Feminismo y crítica literaria - Universitat de Barcelona ... Site...

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Transcript of Feminismo y crítica literaria - Universitat de Barcelona ... Site...

Feminismo y crítica literaria Marta Segarra y Àngels Carabí

Barcelona: Icaria, 2000.

Nuevas masculinidades Àngels Carabí y Marta Segarra

Barcelona: Icaria, 2000.

Reescrituras de la masculinidad Àngels Carabí y Marta Segarra

Barcelona: Publicaciones de la UB, 2000.

Hombres escritos por mujeres Àngels Carabí y Marta Segarra

Barcelona: Icaria, 2003.

Masculinitats per al segle XXI Josep M. Armengol

Barcelona: C.E.D.I.C., 2007.

Herman Melville: Poder y amor entre hombres Rodrigo Andrés

Valencia: Biblioteca Javier Coy d’Estudis Nord-americans, 2007.

Re/Presenting Men: Cultural and Literary Constructions of Masculinity in the U.S.

Josep M. Armengol Saarbruck, Alemania: VDM Publishing, 2008.

La masculinidad a debate Àngels Carabí y Josep M. Armengol

Barcelona: Icaria, 2008. (DVD Incluído)

Debating Masculinity Josep M. Armengol y Àngels Carabí

Harriman, TN: Men's Studies Press, 2009.

Hombres soñados por escritoras de hoy: Figuras masculinas en la literatura norteamericana

Cristina Alsina , Rodrigo Andrés y Àngels Carabí Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la U. de Málaga , 2009.

Richard Ford and the Fiction of Masculinities Josep M. Armengol

New York: Peter Lang, 2010.

Men in Color: Racialized Masculinities in U.S Literature and Cinema

Josep M. Armengol Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.

Journal Men and Masculinities

Information about the journal: Men and Masculinities (M&M) offers high-quality, interdisciplinary research in the emerging field of men and masculinities studies. M&M presents peer-reviewed empirical and theoretical scholarship grounded in the most current theoretical perspectives within gender studies, including feminism, queer theory and multiculturalism. Using diverse methodologies, M&M's articles explore the evolving roles and perceptions of men across society. Published bimonthly since July 1998. Latest issue June 2012. • Impact Factor: 0.814 • Ranked: 58 out of 129 in Sociology

General Editor: Michael Kimmel

Advisory Editors in Spain:

Josep M. Armengol and Àngels Carabí

Current issue Index of issues

Journal Men and Masculinities Michael Kimmel, Editor

Sociology, State University of New York-Stony Brook Josep M. Armengol, Àngels Carabí, Advisory Editors in Spain

Masculinity Studies Literary and Cultural Representations

Information about the series: In line with the latest trends within masculinity scholarship, the books in this series deal with representations of masculinities in culture, in general, and literature, in particular. The aim of this series is twofold. On the one hand, it focuses on studies that question traditionally normative representations of masculinities. On the other, it seeks to highlight new alternative representations of manhood, looking for more egalitarian models of manhood in and through literature and culture. Besides literary representations, the series is open to studies of masculinity in cinema, theatre, music, as well as all kinds of artistic and visual representations.

General Editors: Josep M. Armengol and Àngels Carabí

New York, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Bern, Frankfurt, Berlin, Brussels, Vienna & Oxford

Masculinity Studies – Volume 1 The Boys Club

Male Protagonists in Contemporary African American Young Adult Literature Wendy Rountree

New York: Peter Lang, 2011

Issue online

Masculinity Studies – Volume 2 Queering Iberia

Iberian Masculinities at the Margins Josep M. Armengol (ed.)

New York: Peter Lang, 2012

Issue online

Masculinity Studies – Volume 3 Embodying Masculinities

Towards a History of the Male Body in U.S. Culture and Literature Josep M. Armengol (ed.)

New York: Peter Lang, 2013

Issue online