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[謝辞] NICT より NICT news 10.05 号、寄贈、感謝。

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2010 年 6 月 25 日 人民網日本語版


イスラエル国防省は 23 日、同国の中心都市テルアビブにある空軍基

地から現地時間 22 日夜、偵察衛星「オフェク 9(Ofeq 9)」の打上げに

成功したと発表。これでイスラエルの偵察衛星は既に 6 機が軌道を周




範囲を大幅に広げることができる。 「オフェク 9」搭載カメラの識別能力

は 50cm をはるかに上回っており、地上ミサイルや打上げ装置を鮮明に

とらえることができる。(編集 YT)


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Wed, Jun 23, 2010, 6:28 AM ET(1028 GMT) spacetoday.net

イスラエルは偵察衛星を打上げ Israel launches reconnaissance satellite

An Israeli rocket launched a new reconnaissance satellite that

may be devoted to keeping an eye on Iran. The Shavit rocket

lifted off from the Palmachim air base on the Mediterranean

coast of Israel at about 3 pm EDT (1900 GMT) Tuesday and

placed the Ofek 9 satellite into low Earth orbit. The satellite is

the latest in a series of small imaging satellites operated by the

Israeli military and is a slight improvement over the existing Ofek

7 satellite. Officials said that the new satellite will provide

greater flexibility in Earth observations, particularly of Iran.



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06/22/10 04:31 PM ET spacenews Barbara Opall-Rome

イスラエルは最新のスパイ衛星を打上げ Israel Launches Newest Spy Satellite

Israel successfully delivered its latest spy satellite into low Earth

orbit June 22 using an improved version of its indigenous Shavit

launcher, defense sources here said. ...(後略)


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Israel launches new spy satellite http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?id=179206


Israel's "Ofeq 9" satellite was launched and successfully injected into orbit http://www.iai.co.il/32981-41124-en/MediaRoom_News.aspx

Israel launches Ofek 9 spy satellite http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/middle_east/10387608.stm

Israel lofts new satellite to spy on Iran http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Israel_lofts_new_satellite_to_spy_on_Iran_999.html

New Israeli spy satellite blasts off into the night http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1006/22ofeq9/

Israel launches spy satellite http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3909270,00.html

Israel Launches New Spy Satellite; Iran ‘Under the Microscope’ http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/138219

Israel launches spy satellite: defence ministry http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jT9ONJ5ZZEMkLW3GEU1JPRIYNxMA

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Tue, Jun 22, 2010, 6:14 AM ET (1014 GMT) spacetoday

Dnepr はドイツの衛星をレーダ打上げ Dnepr launches German radar satellite

For the second time in less than a week a Dnepr rocket placed a

European satellite into orbit on Monday. The Dnepr rocket, a

converted SS-18 ICBM, lifted off from the Baikonur

Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and placed the 1.3-tonne TanDEM-X

satellite into a 514-kilometer Sun-synchronous orbit. The

spacecraft, operated by a public-private partnership between the

German space agency DLR and Astrium, is a twin of TerraSAR-X,

a radar imaging satellite launched in 2007. The two satellites will

operate in parallel to generate a 3-D elevation model of the

Earth. Last week another Dnepr rocket launched the Prisma and

Picard satellites for Sweden and France from an ICBM base at

Yasny, Russia.


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21 June 2010 German Aerospace Center (DLR)

地球を 3 次元で --- ドイツのレーダ衛星 TanDEM-X の打上げ成功

The Earth in 3D - German radar satellite TanDEM-X launched successfully

DLR responsible for mission operations and generation and

utilisation of scientific data

Flying in formation, TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X

Germany's second Earth observation satellite, TanDEM-X, was

launched successfully on 21 June 2010 at 04:14 Central

European Summer Time (CEST, at 08:14 local time) from the

Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Atop a Russian Dnepr

rocket, the satellite, weighing more than 1.3 tons and five metres

in length, started its journey into orbit. At 4.45 CEST first signal

was received via Troll ground station in the Antarctic.

Launch of Germany's Earth observation satellite TanDEM-X

The German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-

und Raumfahrt; DLR) manages TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on

for Digital Elevation Measurement) via its ground segment, and is

responsible for mission operations and for generating and utilising

the scientific data. "TanDEM-X is a key German project and will

provide us with a homogeneous 3D elevation model of the Earth

which will be an indispensable aid for a great many scientific and

commercial avenues of enquiry," said DLR Chairman Prof. Dr

Johann-Dietrich Wörner at the launch event held in the German


Space Operations Center (GSOC) at the DLR site in

Oberpfaffenhofen. "This mission demonstrates Germany's

expertise in satellite-based radar technology and is, in particular,

the outcome of a consistent focus in the national space

programme. Also, TanDEM-X demonstrates a successful

public-private partnership," stressed Prof. Wörner.

Public-private partnership

TanDEM-X is being run as a public-private partnership (PPP)

between the DLR Astrium GmbH, with DLR funding coming from

the German Ministry of Economics and Technology. Infoterra

GmbH, a subsidiary of Astrium, is responsible for the commercial

marketing of the TanDEM-X data. Astrium GmbH in

Friedrichshafen built the satellite and is sharing the costs for its

development and operation. The TanDEM-X mission has a total

cost of 165 million Euros. DLR is contributing 125 million Euros

and the European space company Astrium is contributing 40

million Euros.

TanDEM-X and its twin satellite, TerraSAR-X, will fly in


TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X flying in close formation

Together with its twin satellite TerraSAR-X, in space since 2007,

TanDEM-X will survey the entire land surface area of the Earth -

a total of 150 million square kilometres - several times over. It

will accomplish this from an altitude of 514 kilometres within

three years. "This will be the first time we will ever have had a

globally standardised 3D digital elevation model of Earth, and with

a measuring point density of 12 metres, it will be incredibly

accurate," said Prof. Dr Alberto Moreira, Science Director of the

TanDEM-X mission and Director of the DLR Microwaves and

Radar Institute. Today, for large areas of Earth, there are only

approximate, non-standardised or incomplete elevation models,

and it is these gaps that the TanDEM-X mission is designed to

fill. To accomplish this, TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X will fly just a

few hundred metres apart and will constitute the first

configurable synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometer in

space. With a conventional SAR, the radar on the satellite

transmits microwave pulses that are reflected by the surface of

the Earth and received back by the radar. The distance between

the satellite and the Earth's surface is calculated from the time it

takes the signals to return. Since the satellite is moving around

the Earth, the radar 'illuminates' a strip along the ground, which

gives the radar its synthetic aperture, much larger than its real

one. With SAR interferometry, a geographical area is imaged from

two different viewing positions, giving different perspectives. This

is similar to the way humans use their two eyes to get an

accurate, 3D image. The two 'radar eyes' are on the satellite duo

TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X, and produce an interferogram from

the different distances the signals have to cover; elevation data

is derived from this Within three years, this will create a gigantic

data record equivalent to the storage capacity of 200 000 DVDs.

TanDEM-X is designed for a service life of at least five years and

is scheduled to overlap the scheduled service life of TerraSAR-X

for at least three of those years. Satellite-based Earth

measurement creates a globally homogeneous terrain model

without interruptions at national borders or other inconsistencies

(compared with aircraft-based measurements). Radar can see

through bad weather and operates regardless of lighting

conditions. Today, this process is without competitors and enjoys

considerable respect, especially in the USA.

Tremendous variety of applications

TanDEM-X elevation model

Digital elevation models can be used in a huge range of

applications. Geoscientific disciplines such as hydrology, geology

and oceanography require precise and up-to-date information on

the properties of the Earth's surface. Digital elevation models

can help to make the exploitation of natural resources more

efficient and can also help to optimise relief planning in the wake

of natural disasters, as well as security deployments. Digital

maps are also essential to reliable navigation: their precision

needs to keep pace with the increasingly stringent requirements

that govern global positioning. Germany will be the first country


in the world to have a digital elevation model of Earth, making it a

globally unique data product. This can be used in initiatives and

programmes such as the ZKI (Center for Satellite-Assisted

Crisis Information at DLR), GMES (Global Monitoring for

Environment and Security) and GEOSS (Global Earth

Observation System of Systems), and may also be incorporated

in security-related cooperation treaties and agreements.

Commercial customers around the world are looking forward

eagerly to this TanDEM-X/ TerraSAR-X elevation model. As

soon as it becomes available in 2013, remote observation and

geoinformation experts from the private business sector, public

sector authorities, defence and security facilities will benefit.

Data processing at the DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen – enhancement

by Infoterra

Network of ground stations

A network of three TanDEM-X grounds stations (Kiruna in

Sweden, Inuvik in Canada and O'Higgins in the Antarctic) is ready

and waiting for the immense volume of raw data that the

satellites will generate. This data will be processed in three main

steps: initially, the data transmitted by TanDEM-X to these

ground stations will be examined. Then the results will be

evaluated at the DLR’s German Remote Exploration Data Center

(DFD) in Oberpfaffenhofen and processed into raw versions of

elevation models. The global digital elevation model is then

generated by a unit known as the mosaicking and calibration

processor. The data records for the global elevation model will

amount to 15 terabytes and will be available about four years

after the launch of TanDEM-X. Adaptation of the elevation model

to the needs of commercial users and its worldwide marketing

will be handled exclusively by Infoterra GmbH. As part of the

data enhancement process, Infoterra will further process the raw

data supplied by the satellite system to meet the requirements

of its various customers. It is standard practice to edit out

anomalies known as 'spikes' (abnormal peak readings caused by

interference), offsets (which radar shadows can produce,

especially in mountainous terrain) and areas of surface water

(assurance of standard water levels and the correct angle of

downhill gradient for rivers).(中略)

Copyright © 2010 German Aerospace Center (DLR). All rights


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Mon, 21 June, 2010 www.spacenews.com/launch/ By Peter B. de Selding

Dneper ロケットはドイツのレーダ衛星を打上げ Dnepr Rocket Launches German Radar Satellite

PARIS — Germany’s TanDem-X radar Earth observation satellite

was successfully launched June 21 aboard a Russian-Ukrainian

Dnepr rocket and is expected to enter service in early 2011

alongside the TerraSAR-X satellite already in orbit to provide

3-D digital terrain models of the Earth’s entire landmass.

Officials from the German Aerospace Center, DLR, which

webcast the launch from the Russian-run Baikonur Cosmodrome

in Kazakhstan, said the satellite had sent its first signals and was

healthy in orbit. The 1,340-kilogram TanDem-X, like the

TerraSAR-X spacecraft launched in June 2007, is the result of a

partnership between DLR and Astrium of Germany, whose

Infoterra division has rights to sell the satellites’ imagery

products. TanDem-X is about a year late in being launched

following delays related to the satellite’s construction and to the

availability of the Dnepr rocket. But DLR officials said

TerraSAR-X, whose contracted service life was five years in

orbit, is healthy enough to operate until 2014, providing three

years of tandem operations with TanDem-X. DLR officials expect

to spend about six months calibrating TanDem-X. After that, it

will join TerraSAR-X in a three-year mission to map the Earth’s

entire landmass with a ground resolution of 12 meters and a

vertical precision of 2 meters or better. The resulting product —


some 15 terabytes of data covering 150 million square kilometers

of territory — will provide what DLR bills as the first global digital

elevation model. The two X-band radar satellites are the latest

manifestations of Germany’s long interest in radar Earth

observation. A German radar was placed aboard the U.S. space

shuttle in 2000 as part of the Shuttle Radar Topography mission

that mapped much of the Earth’s area between 60 degrees north

and 60 degrees south latitude. Two data sets were produced —

one at 90-meter spatial resolution, one at 30 meters — with a

vertical precision of between 5 meters and 10 meters.

TerraSAR-X was built for 185 million euros, or $226 million at

current exchange rates, with DLR paying 80 percent of the costs

and Astrium financing the remaining 20 percent. TanDem-X,

which uses much of the same hardware as TerraSAR-X but is

not an exact duplicate, was built for 165 million euros, with DLR

paying 75 percent and Astrium the rest. The figures include the

launch and operations. TanDem-X will operate in the same

514-kilometer polar low Earth orbit as TerraSAR-X, with the two

satellites separated by a distance of between 200 meters and

several kilometers. The global digital elevation model data is

expected to take about three years to collect and another year

to render into usable form, according to DLR. DLR will use the

data for scientific and other research purposes, while making the

global set available to Friedrichshafen, Germany-based Infoterra.

Infoterra spokeswoman Mareike Doepke said June 21 that

because both satellites will be involved in creating the global

digital terrain model, Infoterra will not have more conventional

radar imagery available to it. Doepke said Infoterra, which is part

of the Astrium Services company that includes Spot Image of

France, which specializes in optical satellite imagery, anticipates

a commercial market for the 3-D models once they become

available in about four years. “The commercial potential of the

TanDem-X data set is very promising, even if current forecasts

project that only one-third of the data set, or about 50 million

square kilometers, is of a true commercial interest,” Doepke said

in an e-mailed response to questions. “Infoterra does not expect

revenues from elevation models in remote, scarcely populated

areas, or areas for which up-to-date elevation models are

already available from airborne campaigns. Nevertheless, from

the availability of the elevation model in 2013-14, we expect a

promising revenue growth potential in the following years.”

Infoterra has not determined how the elevation model data will

be priced, choosing to wait to determine the level of quality the

market demands. TanDem-X’s X-band synthetic aperture radar

has three imaging modes. The ScanSAR mode has a

100-kilometer swath width and a 16-meter ground resolution. In

StripMap mode, the satellite takes images with a 3-meter ground

resolution and a 30-kilometer swath width. The

highest-resolution mode, SpotLight, has a 10-kilometer swath

width and is capable of distinguishing objects or features as small

as 1 meter in diameter.


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June 21, 2010 www.spaceflightnow.com/ BY STEPHEN CLARK

ドイツの衛星が地球をレーダで観測するために配備された German satellite deployed to map the Earth with radar

A new German satellite rocketed into orbit from Kazakhstan

early Monday, reinforcing a program to create the most precise

civilian three-dimensional maps of Earth using dual

high-resolution radars.

The new spacecraft, named TanDEM-X, will fly in formation with

a similar satellite launched in 2007 to illuminate Earth with two

radars from slightly different vantage points in space.

"TanDEM-X is a key German project and will provide us with a

homogeneous 3D elevation model of the Earth, which will be an

indispensable aid for a great many scientific and commercial

avenues of inquiry," said Johann-Dietrich Worner, chairman of

the German Aerospace Center, or DLR. The nearly 3,000-pound

satellite, neatly packaged inside the nose of a Dnepr rocket, shot

out of an underground silo and roared into space at 0214 GMT

Monday (10:14 p.m. EDT Sunday) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome

in Kazakhstan. Powered by surplus Russian military hardware, the

Dnepr rocket deposited TanDEM-X in a sun-synchronous polar

orbit a few minutes later. German ground controllers heard the

first radio signals from the satellite at 0245 GMT (10:45 p.m.

EDT) through a communications station in Antarctica.


TanDEM-X stands for TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation

Measurement, according to DLR. TerraSAR-X has been

collecting its own topographic images of Earth for nearly three

years. The satellites will be separated by several hundred meters

during normal operations, occasionally approaching within 200

meters, or 656 feet, of each other. Before controllers order

TanDEM-X to enter formation with TerraSAR-X, they will check

to ensure the newly-launched satellite is healthy. TanDEM-X

uses autonomous formation flying software and GPS navigation

readings to keep the satellites in lockstep and ensure they do

not collide in orbit 319 miles above Earth.

Artist's concept of TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X mapping Earth. Credit:


Engineers also added a cold gas thruster system to TanDEM-X

for smaller maneuvers to keep the satellite positioned in the

correct location. TanDEM-X is designed to work for at least five

years, including a three-year overlap with TerraSAR-X. Both

satellites carry X-band radars capable of accumulating enough

data in three years to fill 200,000 DVDs, equivalent to 1.5

petabytes, or one-and-a-half quadrillion bytes. The radars can

map Earth during day and night passes and see through clouds

and precipitation. The twin radars work like a person's eyes,

recognizing 3D scenes with stereo vision, while one eye only

distinguishes two dimensions. Both radars can emit beams of

light toward the Earth's surface and measure the time until

instruments aboard the satellites receive the reflected signals.

Minor variations in that time tell the radar system information

about the elevation and terrain on the surface. The mission's

data will produce gridded maps with a spatial resolution of 12

meters, or 39 feet. The maps will show elevation with an

accuracy of less than 2 meters, or 6 feet. "This will be the first

time we will ever have had a globally standardized 3D digital

elevation model of Earth, and with a measuring point density of

12 meters, it will be incredibly accurate," said Alberto Moreira,

science director of the TanDEM-X mission.

The 12-meter resolution from the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X radars

eclipses earlier civil radar systems. Credit: DLR

The tandem mission will survey all of Earth's land surface several

times, gathering information to create topographic maps and

digital elevation models for scientists and businesses.

TanDEM-X's price tag of 165 million euros, or more than $200

million, is split among DLR and Astrium, the manufacturer of the

satellite. "This mission demonstrates Germany's expertise in

satellite-based radar technology and is, in particular, the

outcome of a consistent focus in the national space program,"

Worner said. "Also, TanDEM-X demonstrates a successful

public-private partnership." DLR is responsible for processing

raw data streaming down from the satellites and distributing the

information to scientific users. A private firm named Infoterra will

disseminate data to commercial customers. Officials say

Germany's digital elevation model, the first of its kind in the

world, could be valuable in hydrology, oceanography, geology,

disaster response planning, resource exploration, and national

security applications. Germany plans to release the full data set

in 2013.


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June 20th, 2010 NASASpaceFlight.com by Chris Bergin

ドイツの TanDEM 衛星がバイコヌールから Dneper で打上げられた Germany’s TanDEM-X launched via Dnepr from Baikonur


Following numerous delays to its launch date, an ISC Kosmotras

Dnepr launch vehicle has finally lifted off with the TanDEM-X

satellite into orbit from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan

– at 02:14 GMT. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and

Astrium satellite, together with its twin, TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X

will survey all 150 million square kilometres of Earth’s land

surface several times during its three-year mission.


The Ukrainian-built Dnepr is a converted SS-18 intercontinental

ballistic missile. Most of the SS-18 missiles, the most powerful

weapon in the Soviet arsenal, were decommissioned under the

terms of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, but could be

adapted for civil use. In 1997, Russia and Ukraine formed the

International Space Company Kosmotras to convert the missiles

into Dnepr launch vehicles. Dnepr is a three-stage vehicle. The

first and second stages are original SS-18 stages, used without

any modification. The third stage is a modified standard SS-18

third stage equipped with a liquid propellant, two-mode

propulsion unit that operates based on a ‘drag’ scheme in which

it flies backwards, dragging the satellite behind it to ensure the

most accurate orbit injection. The overall length is 34 m, and the

overall diameter is 3 m. The lift-off mass of the rocket is 211 t. It

is launched from a silo, being expelled like a mortar round with a

charge of black powder, before the main engine ignition some 30

m above the ground. Over 30 commercial satellites have been

launched by Dnepr. Kosmotras also provides the launch services,

and the vehicle was in action only just last week, when it

launched PRISMA, two satellites – nicknamed Mango and Tango

– which are test rendezvous and formation flying in space, along

with a French satellite, called Picard. TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X

add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement) was approved in 2006,

and is set to open a new era in space borne radar remote

sensing. The first bistatic SAR mission will involve flying the two

satellites in a closely controlled formation, with typical distances

between 250 and 500 m. Primary mission objective is the

generation of a consistent global digital elevation model with an

unprecedented accuracy according to the HRTI-3 specifications.

Beyond that, TanDEM-X provides a highly reconfigurable

platform for the demonstration of new SAR techniques and

applications. The TDX satellite is a re-build of TSX with only

minor modifications, such as additional cold gas propulsion

system for constellation fine tuning and an additional S-band

receiver to enable a reception of status and GPS position

information broadcast by TSX. The TDX satellite will be designed

for a nominal lifetime of five years and has a nominal overlap with

TSX of three years. However, TSX holds consumables and

resources for up to seven years of operation, allowing for a

potential prolongation of the overlap and the TanDEM-X mission

duration. The scientific use of the data can be divided into three

areas: higher quality Digital Elevation Models (e.g. for hydrology),

along-track interferometry (e.g. measurement of ocean currents)

and new bi-static applications (e.g. polarimetric SAR

interferometry). The potential for commercial applications arises

from the increase in the efficiency of the TerraSAR-X data

production chain, high quality and efficient cartographic capability,

as well as implementation of experimental modes and services.

TanDEM-X represents the first step for a constellation of radar

satellites and will ensure the German leading position for X-Band

SAR technology. The user community will have access to a

broad spectrum of scientific, commercial and security

applications. The TanDEM-X project – just like its ’sister’

mission, TerraSAR-X – is being implemented on a joint basis by

DLR and Astrium, in an arrangement known as a Public-Private

Partnership (PPP). This PPP agreement defines many aspects of

TanDEM-X, including the financing arrangements and the

intended use of the data. The partners (DLR and Astrium) are

funding the almost 85 million Euro price tag of the satellite

jointly: DLR is contributing 59 million Euro, while Astrium is

putting in 26 million Euro. DLR is also developing the

ground-based infrastructure required for this mission. It is

responsible for planning and executing the mission, for controlling

both satellites and for generating the digital relief map of Earth.

The use of data for scientific purposes is being coordinated by

the DLR Institute for High-Frequency Technology and Radar

Systems, based in Oberpfaffenhofen. All commercial marketing is

being handled exclusively by Infoterra GmbH (Friedrichshafen), a


wholly owned subsidiary of Astrium. Four DLR Institutes are

charge of developing the TanDEM-X ground segment:

Microwaves and Radar Institute – HR (Lead), German Remote

Sensing Data Center – DFD, Remote Sensing technology

Institute – IMF, and German Space Operation Center – GSOC.

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Monday, 21 June 2010 09:14 UK BBC News By Jonathan Amos

ドイツの TanDEM-X 衛星は地球の 3 次元ビューを観測 German TanDEM-X satellite seeks 3D view of Earth

The TanDEM-X satellite has blasted into orbit on a mission to

acquire the most precise 3D map of the Earth's surface. The

German radar spacecraft will fly in formation with an identical

platform called TerraSAR-X launched in 2007. Together, the pair

will measure the variation in height across the globe to an

accuracy of better than two metres. Their digital elevation model

will have myriad uses, from helping military jets fly ultra low to

showing relief workers where an earthquake's damage is worst.

"Our aim is to generate a model at a resolution and a quality that

doesn't exist today," explained Dr Vark Helfritz, from satellite

image processing company Infoterra GmbH. "This will be a truly

seamless global product - not a patchwork of datasets that have

been fitted together," he told BBC News. TanDEM-X was carried

into space atop a converted intercontinental ballistic missile from

the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The Dnepr rocket left

its silo at 0214 GMT. A signal confirming TanDEM-X had

separated successfully from the vehicle was picked up 29

minutes later at an Antarctic tracking station.

DEM (DLR) A digital elevation model has a host of applications

The new satellite was put into a polar orbit that is ever so

slightly inclined to the one occupied by TerraSAR-X, some

514km above the planet. The path of TanDEM-X across the sky

means it will fly an extremely tight helix around its more

established sibling.

Dnepr launch The Dnepr emerges from its Baikonur silo to climb to orbit

"It is the first time that two satellites have been put in such

close formation," said Brigadier General Thomas Reiter, the

former astronaut and now executive board member at the

German Aerospace Centre (DLR). "Their orbits bring them

together with a minimum distance of about 200m. This will be

very challenging for mission controllers, as you can imagine." The

pair's radars work by constantly bouncing microwave pulses off

the surface of the planet. By timing how long the signal takes to

make the return trip, the instruments can determine differences

in height. The compact orbital dance will give the pair "stereo

vision", by enabling them to operate an interferometric mode in

which one spacecraft acts as a transmitter/receiver and the

other as a second receiver.

Graphic of TanDEM-X (Infoterra)

Perhaps the best-known, publicly available, near-global,

space-borne data-set prior to the German venture came from

the US Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) of 2000. A

decade on, TanDEM-X should provide a big leap forward in

capability. "SRTM has a resolution of 30m, but the publicly

available resolution is 90m," Dr Helfritz. "With TerraSAR, we


were able to produce a digital elevation model (DEM) around the

10m mark; and with TanDEM we are going down to two metres.

You have to stress the homogeneity - airborne lidar can achieve

much higher resolutions but these models are only regional." To

achieve the TanDEM-X level of detail on all 150 million sq km of

the Earth's land surface will require three years of operation.

Radar observations already have extensive military, civil, and

scientific applications. Good examples recently include the

Eyjafjallajoekull eruption in Iceland and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

In the former, TerraSAR-X's microwave vision was able to look

through the ash plume to enable scientists to assess the

developing status of the glacier volcano; and in the latter, the

satellite has been able to follow the progression of the oil slick

day or night from the way radar signals are reflected off the

polluted water. This is possible because spreading oil has a

tendency to flatten the sea surface and this effect is detectable

from space.

Coloured Eyjafjallajoekull Volcano, Iceland - 15 April, 2010 (DLR)

TerraSAR-X looks through the Eyjafjallajoekull Volcano's ash plume to

see three craters. Such views are only possible with radar satellites

The improved dataset coming from the TanDEM mission should

deepen and extend the range of radar applications. Mobile phone

operators will use the elevation model to work out the best

places to position their masts; the aviation sector can use the

information to plan safer flight paths; city planners need the data

to assess flood risks in urban areas; maritime officials can even

use the information to track pirates and vessels that fishing


TerraSAR-X image of Gulf oil slick - 25 April (Infoterra)

The presence of oil in the water works to flatten the surface

The TerrSAR-X/TanDEM-X venture is operated on the basis of

a public-private partnership. The German space agency owns the

hardware; EADS Astrium builds it; and Infoterra GbmH has

exclusive rights to commercialise the data. Continuity is key to

developing the radar applications market and already plans are in

place to fly follow-on spacecraft. The next step in development

being pursued by the partnership is a high resolution,

wide-swathe technology which would allow extremely detailed,

large-scale images of the surface to be acquired in a single pass.

"We could decide to take a 100km swathe with a resolution of

one metre," Brig Gen Reiter said. "That means two things,

however. First, we can take a swathe and get all the products we

need straight away; but second, the disadvantage is that we get

incredible amounts of data and the challenge will be to get this

data downlinked. The current downlink stations are reaching their

limits." This coming bottleneck issue is one of the reasons why

Germany has chosen to lead the European Data Relay System

(EDRS), a European Space Agency project that would see Earth

observation data bounced off geostationary satellites using laser


Comparison on datasets (Infoterra)

With a lot of processing, TerraSAR data can deliver a very detailed view

Jonathan.Amos-INTERNET@bbc.co.uk BBC © MMX

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science_and_environment/10362030.stm ← [編注] 動画あり

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07:01 21/06/2010 RIA Novosti.


ロシアの改造転換した ICBM がドイツの衛星を軌道に Converted Russian ICBM takes German satellite into orbit

MOSCOW, June 21 (RIA Novosti) — A converted Russian

intercontinental ballistic missile took Germany's TanDEM-X

satellite into orbit on Monday, a military spokesman said. The

RS-20B carrier rocket lifted off from the Baikonur space center

in Kazakhstan at 6:14 Moscow time [2:14 GMT]. This is the 16th

launch of an international satellite under the Dnepr program

involving Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, which

converts RS-20 ICBMs (classified by NATO as the SS-18 Satan)

into carrier rockets to put satellites into low Earth orbit. Around

50 satellites have been put into orbit so far. "The RS-20B rocket

took the TanDEM-X satellite into orbit," Col. Vadim Koval said.

The 1,350-kg TanDEM-X satellite, with a life span of five years,

will survey the land surface of the Earth several times during its

mission. The primary objective of the mission is to generate a

consistent, highly-accurate global digital elevation model.

Russian-Ukrainian joint venture Kosmotras uses launch pads at

the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan and Russia's Strategic

Missile Forces facilities equipped for RS-20 launches. The RS-20

is the most powerful ICBM in the world. It was first launched in

1973 and is still in service with Russia's Strategic Missile Forces.

© 2010 RIA Novosti

The 1,350-kg TanDEM-X satellite, with a life span of five years will

survey Earth's land surface several times during its mission

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21.06.2010, 06.42 ITAR-TASS.

ロシアの Dneper ロケットがドイツの衛星を軌道に Russia’s Dnepr brings Germany’s sat into orbit

MOSCOW, June 21 (Itar-Tass) - Russia’s Dnepr booster rocket

has successfully brought Germany’s new Earth observation

satellite TanDEM-X into the final orbit. “At 06:29 Moscow time

Germany’s satellite separated from the booster rocket,” a

spokesman for the Russian Rocket Strategic Forces, Vadim

Koval, told Itar-Tass on Monday.

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06/22/10 05:34 PM ET spacenews Amy Klamper

オービタルが OCO 衛星の交換に選定された Orbital Tapped To Launch OCO Replacement

NASA has selected Orbital Sciences Corp. to launch the

agency’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) replacement

satellite aboard a Taurus XL rocket, giving the company a second

chance after the original spacecraft was lost in a February 2009

failure involvi ... (後略)

NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO)-2 climate-monitoring

satellite. Credit: NASA/JPL artist's concept


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Jun 19 www.ptinews.com/news/

2013 年にインドの森林監視衛星初号機: Jairam Ramesh 環境・森林担当大臣 First Indian forestry satellite in 2013: Jairam Ramesh

Pune, Jun 19 (PTI) The first Indian forestry satellite will be

launched by ISRO in 2013, Environment and Forest Minister

Jairam Ramesh said here today. "India will be one of the few

countries in the world to launch a forestry satellite to monitor

the green cover every day", he said here today. Jairam, who was

addressing an interactive session with public representatives

inviting suggestions on the draft Green India mission plan, said

protecting forest cover in the country was a serious challenge

that had to be met by changing mindset of people.



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Jun 20, 2010, 06.36am IST timesofindia.indiatimes.com Dipannita Das & Sarang Dastane,

2013 年までに衛星が森林を監視追跡 By 2013, satellite to track forests

PUNE: The quality of life and infrastructure in Pune and 64 other

cities across the country will soon improve as the'National

Mission on Sustainable Habitat' has been approved by the Prime

Minister. Disclosing this during a public consultation on the

‘National Mission for A Green India’ here on Saturday, Union

minister for environment and forests also said that the first

Indian forestry satellite will be launched by the Indian Space

Research Organisation (Isro) in 2013. The interactive session

was organised by the Centre for Environment Education (CEE).

The mission aims at making the 65 cities, which are also covered

under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission

(JNNURM), climate resilient by improving their green cover,

Ramesh said. “The level of urbanisation is high in states like

Maharashtra, Gujarat Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The mission

seeks to promote energy efficiency as an essential component of

urban planning,” he added.


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Wed, 23 June, 2010 www.spacenews.com/policy/ By Amy Klamper

米下院議員は重量級打上げロケットの早急な開発を要求 U.S. House Members Call for “Immediate Development” of Heavy-lift Rocket

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan group of more than 60 members of

the U.S. House of Representatives wrote to President Barack

Obama Tuesday urging that he direct NASA to immediately begin

development of a heavy-lift launch vehicle capable of sending

NASA’s Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle on deep space missions.

In a June 22 letter to the president signed by 62 House

lawmakers, including 25 Democrats and 16 members of the

powerful House Appropriations Committee, the members say it is

in the nation’s best interest to leverage the $10 billion NASA

has already invested in Constellation, a 5-year-old effort to

replace the retiring space shuttle with Orion and the Ares family

of rockets. Obama marked the program for cancellation in his

2011 spending proposal delivered to lawmakers in February. “We

support the immediate development and production of a

heavy-lift launch vehicle that, in conjunction with the Orion Crew

Exploration Vehicle, may be used for either lunar or deep-space

exploration to an asteroid and beyond, as you said in Florida,”

the lawmakers say in the letter. During an April 15 speech at

NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Fla., Obama said NASA would

continue development of Constellation’s Orion crew capsule for

use as a lifeboat aboard the international space station and

would spend up to five years studying heavy-lift propulsion

technologies before initiating development of a heavy-lift launch

vehicle no later than 2015. The lawmakers assert that a

“heavy-lift exploration system could be operational within six

years and achieved within NASA’s Exploration topline budget.”

NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate stands to

receive a total of $23.6 billion between 2011 and 2015 under

White House budget projections released in February. That figure

includes $3.1 billion for heavy-lift and in-space propulsion

research, $6 billion to foster development of commercial crew

systems and $12 billion for various advanced technology

research and demonstration projects.

Rep. C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger



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Saturday, June 19, 2010 flametrench.flatoday.net/

時事風刺漫画: NASA の議会との対応 Jeff Parker Cartoon: Jeff Parker on NASA's dealings with Congress



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June 18th, 2010 pehub.com Connie Loizos [編注] Elon Musk は SpaceX だけでなく、トヨタと電気自動車を開発提携の Tesla Motors の CEO

Elon Musk 語る、なぜ SpaceX のロケットが、今まで世にあったものと比べて、より早くでき、より安く、そしてより軽量か

Elon Musk on Why His Rockets Are Faster, Cheaper and Lighter Than What You’ve Seen Before

On Wednesday, I was on a call with Elon Musk, CEO of both

Tesla Motors and space exploration company SpaceX. The latter

company was announcing what it’s hailing as the “largest single

commercial launch deal ever” — a $492 million contract to carry

into space the mobile telecommunications satellites of Iridium

Communications, beginning in 2015.

Though SpaceX has launched just two three rockets successfully

in its history — including sending one of its Falcon 9 rockets into

a 155-mile orbit earlier this month and, last July. delivering to

orbit a satellite for Malaysian satellite maker ATSB — it has over

$2.5 billion in revenue under contract. In addition to its

partnership with Iridium, the company has booked orders to carry

to orbit a giant satellite for Loral Space & Communications and

to conduct 12 “resupply” flights to the International Space

Station on behalf of the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration. Whether it manages to successfully complete all

its missions remains to be seen, but on the call, Musk spoke at

length about why SpaceX is far more cost-efficient than heritage

aerospace companies; I thought the detail he offered was pretty

interesting. If you’re a space nut, you might too.




The answer to that is complex and I don’t like to give sound bites because it oversimplifies the thing

and it sort of comes across as wrong to me, if I were to put myself in the shoes of someone hearing

that bite. It’s sort of like when they say: why is Southwest Airlines so much more efficient, and you

could say, well, it’s because they use 737s. Well, if it were that easy, then anyone could do that.


リコンバレーの OS と DNA を適用


If you go to heart of it, SpaceX operates with really with a sort of Silicon Valley operating system and

DNA as applied to problem of space transport. And in that sense, culturally, the way things operate

are closer to an Intel or Google or Apple in the way that it functions.



We’re quite vertically integrated, which increases the number of problems you have to solve, but you

also have fewer middlemen. I think the aerospace guys got into this craze of outsourcing everything,

then even the suppliers would outsource, and eventually it got to where you had to go four companies

down before you found someone cutting metal. And there’s an old maxim that if you want efficiency,

you have to cut out the middleman, and so we’ve done that at SpaceX.

コスト削減には一部の分野だけ Also, to the degree that we inherited legacy components, we inherited the legacy cost structure, and


でなく全体をやれないとだめ。 that necessitated rebuilding almost the whole market in order to achieve significant breakthroughs.

Because if you look at the cost of our market, if you break it down, it’s the cost of the engines, the

structures, the electronics, the launch operation, and the overhead of the business, and in order to

make a significant breakthrough, you have to really see improvements across the board, systemwide.

Like if somebody gave you free engines or free structure or free electronics, you’d still only make

maybe a 20 percent improvement in the actual cost of launch; to have a 50 or 60 or 70 percent

improvement, you have to see improvement in all of those areas.





So I think we’ve come up with significant technology innovations in all of those areas; we’ve come up

with process innovations. We’re vertically integrated but there’s a strong focus internally on

communications — everyone is in a cube, including me. We have the factory collocated with

engineering, which helps tighten the loop between production and engineering, because however you

design a vehicle, that sets the best possible cost number for that vehicle.


1,2 段同じ燃料で


Some of what we’ve done is really just common sense — for example, using the same propellant in the

upper and lower stages means that operationally, you only need to have one set of fuel tanks. If you

can imagine a situation where you have a kerosene first stage, hydrogen upper stage, and solid rocket

side boosters, you’ve just tripled your cost right there.

Falcon 9 の上段は第 1 段を短く



Also, the upper stage of a Falcon 9 is simply a short version of the first stage. That may seem pretty

obvious, but nobody else does that. They tend to create upper stage in a totally different way than

they create the first stage.

Falcon 9 の 1 段 、 上 段 は

Merlin、Falcon 1 の 1 段も同、


The Merlin engine — we used it on the upper stage of Falcon 9, on the main stage of Falcon 9 and on

the first stage of Falcon 1. So we get economies of scale in use of the Merlin engine.

タンクは FSW 摩擦攪拌溶接法


Our tanks are friction stir welded, [aluminum] skin and stringer designed as opposed to machined

aluminum, [giving us] a 20 fold advantage in the cost of materials, and our stage ends up being lighter

…because geometrically, we can have deeper stringers.

So, yeah, those are some examples.


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Fri, 18 June, 2010 www.spacenews.com/earth_observation/ By Debra Werner

LA はミサイル警戒衛星を山火事追尾に使用を嘆願中 LA Pleading for Missile Warning Satellites To Track Wildfires

SAN FRANCISCO — Los Angeles County is seeking to add a new

tool to its arsenal of firefighting weapons: satellites. Before

California’s next fire season, county officials hope to gain

access to infrared data gathered by U.S. Air Force missile

warning satellites to assist them in detecting wildfires. On June

16, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors sent letters to

senators and representatives in Los Angeles’ congressional

delegation asking for help in establishing a program. “The Los

Angeles County Board of Supervisors respectfully requests your

consideration in exploring the feasibility of implementing a pilot

program to assess the viability of utilizing satellite technology for

early detection of wildland fires on Federal land within Los

Angeles County,” according to a copy of the letter obtained by

Space News. The supervisors added that a recent county report

on automated, fire-detection systems found that U.S. Air Force

Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites would be particularly

useful in spotting fires. “The infrared sensors constantly look for

the telltale signature of a flame from a missile launch, with

automatic analysis of the data,” according to the letter signed by

all five county supervisors. “Since a missile flame has

characteristics similar to a wildland fire, the satellites should be

able to detect forest and brush fires just as effectively.” DSP

satellites, which scan the globe every 10 seconds, have proved

their ability to spot wildfires. In 1994 and 1995, the U.S. Air Force

participated in the Hazard Support Program, according to

Anthony Roake, spokesman for the Air Force Space Command in

Colorado Springs, Colo. That program, led by the U.S. National

Reconnaissance Office, combined information derived from U.S.

military and civil satellites to detect wildfires in the United

States and volcanic activity around the globe and reported the

results to local agencies. Additional testing of the Hazard

Support Program continued in the late 1990s, said Richard

Davies, executive director of the Western Disaster Center, a

nonprofit research organization based in Mountain View, Calif. In

spite of successful demonstrations, the Hazard Support System

was halted in 2001 when the military was ready to hand off the

program but no civil federal agency offered the funding needed to

operate and maintain it, government officials said. Nearly a

decade later, the necessary ground equipment still exists to

enable the DSP constellation to assist in wildfire detection;

however, a period of operational testing would be required to

prove its utility, according to Dee Pack, remote sensing


department director for the Aerospace Corp. of El Segundo, Calif.

“Since 2000, the technology has been used for other applications.

