SistemasInteligentes Clase1 Intro Ala AI

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Transcript of SistemasInteligentes Clase1 Intro Ala AI

Sistemas Inteligentes Clase 1: Introducción a la Inteligencia


Javitt Higmar Nahitt Padilla Franco, C.Ph.D. Depto. de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Computación

Instituto de Ingeniería y Tecnología Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

Why Study AI?



AI Examples: Cars that drive themselves • 2005: DARPA Grand Challenge

– Race of Autonomous vehicles across California desert

– Vehicles are given a route as a series of GPS waypoints

– But they must intelligently avoid obstacles and stay on the road

– About 130 miles of dirt roads, off-road, normal roads, bridges, tunnels, etc

– Must complete in less then 10 hours

The Turing Test

Jerry: my name is jerry. ALICE: Hey jerry. Jerry: do you know Turing? ALICE: A brilliant and tragic figure in the history of computer science. Jerry: who else do you know? ALICE: Hugh Loebner, Robby Garner, and Steven Spielberg Jerry: which lm do you like? ALICE: My favorite movie is Teknolust. Have you seen it? Jerry: no. ALICE: I would recommend you check it out. Jerry: what is it about? ALICE: Science fiction. Jerry: do you remember my name? ALICE: Your name is jerry, seeker.

AI Examples: Natural Language - Speech Recognition

• "speak or enter on the keypad your card number“ (tiny vocabulary, high accuracy needed)

• "how can I help you?“ (large vocab, low acc)

• dictation (large vocab, high acc)

• AI concepts: Hidden Markov Models, A* search, . . .

AI Examples: Natural Language - Machine Translation

• The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. (2005/6/29)

• IBM statistical machine translation models • US gov major consumer

– Why Vodka? (Russian) – Now?

AI Examples: Natural Language - Question Answering


AI Examples: Game Playing - Chess • IBM Deep Blue vs. Kasparov (1996/7) • 1997 match, 6 games: K, DB, draw, draw, draw, DB • IBM stock up $18 billion

• Search: two-player zero-sum discrete nite game with perfect information

AI Examples: Web - Search

• Ranking is everything – smart people in Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.

– e.g. Peter Norvig (Google)

• Google: PageRank (graph theoretic) + lots of secrets

• Entire Search Engine Optimization (SEO) insdustry – promote your website's rand in search engines

– some bad reputations (spam, etc.)


AI Examples: Web - News Aggregation • Automatically selects/arranges items from multiple sources • Compared to manual organization (e.g. CNN)

• Unsupervised machine learning: clustering

AI Examples: Web - Advertising

AI Examples: Web - Driving Directions

AI Examples: Web - Information Extraction

AI Examples: Web - Collaborative Filtering

• Recommender systems: recommendations based on other users' behavior • e.g. Amazon

• e.g. Netfix

• Unsupervised learning

AI Examples: Robotics - Shoes

• Adjust cushioning by speed, road surface (Adidas 1)

AI Examples: Robotics - Robocup

AI Examples: Robotics - Hubble Telescope

• Scheduling: who gets to see what when – 30,000 observations per year – Many constraints

• Earth blocks view every 95 minutes • Halts when in South Atlantic Ocean radiation belt • Must avoid bright Sun, Moon, illuminated Earth • Disruption of plan for e.g. supernova

• Search: Constraint satisfaction problem

• M. Johnston and G. Miller 1993 • SPIKE: Intelligent Scheduling of Hubble Space Telescope Observations

AI Examples: Robotics - Mars Rover

• Autonomous driving on Mars (part time)

• Robot motion planning

Are these intelligent?

Public perception of AI?

• Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001) by Steven Spielberg

• The movie was originally to be titled ―A.I.‖, but after a survey it was revealed that too many people thought it was A1. The title was changed to ―A.I. Artificial Intelligence‖ to prevent people from thinking it was about steak sauce.


• Slides adapted from those used by Prof Jerry Zhu and Bryan R. Gibson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Tarea 2

Elabore un párrafo para cada subtema

• Que entiende por inteligencia?

• Cuales son los principales retos de la Inteligencia Artificial?

• Cuales son las fortalezas de la AI?

• Cual es el tema que mas le atrae de la AI y por que?

Sistemas Inteligentes Clase 1: Introducción a la Inteligencia


Javitt Higmar Nahitt Padilla Franco, C.Ph.D. Depto. de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Computación

Instituto de Ingeniería y Tecnología Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez