Pre cadastral maps of Hungary - Servizio Catasto€¦ · • Original plan: preparing new digital...

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Hungarian cadastral mapping

Piroska ZalabaTamás Koós

György Reményi

Department of Land Administration

Trenro (Trient), Maj 20-22 2015


Pre cadastral maps of Hungary

A map of Hungary made by Lázár Eleazarus in the year of 1514.


Wolfgang Lazius Map of Hungary from 1552


Johann Cristoph Müller’s map of Hungary from the year 1709

Map of Nagykunság, compiled from the data of the 1731 survey by Sámuel Mikovinyi


The third military survey� The second military survey became obsolete. It was never finished, the survey

methods became out of date.

� 1869 start of the 3. military survey.

� The survey was based on the new

triangulation and new levelling networks

� The use of 1 : 25 000 maps

� Achievement: 746 sheets, 1 : 75 000 scale

� 1899 – the end of the 3. military survey.


The third military survey in Hungary


• The result :

• Use of metric system

• Military topographic maps in the scale of 1:25 000

• 1353 maps , size of maps 76 × 55 cm, area depicted/map 261 km².

• Hydrogeology, elevation

The new survey of Budapest


• 1932, start of survey

• New triangulation network

• Strict survey methods (every point is measured in the field and gets coordinates)

• Numerical survey methods

• 1:1000 scale

• After WW II. the work continues. Budapest grows in size due to new districts. Changes in organization and technology alter the work.

High accuracy survey plan



Budapest map from 1937


City map of EgerRoyal Cartography

Projection systems used in Hungarian cadastral mapping


EOV- Uniform National projection

STG – Stereographic projectionHÉRHKR Cylinder Projections HDR (North, middle, south)VN – Projection without reduction


• Since 1975 surveying and mapping was implemented in the Uniform National Projection (EOV) and the maps where produced in the Uniform National Map System (EOTR).

• Scale of maps - 1 : 4000 , towns and cities 1:1000, 1: 2000

• Map grid covers the whole country, but the EOV new mapping was never finished.

• Old maps created in earlier projections :

– projection without reduction,

– Budapest Stereographic Projection 1860 and

– three cylinder (HÉR, HKR, HDR) projections 1908 .


Cadastral Map of the town of Csömör


Stereographic Map of of Csömör


EOV Map of Csömör


EOV map sheet


Description of EOV Projection System• Name: EOV (Uniform National Projection System).

• Description: The EOV is a plane projection system used uniformly for the Hungarian civilian base maps and, in general, for spatial informatics. (Base maps: 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:4000 large scale maps for cadastre and 1:10.000, 1:25.000, 1:100.000 topographic maps.) 1: 10 000 overview maps

• Geometric classification: Conformal cylindrical projection in transversal position.

• Date of introduction: 1972-1975

• Origin of EOV plane coordinates:Coordinate system is moved to South-West with respect to origin of projection so that all possible EOV coordinates be positive for Hungary:

• XEOV = x + 200 000.000 mYEOV = y + 650 000.000 m


Main parameters of EOV projection system

• Parameters:

• Reference surface:

The IUGG GRS 1967 reference ellipsoid (Geodetic Reference System of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 1967):

a = 6 378 160.000 mb = 6 356 774.516 m

Ellipsoidal geographic coordinates: ,

• Projecting sphere:

A Gauss-sphere fitted to reference ellipsoid at the normal parallel.It is used for Gauss-sphere:

its radius: R = 6 379 743.001 m

and its spherical geographic coordinates: ,


EOTR -Uniform National Map System


1997: National Cadastre Program• 1996: Government decision about the program: nation-wide digital new mapping

Financing from loan of commercial banks with government guarantee

* 55 000 cadastral map sheets (9.3 million hectares)

* from land privatisation 3 million hectares are digitised

• Establishing the National Cadastre Non-profit Company

for administrative management of the program

• 1996 Digital Base Map regulation (DAT) MSZ 7772-1 Hungarian Standard

• Maps prepared by private sector

• Loan must be paid back from income of data service

• Start of the program: September 1997

• Original plan: preparing new digital cadastral maps

and provide IT infrastructure for maintaining

• May 13, 1998 - Bank loan of 6,6 billion Fts (22 m Euros )

• 14 Local governments join the project, they join in the financing of the new data bases (by the end of 1999 145 m Ft – 500 000 Euros where transferred for the funding of the new survey work) 21

The utilization of 6.6 Billion Ft loan


Other expenses 4%

New cadastral mapping 62%

Digitization of rural areas 12%

Training 1%

Development of land office Information technology (IT) 21 %

DAT Regulation


1943.évi Utasítás az országos felmérés végrehajtására

1954. Szabatos felmérések végrajhajtására vonatkozó utasítás

6155-101/1953 (T.49.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás Rendelte el a Szabatos felmérések végrehajtására vonatkozó utasítás kötelezőhasználatát

106/1957 (T.6.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.6 A földmérési térképek készítése tárgyában

113/1957 (T.13.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.13 Kataszteri térképhelyesbítés elveiről

113/1/1957 (T.19.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.19 A kataszteri térképhelyesbítés irányelveivel kapcsolatos magyarázat

46/1957.(VII.31.) Korm. r.

