Vis Lib Presentation(3)

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Transcript of Vis Lib Presentation(3)

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Leave Your Mark: The Visual Libraries Project.

A collaborative visual pilot project that examines the creative

use of sketchbooks in public libraries.

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• Develop strong links through the library service and thecommunity promoting a greater awareness of theimportance of the library and its support servicesthrough a positive experience.

• Empower community andminority groups to engage with the local libraries in anew and innovative way.

• Increase use of libraries by engaging new librarymembers including those who haven't used a library intraditional ways.

• Encourage and develop a more pro-active relationshipbetween the library service and service users.

• Support the development of cultural activity and self expression .

• Establish a database that will support and promote the

importance of sketchbooks in libraries nationally andinternationally to foster cross cultural developments andprojects. Promoting this project not as exclusiveresource but with the intention of sharing, networkingand inter-weaving with others

Aims and Anticipated Outcomes of the Project:

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Meetings and workshops involving library staff 

Introduction to the library staff to some visual diaries produced by students

Request for ideas for possible themes and then asked them to take ownership of a sketchbook.

“Initial responses to the sketchbooks, by the library staff, was cautious and to some extent

skeptical evidencing an immediate divided into the ‘arty’, those who were keen to give it a goand the none ‘arty’ who were reluctant to engage showing less optimism about the potential of the project.”

Organisation and Structure.

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Workshops: things that we take with us


Evidence by Candy Jernigan

1000 Journals Project by Brian Singer

Students experimental sketchbooks

Examples of sketchbooks used through the library system

Creative materials

Mono printing equipment


Some empty sketchbooks to start in the workshop.

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Ways of Creating

Input into sketchbooks through

 – a piece of writing,

 – a collection of objects,

 – sewing or knitting,

 – lists of favorite things

 – collections – ephemera.

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• The thematic approach seems to support the users and would provide a concept for

people to react to creatively.• It has become clear that the themes for the sketchbooks are a major factor in engaging

participation with the project and some themes have proved more popular than others.

• Selecting the themes helps to give contributors a sense of ownership and should be partof any introductory workshop with suggestions from a new set of contributors orpotential contributors. 

Theme suggestions included: 

A good night/day out

My Library, Disability


My City,


My family


I am Beautiful

Visions of The Future



My Mode of Transport

Senses, My Day

When I open my eyes

I dream

On the Seashore.

Thematic Approach

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Library Systems and Resources 

• Forty-five sketchbooks were used in the pilot, seven available in the children’s library, elevenwith the Community Library Services and the rest located in the adult section of the CentralLibrary in Portsmouth.

• The ‘Visual Diaries’ were made available to all categories of library user including those whohave a temporary ticket and can only borrow two items.

• A Visual Diary simply counts as a single book loan and can be borrowed for up to 4 weeks andrenewed for a further period by those that wish to keep them longer. They are lent out as anyother library loan item.

• On the SPYDUS library management system adults may borrow up to 30 items and childrenup to 20, so there was no necessity to create a separate loan category. The sketchbooks were“taken on” so they could be viewed accessed and reserved through the library catalogue.

• The books were serviced as loan items and presented to the public on display stands withposters and handouts to explain the project.

• We believe the absence of separate rules for this scheme contributed to its success. There wasnothing new any current library member had to do, simply borrow a ‘Visual Diary’ along withtheir reading books and any other loan item such as DVD’s CD’s and cassettes.

• Portsmouth Libraries differ in size and as the project develops this will inform where it ispractical to deliver workshops and have space to display in a significant way, including providingfacilities for individuals to ‘leave their mark’ in the library. It may be possible to utilize closeddays for targeted work in the future.

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Where We Are Now

• We have organised as many workshops as we can using student volunteers when possible, these include:

Harbour School, Portsmouth MIND, Vision Impaired Groups and the library staff, adults and children'ssection of the library.

• We have initiated websites including flickr and our new blog site and have promoted it on local radio,The Big Screen Portsmouth and added a link to AccessArt ‘SketchbookSpace’ aimed at informal adultleaning.

• Instigated the use of a BBC cameraman to make a documentary of the project.

• Had an article published in The Public Library Journal

• Used this research project to generate funds to extend it Internationally.• Produced posters, bookmarks and new promotional logos.

• Added 250 additional sketchbooks to the library supply.

• We are seeking greater collaboration with local schoolsand community centres to extend the project.

• Arranging to promote this project through a number of 

exhibition proposals. We aim to link all the innovative work done in Portsmouth to our international partners and viceversa. A touring exhibition of sketchbooks from libraries inPortsmouth, India and the US is planned for the future.

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Promotion and Dissemination

Technology presents a way to store, develop and showcase this work and could introducethe richness of the Internet for research to inform, educate, entertain and specificallyallow the books to be promoted.

We have secured: as a domain name and are using, as our new blogger site and also, to aggregate visual work produced

from the journals. Design and production has begun with the need for continual

upkeep of the site.

These sites will support our exhibitions. We are hoping to exhibit books from this

project at The University of Portsmouth Gallery and hope that we can have a

touring exhibition of sk etchbooks here and in other international galleries.

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