Una gran oportunidad para los expositores de IFE11 - JUEGOS OLIMPICOS DE … · 2010-07-29 · Una...

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Una gran oportunidad para los expositores de IFE11 - JUEGOS OLIMPICOS


Nos complace comunicarles que todas las empresas expositoras en IFE11 tendrán

la ocasión única de presentar sus productos al Comité Organizador de los

juegos Olímpicos de Londres (LOCOG).

Los organizadores de los Juegos de Londres 2012, en un acuerdo sin

precedentes programarán visitas con su gran equipo de compradores a IFE11,

durante estas visitas se desarrollaran las jornadas “Meet de Buyer” durante las

cuáles, todos los expositores, sea cuál sea su tamaño tendrán la oportunidad de

conseguir que sus productos se encuentren entre los 14 millones de menús que

se servirán a visitantes, prensa, VIPS y atletas durante los Juegos Olímpicos de

Londres 2012.

En particular, dicho equipo buscará productos de calidad locales y regionales tanto

de Reino Unido como internacionales, explica Jan Matthews, Director del

departamento de Catering de LOCOG: "Entramos una fase realmente emocionante

en la planificación de los Juegos de 2012 y encontrar buenos proveedores entre los

expositores de IFE11 será una cuestión clave para nuestra oferta de catering entre

los visitantes de los Juegos. " Matthews continuó: " tenemos intención de ofrecer

una gran variedad de cocina internacional a las más de 16.500 personas

establecidas en el Athletes Village.

Christopher McCuin, Director de Fresh RM, grupo organizador de IFE, dijo: "No

podemos enfatizar suficiente la escala de la oportunidad que LOCOG ofrece a

nuestros expositores. Es verdaderamente difícil y sumamente excepcional para las

empresas conseguir una audiencia de visitantes con un perfil de compra tan alto,

así que estamos encantados de poder ofrecer esta posibilidad a todos los

expositores de IFE11.

Las jornadas “Meet de Buyer” con LOCOG y sus socios tendrán lugar en IFE11

del 13 al 16 de marzo de 2011, en el recinto ferial de Excel, Londres. Para más

información no duden en visitar nuestra página web: www.ife.co.uk


Rosa Ana Martínez

PromoExpo BCN

Representantes en España de IFE y Speciality and Fine Food Fair

Calabria, 175 ático 4ª

08015 Barcelona


Reducing costs, driving sales

IFE is the UK s largest and most respected food and drink trade event. IFE is the UK’s largest and most important food and drink trade event. The entire international food and drink community gather at IFE every two years to source new products, trade and keep pace with industry trends IFE09 welcomed 22,395* buyers enabling exhibitors to achieve objectives including:

• Generating sales leads • Brand awareness • Entering new markets • Meet new and current customers

…ultimately increasing turnover and helping to counter market challenges.

IFE09 vital statistics • Visitors: 22,395* • Buyers from 83 countries attended

• 1200 exhibitors: the UK’s largest food and drink trade event

12 product sections enable you to meet the right visitors…

General Food

Bakery & Confectionery

Frozen Food

Meat & Poultry

Speciality &

Regional Food from Britain

Walk the World





Cheese & Dairy

Health & Wellbeing

“This is our first time at IFE and the experience has been great for us. We have secured lots of new leads and the show has also given us the opportunity to meet and consolidate

relationships with our existing customers which is equally important.” Nick Froud, Marketing Director, DB Foods, IFE09 exhibitor

IFE09 breakdown of visitors by sector

Wholesale & distribution,


Foodservice, 30%

Retail, 17%Manufacturing, 25%

*IFE is independently audited by ABC to give you confidence in the stated visitor number. IFE is the only large-scale food and drink event to undertake the independent audit process.

Retail visitors included…

Foodservice visitors included…

Wholesale & distribution visitors included…

“Our stand has been extremely busy; we have seen all the key buyers and picked up some great leads that

we’re very excited to follow-up. IFE really is the food show to be at.” Wendy Rowan, Account Manager, Divine Chocolate, IFE09 exhibitor

For further in Corby Ganesh Head of Sales T: +44 (0) 20 78E: corby.ganesh@

Focus on Value at IFE11 Our commitment to industry integration and our regular high profile IFE Advisory Board meetings mean we appreciate the severe challenges your business faces in the current trading environment. As a result we have introduced the following initiatives:

• We have reduced the additional costs of exhibiting by designing a range of value packages which

provide extra exposure as well as reducing the cost of furnishing and promoting your stand.

• IFE Product Search improves exhibitors’ ROI by delivering sales leads 365 days a year for a 2 year period

These new initiatives make exhibiting easy and increase your return on investment, helping to secure the long term health of your business.

formation, stand options, value package details a

Christopher McCuin Event Director

86 3056 T: +44 (0) 20 7886 3016 freshrm.co.uk E: chris.mccuin@freshrm.co.uk

“This year’s show has been

more focussed than before.

The visitors to our stand

have been the ones we

actually wanted to see.

There has been a steady

flow of traffic over the last 4

days; we have managed to

meet potential and existing


Katie Allison, Marketing

Assistant, Wensleydale

Creamery, IFE09


nd rates contact: