER/XK

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

AA. Públicas European Commission IPA Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

26/08/2015 - 1.500.000

Link Contrato Estado

RS&aofr=137475&userlanguage=en Servicios Aviso de licitación


Support and reinforce the capacities of the administration in the planning, programming and implementation of the IPA, in the preparation of investment projects and improvement of the mechanisms for an integrated EU accession process.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Tivat Airport Modernisation Project ID: 46587

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Airports of Montenegro EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

25/08/2015 28/10/2015 32.000.000 (Totla del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Discusión preliminar


The EBRD is considering financing the construction of a new passenger terminal at Tivat Airport, extension of the manoeuvring area and rehabilitation and extension of the runway to achieve compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (“ICAO”) safety standards. The capacity of Tivat Airport is already insufficient to handle the demand during the peak summer season and the Airport has become a barrier to growth of the country’s tourism industry by limiting the access of international tourists to Montenegro. The Project will address this issue by increasing handling capacity of the passenger terminal and adding aircraft stands that would provide sufficient capacity for the next ten years and improve service quality.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Construction Supervision Ref.: 2015/S 192-346503

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Roads of Serbia EIB Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

01/10/2015 24/11/2015 -

Link Contrato Estado Consultoría Solicitud de ofertas


Consultancy Services for Supervision of Lot B3.2 Construction of Bridge No.8 Over Sava River Near Ostruznica

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Tivat Airport Modernisation Project - Procurement Support Consultant Ref. EBRD: 47935

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Airports of Montenegro EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

25/08/2015 25/11/2015 250.000

Link Contrato Estado Consultoría Solicitud de expresiones de


Descripción The Client now intends to engage a consultant to assist the Company’s Project Implementation Unit (""PIU"") throughout the related procurement process in order to facilitate the timely and effective procurement of the Project components. This will include assisting the PIU in the preparation of the tenders and Requests for Proposals (""RFP"") documents, evaluation of tenders & applications and the contracts awards (the ""Assignment""). The Consultant will provide assistance in procurement of: 1) the terminal Design and Build contract for a new passenger terminal to be most likely based on Yellow Book FIDIC and be procured through two-stage tendering, 2) rehabilitation and reconstruction works on the manoeuvring areas, apron and car parking to be most likely based on Pink Book FIDIC (""Component 2"") at the Tivat Airport as well as 3) supervision of two above contracts, 4) the design audit, 5) detailed design for maneuvering areas, apron and car parking and 6) PIU individual consultants in a detailed manner in accordance with the Bank’s PP&R and the best international practice. The services shall be conducted in line with the procurement strategy as agreed with the Bank, and will apply those procedures, specifications and standard documentation as required by the Bank.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Regional Roads Project Project ID: 48062

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Ministry of Finance EBRD Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

09/10/2015 09/12/2015 38.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Discusión preliminar


Rehabilitation of an approximately 15km road section from Kllokot to Gjilan and the upgrade of access roads for a total length of approximately 11.2 km in the cities of Ferizaj, Gjilan and Prizren in Kosovo.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


JSC Serbia Railways Ref. EBRD: 7789-GPN-42262

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Serbian Railways JSC EBRD Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

16/01/2015 15/01/2016 290.000.000 (total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


Reconstruction of the Junction “G” – Rakovica – Resnik railway section from km 7+126 to km 14+554 (L=7.428m) on the Belgrade – Mladenovac – Nis – Presevo – State Border Railway Line (Corridor X): - Procurement of Civil Works including substructure, hydro technical works, track works, level crossings, and railway station structures - Procurement of Electrical Works including signaling and telecommunication facilities, Overhead Contact Line and Electrical Traction Substation

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Montenegro Railways: Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation Ref. EBRD: 7801-GPN-37232

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Montenegro Railway Infrastructure Company (ZICG) EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

02/02/2015 02/02/2016 27.000.000 (total proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


Civil works on Belgrade – Bar Railway line for: (i) rehabilitation of tracks (ii) rehabilitation of tunnels (iii) hydro-technical works

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Montenegro Railways: Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation Ref. EBRD: 7801-GPN-37232

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Montenegro Railway Infrastructure Company (ZICG) EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

02/02/2015 02/02/2016 27.000.000 (total proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Consultoría Aviso de licitación


Consultancy services for the design of tunnels rehabilitation.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Pristina Urban Transport Project Ref. EBRD: 7821-GPN-46489

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Municipalidad de Pristina EBRD Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

20/02/2015 20/02/2016 12.250.000

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Aviso de licitación


Procurement of 51 new low-entry diesel EURO-VI standard compliant buses.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Local Roads Reconstruction and Upgrade Project Ref. EBRD: 7830-GPN-43060

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Gobierno de Montenegro EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

03/03/2015 02/03/2016 23.500.000 (total proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


Civil Works Contract for reconstruction and upgrade of the ca 11.5 km long section from Lubnice to Jelovica, construction ca 1.4 km of the new road between Jelovica and Jezerine and a new realigned section 3.5 km long between Jelovica and Jezerine that includes a new ca 2.9 km long single bore road tunnel, and a ca 100m long bridge.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Local Roads Reconstruction and Upgrade Project Ref. EBRD: 7830-GPN-43060

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Gobierno de Montenegro EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

03/03/2015 02/03/2016 23.500.000 (total proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Consultoría Aviso de licitación


Consulting Services for Supervision of the following Civil Works: Civil Works Contract for reconstruction and upgrade of the ca 11.5 km long section from Lubnice to Jelovica, construction ca 1.4 km of the new road between Jelovica and Jezerine and a new realigned section 3.5 km long between Jelovica and Jezerine that includes a new ca 2.9 km long single bore road tunnel, and a ca 100m long bridge.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Tivat Airport Modernization Ref. EBRD: 7875-GPN-46587

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Airports of Montenegro EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

08/05/2015 07/05/2016 31.500.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


Modernise Tivat Airport facilities. The proposed project will require the procurement of the following goods, works and services: • New terminal construction • Rehabilitation/construction of maneuvering areas and apron

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Tivat Airport Modernization Ref. EBRD: 7875-GPN-46587

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Airports of Montenegro EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

08/05/2015 07/05/2016 31.500.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Consultoría Aviso de licitación


Modernise Tivat Airport facilities. The proposed project will require the procurement of the following goods, works and services: • Individual consultants to PIU

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Tivat Airport Modernization Ref. EBRD: 7875-GPN-46587

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Airports of Montenegro EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

08/05/2015 07/05/2016 31.500.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Aviso de licitación


Modernise Tivat Airport facilities. The proposed project will require the procurement of the following goods, works and services: • Supervision of above contracts • Design revision services

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Montenegro Railways: Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation II Ref. EBRD: 7900-GPN-40344

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Montenegro Railway Infrastructure Company EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

21/05/2015 20/05/2016 17.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


The proposed project, which has a total estimated cost of EUR 17 million equivalent, will require the procurement of the following remaining works: • Rehabilitation works for the slopes.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Montenegro Railways: Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation II Ref. EBRD: 7900-GPN-40344

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Montenegro Railway Infrastructure Company EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

21/05/2015 20/05/2016 17.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Aviso de licitación


The proposed project, which has a total estimated cost of EUR 17 million equivalent, will require the procurement of the following remaining services: • Design and installation of switch heaters • Design for rehabilitation of slopes

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte



Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Koridor 10 Drustvo sa Ogranicenom Odgovornoscu, Limited

Liability Company (K10DOO) WORLD BANK Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

09/07/2009 31/12/2016 1.300.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The objective of the Corridor X Highway Project is to increase transport efficiency and improve traffic safety on three sections of corridor X, between Nis and Dimitrovgrad and Leskovac (Grabovnica) and Donji Neradovac, respectively, and to improve road management and road safety in the Borrower's territory. The changes to the loan agreement (IBRD 7746-YF) have been requested by the Borrower, and involve the following:

