Goguen patricia 4.4

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Goguen patricia 4.4

What I Want To BE Now That I am

Grown �

" " "By Patricia Goguen �

Why did I choose to do what I am doing in my career? Why

do I want to do it?�

To have fun with my work! �


If your not able to have fun and be happy with the work you do, then your only working to live. �

I am Patricia Goguen and I am a Multi Medium Artist of the new world. �

I am different from everyone else in my career because I

strive to be different. I work hard at

everything I do while taking care of the things that matter the most first. My

mind is always moving and craving to learn something new while

teaching the old. �� http://www.iconiccanvasart.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/2250-Tiger-Colour-1024x731.jpg

Being a multi medium artist, I can attempt to create anything

(even if I don’t succeed). My goal is to create the kind of

work that people appreciate�

Everything  drives  me  to  try  something  

new.  Everyday  there  is  a  fresh  idea  that  pops  into  my  head,  and  I  always  a8empt  


There  are  projects  I  start  and  must  stop  

un=l  my  brain  decides  to  func=on  correctly  but  while  I  wait  for  that  to  happen,  I  start  my  next  


Of all people in the world, I hope to make the biggest impact on my son. He seems to enjoy the arts as well as video games (which he can join Full Sail for) so I believe I am doing a good job. My best at

least! �

If I could make one

change in the world, it would be inspiring

everyone with my work in all ways. I would try to show

the creativity in everything. �


" " " I value: � �My family " " " "My intelligence �

My home

I believe that everything happens for a reason and you should always pay close attention to what is in front

of you. �


Nobody will ever �be able to make everyone happy,

but if I � could successfully solve my own problems

then I can help solve others and be truly happy! �

Acting on something should depend on what the

outcome will be for the long run. If it will benefit me, then I act. There have been cases that I do things

to benefit others. �

My biggest motivator is my family. Without them, I would have very little to work for.�

I love making money, so the chance to make a few bucks here and there for my art is another

motivation. Especially if it is a big job! �

My creativity and artistic talent is what makes me a Multi Medium Artist of the New World! As a professional in this

field, I can offer a wide variety of skills, such as: ��  

Illustra=on  of  all  kinds  3d  design  ideas  

Many  types  of  design  projects  (fashion,  interior,  etc.)  Story  making  

Top  notch  organiza=onal  skills    CraHy  crea=ons  

A  professional  aJtude  in  the  workplace  


Adobe Creative �Suite�

3D �Design �


Story Creation �


Microsoft �Office�

Internet � Research�

Concept �Design �

Graphic �Design �

I am an ideal professional because I enjoy so much and am very task oriented. Things must be done step by step,

correctly the first time for me. If I do not understand the job, then I research further into how the job should be done. �

An ideal professional is always thinking of new ways to improve

the job as well as the functionality of the job or

requirements. They must also have confidence in their skills.

I have a million reasons why I am uniquely talented. All of them are what makes me me. There won’t ever be one talent or incident that makes me who I am. Because of this, I

am capable of �anything. �

Self  growth  is  something  everyone  must  find  and  do  on  their  own.  I  believe  my  work  will  speak  louder  than  my  words  will  when  the  =me  



Self growth is something everyone must find and do on their own.�


I believe my work will speak

louder than my

words will when the

time comes. �

The hard work and time I put

into my work is what makes it priceless�

When your given a job

that you rush through, you can’t enjoy it

as much. �

I am different from others with my skill because my imagination is

different from other imaginations. �

What I see in my mind is completely different from how others see things. �

Others want to work with me because I can be a great leader as well as include everybody’s opinions

in a group project. �

I think I can be considered a fun person to work with as well. Working while having fun is key to a great job

done. �

I have excelled by trying to finish school

and working on gaining the

experience I needed for my future. Before Full Sail, I had no direction in life. �


I am best at my work when I am working

alone. �

I don’t do well under the supervision of someone

else and do my best work while relaxed at home.�

If I had to choose the type of people I wanted to work with, it would have to be people that work exactly like me. �


Knowing that I work best alone, I try very hard to expand my

freelance work.�


These are the business cards I have done so far: �

My Photoshop skills: �

Flyers created in Photoshop for a local business! �

3D Design and Modeling �

Logo Jobs�

Knowing that those who I do work for are completely happy make me feel so great inside-better than  anything  else  I  a8empt.  


Success to me is the feeling of

accomplishment in all my work. �
