Temario€¦  · Web view · 2004-12-03Google no tiene relación con los autores de esta página...

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Transcript of Temario€¦  · Web view · 2004-12-03Google no tiene relación con los autores de esta página...

Anexo I

Los amos del mundoEl nuevo orden mundial: ¿realidad o fantasía?

Podemos ver la realidad de dos maneras:

Uno puede creer literalmente lo que lee en los periódicos, oye en la radio, ve en la televisión y lo que exponen los grupos mediáticos; es un modo seguro, garantizado, de estar en el mundo sin que aparezcan sombras, enigmas o motivo alguno de inquietud. Podemos llamar a este modo “Versión Disney” de la historia, en ella el universo cotidiano oscila regular y previsiblemente entre una pareja de valores claramente delimitados y cognoscibles: la Derecha y la Izquierda.

Podemos también cuestionar esta forma gregaria de hipnosis y acceder paulatinamente al conocimiento de una historia secreta, invisible, negada por “las más diversas autoridades”, una historia que no coincide con los valores de la tribu y que rompe con numerosos tabúes. “En la democracia no existe nada similar a una clase dirigente. Los medios de comunicación son herramientas imprescindibles para mantener las libertades mediante la configuración de una opinión pública informada y responsable”. Ante una pantomima como esta, claro ejemplo de manipulación y desinformación, solamente cabe una sonrisa escéptica o una crítica breve. Existe la clase dirigente. La democracia es escasa o nulamente democrática. Nuestro destino lo rige el gobierno oculto. Los grupos mediáticos persiguen una política de ocultación y distorsión de los acontecimientos de acuerdo con los intereses de sus gestores propietarios, en el mejor de los casos, en el peor, nos encontramos ante un programa acelerado y premeditado de embrutecimiento ante el cual el “panem et ciercenses” de la antigua Roma constituye una mera anécdota.

La versión conspiratoria estándar mantiene la tesis de que existe algo así como un “plan global” que a través de las generaciones va siendo implementado en la historia mediante las actividades coordinadas de distintos personajes y organizaciones. Estas van insertando a sus miembros en las instituciones y tramas más diversas. Las sociedades secretas, las revoluciones, las guerras, las crisis económicas, entre otros muchos acontecimientos, formarían parte y daría testimonio de estas actividades. Francmasones, Jesuitas, Iluminati de Baviera, Rosacruces, Templarios o Thueleanos dan testimonio, a través de las circunstancias más plurales, de una presencia invisible y decisiva, sin la cual los acontecimientos permanecen opacos y desconectados de toda virtualidad explicativa. Sin olvidar los servicios secretos, los grupos económicos de presión o los representantes del crimen organizado y de las ciencias y las artes.

Hay muchos que ven en la paulatina constitución de un orden global planetario (el Nuevo Orden Mundial), una conspiración de los dirigentes del “gobierno oculto”. Los políticos serían poco más que locutores o empleados de segunda fila. La independencia de las naciones, un obstáculo a superar, ya sea mediante guerras puntuales (la invasión de Irak) o crisis económicas diseñadas (Sudeste Asiático, Latinoamérica), como a través de una retórica mundialista camuflada de todo tipo de patrañas pseudo humanitarias o ecológicas (derechos humanos, crecimiento sostenido, etc.). La caja de resonancia suelen ser las Naciones Unidas, un foro de burocracias estatales que se considera el máximo órgano de legitimación soberana de las políticas, de cara al populacho narcotizado por la televisión. En esta trama, el socialismo habría sido simplemente un instrumento destinado a consolidar una concentración de poder inigualable en manos de determinadas elites, debilitando y aniquilando a las clases medias y auspiciando el

control policial y mental del rebaño futuro. La Comisión Trilateral (David Rockefeller…), el Club Bilderberg (Rockefeller, Kissinger…), o el Council of Foreign Relations (Kissinger, Brzezinski…), constituyen ejemplos de instituciones, algunas de ellas transnacionales, que operan como foros de encuentro y reclutamiento de las nuevas elites que preparan la etapa faraónica de sumisión planetaria en el siglo XXI.

A juzgar por los acontecimientos actuales, la construcción del Estado Mundial (parte visible del “gobierno oculto”), New World Order (o Nuevo Orden Mundial) parece un proceso imparable.En su reciente trabajo “Impacto de la globalización en los países en desarrollo”, Ignacio Ramonet, director de Le Monde Diplomatic, después de hablar de los “nuevos amos del mundo”, matiza: “por cierto, no constituyen, como algunos imaginan, una especia de estado mayor clandestino que conspira en las sombras para controlar el mundo; se trata más bien de fuerzas que se mueven a su antojo gracias a la globalización”. Asimismo, Susan George, en una entrevista concedida con motivo de la presentación en Barcelona de su novela “Informe Lugano”, a la pregunta de si lo que describe en ella no es acaso una conspiración planetaria, contesta: “No, no creo en las conspiraciones, sino en los intereses. He descrito que los amos del universo hacen lo que deben hacer dado quienes son, lo cual no es una conspiración.

Además de que no se aprecia ninguna incompatibilidad entre “conspiración” e “intereses” (¿se le ocurriría a alguien conspirar contra sus intereses?), de ambas declaraciones se desprende que los nuevos “amos del mundo” no serían seres cínicos y sin escrúpulos, sino más bien “instrumentos del determinismo ciego de las fuerzas del mercado”. Actúan así porque no pueden actuar de otra manera; y dado que ellos, pese a estar en su cúpula, no inventaron el mercado, la historia debería juzgarlos más como víctimas que como verdugos (quizás los millones de víctimas reales y diarias de su conducta deberían de tenerlos en cuenta en sus oraciones).

Pero, vieja o nueva, con calificativos o sin ellos, la conspiración existe, y no podemos permitirnos la ingenuidad de pensar que lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo no obedece a ninguna planificación, sino que es una simple “explosión del desorden” y no parte sustancial del Nuevo Orden Mundial.Para Ramonet y George el “senado virtual que gobierna el mundo” (sistemáticamente denunciado por Noam Chomsky) es tan sólo “una secuela del mercado”, Según ellos no hay conspiración: “le monde va lui même”.Los “nuevos amos del mundo” se habrían encontrado entonces, sin proponérselo con el mundo en sus manos.Pero la verdad, por el contrario, es que en la cúpula rectora, astronómicamente rica, de ese gigantesco pulpo financiero que atenaza al mundo, el poder ya no está al servicio del beneficio económico, sino el beneficio económico al servicio del poder.Contra lo que algunos creen, allí no hay lucha por el poder: ellos son “el poder”. En una economía mundial en la que, como nos dice Samir Amin, la rentabilidad del capital productivo cae estrepitosamente por el agotamiento de los mercados, el que esos amos de los mercados financieros se dediquen al acaparamiento sistemático de los activos productivos a lo largo y ancho del planeta, no tiene otro sentido que un acaparamiento global del poder. No buscan apoderarse sólo de la riqueza de los estados: buscan apoderarse de los estados. Y ya lo están consiguiendo, como nos advierte Vivianne Forrester (“Una extraña dictadura”): “todos los centros nerviosos de la sociedad están controlados por un régimen que delega en los políticos para llevar a cabo decisiones ya tomadas de antemano en lugares como la OCDE, el BM o el FMI”.

No estamos ya en la lógica del mercado, estamos en la lógica despiadada de los “grandes mercaderes”.Estos no son juguetes del sistema; nosotros somos juguetes de su perverso sistema. Juegan con nuestros pensamientos y sentimientos más allá de lo puramente económico para llevarnos a un mundo totalitario, donde no haya el más mínimo resquicio para la libertad real.

Dice Manuel Vázquez Montalbán en el prólogo de “Informe Lugano”: “La globalización implica no sólo el objetivo de un gran mercado universal marcado por las pautas del neoliberalismo más salvaje, sino un control total de las conductas, impidiendo la simple posibilidad de insinuar, diseñar o practicar la disidencia”.El determinismo económico no es el culpable. Como denuncia Louis de Brouwer, consultor internacional de la ONU-UNESCO y autor del libro “Las mafias político-económicas que dirigen el mundo”: “el poder político es ejercido a nivel mundial por un pequeño grupo de individuos sin escrúpulos que se encuentra en EEUU, un país gobernado por dirigentes de diversas sociedades secretas, y que “casualmente” coincide que son los dueños de los seis principales bancos. Este pequeño grupo dirigente constituye el cerebro que domina el mundo”.Agazapado tras instituciones sin rostro, el “Gran Hermano” existe y conspira. No es simplemente “el mercado”, son personajes con nombres y apellidos, siniestros y fríos hasta la barbarie. La ingenuidad es su mejor aliado. El mero hecho de tener que demostrar lo evidente, cuando la verdadera amenaza y el auténtico adversario no cesan de mostrarse con descaro, es ya una señal elocuente del punto al que han llegado las cosas, y del que aún les queda por alcanzar.

¿Quién gobierna el mundo? ¿Los líderes del grupo de los ocho países más desarrollados del planeta, el G-8, que se reúnen una vez por año en distintos lugares del planeta? ¿Acaso son los “técnicos” del Fondo Monetario Internacional y del Banco Mundial, o tal vez los 15 jefes de Estado y de gobierno de la Unión Europea? ¿Quién y cuándo toma las decisiones? Las declaraciones finales que se publican al término de las cumbres entre poderosos son a menudo vacías, apenas un manojo de orientaciones vagas que no reflejan el curso del mundo. ¿Dónde se toman entonces las decisiones? ¿Quién las elabora? En realidad, detrás del telón de la política-espectáculo existe una serie de cenáculos casi secretos donde, sin testigos indiscretos, casi sin periodistas y hasta a veces sin mujeres, se juega el auténtico destino del mundo. No se trata de un “club” religioso, ni de un círculo embebido en alguna mística extraña, ni de un grupo alimentado por la idea de un complot universal. Son sencillamente poderosas organizaciones secretas compuestas por magnates de las altas finanzas, estrategas, hombres políticos de gran vuelo y militares cuya existencia confirman el juicio del ministro de finanzas británico de la Reina Victoria, Disraeli, quien escribió: “El mundo está gobernado por personajes que no pueden ni imaginar aquellos cuyos ojos no penetran entre los bastidores".

La más “desconocida” pero la más potente de esas organizaciones secretas el Bilderberg. Creado en mayo de 1954 en el hotel Bilderberg de Oosterbeek, en Holanda, por el príncipe Bernardo de los Países Bajos, Bilderberg es un grupo supranacional cuya existencia se basó en una idea simple: reunir a los miembros de la OTAN, la Alianza Atlántica, a fin de que éstos armonizaran la política internacional de los aliados. La adhesión al grupo de Bilderberg se hace por contactos confidenciales y sus miembros tienen estrictamente prohibido hablar abiertamente del contenido de los debates y de las decisiones que se toman.Compuesto esencialmente por personalidades del mundo de los negocios, la industria y la política, los miembros son seleccionados por su “mérito”. Aunque su funcionamiento

y su organización interna siguen estando protegidos por el secreto, se sabe que existe una suerte de “comité conductor” (steering committee) compuesto por miembros permanentes (de 15 a 18 personas entre norteamericanos y europeos) que decide a quién se invita y de qué temas se trata.Bilderberg está dividido entre “iniciados”, en total cuatro integrantes del “club”, entre ellos David Rockefeller, “inocentes” e invitados esporádicos a las reuniones. Todos los personajes que asisten a las cumbres no son iniciados y éstos trabajan según metas que los mismos miembros del “club” desconocen. El secreto es la regla de oro, incluso para los escasos periodistas que reciben esporádicas invitaciones.Aunque es el más protegido, Bilderberg no es el único círculo sobre el que pesan muchos interrogantes: el Club de Roma, la Comisión Trilateral, el Bohemian Club, el Aspen Strategy Group, el Council of Foreign Relations, y el Skull and Bones constituyen otros brazos de lo que muchos denominan “la secta global”. El grupo de Bilderberg se presenta como un “foro internacional” en cuyo seno los dirigentes políticos y económicos exponen su posición personal sobre temas de interés general, especialmente en los campos de la política exterior y la economía internacional. Sin embargo, cuando se conoce la nómina de participantes, los temas tratados y algunas “decisiones históricas” tomadas por sus miembros se hace evidente que existe un “lazo confidencial” entre lo que se habla en Bilderberg y lo que ocurre después. Cada vez que un tema dominó la agenda mundial, Bilderberg lo trató a su manera elaborando una estrategia de respuesta o, como en algunos casos, estableciendo una auténtica política de acción. El Foro de Davos reúne cada año en esta ciudad a la crema del mundo para evocar “públicamente” los temas más candentes. Bilderberg hace lo mismo…pero a puertas cerradas, sin conferencia de prensa ni publicidad alguna.

Los grandes “cardenales” de este cónclave planetario son dueños de bancos (Lazard Frères & Co., Barclays, Chase Manhattan Bank, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Société Générale de Belgique, UBS,…) administradores de grupos industriales (Unilever, Fiat, Daimler-Chrysler, Xerox Company, Lafargue, Total-Fina Elf, Shell, BP Amoco,…) varios comisarios europeos, millonarios como Rockefeller y sus descendientes, responsables de instituciones de estudios internacionales, el secretario general de la OTAN, dirigentes del FMI y del BM, ex presidentes como George Bush o Bill Clinton, personajes influyentes como Henry Kissinger, senadores e intermediarios de altísimo vuelo.Gora Greider, secretario de redacción del diario sueco Dala Demokraten, establece un lazo entre el orden actual del mundo y las influencias ejercidas en el seno de Bilderberg desde hace 50 años. Según Greider, Bilderberg contribuyó “a instaurar el tipo de capitalismo que conocemos hoy y a solidarizar entre sí a las principales elites mundiales del ámbito de los negocios. David Rockefeller, dueño del Chase Manhattan Bank, fundador de la Comisión Trilateral –es decir el brazo político de Bilderberg-, participó de todas las reuniones del grupo desde su fundación en 1954. A él se le debe la mejor definición escondida de los círculos como Bilderberg. En la edición del primero de febrero de 1999, Rockefeller declaró a Newsweek International: “Algo debe reemplazar a los gobiernos y el poder privado me parece la entidad adecuada para hacerlo”.

El esquema de sus reuniones, celebradas cada año en un lugar diferente del mundo no varía: son ultra secretas, protegidas por un imponente ballet masculino de los servicios secretos, con la asistencia de lo más destacado que existe en los círculos de las finanzas y la política. En una de las últimas cumbres, organizada en Francia, entre los más de 100 “global leaders” que asistieron estaban el número dos del Pentágono, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, uno de los inevitables ex consejero de Seguridad de George Bush y arma política de disuasión frente a los enemigos de la ofensiva militar en Irak, Dominique de Villepin, el ministro francés de Relaciones Exteriores, el ex presidente

francés y actual presidente de la Convención Europea, Valery Giscard d’Estaing; John Bolton, subsecretario de Estado Norteamericano encargado de las armas y la seguridad nacional, una galería de presidentes de grupos multinacionales Thales, Axa, Nokia, Daimler-Chrysler, Novartis-, gobernadores de bancos centrales, el Rey de España, los primeros ministros de Dinamarca y Portugal, el juez antiterrorista Jean Louis Bruguière, miembros de institutos de estudios estratégicos internacionales y un puñado de periodistas que aceptan la ley del silencio, de Financial Times, The Economist, Newsweek o La Repubblica. Durante tres días, la crema mundial discutió sobre la guerra de Irak, la lucha contra el terrorismo, la caída del dólar. Cada participante se compromete a “ser franco dentro del grupo” y a mantener en absoluto secreto el contenido de las discusiones. “La franqueza es la regla de juego”, comenta el belga Etienne Davignon, presidente del comité de organización del grupo de Bilderberg, para quien “si Bilderberg es un éxito se debe a que nadie molesta a nadie, a que cada participante juzga útil escuchar una cosa distinta de la que está acostumbrado a oír. La gente sabe que acá no hay micrófonos y que no se van a ir con las manos vacías”.Según reveló parcialmente el comisario europeo Pascal Lamy, “los enfrentamientos entre franceses y norteamericanos a propósito de la guerra de Irak fueron intensos”. Un asiduo concurrente a las reuniones de Bilderberg explica: “Acá se puede ir al fondo de las cosas, se habla de geopolítica, de estrategia”. Desde luego, también se trabaja “cuerpo a cuerpo” para orientar los comportamientos de las redes de influencia. El Corporate European Observatory, uno de los grupos de estudios más importantes sobre las políticas liberales, destaca en un libro publicado en 2000 que si bien Bilderberg no decide nada de manera “formal”, si llega a “plasmar” un consenso entre las elites de la política, de la economía y de los medios de comunicación. Geoffrey Gueuns, sociólogo belga de la Universidad de Louvain y autor de una investigación sobre el poder de estos clubes (“Todos los poderes confundidos”), afirma que Bilderberg ilustra el “pacto estructural entre la elite de los negocios, la elite política y la de los medios de comunicación”. James P. Trucker, un norteamericano perteneciente a la derecha dura, es uno de los asiduos críticos de Bilderberg. Según él y otros detractores, en 1973 Bilderberg sirvió para aumentar el precio del petróleo en un 400 por ciento, Kissinger preparó en su seno la guerra de Yom Kippur (Israel contra Egipto y Siria), Margaret Thatcher obtuvo allí el visto bueno de la elite para ser la primera ministra debido a su oposición al euro, la moneda única europea (que en realidad, surgió más de 20 años después), Clinton consiguió la corona para ser Presidente de los EEUU y, en 2002, Donald Rumsfeld elaboró la estrategia de intervención en Irak. “Es absurdo, un fantasma. La idea de un cenáculo entre amos del mundo es falsa”, alega Etienne Davignon. Con todo, es lícito contestar que algo ocurre. La tendencia ideológica de Bilderberg es clara: sólo para blancos, una suerte de “núcleo” del mundo occidental compuesto en sus dos terceras partes por anglosajones que nunca se ha abierto a otros sectores del mundo.

Pero no es el único centro de influencias subterráneas. El segundo es la Comisión Trilateral, creada en 1973 por los miembros de Bilderberg. Pero también está el Comité de los 300, la Round Table, el Club de Roma., el CFR, Council of Foreign Relations, el Bohemian Club, el Skull and Bones. Casi todos los núcleos poseen características comunes –el secreto y los intercambios entre las finanzas y la política-, y un fundador o iniciador que los liga a todos: Rockefeller. El Comité de los 300 fue fundado en 1729 para asociar al sistema bancario mundial con los representantes de las naciones occidentales, la Round Table fue fundada en 1891 con propósitos similares; el CFR, Council of Foreign Relations, es una emanación de la Round Table lanzada en 19821. El CFR se presenta como un centro de investigaciones sobre las relaciones internacionales y organiza seminarios cerrados a muy alto nivel. En un informe anual de 1992, el CFR acota: “En el curso de todas las reuniones, la regla del Consejo es la no-

atribución aplicada. Ello garantiza que los participantes puedan hablar abiertamente sin que, más tarde, otros participantes relaten las declaraciones.

Impulsada por David Rockefeller y Zbigniew Brzezinsky, la Comisión Trilateral vio la luz en 1973. A diferencia de Bilderberg, la Trilateral organiza encuentros a los que invita a personalidades de Oriente, concretamente Japón. Esta organización agrupa a más de 200 personas oriundas de las elites industriales y económicas de EEUU, Japón y Europa Occidental. Se la considera el “brazo político” de Bilderberg porque sus reuniones se acompañan de cierta publicidad. Existe una presencia “cruzada” y permanente entre quienes asisten a las reuniones del Club de Roma, de la Comisión Trilateral y del Council of Foreign Relations.

Sin duda, el más notorio de esos cenáculos es el Bohemian Club, cuyo lanzamiento data de 1879. El Bohemian propone una suerte de “retiros festivos” durante los cuales los participantes, los dos presidentes Bush, Kissinger, Colin Powell, deben mostrar sus talentos escondidos de músicos, actores o cómicos. Las mujeres y los periodistas están proscritos. El Bohemian Club organiza “seminarios” en California invitando a millonarios norteamericanos y a personas provenientes de 12 países. Cincuenta de sus miembros son directores de alguna de las 1000 compañías que figuran en la lista de la revista Fortune, funcionarios del gobierno o consejeros de mucho peso. “Weaving spiders not come here”, dice la divisa del Club. Una serie de investigaciones indican que el proyecto Manhattan, la piedra piramidal de la bomba nuclear lanzada en Hiroshima, fue concebida entre sus muros en 1942. Todos los grandes industriales, financistas y políticos norteamericanos pasaron por esos seminarios. Aunque oficialmente la cumbre tiene por objeto celebrar “el espíritu bohemio”, lo que ocurre allí adentro suele escapar a la razón. Además de las representaciones teatrales o musicales de los invitados, sus miembros inician las sesiones con un espectáculo denominado “la incineración de las preocupaciones”, un rito durante el cual se incendia una lechuza de dos metros. El Bohemian Club suscita aún hoy muchos interrogantes debido a las denuncias sobre prácticas satánicas, violaciones y cultos extraños que se practican.

El Skull and Bones funciona con un esquema similar. Es una orden selecta constituída por los miembros de las familias más poderosas del sistema norteamericano. George W. Bush fue uno de los primeros en reconocer que formaba parte de esta curiosa institución que ha ejercido una influencia considerable dentro de EEUU. Según Anthony Sutton, autor de una investigación sobre Skull and Bones (“La red secreta norteamericana”), la orden ha ejercido una “cadena de influencias a la vez verticales y horizontales”, particularmente dentro del sector bancario y financiero de los EEUU.

Bilderberg, el Bohemian Club, la Comisión Trilateral, el Club de Roma, tal vez no constituyan organizaciones o grupos cuya meta consiste en organizar un complot mundial pero si aparecen como círculos donde el gran poder negocia las políticas globales a la sombra de los debates públicos y de la democracia.Gran parte de la centralización del poder que se está llevando actualmente a cabo en el mundo puede atribuirse a los acuerdos del grupo Bilderberg. “No establecen la política mundial”, en opinión de Denis Healy, uno de los fundadores de Bilderberg, “sino simplemente debaten la línea de la política a seguir con las personas que la hacen realidad”.Según una fuente del grupo, “los acontecimientos mundiales no ocurren por casualidad: están pensados para que sucedan…y la mayoría de lo que sucede está dirigido por los pocos que manejan el poder”.Todas las instituciones europeas que han formado la unidad del Viejo Continente, desde la Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero o el EURATOM, hasta la Comunidad

Europea, fueron concebidas, diseñadas y convertidas en realidad dentro del grupo Bilderberg.

Desde 1954, los bilderbergers representan a la elite y la riqueza de todas las naciones occidentales –financieros, industriales, banqueros, políticos, líderes de corporaciones multinacionales, presidentes, primeros ministros, ministros de Finanzas, secretarios de Estado, representantes del Banco Mundial, la OMC y el FMI, ejecutivos de los medios de comunicación, y líderes militares- un gobierno en la sombra que se reúne en secreto para debatir y alcanzar un consenso sobre la estrategia global. Todos los presidentes americanos desde Eisenhower han pertenecido al Club.También Tony Blair, así como la mayoría de los miembros principales de los gobiernos ingleses; el ex primer ministro galo Lionel Jospin; Romano Prodi, ex presidente de la Comisión Europea; Mario Monti, comisario europeo; Jean Claude Trichet, gobernador del Banco Central Europeo; James Wolfensohn, presidente del Banco Mundial; Rodrigo Rato, director gerente del FMI; Javier Solana, alto representante de la UE para la Política Exterior, ex secretario general de la OTAN; George Robertson, ex secretario general de la OTAN; José M. Durao Barroso, presidente de la Comunidad Europea, ex primer ministro portugués…(la lista continúa, ya verán más adelante).Kofi Annan está casado con una hija del principal mecenas de Bilderberg. Eso significa que Annan es sospechoso? Significa como mínimo, que cuenta con la aprobación de una importante parte del establishment norteamericano. Kofi Annan fue nombrado directamente por Bill Clinton, quién también ha participado en las reuniones de Bilderberg y la Comisión Trilateral.

¿Cuál es el objetivo, para qué se juntan? Si bien podría presumirse que el objetivo de las reuniones del Club de Bilderberg es, principalmente, hacer una buena agenda de teléfonos para pedir oportunos favores, a los políticos concurrentes, quienes se sienten en su salsa rodeados de tanta elegancia, poder y dinero y que los promotores aprovecharán, en su momento, dando un telefonazo cuando lo necesiten, la cuestión real, muy probablemente, trascienda esta finalidad; el funcionamiento del sistema indica que los números finales de los balances de los bancos y las corporaciones, los flujos financieros y los patrimonios de las familias privilegiadas, dinastías y magnates y hasta los paraísos fiscales, dependen, centralmente, del resultado de opciones políticas concretas e incluso de intervenciones militares o acciones represivas violentas.El poder y el dinero son argumentos mas que suficientes para esconder lo que se quiere, el inmenso bienestar que gozan unos pocos, puede sufrir enormes modificaciones con el conocimiento abierto de las decisiones que surgen de estos foros y que deberían tomarse en democracia. Cuando una pequeña elite, con semejante acumulación de poder y riqueza se reúne a deliberar, no debe hacerse con el hermetismo en que acontece, el mundo en su actual figura de miseria y carencias, merece una explicación de lo que ellos tratan. No es necesario ser futurólogo para predecir que lo contrario solo traerá nuevos, más cruentos y frecuentes enfrentamientos y estos no serán ya, entre extremistas o terroristas y gobiernos, sino entre ciudadanos esclarecidos y grupos privilegiados que, lejos de toda convicción democrática, determinan la vida, libertad y derechos de millones.

“Que algunos activistas tengan a Bilderberg en la mira no sorprende a Alasdair Spark, experto en teorías conspirativas.“La idea de que una camarilla en las sombras está manejando al mundo no es nueva. Por cientos de años la gente ha creído que el mundo es gobernado por un conciliábulo de judíos”, indica.Y concluye: “¿no debemos esperar que los ricos y poderosos organicen las cosas según su propio interés? Creo que eso se llama capitalismo”. (BBCMundo.com – 1/9/04)

Lo que es bueno para los bancos y los grandes negocios es bueno para el bienestar de la humanidad, así piensan la mayoría de los líderes actuales del mundo Occidental, financieros y estrategas de la política exterior que asisten a Bilderberg y desde ese punto de vista, se reúnen para pulir y reforzar un acuerdo general virtual, que consolide esta ilusión de la globalización, definida bajo sus condiciones.

What a wonderful world(Tócala de nuevo Bill)

“Es imposible controlar el poder de Internet” (Bill Gates – El Mundo – 21/11/04)

“No hay gobierno capaz de controlar el libre acceso al poder de la tecnología. Históricamente hablando, la prensa y la televisión sí han sido controladas por unas pocas personas. La destrucción de ese control total de las personas sobre la información es lo que realmente podemos llamar la revolución de Internet. Cualquier persona puede crear ahora una web-site, un punto en la web. La información ya no es patrimonio de unos pocos en ninguna sociedad”…

Gracias a Bill, en las próximas páginas ustedes podrán encontrar información –espero que suficiente- (directamente en inglés, para evitar fallos de traducción) sobre las instituciones mencionadas en los párrafos anteriores y muchos de sus miembros y/o participantes. Cuando es posible se indica la página web de la que fue extraída, para que puedan ampliar los datos o confirmar su origen. Tal como lo he conseguido se los ofrezco. Si no están todos los que son, seguramente con los que figuran tendrán suficiente para hacerse una composición de lugar. Los amos del mundo. Los sumos sacerdotes del capitalismo. La nómina es sorprendente…

¿A qué se junta tanta gente? ¿Qué tratan?Indudablemente que no nimiedades, los pocos asistentes que mencionan algo sobre estas reuniones, dicen que el “club” no es “secreto” sino que es “privado”, explicación que cuesta creer dado lo difícil de pensar en las actividades de una agrupación “privada” que reúna a tantos personajes públicos, aunque ellos digan que los asistentes lo hacen a título personal y despojados de sus “fueros”, es innegable que, una vez vueltos a sus funciones, se encuentran influidos por las determinaciones que se toman en las deliberaciones de las que han participado.

Tal vez -ojalá- puedan comenzar a comprender la política exterior de la Unión Europea, que dicta el mayordomo.Tal vez puedan entender por qué triunfa la Europa de los mercaderes sobre la Europa social.Tal vez encuentren las “razones” por las que Europa no puede aplicar el nacionalismo económico.Tal vez puedan contestarse algunas preguntas sobre por qué la “máquina de generar trabajo” en la UE se frena.Tal vez -ojalá- les queden fuerzas e ilusión -aún- para conjugar el: Nosotros, Europa.Tal vez, teniendo claro cual es la mano que mece la cuna, alcancen a comprender por qué nos pasa lo que nos pasa. Otra cosa es que se puedan modificar las “efectividades conducentes” y quienes las ejecutan.Dicen que saber es poder. A ver si “sabiendo” podemos. Ojalá!!

Ésta es la versión de caché de G o o g l e de http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/bilderberg.html.La caché de G o o g l e es la instantánea de la página que tomamos cuando exploramos la Web en forma automática.Google no tiene relación con los autores de esta página ni es responsable de su contenido.


The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission

The Systems MethodBilderberg and Club of Rome

David Rockefeller Henry Kissinger Peter Carrington James Wolfensohn

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years." He went on to explain: "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."-attributed to David Rockefeller at the June 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle).

Bilderberg is driven by the systems methodology. This is the methodology satirized in The Report from Iron Mountain and Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. This latter in particular is a direct and deliberate indictment of Bilderberg. Of the former, Henry Kissinger wrote "Whoever wrote it is an idiot."

The system paradigm, in a nutshell, is the precept that one can effectively control the future by a two step process: (1) analyzing the present into primitive components and their interrelations, and (2) architecting a strategy of selective manipulation, reconstruction, introduction, and abolition, of components and interrelations. Strictly speaking, this methodology is the most effective of any - though if applied unwisely or maliciously, it is also the most destructive and pernicious.

Problems - grave problems - arise in three principal areas: (1) accurate, precise, thorough ascertainment of what the components and the interrelations are, (2) the choice of goal, and (3) the development of an implementation strategy. Total accuracy, precision, and thoroughness of analysis are impossible with any system of more than modest complexity. Societies of humans are, of course, of far more than modest complexity. Systematicians tend to underestimate the complexity of natural systems, and overestimate their capacity to accommodate complexity, both in analysis and in architecture. In particular, based on an undefendable presumption of rigor of analysis, and due to mistaken ascertainment of human nature, they develop architectures that include components and relations of rigor and regimentation, where chaos-tolerant components and relations of suggestion and flexibility are requisite.

Social and economic systematicians, being institutional academics as a rule, often choose and accept goals that are noxious, particularly when the system includes people.

And, often through no deliberate intent, the architectures they develop cause disastrous collateral damage, wreaking havoc on human autonomy and conflicting wildly with the prerequisites of individual human fulfillment.

An old cliché is an apt caution for all systematicians and those subject to their machinations: A little knowledge is far more dangerous than none at all.

Bilderberg is where the top conspirators broadly effect implementation of their architecture. It is ground zero for practical conspirator coordination. The conspirator systematicians exhibit all the ills detailed above. In particular, the goal they accept is perpetuation of the existing power structure. This goal is inimical to humanity, and particularly noxious to its brightest and most inventive members. In one of those examples of happenstance that smack of fate, the chief conspirator architect - Henry Kissinger - has the initials HAK.

Using data assembled by Tony Gosling, I have done a simple analysis of attendance at Bilderberg '99 (Hotel Caesar Park Penha Longa, Sintra, Portugal), '98 (Turnberry, Ayrshire, Scotland), '97 (Pine Isle resort, Lake Lanier, near Atlanta, Georgia, USA), '96 (CIBC Leadership Centre, Toronto, Canada), and '95 (Zurich, Switzerland). The nucleus of power obviously is the set of people who attended all of them - these are the people Bilderberg is built around. I separately list people who attended four of the five meetings, and end with a list of curious attendees who aren't regulars. David Rockefeller is notable in his habitual attendance not only of Bilderberg, but of CFR and TLC gatherings, making it obvious that he is indeed the Chairman of the Board of the World. Hidden behind the scenes is the House of Rothschild, which nonetheless does make personal Bilderberg appearances.

My guess is that Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (Chairman, N M Rothschild & Sons - nmrothschild.co.uk) and perhaps some other Rothschilds set the covert agenda for each Bilderberg meeting, and have final say on who will attend in a given year, and David Rockefeller mediates their agenda, though Henry Kissinger may also act as a direct mediator. Carrington likely has much direct involvement in auditing prospective invitees. The Chairman - Peter Carrington, until 2000 when Etienne Davignon assumed the chairmanship - is the one who actually sends the invitations. The Advisory Group, Steering Committee, and Honorary Secretaries-General, nominally recommend attendees, but in practice this is not quite how things work.

Conrad Black brags (or confesses, depending on one's point of view) that "After 1986, I became the co-leader of the Canadian group and effectively chose most of the Canadian participants." Presumably, Agnelli "effectively" chooses the Italian participants, Balsemao the Portuguese, Barnevik the Swedish, Davignon the Belgian, Hoegh the Norwegian, Halberstadt the Dutch, Olechowski the Polish, de Pury the Swiss, Schrempp the German, Seidenfaden the Danish, Sutherland the Irish, Vranitzky the Austrian, Collomb the French, David the Greek, Carvajal Urquijo the Spanish, and Wolfensohn, all those not otherwise included. Selection of US and UK participants is clearly more complicated.

One might assume that those officially designated as "representatives" ("REP" in the below list) would be the ones that choose participants from their respective nations, but this is clearly not the case, considering that Black is not a "representative." Status as a representative is likely indicative of a person tending to organizational and reporting responsibilities specific to his nation. The Steering Committee ("STEERING") consists of four people responsible for more general administrative and organizational

responsibilities. The role of the Advisory Committee ("ADVISORY") is unclear to me, but appears to be an ultra-select aristocratic old boy's club.

Tony Gosling has assembled a treasure trove of details on Bilderberg's history and function. This is vital reading.

This is Bilderberg95-99:

Allaire, Paul A - USA - Chairman, Xerox Corporation Balsemao, Francisco Pinto - P - REP: PORTUGAL -Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister. Barnevik, Percy - S - REP: SWEDEN - Chairman, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd Black, Conrad M. - CDN - Chairman, The Telegraph plc. Carrington, Peter - GB - STEERING: FORMER CHAIRMAN -Former Chairman of the Board, Christie's International plc; Former Secretary General, NATO Honorary Secretary General for Europe and Canada Hoegh, Westye - N - REP: NORWAY -Chairman of the Board, Leif Hoegh and Co. A.S.A.; Former President, Norwegian Shipowners Association Holbrooke, Richard C. - USA -Former Assistant Secretary for European Affairs; Vice Chairman, CS First Boston Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - USA - REP: USA -Senior Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP (Attorneys-at-Law) Kissinger, Henry A. - USA - REP: USA - Former Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates; Inc. Netherlands, Her Majesty the Queen of the - NL Olechowski, Andrzej - PL - Chairman, Central Europe Trust, Poland Pury, David de - CH - REP: SWITZERLAND - Chairman, de Pury Pictet Turrettini and Co. Ltd. Rockefeller, David - USA - ADVISORY -Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee Schrempp, Jurgen E. - D - Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler-Benz AG. Seidenfaden, Toger - DK - Editor in Chief, Politiken A/S Taylor, J. Martin - GB - Group Chief Executive, Barclays plc. Vranitzky, Franz - A - Former Federal Chancellor Wolfensohn, James D. - INT - REP: USA/INT -President, the World Bank; President, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc. Yost, Casimir A. - USA - REP: USA -Director, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington; Executive Director, The Asia Foundation's Center for Asian-Pacific Affairs


Collomb, Bertrand - F - Chairman and CEO, Lafarge David, George A. - GR - Chairman of the Board, Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. Wolff von Amerongen, Otto - D - ADVISORY - Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH


Agnelli, Giovanni - I - ADVISORY - Honorary Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. Davignon, Etienne - B - STEERING: CHAIRMAN, REP: BELGIUM -Executive Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities Levy-Lang, Andre - F - Chairman of the Board of Management, Banque Paribas. Sutherland, Peter D. - IRL - REP: IRELAND -Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Former Director General, GATT and WTO. Wolfowitz, Paul - USA -Dean, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (see The Challenge of Managing Uncertainty: Paul Wolfowitz on Intelligence Policy-Relations)


Spain, Her Majesty the Queen of - 96 - ES Sweden, His Majesty the King of - 98 - S Lipponen, Paavo - 98 - FIN - Prime Minister Ahtisaari, Martti - 95,96 - FI - President of the Republic of Finland Oddsson, David - 97 - ICE - Prime Minister. Chretien, Jean - 96 - CDN - Prime Minister Harris, Michael - 96 - CDN - Premier of Ontario Klein, Ralph - 95 - Premier of Alberta Brittan, Leon - 98 - INT - Vice President of the European Commission Almunia Amann, Joaquin - 98 - E - Secretary General, Socialist Party

Rothschild, Evelyn de - 98 - GB - Chairman, N M Rothschild and Sons Rothschild, Emma - 95 - Dir Ctr for History and Economics Cambridge Soros, George - 96 - USA - President, Soros Fund Management Lamont, Norman - 95 - MP, Fmr Chan Excq, Director of N.M. Rothschild Crockett, Andrew - 98 - INT - General Manager, Bank for International Settlements Victor, Alice - 96 - USA - RRR - Executive Assistant, Rockefeller Financial Services, Inc. McDonough, William J. - 97,98 - USA - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Feldstein, Martin S. - 96,98 - USA - President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research Inc. Kopper, Hilmar - 95,98 - D - REP: GERMANY - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank A.G. Roll, Lord of Ipsden - none - GB - ADVISORY - President, S. G. Warburg Group plc. Deutch, John M. - 98 - USA -Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemistry. Former Director General, Central Intelligence Agency; Former Deputy Secretary of DefenceSoderberg, Nancy - 95 - Dep Asst to President for NSA Berger, Samuel R. - 97 - USA - Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Stephanopoulos, George - 96,97 - USA -Visiting Professor, Columbia University, Former Senior Advisor to the President for Policy and Strategy. Beugel, Ernst H van der - 97,98 - NL - ADVISORY -Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings for Europe and Canada

Griffin, Anthony G.S. - 96 - CDN - ADVISORY - Honorary Chairman and Director, Guardian Group Chubais, Anatoli B. - 98 - RUS - Former First Vice Prime Minister; Chairman RAO EES Buckley, Jr., William F. - 96 - USA - Editor-at-Large, National Review Ball, George W. - none - USA - ADVISORY - Former Under-Secretary of State. Bundy, William P. - none - USA - ADVISORY - Former Editor, Foreign Affairs. Elliott, Theodore L., Jr. - none - USA - STEERING: SECRETARY GENERAL FOR USA -Dean Emeritus, The Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy; Former US Ambassador. Jankowitsch, Peter - none - A - REP: AUSTRIA - Member of Parliament, Former Foreign Minister. Lacharrére, Marc Lardreit de - none - F - REP: FRANCE - Chairman, Fimalac. Carras, Costa - 96,97 - GB - REP: GREECE - Director of Companies Monti, Mario - 96 - INT - REP: ITALY -Commissioner, European Communities, Rector and Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Milan. Ruggiero, Renato - 96 - INT - REP: ITALY -Director General, World Trade Organization; Former Minister of Trade Knight, Andrew - 95,96 - GB - REP: UNITED KINGDOM -Executive Chairman, News International plc. Mathias, Charles McC. - none - USA - REP: USA -Partner, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; Former US Senator (Republican, Maryland). Whitehead, Rozanne C. - none - USA - REP: USA - Former Deputy Secretary of State. Williams, Lynn R. - none - USA - REP: USA - International President, United Steel- Workers of America.


B - Honorary Chairman - Davignon, Etienne - Vice-Chairman, Societe Generale de BelgiqueGB - Honorary Secretary General - Taylor. J Martin - Chairman WH Smith PLC; International advisor, Goldman Sachs International

F - Adler, Alexandre - Editorial counsel, Le FigaroI - Ambrosetti, Alfredo - Chairman Ambrosetti GroupTR - Babacan, Ali - Minister of Economic AffairsGR - Bakoyannis, Dora - Mayor of AthensGB - Balls, Edward - Chief Economic Advisor to the TreasuryP - Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime MinisterP - Barroso, José M. Durão - Prime MinisterTR - Bayar, Mehmet A. - Deputy Chairman of DYP (True Path Party)A - Becker, Erich - Chairman of the Managing Board and CEO, VA Technologie AGI - Bendetti, Rodolfo de - Managing Director CIR S.p.A.I - Bernabè, Franco - Chairman Franco Bernabe & C. S.p.A.F - Beytout, Nicolas - Editor-in-Chief, Les EchosKW - Bishara, Ahmad E. - Secretary General of Kuwait's liberal National Democratic PartyCDN - Black, Conrad M. - Chairman, Telegraph Group LimitedINT - Bolkestein, Frits - Internal Markets Commissioner, European Commission

USA - Bolton, John R. - Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International SecurityF - Bon, Michel - Honorary Chairman, France TelecomF - Bruguière, Jean-Louis - First Vice President, Justice DepartmentD - Burda, Hubert - Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding GmbH & Co.F - Camus, Phillipe - CEO, European Aeronautics Defence and Space company European Aeronautics Defence and Space company (EADS)INT - Cary, Anthony J. - Head of Christopher Patten's cabinet, EU. [Patten is European Commissioner for Enlargement]F - Castries, Henri de - Chairman of the Board, AXAE - Cebrián, Juan Luis - CEO, PRISAB - Claes, Willy - Minister of State [Willy Claes is not now a Belgian Minister but former Belgian Foreign Minister and former Secretary General of NATO 1994-1995 - now disgraced - TG]GB - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament, [former Chancellor of the Exchequer]USA - Collins, Timothy C. - Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings LLCF - Collomb, Bertrand - Chairman and CEO, LafargeF - Copé, Jean-François - Secretary of State in charge of relations with Parliament; Government SpokesmanUSA - Corzine, Jon S. - Senator (D, New Jersey)S - Dahlbãck, Claes - Chairman, Investor ABGR - David, George A. - Chairman of the Board, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.USA - Donilon, Thomas E. - Executive Vice President, Fannie MaeI - Draghi, Mario - Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs InternationalDK - Eldrup, Anders - CEO, Danish Oil and Gas CorporationUSA - Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic ResearchCDN - Fell, Anthony S. - Chairman, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.USA - Friedman, Thomas L. - Foreign Affairs Columnist, The New York TimesF - Gergorin, Jean-Luis - Executive Vice President, Strategic Coordination, European Aeronautics Defence and Space company (EADS)USA - Gigot, Paul A. - Editorial page editor, The Wall Street JournalF - Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry - French President 1974-81; Chairman of the Convention on the Future of EuropeN - Gjedrem, Svein - Governor, Central Bank of NorwayIRL - Gleeson, Dermot - Chairman designate, Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.GB - Gould, Philip - Public Relations Adviser to Prime Minister BlairUSA - Haass, Richard N. - Director, Office of Policy Planning Staff, State DepartmentNL - Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg MeetingsCDN - Harper, Stephen - Leader of the OppositionUSA - Hertog, Roger - Vice-Chairman, Alliance Capital ManagementNL - Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de - Minister for Foreign AffairsUSA - Hubbard, Allan B. - President, E&A IndustriesUSA - Hubbard, R. Glenn - Russell L. Carson Professor of Economics and Finance, Columbia UniversityUSA - Johnson, James A. - Vice Chairman, Perseus L.L.C.USA - Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. L.L.C.CH - Kielholz, Walter B. - Former Chairman of the Board, Credit Suisse; Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Swiss ReGB - King, Mervyn A. - Deputy Governor, Bank of England

USA - Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.; Member, Defense Policy Board; Member J.P. Morgan International CouncilFIN - Kivinen, Olli - Senior Editor & Columnist, Helsingin SanomatNL - Kok, Wim - Former Prime MinisterD - Kopper, Hilmar - Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AGUSA - Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.USA - Kravis, Marie-Joseé - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.INT - Lamy, Pascal - Trade Commissioner, European CommissionF - Lellouche, Pierre - Vice Chairman, NATO Parliamentary AssemblyF - Lévy-Lang, André - Former Chairman, ParibasS - Lindh, Anna - Minister for Foreign AffairsFIN - Lipponen, Paavo - Former Prime Minister; Speaker of the ParliamentDK - Lykketoft, Mogens - Chairman, Social Democrat PartyCDN - MacMillan, Margaret O. - Provost, Trinity College, University of TorontoRUS - Margelov, Mikhail V. - Chairman, Committee for Foreign Affairs, Council of FederationF - Montbrial, Thierry de - President, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)INT - Monti, Mario - Competition Commissioner, European CommissionUSA - Mundie, Craig J. - Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft CorporationN - Myklebust, Egil - Chairman, Norsk Hydro ASAD - Naas, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die ZeitNL - Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the [Queen Beatrix - Royal Dutch Shell]PL - Olechowski, Andrzej - Leader, Civic PlatformFIN - Ollila, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia CorporationINT - Padoa-Schioppa, Thomasso - Member of the Executive Board, European Central BankI - Panara, Marco - Journalist, La RepublicaI - Passera, Corrado - Managing Director, Banca IntesaBCIUSA - Perkovich, George - Vice President for Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International PeaceUSA - Perle, Richard N. - Member, Defense Policy Board ; Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) for Public Policy Research; member Project for a New American Century (PNAC)B - Philippe, H.R.H. Prince - Crown Prince of BelgiumI - Poli, Roberto - Chairman, Eni S.p.A.F - Ranque, Denis - Chairman and CEO, Thales Aerospace and DefenceDK - Rasmussen, Anders Fogh - Prime MinisterCDN - Reisman, Heather - President and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.F - Riboud, Franck - Chairman and CEO, Danone FoodsCH - Ringier, Michael - CEO, Ringier AGUSA - Rockefeller, David - Member, J.P. Morgan International CouncilP - Rodrigues, Eduardo Ferro - Leader of the Socialist Party; Member of ParliamentE - Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias - Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Santander Central HispanoF - Roy, Olivier - Senior Researcher, CNRSUSA - Ruggie, John - Director, Center for Business and Government, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard UniversityNL - Ruys, Anthony - Chairman of the Board, Heineken N.V.TR - Sanberk, Özdem - Director, Turkish Economic and Social Studies FoundationI - Scaroni, Paolo - Managing Director, Enel S.p.A.D - Schãuble, Wolfgang - Deputy Parliamentary Leader, CDU/CSU GroupD - Schily, Otto - Minister of the Interior

A - Scholten, Rudolf - Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AGD - Schrempp, Jurgen E - Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler Chrysler AGINT - Schwab, Klaus - President, World Economic ForumDK - Seidenfaden, Toger - Editor in Chief, PloitikenRUS - Shevtsova, Lilia - Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International PeaceE - Spain, H.M. the Queen of [King Juan Carlos (see photo) arrived with the queen, but he is not on this list]USA - Steinberg, James B. - Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy Studies Program, The Brookings InstitutionCDN - Steyn, Mark - Journalist for various publicationsIRL - Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP AmocoUSA - Thornton, John L. - President and CEO, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.F - Trichet, Jean Claude - Governor, Banque de FranceGR - Tsoukalis, Loukas - Professor, University of Athens; President Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign PolicyA - Trumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude - Vice Governor, Central Bank of AustriaCH - Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AGNL - Veer, Jeroen van der - President, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company; Vice Chairman of the Committee of Managing Directors of Royal Dutch/Shell Group of CompaniesF - Villin, Philippe - Vice Chairman, Lehman Brothers EuropeNL - Vries, Klaas de - Member of Parliament (Labour); Former Minister of the InteriorFIN - Whalroos, Björn - President and CEO, Sampo plc.S - Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinavivska Enskilda BankenGB - Williams, Gareth - Leader of the House of LordsGB - Wolf, Martin H. - Associate Editor/Economics Commentator, The Financial TimesUSA/INT - Wolfensohn, James D. - President, The World BankUSA - Wolfowitz, Paul - Deputy Secretary of Defense, US Department of DefenseUSA - Zakaria, Fareed - Editor, Newsweek InternationalUSA - Zoellick, Robert - Principal Trade Adviser to the PresidentD - Zumwinkel, Klaus - Chairman, Deutsche Post Worldnet AG


GB - Micklethwait, R. John - United States Editor, The EconomistGB - Rachman, Gideon - Brussels Correspondent, The Economist

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JAMES D. WOLFENSOHN became the ninth President of the World Bank on June 1, 1995. A member of the Institute for Advanced Study's Board of Trustees since 1978 and its Chairman since 1986, Mr. Wolfensohn had been President and C.E.O. of his own investment banking firm, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc., for the last fourteen years.Since Mr. Wolfensohn assumed the World Bank's presidency, he has spent much of his time traveling throughout the world to see first-hand the Bank's operations. He has been to Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, Australia,East Asia, and the Middle East, meeting with government leaders, representatives of business, labor, non-governmental organizations, church groups, the media, students, and teachers. Mr. Wolfensohn believes that it is critical to form his own view of what the World Bank has done in the past and will do in the future. During an interview with The Washington Post, he said, "I'll be walking the streets, smelling it myself. I can't get that from listening to commentary in Washington."This hands-on approach is typical for Mr. Wolfensohn. He served as a Royal Australian Air Force Flying Officer, and in 1956 was a member of the Australian Olympic Fencing Team. He holds B.A. and LL.B. degrees from the University of Sydney and was an attorney with an Australian law firm before attending the Harvard Graduate School of Business from which he received his M.B.A. A lover and patron of the arts, he has been Chairman of the Board of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts since

1990, and earlier he was Chair of the Board of Carnegie Hall. Mr. Wolfensohn is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.Director Phillip Griffiths said recently that he and all in the Institute community are delighted that, despite the demanding schedule Mr. Wolfensohn will face as President of the World Bank, he will be able to continue his commitment to the Institute and his chairmanship of the Board.

When Albert Einstein came to the United States, he stationed himself at the IAS. Einstein was a vocal proponent of the world government concept, including particularly the disarmament of nations. In the chapter on erosion of sovereignty is an essay that details Einstein's promotion of the world government concept, explaining why he considered it to be imperative. My own retorts are interstitiated therein.

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJAMES D. WOLFENSOHN (Chairman)President, The World BankWashington, DC

LEON LEVY (Vice Chairman)Partner, Odyssey Partners, L.P.New York, New York

JAMES G. ARTHURUniversity Professor, Department of MathematicsUniversity of TorontoToronto, Canada

RICHARD B. BLACKPresident, Oak Technology, Inc.Sunnyvale, California

MICHAEL R. BLOOMBERGPresident and Founder, Bloomberg Financial MarketsNew York, New York

MARTIN A. CHOOLJIANPresident, CH Capital CorporationPrinceton, New Jersey

ANNE d'HARNONCOURTThe George D. Widener Director and CEO, Philadelphia Museum of ArtPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania

MARIO DRAGHIDirector General of the Treasury, Ministry of the Italian TreasuryRome, Italy

JEAN BETHKE ELSHTAINLaura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Social and Political EthicsThe University of ChicagoChicago, Illinois

VARTAN GREGORIANPresident, Carnegie CorporationNew York, New York

PHILLIP A. GRIFFITHSDirector, Institute for Advanced StudyPrinceton, New Jersey

AGNES GUNDPresident, The Museum of Modern ArtNew York, New York

TORU HASHIMOTOChairman of the Board, The Fuji Bank, LimitedTokyo, Japan

JON M. HUNTSMAN, Jr.Vice Chairman, HuntsmanSalt Lake City, Utah

PETER R. KANNPublisher and Chairman, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.New York, New York

HELENE L. KAPLANOf Counsel, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & FlomNew York, New York

IMMANUEL KOHNSenior Partner and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Cahill Gordon & ReindelNew York, New York

MARIE-JOSEE KRAVISSenior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.New York, New York

MARTIN L. LEIBOWITZVice Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, TIAA-CREFNew York, New York

DAVID F. MARQUARDTManaging Partner, August Capital Menlo Park, California

ROBERT B. MENSCHELLimited Partner, Goldman Sachs & CompanyNew York, New York

NATHAN P. MYHRVOLDChief Technology Officer, Microsoft CorporationRedmond, Washington

MARTIN J. REESRoyal Society Research Professor, Institute of AstronomyUniversity of CambridgeCambridge, England

JAMES J. SCHIROChairman, Price Waterhouse LLPNew York, New York

RONALDO H. SCHMITZMember of the Board of Managing Directors, Deutsche Bank AGFrankfurt, Germany

RUTH J. SIMMONSPresident, Smith CollegeNorthampton, Massachusetts

CHARLES SIMONYIChief Architect, Microsoft CorporationRedmond, Washington


LADISLAUS VON HOFFMANNPresident, Omicron Investments, Inc.Washington, DC

BRIAN F. WRUBLEPartner, Odyssey Partners, L.P.New York, New York

MORTIMER B. ZUCKERMANChairman and Editor-in-Chief, U.S. News and World ReportNew York, New York







Bilderberg is to the IISS roughly as Bohemian Grove is to the CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies, covered below).

Movers, shakers from politics, business go Bohemian:Annual Sonoma fete draws Bushes, Kissinger, Powell, Gingrich

MONTE RIO -- The Bohemian Club's Annual Summer Encampment came to a close here Sunday, ending a two-week retreat for the rich and powerful that President Herbert Hoover once called "the greatest men's party on Earth." The club's famed annual gathering has been held for more than 100 years at the 2,700-acre Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, about 70 miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. This year's event drew in notables such as former President George Bush, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, retired Gen. Colin Powell, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Dow Chemical Chairman Frank Popoff, as well as actor Danny Glover.

The men gather to celebrate what they call "the spirit of Bohemia," said Peter Phillips, a Sonoma State University sociology professor who wrote his doctoral dissertation on the Bohemian Club.

"This is a place men can go and hang out with people who are similar to them," he said.

The annual gathering near the Russian River, which was first held in 1879, starts with the "Cremation of Care" ritual, in which the club's mascot is burned in effigy, symbolizing a freedom from care. Members also perform several plays, and gourmet food and expensive wine are plentiful.

While the club was formed in 1872 by a group of San Francisco journalists, the male-only club now bars journalists from membership to protect the group's privacy. Membership is coveted, and people routinely wait 10 or 15 years before gaining admittance. There are currently about 2,700 members.

"These are often public policy speeches," said Mary Moore, with Bohemian Grove Action Network, a protest group. "And the American public is not privy to it."

The point of the protests, Moore said, has been "to let the American public know that what they've learned in civics isn't the full story on how decision-making . . . is made in this country." The Bohemian Club, she said, "is one of the most elite organizations on the planet."

When the group sponsors public policy talks that are held without public scrutiny, "the average American feels left out of the process," she said.

Phillips echoes Moore's objections to the off-the-record nature of the Lakeside Talks.

"These are extremely powerful people and private discussions on policy issues that affect us certainly go against democratic principles," he said. "There's no reason that those speeches they're giving couldn't be transcribed and made public. They have a responsibility to be open about it."

Bohemian Grove, a secluded campground in California's Sonoma County, is the site of an annual two-week gathering of a highly select, all-male club, whose members have included every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge. Current participants include George Bush, Henry Kissinger, James Baker and David Rockefeller -- a virtual who's who of the most powerful men in business and government.

Here is a brief on the Center for Strategic and International Studies. This organization, by all appearances, is entirely evil and subversive. It is a hub of practical globalist-feudalist policy development, promulgation, and implementational coordination. Browsing directories of recent issues of their journal or of their recent publications provides ample demonstration of this. Elite congressional involvement is extensive. The CSIS is a major doctrinal organ. Almost all of their publications are available only through purchase at significant cost, but they are nonetheless all available to the public.

Who leads CSIS?CSIS receives guidance and direction from several groups that oversee its operations.

Board of Trustees The Board of trustees is composed of distinguished U.S. business and academic leaders.


Sam Nunn, former U.S. Senator

Vice Chairman and Cofounder

David M. AbshirePresident & CEO, The Center for the Study of the Presidency

Chairman, Executive Committee

Anne Armstrong*Former Ambassador to Great Britain

President and CEO

Robert B. Zoellick


Lester M. Alberthal, Jr.Betty BeeneReginald K. Brack, Jr.William E. BrockHarold BrownZbigniew BrzezinskiRobert A. DayMichael P. Galvin*Joseph T. GormanCarla A. HillsRay L. HuntJames A. KellyHenry A. KissingerDonald B. MarronHomer A. NealJohn E. PepperWilliam J. PerryCharles A. SandersJohn C. SawhillJames R. SchlesingerWilliam A. Schreyer*Brent ScowcroftMurray WeidenbaumFrederick WhittemoreR. James WoolseyAmos A. Jordan, EmeritusLeonard H. Marks, EmeritusRobert S. Strauss, Emeritus

*member of the Executive Committee

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is composed of both public and private sector policymakers, including 14 members of Congress. The Board is cochaired by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Carla Hills.

Corporate Officers

Anthony A. Smith, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerRichard M. Fairbanks III, Managing Director for Domestic and International IssuesWilliam J. Taylor, Jr., Senior Vice President for International Security AffairsErik R. Peterson, Senior Vice President and Director of StudiesBradley D. Belt, Vice President for International Finance and Economic PolicyJudy L. Harbaugh, Vice President for DevelopmentM. Jon Vondracek, Vice President for External RelationsBrenda Palmer, Vice President for Finance and Administration


CSIS Counselors are world-class strategists who have formerly held top-level government posts. They bring to the Center an extensive reserve of expertise and experience.