(i) use of the existing financing to provide for the construction of a 5.8 km extension of the E-75 motorway between Caricina Dolina and Vladicin Han, known as lot 6 under component one. This will be done by utilizing the surplus funds available in components three and four, and the savings available under components one and two;

(ii) an extension to the Loan Closing Date by 12 months, from December 31, 2015 to December 31, 2016; and (iii) updating the Results Framework through revision of the target value of one of the Intermediate Outcome Indicators to reflect the inclusion of lot 6 and revising

the target dates for the project development objective, or PDO indicators and intermediate level indicators associated with civil works completion to reflect implementation delays.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte



Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Koridor 10 Drustvo sa Ogranicenom Odgovornoscu, Limited

Liability Company (K10DOO) WORLD BANK Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

09/07/2009 31/12/2016 1.300.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Firmado


The objective of the Corridor X Highway Project is to increase transport efficiency and improve traffic safety on three sections of corridor X, between Nis and Dimitrovgrad and Leskovac (Grabovnica) and Donji Neradovac, respectively, and to improve road management and road safety in the Borrower's territory. The changes to the loan agreement (IBRD 7746-YF) have been requested by the Borrower, and involve the following:

(i) use of the existing financing to provide for the construction of a 5.8 km extension of the E-75 motorway between Caricina Dolina and Vladicin Han, known as lot 6 under component one. This will be done by utilizing the surplus funds available in components three and four, and the savings available under components one and two;

(ii) an extension to the Loan Closing Date by 12 months, from December 31, 2015 to December 31, 2016; and (iii) updating the Results Framework through revision of the target value of one of the Intermediate Outcome Indicators to reflect the inclusion of lot 6 and revising

the target dates for the project development objective, or PDO indicators and intermediate level indicators associated with civil works completion to reflect implementation delays.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte



Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

26/04/2013 31/12/2019 230.000.000

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


The Government of the Republic ofSerbia has applied for financing in the amount of EUR 73.8 million from the World Bank (USD 100 million equivalent), towards the cost of the Road Rehabilitation and Safety Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods,works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. This project will be jointly financed by the European Investment Bank (EUR 100 million), EuropeanBank for Reconstruction and Development (EUR 100 million) and the Republic of Serbia. The Project will include the following components: Component1: Road Rehabilitation and Safety Investments Component 2: InstitutionalStrengthening with the following subcomponents: - 2a: Support to Road Safety - 2b: Strengthening Road Rehabilitation and Planning Processes - 2c Strengthening Maintenance Management Component 3: Project Detailed Design, Supervision, Management,Monitoring and Audits with the following subcomponents: - 3a: Design and Supervision - 3b: Project Management Support - 3c: Project Audits

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte



Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

26/04/2013 31/12/2019 230.000.000

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Aviso de licitación


The Government of the Republic ofSerbia has applied for financing in the amount of EUR 73.8 million from the World Bank (USD 100 million equivalent), towards the cost of the Road Rehabilitation and Safety Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods,works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. This project will be jointly financed by the European Investment Bank (EUR 100 million), EuropeanBank for Reconstruction and Development (EUR 100 million) and the Republic of Serbia. The Project will include the following components: Component1: Road Rehabilitation and Safety Investments Component 2: InstitutionalStrengthening with the following subcomponents: - 2a: Support to Road Safety - 2b: Strengthening Road Rehabilitation and Planning Processes - 2c Strengthening Maintenance Management Component 3: Project Detailed Design, Supervision, Management,Monitoring and Audits with the following subcomponents: - 3a: Design and Supervision - 3b: Project Management Support - 3c: Project Audits

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Spare Parts and Maintenance of Vehicles No. 5 Kosovo EuropeAid/137575/IH/SUP/XK

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte EULEX IPA Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

17/10/2015 - -

Link Contrato Estado

derbyad=Desc&nbPubliList=15&page=1&aoref=137575 Suministros Aviso de licitación


The subject of the framework contract is the supply and delivery of spare parts for vehicles, as well as the performance of some ancillary services (installation of spare parts, maintenance, repair of vehicles, etc.). Three (3) Lots Lot one (1) Toyota and Armoured Vehicles Lot two (2) Volkswagen Group Lot three (3) Mercedes

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Railway rehabilitation Ref.: 2015/S 168-305816

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro JSC (RIoM) EIB Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

01/09/2015 - 40.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


The following contracts are expected to be procured by ZICG in implementing this project: - Works contract for replacement of the signalling/interlocking device in the railway station Podgorica valued in the range EUR 5-10m, contract notice commencing Q4 2015. - One or more works contracts for rehabilitation of concrete bridges valued in the range EUR 1-10m, contract notices commencing H1 2016; - One or more works contracts for rehabilitation of tunnels valued in the range EUR 1-10m, contract notices commencing H1 2017;

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Transporte


Railway rehabilitation Ref.: 2015/S 168-305816

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Transporte Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro JSC (RIoM) EIB Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

01/09/2015 - 40.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Aviso de licitación


One or more service contracts for design, supervision (FIDIC Engineer) and technical control of the works, valued in the range EUR 0.2 - 1.0m, contract notices commencing Q4 2015.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project II Ref. EBRD: 8032-IFT-40344

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Energía Montenegro Railway Infrastructure Company (ZCG I) EBRD Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

20/10/2015 15/12/2015 17.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado

Suministro e instalación Solicitud de ofertas


Supply and Installation of Switch Heaters from catenary 25/0.22 KV for station Niksic and station Ostrog on Niksic - Podgorica Railway Line : - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning switch heaters for equipping Railway Station Niksic with supply from catenary, voltage 25/0.22 kV 50 Hz, - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning sub-stations TS 1 and TS 2 for securing switches and safety devices in station Niksic from catenary with voltage 25/0.22 kV 50 Hz, - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning switch heaters for equipping Railway Station Ostrog with supply from catenary, voltage 25/0.22 kV 50 Hz, - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning sub-stations TS for securing switches and safety devices in station Ostrog from catenary with voltage 25/0.22 kV 50 Hz, - Site infrastructure works and access facilities. The time completion for the Contract is 9 months.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Kosovo Transmission Development Project Ref. EBRD: 8007-EOI-45552

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Energía KOSTT, the electricity transmission system operator (TSO) in

Kosovo EBRD Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

23/09/2015 23/10/2015 1.300.000 (IVA NO INCLUIDO)

Link Contrato Estado Consultoría Solicitud de expresiones de



6. Consultancy Services for Project Implementation (this Notice): Project will be implemented by KOSTT located in Pristina. The consultancy services will mainly focus on contracts management supervision, project monitoring, evaluation and reporting. The Consultant needs to meet the listed qualification criteria in below. The principal objective of this assignment is to deliver assistance to the Client during Project implementation in order to ensure that all Bank financed contracts are carried out in accordance with relevant contracts conditions in terms of quality and schedule. The Consultant will assist the Client with the following tasks: - Assistance in Site Supervision, Monitoring and Reporting - Testing, Commissioning and Operational Acceptance - Environmental and Social Action Plan - Knowledge transfer to Client

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Energy Sector Cleanup and Land Reclamation Project Ref. World Bank: P096181

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

13/06/2006 29/02/2016 11.360.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado

Servicios Firmado


The objectives of the Second Additional Financing for the Energy Sector Clean-Up and Land Reclamation Project (CLRP) are to: o address environmental legacy issues related to open dumping of ashes on land; o enable Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) to free land for community development purposes currently taken by overburden materials and enable KEK to remediate

the Kosovo A ash dump; and o build capacity in KEK for continued clean-up and environmentally good practice mining operations.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Kosovo Transmission Development Project Ref. EBRD: 7843-GPN-45552

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Energía KOSTT, the electricity transmission system operator (TSO) in

Kosovo EBRD Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

27/03/2015 27/03/2016 36.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


1. Construction of a new 110 kV substation at Mitrovica (Mitrovica 2) and associated 110 kV overhead lines. 2. Drenasi 2 (SS 220/35/10 kV & 220 kV transmission lines) and new 110 kV transmission line SS Rahoveci - SS Theranda 3. Construction of Fushë Kosova (SS & transmission lines) and Pristina 6 (SS & 110 kV underground transmission cables)

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Kosovo Transmission Development Project Ref. EBRD: 7843-GPN-45552

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Energía KOSTT, the electricity transmission system operator (TSO) in

Kosovo EBRD Kosovo*

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

27/03/2015 27/03/2016 36.000.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Consultoría Aviso de licitación


4. Consultancy Services for a Project Preparation and Capacity Building (selection process ongoing) 5. Consultancy Services for a Project Implementation Consultant (selection process planned to commence Q3 2015)

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía



Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Energía Elektroprivreda Srbije (“EPS”) EBRD + BEI Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

24/09/2015 25/09/2016 80.000.000 (total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Suministro e instalación Aviso de licitación


On-site installation of metering devices, MV and LV

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Energy Efficiency Ref. World Bank: P107992

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Energía Ministry of Finance-Technical Service Unit WORLD BANK Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

09/12/2008 30/03/2017 9.400.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Obras Firmado


The development objective of the Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Project is to improve energy efficiency performance in targeted public sector buildings (schools and hospitals) in order to provide demonstrated basis for development of a sustainable energy efficiency improvement program in the public sector in Montenegro. The extension will enable:

(i) completion of civil works at one remaining subproject site; (ii) completion of technical monitoring and evaluation of investment results.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Energy Efficiency Ref. World Bank: P107992

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Energía Ministry of Finance-Technical Service Unit WORLD BANK Montenegro

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

09/12/2008 30/03/2017 9.400.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The development objective of the Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Project is to improve energy efficiency performance in targeted public sector buildings (schools and hospitals) in order to provide demonstrated basis for development of a sustainable energy efficiency improvement program in the public sector in Montenegro. The extension will enable: (i) completion of civil works at one remaining subproject site; (ii) completion of technical monitoring and evaluation of investment results.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Floods Emergency Recovery Project Ref. World Bank:P152018

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

03/10/2014 31/12/2017 226.910.000 (total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Firmado


The Floods Emergency Recovery Project of Serbia has an objective to: (i) help restore power system capability to reliably meet domestic demand; (ii) protect livelihoods of farmers in flood affected areas; (iii) protect people and assets from floods; and (iv) improve the Borrowers capacity to respond effectively to disasters.

The project consists of four components: (1) Energy Sector Support; (2) Agricultural Sector Support; (3) Flood Protection; and (4) Contingent Emergency Response.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Kosovo Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project Ref. World Bank: P143055

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar



Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

10/06/2014 31/01/2020 32.500.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado

Obras Firmado


The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project for Kosovo includes objectives to: (i) reduce energy consumption and fossil fuel use in public buildings through energy efficiency and renewable energy investments; and (ii) enhance the policy and regulatory environment for renewable energy and energy efficiency.

This project consists of three components will be implemented. These include:

(i) EE and RE Investments in Public Buildings; (ii) Policy and Regulatory Support for RE and EE; (iii) (iii) Project Implementation Support.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Energía


Kosovo Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project Ref. World Bank: P143055

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar



Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

10/06/2014 31/01/2020 32.500.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado

Servicios Firmado


The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project for Kosovo includes objectives to: (i) reduce energy consumption and fossil fuel use in public buildings through energy efficiency and renewable energy investments; and (ii) enhance the policy and regulatory environment for renewable energy and energy efficiency. This project consists of three components will be implemented. These include: (i) EE and RE Investments in Public Buildings; (ii) Policy and Regulatory Support for RE and EE; (iii) (iii) Project Implementation Support.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Medio ambiente