It could be used for fire detection again if the government

wanted to do that.” The Aerospace Corp. has been involved in

the research and development of satellite-based fire detection

systems for more than a decade. “We have been conducting

research on using satellites to monitor fires and volcanoes,” said

Aerospace Corp. spokeswoman Lindsay Chaney. “We have

continued to refine the software.” When Los Angeles County

government representatives began investigating the use of

advanced technology to aid in wildfire detection, they met with

officials from the Aerospace Corp. to learn about satellite-based

fire detection. “The county recognized they have a problem with

early fire detection, and they were forward thinking enough to

consider using satellites,” Pack said. During a May 25 meeting,

the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously

to pursue a comprehensive fire detection and fire suppression

program that included the use of satellites. With that goal in mind,

the supervisors drafted a letter to their congressional delegation.

County officials also plan to contact the U.S. National

Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), Algird Leiga, chairman of

Los Angeles County’s Quality and Productivity Commission, told

supervisors during the meeting. NGA officials declined to discuss

the merits of using satellites to assist in combating wildfires in

Los Angeles. NGA spokesman Marshall Hudson said the agency

cannot support state or local agencies directly. Instead, NGA can

provide geospatial information to another federal agency that is

leading the government’s response to a disaster, according to

rules established by the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency

Assistance Act of 1988. “When the U.S. Federal Emergency

Management Agency, the lead federal agency for the 2007

California wildfires, requested NGA provide geospatial information

that would aid them in supporting the state’s efforts in

combating the fires and assessing the scope of damage, the

agency gladly did so,” Hudson wrote in an e-mail. “NGA provided

both imagery and geospatial products in support of the federal

response to that disaster.” Air Force officials also declined to

comment on any specific plans to use DSP satellites to spot

fires in Los Angeles County. The Air Force operates the DSP

satellites, which were built by Northrop Grumman Corp. of Los

Angeles and launched from 1970 to 2007. Northrop Grumman

spokesman Bob Bishop said DSP’s infrared sensor has been

used to aid in prediction and recovery from natural disasters,

such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires. Northrop Grumman

continues to support the DSP constellation, but the Air Force

operates DSP satellites and manages the use of the sensors for

environmental monitoring, Bishop said. He referred questions

about any future plans to use DSP sensors for fire detection to

the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center in Los Angeles.

Air Force officials there referred all questions to the Air Force

Space Command. Los Angeles County is the most populous

county in the United States, but it also includes large tracts of

federal land, including the Angeles National Forest and the Los

Padres National Forest. More than 645 square kilometers of the

Angeles National Forest was destroyed and two firefighters were

killed by a blaze that began in late August of last year.


[編注] ブッシュ・ファイアは毎年カリフォルニアに発生、被害甚大のため DSP 利用はもっともか。消防ヘリの手に負えるうちに発見し処置できるとよい。

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17 June 2010 www.space.com/businesstechnology/ By Jeremy Hsu

米空軍は将来に超音速兵器と宇宙機を見込む Air Force Sees Hypersonic Weapons and Spaceships in Future

A recent United States Air Force scramjet test has hinted at a

future where hypersonic vehicles streak through the sky at many

times the speed of sound around the world, and perhaps even

open up access to space. The experimental X-51A Waverider

used a rocket booster and an air-breathing scramjet to reach a

speed of Mach 5 and achieve the longest hypersonic flight ever

powered by such an engine on May 26. That technology might

not only deliver cargo quickly to different parts of the globe, but

could also transform the space industry and spawn true space

planes that take off and land from the same runway. The wealth

of possibilities offered by aerospace vehicles that can ride their

own shockwaves likely explains why the project has drawn

support from the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research


Project Agency (DARPA), NASA, and the U.S. Navy.



"We could have in the future such things as hypersonic weapons

that fly 600 nautical miles in 10 minutes," said Charlie Brink,

X-51A program manager with the Air Force Research Laboratory

at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, during a June 1

teleconference. [Most destructive space weapon concepts.]

Scramjet engines can also eliminate the need for much of the

huge oxidizer tanks carried by rockets, because the engines

capture oxygen from the air to mix with the fuel while moving at

hypersonic speeds. That would permit future space-lift systems

or space planes to carry greater payloads and operate more

efficiently, Brink said. That concept naturally excites NASA, as

the American space agency has continued to consult with the Air

Force on the X-51A project, as well as the HIFiRE Flight 2

scramjet experiment. "NASA would ultimately like to enable large

vehicles for access to space using air-breathing propulsion," said

James Pittman, principal investigator for NASA's hypersonics

project at the NASA Langley Research Center in Virginia. But

first, military and civilian researchers will have to refine the

scramjet engines that marks a significant break from past jet

engine technologies.

A history of hypersonics

Lockheed's supersonic SR-71 Blackbird could reach speeds of

Mach 3.2 during its operation from the 1960s until the late 1990s.

The stealthy recon aircraft relied upon turbojet-assisted ramjet

engines that compressed the flow of incoming air at high speeds,

but slows down the airstream so that engine combustion takes

place at subsonic speeds. By contrast, scramjet designs allow for

the airflow throughout the engine to continue traveling at

supersonic speed. That raises the speed limit to hypersonic

speeds of around Mach 5 or more. The first flight tests of a

hypersonic scramjet vehicle came from NASA's X-43A project,

also known as Hyper-X. Its test flight reached Mach 6.8 in March

2004, before a following test flight hit Mach 9.6 in November

2004. That's about 7,000 mph (11,265 kph), or three times faster

than the SR-71. The Air Force's X-51A Waverider has since

drawn on many of the lessons from the X-43A, even if the newer

experimental vehicle packs a more sophisticated and complex

scramjet engine. The X-51A has claimed the longest scramjet

burn during its 200-second flight test, but has yet to break the

X-43A's speed record. "Hyper-X provided a jumping off point for

the X-51 program in many areas," said Kenneth Rock, head of

the hypersonic air-breathing propulsion branch at NASA Langley.

Rock and his colleagues had already done many wind tunnel tests

and computer simulations during the X-43A program, and found

that the model data fit pretty well with the actual flight tests.

That gave the X-51A program a confidence boost from knowing

that there were fairly few unknowns not covered by modeling,

Rock told SPACE.com. The NASA researchers not only shared

their experiences with the X-51A program, but also helped

participated in an independent review of the ongoing Air Force

project. They added some tips about how to streamline flight

operations come testing time for X-51A, which flew a route not

unlike what the X-43A had taken from the U.S. West Coast over

the Pacific.

Rise of the space planes

If scramjet technology advances far enough, it could become part

of a system that helps propel unmanned or manned vehicles into

space. Space planes might even emerge that can fly into space

at just about any time, without launch window constraints. A

scramjet-powered vehicle would need to rely upon a regular

rocket or jet engine to reach Mach 4, so that the scramjet could

take over for hypersonic speeds during the first stage to Earth

orbit. The X-51A scramjet engine would not be enough by itself

to allow a vehicle to reach orbit, said Joseph Vogel, hypersonics

director and X-51 program manager at Boeing Phantom

Works/Defense, during the teleconference. Both Boeing and

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne formed part of the private

consortium that helped design and build the X-51A. Any future

space-lift system would also need a more energetic

hydrogen-based fuel, rather than the JP-7 jet fuel used in

supersonic aircraft, Vogel explained. "I would say that within the

next 15 to 30 years — I'll give you the broad side — but probably

15 to 20 years, you could start to see this technology being

expanded to the point where you could get aircraft into outer

space," Vogel said. Improved space access represents the

driving goal for partners such as NASA, according to Rock at

NASA Langley. He added that flexible, on-demand access to

space might also allow for even more space exploration

opportunities. "There are certainly operational constraints that

have to be overcome, but we believe that this technology can


enable missions that aren't possible today," Rock said.

Speeding into the future

Unsurprisingly, the move toward a hypersonic future has not

gone perfectly at all times. DARPA attempted to launch its own

HTV-2 hypersonic glider prototype in late April, but lost contact

with the vehicle early on in the flight. Similarly, the Air Force's

X-51A Waverider fell short of its intended goal of reaching Mach

6 and burning its scramjet engine for 300 seconds. Unusual

readings had appeared throughout the flight, up until the X-51

mysteriously began losing speed and started tipping over toward

the ocean. The Air Force then terminated the vehicle three

seconds after losing effective control, but emphasized that the

scramjet engine itself had worked perfectly and was likely not at

fault. It already has three more X-51 tests scheduled for later

this year. A growing number of hypersonic tests in the future

could benefit from having several flexible corridors that could be

cleared over the Western U.S., according to Lt. Col. Danny

Millman, project pilot for the B-52 bomber that launched the

X-51. The Air Force has also been doing hypersonic tests over

the Woomera Test Range in Australia as part of an international

project that also involves NASA and Australian researchers. At

least the X-51A has shown enough early success so that the U.S.

government should be encouraged to continue investing in

scramjet technology, Vogel noted. "But again, we'll need to fly

the rest of these missions to show that the technology is truly

viable, because people won't take for granted that you did it once

and call it true technology proving," Vogel said.


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Space News http://www.space.com/spacenews/ By Turner Brinton

Fri, 18 June, 2010 エアボーンレーザは次の迎撃テストに準備 Airborne Laser Gears Up for Next Shoot-down Test

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s Airborne Laser (ABL) is being

prepared for a late July test in which it will attempt to shoot

down an ascending target missile from twice the distance of the

aircraft’s previous intercept tests, the program’s top official


The Missile Defense Agency's (MDA) Airborne Laser (ABL). Credit: MDA



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Lockheed Martin Press Releases http://www.lockheedmartin.com/news/

June 21, 2010 ロッキードマーチン・チームは GPS IIIB プログラムの要求事項の道標を完了

Lockheed Martin Team Completes Requirements Milestone for GPS IIIB Program


June 21, 2010 ロッキードマーチンのスコーピオン(さそり)はフライト・テストに成功 Lockheed Martin’s Scorpion™ Successful In Flight Test



June 15, 2010 オライオン宇宙機の形が現れてくる Orion Spacecraft Takes Shape

friction stir weld(FSW)法を使い、前部と後部をつないだ。



June 14, 2010 ロッキードマーチンの NOAA GOES-15 宇宙機搭載ソーラ X-線イメージャはファースト・ライトを見る

Lockheed Martin Solar X-Ray Imager on NOAA GOES-15 Spacecraft Sees “First Light”

June 14, 2010 ロッキードマーチンは MUOS 衛星初号機の鍵となるテストの道標を成功裡に完了

Lockheed Martin Successfully Completes Key Test Milestone for First Mobile User Objective System Satellite


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Boeing News Releases http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/index.html

June 25, 2010 ボーイングは米陸軍の高エネルギーレーザ技術実証機向けの鍵となる部品の納入を受入れ

Boeing Accepts Delivery of Key Component for US Army's High Energy Laser Technology Demonstrator


June 23, 2010 ボーイングはアルバカーキにおける指向性エネルギーの事業を集約化

Boeing Consolidates Directed Energy Work in Albuquerque


June 15, 2010 ボーイング・コロラド衛星地上運用は AS9100 の認証を達成

Boeing's Colorado Satellite Ground Operations Achieve AS9100 Certification

June 15, 2010 ボーイング・スペース&インテリジェンス・システムズは CMMI 成熟レベル 3 を達成

Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems Achieves CMMI Maturity Level 3

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Wed, 23 June, 2010 www.spacenews.com/contracts/ By Peter B. de Selding

アストリウムは ESA の$24M の契約で極低温上段を検討予定 Astrium To Study Cryogenic Upper Stage Under $24 Million ESA Contract

PARIS — Astrium Space Transportation will study technologies

for re-ignitable cryogenic-fueled rocket upper stages under a

two-year contract with the European Space Agency (ESA)

valued at 20 million euros ($24 million), Astrium announced June

23. The work, to be conducted as part of ESA’s Future

Launchers Preparatory Program, will focus on managing liquid

hydrogen and liquid oxygen in low-gravity conditions. Also to be

studied will be ways of thermal insulation for the propellant tanks

to ensure that the super-cooled liquid fuel does not warm up

enough to transform into a gas. Liquid hydrogen needs to be kept

at minus 253 degrees Celsius to maintain its liquid state, while

liquid oxygen needs to be maintained at minus 183 degrees

Celsius or cooler. The 18-nation ESA is conducting preliminary

work on a restartable cryogenic upper stage for the Ariane 5

rocket that would be powered by the Vinci motor in development

at Snecma Moteurs of France. ESA governments are expected

to decide in 2012 whether to complete development of this upper

stage or to proceed directly with early work on a successor to

Ariane 5. The French government is expected to invest 250

million euros later this year on post-Ariane 5 designs as part of

an economic stimulus package. It remains unclear whether ESA

governments in 2012 will elect to improve Ariane 5 through the

Vinci-powered stage or start work on a next-generation rocket.

The Astrium contract includes two flight tests of cryogenic fuel

management techniques to be performed in 2011 aboard a Texus

suborbital sounding rocket launched from Sweden.

An Ariane 5 rocket launches the NSS-12 and THOR 6 satellites from

French Guiana. Credit: Arianespace Photo



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ESA Portal http://www.esa.int/esaCP/index.html

17 June 2010 Jean-Jacques Dordain は ESA の長官として続投 Jean-Jacques Dordain to continue as Director General of ESA


ESA PR 13-2010: The Council of the European Space Agency

today announced that Jean-Jacques Dordain will continue as the

Director General of ESA for a further period of four years. Mr

Dordain has served as Director General of ESA since 2003. This

third mandate extends his term to June 2015. Mr Dordain's

tenure at ESA includes many important European space

milestones. At the end of 2003 he signed the first Framework

Agreement between ESA and the European Community, starting

a new relationship that continues to build.


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Mon Jun 14, 2010 07:00 AM ET news.discovery.com/space/ By Irene Klotz

宇宙ごみの追跡衛星が地球軌道に Space Junk Tracker to Orbit Earth

Tracking the 20,000 or so probes, rocket bodies and other objects whizzing around the planet is no easy task.

THE GIST A new satellite system is designed to detect and track orbital debris.

The information the system relays should help reduce the chances of a collision between spacecraft.

The telescope abroad can also quickly swivel between orbital targets, saving time and fuel.


A new spacecraft soon will be joining the armada of probes,

rocket bodies and other objects circling Earth. Rather than

passing on communications signals, tracking hurricanes or staring

at stars, however, this satellite will serve as an orbital eye for

tracking space debris. The Space Based Space Surveillance

(SBSS) is an Air Force effort to get better information about the

20,000 or so objects whizzing around the planet. Initially planned

as a technology pathfinder, the project will be an operational

system. The launch of the first satellite is planned for July. From

a vantage point nearly 400 miles above the planet, SBSS is

designed to supplement ground-based radars and telescopes

that currently keep track of objects orbiting Earth. The

space-based system, however, will not be subject to weather,

lighting and other restrictions faced by ground systems. SBSS is

even synchronized with Earth's rotation so that it passes over a

given point at roughly the same time each day. "The goal of

SBSS is to provide more timely access to space objects of

interest... than can be obtained with terrestrial assets," an Air

Force representative wrote in an e-mail to Discovery News.

Information collected by SBSS will be used to determine objects'

orbital paths and calculate the chances of collisions several days

in advance. The project started in 2004 -- well before a defunct

Russian spacecraft crashed into one of Iridium's communications

satellites last year, or the January 2007 Chinese anti-satellite

weapons test, which littered space with more than 2,300 pieces

of debris."These incidents underscore the importance of this

system," the Air Force said. The heart of SBSS is a

30-centimeter (11.8-inch) visible-light telescope that can be

quickly and nimbly pointed around the sky to track satellites, as

well as spacecraft launches and orbital maneuvers. "The gimbal

housing is made of beryllium... very stiff, very light material that

allowed us to maintain very tight pointing," said Harold Montoya,

the SBSS program manager with Ball Aerospace. The telescope

can also be quickly swiveled between targets without having to

spend time or fuel repositioning the entire spacecraft, added

Boeing spokesman Bob Packard. The satellite, which is

scheduled for launch July 8 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in

California, is expected to operate for five years. The Air Force

has spent $535 million on the design, development and

production of the SBSS satellite and ground system. A contract

for a second SBSS spacecraft is expected to be awarded early

next year, the Air Force representative said.


The Space

Based Space

Surveillance will

work with


radars and

telescopes to

track orbital








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RIA Novosti Science & Technology http://en.rian.ru/science/

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17 June 2010 MARS500 http://www.esa.int/esaCP/SEMV42RVEAG_index_0.html

MARS500 ビデオ・ダイアリ no.1 --- Diego Urbina と施設の見学 video diary no.1 --- tour the facilities with Diego Urbina


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2010 年 6 月 22 日 人民網日本語版


中国有人宇宙飛行計画部門によると、往復 520 日の火星への有人

飛行を想定した実験「MARS500」が今月 3 日に始まって以来、2 週間


中国人参加者・王躍さんの状態も良好だ。21 日北京晩報伝。カプセ


た。参加者ら 6 人はトレーニングマシーンやウォーキングマシーン、バイク




10 日間のテストカプセルでの模擬飛行を経て、11 日目に地球引力か

ら「離脱」し、太陽周回軌道に入り、14 日目に宇宙船と地球との距離

は 71,000km、火星との距離は 316,540,000km に達する。このほど参



日常実験をこなすほかに、他参加者に習字を教えている。(編集 KA)


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中国・韓国 関連

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2010 年 6 月 24 日 人民網日本語版

エアバスの天津組立ライン 年間引き渡し機数 22 機


の引渡し完了から今月 23 日で満一年。同ライン年間引渡し機数は

22 機に上り、民用大型航空機総合組立ラインとしてはアジアで初、世

界で 4 本目となり、同ラインは安定的運営が可能な段階に。エアバス








進め、これまでにない新協力の枠組を構築。エアバス A320 総合組立



30 社がこの地に集まった。(編集 KS)



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2010 年 6 月 24 日 人民網日本語版 [編注] バーチャル空間の取締りに先手を打ち、経済活動の監視、税徴収、犯罪の摘発に役立てるか。




連企業に義務付けた。OLG の娯楽コンテンツ、市場主体、経営活動、


われたのは初。計 6 章 39 条からなる。同規則は、OLG 関連事業に関

する基本原則を定め、適用範囲及び「OLG」「OLG 運営」「OLG 擬似

通貨」等の概念を明確にした他、OLG のコンテンツ管理、未成年の保

護、経営行為、擬似通貨の発行・管理等に関し規定。同規則は 8

月 1 日から実施。(編集 YT)


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2010 年 6 月 23 日 人民網日本語版

中国初の水陸両用機「海鴎 300」、8 月に初フライト



300」が今年 8 月に初フライト。機体と翼は既にラインオフ。23 日「科学

時報」伝。「海鴎 300」の技術は、欧米の同レベルの水陸両用機の水

準に達している。同機は AVIC 石家庄飛機工業と AVIC 特殊飛行機




が充実し、5 トン以下の水陸両用機の空白が埋まるほか、GA機利用




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2010 年 6 月 23 日 人民網日本語版

人型ロボットのオリンピックが開幕 ハルビン

ハルビン工大で 21 日、第 1 回国際ヒューマノイドロボットオリンピック

(International Humanoid Robot Olympic Games)が開催された。主



務委員会。23 日「科技日報」伝。同オリンピック出場選手は全て精密


行われる。米、韓、シンガポール、中国から参加した代表達 18 チーム

が 3 日間にわたり、7 部門・24 種の試合を行う。競技は陸上部門、球


業部門の 7 部門・24 種目が行われ、科学、教育、趣味、観賞の 4 つ









人型ロボットのオリンピック ハルビン

第 1 回国際ヒューマノイドロボットオリンピックが 22 日から、哈爾濱(ハル


大といった中国国内の大学や、米、韓等の大学から 18 チームが参加。

写真は同オリンピックの競技風景。(編集 YH)

http://j.people.com.cn/94475/7037129.html http://j.people.com.cn/96160/7037361.html http://j.people.com.cn/96160/7037362.html


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2010 年 6 月 23 日 人民網日本語版


北京大学博雅国際会議センタと米国物理学協会(AIP)は 17 日、

AIP にとって初の海外事務所となる北京代表所の設立式典を行った。

22 日「科技日報」伝。米国物理学協会は、米国物理学会(APS)、

米国天文学会(ASS)、米国物理学教師協会(AAPT)等 10 の物理科


も知られる。AIP とその会員の出版物は、世界の物理学研究文献の 4

分の 1 以上を占める。AIP 出版の副総裁は「中国の科学技術力の急

速な向上に伴い、AIP は学術出版の促進や様々な形での科学知識


職員は、北京が AIP 海外進出の初の地に選ばれた理由として、中国



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2010 年 6 月 22 日 人民網日本語版 [編注] 注目を持続させるため、小出しに分割して同一テーマを報道している。

月探査衛星「嫦娥 3 号」、月面での夜間生存に挑戦へ


士)によると、2013 年打上げが計画されている「嫦娥 3 号」は、月面へ

の軟着陸、無人探査、月面での夜間生存という 3 大イノベーションを

実現する。24 日「北京晩報」伝。欧陽氏によると、月面の夜間気温

はマイナス 180 度で、夜期間は半月にも上る。この間、エネルギーを絶


故障してしまう。この条件を唯一満たすことができるのが、30 年間作業





3 号」の最大の特徴は、中国製月面探査車を携帯し、月面探査を実





には天体望遠鏡を含む 7 設備が搭載され、これは世界的にも初の試

み。(編集 SN)


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2010 年 6 月 22 日 人民網日本語版

嫦娥 3 号、西昌から打上げ予定

20 日に行われた「科学と中国」専門家巡回講演団の第 1 回講座で、


の月探査計画第 2 期の月探査衛星「嫦娥 3 号」が西昌衛星発射セ

ンタから打上げ予定であることを明らかに。21日「新京報」伝。 嫦娥3




た無料講座を行う。今月 26 日午後 2 時は、スイスのノーベル物理学


ついて講演予定。(編集 KA)


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2010.06.23 16:26 中央日報




研究院・中性子科学研究部ムン・ミョングク博士チームは直径1m の


国立研究所(BNL)と仏ILL研究所に次いで3番目となる。 検出器

の一辺の長さが50cm を超えると大型となる。検出器が大きくなるほど、


っそう高難度技術が必要とされる。 研究チームが開発した大型検出


置する用途で輸出される。 国産大型中性子検出器を曲面で作った

のは、平面に比べ試料と検出器の反射距離を一定にするためだ。 こ

のため物質原子構造やたんぱく質構造等を正確に把握できる。 従来


らなかった。 従来の小型検出器は何度も測定する必要があったが、




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2010/06/25 10:04 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版 趙虎鎮(チョ・ホジン)記者



た。仏アリアンスペース社は 24 日、「打上げ予定時刻まで 47 分 37 秒





後ほど決まるだろう」と語った。千里眼は 24 時間韓半島(朝鮮半島)

の上空で気象、海流の流れ等を観測、8 分後に地上へ情報を送る衛




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2010.06.21 10:53 中央日報




発射場から打上げられる。 教育科学技術部と韓国航空宇宙研究


組立て作業を終えたと20日、明らかに。 この人工衛星は通信・海





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2010/06/21 08:42 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版 白承宰(ペク・スンジェ)記者

韓国初の通信・海洋観測・気象複合衛星、24 日打上げへ 世界 7 番目の気象衛星保有国に


24 日に打上げられる。教育科学技術部(教科部)と韓国航空宇宙

研究院(KARI)は 20 日、通信・海洋観測・気象観測の三機能を持つ

「千里眼」を、24 日に南米仏領ギアナにあるクールー宇宙センタから打



5」で、打上げ予定時刻は 24 日午前 6 時 41 分から同 7 時 45 分の



7 番目の気象衛星保有国、10 番目の通信衛星開発国、静止軌道




軌道に投入される。「千里眼」も高度 3 万 6000km の静止軌道に投

入される「静止衛星」で、韓半島(朝鮮半島)上空(東経 128.2 度)で、





8-15 分に短縮される。同部関係者はまた、「海洋観測範囲が韓半

島を中心に約 620 平方 km 広くなるため、観測に関する資料がこれま



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JUNE 21, 2010 07:47 東亜日報 [編注] このメディアでは千里眼の代わりに天理眼となっている。





計画と、20日に明らかに。 韓初の静止軌道衛星である天理眼は、

他の衛星と一緒に、欧州アリアンロケットに搭載される。 天理眼衛星



打上げ予定。 打上げから31分後にロケットから分離され、豪州ドンガ



週間にかけて目標軌道に乗る。 軌道に安着すれば、天理眼は今後

7年間、韓半島周辺の東経128.2度、上空3万6000km で地球


かように見え、静止軌道衛星と呼ばれる。 天理眼衛星が活動開始




ごとに提供が可能に。 また、天理眼衛星が、衛星搭載された国産の



えることに。 この衛星には、韓半島周辺海洋環境をリアルタイムで観





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2010/06/20 11:07 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版 金起勲(キム・ギフン)経済部次長待遇




え、米でデザインしたジャケット、T シャツ、ズボン等を、中国の工場で生




韓を訪れたクォン社長はため息をついた。今年 2 月から 4 カ月で、中国

メーカ納品価格が 30-50%も上昇したことに対し、「中国で事業を始

めて 15 年になるがこれほどの困難はなかった」と話した。クォン社長は米

での卸売価格を 30%引上げたが、ユダヤ人系卸売業者から反発を食


国際価格が上昇したことに加え、中国で人件費が年初来 20%も上






次いで賃上げに応じている。2 月に江蘇省で始まった最低賃金引上げ

の動きは、中国 31 の省・市・自治区の約半数に当たる 14 の省・市・

自治区にまで広がり、最低賃金は平均 20%上昇。振返ると、過去約

20 年にわたり、欧米、日、韓をはじめ世界各国は中国の低賃金環境

により大きな恩恵を受けた。しかし、2008 年北京五輪を契機として、

中国経済の状況は変わりつつある。これは、日が 1964 年に東京五輪、

韓が 88 年にソウル五輪を開催して以降、経済体質が変わったのと同













だ。クォン社長は「米経済が低迷する中、今後 10 年間は中国の技術







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2010 年 6 月 21 日 人民網日本語版


中国科学館が組織する「科学と中国」専門家巡回講演団による第 1

回講座が 20 日午前行われ、中国科学院院士で中国月周回プロジェ

クト首席科学者の欧陽自遠氏が、既に嫦娥 1 号における 4 科学目標

をクリアし、科学者は嫦娥 1 号の採取データに基づき月面図を完成し

たことを明らかに。月面図基準に照らすとその精度は 1:250 万に達した

という。20 日北京晩報伝。今年打上げ予定の嫦娥 2 号について欧陽








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2010 年 6 月 18 日 人民網日本語版

中国の月探査計画に香港から 5 人が参加


ている。研究者のうち 5 人が香港理工大学からだという。土壌採取装


耐えられ、自動測位ができる精密カメラ開発を始めた。早ければ 3 年

後に打上げられる中国月探査機「嫦娥 3 号」に搭載され、月の真の

姿を撮影・観測する見通し。7 日科学網伝。 北京の香港学術交流




員として招聘。07 年 10 月に嫦娥 1 号を打上げてからこれまでに少なく

とも 4 回にわたり香港学者がデータ研究に携わってきた。科技大学の


探査データから月には地球で 1 万年は使用できる 100 万トンもの再生

可能エネルギー「ヘリウム 3」があることを分析。(編集 KA)


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2010 年 6 月 18 日 人民網日本語版

「人造太陽」計画、初歩的実現は 20 年後か

「国際熱核融合実験炉(ITER)計画」の加盟国 7 カ国の代表は 16

日、江蘇省で第 6 回理事会を行い、人類のエネルギー問題を根本的

に解決する可能性のある ITER 計画について話し合いを行った。中広

網が 17 日に伝えた。フランス南部の都市カダラッシュでは 08 年、ITER

プロジェクトが着工した。プロジェクトの完成までには約 30 年かかると予

想されている。うち、10 年間が建設の前期段階で、残りの 20 年間は

試験運行期間となっている。プロジェクト総費用は 100 億ユーロとされ

ており、EU が 40%を負担し、残りの 6 カ国がそれぞれ 9%を負担する。

今回の第 6 回理事会では、ITER 計画の基本となる ITER 計画基準

の審査が行われる。同基準は、ITER 計画の全体的な進度、総費用、



という。科技部の万鋼部長は 16 日の理事会開幕式において、「中国

は今後、ITER の業務をこれまでと変わらず支持し、ITER 計画における


活に初歩的に恩恵をもたらすのは、20 年から 30 年後となるだろう」と述

べた。(編集 SN)


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2010 年 6 月 17 日 人民網日本語版







国名 状況説明 英国 2001 年、コンピュータ・エキスパート数百名からなる諜報部所属「ハッカー」部隊が秘密裏に結成された。2009 年 6 月 25 日、初の国

家インターネット安全戦略が打出され、サイバーセキュリティ局(OCS: Office of Cyber Security)、サイバー・セキュリティ操作センタ

(Cyber Security Operations Centre) という 2 つのサイバー・セキュリティ新部門設立が宣言された。2 部門はそれぞれ、政府各部門


ロシア 1990 年代にネットワーク情報セキュリティを担当する情報安全委員会が設立された他、2002 年には「ロシア連邦情報セキュリティ学説

(Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation)」が打出され、ネットワークを通じた情報戦が第 6 世代戦争と位置



インド インターネット技術への精通と、インターネットのもたらす戦争効果の認識を基礎とし、自主開発・軍民協力という原則を貫きつつ、大


てきた。高速ブロードバンド及び「第 3 の目」と呼ばれる海軍機密データ伝送ネットワーク完成により、印軍は将来のサイバー戦争にお






日本 重要な作戦思想は「ネットワーク支配権」を把握することで敵の戦闘システムを麻痺させることだ。日本はサイバー戦システム構築にお



か、5 千人からなる「サイバー空間防衛隊」を設立、開発されたサイバー戦の「武器」と「防御システム」は、既に比較的高い実力を有



韓国 1999 年に将来の情報建設に関する全体構想を打出し、2009 年には「ネットワーク司令部」を建設することを宣言、2010 年にプロジェ

クトが正式にスタート。現在韓には、専門的訓練を受けた人材が 20 万人おり、毎年国防費 5%がサイバー戦の核心技術の研究開


イスラエル 1998 年に米国防省への侵入に成功し、サイバー戦への研究を強めた。パキスタンやレバノンとの衝突においては、イスラエルはネットワ





の 7 カ国

エストニア、ラトビア、リトアニア、独、伊、スペイン、スロバキアは 08 年 5 月 14 日、共同でサイバー攻撃に対応するための研究センタを



(作者・中国人民解放軍軍事科学院戦略部研究員 袁軒 趙徳喜 編集 SN) http://j.people.com.cn/94474/7029531.html

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2010 年 6 月 17 日 中国網日本語版(チャイナネット) [編注] 統合されたネット上のデータは統一的に監視・管理でき、治安当局に都合良し。

上海や南京など 10 都市で「三網融合」試行か



る。上海や南京など 10 都市が第 1 陣「三網融合」の試行都市に選ば

れる可能性があることが 16 日わかった。6 月 6 日承認された「三網融

合」試行案によると、今月 18 日までに、各地政府は試行申請を行い、

その後に審査選別が行われ、25 日頃に試行都市が発表されることに。




ルビン、瀋陽、重慶、武漢、長沙、忻州の 10 都市となる見通しで、中




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2010 年 6 月 18 日 人民網日本語版


福州海峡国際会展センタには 17 日、人間と交流ができるロボットが展示され、多くの市民の注目を集めた。(編集 YH)


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2010 年 6 月 17 日 人民網日本語版

衛星「実践 12 号」打上げに成功

酒泉衛星発射センタで 15 日午前 9 時 39 分、「長征 2 号丁」ロケット




量、通信等科学と技術の実験に用いられる。長征 2 号丁ロケットも又

SAST が開発を手がけ、今回で長征ロケットシリーズ打上げは 125 回



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2010 年 6 月 17 日 人民網日本語版







有し、相互に補完し合い、ウィンウィンを達成したい」と語った。15 日新





とより多くの交流を展開していきたいとした。15 日から 4 日間、科学政






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2010/06/17 09:00 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版 白承宰(ペク・スンジェ)記者

羅老号失敗:「3 回目の打上げなければ残金払わない」 韓国政府、ロシア側に考えを伝達

韓政府はロシアに 3 回目の羅老(ナロ)号打上げを求めることにした。

教育科学技術部の金暎湜(キム・ヨンシク)科学技術政策室長は 16

日の会見で、「韓国航空宇宙研究院は 2004 年に露フルニチェフ社と

締結した契約に基づき、羅老号打上げが 1 回でも失敗した結論が出

た場合には、1 回の追加打上げを要請できる。8 月以降、露側と 3 回


入れるかは未知数だ。露は昨年 8 月に行われた初の打上げの際にも、

自分達が製造した 1 段目ロケットエンジンさえ正常稼働すれば、それ


ていた。2 回目打上げについても露は、「1 段目エンジンは通信が途絶

えるまで正常稼働した」と主張。教育科学技術部によると、露が 3 回


但し、3 回目打上げが行われない場合、契約で定められた全額を支

払わないことはあり得る。金室長は、「04 年に羅老号に関する契約を

締結した際、韓政府は、2 億 1000 万ドル(現レートで約 192 億円、

以下同じ)の契約金全額を、露側に支払ってはいない。3 回目打上げ

が行われないのであれば、契約金の 5%に当たる 1050 万ドル(約 9 億

6000 万円)は支払われないだろう。この権利を示す条項は、打上げ契

約にも記載されている」と説明。韓ロ両国合意が実現した場合、3 回

目打上げはおよそ 1 年後になるとみられる。



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宇宙ニュースの小部屋 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/t-naka/201006

2010-06-23-Wed SpaceNews(6/14)

■[ロケット] ESA、Ariane 5 ME の概念設計審査会で課題山積

A5ME は Vinci エンジン搭載上段を使うことで GTO 12ton の能力達成を目

標としているが、6/4 に開かれた概念設計審査会(Stage and System

Concept Review)の結果、上段質量が重すぎて計画能力を達成できないこ

とが明確に。また、リカリングコストも現行 A5 と同等との要求を満足できてな

い。 ESA は 2011 年か 2012 年に A5ME を本格開発移行するかを決定す


AviationWeek(6/22) http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=space&id=news/asd/2010/06/22/08.xml

Arianespace Buying 10 More Soyuz Boosters

■[ロケット] Arianespace 社、Soyuz ロケット 10 機を追加発注することで基本合意

既に 14 機発注、合計 24 機になる。なお打上げ計画は 17 機分決まっている。

2010-06-22-Tue NASA Spaceflight(6/20) http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2010/06/live-germanys-tandem-x-launch-via-dnepr/

Germany’s TanDEM-X launched via Dnepr from Baikonur

■[ロケット] ロシア、Dnepr ロケットでドイツの地球観測衛星を打上げ

NASA Spaceflight(6/18) http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2010/06/sd-hlv-assessment-highlights-post-shuttle-solution/

Completed SD HLV assessment highlights low-cost post-shuttle solution

■[機関] NASA、シャトル派生型大型ロケット構想検討結果を公表


物搭載用機体に置換える)とインラインタイプ(通常ロケットタイプ)の 2 ケース

で検討。特に射点設備(MLP を含む)流用性からコスト・開発期間でサイドマ


修が必要)。いずれのケースでも Block I から Block III までの 3 段階開発を

検討(Block III は発展型)を想定し、Block I は可能な限り現行ハード流用

したケース。 も早いサイドマウント形態では Block I (シングルステージ)は

FY2011 から開始し 2015 年 10 月に初フライト、Block II (RL-10 による上段

ステージ追加・SSME 能力向上開発(RS-25E)・新アビオ・非毒性 APU 燃

料・SSME バルブ電動化)はその 2 年後としている。なお、エンジンセクション


ドマウントタイプの Block I までで$2.7B、Block II までで$8.7B、Block III まで

で$11.2B(上段ステージを含まず)、機体コストは NASA 開発の Block II で

$600M、民間開発で$450M(@6 機/年)と推定。またインラインタイプの

Block III までの開発費は$14.9B と推定。コメント: 斜め読みなので大事なこ


2010-06-16-Wed JAXA プレスリリース(6/16) http://www.jaxa.jp/press/2010/06/20100616_ikaros_j.html


■[深宇宙探査] JAXA、IKAROS の分離カメラによる展開膜の撮影に成功

コメント: この画像はすごいですね!



MSNBC(6/15) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37718901/ns/technology_and_science-space/

SpaceX has deal to launch commercial satellites

Spaceflightnow(6/16) http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1006/16iridium/

SpaceX captures lion's share of Iridium launch services

■[機関] SpaceX 社、Iridium 社と Falcon 9 打上げ契約$492M を締結

何機分かは不明。 [追記]上記には複数衛星打上げ用アダプタ開発費も

含まれ、全 72 機の衛星の打上げ分を含む価格の模様。ただし、第 2 の打



"That $492 million figure would launch all 72 satellites in our constellation," said Matt Desch, Iridium's CEO.

コメント: Falcon 9 の定価は$49.5M~$56M だが、複数打上げ調達では値引きがある。


SpaceX offers open and fixed pricing that is the same for all customers,

including a best price guarantee. Modest discounts are available for

contractually committed, multi-launch purchases. A half bay flight of

Falcon 9 is available to accommodate customers with payloads in

between Falcon 1 and 9.

Mission Type Price(*1)

LEO (s/c<80% capacity to the customer orbit) $49.5M

LEO (s/c>80% capacity to the customer orbit) $56M

GTO (s/c<3,000 kg)(*2) $49.5M

GTO (s/c up to 4,680 kg) $56M

(*1)Standard Launch Services Pricing through 9/31/10.

Standard prices assumes standard services (see User Guide) and

payment in full within the noted calendar period.

Payments made over time subject to LIBOR +2.5% financing rate.

Contact SpaceX for standard payment plan.

Standard price includes a SpaceX-developed and produced payload

adapter and tension-band separation system. Other systems can be

accommodated or provided ― contact SpaceX for more information.

Reflight insurance offered at 8.0% of Standard Launch Services Price.

(*2)SpaceX reserves the right to seek a non-interference co-passenger

Rebates to Standard Launch Services Pricing are considered on a

case-by case basis to address (i) inaugural launches, (ii) short turn

around opportunities and (iii) multiple launch service procurements.