William E. BrockHarold BrownZbigniew BrzezinskiHenry A. KissingerMack McLartySam NunnJames R. Schlesinger


Senior advisers and associates are an integral part of the CSIS family. They provide substantive counsel and input on the full range of Center projects.

Distinguished Senior Scholars

Fred C. Iklé (in residence)Bernard Lewis (Princeton University)

Senior Advisers

J. Carter BeeseWayne BermanM. Stanton H. BurnettDerek H. BurneyRichard R. BurtWilliam Clark, Jr.Arnaud de BorchgraveDiana Lady DouganErnest GravesMax M. KampelmanRobert H. KuppermanDavid McCurdy

Robert G. NeumannStephen J. SolarzThe Duke of Westminster

Distinguished Senior Adviser

William J. Crowe, Jr.

What is CSIS?The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a public policy research institution dedicated to analysis and policy impact. CSIS is the only institution of its kind that maintains resident experts on all the world's major geographical regions. It also covers key functional areas, such as international finance, U.S. domestic and economic policy, and U.S. foreign policy and national security issues.

For more than three decades, the strategic approach of CSIS has emphasized long-range, anticipatory, and integrated thinking on a wide range of policy issues.

The Center's staff of 80 research specialists, 80 support staff, and 70 interns, is committed to generating strategic analysis, analyzing policy options, exploring contingencies, and making recommendations.

Founded in 1962 and located in Washington, D.C., CSIS is a private, tax-exempt institution. Its research is non-partisan and non-proprietary. On January 1, 1999, Sam Nunn assumed the position of chairman of the CSIS Board of Trustees, formerly held by Anne Armstrong, and Robert Zoellick assumed the presidency as David M. Abshire became the CSIS chancellor.

The Center's gateway to Asia is the Honolulu-based Pacific Forum CSIS. It is the hub of a network of 20 research institutes around the Pacific Rim. Forum programs encompass current and emerging political, security, economic, and business issues. Brent Scowcroft chairs its Board of Governors and James A. Kelly is its president.

What is the CSIS Mission?The mission of CSIS is policy impact.

Its goal is to inform and shape selected policy decisions in government and the private sector to meet the increasingly complex and difficult challenges that leaders will confront in the next century.

How does CSIS implement this mission?CSIS achieves this mission in three ways:

By generating strategic analysis

CSIS is a source of scholarly analysis on international public policy issues, such as the following:

The Seven Revolutions Project, which identifies and analyzes the issues that leaders will face in the year 2020. This project assesses trends in seven areas of revolutionary change: demography, environment, technology, knowledge, economics and finance, conflict, and society and politics. Trends within these Seven Revolutions, analysis of

links among those revolutions, and the Center's contingency thinking have been woven together into a multimedia presentation that has been shown around the world.

Global Trends 2002 brings together CSIS experts to examine major world trends over the next decade and their implications for a number of key countries. Designed to offer useful, near-term insights to decision makers in business and government, Global Trends 2002 differs from Seven Revolutions in three primary ways: its shorter time frame, its more in-depth research and analysis, and its use of specific contingency analyses and country projections.

Middle East Dynamic Net Assessment examines the strategic environment in the Middle East, taking in to account the most recent political and military developments in the region, and explores the implication s for regional security.

By convening policymakers and other influential parties

CSIS has a long-standing reputation for bringing together leaders from government, the private sector, and academia from around the world. Examples include:

Global Organized Crime examines the implications of this burgeoning threat to global stability and information technology security from narcotics trafficking, financial crime, Russian and Asian organized crime, terrorism, and the nuclear black market. The project is chaired by Judge William Webster.

The Global Information Infrastructure Commission is designed to foster private sector leadership and private-public sector cooperation in the development of information networks and services. The 40 commissioners include CEOs of major international corporations, the World Bank, and government representatives. Commission cochairs are Minoru Makihara (CEO of Mitsubishi), Les Alberthal (chairman and CEO of EDS) and Volker Jung (executive vice-president and member of the managing board of Siemens AG).

By building structures for policy action

CSIS mobilizes government and private-sector leaders in action commissions and other high-level groups and then moves policymakers to take concrete actions.

These initiatives are designed to achieve specific, well-defined results-sachs as replacing the current anti-savings, anti-investment tax code in the United States and increasing foreign investment flows to economies in transition

How is CSIS Organized?Programs | Major ProjectsEndowed Chairs | Membership Groups


African Studies: Helen Kitchen, Chair; Constance J. Freeman, Director

Americas Program: Georges A. Fauriol, Director

Asian Studies: Gerrit W. Gong, Director

Domestic Policy Issues: Bradley D. Belt, Director

Energy and National Security Studies: G. Henry Schuler, Chair; Robert E. Ebel, Director

European Studies: Simon Serfaty, Director

International Finance and Economics: Vacant

International Communications: Diana L. Dougan, Chair; William B. Garrison, Jr., Director

Islamic Studies: Shireen T. Hunter

Middle East Studies: Anthony Cordesman and Judith Kipper, Codirectors

Political-Military Studies: William J. Taylor, Jr., Director

Preventive Diplomacy: Joseph V. Montville, Director

Russian and Eurasian Program: Keith Bush, Senior Associate

South Asia Program: Teresita C. Schaffer

Major Projects

Global Organized Crime National Commission on Retirement Policy New Global Economy Project Strategic Energy Initiative Turkish Studies Project Unilateral Economic Sanctions Project U.S.-EU-Poland Action Commission MERCOSUR Project U.S.-Romanian Action Commission Endowed Chairs

Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy: Sir Laurence Martin

Freeman Chair in China Studies: Gerrit W. Gong

Japan Chair: William T. Breer

Henry A. Kissinger Chair in International Politics, Diplomatic History, and National Security Policy: Walter Laqueur

William M. Scholl Chair in International Business: vacant

William A. Schreyer Chair in Global Analysis: Erik R. Peterson

William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy: Sidney Weintraub Membership Groups

The Houston and Dallas Roundtables bring together local business leaders and CSIS experts to discuss current international political and economic trends.

The Washington Roundtable meets three to four times a year with members of Congress, executive branch officials, and other Washington experts to discuss pressing policy issues of the day.

The International Councillors: CSIS Counselor Henry Kissinger chairs the semiannual meetings of this group of international business leaders who discuss the implications of the changing economic and strategic environment.

The International Research Council: The Council is a group of world renowned scholars who oversee the development and execution of the Center's research agenda. Cochairs are Walter Laqueur and Murray Weidenbaum.

The 2020 Committee is a network of younger members of the CSIS community who are also leaders in business and government. Established a the time of the Center's 30th anniversary in 1993, the 2020 Committee was given a charter to oversee and advise CSIS as it looks ahead toward the next 30 years. Michael Galvin is the committee's chairman.

How does CSIS communicate?Conferences - CSIS convenes 700-800 meetings, seminars, and conferences each year in Washington and throughout the world. (Go to our Calendar of Upcoming Events or Chronicle of Past Events)

Networks - CSIS creates and manages dozens of formal and informal networks and has expanded significantly onto the Internet through its web site, http://www.csis.org.

Media - CSIS generates thousands of media appearances, articles, and background contacts annually. (Go to the CSIS Press Page)

Publications—CSIS publications include its periodical, The Washington Quarterly, and the Washington Papers, the Significant Issues Series, CSIS Panel Reports, CSIS Reports, and books copublished with scholarly presses. The Center also produces several newsletters, News@CSIS, Euro-Focus, Post-Soviet Prospects, as well as the CSIS Watch, a concise analysis of breaking political and economic events faxed to members of Congress, executive branch officials, and corporate executives. A catalog of CSIS publications is available through the Publications Office at 202-775-3119 (phone), 202-775-3199 (fax), books@csis.org, or on the Publications section of the website.

Who funds CSIS?Contributions from more than 300 corporations, foundations, and individuals constitute 85% of the revenues required to meet the Center's budget, which in 1997 was $17 million. The remaining funds come from endowment income, government contracts, and publication sales.

The purview of The Washington Quarterly is broad, ranging across the full set of political, economics, and security issues related to the international engagement of the United States. But its focus is policy and the way in which analysis of international events must be translated into policy choices and actions. Its contributors are professionally, politically, and geographically diverse [We got Marxists! We got

Fabians! We got fascists! We got it aaaaalll! -Ed.]. TWQ has subscribers in more than 50 countries and is available in bookstores and on newstands.

The The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is yet another thinktank in this constellation.

Compiled by David Shedrow:

FACULTY JOHNS HOPKINS PAUL H. NITZE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (SAIS)CFR Paul Nitze SAIS founding father, has been diplomat-in-residence at SAIS since retiring from the State Department on April 30, 1989.

CFR member Paul Wolfowitz, Ph.D. is SAIS Chairman and Dean

CFR Zbigniew Brzezinski is SAIS Robert E. Osgood Professor of American Foreign Policy

CFR Fouad Ajami (Majid Khadduri Professor and Director of Middle East Studies)

CFR member A. Doak Barnett (Professor emeritus of Chinese Studies),

CFR member Frederick Brown (Fellow, Foreign Policy Institute and Adjunct Professor Southeast Asian Studies Program),

CFR member Charles Doran (Andrew W. Mellon Professor of International Relations and Director of Canadian Studies),

CFR member Isaiah Frank (William L. Clayton Professor of International Economics),

CFR member Francis Fukuyama (Director of the SAIS Telecommunications Project and Fellow, Foreign Policy Institute),

CFR member Charles Gati (Fellow, Foreign Policy Institute)

CFR member Christian Herter (Professorial Lecturer in International Relations)

CFR member David M. Lampton, Ph.D.(George and Sadie Hyman Professor of China Studies and Director of China Studies)

CFR member Michael Mandelbaum (Christian A. Herter Professor and Director of American Foreign Policy)

CFR member Steven Muller (Fellow, Foreign Policy Institute)

CFR member Donald Oberdorfer (Journalist-in-Residence, Foreign Policy Institute)

CFR member George Packard (Edwin O. Reischauer Professor and Director of the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies)

CFR member Riordan Roett (The Sarita and Don Johnston Professor and Director of Latin American Studies)

CFR member Hederick Smith (Editor-in-Residence, Foreign Policy Institute)

CFR member S. Frederick Starr (Chairman, Central Asia Institute)

CFR member I. William Zartman (Jacob Blaustein Professor of International Organizations and Conflict Resolution and Director of African Studies).

The two CFR Fellows on the SAIS faculty are Andrew J. Bacevich and Wilford L. Kohl.

The Club of Rome To a degree, the Club of Rome epitomizes the world government movement's general blandness, mediocrity, and mealymouthed words that jail. This is certainly true for such Club initiatives as the RIO Project ("Reshaping the International Order"). In his essay on chaos, J. Orlin Grabbe says

The liberal's preoccupation with social "problems" and the Club of Rome's obsession with entropy are essentially expressions of the Second School view. Change, the fundamental motion of the universe, is bad.

Grabbe defines the Second School as those who believe that "Chaos is a Result of Breaking Laws" - a belief diametrically opposed to natural law, hence antithetical to the Innovist ethic, hence quite positively evil. That said, Grabbe has jumped the gun, as becomes clear upon a reading of Ilya Prigogine's brief paper on uncertainty, included above.

I find myself actually liking the Club, from what I know of them. Many of the complaints lodged against the Club could just as easily be lodged against myself - for example, general indictment of the methods of systems analysis (I am, of course, a systematician). One of the Club's founders was a real WWII hero, a partisan jailed by the Italian fascists. The Club seems to be populated, at its highest level, by people who are innocent of the many horrors orchestrated by elites in other superficially similar organizations of this century. After extensive exposure to frightening organizations such as Bilderberg, the Club seems disarmingly sincere and admitting of fallibility. The Club is mentioned by others in ominous terms, but this seems thoroughly uncalled for. Still, many of these Clubbers are the same sort of people who embark on well-meaning programs in the United Nations that often involve calamatous unintended consequences.

The Club of Rome maintains (or rather, forgets to maintain) a web site at http://www.clubofrome.org, which seems a bit buggy and is littered with grammatical and lexical errors. The Club's Executive Committee has a mailbox, executive.committee@clubofrome.org. I have compiled the critical portions of their site into an omnibus page, which is 90K in length. Here are some key excerpts:

The Club of Rome is a center of research and a think tank, it is also a center of action, of innovation and initiative. The Club of Rome, founded in 1968 in Rome, is a group of scientists, economics, businessmen, international high civil servants, Heads of State and

former Heads of State from the five continents, who are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies.

We, the members of the Club of Rome, are one hundred individuals, at present drawn from 52 countries and five continents.

Currently there are 30 National Associations spread across all five continents.

Another new development was the decision to invite prominent world figures who share the Club's concerns to become Honorary Members. Although their positions may prevent them from taking a public stance, as in the case of the Queen of the Netherlands or the King and Queen of Spain, they can and do give valued moral support. Among the others are former President Gorbachev, former President Richard von Weizsäcker of Germany, the first President of newly democratic Czechoslovakia Vaclav Havel, President Arpad Göncz of Hungary, President Carlos Menem of Argentina, and the Nobel laureates Ilya Prigogine and Lawrence Klein.

As to the more private face of the Club, the personal diplomacy always practised by members was given new impetus by the gradual thaw in East-West relations after 1985. Two examples are particularly striking. Before the Rejkavik Summit in October 1986, Eduard Pestel and Alexander King sent a memo to both President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, suggesting that the United States and the USSR might be induced to work together on reducing arms sales to poorer countries - the superpowers would gain politically, if not economically, from such efforts, and they would benefit from the experience of actually working together. The response from the White House was perfunctory, but Gorbachev immediately reacted very positively, and this led to personal contacts between the Club and the Soviet leadership during the crucial period of glasnost and perestroika. Similar contacts made by Adam Schaff in Poland led to the creation there of a National Association of the Club of Rome, providing a meeting ground for members of the Communist Party, the Roman Catholic church and Solidarity.

Following the collapse of communism, National Associations for the Club of Rome were established across Eastern Europe, in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine; National Associations already existed in Poland and Russia. Chapters were also created in Latin America (Argentina, Chile, Puerto Rico and Venezuela). Currently there are 30 National Associations spread across all five continents.


Ricardo Diez Hochleitner, PrésidentBertrand Schneider, Secretary GeneralRuth Bamela Engo-Tjega, President of African NGOBelisario Betancur, ex-President of ColombiaUmberto Colombo, ex Minister of Research and Universities of ItalyOrio Giarini, Secretary General of the Geneva AssociationBohdan Hawrylyshyn, Chairman,Council of Advisors of the Parliament of UkraineAlexander King, co-founder of The Club of RomeYotaro Kobayashi, President of Fuji Xerox Eberhard von Koerber, President of ABB EuropeRuud Lubbers, ex-Prime Minister of the Netherlands

Manfred Max-Neef, Rector, Universidad Australe de ChileSamuel Nana Sinkam, FAO Director for CongoIlya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, Professor, Université Libre of Bruxelles

“A large section of the intelligentsia seems wholly devoid of intelligence.”-G. K. Chesterton

Ésta es la versión de caché de G o o g l e de http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/cfr.html.Google no tiene relación con los autores de esta página ni es responsable de su contenido. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission

David Rockefeller Henry Kissinger Zbigniew Brzezinski

Visit the CFR's own web server at http://www.foreignrelations.org or email them at communications@cfr.org. Note that CFR also stands for "Code of Federal Regulations," the counterpart to the US Code, and to the uninitiated this can at times be confusing.

Also, visit the Royal Institute for International Affairs, one of the CFR's sister organizations, on their web server at http://www.riia.org or email them at contact@riia.org. The links page maintained by the RIIA is quite extensive.

Visit the Trilateral Commission's own web server at http://www.trilateral.org/, or email them at trilat@panix.com.

Visit the Council of the Americas, founded in 1965 "by David Rockefeller and a group of like-minded business people." It claims to be "the leading U.S. business organization dedicated to promoting regional economic integration, open markets, free trade, and investment, and the rule of law throughout the Western Hemisphere." They state that "membership has grown to over 240 firms with interests and investments in Latin America. Member firms include manufacturing, natural resources, technology, communications, banking, financial services, and law firms." The COA appears to have been instrumental in enactment and defense of NAFTA. Email them at Webmaster@CounciloftheAmericas.org.

The conferences and meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations, Council of the Americas, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Institute of Pacific Relations, Trilateral Commission, Gorbachev Foundation, Bill Gates, etc., are not places where major decisions are made or new strategies embraced. These are simply arenas where the agenda of the inner circle is imparted in camouflaged form to representative leaders from the six conspirator categories (industrialists, financiers, ideologues, military, professional specialists (lawyers, medical doctors, etc.), and organized labor). These representatives also provide feedback on the status of their area of responsibility. If you were a fly on the wall at one of these conferences, you would seldom hear anything approaching ``smoking gun'' evidence of the grand design of the inner circle conspirators. Most of the 3000-odd rank and file members of the CFR have no more suspicion of it than do most rank and file members of the public at large. The Bilderberg apparatus is indeed a place where one would hear noticeably more candid treatment of

the strategies discussed in this compilation, but is still not by any means truly open. Bilderberg and the other gatherings are all arenas in which psychological warfare is waged on the world's visible elite.

The Background

The Council on Foreign Relations and the New World OrderBy Charles Overbeck (PSCPirhana)Matrix Editor The Council on Foreign Relations, housed in the Harold Pratt House on East 68th Street in New York City, was founded in 1921. In 1922, it began publishing a journal called Foreign Affairs. According to Foreign Affairs' web page (http://www.foreignaffairs.org), the CFR was founded when "...several of the American participants in the Paris Peace Conference decided that it was time for more private American Citizens to become familiar with the increasing international responsibilities and obligations of the United States."

The first question that comes to mind is, who gave these people the authority to decide the responsibilities and obligations of the United States, if that power was not granted to them by the Constitution. Furthermore, the CFR's web page doesn't publicize the fact that it was originally conceived as part of a much larger network of power.

According to the CFR's Handbook of 1936, several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 30, 1919, "to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs."

The Handbook goes on to say, "At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best to have separate organizations cooperating with each other. Consequently, they organized the Council on Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, also known as the Chatham House Study Group, to advise the British Government. A subsidiary organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations, was set up to deal exclusively with Far Eastern Affairs. Other organizations were set up in Paris and Hamburg..."

The 3,000 seats of the CFR quickly filled with members of America's elite. Today, CFR members occupy key positions in government, the mass media, financial institutions, multinational corporations, the military, and the national security apparatus.

Since its inception, the CFR has served as an intermediary between high finance, big oil, corporate elitists and the U.S. government. The executive branch changes hands between Republican and Democratic administrations, but cabinet seats are always held by CFR members. It has been said by political commentators on the left and on the right that if you want to know what U.S. foreign policy will be next year, you should read Foreign Affairs this year.

The CFR's claim that "The Council has no affiliation with the U.S. government" is laughable. The justification for that statement is that funding comes from member dues, subscriptions to its Corporate Program, foundation grants, and so forth. All this really means is that the U.S. government does not exert any control over the CFR via the purse strings.

In reality, CFR members are very tightly affiliated with the U.S. government. Since 1940, every U.S. secretary of state (except for Gov. James Byrnes of South Carolina, the sole exception) has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and/or its younger brother, the Trilateral Commission. Also since 1940, every secretary of war and every secretary of defense has been a CFR member. During most of its existence, the Central Intelligence Agency has been headed by CFR members, beginning with CFR founding member Allen Dulles. Virtually every key U.S. national security and foreign policy adviser has been a CFR member for the past seventy years.