118/1961 (T.17.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.17 Külterületi kataszteri térképfelújítás végrehajtására

207/1962 (T.6.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.6 A földrendezéssel nem érintett területek földnyilvántartási adatainak rendezéséről

209/1962 (T.9.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.9 A belterületek és zártkertek kataszteri térképeinek felújítására

225/1962 (T.20.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.20 Községek és városok külterülete felmérésének végrehajtása

113/1963 (T.10.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.10 Községek belterülete felmérésének végrehajtására

260/1963 (T.2.) ÁFTH sz.irányelv T.2 Irányelvek a fotogrammetriai eljárások alkalmazására a külterületi térképfelújítási és új felmérési munkák végrehajtásánál

508/1965 (T.6.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.6 A Szabatos felmérési utasítás egyes rendelkezéseinek módosításáról

1208/1966 (T.14.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.14 A belterület kateszteri térképeinek fotogrammetriai eljárással történő felújítása és földnyilvántartási adatainak rendezése

610/1966 (T.8.) ÁFTH sz. útmutató T.8 A fotogrammetriai alapanyagok készítésére és felhasználására a nagyméretarányú térképezésben

610/1/1966 (T.14.) ÁFTH sz. utasítás T.14 610/1966 /T.8./ ÁFTH sz. útmutató 4.§-nak kiegészítésére kiadott utasítás

40837/1973 (F.1.) sz. MÉM OFTH szabályzat F.1 Szabályzat a földmérési alaptérképek készítésére

64431/1975 (F.3.) sz. MÉM OFTH szabályzat F.3 Az egységes országos térképrendszer földmérési alaptérképeinek készítésére

48100/1978 (F.4.) sz. MÉM OFTH szabályzat F.4 A régi vetületi rendszerben újfelméréssel készült földmérési alaptérképeknek az egységes országos térképrendszerbe történő átdolgozása

47460/1983 (F.7) sz. MÉM OFTH szabályzat F.7 Az egységes országos térképrendszer földmérési alaptérképeinek készítésére

DAT Regulation

The Digital Base Map (DAT) Regulation provides detailed descriptions of the procedures of design, production, revision and maintenance of digital base maps ,about their data exchange format, documentation, control, quality control, verification and State acceptance, also the conversion of numeric and digital data of land surveying base maps into digital base maps and their quality control.

From 1996 on, it is mandatory to produce the national land surveying base maps .The DAT Regulation consists of the following parts:• DAT1 Regulation: Design, production, revision and maintenance of digital base

maps, their data exchange format, documentation, control, quality control, verification and State acceptance.

• DAT2 Regulation: Conversion of land surveying base maps into digital base maps and their quality control.

• DAT1-M1: Annex to DAT1. Structure, data tables and data exchange formats; DAT1-M2: Annex to DAT1. Legends of the digital base map.

• DAT1-M3: Annex to DAT1. Land office software for examining and verifying the internal consistence of digital base map data.

• DAT2-M1: Annex to DAT2. Starting data and a computation software (TRAFO)for transformation among projection systems applied in Hungary (STG, HÉR, HKR, HDR, EOV, BOV) based on unified requirements and accuracy.


The rank of obect points (detail points) • R1: The main breakpoints of administrative boarder’s with strict stationary

markings, all urban land parcel points bordering public lands (streets and squares)

• R2: Additional points of administrative boarders and urban parcels. Rural land parcels’ well marked points.

• R3: Rural parcels’ additional points, and the points of buildings, roads, cables’ and pipes’ surface facilities.

• R4: Points not belonging to the upper categories: ditches, cultivation type boundaries,

• R5: A soil quality boarders and geocode points.


Quality classificationT1 - Urban areas

•T11 - Data from digital surveys (numerical data)

•T12 - Data drafted from pre Dat survey material and from digitizing maps

T2 – Rural areasT21 - Data from digital surveys (numerical data)

T22 - Data drafted from pre Dat survey material and from digitizing maps


Accuracy of geometrical data

T1 (Urban)


T2 (Rural)


T11 T12 T21 T22

R1 3 20 5 45

R2 5 25 7 50

R3 6 30 10 60

R4 8 45 19 90


The allowable difference in cm-s

Margin of error for distances


The error allowed between examination measurements and distances calculated from coordinates. (cm)

T1 (Urban)

T11 (new survey) T12 (digitizing)

R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4

R1 12 18 21 27 84 96 108 147

R2 21 24 27 105 117 153

R3 24 30 126 162

R4 33 192

Margin of error for distances


T2 (Rural)

T21 (new survey) T22 (digitizing)

R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4

R1 21 27 33 39 192 201 225 300

R2 30 36 42 213 234 309

R3 39 45 255 324

R4 51 381

The error allowed between examination measurements and distances calculated from coordinates. (cm)

National Cadastre Program

Progress of the program:

Digital new surveys June 2002

Revision of the National Cadastre Program

• Too slow and expensive, not enough result- by the end of 2003: the maps of 80 settlements are ready- IT infrastructure of land offices is well-developed- introduced digital map standards (DAT)

• Urgent need for digital maps• 2003: Revision of the program – speed up

important to continue, more financial support is needed� 65,6 million EUR loan is used until the end of 2007

• Decision: digitizing the existing paper cadastral maps2005: maps of rural areas, 2007: maps of urban areas

• All cadastral maps of Hungary converted into digital form byDecember 31, 2007.


Revision of the National Cadastre Program

• Too slow and expensive, not enough result- by the end of 2003: the maps of 80 settlements are ready- IT infrastructure of land offices is well-developed- introduced digital map standards (DAT)

• Urgent need for digital maps• 2003: Revision of the program – speed up

important to continue, more financial support is needed� 65,6 million EUR loan is used until the end of 2007

• Decision: digitizing the existing paper cadastral maps2005: maps of rural areas, 2007: maps of urban areas

• All cadastral maps of Hungary converted into digital form byDecember 31, 2007.


Rural maps


Maps of rural areas – shown in accordance to their projection


Maps of urban areas



Urban area maps – shown in accordance to their projection

Maps of special rural areas


Special rural area maps – shown in accordance to their projection


Evaluation: Digitizing original paper mapsAdvantages:

The most cost-effective way for making DAT maps (databases)This method were used as a composite method with new surveyingThe boundaries of a block of cadastral parcels were demarcated and

surveyed, but the inner part of the block digitizedThis method can be used in the case of blocks, where changes of

boundaries are not highDisadvantages:

Conditions of original paper maps were sometimes very poor (distortions, pollutions, coffee etc.)

Output of digitization is a spaghetti vector map, not an object-oriented database

Original paper maps are legally valid, but sometimes do not reflect the real situation (e.g. land use)

Transformation between different projections (and datum) could effect inconsistency between data. (5 different projection systems)


Problems with digitized old mapsConditions of original paper maps were sometimes very poor: distortions,

Original paper maps are legally valid, but sometimes do not reflect the real situation, the real land use and the new buildings.




New Surveying

• 10 % (~ 1 million ha) of Hungary was surveyed

• Output: Object-oriented databases according to Digital Base Map Standard

• Costs: EUR 23,2 million


• The rest (90 %, ~ 8,3 million ha) was digitized

• Output: Spaghetti Digital Cadastral Maps

• Costs: EUR 34,5 million

Costs are highly different between rural and built-up areas of settlement

Neto income from selling maps and digital data


2013 2014

County FÖMI Landoffice100%

NKP Landoffice100%

FÖMI Landoffice100%

NKP Landoffice100%

50% 50% 70% 30% 50% 50% 70% 30%Budapest 8 728 8 728 17 456 49 615 21 265 70 880 10 363 10 363 20 726 59 204 24 654 83 858

Baranya 89 89 178 27 658 11 853 39 511 73 73 146 26 501 11 357 37 858

Bács-Kiskun 5 076 5 076 10 152 57 666 24 714 82 380 32 32 64 76 628 32 840 109 468

Békés 960 960 1 920 28 871 12 375 41 246 1 085 1 085 2 170 28 462 12 196 40 658

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 1 310 1 310 2 620 34 908 14 960 49 868 1 036 1 036 2 072 31 851 13 650 45 501

Csongrád 0 0 0 7 179 3 076 10 255 0 0 0 29 043 12 447 41 490

Fejér 86 86 172 32 421 13 895 46 316 90 90 180 34 525 14 796 49 321

Győr-Moson-Sopron 204 204 408 37 155 15 923 53 078 309 309 618 44 675 19 146 63 821

Hajdú-Bihar 655 655 1 310 50 201 21 516 71 717 933 933 1 866 53 321 22 682 76 003

Heves 0 0 0 16 763 7 184 23 947 0 0 0 22 194 9 512 31 706

Komárom-Esztergom 16 16 32 21 547 8 429 29 976 4 4 8 21 171 9 073 30 244

Nógrád 125 125 250 19 669 6 743 26 412 212 212 424 17 926 7 684 25 610

Pest 2 2 4 75 629 32 412 108 041 1 1 2 76 110 32 618 108 728

Somogy 792 792 1 584 42 229 18 098 60 327 873 873 1 746 41 743 17 890 59 633

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 402 402 804 47 845 20 505 68 350 346 346 692 51 785 22 194 73 979

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 76 76 152 37 054 15 880 52 934 186 186 372 42 389 18 167 60 556

Tolna 60 60 120 16 258 6 968 23 226 169 169 338 15 394 6 600 21 994

Vas 323 323 646 22 269 9 543 31 812 522 522 1 044 20 105 8 617 28 722

Veszprém 428 428 856 28 630 12 270 40 900 332 332 664 27 690 11 874 39 564

Zala 118 118 236 34 782 14 906 49 688 47 47 94 41 452 17 765 59 217

Total 19 450 19 450 38 900 688 349 292 515 980 864 16 613 16 613 33 226 762 169 325 762 1 087 931

3.26 m Euro 3.62 m Euro


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