
Post on 01-Oct-2015

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El10 de febrerode1868, al fundarse laEscuela Nacional Preparatoria, Barreda fue nombrado director general, donde con el lema, "Amor, Orden y Progreso", implement el sistema positivista en su plan de estudios e imparti la ctedra de lgica; continu impartiendo la ctedra de patologa general en la Escuela de Medicina y particip activamente en la poltica mexicana. Con su frase "La educacin intelectual es el principal objetivo de los estudios preparatorios", adopta como suyo el lema positivista: "Saber para prever, prever para actuar". En1878se retir de la direccin general, y fue su legado una institucin estable y fuerte.2En elcongreso mexicano, fue presidente de la comisin de instruccin pblica de laCmara de Diputados. Fund la Sociedad Metodfila, a travs de la cual introdujo en Mxico elpositivismoque se convirti en doctrina oficial no slo de la educacin sino del Estado. Sus ideas inspiraron a sus seguidores a formar elPartido Cientfico. En1878, el gobierno del presidentePorfirio Dazlo nombr embajador enAlemania.En1881, poco tiempo despus de regresar aMxico, falleci en su domicilio enTacubaya,Distrito Federal. Sus restos reposan en laRotonda de las Personas Ilustres, lugar al que fueron trasladados el22 de enerode1968.3En relacin al positivismo de Augusto Comte, Gabino Barreda considera que la educacin es el elemento neutralizante y disolvente del estado teleolgico. La educacin debe liberar en lugar de adoctrinar, debe oponerse a la explotacin y a la dominacin. Debe servir para la emancipacin mental, pues en ella se encuentra el acceso al progreso.Those Were The DaysHermes House BandOnce upon a time there was a tavernWhere we used to raise a glass or twoRemember how we laughed away the hoursAnd dreamed of all the great things we could doThose were the days my friendWe thought they'd never endWe'd sing and dance forever and a dayWe'd live the life we chooseWe'd fight and never losecause we were young and sure to have our way.Those were the days my friendWe thought they'd never endWe'd sing and dance forever and a dayWe'd live the life we chooseWe'd fight and never loseThose were the days, oh yes those were the days...

Once upon a time there was a tavernWhere we used to raise a glass or twoRemember how we laughed away the hoursAnd dreamed of all the great things we could doThen the busy years went rushing by usWe lost our starry notions on the wayIf by chance I'd see you in the tavernWe'd smile at one another and we'd sayThose were the days my friendWe thought they'd never endWe'd sing and dance forever and a dayWe'd live the life we chooseWe'd fight and never losecause we were young and sure to have our way.

La la la la...

Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

Just tonight I stood before the tavernNothing seemed the way it used to beIn the glass I saw a strange reflectionWas that lonely fellow really meThose were the days my friendWe thought they'd never endWe'd sing and dance forever and a dayWe'd live the life we chooseWe'd fight and never loseThose were the days oh yes those were the days

La la la la...Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

La la la la...Those were the days, oh yes those were the daysTwo more times!Those were the days, oh yes those were the daysOne more time!Those were the days, oh yes those were the days