Belgrade Water Ref. EBRD: 7852-GPN-46465

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Medio ambiente Public Utility Company Belgrade Waterworks and Sewerage EBRD Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

15/04/2015 15/04/2016 13.000.000 (total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


Rehabilitation of the water supply improvements in Belgrade. - Tranche 1 of EUR 8.5 million: • Sedimentation removal from the Sava lake pre-settling unit and construction of two raw water pipelines with diameter Ø 1500 mm, in length of 800 m • Refurbishment of a 4.8 km raw water pipeline with diameter Ø 1000 mm - Tranche 2 of EUR 4.5 million: • Refurbishment of Water Treatment Plant “Makis 1”

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Medio ambiente


Kragujevac Infrastructure Upgrade Ref. EBRD: 8022-GPN-47690

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Medio ambiente City of Kragujevac EBRD Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

07/10/2015 07/10/2016 19.200.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


The project will require procurement of the following works, goods and services: - Rehabilitation of streets - New City bus terminal

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Medio ambiente


Kragujevac Infrastructure Upgrade Ref. EBRD: 8022-GPN-47690

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Medio ambiente City of Kragujevac EBRD Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

07/10/2015 07/10/2016 19.200.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Aviso de licitación


"The project will require procurement of the following works, goods and services: - Waste collection trucks, vehicle for washing containers and vehicles for street washing, containers and bins"

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Medio ambiente


Subotica Water Upgrade Ref. EBRD: 8023-GPN-43472

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Medio ambiente City of Subotica EBRD Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

07/10/2015 07/10/2016 20.900.000 (Total del proyecto)

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


The project will require procurement of the following works, goods and services: - Construction of Water treatment plant - Construction of Main pipelines - Construction of Water Wells - Replacement of raw water mains at Wellfield I

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Medio ambiente


Industrial Waste Management and Cleanup Project Ref. World bank: P122139

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

19/09/2014 30/06/2019 80.440.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado

Servicios Firmado


The Development Objective of the Project is to reduce contamination of Montenegro’s natural resources and public health risks of exposure to this contamination from selected industrial waste disposal sites. The Project will achieve its objective through: (i) the development and implementation of a remediation investment program for selected legacy industrial waste disposal sites; and (ii) related to these interventions, supporting institutions and the related industries in bringing the management of industrial waste in compliance with Montenegrin legislation.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Justicia


Upgrading of judiciary buildings Ref.: 2015/S 193-348973

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Justicia Ministry of Justice EIB Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

06/10/2015 30/11/2015 60.000.000

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Solicitud de ofertas


This contract will include: Supply, installation, assembly, delivery and warranty of office furniture for building in 15 Kataniceva street, Belgrade

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Justicia


Serbia Justice Sector Support Multi Donor Trust Fund Ref. World Bank: P121377

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Justicia Ministry of Justice WORLD BANK Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

18/05/2010 31/12/2015 4.700.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado

Servicios Firmado


The objective of this assignment is todevelop a comprehensive ICT Strategy for the Justice Sector in the Republic of Serbia. This strategy is expected to guide the development and implementation of ICTpolicies, ICT Infrastructure, Information Systems and ICT human capital development in segments of the Justice Sector covered bythe mandate of the Ministry of Justice.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Justicia


Upgrading of judiciary buildings

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Justicia Ministry of Justice EIB Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

11/06/2015 04/06/2016 -

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


Sub project 3: Building D (approx. 8.500,00 m2 net floor space) - new construction (wing) on the site of the exiting building for the Special Court in Ustanicka Street 29, Belgrade

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Justicia


Upgrading of judiciary buildings

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Justicia Ministry of Justice EIB Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

11/06/2015 04/06/2016 -

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Aviso de licitación


The project is part of a broader programme - Modernisation of the judiciary facilities providing additional capacities for the new court network. Beside adoption and implementation of the legislation in the judiciary sector, reconstruction of the infrastructure and providing of the facilities for newly established institutions are defined as the main priorities of the MoJ. The project’s investment programme comprises more than 20 sub projects out of which the three key sub projects, subject to this notice are: − Sub project 1: Building B: The refurbishment of the Justice Palace of the Belgrade High Court (approx. 30.000,00 m2 net floor space), 17A Savska Street, Belgrade − Sub project 2: New Building C (approx. 11.500,00 m2 net floor space) - Comprehensive refurbishment of the building in Kataniceva Street 15, Belgrade (former Military Technical Institute) for the purposes of judiciary bodies and

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Sanidad


Kosovo Health Project Ref. World Bank: P147402

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

13/05/2015 30/10/2019 25.500.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado


The development objective of the Health Project for Kosovo is to contribute to improving financial protection from health spending for the poor and quality of care for priority maternal and child health (MCH) and non-communicable disease (NCD) services. The project comprises of three components.

1) The first component, improving financial protection and quality of care will build institutional capacity to implement health sector reforms to improve financial protection and quality of care. It includes following two sub-components: (i) improving financial protection; and (ii) improving quality of care.

2) The second component, strengthening primary care seeks to improve access to and quality of priority services at the primary care level, including MCH and NCD services, and therefore, to contribute to enhancing the sustainability of the mandatory health insurance reforms and improving population health outcomes.

3) The third component, project management will support the strengthening of the capacity of the Ministry of Health (MoH) to carry out the technical and administrative management of the project, including the financing of audits, equipment, and operating costs.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Sanidad


Kosovo Health Project Ref. World Bank: P147402

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

13/05/2015 30/10/2019 25.500.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Firmado


The development objective of the Health Project for Kosovo is to contribute to improving financial protection from health spending for the poor and quality of care for priority maternal and child health (MCH) and non-communicable disease (NCD) services. The project comprises of three components.

1) The first component, improving financial protection and quality of care will build institutional capacity to implement health sector reforms to improve financial protection and quality of care. It includes following two sub-components: (i) improving financial protection; and (ii) improving quality of care.

2) The second component, strengthening primary care seeks to improve access to and quality of priority services at the primary care level, including MCH and NCD services, and therefore, to contribute to enhancing the sustainability of the mandatory health insurance reforms and improving population health outcomes.

3) The third component, project management will support the strengthening of the capacity of the Ministry of Health (MoH) to carry out the technical and administrative management of the project, including the financing of audits, equipment, and operating costs.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Sanidad


Second Serbia Health Project Ref. World Bank: P129539

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Sanidad Ministry of Health WORLD BANK Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

25/02/2014 30/09/2019 29.100.000

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Aviso de licitación


"The objective of the Second Health Project is to contribute to improving the efficiency and quality of the public health system of the Republic of Serbia through the strengthening of: (i) health financing, purchasing, and maintenance systems (ii) quality improvement systems and management of selected priority non-communicable diseases."

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Sanidad


Construction and Rehabilitation of Clinical Centre of Serbia Ref.: MOH/EIBPIU/015/WO/01

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Sanidad Ministry of Health EIB Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

03/10/2015 - -

Link Contrato Estado

Obras Aviso de licitación


Works on Extension and Reconstruction of the Clinical Centre of Serbia in Belgrade. The Contract for the First Phase includes rehabilitation and extension of the part of the existing central hospital building (the total area of cca.86,000 m2) and construction of new technical blocks T1 and T2, parking lot and external area.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Sanidad


Construction and Rehabilitation of Clinical Centre of Vojvodina Ref.: MOH/EIBPIU/015/WO/02

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Sanidad Ministry of Health EIB Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

03/10/2015 - -

Link Contrato Estado

Obras Aviso de licitación


Works on Rehabilitation and Construction of the Clinical Centre of Vojvodina. The Contract includes rehabilitation and extension of the existing hospita building with the total gross area of 33,275.84 m2, extension of the connection bridge and construction of new technical blocks T1 and T2, parking lot and external area.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Educación


Higher Education Research for Innovation and Competitiveness Project Ref. World Bank: P122785

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

24/01/2012 30/03/2017 15.980.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Suministros Firmado

Descripción The objective of the Higher Education and Research for Innovation and Competitiveness Project (HERIC) is to strengthen the quality and relevance of higher education and research in Montenegro through reforming the higher education finance and quality assurance systems and by strengthening research and development capabilities. There are four components to the project:

1) The first component being higher education finance reforms and implementation of quality assurance norms. This component was designed with the Government of Montenegro (GoM) to support implementation of key higher education finance and quality reforms, specifically the goals identified in the strategy for the development and financing of higher education.

2) The second component is the human capital development through Internationalization Initiatives. The GoM recognizes that immediate impacts can be achieved by investing in international experiences for students and academic staff. Therefore, the GoM envisions a program where international engagements are supported both through facilitating access to existing internationalization opportunities and promoting foreign study and research in areas of national importance, to maximize absorption of knowledge and technical training provided around the world.

3) The third component is the establishing a competitive research environment. The fourth component is the project management and monitoring and evaluation. This component was designed to build capacity within Ministry of Education and Sports of Montenegro (MoES) and Ministry of Science of Montenegro (MoS) to manage the day-today implementation of the HERIC Project, as well as to monitor and evaluate its impact.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Educación


Higher Education Research for Innovation and Competitiveness Project Ref. World Bank: P122785

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar


Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada

24/01/2012 30/03/2017 15.980.000 USD

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Firmado

Descripción The objective of the Higher Education and Research for Innovation and Competitiveness Project (HERIC) is to strengthen the quality and relevance of higher education and research in Montenegro through reforming the higher education finance and quality assurance systems and by strengthening research and development capabilities. There are four components to the project:

1) The first component being higher education finance reforms and implementation of quality assurance norms. This component was designed with the Government of Montenegro (GoM) to support implementation of key higher education finance and quality reforms, specifically the goals identified in the strategy for the development and financing of higher education.

2) The second component is the human capital development through Internationalization Initiatives. The GoM recognizes that immediate impacts can be achieved by investing in international experiences for students and academic staff. Therefore, the GoM envisions a program where international engagements are supported both through facilitating access to existing internationalization opportunities and promoting foreign study and research in areas of national importance, to maximize absorption of knowledge and technical training provided around the world.

3) The third component is the establishing a competitive research environment. 4) The fourth component is the project management and monitoring and evaluation. This component was designed to build capacity within Ministry of Education and Sports of

Montenegro (MoES) and Ministry of Science of Montenegro (MoS) to manage the day-today implementation of the HERIC Project, as well as to monitor and evaluate its impact.

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Telecomunicaciones


Digital Switchover Project Ref. EBRD: 7867-GPN-46114

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Telecomunicaciones JP Emisiona Tehnika i Veze (ETV) EBRD Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

28/04/2015 27/04/2016 18.000.000

Link Contrato Estado Obras Aviso de licitación


The EBRD is considering providing financing to JV Emisiona Tehnika i Veze (ETV), a Serbian state-owned company, to implement the second phase of the switchover from analogue to digital terrestrial television broadcasting in Serbia. Civil Works – Infrastructure rehabilitation and reconstruction works;

Boletín de Licitaciones en Serbia y Montenegro Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Belgrado Telecomunicaciones


Digital Switchover Project Ref. EBRD: 7867-GPN-46114

Sector Beneficiario Financiación Lugar

Telecomunicaciones JP Emisiona Tehnika i Veze (ETV) EBRD Serbia

Fecha de publicación Fecha límite Inversión aproximada €

28/04/2015 27/04/2016 18.000.000

Link Contrato Estado Servicios Aviso de licitación


The EBRD is considering providing financing to JV Emisiona Tehnika i Veze (ETV), a Serbian state-owned company, to implement the second phase of the switchover from analogue to digital terrestrial television broadcasting in Serbia. Construction Supervision – Supervisors to assist ETV with Civil Works supervision.