Almost all White House cabinet positions are occupied by CFR members. President Clinton, himself a member of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group, employs almost one hundred CFR members in his administration. Presidents come and go, but the CFR's power--and agenda--always remains.

When it was founded in 1921, the CFR was dominated by J.P. Morgan. Morgan is a Rothschild tentacle. This simply reinforces the obvious, that the CFR is a Rothschild instrument operated by the Rockefellers. The CFR is the immediate progeny of Rhodes' Round Table, which was underwritten by the Rothschilds.

David Rockefeller is the chairman emeritus of the CFR. Rockefeller also founded in 1973, and is honorary chairman of, the Trilateral Commission.

CFR control in government actually began in earnest in 1939 by establishing within the U.S. State Department a "Committee on Post-War Problems", the group (staffed and funded by the CFR) which designed the United Nations. (the story of which is contained in State Dept. Publication 2349-"Report To The President On The Results of the San Francisco Conference").

Since WWII, the CFR has filled key positions in virtually every administration since then. Furthermore, since Eisenhower, every man who has won the nomination for either party (except Goldwater in 1964 and Reagan in 1980) has been a member of the CFR:


John W. Davis(1924) Adlai Stevenson (1952,56) John F. Kennedy (1960) Hubert Humphrey (1968) George McGovern (1972) Jimmy Carter (1976,80) Walter Mondale (1984) Michael Dukakis (1988) Bill Clinton (1992)


Herbert Hoover (1928,32) Wendell Wilkie (1940) Thomas Dewey (1944,48) Dwight Eisenhower (1952,56) Richard Nixon (1960,68,72) Gerald Ford (1976) George Bush (1988,92) (who was also a director of the CFR 1977-1979)


CFR Secretaries of DefenseThe National Security Act of 1947 established the office of Secretary of Defense. Since 1947 there have been 19 Secretaries of Defense. At least nine of them have been Council on Foreign Relations and/or Trilateral Commission members.

According to Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1, The Art and Science of Psychological Operations,

"The Secretary of Defense is the principal assistant to the president in all matters relating to Department of Defense, and exercises direction, authority, and control over the department. He serves as a member of the National Security Council. Among the several principal military and civilian advisor and staff assistants to the secretary, his assistant secretary for international security affairs, has major Psychological Operations(PSYOP) related responsibilities."

President Clinton has appointed three Secretaries of Defense -- William Cohen, William Perry, and Les Aspin. As Under Secretary for International Security Affairs, Lynn Etheridge Davis, has been coordinating Psychological Operations under all three. Davis has been involved with the US intelligence community and a part of every administration from the 70's through the 90's.

Davis, Clinton and Perry are Trilateral Commission members. Davis, Clinton, Cohen, and Aspin all belong to the Council on Foreign Relations. Davis published a book titled "The Cold War Begins - Soviet-American Conflict Over Eastern Europe" (1974). Council on Foreign Relations members Warner Schilling, William Fox, Howard Wriggins, Marshall Shulman, and Henry Graff, are acknowledged in the beginning of her book.

Davis is also a Vice President at Council on Foreign Relations member David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan bank. Does Davis help plan Psycho-political operations whose focus is economic warfare?

The RAND Institute is a federally-funded Council on Foreign Relations think-tank. Clients, include the Pentagon, the Atomic Energy Commission, and NASA. RAND's Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, was formerly called RAND/UCLA Center for the Study of Soviet International Behavior. Many RAND studies deal with how to manipulate large groups of people.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense sponsors the RAND National Defense Research Institute, headed by Council on Foreign Relations member Michael D. Rich. Fifty per cent of RAND's work is labeled secret. Despite the secrecy governing its activities, RAND has a prodigious outpouring of books, reports, memoranda, briefings, and communications. Joseph Kraft summed up the propaganda effect of this material, "Though little known, RAND has had an enormous impact on the nations strategic concepts and weapons systems, and in one way or another RAND has affected the life of every American family. " Members of the Council on Foreign Relations play a crucial role in RAND's application of strategies and techniques to purposely keep the American public misinformed.

In July 1992, the RAND convened a group of outside experts and RAND staff to discuss the problems of peacekeeping and peacemaking in the new world environment brought on by the collapse of Soviet power and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Dr. Davis, then RAND's Vice President, Army Research Division, prepared a paper setting issues for the group's discussion. The paper was revised and published as a RAND Summer Institute Report titled Peacekeeping and Peacemaking After the Cold War. In the report the word peace is used in an Orwellian doublethink manner. We are told the Secretary General of the UN "defines peace building as post conflict action... The Secretary General has linked preventive diplomacy with preventive deployments of military forces". We learn, "The Secretary General in his Agenda for Peace... emphasizes the need for governments to share information on Political or military situations, and in so doing, he is asking for an expansion of the intelligence sharing... "

There were thirteen other participants at the RAND Summer Institute Peacekeeping and Peacemaking After the Cold War workshop.At least six belong to the Council on Foreign Relations including: Professor Robert D. Blackwill, Harvard University, Professor Richard Gardner of Coudert Brothers, Mr. James Hoagland The Washington Post, Ambassador Thomas Pickering NEA/INS Department of State, Dr. Enid Schoettle Council On Foreign Relations and Dr. Charles J. Zwick. At least one of the thirteen is connected to the CIA - Professor Thomas C. Schelling University of Maryland.

Should appointed officials who belong to an organization whose members are closely connected with industries that profit from war be making decisions that will send American Troops into battle? Are peacekeeping operations designed to maximize the profit of Council on Foreign Relations controlled, medicine, media, food, banking and energy industries?

Is this the next stage in a plan to maintain the most powerful military establishment in peace time history; the next stage in a plan to establish a new world order; the next stage in a plan for the men in control of that world order to be members of the Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and their branch organizations in other nations? Why are we readying two military bases to launch US Troops on UN Peacekeeping missions, under the command of non-US military personnel to fight in wars that have not been sanctioned by congress?

A list of US Secretaries of Defense, indicating Council on Foreign Relations membership follows:

appointed Jan. 1997 second term of Clinton Administration, Council on Foreign Relations member Cohen, William S.US Secretary of Defense appointed 1994-1997 first term of Clinton administration., Trilateral Commission.Member Perry, William J. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1993 first term of Clinton administration, Council on Foreign Relations member Aspin, Les US Secretary of Defense appointed 1989 (Bush administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Cheney, Richard B. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1987 (Reagan administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Carlucci, Frank C. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1981 (Reagan administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Weinberger, Caspar W. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1977 (Carter administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Brown, Harold US Secretary of Defense appointed 1975 (Ford administration)., Rumsfeld, Donald H. US Secretary of Defense

appointed 1973 (Nixon administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Richardson, Elliot L. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1969 (Nixon administration), Laird, Melvin R. US Secretary of Defense . appointed 1968 (L. B. Johnson administration)., Clifford, Clark M. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1961 (Kennedy administration) and 1963 (L. B.Johnson administration), Council on Foreign Relations member McNamara, Robert S. US Secretary of Defense . appointed 1959 (Eisenhower administration)., Gates, Thomas S. Jr. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1957 (Eisenhower administration)., McElroy, Neil H. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1953 (Eisenhower administration)., Wilson, Charles E. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1951 (Truman administration)., Lovett, Robert A. US Secretary of Defense appointed (1950-51) (Truman administration), Marshall, George C. General of the Army and U.S. Army Chief of Staff during World War II (1 September 1939 18 November 1945) and later U.S. Secretary of State (1947-49) and Secretary of Defense (1950-51). The European Recovery Program he proposed in 1947 became known as the Marshall Plan. He received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1953. appointed 1949 (Truman administration)., Johnson, Louis A. US Secretary of Defense appointed 1947 (Truman administration), Forrestal, James V. First US Secretary of Defense Here is a sample of the Canadian perspective, from John Whitley's New World Order Intelligence Update, from http://www.inforamp.net/~jwhitley/canpol.htm:

The Rockefeller links of Canadian politicians...It may re-pay the reader to spend a few minutes tracing the connections of Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. to the leading politicians, etc. of Canada:

JOHN RAE: leading strategist for Prime Minister Chretien's election campaign. Was Executive Vice- President of Power Corp. and Paul Desmarais' right- hand man. His brother is....

BOB RAE: Rhodes Scholar and ex-NDP [Socialist] Premier of Ontario, who appointed....

MAURICE STRONG to the chairmanship of Ontario Hydro, which he proceded to dramatically cut in both skilled human resources and generating capacity [to provide a future need for power from James Bay/Grand Canal?]

PAUL MARTIN: current federal Finance Minister. Rose through the ranks at Power Corp., mentored by Paul Desmarais. Bought Canada Steamship Lines from him. Ran against Chretien for Liberal Party leadership. He attended the 1996 meeting of the Bilderberg Group, where those he mingled with included - surprise! - David Rockefeller.

JEAN CHRETIEN: Prime Minister. Daughter, France, is married to Andre Desmarais, son of Paul Desmarais, chairman of Power Corporation. Chretien's "advisor, counsellor and strategist" for the past 30 years has been MITCHELL SHARP, who brought Chretien into politics when he was Finance Minister. Sharp has been, since 1981, Vice-Chairman for North America of David Rockefeller's TRILATERAL COMMISSION. Chretien attended the 1996 meeting of the Bilderberg Group.

DANIEL JOHNSON: present Liberal [and Opposition] leader in Quebec. Rose through the ranks of Power Corp.

BRIAN MULRONEY: ex-Conservative Prime Minister. Now a lawyer and lobbyist for Power Corporation which, together with Ontario Hydro and Hydro Quebec, has just formed the Hong Kong-based ASIA POWER CORP., to help China to develop its energy potential. Power Corp.'s legal interests in Asia will be handled by a Hong Kong branch of Mulroney's Montreal law firm, Olgilvy, Renault. He is also a well-remunerated member of the board of Archer-Daniels-Midland, a Rockefeller-owned conglomerate, which is headed by Dwayne Andreas who, like Rockefeller himself, is also a member of the elite and secretive Bilderberg Group.

Mike Harris, Premier of Ontario, who headed off for a fishing weekend at a remote Northern camp with George Bush and Paul Martin soon after his election. Harris, like his colleague Ralph Klein, Premier of Alberta, is also a Bilderberger.

Two intriguing recent additions to this list are PRESTON MANNING, leader of the Reform Party of Canada and of Canada's Official Opposition in the Federal Parliament, and STEPHANE DION, Federal Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs [Canada's "Unity Minister"], who, together with RAYMOND A.J. CHRETIEN, Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. [and nephew of Jean Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada], attended the tightly-guarded, super-secret 1998 BILDERBERGER CONFERENCE at the Turnberry Arms Hotel, Ayr, Scotland, where, of course, David Rockefeller was also in attendance. One wonders if the Bilderbergers' planned breakup of Canada, following the projected separation of Quebec via a Unilateral Declaration of Independence in January, 2000, and the planned 2005 Continental Union of the U.S. and the rest of Canada might have been on the agenda...? So...we have the CONSERVATIVE party [via Mulroney], the LIBERAL party [via Chretien], and the NDP [via Rae] all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp.

And we have the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, and the Prime Minister's key aide all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp.

The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission Most Americans have never heard of these two organizations. But knowing something about them is essential to understanding what has been going on in America for several decades. So, let us examine, first, the Council on Foreign Relations and then...the Trilateral Commission.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)The Council on Foreign Relations (7) was incorporated in 1921. It is a private group which is headquartered at the corner of Park Avenue and 68th Street in New York City, in a building given to the organization in 1929.

The CFR's founder, Edward Mandell House, had been the chief adviser of President Woodrow Wilson. House was not only Wilson's most prominent aide, he actually dominated the President. Woodrow Wilson referred to House as "my alter ego" (my other self), and it is totally accurate to say that House, not Wilson, was the most

powerful individual in our nation during the Wilson Administration, from 1913 until 1921.

Unfortunately for America, it is also true that Edward Mandell House was a Marxist whose goal was to socialize the United States. In 1912 House wrote the book, Philip Dru: Administrator; In it, he said he was working for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx." The original edition of the book did not name House as its author, but he made it clear in numerous ways that he indeed was its creator.

In Philip Dru: Administrator, Edward Mandell House laid out a fictionalized plan for the conquest of America. He told of a "conspiracy" (the word is his) which would gain control of both the Democratic and Republican parties, and use them as instruments in the creation of a socialistic world government.

The book called for passage of a graduated income tax and for the establishment of a state-controlled central bank as steps toward the ultimate goal. Both of these proposals are planks in The Communist Manifesto. And both became law in 1913, during the very first year of the House-dominated Wilson Administration.

The House plan called for the United States to give up its sovereignty to the League of Nations at the close of World War I. But when the U.S. Senate refused to ratify America's entry into the League, Edward Mandell House's drive toward world government was slowed down. Disappointed, but not beaten, House and his friends then formed the Council on Foreign Relations, whose purpose right from its inception was to destroy the freedom and independence of the United States and lead our nation into a world government-if not through the League of Nations, then through another world organization that would be started after another world war. The control of that world government, of course, was to be in the hands of House and like-minded individuals.

From its beginning in 1921, the CFR began to attract men of power and influence. In the late 1920s, important financing for the CFR came from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation. In 1940, at the invitation of President Roosevelt, members of the CFR gained domination over the State Department, and they have maintained that domination ever since.

By 1944, Edward Mandell House was deceased but his plan for taking control of our nation's major political parties began to be realized. In 1944 and in 1948, the Republican candidate for President, Thomas Dewey, was a CFR member. In later years, the CFR could boast that Republicans Eisenhower and Nixon were members, as were Democrats Stevenson, Kennedy, Humphrey, and McGovern. The American people were told they had a choice when they voted for President. But with precious few exceptions, Presidential candidates for decades have been CFR members.

But the CFR's influence had also spread to other vital areas of American life. Its members have run, or are running, NBC and CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Des Moines Register, and many other important newspapers. The leaders of Time, Life, Newsweek, Fortune, Business Week, and numerous other publications are CFR members. The organization's members also dominate the academic world, top corporations, the huge tax-exempt foundations, labor unions, the military, and just about every segment of American life.

Let's look at the Council's Annual Report published in 1978. The organization's membership list names 1,878 members, and the list reads like a Who's Who in America.

Eleven CFR members are U.S. senators; even more congressmen belong to the organization. Sitting on top of this immensely powerful pyramid, as Chairman of the Board, is David Rockefeller.

As can be seen in that CFR Annual Report, 284 of its members are U.S. government officials. Any organization which can boast that 284 of its members are U.S. government officials should be well-known. Yet most Americans have never even heard of the Council on Foreign Relations.

One reason why this is so is that 171 journalists, correspondents and communications executives are also CFR members, and they don't write about the organization. In fact, CFR members rarely talk about the organization inasmuch as it is an express condition of membership that any disclosure of what goes on at CFR meetings shall be regarded as grounds for termination of membership.

...The CFR publishes a very informative quarterly journal called Foreign Affairs. More often than not, important new shifts in U.S. policy or highly indicative attitudes of political figures have been telegraphed in its pages. When he was preparing to run for the Presidency in 1967, for instance Richard Nixon made himself acceptable to the Insiders of the Establishment with an article in the October 1967 issue of Foreign Affairs. (l4) In it, he called for a new policy of openness toward Red China, a policy which he himself later initiated in 1972.

The April 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs carried a very explicit recommendation for carrying out the world-government scheme of CFR founder Edward Mandell House. Authored by State Department veteran and Columbia University Professor Richard N. Gardner (himself a CFR member), "The Hard Road to World Order" admits that a single leap into world government via an organization like the United Nations is unrealistic.

Instead, Gardner urged the continued piecemeal delivery of our nation's sovereignty to a variety of international organizations He called for an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece." That means an end to our nation's sovereignty.

And he named as organizations to accomplish his goal the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Law of the Sea Conference, the World Food Conference, the World Population Conference, disarmament programs, and a United Nations military force. This approach, Gardner said, "can produce some remarkable concessions of sovereignty that could not be achieved on an across-the-board basis."

Richard Gardner's preference for destroying the freedom and independence of the United States in favor of the CFR's goal of world government thoroughly dominates top circles in our nation today. The men who would scrap our nation's Constitution are praised as "progressives" and "far-sighted thinkers." The only question that remains among these powerful Insiders is which method to use to carry out their treasonous plan.

The Trilateral CommissionUnfortunately, the Council on Foreign Relations is not the only group proposing an end to the sovereignty of the United States. In 1973, another organization which now thoroughly dominates the Carter Administration first saw the light of day. Also based in New York City, this one is called the Trilateral Commission.

The Trilateral Commission's roots stem from the book Between Two Ages written by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970. The following quotations from that book show how closely Brzezinski's thinking parallels that of CFR founder Edward Mandell House.

On page 72, Brzezinski writes: "Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief."

On page 83, he states: "Marxism, disseminated on the popular level in the form of Communism, represented a major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world."

And on page 123, we find: "Marxism supplied the best available insight into contemporary reality."

Nowhere does Mr. Brzezinski tell his readers that the Marxism "in the form of Communism," which he praises, has been responsible for the murder of approximately 100 million human beings in the Twentieth Century, has brought about the enslavement of over a billion more, and has caused want, privation and despair for all but the few criminals who run the communist-dominated nations.

On page 198, after discussing America's shortcomings, Brzezinski writes: "America is undergoing a new revolution" which "unmasks its obsolescence." We disagree; America is not becoming obsolete.

On page 260, he proposes "Deliberate management of the American future...with the...planner as the key social legislator and manipulator." The central planning he wants for our country is a cardinal underpinning of communism and the opposite of the way things are done in a free country.

On page 296, Mr. Brzezinski suggests piecemeal "Movement toward a larger community of the developed nations...through a variety of indirect ties and already developing limitations on national sovereignty." Here, we have the same proposal that has been offered by Richard Gardner in the CFR publication Foreign Affairs.

Brzezinski then calls for the forging of community links among the United States, Western Europe, and Japan; and the extension of these links to more advanced communist countries. Finally, on page 308 of his 309-page hook, he lets us know that what he really wants is "the goal of world government".

A Meeting of MindsZbigniew Brzezinski's Between Two Ages was published in 1970 while he was a professor in New York City. What happened, quite simply, is that David Rockefeller read the book. And, in 1973, Mr. Rockefeller launched the new Trilateral Commission whose purposes include linking North America, Western Europe, and Japan "in their economic relations, their political and defense relations, their relations with developing countries, and their relations with communist countries."

The original literature of the Trilateral Commission also states, exactly as Brzezinski's book had proposed, that the more advanced communist states could become partners in the alliance leading to world government. In short, David Rockefeller implemented Brzezinski's proposal. The only change was the addition of Canada, so that the Trilateral Commission presently includes members from North America, Western Europe, and Japan, not just the United States, Western Europe, and Japan.

Then, David Rockefeller hired Zbigniew Brzezinski away from Columbia University and appointed him to be the Director of the Trilateral Commission.

...As with the CFR, we do not believe that every member of the Trilateral Commission is fully committed to the destruction of the United States. Some of these men actually believe that the world would be a better place if the United States would give up its independence in the interests of world government. Others go along for the ride, a ride which means a ticket to fame, comfortable living, and constant flattery. Some, of course, really do run things and really do want to scrap our nation's independence.