NASA Spaceflight(6/15) http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2010/06/dnepr-launch-with-swedish-and-french-satellites/

Dnepr launches with Swedish and French satellites

■[ロケット] ロシア、Dnepr ロケットで PRISMA と Picard を打上げ

PRISMA は衛星 Mango(140kg)と Tango(40kg) の 2 機から構成されるスウ

ェーデンの実験衛星で、ランデブと編隊飛行実験を行う。Picard は仏の太陽

観測衛星。PRISMA の Mango にはヒドラジン主推進系の他に実験的推進

系 2 系統搭載。特に、ESA が開発して ECAPS 社が製造した HPGP(高性

能グリーン・プロペラント)一液スラスタ(推進薬は ADN 系で、ヒドラジンより

30%性能が高く、毒性がずっと低い;公式名称は LMP-103S)は軌道上での

初作動。ESA は General Support Technology Programme (GSTP)でグリ

ーン・プロペラント推進系の開発支援しており、Prisma に引続き Proba-3 衛




JAXA プレスリリース(6/13) http://www.jaxa.jp/press/2010/06/20100614_hayabusa2_j.html


はやぶさカウントダウン(6/13) http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/j/topics/topics/2010/0614.shtml


Spaceflightnow http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1006/13hayabusagallery/

Hayabusa completes fiery return to Earth

Photo credit: JAXA Ground Observation System

Photo credit: NASA/SETI Institute/University of North Dakota/Spaceflight Now

Photo credit: NASA/SETI Institute/University of North Dakota/Spaceflight Now

■[深宇宙探査] はやぶさ回収カプセル帰還

NASA 航空機からの再突入動画→ http://archive.nserc.und.edu/~kml/HayabusaRentryVideo.avi

JAXA プレスリリース(6/14) http://www.jaxa.jp/press/2010/06/20100614_hayabusa5_j.html



■[深宇宙探査] JAXA、はやぶさカプセルの回収完了。熱防御シールドも発見。

熱防御シールドの写真→ http://www.jaxa.jp/press/2010/06/20100614_hayabusa7_j.html

カプセルとパラシュートの写真→ http://www.jaxa.jp/press/2010/06/20100614_hayabusa4_j.html

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今週の軍事関連ニュース http://www.kojii.net/news/index.html

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2010/06/26 09:39 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版



鮮戦争)開戦 60 周年特集記事の中で、「1950 年 6 月 25 日、北の朝鮮人

民軍が 38 度線を越えて攻撃を開始し、三日後にソウルを占領」と報じた。













出した母胎だ。温家宝首相が昨年 10 月、毛沢東の長男・岸英の墓がある


韓国戦争で戦死した中共軍兵士の墓を訪れる。韓国戦争には 70 万人の




たが、1990 年代初めに旧ソ極秘文書が公開され、関係者証言が次々と明












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2010.06.21 08:21 中央日報



























か」と反問。 匿名を要求した韓国人歴史専門家は「旧ソ外務省の各種文




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2010 年 6 月 25 日 人民網日本語版


外交部定例会見で 24 日、秦剛報道官が国内外記者からの質問に答えた。

----報道によると、日本の菅直人首相は 22 日の党首討論会で沖縄の米



とも述べた。このことについてコメントは。 日本側発言に懸念を表明する。中


らず、如何なる国のいわゆる抑止も受入れない。日米同盟は 2 国間の取決

めであり、2 国間の範疇を超えるべきではなく、ましてや第 3 国を対象にすべ

きではない。(編集 NA)


[編注] チベット、モンゴル、ベトナム沿岸海域を見るにつけ、力のバランスしたところまで自国拡張を当然と考える国と日本は対峙せねばならない現状認識要。

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2010 年 6 月 25 日 人民網日本語版

日本、与那国島上空の防空識別圏の拡大を発表 中国の台湾から 111 キロの距離

日本防衛省は 24 日、沖縄県与那国島上空の防空識別圏を同島西側の


ブサイトによると、防空識別圏見直しに関する訓令は 25 日に施行。これによ

り、与那国島西側の日本領空及びその外側 2 カイリが日本の防空識別圏

に含められる。与那国島は日本 西端の島で、面積は 28.9 平方 km。中

国の台湾からわずか 111km の距離に。(編集 NA)


[編注] 沖縄返還時ほっておいたため、与那国島上空を横切って防空識別圏があった由。後遺症の後処置。

<防空識別圏>与那国の設定変更 台湾寄り洋上に…政府方針(毎日新聞)5 月 26 日 - 20 時 53 分

首相、訓練区域や防空識別圏返還に全力(産経新聞)5 月 23 日 - 11 時 34 分

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2010 年 6 月 23 日 人民網日本語版


露 大の石油企業ロスネフチと米 2 位の石油企業シェブロンは 17 日、黒海


掘可能地点は 180 カ所に上ると見ている。露、ウクライナ、ルーマニア、ブルガ


い関心を示している。グルジア外務省は 21 日、外交ルートを通じてロ米の石













主張しても、グルジアがそうは思わないのは明らかだ。(編集 NA)


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2010 年 6 月 23 日 中国網日本語版(チャイナネット)

米日豪が沖縄で大規模な合同軍事演習 空母も参加

米、日、豪は沖縄で 21 日、史上 大規模の合同軍事演習を実施し、空 母 1 隻も参加。露情報ネットは、これは韓の哨戒船「天安」沈没事件以降、


初の 3 国合同軍事演習で、沖縄には戦艦 19 隻と多くの航空機が集結した

と報道。米日豪の 3 国合同軍事演習は 2007 年から始まり、今回は 3 回目。

2009 年の演習には戦艦 11 隻が参加したが、米は今回、初めて核空母「ジ

ョージ・ワシントン」を出動。その他にも巡洋艦 1 隻、駆逐艦 7 隻と潜水艦 1

隻を出し、日本の海自は駆逐艦 5 隻、潜水艦 2 隻、対潜哨戒機数機、豪

は対潜哨戒機 1 機を派遣。



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2010 年 6 月 23 日 中国網日本語版(チャイナネット)

米韓共同軍事演習 米国が黄海に空母派遣か

韓『中央日報』は 16 日、韓の軍事関係者の話として、国連安全保障理事


共同軍事演習を実施方針であることを伝えた。韓は 6 月 7 日から 10 日まで

共同演習を実施する計画だったが、2?3 週間延期と発表。当初計画で、米

















生後、日米韓 3 国の北に対する制裁措置ではもっとも強力な措置であると





とになるのではないか。前回、米の空母が黄海に入ったのは 1994 年 10 月だ








触」としている。10 年以上が経過した今、米原子力空母「ジョージ・ワシント







る。当然、米の空母が黄海に入り軍事演習に参加かどうかは、 終的に米









があり、空母 1 隻の艦隊は警告、2 隻は厳重警告、3 隻は戦闘準備である。



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2010 年 6 月 23 日 人民網日本語版


外交部定例会見で 22 日、秦剛報道官が内外記者質問に答えた。---- 今月末に黄海で行われる米韓合同軍事演習に米側が原子力空母を派遣



脅かすとの懸念を抱いているか。 我々は関連報道に非常に注目し、事態





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2010/06/24 15:04 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版 金成謨(キム・ソンモ)記者

哨戒艦沈没:国民の 7 割以上「北が天安を攻撃」

20・40 代は 60%台 行政安全部が 2000 人を対象に世論調査

韓国民の 70%以上は北が哨戒艦「天安」を攻撃したと見ているが、20 代と

40 代の場合、北による攻撃と見る人の割合は 60%台と、他の世代に比べ

相対的に低いことが分かった。行政安全部 23 日発表によると、同部が 6・25

戦争(朝鮮戦争)開戦 60 周年を前に、19 歳以上の成人男女と中高生そ

れぞれ 1000 人ずつを対象に、「国民安保意識世論調査」を実施した結果、

成人 75.4%と青少年 75.1%が、「北が『天安』を攻撃した」と回答した。今回

調査では、大学生と新社会人が多い 20 代で特に、「天安」を攻撃した国は


たのはどの国だと思いますか」という質問に、20 代は 64%だけが北を選択。20

代の 5.6%は米と答え、日本(3.3%)、中国(1.9%)という回答もあった。分から

ない・無回答の割合は 25.2%だった。「天安」を攻撃した国を北とした割合は、

年代別に 30 代が 75.1%、40 代が 69.7%、50 代以上が 85.3%だった。北と答

えた 20 代の回答率 64%は、13-18 歳の中高生回答率(75.1%)よりも低い。


いますか」という質問については、青少年は 16.6%が「とても高い」と答えた一

方、50 代以上は 32.3%が「とても高い」と回答、回答者割合に 2 倍の差がつ

いた。しかし、全体的には成人 73.5%と青少年 73.4%が、「とても高い」「高い


成人割合は、昨年に比べ増加。今回世論調査では、成人 60.9%が北を敵

対対象だと指摘したが、これは昨年同調査での 38.9%より 22.0 ポイント増加

した。一方、成人 36.3%と青少年 58.7%は、6・25 戦争開戦の年を知らず、

問題が深刻なことが分かった。北が 6・25 戦争を引起こしたという事実を知ら

ない回答者も、成人 20.4%、青少年 36.3%に達した。調査を実施したリサー

チ&リサーチ関係者は、「20 代は大学生等が多く、『天安』関連の政府発





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2010 年 6 月 23 日 中国国際放送局 日本語部 [編注] 中国は北のメディア発表をそのまま日本語にして広め、自国が北の意見と同じことを現している。


朝鮮の中央通信社は 23 日、社説を発表、「朝鮮は韓国哨戒艦「天安」






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2010.06.22 10:45 中央日報 japanese.joins.com/article/




通信が21日報じた。 共同通信はこの日、日本政府関係者の話を引用し、



声明草案の準備作業が難航」と伝えた。 さらに「米日は北の仕業と結論づ




通し」と説明。 G8首脳会議主催国のカナダは「天安」攻撃問題を緊急議




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2010/06/22 08:38 KST 聯合ニュース japanese.yonhapnews.co.kr/headline/ [編注] 北も調査団送込みたいとか言う前に、該当する魚雷でも皆に開示すれば?














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JUNE 22, 2010 07:27 東亜日報




保証する認証印が印刷されていた。 又、軍民合同調査団が、この魚雷の




れていたという。 政府当局者は21日、「軍民合同調査団が14日、米ニュ



な事実を明らかにした。 政府は、先月20日に調査結果を発表し、魚雷の

残骸と1mm 単位まで一致する設計図が収録されたカタログの存在について

説明したが、セキュリティ上の理由でカタログのイメージは公開しなかった。 同





る『北固有のもの』ではない」と指摘。 カタログにはこの経済団体の「品質保







付け加えた。 政府は、このカタログを印刷物とCDに入ったコンピュータファイ




グルが記されていた」と説明。 先月の調査結果の発表時に公開された魚雷


「270ターアィーサィ」、モータ部分には「333シココケ I」と書かれていた。この




ないか」という解釈もあった。 これまで政府は、「フォントが文字化けした」と説





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2010/06/21 09:13 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版 イム・ミンヒョク記者

哨戒艦沈没:正反対の態度を示す韓米議会(上)(下) 韓米の政界、韓国戦争と天安事故の対応に 180 度の違い

2010 年 6 月、「韓国戦争(朝鮮戦争)」と「哨戒艦『天安』沈没事件」に対






戦争 60 周年を記念し、韓米同盟重要性を強調する共同決議案を採択、




それだけではない。米政界は今週を「韓国戦争週間」と定め、60 周年に関




内容の声明を発表予定だ。また 24 日には、米議会と国防省がそれぞれ韓


関連し、今年 5 月 14 日に下院、26 日に上院で、それぞれ北を糾弾し、国




ところが韓は別世界だ。20 日午後、国会国防委員会の元裕哲(ウォン・ユ




盟 25 カ国や国際機関も北を糾弾する声明を発表した。しかし韓の国会は








ハンナラ党は 近、これらの案を統合した新決議案をとりまとめ、今週中に














このような状況を念頭に置いたものだ。現国防委員 17 人のうち、ハンナラ党

所属は 9 人で、決議案に同調する自由先進党、未来希望連帯、国民中

心連合はそれぞれ一人ずつだ。民主党(5 人)が物理的妨害さえ行わなけ


係者は、「一般法案とは異なり、46 人もの国民が犠牲となった事件に対する




http://www.chosunonline.com/news/20100621000017 http://www.chosunonline.com/news/20100621000018

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2010/06/18 16:56 朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報日本語版 朴斗植(パク・ドゥシク)論説委員

【コラム】韓国の弱点を世界に示した「天安」沈没事件(上) (下)

http://www.chosunonline.com/news/20100618000059 http://www.chosunonline.com/news/20100618000060

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DefenseNews.com http://www.defensenews.com/

June 18th, 2010 軽量レーダが広汎な監視を行える Lightweight Radar Provides Extensive Surveillance

A lightweight ground surveillance radar that can be carried by one man

but has the performance to detect people at ranges of six kilometers

has been launched by the German arm of Thales. Company officials at

the show said the new Lynx radar is aimed at meeting the requirements

of the military as well as civil security organizations for a lightweight,

mobile, high performance system. Potential customers are already being

briefed and the radar could be in series production next year said Hans

Jochen Solter, the director of sensor systems strategy and business

development at Thales Deutschland. In a briefing with reporters at the

show, Solter singled out Britain and France as potential customers as

both had requirements to replace heavy, outdated systems. He said

there were a number of European nations looking to replace old


infantry-style radars. France has already issued a request for

information in the last few weeks and Thales expects this to be followed

up with a tender request by early next year, said Solter. The market for

new radars in the sector was being partly driven by the focus on

infantry style operations worldwide, he said. The Lynx Ku-band sensor

weighs about 12 kilograms. The full stand-alone pack including tripod,

batteries, laptop computer cables and carrying harness comes to

approximately 25 kilograms. The sensor itself measures just 0.53

meters x 0.35 meters x 0.13 meters. Solter said he expects to see Lynx

appear in a raft of applications including battlefield surveillance, fire

support, force protection, border and coastal surveillance, and the

protection of infrastructure sites using mobile, vehicle or fixed

installations. The Thales executive said the radar was capable of

detecting a pedestrian at six kilometers, a medium-sized vehicle at 12

kilometers and low-flying helicopters at 11 kilometers. Lynx would also

detect small UAVs up to a height of about 1,000 feet, he said. The radar

technology was close to the limits of performance versus weight, he



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C4ISR Journal http://www.C4ISRJournal.com/

June 14, 2010 米の飛行船のコンペにて勝者が選定された Winner selected in American airship competition By Ben Iannotta

The U.S. Army has selected Northrop Grumman to build the giant

airships it plans to rush to Afghanistan as a new persistent surveillance

technology, the Army confirmed today. The Long Endurance

Multi-Intelligence Vehicles (LEMVs) will be longer than a football field

and they will be built to fly for three weeks at a time at an altitude of

about 20,000 with a large complement of cameras and communications

antennas. Known as hybrid airships, they will combine the aerodynamic

lift of forward movement with lift from a lighter-than-air gas. Northrop

beat Lockheed Martin Skunk Works for the agreement. Northrop

Grumman will manufacture up to three of the airships — pronounced

LEM VEES — under the $517 million agreement, the company said June

14. The agreement calls for Northrop to design, develop and test at

least one of the airships over the next 18 months, “and then transport

the asset to the Middle East for military assessment,” Northrop said.

The selection was confirmed by Army spokesman John Cummings of

the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command in Alabama, which

will oversee the work. The Army is calling the deal an agreement, rather

than a contract, because the LEMVs will be procured under a provision

of U.S. acquisition law, called other transaction authority, which allows

the Defense Department to hire companies not normally eligible to join

defense manufacturing teams, Cummings said. Northrop’s main partner,

the British company Hybrid Airship Vehicles, would not have been

eligible under a traditional contract approach, Cummings said.


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6/22/2010 www.af.mil/news/ by Susan Griggs 81st Training Wing Public Affairs

新しい軍将官の教育コースはサイバースペースの改革を強化 New officer course boosts cyberspace transformation

6/22/2010 - KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. (AFNS) -- A new

undergraduate cyber training course for officers launched here June 15.

Air Force officials allocated $11.7 million to establish the course, and

about $7.6 million has already been spent to upgrade facilities and

purchase the computer infrastructure, simulators and laboratory

networks to enhance Keesler AFB's classroom capabilities, said Lt. Col.

Scott Solomon, the 333rd Training Squadron commander. Although

Keesler AFB officials have trained officers and enlisted members in

communications, computer technology, air traffic control and

electronics for decades, technical training is transitioning to support

the Air Force's new roles in cyberspace operations. The training is

intended to bolster the unfolding organizational, technical and security

demands of a network-centric Air Force operating in the cyberspace

domain. "When the Air Force's mission changed to fly, fight and win in

air, space and cyberspace, we didn't have the pipeline in place to train

the new skills needed to operate in the cyberspace domain," Colonel

Solomon said. "It's the one domain for which we didn't have an initial

skills course.(後略)


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Cybersecurity http://www.cybersecuritydigest.com/

June 18, 2010 サイバーセキュリティに関してレポートは国際協力を要求 Report Calls for International Coordination on Cybersecurity


The EastWest Institute and the Data Security Council of India released

a report today laying out several recommendations to begin building the

legal, technical and administrative foundations for an international

system to secure cyberspace. The study, The Cybersecurity Agenda:

Mobilizing for International Action, calls for the collaborative use of

defensive technology, information gathering, astute analysis and

traditional diplomacy to defend global information and communications

systems. Above all, the study urges governments and businesses

around the world to work not as competitors but as partners to ensure




“ No country or entity can achieve universal dominance in

cyberspace,” said Kamlesh Bajaj, author of the report and CEO of the

Data Security Council of India. “All countries must work together to

manage grave and growing cyber risks that can have a direct and

devastating impact on the world’s people and economy.” Among the

report’s recommendations: creation of an international network of

national nodal centers that engage both public and private sectors;

establishment of emergency response teams and an international

clearing house to serve as an early-watch-and-warning system; and

development of legal norms to address issues of territorial jurisdiction,

sovereign responsibility and the use of force. “Cybersecurity lies at

the nexus of policy, law, ethics and national security,” said Bajaj. “We

cannot manage the risks inherent in cyberspace without the active

involvement of private and public sectors around the world.”



“Businesses and governments must act immediately to catch up with

the rapidly proliferating threats to the communications networks and

the world’s digital economy,” added Greg Austin, Vice President of

Program Development at the EastWest Institute. “This report provides

an extremely useful starting point, and we will work to ensure it gets the

attention it demands.”

by Janet Harris


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18 Jun 2010 14:28 www.defensenews.com/ AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE

専門家から NATO 諸国へ: サイバー戦に備えよ Experts to NATO Nations: Prepare Now For Cyberwar

TALLINN, Estonia - NATO governments and the public must wake up to

the threat of cyberattacks, which could paralyze a nation far more

easily than conventional warfare, experts warned June 18.



"Cybercrime and cyber espionage are topics that can't be ignored,"

said Melissa Hathaway, former U.S. cyber czar, at a conference in

Estonia organized by NATO's IT defense unit. "Key infrastructure,

including power stations, have become vulnerable due to their

dependence on Internet connections," Hathaway said. "There is no

national security in the modern world without economic security, and

both companies and private citizens should also realize the depth of the




Charlie Miller, a security expert who launches test assaults on IT

systems, emphasized that cyberwar is far easier than a conventional

attack. "It would take two years and cost less than $50 million a year to

prepare a cyberattack that could paralyze the United States," Miller

warned.Such an attack could involve fewer than 600 hackers, he added.

Estonia is home to a unit known in NATO jargon as the Cooperative

Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. Bitter experience taught Estonia,

one of the world's most wired nations and a NATO member since 2004,

all about cyberattacks. The Baltic state of 1.3 million people suffered an


assault in 2007 that paralyzed key business and government Internet

services for days. It came as Estonian authorities shifted a Soviet-era

war memorial from central Tallinn to a cemetery site. The monument,

erected when Moscow took over after World War II, became a flashpoint

following independence in 1991 for rallies by Estonia's ethnic-Russian

minority. Estonia blamed Moscow for stoking riots in Tallinn as the

memorial was moved, and said the cyberattacks were traced to Russian

official servers. Russia denied involvement.

Craig (2nd frm R)



Despite Estonia's experience, people elsewhere have not woken up, said

British Defence Ministry expert Gloria Craig. "It's still hard to convince

the public that a cyberattack is an attack, when people don't see a

smoking gun," Craig said. "As of now NATO is not prepared for a global






U.S. specialist Bruce Schneier, however, said the current threat should

not be overplayed. "Building tanks does not mean you fear you could be

overrun by a military force right now. It pays to build tanks and it pays

to prepare for cyberwar, but I don't believe that's a fear we should

worry about right now," Schneier said. "It's very easy to invent scare

scenarios but this does not mean we should actually be scared by

them," he said. Schneier said, however, that it time to prepare now so

that sci-fi style scenarios never become reality.



