Ejercicios Inglés de 2º

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Transcript of Ejercicios Inglés de 2º


Simple Present

El tiempo Presente Simple es el tiempo de verbo que se utiliza, entre otras cosas, para expresar acciones, eventos o situaciones al momento en que se habla. Por ejemplo:

Ann is a teacher.Ann es maestra.

She lives in London.Vive en Londres.

My brother wears glasses.Mi hermano usa anteojos.

Este tiempo también se usa para expresar acciones habituales, que transcurren con cierta frecuencia. Por ejemplo:

Ann gets up at 7.Ann se despierta a las 7.

She usually has breakfast at 8.Usualmente desayuna a las 8.

She never arrives late.Nunca llega tarde.

Al conjugar los verbos regulares en tiempo presente, debe agregarse para la tercera persona del singular (He / She / It) una "s" al verbo base, mientras que para las demás personas el verbo permanece igual.

I live in London.You live in London.He lives in London.She lives in London.We live in London.They live in London.

Pero cuando el verbo base termina en vocal (por ejemplo, "to go") se agrega "es" para la tercera persona del singular:I go to the cinema.You go to the cinema.He goes to the cinema.She goes to the cinema.We go to the cinema.They go to the cinema.

Para realizar preguntas en este tiempo verbal, se usa el auxiliar DO o DOES para la tercera persona del singular. Y se contesta con Yes / No seguido de la persona y su auxiliar correspondiente afirmativo o negativo.

Do you live in London?Yes, I do.

Does she go to the cinema?No, she doesn't.

Short Answers (respuestas cortas)


Las respuestas cortas son con los auxiliares do y does con la forma positiva y don´t y doesn’t con la forma negativa. La respuesta corta se refiere a cuando responde solo si o no.Do you study English for free in InglesTotal? ———-> Yes, I do

Yes, (I, you, we, you, they) do. ———— No, ( (I, you, we, you, they) don’t.Yes, (he,she,it does)————————- No, (he,she,it )doesn’t

Para realizar una pregunta específica, se usa la "question word" y luego, se sigue el mismo método. Se responde usando la frase completa.Where do you live?I live in London.

Where does she go?She goes to the cinema.

Interrogative Form

La forma interrogativa se usa justamente para interrogar o realizar preguntas.Se compone del verbo auxiliar DO seguido de la persona y el verbo en infinitivo.

Do + you + play

Cuando se trata de la tercera persona en singular, el auxiliar que se debe usar es DOES.Does + he + play

TO PLAYDo I play ?

Do You play ?

Does He play ?

Does She play ?

Does It play ?

Do We play ?

Do You play ?

Do They play ? Para los verbos TO BE y TO HAVE se usa el mismo verbo conjugado, sin agregar ningún auxiliar:Are you?


Are You ?

Is He ?

Is She  ?

Is It ?

Are We ?

Are You ?

Are They ?


Have I ?

Have You ?

Has He ?

Has She ?


Has It ?

Have We ?

Have You ?

Have They ?

Obervación: no usar el verbo to be cuando se quiere expresar otra acción. “I” va con “am” solo cuando quieran decir estoy o soy. SI quieren decir: Yo juego, no es posible decir “I am play” ya que estrían diciendo que yo soy/estoy jugar.

Negative FormLa forma negativa del verbo se aplica para negar la acción indicada por el verbo.Se compone de la persona, seguido del auxiliar DO conjugado, seguido de NOT y el verbo en infinitivo.You + do + not + play

Cuando se trata de la tercera persona en singular, el auxiliar que se debe usar es DOES.He + does + not + play

En lenguaje informal, pueden utilizarse las formas cortas:DO + NOT = DON'TDOES + NOT = DOESN'T

TO PLAYI do not play =  I don't play

You do not play =  You don't play

He does not play =  He doesn't play

She does not play =  She doesn't play

It does not play =  It doesn't play

We do not play =  We don't play

You do not play =  You don't play

They do not play =  They don't play

Para los verbos TO BE y TO HAVE se usa el mismo verbo conjugado, sin agregar ningún auxiliar:You are not

En lenguaje informal, pueden utilizarse las formas cortas:IS + NOT = ISN'TARE + NOT = AREN'T

TO BEI am not =  I'm not

You are not =  You aren't

He is not =  He isn't

She is not =  She isn't

It is not =  It isn't

We are not =  We aren't

You are not =  You aren't

They are not =  They aren't



TO HAVEI have not =  I haven't

You have not =  You haven't

He has not =  He hasn't

She has not =  She hasn't

It has not =  It hasn't

We have not =  We haven't

You have not =  You haven't

They have not =  They haven't Observación: Lo que se conjuga en la forma negativa es el auxiliar y no el verbo. Es decir, uno va elegir entre don’t y el doesn’t pero el verbo SIEMPRE estará en su forma simple (sin la terminación “s”)Las conjugaciones de los verbos en negativo son solo 2 :

doesn't + el verbo infinitivo | don't + el verbo infinitivo.

El don't y el doesn't son auxiliares. Es decir, ayudan a los verbos (QUE NO SEAN TO BE).

Por ejemplo.

+ My father works for IBM.- My father doesn't work for IBM

Cuando se usa el doesn't ya no se le pone la "s" a el verbo (work). Esto es porque esta el auxiliar y le ayuda. En otras palabras, al poner el negativo a verbos en presente simple que no sean to be, lo que se conjuga son los verbos auxiliares (don't and doesn't) y no el verbo en si.

¿Cuando uso do y does?

- do y does se usan en preguntas y en negativos (don't / doesn't) en el present simple siempre y cuando no sean verbos to be.

¿Cuando pongo la "s" en los verbos?

- Se le agrega la "s" cuando formen verbos en positivo en el present simple con verbos que no sean to be y que el sujeto sea la 3ra persona singular (HE, SHE, IT). El verbo to be es ser o estar. Cuando utilices este verbo en el present simple no se utilizan los auxiliares do y does. El verbo to be es mas simple pues solo se le agrega el NOT para negativo y para preguntas se invierte el verbo con el sujeto:

She is pretty ----- She is NOT pretty -------- Is she pretty?

Los verbos que no son to be son todos aquellos que no son ser y estar (work, smoke, play, sleep, etc)En el present simple existen solo dos conjugaciones con los verbos que no son “to be” (con to be son tres conjugaciones: am, is, are). Estas dos conjugaciones son formadas muy fácilmente. Una es formada con solo quitarle el “to” (play) y la otra forma es agregándole la letra “s” o “es”.


Exercise Complete los recuadros escribiendo la forma negativa de la oración. Use las formas contractadas (isn't, aren't, etc.)Ejemplo: I play tennis - I don't play tennis.I play tennis.

play tennis. He lives in London.

in London.You are good.

good.She is a teacher.

a teacher.They live in England.

in England.Joe is a doctor.

a doctor.Mary is a lawyer.

a lawyer.They have two cars.

two cars.We are in London.

in London.

QuestionsLas preguntas que se pueden responder con Sí o No se componen usando la forma interrogativa ya explicada:Do you play tennis?Y se responden con:

Yes, seguido de la persona y el mismo auxiliar usado en la pregunta, conjugado para esa persona.  Yes, I do.

No, seguido de la persona y el mismo auxiliar usado en la pregunta, conjugado en su forma negativa para esa persona.  No, I don't.

Do you work?Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Cuando se trata del verbo TO BE o TO HAVE, se responde utilizando dicho verbo conjugado para la persona correspondiente.Are you in London?Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

Las preguntas que no se responden con Sí/No pueden comenzar con:What Qué

Where Dónde

Who Quién/Quiénes

How CómoLuego se agrega la forma interrogativa del verbo:

What is this? (¿Qué es esto?)It's a chair.


Where do you live? (¿Dónde vives?)I live in Los Angeles.

Who are you? (¿Quién eres?)I am Michael.

How is your mother? (¿Cómo está tu madre?)She's fine.

Making questionsLa estructura de una pregunta básica es:

Question word + interrogative form

What Qué

Where Dónde

Who Quién/Quiénes

How Cómo

Which CuálPor ejemplo:What is this?¿Qué es esto?

Where do you live?¿Dónde vives?

Who are you?¿Quién eres tú?

How is your father?¿Cómo está tu padre?

Which is the platform for London?¿Cuál es al andén para Londres?En este último caso, también puede haber un sustantivo después de which.Which platform is for London?¿Cuál andén es para Londres?

Otras "question words":

How much Cuánto cuesta

How much + noun Cuánto

How many + noun Cuántos

How old Qué edad

How long Cuánto tiempo

How much is this?¿Cuánto cuesta esto?

How much sugar do you need?¿Cuánta azúcar necesitas?

How many students are there?¿Cuántos estudiantes hay?

How old are you?¿Qué edad tienes?


How long are you going to stay?¿Cuánto tiempo te vas a quedar?