What It All Means...The Council on Foreign Relations was conceived by a Marxist, Edward Mandell House, for the purpose of creating a one-world government by destroying the freedom and independence of all nations, especially including our own. Its Chairman of the Board is David Rockefeller. And its members have immense control over our government and much of American life.

The Trilateral Commission was conceived by Zbigniew Brzezinski, who praises Marxism, who thinks the United States is becoming obsolete, and who also wants to create a one-world government. Its founder and driving force is also David Rockefeller. And it, too, exercises extraordinary control over the government of the United States.

The effect of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission on the affairs of our nation is easy to see. Our own government no longer acts in its own interest; we no longer win any wars we fight; and we constantly tie ourselves to international agreements, pacts and conventions.

Global GorbyBy: William F. JasperMuch of the world sat glued before their television screens, eyes and ears transfixed by the drama unfolding in a Los Angeles courtroom. The closing arguments by Johnnie Cochran and Chris Darden in the O.J. Simpson trial held millions in thrall.

Meanwhile, up the coast in San Francisco, an event of another sort (and of arguably much greater consequence) was getting under way with considerably less attention: "The State of the World Forum," a planetary confabulation sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation. Held atop the city's famed Nob Hill at the luxurious Fairmont Hotel, the forum brought together a glittering constellation of global notables representing the epitome of worldly power, prestige, fame, wealth, and influence: presidents, princes, potentates, philanthropists, poets, philosophers, and poohbahs.

Who's WhoThe weighty seriousness and ambitious reach of the conference indicated by the title of the event -- "Toward a New Civilization: Launching a Global Initiative" -- were

underscored by the list of attendees, a veritable Who's Who of Wall Street, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum, the Aspen Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers, the Politburo, the Commission on Global Governance, the World Future Society, and other Insider bastions of power.

Among the 400-plus eminent personages from 50 countries who flocked to the five-day affair (September 27th-October 1st) were former Secretaries of State James Baker and George Shultz (both co-chairs of the forum), former President George Bush, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, President Askar Akaev of Kyrgystan, former President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, Prime Minister Tansu Ciller of Turkey, Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel, former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and South African Vice President Thabo Mbeki.

Additional participants included: Worldwatch President Lester Brown; New Age gurus Fritjof Capra, Jeremy Rifkin, Willis Harman, Deepak Chopra, Robert Muller, and Matthew Fox; Marxist poetess Rigoberta Menchu; Earth Council president and billionaire eco-warrior Maurice Strong; Microsoft wizard Bill Gates; media mogul Rupert Murdoch; futurists Alvin Toffler and John Naisbitt; Senator George Mitchell; Archer Daniels Midland CEO Dwayne Andreas; computer tycoon David Packard; Esalen founder Michael Murphy; motivation superstar Tony Robbins; Men's Wearhouse CEO George Zimmer; chimpanzee expert Jane Goodall -- not to mention Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carl Sagan, John Denver, Shirley MacLaine, Dennis Weaver, Ted Turner, Jane Fonda, Theodore Hesburgh, Timothy Wirth, Max Kampleman, Milton Friedman, Randall Forsberg, Saul Mendlovitz, and Alan Cranston.

Overseeing the entirety of this summit of the anointed was, of course, Mikhail Gorbachev himself. The purpose of the convocation, he proclaimed, was to "launch a multi-year process, culminating in the year 2000, to articulate the fundamental [world] priorities, values, and actions necessary to constructively shape our common future." And who better to kick off an ostentatious extravaganza of that sort than global media titan and former "Humanist of the Year" Ted Turner. Identifying himself as a "great student of history" and a longtime friend of Gorbachev, Turner praised the "ex-Communist"and former dictator for ending the Cold War, which he acclaimed as "the greatest accomplishment in the history of humanity." "Now, with the Cold War behind us," said Ted, "this forum's job is to help chart the way for humanity."

Global Brain TrustGorbachev let it be known that he was not one to shirk from that solemn task. Wasting no time, he opened his remarks with this magnanimous proposal: "From the outset I would like to suggest that we consider the establishment of a global Brain Trust to focus on the present and future of our civilization." This is important, he said, "because the main reason why we are lagging behind events, why we are mostly improvising and vacillating in the face of new developments, is that we are lagging behind in the thinking and rethinking of this new world. Of course, this idea of a Brain Trust can only succeed if endorsed and actively pursued by people who are widely respected as world leaders and global citizens." Respected world leaders and global citizens like -- well, like those assembled at that very same august colloquium on Nob Hill: selfless billionaires, statesmen, academic double-domes, Nobel laureates, and spiritual mahatmas in the service of humanity and planetary survival. This is a theme Gorbachev has been playing in concert with similar motifs in which he has called for "non-governmental commissions of 'wise men'" and "Councils of Elders" to solve the world's intractable problems.

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Investigation Reveals: Bilderbergers Want Taxes Up, War in Iraq Over By James P. Tucker Jr.

Stresa, Italy-At this year's secret Bilderberg meeting, some of the world's most powerful elite focused on U.S. taxes and foreign giveaways, as well as the increasingly violent Iraq occupation and the role the United Nations should play in all future similar outbreaks of violence.

Prior to the meeting, a Bilderberg memo promised that its members would deal mainly with European-American relations and in that context, with U.S politics, Iraq, the Middle East, European geopolitics, NATO, China, energy and economic problems.

During the conference, Britain came in for harsh criticism for supporting the invasion of Iraq. It was also lambasted for failing to embrace the euro, despite Prime Minister Tony Blair's promise to do so at a Bilderberg meeting some years ago in the Scottish resort of Turnberry.

Bilderberg members also expressed frustration with the rising clamor in Britain to quit the European Union.

As expected, the United States was heavily criticized for the fact that its foreign aid was a smaller percentage of gross domestic product than that of other nations. That marked the third straight meeting at which Bilderbergers' decades of almost total congeniality was marred by hostility among the Americans, Britons and continental Europeans.

The first evidence of division in the ranks was apparent in 2002 when Bilderbergers met at Chantilly, Va., near Washington. Then, Europeans were angry that the United Sates was preparing for an invasion of Iraq. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld tried to placate them with a promise not to invade "this year." Instead, the war began in March 2003.

Bilderbergers, however, remain united in their long-term goal to strengthen the role the UN plays in regulating global relations. Aside from that objective, other matters on this year's conference agenda included the following:

• British elites are to press on with membership in the European Union despite growing domestic opposition.

• The Free Trade Area of the Americas should be enacted and include the entire Western Hemisphere except for Cuba until Fidel Castro is gone. It should then evolve into the "American Union" as a carbon copy of the European Union.

• An "Asian-Pacific Union" is to emerge as the third great superstate, neatly dividing the world into three great regions for the administrative convenience of banking and

corporate elites. The United States and other international financial institutions should facilitate and administrate these global trade pacts.

Bilderbergers have, for some time, argued for three global currencies-the euro for Europe, the dollar for the American Union and another for the "Asian-Pacific Union."

One Bilderberger, Kenneth Clarke, a former chancellor of the British exchequer, saw the consolidation of currencies as an ideal strategy when he spoke to this reporter several years ago in Portugal. At that time, Clarke told me that "dollarization" would dominate the globe and "our children will laugh at all the petty currencies we have now."

Another much-discussed subject at this year's conference was the concept of imposing a direct UN tax on people worldwide. In order to achieve it, some Bilderbergers presented two proposals: a tax on oil at the wellhead and a tax on international financial transactions.

Bilderberg leaders tilted strongly toward the oil tax because everyone who drives a car, rides public transportation or flies in a plane will end up paying the tax. That will represent more people than those engaged in international financial transactions across the globe.

On the issue of Iraq, European Bilderbergers were more upset that the United States invaded without the UN's blessing than the fact that over 800 American soldiers have died and thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens have been killed.

Word reached the conference from Rumsfeld, who was unable to attend this year's meeting, that the U.S. military would assume a more defensive stance in Iraq, rather than the more provocative operations of door-to-door searches and widespread detention.

Rumsfeld was, however, represented in Stresa by Douglas Feith, his undersecretary for policy, and William Luti, deputy undersecretary for Near Eastern and South Asian affairs. Former Pentagon advisor Richard Perle, one of the major architects of the war in Iraq, was also present. It had been Perle, Feith and Paul Wolfowitz who, from the mid 1990s, had fashioned the Middle East policy later adopted by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.

European Bilderbergers also protested the fact that the Pentagon was considering reducing troop levels in Germany and tried hard to convince their American counterparts to resist the move. They argued it would "undermine unity" and, irrespective of the military implications, the German economy benefited annually from the millions of dollars spent by U.S. servicemen there.

Resistance in Britain to the euro, and to membership in the European Union, caused much concern and was deemed an obstacle to the solidification of the superstate.

It was noted that many Europeans were unaware of the European Parliament elections scheduled for June 10 and should there be a low turnout, it could be attributed to a protest boycott of the elections by EU opposition groups.

Four former Conservative members of Parliament have endorsed the United Kingdom Independence Party, which demands British withdrawal from the European Union. And,

if allowed to vote in a referendum, it has been reported that Britons would reject membership in the European Union by strong proportions. A YouGov survey, taken at the end of May, showed 48 percent would vote to get out of the European Union and 36 percent would vote to stay in.

As it stands, Europeans can only select members for the European Parliament but not the EU Commission, the bureaucratic powerhouse of the union.

Bilderberg participants ended their secret sessions on an upbeat note with a ferry ride to a luxury island on Lake Maggiore, where John Elkman, the latest vice president of the Fiat motor company, will marry his new bride in September.

Pro-Israel Neo-Cons Prominent at 2004 Bilderberg Meeting By Michael Collins Piper

This year's American delegation-some 33 members strong-among the 127 acknowledged attendees at the 2004 Bilderberg meeting was populated by a heavy contingent of individuals known for their intimate ties to the powerful Israeli lobby in the United States. In full force was that faction known as the so-called "neo-conservatives"-those who have determined that Israel's security should be central to all U.S. foreign policy decisions, even those policies that focus on other parts of the world, outside the realm of U.S.-Middle East relations.

Most notable among this group is the now-infamous Richard Perle, who has attended several past Bilderberg meetings, when Republican administrations have been ensconced in Washington.

A former member and chairman of the "Dubya" Bush-administrated created Defense Policy Board (DPB), Perle was once a lobbyist for an Israeli arms manufacturer and, in the 1970s-while serving as a top aide to then-Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash.)-was investigated by the FBI for espionage on behalf of Israel. After a stint as an undersecretary of defense in the Reagan administration, Perle went on to become a major player in the burgeoning neo-conservative network that played the critical role in pushing the United States into the war against Iraq.

Considering the fact that Perle was forced to resign from the DPB after it was learned that he had been advising Goldman Sachs International on how it might profit from the war in Iraq, it is not surprising that Goldman Sachs has long been represented at the Bilderberg meetings and now boasts its "international advisor" Martin Taylor as Bilderberg's honorary secretary general.

Joining Perle were two other Bush administration neo-conservative heavyweights generally known to have been major forces behind the push for war in Iraq: Douglas Feith, deputy undersecretary of defense for policy-the top lieutenant of neoconservative stalwart and longtime Perle associate, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz-and his colleague, William J. Luti, deputy undersecretary of defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.

The neo-conservatives were also represented at Bilderberg by Max Boot, a top editor for The Wall Street Journal, who has been known for his advocacy of American imperialism in the pages of both the Journal and in The Weekly Standard, which is published by European-based Rothschild family satellite Rupert Murdoch and edited by neoconservative theoretician William Kristol.

Also in attendance at this year's Bilderberg was Kristol's close colleague, Robert Kagan-a contributing editor of The Weekly Standard and a director of Kristol's Project for the New American Century, which once declared that "a new Pearl Harbor" was necessary in order for the United States to begin waging imperial ventures around the globe.

The neo-conservative Hudson Institute was represented at Bilderberg by Marie Josee Kravis, who is both the wife of billionaire Henry Kravis (also in attendance, representing his financial empire) and a business colleague of Perle, having served with Perle as a director of the neo-conservative (and Rothschild family affiliated) Hollinger publishing empire, which includes The Jerusalem Post among its holdings.

Another neo-conservative figure on hand was Bruce Kovner, one of America's richest men, who has helped finance The New York Sun newspaper, a small circulation-but highly influential-neo-conservative journal. Kovner also serves as chairman of the American Enterprise Institute, with which the aforementioned Perle has long been associated.

These neo-conservatives were also joined this year at Bilderberg by a handful of other top former Washington policy makers and publicists known for their sympathies for Israel, including Dennis Ross of the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy, effectively an offshoot of the America Israel Public Affairs Committee, former State Department official Richard N. Haas, president of the CFR, and former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke.


The 52nd Bilderberger Meeting - Participants 2004

This is the first year that I have been able to publish the official agenda and list of participants before the end of the conference - so read, analyse and enjoy. Please send me any information on the participants - such as past or present jobs - that the Bilderberg Secretariat have overlooked asap and I will publish them. Tony Agenda and participant blurb from 2004 press release.... The 52nd Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Stresa, Italy, 3-6 June 2004. The Conference will deal mainly with European American relations and in this context US Politics, Iraq, The Middle East., European Geopolitics, NATO, China, Economoic Problems and Energy......

CURRENT LIST OF PARTICIPANTS S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Honorary Chairman - Davignon, Etienne - Vice-Chairman, Suez-Tractebel

Honorary Secretary General - Taylor, Martin - International Adviser, Goldman Sachs International

Nationalities of participants followed by names and partial portfolios N - Auser, Svein - CEO, DnB NOR ASA

D - Ackermann, Josef - Chairman, Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG

I - Ambrosetti, Alfredo - Chairman, Abbrosetti Group

TR - Babacan, Ali - Minister of Economic Affairs

P - Balsemao, Francisco Pinto - Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, SGPS, Former Prime Minister

ISR - Barnavie, Elie - Department of General History, Tel-Aviv University

I - Benedetti, Rodolfo De - CEO, CIR

I - Bernabe, Franco - Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe

F - Beytout, Nicolas - Editor In Chief, Les Echos

INT - Bolkestein, Frits - Commissioner for the Internal Market, European Commission, former leader of Dutch right wing Liberal Party VVD.

USA - Boot, Max - Neoconservative, Council on foreign Relations, Features Editor, Wall Street Journal

CH - Borel, Daniel - Chairman, Logitech International S.A.

I - Bortoli, Ferrucio de - CEO, RCS Libri

S - Brock, Gunnar - CEO, Atlas Copco AB

GB - Browne, John - Group Chief Executive, BP plc

NL - Burgmans, Antony - Chairman, Unilever NV

F - Camus, Phillipe - CEO, European Aeronautic Defence and Space NV

I - Caracciolo, Lucio - Director, Limes Geopolitical Review

F - Castries, Henri de - Chairman, AXA Insurance

E - Cebrian, Juan Luis - CEO, PRISA (Spanish language media company), former Chairman, International Press Institute

TR - Cemal, Hasan - Senior Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper

GB - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament (Con.), Deputy Chairman, British American Tobacco

USA - Collins, Timothy C - MD and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings LLC, Yale School of Management, Trilateral Commission

USA - Corzine, Jon S. - Senator (D, New Jersey), Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs

CH - Couchepin, Pascal - Former Swiss President, Head of Home affairs Dept.

GR - David, George A. - Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA

B - Dehaene, Jean-Luc - Former Prime Minister, Mayor of Vilvoorde

TR - Dervis, Kemal - Member of Parliament, former senior World bank official

GR - Diamantopoulou, Anna - Member of Parliament, former European Commissioner for Social Affairs

USA - Donilon, Thomas L - Vice-President, Fannie Mae, Council on Foreign Relations

I - Draghi, Mario - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

USA - Edwards, John - Senator (D. North Carolina), Democratic Presidential Candidate

DK - Eldrup, Anders - Chairman, DONG gas company (becoming privatised) A/S

DK - Federspiel, Ulrik - Ambassador to the USA

USA - Feith, Douglas J. - Undersecretary for Policy, Department of Defense

I - Galateri, Gabriele - Chairman, Mediobanca

USA - Gates, Melinda F. - Co-Founder, Gates Foundation, wife of Bill Gates

USA - Geithner, Timothy F. - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

I - Giavazzi, Francesco - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University; adviser, world bank and European Central bank

IRL - Gleeson, Dermot - Chairman Allied Irish Bank Group (currently being investigated for personal and corporate tax evasion)

USA - Graham, Donald E. - Chairman and CEO, Washington Post Company

USA - Haas, Richard N. - President, Council on Foreign Relations, former Director of Policy and Planning staff, State Department

NL - Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University

B - Hansen, Jean-Pierre - Chairman, Suez Tractabel SA

S - Heikensten, Lars - Governor, Swedish Central Bank

USA - Holbrooke, Richard C - Vice Chairman, Perseus, former Director, Council on Foreign Relations, former Assistant Secretary of State

USA - Hubbard, Allen B - President E&A Industries

USA - Issacson, Walter - President and CEO, Aspen Institute

USA - Janow, Merit L. - Professor, International Economic Law and International Affairs, Columbia University, member of apellate body, WTO

USA - Jordan, Vernon E. Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co LLC

USA - Kagan, Robert - Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

GB - Kerr, John - Director, Shell, Rio Tinto and Scottish American Investment Trust, former secretary of European Constitution Commission

USA - Kissinger Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.

TR - Koc, Mustafa V. - Chairman, Koc Holdings AS

NL - Koenders, Bert (AG) - Member of Parliament, president, Parliamentary Network of the World Bank

USA - Kovner, Bruce - Chairman Caxton Associates LLC, Chairman, American Enterprise Institute

USA - Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., acquisitions financier

USA - Kravis, Marie Josee - Senoir Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.

FIN - Lehtomaki, Paula - Minister of Foreigh Trade and Development

FIN - Lipponen, Paavo - Speaker of Parliament; former Prime Minister

CHN - Long, Yongtu - Secretary General, Boao forum for Asia

P - Lopes, Pedro M. Santana - Mayor of Lisbon

USA - Luti, William J. - Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

CDN - Lynch, Kevin G. - Deputy Minister, Department of Finance

USA - Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International War Peace

USA - McDonough, William J. - Cahirman and CEO, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, former president, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

CDN - McKenna, Frank - Counsel, McInnes Cooper, former premier of New Brunswick

I - Merlini, Cesare - Executive Vice Chairman, Council for the United States and Italy, Council on Foreign Relations, former director, Italian Institute for International Affairs

F - Montbrial, Thierry de - President, French Institute of International Relations

INT - Monti, Mario - Competition/Antitrust Commissioner, European Commission

USA - Mundie, Craig J. - Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policies, Microsoft Corporation

N - Myklebust, Egil - Chairman, Scandinavian Airline System (SAS)

D - Naas, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

NL - Netherlands, Beatrix HM Queen of The - Lady Shell, nuff said

GB - Neville-Jones, Pauline - Chairman, QuinetiQ (UK privatised military research/services company), governor of the BBC, Chairman Information Assurance Advisory Council, formar Chairman Joint Intelligence Committee, former Managing Director NatWest Markets

USA - Nooyi, Indra K. - President and CEO, PepsiCo Inc.

PL - Olechowski, Andrzej - Leader, Civic Platform

FIN - Ollila, Jorma - Chairman, Nokia Corporation

INT - Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Director, European Central Bank

CY - Pantelides, Leonidas - Ambassoador to Greece

I - Passera, Corrado - CEO, Banca Intesa SpA

USA - Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, former Likud policy adviser, former chair Defence Policy Board, former co-chairman, Hollinger Digital

B - Phillipe, HRH Prince

USA - Reed, Ralph E. - President, Century Strategies

CDN - Reisman, Heather - President and CEO, Indigo Books and Music Inc.