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RIA Novosti Military News http://en.rian.ru/mlitary_news/

ロシアの第五世代戦闘機は第一段階のテストを完了 Russia’s fifth-generation fighter jet completes first stage of tests

Russia’s fifth-generation fighter aircraft Sukhoi T-50 made its 16th test flight at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TSAGI) in Zhukovsky near

Moscow, thus completing the first stage of air and ground tests.


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JDW, Jane’s Defence Weekly http://jdw.janes.com/public/jdw/index.shtml

23-Jun-2010 米国とポーランドはサイバー防衛の事案で調印 US and Poland sign cyber-defence deal


The US Department of Defense (DoD) and Poland's Ministry of National

Defence (MND) signed an agreement to co-operate on cyber defence

on 21 June. ...

21-Jun-2010 欧州武器展示会: オランダ航空宇宙産業の将来は JSF にかかっている Eurosatory: Future of Dutch aerospace sector 'depends on JSF'

Any decision made by the new Dutch government to withdraw from the

initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) phase of the Lockheed

Martin F-35 Lightning...

18-Jun-2010 韓国は F-4D 戦闘機を退役させる South Korea retires F-4D fleet

The Republic of Korea Air Force (RoKAF) has retired the last of its

McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom II combat aircraft after more than

40 ...

18-Jun-2010 英国は戦略防衛と安全保障レビュープランを立案 UK sets out Strategic Defence and Security Review plans

The UK's new Secretary of State for Defence, Liam Fox, set out his agenda for the UK's Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) in ...

18-Jun-2010 米陸軍はノースロップ・グラマンと「まばたかない眼」と称するハイブリッド飛行船を契約

US Army gives Northrop Grumman 'unblinking eye' hybrid airships contract

The US Army has awarded Northrop Grumman a USD517 million development contract to build up to three hybrid airships to act as 'unblinking eye' ...

18-Jun-2010 Eurosatory 欧州軍事展示会: Iron Dome が国際デビュー Eurosatory: Iron Dome makes international debut

Rafael's Iron Dome air-defence missile launcher was shown for the first

time outside Israel at the Eurosatory 2010 exhibition in Paris. The

system featured ...

18-Jun-2010 韓国とインドネシアは防衛協力を計画 South Korea, Indonesia plan defence collaboration

Officials from South Korea and Indonesia will meet in Jakarta to draft a

series of agreements intended to expand defence industry collaboration,

including facilitating Indonesia's...

18-Jun-2010 Eurosatory 欧州軍事展示会: ターレスのサイバー・セキュリティ・ソリューションがデビュー

Eurosatory: Thales' Cybels security solution makes debut

Thales unveiled its new Cybels security solution - which has been

developed to predict and detect cyber threats - at the Eurosatory 2010

exhibition ...

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[平山ニュース] バックナンバ http://backno.mini.mag2.com/M0000575 http://archive.mag2.com/M0000575/index.html

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6/23 「みちびき」リアクションホイールの不具合で打上延期(JAXA,時,毎,共,読)

6/22 1900GMT 打上成功:偵察衛星 Ofeq 9,Shavit,Palmachim(Israel)

6/21 JAXA 川口教授ら「はやぶさ」成果を川端文科相に報告(毎,時,朝) ・カプセルを ISAS 公開日や JAXAi で公開予定

6/21 0214GMT 打上成功:地球観測補助衛星 TanDEM-X(独),Dnepr,Baikonur

6/18 はやぶさカプセル X 線 CT で簡易検査 1mm 以上の大きな砂粒は無し(毎,時)

6/16 国連宇宙空間平和利用委員会 次期議長に JAXA 技術参与の堀川康氏(毎朝共)


堀川康氏 http://i-space.jaxa.jp/symposium2007/profile.html

6/16 IKAROS の帆を分離カメラで撮影成功(JAXA)

6/15 0139GMT 打上成功:試験衛星 実践 12 号,長征 2D,酒泉

6/15 1442GMT 打上成功:{ランデブー実験 Prisma(Sweden), 太陽観測衛星 Picard(仏)},Dnepr,Yasny

6/15 2135GMT 打上成功:Soyuz TMA-19(ISS 23S),Soyuz,Baikonur


・6/17 深夜 カプセルが日本に到着予定 // ・6/15 耐熱シールド回収 // ・6/14 耐熱シールド発見 // ・6/14 カプセル回収


6/23 2141-2245GMT 打上:{通信衛星 Arabsat 5A, 地球観測・通信試験衛星 COMS 1(韓)},Ariane5/ECA,Kourou

6/21 0214GMT 打上:地球観測補助衛星 TanDEM-X(独),Dnepr,Baikonur


7/14 九航協・特別講演会,鹿児島大・西尾正則教授「鹿児島衛星ハヤトの軌跡 九州域内の小型衛星をめぐる動向」ほか,ソラリア西鉄ホテル(福岡)

7/13 講演会 川口淳一郎「『はやぶさ』小惑星の秘密に挑んだ 7 年の旅」, 秋田大学,申込先着 250 名

7/11 講演会 岩田隆浩「「かぐや」で明らかになった月のなぞ」,千葉市科学館

7/7 申込締切:よみうりカルチャー講座,川口淳一郎「科学って、おもしろい! 『はやぶさ』が挑んだ宇宙飛行、これから」,8/2,日本科学未来館,抽選 300 名


・7/7 長野高専 // ・7/3 黒部市吉田科学館

6/26-27 人工衛星イベント「人工衛星展 2nd stage」, 秋葉原カルチャーカフェ シャッツキステ

6/26-27 特別プラネタリウム「帰ってきた「はやぶさ」」,大阪市立科学館

6/26 天文講演会「「はやぶさ」のサンプルリターンについて」, 秋田大学教育文化学部天文台

6/20 つくばエキスポセンタ

・第 13 回ミーツ・ザ・サイエンス ただいま「はやぶさ」講演会,JAXA 阪本成一 // ・講演会「帰ってきた「はやぶさ」-オーストラリア取材報告-」,上坂浩光,

6/20 JAXA 種子島宇宙センタ一般公開

6/20 申込締切:北里大学医学部 公開講演会&コンサート,申込先着 1000 名 毛利衛「宇宙から見る生命のつながり」ほか,6/30,グリーンホール相模大野

6/19 トークショー「かぐや と はやぶさ」,JAXA 阪本成一,浜松科学館

6/19 科学ライブショー「ユニバース」,科学技術館(東京),

・緊急特別番組「オカエリナサイ はやぶさ」 // ・講演「ついに戻ってきた小惑星探査機『はやぶさ』」,JAXA 吉川真

6/18-9/15 プラネタリウム「太陽系をさぐる」,京都市青少年科学センタ

6/17 講演「「HAYABUSA」に託した思い」,上坂浩光,星と風のカフェ(三鷹)


7/21-23 第 52 回構造強度に関する講演会,とりぎん文化会館(鳥取)

7/18-25 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly,Bremen,Germany

7/17-19 日本混相流学会年会講演会 2010,静岡大学(浜松)

7/9 申込締切:第 43 回月・惑星シンポ,8/4-6,ISAS 相模原

6/25 京大宇宙ユニット・JAXA 宇宙科学研究所 共同研究ワークショップ 京から始まる新しい宇宙学,キャンパスプラザ京都

6/24-25 宇宙応用シンポ,JAXA 筑波

6/22-25 第 42 回流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション 技術シンポ 2010,米子コンベンションセンタ

6/22-25 第 6 回日中韓構造及び機械システムの 適化ジョイントシンポ, 京都ガーデンパレスホテル

6/20 有人ロケット研究会総会,関東 IT ソフトウェア健康保険組合市ヶ谷会議室 D 室



7/16 締切:H2A18 号機(準天頂衛星みちびき)打上ライブ中継公募>JAXA

6/17 締切:「月探査に関する懇談会 報告書(案)」に対する意見 及び「ロボット月探査の計画の愛称」の募集>内閣官房宇宙開発戦略本部

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[中国宇宙開発-1] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/china_space_exploration/

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中国の月面探査「嫦娥 3 号」搭載の月面車「わが国 高の知能ロボ」(サーチナ)21 日 - 15 時 10 分

韓国発表「わが国初の静止衛星を 24 日に打上げ」(サーチナ)21 日 - 12 時 54 分

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[月探査] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/science/lunar_exploration/?1256274287

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中国の月面探査「嫦娥 3 号」搭載の月面車「わが国 高の知能ロボ」(サーチナ)21 日 - 15 時 10 分

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[宇宙開発] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/science/space_exploration/

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野口宇宙飛行士 故ガガーリン氏の像に献花 ロシアに謝辞(毎日新聞)24 日 - 21 時 22 分 *S05

*S05 *S09

クリーマー(左から)、コトフ、野口各宇宙飛行士 2010年6月24日

「はやぶさ」回収容器を開封(時事通信)24 日 - 20 時 57 分 *S06

*S06 *S07

はやぶさ カプセルの試料容器開封 気体採取に成功(毎日新聞)24 日 - 20 時 43 分 *S07

「はやぶさ」の容器から微量の気体採取 (産経新聞)24 日 - 20 時 25 分

「はやぶさ」回収容器を開封=試料確認に時間も―宇宙機構(時事通信)24 日 - 20 時 14 分

「羅老号」墜落、爆発前に機器から「特異な振動値」(聯合ニュース)24 日 - 18 時 1 分

「使う」宇宙 広がる商機 衛星データ、海外にも売り込み(フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ)24 日 - 14 時 35 分

静止衛星「千里眼」打上げ延期、ロケットに不具合(聯合ニュース)24 日 - 14 時 32 分

土星の衛星、タイタンとディオネ(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)24 日 - 12 時 20 分 *S08


*S08 *S10


韓国初の静止衛星が打上げ 30 分前にエラー発生 続くトラブル(サーチナ)24 日 - 11 時 12 分

静止衛星「千里眼」打上げ延期、ロケットに不具合(聯合ニュース)24 日 - 9 時 31 分 *S09

カプセル開封、24 日開始=小惑星の砂、可能性も―宇宙機構(時事通信)23 日 - 18 時 50 分

世界初、IKAROS の全景画像(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)23 日 - 16 時 7 分

インド洋に浮かぶ珍しいオーロラ(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)23 日 - 15 時 17 分 *S10

準天頂衛星初号機「みちびき」が打上げ延期(産経新聞)23 日 - 13 時 23 分

衛星「みちびき」、9 月に延期=姿勢制御装置に不具合―宇宙機構(時事通信)23 日 - 10 時 24 分

初の韓国型機動ヘリ「Surion」、デモ飛行行事(聯合ニュース)22 日 - 14 時 26 分

「はやぶさ」カプセル公開へ=夏休みに都内などで―宇宙機構(時事通信)21 日 - 21 時 34 分

「はやぶさ」後継機に文科相が前向き(産経新聞)21 日 - 21 時 21 分 *S11

*S11 *S12

川口淳一郎はやぶさプロジェクトマネジャ 川端達夫文科相

<はやぶさ>カプセル一般公開も JAXA責任者、文科相に計画披露(毎日新聞)21 日 - 19 時 49 分

はやぶさ JAXA責任者が川端文科相に成果報告(毎日新聞)21 日 - 19 時 39 分 *S12

韓国発表「わが国初の静止衛星を 24 日に打上げ」(サーチナ)21 日 - 12 時 54 分

エイリアン、空を飛ぶ(時事通信)21 日 - 9 時 28 分 *S13

*S13 *S14


次は生命、海の起源解明へ=予算が懸案・はやぶさ 2(時事通信)21 日 - 5 時 45 分

「はやぶさ」帰還 1 週間=興奮冷めず(時事通信)20 日 - 18 時 43 分 *S14


「心の中で、ずっと生きるよ」=「はやぶさ」帰還 1 週間―講演会盛況、興奮冷めず(時事通信)20 日 - 17 時 53 分

きれいな地球画像公開=はやぶさが撮影(時事通信)19 日 - 23 時 36 分 *S15

きれいな地球画像を公開=はやぶさが 後に撮影―宇宙機構(時事通信)19 日 - 21 時 32 分

試料容器の X 線検査終了=はやぶさ分析チーム(時事通信)19 日 - 19 時 43 分

はやぶさ くっきり地球公表 燃え尽きる前、 後の写真(毎日新聞)19 日 - 19 時 0 分

人類初の快挙「はやぶさ」 軍事への応用は周辺諸国への脅威(1)(サーチナ)19 日 - 18 時 34 分

人類初の快挙「はやぶさ」 軍事への応用は周辺諸国への脅威(2)(サーチナ)19 日 - 18 時 40 分

日本の小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」が 3 億 km 離れた小惑星イトカワへの着陸及び岩石

サンプル採集を完了し、無事帰還。「はやぶさ」の 7 年間・60 億 km の航程は、人類の


ととなった。「はやぶさ」は技術的故障で 3 年ほどコントロールがきかなくなってしまったが、


挙を成遂げた。 中国網(チャイナネット)日本語版によれば、香港軍事評論家である



さ等大したことはない。その与圧室はたった 6kg、M5 ロケットの推力も小さく、軍事用に


中国宇宙事業の勢いにはかなわない」と語る。しかし、英の『JANES MISSILES

AND ROCKETS』によれば、日本の M5 ロケットは直径 2.5m の世界 大級の三段

式固体燃料ロケットで、1.8 トンの衛星を 250km、傾斜角 31 度の楕円軌道に打上










大国としての一連の属性を持つ。軍事費は世界第 5 位、自衛隊はヘリ空母 4 艘、艦



軍はその地区における 強武力の一つである。日本政府は海軍陸戦隊の再編成と


1992 年、国際緊急援助の派遣に関する法律の開始で、日本は国連承認を得ずに





土要求を制止したいと考えている。そうなれば、これら「反日株式会社」の中で も大

きい利益を得るのは露だが、そのための投資比率が も大きいのも露ということになる。


「はやぶさ」大きな砂粒はなし 簡易検査で判明(産経新聞)18 日 - 20 時 30 分 *S16

韓国の衛星打上げ失敗…ロシア側「わが方の原因でない」と断言(サーチナ)18 日 - 16 時 54 分

ロシア連邦宇宙局ヴィタリ・ダヴィドフ副局長は 18 日までに、韓初の人工衛星打上げ

に失敗した件で、露側が作った 1 段ロケットは無関係だったと宣言。環球網が報じた。


2 分 17 秒、高度 7 万 m で通信途絶し、同時刻に爆発したと判断された。ダヴィドフ

副局長は、「(失敗)原因は 1 段目にはなかったことが、ほぼ確定した」と述べた。既に

調査委員会が設置されており、失敗原因は数種類に絞込まれた。 終結果は委員

会が発表する。これまでに韓側技術者が「1 段目ロケットエンジンが作動中に爆発」し

た等と主張。露側が反発した。韓は2008 年にも人工衛星打上げに失敗。08 年失敗

時にも原因を巡って韓側と露側が対立したが、 終的に韓側が自らの担当部分でト


<はやぶさ> 後に撮影の地球 画像処理でくっきり(毎日新聞)18 日 - 14 時 36 分 *S17

*S15 *S17

小惑星の砂、分析へ=はやぶさカプセル(時事通信)18 日 - 9 時 51 分 *S18


はやぶさカプセル分析へ=相模原に到着(時事通信)18 日 - 9 時 51 分 *S19

*S16 *S19

「はやぶさ」カプセル、豪州から帰国(時事通信)18 日 - 9 時 51 分 *S20

はやぶさカプセル、分析へ=相模原到着、小惑星の砂期待―「新品のよう」と川口教授(時事通信)18 日 - 8 時 45 分

はやぶさ カプセルが日本到着 18日にも開封準備に着手(毎日新聞)18 日 - 0 時 20 分 *S21

*S20 *S21

はやぶさカプセル、豪州から帰国=小惑星の砂、相模原で確認作業(時事通信)18 日 - 0 時 17 分

<カボチャの種>シャトルに載る予定が…NASA施設で発見(毎日新聞)17 日 - 20 時 15 分

ISS から見た大気圏の層(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)17 日 - 13 時 44 分 *S22


はやぶさ カプセル17日深夜「帰国」(毎日新聞)17 日 - 11 時 58 分


分析施設内の「グローブボックス」での模擬作業 手にしているのはカプセルの模型=オーストラリア・ウーメラ実験場で

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[ミサイル防衛] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/missile_defense_system/?1181274734

[北朝鮮ミサイル開発問題] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/north_korean_missiles/

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<米国>対イラン禁輸など制裁法案一本化…上下院が合意(毎日新聞)22 日 - 12 時 49 分

新 START、ミサイル防衛縛らず=ロシア見解に不同意―米長官(時事通信)18 日 - 0 時 39 分

【ワシントン時事】クリントン米国務長官とゲーツ国防長官は 17 日、米ロの

核軍縮条約「新 START」に関する上院軍事委員会公聴会で証言し、同


露は「核軍縮合意は米の MD 計画が増強されない限り有効」としているが、



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[核兵器] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/nuclear_weapons/

[北朝鮮核問題] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/north_korea_nuclear_program/?1220428632

[北朝鮮] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/north_korea/?1230275551

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有事作戦権移管の延期議論、北 2 回目核実験後に着手(聯合ニュース)24 日 - 19 時 52 分

岡田外相 「核軍縮へ外相会議」 9月国連総会に提案(毎日新聞)24 日 - 2 時 33 分

不拡散、経済回復に焦点=哨戒艦事件対応も協議―米(時事通信)23 日 - 14 時 45 分

<イラン>核や化学兵器被害国が報告会 テヘランで29日(毎日新聞)22 日 - 17 時 57 分

被爆の記憶 新たに124点 原爆資料館展示(産経新聞)22 日 - 15 時 34 分

<米国>対イラン禁輸など制裁法案一本化…上下院が合意(毎日新聞)22 日 - 12 時 49 分

<イラン>IAEA査察官入国を拒否(毎日新聞)21 日 - 21 時 18 分

<IAEA>事務局長がカイロ訪問 中東非核構想協議へ(毎日新聞)21 日 - 20 時 42 分

<韓国>日本海上で高濃度の放射性物質検出(毎日新聞)21 日 - 19 時 6 分

北朝鮮が水爆の基礎実験を実施か―韓国で放射線キセノン観測(サーチナ)21 日 - 15 時 18 分

8 倍の放射性物質検出=北朝鮮「核融合」主張後―韓国(時事通信)21 日 - 11 時 32 分

北朝鮮、核融合を本当に実施か 韓国で8倍の放射性物質を検出(産経新聞)21 日 - 10 時 15 分

<米露首脳会談>24日 オバマ大統領、核巡り協力築けるか(毎日新聞)20 日 - 20 時 48 分

核なき世界とNPT会議(産経新聞)20 日 - 11 時 46 分

アフガン カルザイ大統領が広島を訪問 原爆慰霊碑に献花(毎日新聞)19 日 - 12 時 2 分

北との関係改善は脅威の解消が前提に、米国務副長官(聯合ニュース)18 日 - 9 時 42 分

イランに独自制裁=石油・ガス対象―EU 首脳会議(時事通信)18 日 - 0 時 49 分

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[米国対テロ戦争] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/enduring_freedom/news_list/?pn=1

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9・11 テロ現場の救助隊員に総額 7 億ドル補償で和解(CNN.co.jp)24 日 - 14 時 6 分

アフガン駐留米軍司令官、更迭不可避か 政権高官批判発言(産経新聞)23 日 - 19 時 29 分

米軍輸送費、タリバンに流出=「対テロ作戦むしばむ」―下院調査(時事通信)23 日 - 15 時 58 分

米国防費がタリバーンに? 輸送業者めぐる疑惑が浮上(CNN.co.jp)22 日 - 16 時 57 分

カルザイ大統領、邦人ジャーナリスト早期解放に自信(産経新聞)18 日 - 17 時 44 分

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[米軍動向] http://dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc/world/us_armed_forces/

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

自由の投下…ニクソン政権が北朝鮮核攻撃を検討(読売新聞)26 日 - 9 時 51 分

嘉手納 FA18、12機飛来 外来機計24、常駐化顕著(琉球新報)26 日 - 9 時 45 分

普天間担当相設置を、民主・安住氏が首相に進言(読売新聞)26 日 - 0 時 7 分

新鋭の無人偵察機「プレデター」投入へ 米国土安全保障省(産経新聞)25 日 - 23 時 38 分


安住氏「沖縄担当相は専任で」(産経新聞)25 日 - 22 時 56 分

普天間、専任閣僚を=民主・安住氏(時事通信)25 日 - 22 時 5 分

半島有事、そのとき日本は? 恐ろしい3つの結末とは…(産経新聞)25 日 - 21 時 14 分

米下院、沖縄県民への感謝決議可決=安保 50 年で、近く上院も(時事通信)25 日 - 11 時 49 分

ペトレイアス氏がアフガン撤退時期支持を明言(CNN.co.jp)25 日 - 11 時 33 分

中国軍の脅威を否定、菅首相の普天間問題発言で―中国外交部(Record China)25 日 - 11 時 19 分

日米防衛トップが安保50周年で植樹(産経新聞)25 日 - 10 時 41 分

<NATO>事務総長 アフガン戦略で継続性強調の声明(毎日新聞)25 日 - 10 時 41 分

日米安保 50 年で植樹=制服組トップ(時事通信)25 日 - 10 時 29 分 *M11

*M11 *M12

折木良一統合幕僚長 マレン統合参謀本部議長 後任のペトレアス中央軍司令官(右)

統参議長をアフガン派遣=戦略の不変説明へ―米国防長官(時事通信)25 日 - 9 時 10 分

参院選スタート 争点隠し、菅戦略 消費税前面、小沢氏も批判(産経新聞)25 日 - 7 時 55 分

普天間工法「参院選まで封印」菅首相指示(産経新聞)25 日 - 7 時 55 分

首相、争点隠しで自民翻弄も足下に火種 参院選公示(産経新聞)24 日 - 23 時 48 分

菅首相 サミットへ出発 カナダで首脳外交デビュー(毎日新聞)24 日 - 22 時 55 分

有事作戦権移管の延期議論、北 2 回目核実験後に着手(聯合ニュース)24 日 - 19 時 52 分

防衛省、検査院の懲戒処分要求を拒否…移設調査費で(読売新聞)24 日 - 19 時 45 分

<防衛省>検査院の懲戒要求応じず 沖縄防衛局の元局長2人(毎日新聞)24 日 - 19 時 40 分

アフガン、オバマ大統領の決断尊重 冷静な対応に終始(産経新聞)24 日 - 19 時 13 分

イラク通貨買わせる投資トラブル、被害続出(読売新聞)24 日 - 19 時 12 分

マクリスタル司令官解任 オバマ政権内の対立を露呈(産経新聞)24 日 - 19 時 10 分

アフガン駐留米司令官解任 きっかけはアイスランドの噴火?(産経新聞)24 日 - 17 時 29 分

沖縄の各陣営「民主政権、県民を無視するな」(産経新聞)24 日 - 14 時 43 分

オバマ米大統領、政権批判のアフガン駐留司令官を解任(ロイター)24 日 - 10 時 11 分 *M12

マクリスタル司令官が辞任 後任にペトレイアス司令官(CNN.co.jp)24 日 - 10 時 3 分

アフガン政策は不変=米大統領(時事通信)24 日 - 9 時 18 分

アフガン駐留米軍の新旧司令官(時事通信)24 日 - 8 時 9 分 *M13

*M13 *M14


マクリスタル氏 後任のペトレアス氏 マクリスタル司令官(中央)

米大統領、駐アフガン司令官を解任(時事通信)24 日 - 8 時 9 分

アフガン司令官が辞任(時事通信)24 日 - 8 時 9 分 *M14

アフガン駐留米軍マクリスタル司令官の後任に、ペトレイアス中央軍司令官(ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル)24 日 - 7 時 46 分

オバマ米大統領、アフガン駐留軍司令官を更迭(産経新聞)24 日 - 7 時 2 分

駐アフガン司令官を解任=文民統制強調、政権批判で―後任にペトレアス氏・米大統領(時事通信)24 日 - 6 時 38 分

アフガン司令官が辞任=後任にペトレアス氏―米大統領(時事通信)24 日 - 3 時 4 分

オバマ米大統領、「批判」司令官を更迭(読売新聞)24 日 - 2 時 57 分

政権批判の司令官処分判断=直接聴取、アフガン戦略に痛手―米大統領(時事通信)24 日 - 0 時 17 分

普天間移設 負担軽減、具体論なく 菅首相、関係修復優先(毎日新聞)23 日 - 21 時 31 分

「暴走司令官」の政権批判、アフガン情勢に影(読売新聞)23 日 - 20 時 51 分

首相、沖縄知事に「辺野古」移設理解求める(読売新聞)23 日 - 20 時 18 分

アフガン駐留米軍司令官、更迭不可避か 政権高官批判発言(産経新聞)23 日 - 19 時 29 分

首相が沖縄を初訪問 普天間問題の争点化避ける狙い (産経新聞)23 日 - 19 時 7 分

菅首相「沖縄との話し合い、きょうがスタート」(産経新聞)23 日 - 17 時 40 分

菅首相「負担軽減に全力」=普天間移設(時事通信)23 日 - 16 時 16 分

米軍輸送費、タリバンに流出=「対テロ作戦むしばむ」―下院調査(時事通信)23 日 - 15 時 58 分

首相「負担軽減に全力」=沖縄知事と会談―普天間移設(時事通信)23 日 - 15 時 49 分

菅首相「基地負担の軽減に全力」…沖縄県知事に(読売新聞)23 日 - 15 時 45 分

米大統領、更迭排除せず 大使批判のアフガン駐留米軍司令官(産経新聞)23 日 - 15 時 26 分

普天間問題「問答無用とはしない」 沖縄訪問の菅首相(産経新聞)23 日 - 14 時 42 分

菅首相「全国民に代えておわび」=沖縄(時事通信)23 日 - 14 時 11 分 *M15

菅首相、沖縄初訪問…基地負担に謝罪と感謝(読売新聞)23 日 - 14 時 10 分

普天間移設 菅首相、沖縄の負担軽減策への取り組み強調(毎日新聞)23 日 - 13 時 47 分

「沖縄の負担減らして」初訪問の首相に県民切実(読売新聞)23 日 - 13 時 28 分

沖縄慰霊の日 首相、「全国民を代表しおわび」 痛み今も(毎日新聞)23 日 - 13 時 18 分

沖縄県民に謝意表明=安保 50 年で決議案―米下院(時事通信)23 日 - 12 時 36 分

アフガン駐留司令官がオバマ政権批判、進退問題に発展(ロイター)23 日 - 12 時 29 分 *M16

*M16 *M17 *M18

アフガニスタン駐留米軍のマクリスタル司令官 ギブズ米大統領報道官

沖縄戦終結から65年…「慰霊の日」戦没者悼む(読売新聞)23 日 - 12 時 27 分

首相、沖縄知事と午後会談=普天間「話し合い、真摯に」(時事通信)23 日 - 12 時 25 分

沖縄慰霊の日 過重な基地負担 募る失望 痛み今もなお(毎日新聞)23 日 - 12 時 20 分

「沖縄の米軍受け入れに感謝」米下院、決議へ(読売新聞)23 日 - 12 時 7 分

沖縄慰霊の日 亡き兄に誓う「基地ノー」 今も続ける運動(毎日新聞)23 日 - 11 時 54 分

「大統領怒ってる」オバマ政権批判の司令官更迭か(読売新聞)23 日 - 11 時 48 分


首相、初の沖縄入り…普天間問題で知事と会談へ(読売新聞)23 日 - 11 時 43 分

アフガン駐留米軍のマクリスタル司令官 退任へ(CNN.co.jp)23 日 - 11 時 39 分

米大統領、雑誌での発言めぐり駐留米軍司令官を召還(CNN.co.jp)23 日 - 10 時 39 分

アフガン駐留米軍司令官、更迭も オバマ大統領、直接会談後に判断(産経新聞)23 日 - 10 時 7 分

米大統領、駐アフガン司令官処遇決定へ(時事通信)23 日 - 9 時 59 分

駐アフガン米軍司令官、雑誌でオバマ政権を批判-進退に不透明感(ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル)23 日 - 9 時 3 分

米大統領、駐アフガン司令官に怒り(時事通信)23 日 - 8 時 16 分 *M17

米、アフガンで不協和音 駐留軍トップが大使批判 大統領聴取…責任問題に(産経新聞)23 日 - 7 時 57 分

アフガン司令官の進退決定へ=政権高官批判で怒り―米大統領(時事通信)23 日 - 7 時 45 分

駐アフガン司令官を召還=政権高官批判発言で米大統領(時事通信)23 日 - 0 時 51 分

<米国>アフガン駐留のマクリスタル司令官を召還(毎日新聞)22 日 - 23 時 29 分

駐アフガン司令官が米政権こき下ろす(時事通信)22 日 - 21 時 6 分 *M18

米国防費がタリバーンに? 輸送業者めぐる疑惑が浮上(CNN.co.jp)22 日 - 16 時 57 分

普天間土地強制使用 地主請求を棄却(産経新聞)22 日 - 15 時 34 分

米、空母派遣で意見二分=合同軍事演習(時事通信)22 日 - 15 時 23 分 *M19

*M15 *M19


普天間問題 「ヘリ空母」に訓練移転案…鳩山前首相明かす(毎日新聞)22 日 - 15 時 1 分

普天間移設、強引に進めない=菅首相(時事通信)22 日 - 14 時 51 分

海兵隊トップにアモス氏=普天間移設に関与へ―米国防長官(時事通信)22 日 - 12 時 34 分

日米外相が電話会談、合意実現へ努力確認(読売新聞)22 日 - 0 時 30 分

普天間移設、実現へ努力=日米外相が電話会談(時事通信)21 日 - 23 時 20 分

普天間移設、地元に配慮=ロ大統領とも会談へ―首相(時事通信)21 日 - 20 時 32 分

民主鹿児島県連代表、枝野氏に日米声明からの「徳之島削除」を要望(産経新聞)21 日 - 12 時 57 分

普天間、専門家協議がスタート=代替施設の工法焦点(時事通信)21 日 - 12 時 6 分

米軍第 2 師団長が名誉京畿道民に、歴代団長で初(聯合ニュース)21 日 - 11 時 55 分

「普天間、司令塔不明確で失敗」民主・細野氏(読売新聞)19 日 - 21 時 48 分

新安保50年 「米軍駐留、日本防衛に不可欠」…ナイ教授(毎日新聞)19 日 - 19 時 0 分
























米高官と会談=民主・細野氏(時事通信)19 日 - 11 時 27 分

普天間合意実施、米国務次官補と確認(産経新聞)19 日 - 7 時 56 分

沖縄知事、普天間問題で米大使と会談(時事通信)18 日 - 22 時 22 分

日米合意「受け入れ難い」=沖縄知事―普天間問題で米大使と会談(時事通信)18 日 - 21 時 44 分

海兵隊岩国基地の米兵、向精神薬密輸し書類送検(読売新聞)18 日 - 19 時 25 分

「徳之島への移設案」本気だった 鳩山前首相が「本音」吐露(J-CAST ニュース)18 日 - 19 時 12 分

消費増税「断固反対」=普天間合意は白紙撤回―共産公約(時事通信)18 日 - 18 時 43 分

カルザイ大統領、邦人ジャーナリスト早期解放に自信(産経新聞)18 日 - 17 時 44 分

米陸軍予備役兵が同僚に撃たれ死亡 ジョージアの軍施設(CNN.co.jp)18 日 - 16 時 36 分

辺野古移設へ「緊密な連携」=米次官補と福山官房副長官が一致(時事通信)18 日 - 13 時 38 分

アーミテージ氏、日米合意を評価 鳩山前首相を「夢想家」と批判(産経新聞)18 日 - 11 時 15 分












功労教授も参加。 ナイ氏は、中国軍拡に言及し「中国の若い世代が愛国主義を







黄海で今月 終週韓米連合演習、米空母も参加(聯合ニュース)18 日 - 10 時 4 分

比内地鶏、折り重なって圧死…低空に米軍機(読売新聞)18 日 - 9 時 28 分

米、5年間で国防予算を9兆円削減へ (産経新聞)18 日 - 7 時 56 分

民主マニフェスト 迷走教訓に「現実外交」に転換?(産経新聞)17 日 - 22 時 16 分

統制権移管、外交通商部「韓米の立場に変化ない」(聯合ニュース)17 日 - 17 時 41 分

アフガン戦略正当と防戦=米国防長官―議会、来年 7 月撤退に懐疑的(時事通信)17 日 - 16 時 48 分

台湾武器売却は政治決定=中国に軍事交流再開呼び掛け―米国防長官(時事通信)17 日 - 15 時 18 分

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ASAGUMO NEWS] 朝雲新聞社 http://www.asagumo-news.com/

6/23 「コラム」更新


・朝雲寸言 // ・民主党マニフェスト // ・北朝鮮人事の舞台裏

6/21 「ニュース」更新

10(ヒトマル)戦車 試験終え初公開 先端のC4I装備

行政事業レビュー 初の公開プロセス // 装備・事業に外部の目 17件のコストなど検証

行政事業レビュー 公開プロセス詳報 // 車両や艦艇から募集・宿舎まで 価格、効率面など点検

有識者まじえ 調達改革推進へ研究会 // 企業側の利点も検討

ハイチPKO 韓国と連携プレー 陸自車両に両国国旗

安保改定50周年 遠航部隊、シンポ参加 // 護衛艦で人文字も ハワイ

障害防止事業の助成 第2次実施計画は6億7千万円

防衛協会定期総会 新会長に佃氏

宮崎・口蹄疫感染 再び深刻化 新田原基地あげて防疫




















と回り大きく、 高速度も速い。1987年就役したがソ連崩壊で生産が中

断、現在、露空軍で約20機が運用とみられる。兵器搭載量は 大40トン

で、射程距離約3000km の長距離核巡航ミサイルや通常型爆弾等の装備






6月6日午後5時頃、青森県竜飛崎の西南西約50km の日本海を北東





米「QDR(4年ごとの国防計画見直し報告)2010」全訳 <13>


米国の制服男女は国防総省の も重要な資源である。将来の紛争を抑















することは、われわれの 優先の任務であり、彼らの奉仕と犠牲にふさわしい

物質上及び心理上の 高の支援を彼らに提供するようにわれわれは 大限


勤務の標準化を提供することが引き続き国防総省の 上級者の指導方針

の 重点である。



















貫して行うために1個の障害評価制度を設立 ・軍人に対する強力な支援と














れの関与のなかで も大切な業務の一つである。長期間の大部隊の派遣を




一層の明確性と予定を提供するべく 大限に努力する。われわれはわれわれ






















1973年に完全志願制を開始していらいの5年以上にわたる も困難な新








を重視している。継続任用を増加させるための 近の努力の例は次のとおり










る。(翻訳=藤本晶士ディフェンス・リサーチセンタ専任研究委員) <以下次号>

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[民間航空機関連 (ex-SJAC 三輪さん)] from AIA DailyLead

DL(0625)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

787 飛行試験 一時中断 787 flight tests halted pending inspections

Flight tests on the new 787 Dreamliner will be temporarily halted while Boeing inspects for a recently discovered problem with shims in the plane's

vertical stabilizer. Boeing said the five test aircraft -- plus 18 others that have already been built -- will be inspected over the next two days, while

repairs, if necessary, could take up to eight days. The issue is not expected to delay deliveries, however. The Wall Street Journal (6/24) , Google/The

Associated Press (6/25)

まったく新しい狭胴機体の開発が求められるとサウスウエスト航空 COO Southwest exec calls for redesigned narrow-body jets

Aircraft manufacturers need to develop all-new narrow-body jets, the chief operating officer of Southwest Airlines said Thursday. Both Airbus and

Boeing are debating whether to re-engine their current narrow-body offerings or design new planes from the ground up. "I believe that a new

narrow-body aircraft will produce one of the single most significant steps toward meeting our economic challenges," Mike Van de Ven said at an

aviation conference in Washington, noting that "marginal improvements won't allow us to meet our environmental responsibilities and economic

challenges." Air Transport World (6/25)

767検査をより頻度を上げるようエアラインに要請 Boeing may call for more frequent 767 inspections

Boeing may ask airlines to inspect for wing cracks on some older 767 models about four times more often than the FAA currently requires. Boeing is

currently asking airlines how such a requirement would affect their maintenance and flight operations. The FAA requires inspections after every 1,500

flights, but Boeing's new service bulletin, due out in July, could call for inspections after every 400 flights. Google/The Associated Press (6/24)

オープン・スカイ欧米協定 U.S., EU sign expanded "open skies" accord

U.S. and European airlines may now connect any city pairs on the two continents under an expanded "open skies" agreement signed Thursday in

Luxembourg. "This agreement will benefit consumers, airlines, workers, communities and airports on both sides of the Atlantic," Transportation

Secretary Ray LaHood said. But cross-border ownership rules remain somewhat in limbo under the new treaty: EU airlines would like permission to

own a greater stake in their U.S. counterparts, but upping the current 25% cap will require an act of Congress. Google/Agence France-Presse (6/24) ,

The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones Newswires (6/24)

ロシアがボーイング737を購入することに オバマ大統領 ロシアに賛辞 Obama praises Russian purchase of Boeing 737s

In a meeting with his Russian counterpart this week, President Barack Obama praised Russian Technologies' plan to acquire 50 Boeing 737s. "I am

especially pleased that Boeing and Russian Technologies are moving forward with a $4 billion deal on 50 Boeing 737s," Obama said.

SeattlePI.com/Aerospace News blog (6/24)

シャトル計画後も、パードゥ大学における宇宙プログラムは継続 Purdue space program to continue, despite shuttle retirement

Students have traditionally been attracted to join the elite group of 22 astronauts educated at Purdue University along with the thousands of other

engineers who have worked on shuttle missions. But with the government's decision to retire the shuttle program, there could be no jobs in the U.S.


along those lines. Purdue says it will nevertheless continue its current space-based curriculum, which has about 600 students. Journal and Courier

(Lafayette, Ind.) (6/25)

SmartQuote "Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of

every part of your life."


--Brian Tracy, Canadian self-help author トレーシー カナダ自己啓発書の著作家

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ボーイング 787 ファンボロ・エアショウでデビュー Boeing Dreamliner to make international debut at Farnborough Airshow

Boeing will fly its 787 Dreamliner outside the U.S. for the first time in order to make an appearance at next month's Farnborough Airshow, Air

Transport World reports. With five test aircraft currently flying, Boeing has logged more than 1,050 hours of flight time for the 787, putting it 40% of

the way through its requirements for certification. Air Transport World (6/24)

米国航空宇宙工業会(AIA) 中国の民間航空産業の将来につき論評 AIA testifies on China's emerging commercial aviation industry

AIA Vice President for Civil Aviation Dan Elwell testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission May 20 regarding China's

emerging commercial aviation capabilities and their impact on U.S. civil aviation manufacturers. Elwell's testimony highlighted the global market trends

of the aerospace industry and how AIA perceived China's future role in that market. Read more.

台湾向け F16 輸出 未だ結論出ず U.S. says no decision yet on fighter jets for Taiwan

Despite objections by China, the U.S. is still weighing Taiwan's request to purchase F16 C/D fighter jets, according to the chairman of the American

Institute in Taiwan. "There has been no decision made saying we are not going to sell ... We are carefully looking at the aerial defense needs of

Taiwan," Raymond Burghardt told reporters in Taipei. Earlier this year, when Washington approved a $6.4 billion arms sale to Taiwan, Beijing

responded by pointing missiles at the island nation that it considers a breakaway republic. United Press International (6/23)

SmartQuote "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.' "


--Mary Anne Radmacher, American writer ラドマッハー 米国作家

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ケネディ・スペース・センター近隣にあらたな宇宙航空研究所 エクスプロァレーション・パーク Aerospace research park to rise near Kennedy Space Center

A new research park called Exploration Park, planned to rise near Florida's Kennedy Space Center, is being touted as a new premier site for

aerospace research that will help create more than 1,700 high-tech jobs for the many area residents who will find themselves out of work when

NASA's shuttle program retires. Developer Pizzuti Companies has recruited Kathy Sullivan, the first woman to walk on the moon, as the science and

technology advisor for the park, and officials are working to woo aerospace and other commercial companies to the center. Central Florida News 13

(Orlando, Fla.) (6/22)

ボーイング エアラインに 767 エンジン・パイロン部分クラック調査を勧告 Boeing will advise airlines to inspect for cracks near 767 engine

After American Airlines found cracks in pylons that connect the engine to wings on two 767-300 craft, Boeing plans to advise all airlines to inspect

for the problem. "This is considered a safety issue," Boeing spokesman Peter Conte said. "You're talking about the strut that connects an engine to

the wing." CNN (6/23)

EU 各国の航空管制方式の統合化を速める EU fast-tracks plan to unify air-traffic systems

The volcanic ash cloud that caused flight disruptions earlier this year and Europe's chaotic response have prompted European Union officials to

accelerate their plans to unify the bloc's national air-traffic systems. The Single European Sky, as the project has been dubbed, is expected to reduce

delays, trim fuel consumption, lower carbon emissions and cut flight times. The Wall Street Journal (6/23)

エミレーツ航空 A380 フリートで世界 大のエアラインへと躍り出る Emirates' A380 fleet poses threat to global carriers, experts say

Emirates, the Dubai-based carrier that has become the world's largest international airline in just 25 years, may pose a threat to the business model


of other global carriers that depend on high-revenue corporate travelers to fuel earnings. "It's a miracle that Emirates already has more

inter-continental seats than Air France and British Airways combined," says the CEO of Lufthansa, which was recently knocked out of the top spot

by Emirates. With 90 A380 superjumbo aircraft in service or on order, Emirates plans to beef up its long-range capacity still further, experts say,

noting that such expansion could eat into competitors' long-haul business the way discount carriers siphoned off short-haul passengers. Bloomberg

Businessweek (6/23)

エアバス 中国市場で、リースや航空ファイナンス事業展開 Airbus considers creating Chinese operations for lease, finance

Airbus is considering establishing a venture in China to finance and lease its aircraft. It is also looking at establishing operations for air-traffic

management and navigation, aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul, and on-board wireless communications, said Laurence Barron, the company's

president for China. "In the past, we concentrated on industrial projects," Barron said. "But we are now looking at a much wider area to develop our

presence and increase our footprint in China." Bloomberg Businessweek (6/22) , China Daily (Beijing) (6/23)

小型機パイロットの減少を警戒する セスナ社 CEO Cessna CEO is concerned about fewer pilots

Jack Pelton, chairman, president and CEO of Cessna, said the diminishing number of pilots concerns the manufacturer. "Fewer pilots equate to less

business for all of us, and it threatens the strong, sustainable aviation system our nation counts on," Pelton said in a speech to the Aero Club of

Washington, D.C. According to the Federal Aviation Administration, the number of student pilots will fall to a 10-year low next year. American City

Business Journals/Wichita, Kan. (6/22)

ビジネス機 保有するかリース貸借するか Deciding on owning, renting or leasing business jets

Business owners considering business jets should look at the costs of four options: purchase of a jet card, charter, fractional ownership and private

ownership. The choice between renting, leasing or owning business jets depends on the number of hours the business jet will be used. Owning a

business jet is more cost-effective once the business reaches 240 hours of flight-time per year, according to Jeremy Cox, vice president at

JetBrokers. Forbes/Wheels Up blog (6/21)

航空産業に 復調の兆し Positive indicators point to market stability

The news from the aerospace industry continues to be better than expected. The International Air Transport Association reports that global air

traffic is reviving and that economy travel has recently returned to "pre-recession levels." In line with the improving economic situation in many

parts of the world, the International Civil Aviation Organization says it expects a "moderate recovery" in the airline industry in 2010, forecasting a

3.3% growth in airline traffic. Read more.

SmartQuote "Opportunity is like a hair on a bald-headed man; it only comes around once and you have to grab it while it's there."


--Joycelyn Elders, First African-American U.S. surgeon general エルダーズ 初のアフリカ系米国軍医総監/公衆衛生局長官

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FAA NetGen 方式の基盤確立が不足している Report: FAA has not laid proper groundwork for NextGen

The FAA has failed to establish crucial benchmarks to ensure that the NextGen air traffic control system lives up to its promise in its rush to roll it

out, according to the agency's inspector general. "NextGen may not deliver the expected long-term benefits and ultimately puts billions of taxpayer

dollars at risk" unless the necessary planning steps are implemented, the inspector general's report said. With dozens of complementary technologies

under development simultaneously, the report acknowledged that "NextGen is the most complex effort FAA has embarked upon." The FAA did not

dispute the findings but said in a statement that it "remains confident it will achieve the vision set out in the NextGen plan." Bloomberg

Businessweek (6/21) , InformationWeek (6/21)

FAA 767機体に見つかったクラックを重視 FAA weighs its response after finding structural cracks on 767s

The Federal Aviation Administration is considering new safety mandates after American Airlines discovered structural cracks in several of its Boeing

767 aircraft. The cracks were found in engine pylons, parts that attach the engine to the wing. "We are considering additional action, including

requiring more frequent" pylon inspections, an FAA spokesman said. Regulators have been working closely with American and Boeing during

inspections carried out over the past two weeks, and a spokesman for the airline emphasized that the cracks "were caught when they should have


been." The Wall Street Journal (6/22) , Reuters (6/22) , Google/The Associated Press (6/22)

エアカナダ 景気改善のうちに業績回復 Air Canada is set to soar amid economic recovery

Air Canada is enjoying a recovery in business travel, after teetering on the edge of bankruptcy last spring, and analysts are turning bullish again on the

country's largest carrier. Air Canada has been able to raise cash and win union concessions, plus its young fleet means it will save money on

maintenance. WestJet, Canada's No. 2 airline, also sees its fortunes improving, but analysts expect a less dramatic turnaround because the company

managed to stay profitable throughout the downturn. The Vancouver Sun (British Columbia)/Reuters (6/22)

SmartQuote "Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it."


--Russell Baker, American journalist, humorist ラッセル・ベーカ 米国ジャーナリスト、ユーモア作家

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ボーイング787型式証明ゴール達成まで順調に進行 (ファンボロ・エアショウにも飛来) Boeing closing in on 787 certification goal

Just over six months since its maiden flight, the Boeing 787 has logged about 1,000 hours in the sky, and company officials are pushing hard to keep

testing on track to allow first deliveries by year's end. Jim Albaugh, Boeing's president of commercial airplanes, estimates that each of the five test

aircraft will need to log 90 hours of flight time per month in order to hit delivery goals. A sixth 787 is slated to join the test fleet later this month, and

one of the test planes will fly over the North Pole in July, en route to the Farnborough International Air Show. The Herald (Everett, Wash.) (6/20)

コックピット内の酸素吸入マスクにつきパイロットは異議 Some pilots raise concerns about cockpit oxygen masks

As the FAA looks into a possible fire hazard affecting hundreds of Boeing Co. jets, pilots are complaining that the current design of cockpit safety

systems could make it impossible to respond to a windshield blaze. For nearly three years, pilots have complained that the hoses on their oxygen

masks are too short, requiring them to remove the mask in order to access fire-safety equipment of 757 and 767 aircraft. The FAA says it is "looking

into the issue" as part of its investigation into windshield heating elements known to have caused smoke or fire in 29 incidents worldwide from early

2001 through April 2008. Boeing had no immediate comment on the design of cockpit oxygen masks, but an FAA spokeswoman says modifying the

system with longer hoses could cause a whole new set of safety concerns. The Wall Street Journal (6/20)

航空管制新方式で 欧米協力 U.S., EU commit to cooperation on ATC upgrade

The European Commission hailed "a major achievement" on Friday after the U.S. and Europe signed a memorandum of cooperation on modernizing

their air traffic control systems. "Harmonization is the key to the future of air travel over the North Atlantic," said the FAA's Hank Krakowski. "This

agreement allows us to work together to give the airlines a seamless transition between our airspaces." Air Transport World (6/21)

ペンタゴン 調達関連新チーム構築の計画推進 Pentagon ahead of schedule in building up acquisition team

The Pentagon is running well ahead of schedule in its plan to hire 10,000 new employees and convert another 10,000 private jobs to the public sector

by 2015 in order to boost its acquisition oversight, according to a Defense Department official. As many as 3,400 people have been hired since the fall

of 2009, and about 1,400 contractors have been replaced with government workers, for a total of 4,800, whereas the Defense Department had

predicted only 3,500 would have been hired by now. The Washington Post (6/21)

SmartQuote "When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry."


--Jewish proverb, quoted for Father's Day, June 20, 2010 ユダヤのことわざ 父の日の引用 2010.06.10

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NextGen衛星ベースの航空管制方式につき欧米間で協力合意 U.S., EU plan deeper cooperation on satellite-based ATC

Meeting today in Spain, regulators from the U.S. and the European Union are expected to sign an agreement that would boost cooperation in

developing satellite-based air traffic control systems. The goal is to ensure that the U.S. NextGen system is compatible with its European

counterpart, Sesar, allowing airlines to operate on either continent with a single avionics upgrade. With billions of dollars already committed to firms

on both sides of the Atlantic -- including EADS, Honeywell International Inc., Boeing Co. and Rockwell Collins Inc. -- officials are under pressure to


deliver a system that can deliver on promised improvements in flight time, fuel burn and congestion. The Wall Street Journal (6/18)

ASIAS機構 民間航空機安全上のリスクを検討するデータべースを拡充 ASIAS gathers data to identify aviation safety risks

The Commercial Aviation Safety Team continues to improve the safety of air travel in the U.S. The latest enhancement to the program attempts to

identify safety risks before they occur with the Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing system. The ASIAS gathers data from 46

government and industry databases and is planned to grow to 64 databases by 2013. Air Transport World (6/17)

航空会社の統合化の動きは、A380 需要の追い風になろう Column: Why mergers could boost U.S. demand for A380

U.S. carriers have not ordered a single Airbus A380, Scott McCartney notes, largely because the super jumbo does not fit with the typical strategy of

offering travelers the largest possible selection of flights. But as airlines grow their networks through consolidation, "there should be more

passengers to fly around the globe," McCartney writes, and that could lead to greater demand for the 500-seat A380. "[S]ome day, maybe aided by

mergers and industry consolidation, airlines will reduce congestion, environmental emissions and traveler delays by replacing multiple trips on small

planes with fewer trips on bigger planes." The Wall Street Journal/Middle Seat Terminal blog (6/17)

航空機用エンジンは 先進技術の点で 自動車に比べて後塵を拝している Column: Aircraft engines are not up to speed with advanced technology

Aircraft-engine technology lags behind the development of auto engines, writes columnist Paul Bertorelli. While advanced technology already exists

for engines, the conservative market and limited number of engines make it difficult to turn a profit. "We're talking hundreds of engines a year, not the

thousands that an automotive engine plant makes on one shift in one day," writes Bertorelli. AVweb (6/17)

エンブレア 2011 年~2012 年 リージョナル機の出荷上昇を予想 Embraer expects to deliver more regional jets in 2011 and 2012

AviationWeek.com (6/17)

上院航空宇宙専門家委員会 産業強化検討活動を 5 月から始動 Senate Aerospace Caucus takes off

Sens. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Christopher "Kit" Bond, R-Mo., officially launched the Senate Aerospace Caucus in May to promote a strong,

secure and competitive aerospace sector. Read more.

ロッキードとアラスカ・エアロスペースがミサイル防衛で提携 Lockheed Martin, Alaska Aerospace to pursue missile defense contract

Lockheed Martin says it is partnering with Alaska's state-owned Alaska Aerospace Corp. to pursue a contract with the U.S. Missile Defense Agency

valued at about $600 million per year to maintain and improve the country's ground-based missile defense system. Boeing won an earlier contract to

maintain the system, but the Missile Defense Agency amended the draft request for proposals in May for a "re-compete." Google/The Associated

Press (6/17)

ロッキード F-35価格低減の交渉を検討 Lockheed Martin negotiates reduction of F-35 price:

Lockheed Martin says it is negotiating with the Pentagon to reduce the price for the next group of F-35 fighters by at least 20% of what was projected

last fall and take some of the burden of cost increases off of the federal government. Under the deal, the company would transition to a contract with

fixed prices for the planes two years earlier than planned, and Lockheed would be eligible to earn bonuses for achieving production milestones. The

New York Times (free registration) (6/17)

SmartQuote "Wooing the press is an exercise roughly akin to picnicking with a tiger. You might enjoy the meal, but the tiger always eats last."

報道を追いかける行為は虎とピクニックするのに似ている;獲物を味わえるのはいいが、 後の肉を食うのはいつも虎だ

--Maureen Dowd, American journalist モーリン・ダウド 米ジャーナリスト

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ボーイング 787 初めての GE エンジン付き Boeing flies 787 Dreamliner outfitted with GE engine

Boeing flew a 787 Dreamliner powered by a General Electric engine for the first time. Previous Dreamliners were powered by an engine built by

Rolls-Royce. Tom Brisken, general manager of the GEnx engine program, said the Dreamliner is close to realizing its goal of a 20% boost in fuel

efficiency. The Seattle Times (6/16)

ユナイテッド航空 合併につき議会で証言 Airline chiefs defend merger plans from congressional critics

The CEOs of United Airlines and Continental Airlines faced congressional critics on Wednesday, telling lawmakers their companies' proposed merger

was a necessity in today's competitive landscape. Under intense questioning, the executives testified that combining operations would result in a


more financially viable company, offering greater job stability without needing to raise fares or reduce capacity. Continental CEO Jeff Smisek noted

that, "The merger will provide us with a platform for sustained profitability and position us to succeed in the highly competitive domestic and global

aviation industry, a better position than either of us would be in alone, or together in an alliance." United CEO Glenn Tilton said: "The competitive

landscape has changed. Our two companies also have to change." Houston Chronicle (6/16) , Chicago Tribune/Reuters (6/16) , The Wall Street

Journal (6/17) , The Plain Dealer (Cleveland) (6/16)

エアライン規制緩和:自由化で有力議員の発言 Oberstar, Costello propose re-regulation of airline industry

Two leading aviation experts in the House of Representatives are threatening to re-regulate the airline industry if the Justice Department approves

the proposed merger between United Airlines and Continental Airlines. "I'm looking for a way to preserve competition," says Rep. James Oberstar,

D-Minn., who voted in favor of deregulation in 1978, near the start of his political career. Along with Rep. Jerry Costello, D-Ill., Oberstar is now

proposing legislation that would subject airline fares to scrutiny by a federal board. Google/The Associated Press (6/16) , The Wall Street

Journal/Dow Jones Newswires (6/16)

P&W: ビジネス・ジェット需要 2015 年に復調 Pratt & Whitney: Business-jet market will rebound by 2015

Pratt & Whitney Canada predicted that the market for business jets will rebound to its peak level by 2015. The company, a division of United

Technologies, is the largest manufacturer of small and midsize jets in the world. John Saabas, president of Pratt & Whitney Canada, said heavier jets

will precede other models such as midsize jets in recovery. Bloomberg Businessweek (6/15)

自家用機 アジア市場 成長の可能性 Private-jet market in Asia poses an opportunity

A conference of the Asian Business Aviation Association led many attendees to conclude that the region's private-jet market is poised for growth.

There are about 600 business jets in the Asian-Pacific region, with fewer than 100 in China, said David Velupillai, Airbus' director of corporate-jet

marketing. The U.S. has 11,000 corporate jets, and Brazil has 1,000. "Asia is not a market; it's 20 markets," said Asian Business Aviation Association

Chairman Chuck Woods. Asia Times (6/15)

A380 の人気沸騰で料金も高い Double-deck Airbus A380 inspires awe, very high fares

The Airbus A380, one of the largest wide-bodied craft to be built, attracts stares and photographs from passengers -- and higher bookings and prices

from the the five airlines that are using the plane. Amenities include first-class suites on Singapore Airlines to a shower cabin on Emirates. Fares can

be as high as $24,538 for a round-trip from Los Angeles to Sydney on Qantas Airways. The Wall Street Journal (6/16)

JSF マリーン向け F-35 Marines see F-35B as jet for the future

The Marines hope to soon replace their fleet of older combat aircraft with the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter, and the Corps is considering basing as

many as 10 squadrons of the JSF at the Mirimar Marine Corps Air Station in California, according to plans discussed at a meeting this week. But the

program faces challenges including cost and noise issues, and its economic impact, though positive in the short run, could include reduction of

personnel. San Diego Union-Tribune (6/16)

SmartQuote "Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience."


--Eleanor Hibbert, British author エレノア・ヒバート 英文筆家

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ESD Partners 年刊 $195+送料/手数料 月刊 RAND 宇宙における抑止と第一撃の安定性

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Globalsecurity.com http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/index.html http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/index.html

National Security

■Clinton Is Challenged On Missile Defense RFE/RL 18 Jun 2010

■US, Romania Move Forward on Missile Defense VOA 18 Jun 2010

Space Station / Shuttle

■Russian-built 1st stage & ROK rocket explosion RIA Novosti 18 Jun


■Soyuz TMA-19 spacecraft docks with ISS RIA Novosti 18 Jun 2010


■Russia, Europe may join forces to protect Earth RIA Novosti 24 Jun


■McNaught comet passes Earth RIA Novosti 17 Jun 2010


■Subsystem failure delays Ariane 5 launch RIA Novosti 24 Jun 2010

■Israel launches military satellite to spy on Iran RIA Novosti 23 Jun 2010

■Converted ICBM takes German sat into orbit RIA Novosti 21 Jun 2010

■Russian-built 1st stage & ROK rocket explosion RIA Novosti 18 Jun



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[軍事宇宙開発 spacetoday.net: military] http://www.spacetoday.net/articles_bycategory.php?cid=18

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Wednesday, June 23

Peres: Launch of Ofek 9 satellite is start of new age

Ynet — 8:15 pm ET (0015 GMT)

Ofek-9 Satellite was launched successfully into space

Israel Defense Forces — 8:15 pm ET (0015 GMT)

Experts: Ofek 9 will detect Iranian activity

Ynet — 8:14 pm ET (0014 GMT)

Ofek 9 begins transmitting

Jerusalem Post — 6:01 am ET (1001 GMT)

Tuesday, June 22

Boeing Eyes Hosted Milsatcom Payload Business

Aviation Week — 7:39 pm ET (2339 GMT)

Saturday, June 19

LA Pleading for Missile Warning Satellites To Track Wildfires

Space News — 7:39 am ET (1139 GMT)

Thursday, June 17

Air Force Sees Hypersonic Weapons and Spaceships in Future

SPACE.com — 11:59 am ET (1559 GMT)

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[中国宇宙開発-2 spacetoday.net: China] http://www.spacetoday.net/articles_bycategory.php?cid=42

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[Quotes from the Old/New Testament] I am ・・・.

John E J





光、真理 門、道 パン、命、



4:26 He(Messiah) それ(メシヤ) X

6:35 the bread of life 命のパン X

6:48 the bread of life 命のパン X

6:51 the living bread 生きたパン X

8:12 the light of the world 世の光 X

9:5 the light of the world 世の光 X

10:7 the door of the sheep 羊の門 X

10:9 the door 門 X

10:11 the good shepherd よい羊飼い X

11:25 the resurrection よみがえり X

11:25 the life 命 X

13:13,14 Master 教師 X

14:6 the way 道 X

14:6 the truth 真理 X

14:6 the life 命 X

15:1 the true vine まことのぶどうの木 X

18:27 a king 王 X

[編注] ミルスペース 091024 版に John 13:13,14 を追加