Para preguntar por qué se usa Why. A esta pregunta se responde comenzando con Because.

Why Por qué

Because Porque

Why do you read this book?¿Por qué lees este libro?

Because I have to study.Porque tengo que estudiar.

Para preguntar de quién es algo, se usa Whose. Siempre va seguido de un sustantivo y luego la forma interrogativa del verbo.

Whose De quiénWhose book is this?¿De quién es este libro?

It's Paul's book. / It's his book. / It's his.Es el libro de Paul. / Es su libro. / Es suyo.En este caso se usa el adjetivo posesivo seguido del sustantivo, o bien directamente el pronombre posesivo.

Question wordsLas “questions words” son las palabras específicas que se deben colocar al inicio de la pregunta en inglés. Cuando se utilizan estos no se responde con las respuestas cortas si o no (Yes, I am por ejemplo) Se responde con una oración completa ( S+V+C).

Ejemplo :What’s your name?I’m David Taylor. (The answer is a sentence)With no question word:Are you Maria?No, I’m not (The answer is a yes/no because there isn’t a question word)Question words are used to gather specific information. The following table shows the meaning of the question words in Spanish.Question words

English Spanish

Where Dónde

Why Por qué

Who Quién

What / (time) Qué / Cuál (a qué hora)

Which Qué / Cuál

How long Por cuánto tiempo

How often Con qué frecuencia


Whose De quién

How many/much Cuántos

How old Edad

How Cómo

Estructura del verbo “to be” en el presente simple con “question words”

Question Word Verb (to be) Subject Complement

What is (your) name? [no complement]

How old are you? [no complement]

Where is Juan from?

Who is (the) present for?

Observación: ¿De donde eres? -> Lo lógico sería : From where are you? (INCORRECTO)Si algo va en español antes de la QW entonces lo mandamos al final en el complemento.Correcto: Where are you from? (QW primero)What is this for? (¿Para qué es esto?)Who are the books for? (¿Para quién son los libros?)What is the book about? (¿De qué se trata el libro?)

Exercise Complete con la "question word" que corresponda.

1. are you happy?

Because I finished school.

2. is your birthday?May 12th.

3. are you going for holidays?

I'm going to London.

4. are you going for holidays?

Because I need a rest.

5. did you do yesterday?

6. happened?

7. trousers are these?

8. money do you have?

9. children do you have?

10. were you yesterday evening?

I) Cambie las oraciones de forma positiva a forma negativa



II) Escriba la forma de preguntas de las siguientes oraciones



III) Llene los vacíos con la forma correcta de los auxiliares.


Simple Past

El tiempo Pasado Simple se usa para hablar de acciones terminadas en el pasado. Como hace referencia a acciones que ya ocurrieron, siempre deben ir en un contexto pasado, ya sea porque se está contando una historia que ya pasó, o bien usando complementos de tiempo pasado, como:

yesterday ayer

last night anoche

last week la semana pasada

last month el mes pasado

last year el año pasado

in 1970 en 1970 Comenzaremos con la conjugación del verbo to be. Para la primera y tercera persona es was, para todas las demás es were.

TO BEI was

You were

He was

She was

It was

We were

You were

They were

I was in London last year.Estuve en Londres el año pasado.

Sarah and Tom were in London last year.Sarah y Tom estuvieron en Londres el año pasado.El verbo to have en pasado es had. Es igual para todas las personas.


I had breakfast at 8 o'clock.Tomé el desayuno a las 8 en punto.Para usar otros verbos en este tiempo, se usa la forma del verbo en pasado simple, que es igual para todas las personas. La formación del pasado simple depende si el verbo es regular o irregular.Verbos regularesEn el caso de los verbos regulares, el pasado simple se forma tomando el propio verbo y agregando "ed", o "d" si termina en vocal. Si termina en "y", se cambia por "ied".We played tennis for two hours.Jugamos tenis por dos horas.

She arrived late.Llegó tarde.

You studied a lot.Estudiaste mucho.

Verbos irregularesLos verbos irregulares tienen su propia forma del pasado simple y la única manera de aprenderlos es memorizarlos. Normalmente son los que aparecen en la segunda columna de los listados de verbos irregulares en los diccionarios de inglés.Por ejemplo el pasado del verbo to go (ir) es "went". El pasado de to see (ver) es "saw". Siempre es igual para todas las personas.

We went to London in 1994.Fuimos a Londres es 1994.

We saw the double-decker buses.Vimos los autobuses de dos pisos.Verbos irregulares de uso común con su forma de pasado simple. 