I - Riotta, Gianni - Editorialist, Corriere della Serra

USA - Rockefeller, David - Member JP Morgan International Council, Chairman, Council of the Americas

E - Riodriguez Inearte, Matias - Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander

USA - Ross, Dennis B - Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

D - Sandschneider, Eberhard - Director, Research Institute, German Society for Foreign Policy

I - Scaroni, Paolo - CEO, Enel SpA

D - Schilly, Otto - Minister of the Interior

USA - Schnabel, Rockwell A. - Ambassador to the EU

A - Scholten, Rudolf - Director, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

D - Schrempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman, DaimlerChrysler AG

E - Serra Rexach, Eduardo - Head, Real Institute Elcano

RUS - Shevtsova, Lilia - Senior Associate. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

PL - Sikora, Slawomir - President and CEO, Citibank Handlowy

I - Siniscalo, Domenico - Director General Ministry of the Economy

P - Socrates, Jose - Member of Parliament

USA - Strmecki, Marin J. - Smith Richardson Foundation

B - Struye de Swielande, Dominique - Permanant repressentative of Belguim, NATO

IRL - Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman, Goldman Sachs International, Chairman, BP plc

USA - Thornton, John L. - Chairman, Brookings Institution, Professor, Tsinghua University

I - Tremonti, Giulio - Minister of Economy and Finance

INT - Trichet, Jean-Claude - President, European Central Bank

I - Tronchetti Provera, Marco - Chairman and CEO, Pirelli SpA

N - Underdal, Arild - Rector, University of Oslo

CH - Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

NL - Veer, Jeroen van der - Chairman, Committee of Managing Directors, Royal Dutch/Shell

GB - Verwaayen, Ben J. M. - CEO, British Telecom; former director, Lucent Technologies

I - Visco, Ignazio - Foriegn Affairs Manager, Banca D'Italia

INT - Vitorino, Antonio M. - Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner, European Union

INT - Vries, Gijs M. de - EU Counter Terrorism Co-ordinator

S - Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman, SEB investments (including biotech); Chairman, W Capital Management AB

D - Weber, Jurgen - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutche Lufthansa AG

GB/USA - Weinberg, Peter - CEO, Goldman Sachs International

NL - Wijers, Hans - Chairman, AkzoNobel NV

D - Wissmann, Matthias - Member of Parliament

GB - Wolf, Martin H. - Associate Editor/Economic Commentator, The Financial Times

INT/USA - Wolfenson, James D. - President, The World Bank

RUS - Yavlinsky, Grigory A. - Member of Parliament

USA - Yergin, Daniel - Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates

D - Zumwinkel, Klaus - Chairman, Deutche Post Worldnet AG; Chairman, Deutche Telekom

Rapporteurs GB - Rachman, Gideon - Brussels Correspondent, The Economist

GB - Wooldridge, Adrian D. - Foreign Correspondant, The Economist

Summary by nation Austria 1 Belgium 4 Canada 3 Switzerland 3 China 1 Cyprus 1 Germany 8 Denmark 2 Spain 3 France 4 Finland 3 Great Britain 9 Greece 2 Italy 16 International 7 Ireland 2 Israel 1 Norway 3 Netherlands 6 Portugal 3 Poland 2 Russia 2 Sweden 3 Turkey 4 USA 33 Total 126 Thanks to Michael Haupt - www.threeworldwars.com - for that

Latest Bilderberg news 23Aug04 - Marek Tysis - Bilderberg and the New European Government 11Jul04 - New York Times - Conspiracy Theorists Unite 08Jul04 - World Net Daily - ELECTION 2004: Bilderberg 'performance' key to Edwards VP pick 30Jun04 - Exclusive to comment section - Bilderberg trickery in Portugal 24Jun04 - The South Missourian News - Boldly Going Nowhere 11Jun04 - Cyprus Mail - Cyprus represented for first time at secret Bilderberg meeting 06Jun04 - Washington Times - U.S. Sen. John Edwards at Bilderberg

04Jun04 - World Net Daily - Guess who's at super-secret Bilderberg meeting today 03Jun04 - BBC online magazine - Bilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory 03June04 - 'De Telegraaf' - PvdA'ers join 52nd Bilderberg conference 10May04 -American Free Press - Bilderberg Big-Wigs Set to Meet in Italy 07May04 - Canadian Television CTV - Conrad Black now being sued for $1.25B US 06Apr04 - Where Is The Media At Bilderberg? 06Apr04 - Richard Greaves - Who really runs the world - updated 19Feb04 - Independent - Black 'lied to board over secret Telegraph talks' 14Feb04 - Prufrock in The Times - Rulers of the world prepare to expel Black 03Feb04 - Bloomberg - Black Agreed to Sell Hollinger to Avert Bond Default Jan04 - DutchTV - Dutch TV programme about Bilderberg NATO's 2004 boss is right wing Dutch Bilderberger (from 2003 page) Italian Coverage:http://italy.indymedia.org/news/2004/06/561292_comment.php#561298http://italy.indymedia.org/archives/display_by_id.php?feature_id=1545http://notizie.virgilio.it/informazione/economia/articolo.html?cart=11252814 In French: http://www.oulala.net/Portail/article.php3?id_article=1291http://www.reseauvoltaire.net


23Aug04 - Marek Tysis - Bilderberg and the New European Government EUROPEAN COMMISSION - LIBERALISM FULL SPEED ! IN THIS BILDERBERG SITE EXCLUSIVE NATIVE FRENCH SPEAKER MAREK TYSIS EXAMINES THE NEW EUROPEAN COMMISSION AND ITS NEO-LIBERAL AGENDA - HE DISCOVERS THAT NEO-LIBERAL MEANS GLOBALISM AND RULE BY CORPORATE MONOPOLIES After having announced the attributes and the names of the new European Commissioners on 12 August 2004, José Manuel Barroso met his team on the 20 August 2004 in Brussels for the first time. The new commissioners will then be submitted to hearings on September 27, by the European Parliament, who shall vote at the end October on the new Commission, before it officially takes over on November 1st 2004.

The "European popular group" showed its satisfaction the day after the announcement of the nominations. Its president Potterin commented positively on the Lisbon strategy, in other words the strenghtening of European competitiveness. This will be the central aim of Günter Verheugen. [Bilderberg], who will report directly to Barroso, himself presiding over the group in charge of this strategy.

Verheugen declared that he will be in charge of the group of commissioners responsible for European economic coordination and this will give him a strong position. The subject is essentially depending on the individual member states.

Between the nations in Europe and the EEC, we will find M. Verheugen. The president of the "democrat group", M. Graham Watson greeted the 'inspired' choices and the 'imaginative' thoughts of the future president of the commission. He was delighted at the presence of one third women in the commission and the absence of super commissioners.

The actual commissioners refuse to give their public ideas about the decision of Mr Barroso. One of them observed privately, that the former Portuguese prime minister rewarded his friends, who were with him on the side of the American intervention in Iraq. So, M. Mandelson (trade/commerce), Italy with Rocco Bottiglione (justice liberty security), Denmark with Marianne Fisher Boel (agriculture), Poland with Hubner (regional policy), Spain with Joaquin Almounia (economical and financial affairs) have got more powerful commission posts than France ad even Germany, if we judge limited the powers of M.Verheugen.

The preeminence of the liberals is also underlined with Peter Mendelson, says a senior civil servant of the commission. Trade policy runs a risk of being more liberal and Atlantic. The British commissioner, he added, can attempt to try again to suggest the idea of a free trade zone upon the Atlantic, against the which Pascal Lamy [Bilderberg] fought.

The Irish Charlie McCreevy and her collegue in charge of the concurrence, the Dutch Kroes Smit, are two ultra liberals in charge of two key posts, should provoke reservations from our point of view in regard with their past performance.

McCreevy, Irish finances secretary from 1997 to 2004 is considered as the artisan in company of First Minister Bertie Ahern of the 'Celtic miracle'. His policy towards Foreign Investments turned the island into an El Dorado of American Multinationals. Firms are paying 12,5 % of taxes (in France the rate is 35 % ). The minimum wages are under what is required to live with some respect of oneself. McCreevy promoted the recovery of the National Airways company, Air Lingus, which was near of the bankruptcy by cutting the number of employees.The result of this policy gave some undesired effects: public services running down, increased poverty, inflation, and strikes for higher pay in the public sector.

Sometime nicknamed the Iron Lady in the Netherlands, Mrs Kroes Smit, who was secretary of State then secretary of Transportation, is known by the Dutch Trade Unions as having been behind the privatisation of the old postal service. Her arrogance and bad temper brought her a lot of enemies. Her nomination may well be down to Jacques Chirac, President of France, because, is it told in The Hague, he asked the Dutch government to name Christian Democrat Veerman agriculture commissioner. Mrs Kroes says her policy is Popular/Liberal but no-one is quite sure why she thinks she is popular.

These beginnings are not reassuring, so the French socialist MP, Arnaud Montebourg, denounced the attribution of all the key posts in economical and financial fields to personalities who have a systematic orientation towards liberalism. This European commission, he concluded, is an enemy to every member of our party. Another French socialist MP underlined the decline of France which can only receive a little second order nomination.

The position of President Chirac is not comfortable. The partial nominations in the EEC Commission is showing a spirit of vengeance on the French and the German rebels who weren't on the American side in the Iraq war.

The strange Blairite creature the British press have christened the 'Prince of Darkness' for his twice being forced out of ministerial positions for illegal activities but ability to 'ressurect' his politiacal carreer. Peter Mandelson, we see that he is a member of the Ditchley Foundation, which aims to develop Transatlantic links between Great Britain

and the USA. With more than 15 conferences every year in the castle of Ditchley Park, near Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire

Ditchley is certainly one of the most important places of meeting for the International Elite, along with the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. Ditchley has focused on International problems, as the expansion of Europe (mister Verheugen was just Commissary at the broadening of Europe during the commission Prodi, is this not curious ?), Global Arms Control, the Euro currency, Defense Industry, conflict of Kosovo. It is a very select club, the members are industrialists, financiers, ministers, secretaries of State, journalists, intellectuals and leaders of armed forces, including NATO.

President of Ditchley, we find as we look closer, is ex-British Prime Minister John Major. A member of Bilderberg and the European President of the Carlyle Group. John M is also credit adviser for Suisse First Boston, President of the council of European Advisers of Emerson Electric and boss of Atlantic Partnership. We find as well as members Lord Leon Brittan, vice-president UBS Warburg, director of Unilever, former vice-president of the European Commission. Giulanio Amato, former first secretary of Italy and Bilderberger. Etienne Davignon, that all know in Bilderberg affairs as President, dame Pauline Neville Jones who was Governor of the BBC, president NatWest Markets, member of Bilderberg Stresa 2004, and who sollicited a few month ago to become director in Eurotunnel, whose Lord Tugendhat, member of Ditschley, former vice-president of the European Commission to the budget is director as in Rio Tinto. All these friends awarding jobs to each other over lots of plush surroundings and good food which nobody seems to know who pays for.

A lot of commissioners of the new Commission are not well known because originating from the new members of Europe countries, but in any case there is no doubts about the fact that their hearts all beat in favour of extreme liberalism. We are coming to a more hard stage of liberalism tending to be restored in full power of its belief in its credo.

Let us remember that Liberalism is claiming three liberties:

Liberty of the manpower. It is in no way meaning that the workers have to be free but that the people are free to move from one country to another, one region to another, letting the patrons have a free access to a big tank of manpower. The more global it is, the best it is. Liberty of the soil: meaning that the ground is a good as other merchandise. This point was really important two centuries ago when the clergy was having a control upon lot of fields in Europe as well as the nobles had. Liberty of the currency. Money is a merchandise as others. The first wave of liberalism died in the years 1920-1930 after it did a lot of harmful work on the European and American Societies.

Their system is saying that if everything is free and companies making no cartels and monopolies, with no workers belonging to Trade Unions, the system will enrich everybody. In a way this is the counterpart of the dream of Karl Marx. This is perfectly utopia but based on the works of Nobel prize economists, and mathematic developments, this seems in their eyes to be true.

The system 'requires' every country in the world to be included, and every individual to be effected. That is why Liberalism and Globalism work closely together.

Some French socialists are reproaching to M. Chirac not to have presented M. Lamy at the Presidency of the Commission. Chirac is not mad. He remembered all the worst that Mr Lamy [ Bilderberg] has done to the interests of France. Mr Lamy proclaims to the world that he is a French Socialist as was Mr Strauss Kahn, and Mr Fabius. All of the three are from the 'Champagne Left' and all three are Bilderbergers who like to live in luxury.

The works of Mr Lamy in collaboration of M. Zoellick [Bilderberg USA] have given a conclusion going along with the end of farming subsidies to help European and American agriculture compete in export fields. This will create a strong crisis in the rural world of USA as well in Eastern Europe (standards of living are not the same in Poland and other new member countries as Western Europe).

Undoubtly, this signature will help the products from countries of the South to invade the American and European markets meanwhile a lot of indebted farmers will stop exploiting their fields. This will meet he wishest of the EEC Commission which has decided to reduce the subsides to agriculture in the next four years.

This is an application of the principles of Liberalism. Mr Chirac is the worst enemy of Liberalism in Europe. He is deliberately promoting the French Industry and French Groups. He has been denounced as practising "Colbertism" (after the name of the commerce minister of king Louis XIV). Chirac helped the alliance of Adventis - Sanofi, the merging of these two companies rendered this French group the third in pharmaceutical field. But Novartis and M. Vasella [Bilderberg] was on the side expecting to merge with his own group.

The intervention of M. Chirac made him sour although he declared the opposite. Mr Chirac continues to work with a nation idea of capitalism, opposed by the Global vision of Liberalism.

The power of France is coming from the fact that the European "Council of Ministers" has more power than the commission. They are not both supposed to quarrel, and up the moment of the adoption of the Constitution of Europe and its application, it will be so.Only then will the Commission take power above the Council of Ministers. The constitution, if accepted by the members states will be in full power in 2009.Until then the current system will prevail.

Let 's imagine that one nation rejects the constitution. It will delay the process. Thus the special links between France and Germany are working in the field of economical cooperation as well than in politics, enraging the opinionated liberals.

Commissioners' backgrounds Now to demonstrate the power of international capitalism , I will show you the list of the commissioners since 1994 and their outside activities:

1. Santer Commission (1995 -- 1999) Vice-président : Sir Léon Brittan, vice-président UBS Warburg, administrator Unilever, adviser of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.

Commissioners : Industrial Affairs, technological informations & telecommunications, Martin Bangemann : member of gestion council of Telefonica

Concurrence : Karel Van Miert, administrator Agfa Gevaert, de pers group , member surveillance comite of Philips, Wolters Klowers, Goldman sachs international, Rabobank, Swissair, DHV, GUIDANT , Eli Lilly, British American Tobacco, member of consultance comite RWE.

Foreign Relations, Foreign Security Policy : Hans Vandenbroeck : secretary of board of directors and commercial director of (division of chemical group Akzo Nobel)

Relations with the European Parliament. Culture & audiovisuel : Marcelino Oreja : former director of Banco Guipuzcoana, Cementos Portland Valderribas , Acerinox, Vidrieras Guardian Llodio, papeles Scott Iberica, Agroman Empresa Constructora

Regional policy : Monica Wulf Mathies :former director of Veba (division of chemical group EON), Deutsche lufthansa,BGAG Beteiligungsgesellschaf der Gewerkschaften , Bund Verlag

Interior market, financial services : Mario Monti, former member de l'Aspen Institute Italia, executive comite of the Trilateral commission , of the direction of meetings of Bilderberg group,former director of Gilardini (1979 -- 1983), Fidis (1982 1988), Fiat (1988 1993), Banco commerciale italiana (1983 1994,), Rizzoli editore (1984 1985), IBM italia (1981 1990) , assurances Generali (1986 1993).

Economical affairs, finances and money : Yves Thibault de Silguy : presently director of Suez and member of Internation Medef, director ofUgine and Unimetal (divisions of Usinor-Sacilor)

Budget, personnel & administration : Erkki Liikanen : président 1983 à 1989 of the surveillance council Outokumpu inc, former director of the Firm televa oy

Prodi Commission (1999-2004) Président : Romano Prodi, former member of the orientation comittee of the review If (revue of the IBM foundation Italia), member of the 'association for the protection and promotion of investments of Private Foreign Investments (AAPPI, in Zurich), comite of direction of the review " moneto e credito of the BNL (Banco nazionale de Lavoro). When he declared his personnel professional and private interests, romano Prodi declared having 50 % of the firm ASE , then in phase of liquidation since end 1997.

Commissioners. Concurrence : Mario Monti, cfr Commission Santer

Interior Market, taxation & custom union : Frédéric Bolkenstein, président of International libérals, président of the Atlantic Commission atlantique (Netherlands), member of the Society Mont - Pelerin, former member of the surveillance comite of the firm Merck Sharp & Dohme. Frits Bolkenstein stayed during 16 years near Royal Shell Dutsch before becoming General director of Chemical Shell . Economical & Money Affairs : Pedro Solbes Mira : member of the Spanish section of the Trilateral Commission.

Enterprise- Information Society : Erkki Liikanen cfr commission Santer

Foreign Relations : Chris Patten : precise at the moment of the declaration of his personnal interests & Professional interests havingr 4660 shares of the company Heavitree Brewery (leisures, ho tels)

Commerce: Pascal Lamy: former director of the Crédit Lyonnais, former member of the direction comite of the Socialist party, former président of the prospective commission of the Medef ( french patrons !!!!), former member of the consultative council of Rand Corporation Europe.

Health & Consumers protection : David Byrne, precise in his declaration having 625 shares of Lough Inagh & Derryclare Fishery and 8000 shares of Agua Deck

Employment & Social Affairs ( !) : Anna Diamantopulou, former president of EOMMEX, Greek organisation for little and Middle enterprises and artisans (1993 1994), precise in her declaration, having shares in different Greek firms for about 88.000. Member of Bilderberg since Stresa 2004.

Development & Human help : Paul Nielson, former president LD -Energy, Water Group, former director Denerco (petroleum), tarco (chemical industry), Vestas D. W. T (world leader in manufacturing wind turbines) .

Justices & Interior affairs : Antonio Victorino, former vice-president Portugal télécom international (1998 --1 999), former president of the General Assembly of auctionneers Banco Santander central (1998 -- 1999).

Independent 'Experts' Next door to the commissioners' offices in Brussels we find a lot of workforces existing by the political will of the European leaders, and more particuliarly, members of the Commission, the contacts with the business world are so important that hey could fill a book.

Under the Santer Commission for instance, we have two instances about the future of telecoms and Society of Information on one side, on the other about the European competitiveness in Europe. It is in February 1994 that Martin Bangemann then commissioner in charge of industrial affairs, Information technologies and telecommunications set up a workforce including (no Trade Unions) the following chiefs of enterprises: carlo de Benedetti, président of Olivetti, Gyllenhammar president of Volvo, Pierre Lescure president of Canal+, Gaston Thorne, president CLT, Peter Bonfield, president of British telecoms; Etienne Davignon, president Société Générale de Belgique, Hans Olaf Henkel, président Henkel, Heinrich von Pierer, president of Siemens, Jan Timmer, president of Philips, Candido Velasquez, president of Telefonica whom Martin Bangemann will be little after member of the direction.