INFINITIVO PASADO SIMPLEbuy (comprar) boughtcome (venir) camedrink (beber) drankeat (comer) atefeel (sentir) feltput (poner) putrun (correr) ran

send (enviar) sentsleep (dormir) slepttake (tomar) took

think (pensar) thought

La forma interrogativa se compone del auxiliar DID seguido de la persona y el verbo en infinitivo. El auxiliar es igual para todas las personas.

TO GODid I go ?

Did You go ?

Did He go ?

Did She go ?

Did It go ?


Did We go ?

Did You go ?

Did They go ?

Para realizar una pregunta se usa la "question word" adelante.

Where did you go?¿Dónde fuiste?

When did you go to London?¿Cúando fuiste a Londres? 

La forma negativa se compone de la persona, seguida del auxiliar DID, seguido de NOT y el verbo en infinitivo. En lenguaje informal, puede usarse la forma contracta didn't.

TO GOI did not go = I didn't go

You did not go = You didn't go

He did not go = He didn't go

She did not go = She didn't go

It did not go = It didn't go

We did not go = We didn't go

You did not go = You didn't go

They did not go = They didn't go 


Observación: el Simple Past Tense con los verbos to be es casi igual al Simple Present tense son el verbo to be. La diferencia es que en vez de usar las conjugaciones “AM/IS/ARE” vamos a utilizar “WAS/WERE”.

Present Perfect


El tiempo Present Perfect se usa para hablar de acciones comenzadas en el pasado y que aún continúan en el presente. Por ejemplo:I have been here since Monday.He estado aquí desde el lunes.Para formarlo, se usa el auxiliar HAVE, conjugado para la persona correspondiente (cambia solamente para la tercera persona del singular), seguido del participio pasado, que es igual para todas las personas.La conjugación del verbo SER.

TO BEI have been

You have been

He has been

She has been

It has been

We have been

You have been

They have been Para los verbos regulares, el participio pasado se forma tomando el propio verbo y agregando "ed", o "d" si termina en vocal. Si termina en "y", se cambia por "ied".We have played tennis for two hours.Hemos jugado tenis por dos horas.

She has arrived late again.Ha llegado tarde de nuevo.

You have studied a lot.Has estudiado mucho.

Pronombres relativos

WHO (quien, que), WHICH (el cual), WHOSE (cuyo), WHOM (quien), THAT (que) Usamos los pronombres relativos para referirnos a un nombre mencionado anteriormente y del que estamos añadiendo más información. Se usan para unir dos o más frases y formar de esa manera lo que llamamos "oraciones de relativo".


People who speak two languages are called bilingual.A las personas que hablan dos idiomas se las llama bilingües

En este ejemplo, el relativo "who" (quien / que) introduce la oración de relativo "speak two languages" (habla dos idiomas) que describe o da más información sobre el nombre "people" (personas).

Adverbios relativos

in/on which o when para referirse a un momento in/at which o where para referirse a un lugar

This is the bookshop in which I bought the book.(Ésta es la librería en la que compré el libro.)

This is the bookshop where I bought the book.(Ésta es la librería donde compré el libro.)


It was the year in which he got married.(Fue el año en que se casó.)

It was the year when he got married.(Fue el año cuando se casó.)

This is the café at which we saw him.(Ésta es la cafetería en la que lo vimos.)

This is the café where we saw him.(Ésta es la cafetería donde lo vimos.)

Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - Stratford is the town ____ Shakespeare was born in.



Either could be used here.

Q2 - The hotel ____ we stayed was good.



Either could be used here.

Q3 - The man ____ interviewed me seemed friendly enough.



Either could be used here.

Q4 - The British Prime Minister, ____ was interviewed yesterday, denied responsibility.



Either could be used here.

Q5 - The car ____ was stolen belonged to my partner.



Either could be used here.

Q6 - The house ____ they have rented is in the centre of town.




Either could be used here.

Q7 - The crowd, ____ were making a lot of noise, were told to move on by the police.



Either could be used here.

Q8 - The company, _____ CEO is under investigation, is doing very badly.



Either could be used here.

Q9 - The capital city, ____ cathedral is one of the finest in the country, is worth visiting.



Either could be used here.

Choose one of the following relative pronouns who, which or whose.

1) I talked to the girl who which whose car had broken down in front of the shop.

2) Mr Richards, who which whose is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.

3) We often visit our aunt in Norwich who which whose is in East Anglia.

4) This is the girl who which whose comes from Spain.

5) That's Peter, the boy who which whose has just arrived at the airport.

6) Thank you very much for your e-mail who which whose was very interesting.

7) The man, who which whose father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.

8) The children, who which whose shouted in the street, are not from our school.


9) The car, who which whose driver is a young man, is from Ireland.

10) What did you do with the money who which whose your mother lent you?

The Lost Love

1) Answer the questions

a) When did the story happen?

b) What happened to the protagonist’s car?

c) What did the protagonist and the girl do after dinner?

d) Where did the protagonist go after leaving the village?

2) Ask the question

a) ……………………………………………………………….?The protagonist saw a girl


b) ……………………………………………………………….?They said that they liked to have a visitor

c) ……………………………………………………………….?The protagonist and Mary were sad

d) ……………………………………………………………….?The protagonist told the man about the village

3) Complete with who/whose/where/when/which/that

a) The protagonist saw the girl……………..walked along the roadb) The protagonist thought that people of he village were farmers…..he saw the animalsc) The girl ………..face was sad said goodbye to the protagonistd) The protagonist talked with a man…….he found petrol

4) Continue the sentence

a) The protagonist went to the country because…b) The protagonist saw a frightened look on the girl’s face, so…c) The village was not on the map, so the protagonist…..d) The protagonist said the story was not true because…..

The Doll

1) Answer the questions

a) Where did Mr. Brown live?

b) What did Mr Brown do when he saw the old things in the window?c) What was the doll doing when Mr. Brown went to the bus stop?

d) What was in the fire at Mr. Brown’s house?

2) Ask the question

a) ……………………………………………………………….?It had a lot of flowers and the grass was very green

b) ……………………………………………………………….?Yes, he liked old things

c) ……………………………………………………………….?Because he was lonely

d) ……………………………………………………………….?No, he didn’t know


3) Complete with who/whose/where/when/which/that

a) Mr Brown liked to sit tin the garden……………..the flowers were prettyb) The office…….Mr Brown worked wasn’t near his housec) Mr Brown liked the old things ………..were in the windowd) Mr. Brown looked at the doll…….he took it out of his case 4) Continue the sentence

a) Mr Brown was a sad and lonely man because…b) On a very hot day, Mr Brown didn’t want to go home on the bus, so…c) The doll that Mr. Brown bought wasn’t very pretty, but …..d) When Mr. Brown heard a sudden noise in the night, he…..

The Doll

1) Answer the questions

a) Why was Mr. Brown a sad and lonely man?

b) Where did Mr. Brown take the doll?

c) Why did Mr. Brown speak to the doll?

d) What happened in the bus when Mr. Brown was going home?

e) What did Mr. Brown do when he got home?

f) Where was the doll when Mr. Brown woke up the next morning?

g) Where was the doll when Mr. Brown left work?


h) What did Mr. Brown do with the doll after he slept for an hour?

2) Ask the question

a) ……………………………………………………………….?He liked to sit there in the sun.

b) ……………………………………………………………….?Because he didn’t want to go on the bus that day.

c) ……………………………………………………………….?Because he was lonely

d) ……………………………………………………………….?No, it wasn’t smiling.

e) ……………………………………………………………….?The doll was on Mr. Brown’s bed.

f) ……………………………………………………………….?Yes, there were three letters for Mr. Brown.

g) ……………………………………………………………….?He looked at the doo and said “Go away! Please! Go away!”

h) ……………………………………………………………….?Yes, he died in the fire.

3) Complete with who/whose/where/when/which/that

a) The doll……..Mr. Brown liked was a little old man with white hair and black clothes. b) The office…….Mr. Brown worked wasn’t near his housec) The small shop…..Mr. Brown stopped had old things in the window. d) The man…..sold the doll to Mr. Brown told him that it cost one pound.e) The bus man got angry……he heard the voice saying “You silly man. Go away!”f) The man…….drove the bus didn’t like Mr. Brown. g) Mr. Brown gave his seat to the old lady ………face was tired. h) Mr. Brown made a hole in the ground …….he put the doll. 4) Continue the sentence

a) Mr. Brown liked very old things, so…b) The doll that Mr. Brown bought was very expensive, but …..c) Mr. Brown wasn’t very hungry, so…..d) There were three letters for Mr. Brown but…e) The old lady in the bus was tired, so…f) When Mr. Brown went out from work and went to the bus stop, he…..g) The doll was dirty from the ground, but …..h) When the people heard a cry, they…..