These different experts were nearly all present to the ERT ( European Industrial Round Table) which is - it appears - the sole policy making body for new Eurppean law and directives. With plenty of direct contacts with the Private sector of telecommunications and new technologies.

The conclusions they had in these years were in favour of their own private interests. They asked the EEC to install the following reforms, as urgently as possible:

Developement of the enterprise mind to favorize the birth of new dynamic sectors in the studied fields Building of competitive Europe on this market without Public investments, without more financial help, without subsides , without regulation, or more protectionism. In a word, to do more with less. One year after, in February 1995, President Jacques Santer himself created a consultative group on European competitiveness. Made up of

of 13 members : president of Unilever, Percy BARNEVIK (president of ABB et member of Bilderberg) , David Simon (president of BP) or Orja Ollila (president of Nokia and Bilderberger ).

This year they invited some Trade Unions. It is true that the European Confederation of Unions (CES) has accepted since a few years all the reforms of the EEC and the requests of the European patrons.

For instance, the General Secretary of the CES, Emilio Gabaglio, was taking part in the year 2000 to the European summit under the auspices of UNICE and the European Commission. He agrees with the ERT that workers must become more flexible. He spoke in the frame of a task force devoted to reinforce the flexibility of the work markets.

Today the boss of the European Syndicates is himself a member of the European Policy Center, a think thank based in Brussels and which has as director the former vice president of the Commission , Peter Sutherland, [Bilderberg] who became president of BP Amoco and of the American Bank Goldmann Sachs .


Who Really Runs the World? by Richard Greaves

WRRTW version 9 in word or rich text SECRECY & PRIVATE FORUMS Everywhere you look - government, big business and any other institution seeking to exercise power - the key is secrecy. Meetings such as those of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the G-8, World Trade Organisation, World Economic Forum, Central Banks, the European Union Council of Ministers and the EU Commission, EU summits, government cabinet meetings, numerous think tanks etc. are always conducted behind closed doors. The only possible reason for this is that they don't want you and I to know what they are really up to. That well worn excuse for keeping things under wraps -"it is not in the public interest" really means that it is not in the interest of the powers that be that the public should know. However there is, in addition, a network of private forums and meetings that take place where the secrecy principle extends to the forums and meetings themselves - by and large, we don't even know that they are taking place, let alone what is being planned and discussed….

The Bilderberg Group Did you know, for example, that some of the biggest names in world politics, media, banking and business met at Turnberry South Ayrshire from 14th. to 17th. May 1998 under the chairmanship of Lord Peter Carrington? If you didn't, this is your introduction to the Bilderberg Group - a private forum where powerful and influential figures from Europe and North America meet in great secrecy amid very tight security to plan and discuss global strategy and reach consensus on a wide range of issues. What then seems to happen is that ensuing consensus on various issues are then promoted by powerful commercial and business interests in the media at the same time becoming the policy of governments of supposedly different political persuasions.

Bilderberg was formed in 1954, named after the hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland where the first meeting took place. It has a main meeting annually in a heavily guarded location in

Europe or North America. It brings together top people from a variety of spheres of influence and power on both sides of the Atlantic. Participants include Heads of State, prime ministers, other leading political figures, top corporate executives, industrialists, bankers, financiers, and an assortment of intellectuals, diplomats, influential representatives of the media and even the occasional trade unionist with demonstrated sympathy for establishment views. One insider apparently has observed that "..today, there are very few figures among governments on both sides of the Atlantic who have not attended at least one of these meetings."

What sets this private forum, (and others mentioned later) apart from other gatherings of the politically and economically powerful such as the G-8 meetings, European Union summits etc. is that they are little or almost unknown to the public and they escape media attention. Much of the centralisation of power that is taking place in the world today - a process that has been going on for many years, but is now accelerating into top gear - can very likely be attributed to the agreements and consensus reached at these meetings. Human nature being what it is, there are people in power who would seek to bring about some form of centralised all powerful global government. Much of what we see happening around us today is bringing that prospect ever closer. There is the increasing power of multi-national corporations, the surrender of national sovereignty in the EU, governments handing over complete control of money supply and monetary policy to unaccountable central banks, the rules and regulations of the World Trade Organisation, the ability of the International Monetary Fund to dictate to national governments etc. Power is being concentrated in the hands of ever fewer people operating through more remote unaccountable institutions. This is O.K. if you happen to trust the top people in power.. However remember the saying "all power tends to corrupt…and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

Few journalists, reporters and news people in the mainstream media, until very recently, had even heard of Bilderberg, yet these are the people who claim to give us informed in-depth reporting of what is going on in the world. Even many M.Ps. in the House of Commons appear not to have heard of it, and those that have do not speak publicly about it. However some of the more prominent and "promising" ones will have actually attended its meetings.

It is claimed by the organisers to be an "informal" gathering. Attendance is by invitation from the steering committee - an inner circle of permanent members, who meet regularly, setting the aims and agenda of the group, and reviewing progress. Everyone is invited to "speak freely" - which suggests they can say what they really think and believe rather than what they tell the public they think and believe! And it is all off the record.

If you question anyone who has attended, about the group, the answers you get are either that it is just an informal airing of views in relaxed surroundings with no votes or formal resolutions. (However, one can build up consensus quite adequately without formal resolutions.) Alternatively it is claimed to be a gathering of political "has beens" who no longer wield any real power. An examination of the annual attendance lists reveals nothing could be further from the truth. Many a rising star has attended and the so called "has beens" who do attend are in fact still active and influential behind the scenes. Former Observer Editor Will Hutton attended the 1997 meeting. He did not disclose the content of any discussions, but he expressed the view, privately, that it is Bilderberg that sets the agenda for the forums and summits that follow, such as the G-8, Council of Europe and World Trade Organisation meetings.

Lord Carrington was chairman of the steering group until 2000, Lord Home was a former chairman. Kenneth Clarke and Henry Kissinger are current steering group members. Early steering group members included Denis Healey and Reginald Maudling, followed more recently by EU Commission President Romano Prodi, EU Commissioner Mario Monti and former Labour leader John Smith. In the past Wilson, Heath, Callaghan, Thatcher, Roy Jenkins, Jeremy Thorpe, David Steele, the Duke of Edinburgh, Cyrus Vance, George Shultz, Helmut Kohl, Francois Mitterand have all attended. More recently it has been Bill and Hilary Clinton, Blair, Brown, Mandelson, Paddy Ashdown, Norman Lamont, William Waldegrave, Malcolm Rifkind, Alan Greenspan (Head of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank), numerous EU Commissioners, Lord Roll of Ipsden (Labour Peer and former President of merchant bank Warburg, Dillon Read), Conrad - now Lord -Black (Chairman Hollinger Group which owns the Daily Telegraph and the Spectator), Andrew Knight (chief executive of Rupert Murdoch's News International media empire), Umberto Agnelli (President of Fiat SpA). Senior editors at the Financial Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal attend regularly. In 1996, T.U.C. General Secretary John Monks attended. Monks has establishment approval because, since then he's been in favour of Britain scrapping the Pound and adopting the Euro. Since ceasing to be TUC general Secretary, Monks has become Secretary of the European Trades Union Council. In 1998 at Turnberry, George (now Lord) Robertson attended - he was subsequently appointed Secretary General to NATO. In 1999 former Friends of the Earth Director and current Forum of the Future Director Jonathan Porrit attended. Ed Balls, senior economic advisor to Gordon Brown, attended in 2001, 2002 and 2003. Also in 2003, Philip Gould, described as Public Relations Advisor to Tony Blair, attended. Ever since its inception, members of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families have always attended.

What exactly has been going on here? There's certainly a wide range of prominent people attending these meetings, and, when hearing about Bilderberg for the first time, some people say isn't it great that so many different people come together to discuss global issues. Another perhaps more realistic interpretation is that it is the rich and powerful planning our future behind our backs without our knowledge and permission. Previous meetings in Britain have taken place in Buxton, Cambridge, Torquay, and Gleneagles, right under our noses only we didn't know about them. Only in very recent years has the veil of secrecy surrounding the event begun to break, with limited mention in the local press of the host country. Several Scottish newspapers made quite a splash that the 1998 meeting took place at Turnberry, but since then silence has returned. Nothing about the meetings in 1999 at Sintra, Portugal, in 2000 at Chateau du Lac near Brussels, in 2001 at a secluded island resort near Gothenberg, Sweden, in 2002 at Chantilly, Virginia, USA. Finally nothing on 2003's meeting at Versailles outside Paris.

Bilderberg is reckoned to be the most influential of the private forums, but there are other little known organisations such as the Trilateral Commission, the Pinay Circle, the Royal Institute of International Affairs- (RIIA is said to be responsible for British foreign policy) and its United States counterpart, the Council on Foreign Relations. Except occasionally the RIIA, these organisations are almost never mentioned in the mainstream media, all meet behind the usual closed doors, yet they are almost certainly closely linked. Some of them are strongly Anglo-American in membership. Indeed it appears that the RIIA and the CFR may be essentially one and the same organisation, born at the same time in the early '20's, out of an earlier grouping known as the Round Table, set up by those advocates of global domination, Cecil Rhodes and Lord Alfred Milner. Perhaps this gives true meaning to the "special relationship" between Britain and the U.S.A.


Dutch TV programme about Bilderberg January 2004 For date and copies see Bilderberg page




Press and Bilderberg observation venue Hotel Milan Speranza Au Lac - p.zza Marconi, 6/9 - 28838 Stresa (VB) ITALY tel. 0323 31178 / 31190 fax 0323 32729

e-mail: info@milansperanza.it

http://www.milansperanza.it/english.html http://www.milansperanza.it/



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who will be there? This is Bilderberg's 50th anniversary - the big one - only the elitest of the elite get invites here - this year contacts in several countries have emailed and phoned me with names of people they have discovered will be there USA Will George W. Bush fly by? Or will he drop in? Keep your eyes open in Stresa on Saturday 5th June 2004 - George W Bush - just as Bill Clinton in the year 2000 - is travelling nearby this year. Experience tells us (Tony Blair dropped in at Bilderberg 1998 though he was not mentioned in Bilderberg's post conference 'Press Release') Bush might well drop in for a discreet chat with the oil and banking cartel people - not to mention the European royalty that will be there. http://usinfo.state.gov/xarchives/display.html?p=washfile-english&y=2004&m=May&x=200405101745561ACnosnhoJ0.1736414&t=livefeeds/wf-latest.html



That Bush schedule in full See above links - President Bush is in Rome on 4th June 2004. He will meet President Berlusconi, President Ciampi and Pope John Paul II. He will depart Rome on the 5th June and may well drop in to Bilderberg for a few hours on the Saturday. He will be

staying in Paris in the evening of 5th June 2004 where he will meet Jaques Chirac and participate in the D-Day anniversary. Netherlands Antony Burgmans (Unilever) Jeroen Van der Veer (Royal Dutch Shell) Hans Wijers (Akzo Nobel) from:http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/11044231/PvdA_ers_bij_52e_Bilderbergconferentie.html

List of Dutch participants in the Bilderberg conferences since it's foundation in 1954. Thanks HD|2N A!http://www.nos.nl/radio1journaal/uitzendingen/specials/bilderberg_conferenties.htmlAs an alternative to the above link you can see all Dutch participants since 1954 here

Turkey Taylan Bilgic from the foreign news desk of the Turkish Socialist Daily Evrensel in Istanbul notes that in the Wednesday June 2nd edition of Milliyet has a verified list of names of Turkish attendees at Bilderberg 2004.

Hasan Cemal (neoliberal columnist from Milliyet) Kemal Dervish (ex-world bank man, ex Turkish Chancellor, now leader of the opposition CHP, Social Democrats) Mustafa Koc (CEO of Koc Holding) Ali Babakan (Chancellor of the current AKP government) Spain According to Spanish political adviser Daniel Estulin the Spanish political class look set to be present in force at Bilderberg 2004.

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (PM) Pedro Solbes (Finance Minister) Sofia Queen of Spain Juan Carlos King of Spain France Michel David-Weill - US and French president of the board of Lazard Freres is due to be there. There is no other information about who will be there yet - apart from the usual royalty and Bilderberg Steering Group attendees - a list of which has been made available in previous years from Maja Banck at the Bilderberg office in Leiden


01Jul04 - Pravda - Who is Durao Barroso? http://english.pravda.ru/mailbox/22/101/399/13245_Barroso.html

Biography of the new President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Durao Barroso was born in Lisbon on 23rd March, 1956. He soon became involved in political activity, joining the MRPP (Reorganising Movement of the Proletarian Party), a Maoist organization, before the Revolution of 25th April 1974, which brought an end to the Fascist regime of Marcelo Caetano (who had succeeded Dr. Antonio Salazar in 1970).

His passage through Lisbon University's faculty of Law was marked by the now-famous fights between left-and right-wing political groups, in which Jose Barroso was a central

figure. He abandoned his party in 1977 after it changed its name to PCTP-MRPP, adding "Portuguese Communist Workers" Party), one year before he graduated and went to Geneva to take a Master"s Degree in Political and Social Sciences and later, specialization courses in Georgetown University, Washington. Returning to Portugal, he became a Teacher at his Law Faculty in Lisbon.

He joined the PSD (Social Democratic Party), centre-right, in 1980, becoming associated with the right-wing spectrum of the party, led by Anibal Cavaco Silva, who became leader of the PSD in May, 1985. In the general election held in October of that year, Jose Barroso was elected a Member of Parliament at 29 years of age, becoming Sub-Secretary of State in the Internal Affairs Ministry.

In 1987, alter a new election and the PSD gaining an absolute majority, Barroso was appointed Secretary of State for Cooperation in the Portuguese Foreign Ministry, involving himself in the beginning of the peace process in Angola (where the MPLA and UNITA had fought a civil war since 1975.

In 1992, after Cavaco Silva"s PSD was reelected with another absolute majority, Jose Barroso became the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He continued to work on the Angolan peace process, his work being rewarded with the signing of the Bicesse Agreement (1991) which temporarily halted the conflict. His period in government finished in 1995, when the PSD lost the election to the PS (Socialist Party), led by Antonio Guterres.

In opposition, Barroso continued to work in his chosen area, leading the Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Affairs and working as Director of the International Relations department at the Lusiada University, Lisbon, contributing towards the East Timor independence process.

In 1999, Barroso took advantage of an internal power struggle in his party (after the previous leader Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa was forced to resign after a disastrous alliance with the Popular Party of Paulo Portas). Candidate for the party leadership for the second time (after having lost the first battle to Fernando Nogueira in 1995), Jose Barroso was elected leader of the PSD.

As leader of the party, Jose Barroso was unable to make any inroads, due to his weak oratorical skills and lackluster personality. The PSD lost the European Parliament elections in 1999 (31.1%, against the Socialists" 43%), the legislative elections in Portugal the same year (32,3%) and the Presidential Election in 2001, where his candidate Joaquim Amaral was beaten by Dr. Jorge Sampaio (Socialist Party). However, Barroso was re-elected as party leader in 2000.

In December 2001, the Socialist party lost the main municipalities in the local elections (Lisbon, Coimbra, Oporto, Cascais and Sintra), although the party still had more votes than any other. Antonio Guterres, tired of the in-fighting in domestic politics, took this as a sign of his unpopularity and walked out of the government, leaving Eduardo Rodrigues as his substitute as leader of the party and calling for a parliamentary election.

During the election campaign, Barroso adopted a discourse of catastrophe, saying phrases like "The country is stripped naked" "Portugal is in chaos" "The country cannot continue like this", which just about won him the election in 2002 (slightly ahead of the

PS with 40.1% against 37.8% but needing to form an alliance with the former pariah, Paulo Portas (Popular Party, Conservative).

However, he failed to communicate with the people in his brief tenure of office, making him arguably the worst Prime Minister in recent political history, due to the fact that in two years, the unemployment rate doubled and unemployed people had to wait up to seven months for their state payments. He and his team, seen as inhumane and uncaring by the majority of the Portuguese, were extremely unpopular, a feeling reflected in the recent European Parliament elections, in which the government coalition was crushed by the Socialists.

As usual, Barroso acts as a protagonist and not as a man of integrity, accepting the European Commission as the third or fourth choice, just because there was nobody else. As a young man, he abandoned the left because he saw a chance with the right, allied himself to the man he thought would bring him the best chance of public office in his party, allied himself to the man (Portas, PP) who had attacked his party so vigorously in opposition in the 1990s (as Director of a national newspaper), criticized Antonio Guterres for abandoning the government half-way through his programme and then did exactly the same because he saw how unpopular he was.

It is a question of time before Jose Barroso commits an enormous gaffe in Europe, making as much a spectacle of himself (for the wrong reasons) abroad as he has done at home for the last two years, having arrived at his level of incompetence under Peter"s Principle.

Weak, uncharismatic, with zero communication skills, Jose Barroso would be better and happier working as a grey Eurocrat behind the scenes in the External Affairs area.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


Durão Barroso walks out to lead Europe http://the-news.net/cgi-local/story.pl?title=Dur%E3o%20Barroso%20walks%20out%20to%20lead%20Europe&edition=all


Portuguese Prime Minister Durão Barroso was on Tuesday named as the next head of the European Commission. Following weeks of speculation as to who would replace Romandi Prodi, it became evident that Barroso would resign as Prime Minister on Sunday when he received an official invitation from Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern, whose country had been leading the European presidency.

Durão Barroso is expected to stand down as Portugal's Prime Minister next Monday. However, Barroso's resignation is presenting the Portuguese state with an unexpected and immediate crisis.

In the meantime, and while Durão Barroso has gone to great lengths to ensure internal stability, it seems that he will leave national problems behind him next week to start preparing a new European Commission.

Durão Barroso will also need time to prepare his programme for presentation to the European Parliament, which has to approve his nomination on July 22.

But Barroso's departure for the EU's top job has prompted fierce debate between Lisbon's centre-right coalition government and left opposition parties on how he should be replaced.

Senior figures in Durão Barroso's two-party executive have insisted President Sampaio allows them to form a new cabinet.

The main Socialist opposition, boosted by victory over the prime minister's Social Democratic Party (PSD) in recent European elections, wants early general elections.

"I consider the best solution for the political crisis created by the prime minister's resignation is early elections", Socialist chief Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues was quoted as saying by the Lusa News Agency on Wednesday, adding that this call had been unanimously approved by his party's National Commission.

Meanwhile, an opinion poll published on Wednesday reveals that over half of Portuguese want fresh elections.

The survey, published by Público, showed that 51 percent of Portuguese want President Sampaio to call an early vote. However, 54 percent said they supported Durão Barroso's decision to assume the role of EC President.

But Durão Barroso has fought back at opposition criticism.

Until last week, Durão Barroso had backed the candidacy of Socialist Antonio Vitorino, Portugal's European Justice Commissioner to take over the reigns in Brussels.

Durão Barroso called for the same "opposition consensus" over his departure for Brussels, "as exists among the Portuguese people".

"As prime minister, I backed the candidacy of an opposition politician. I think that I'm now in a position to ask the opposition to congratulate me on my election to the presidency of the Commission".

While no certainties exist as to who will now replace Durão Barroso as Portuguese prime minister, Lisbon Mayor Pedro Santana Lopes (as revealed in last week's edition of The Portugal News) is currently the hot favourite.

However, Finance Minister Manuela Ferreira Leite has already said she would not accept the former culture minister as prime minister, leading for calls from within the ruling party's ranks to make her interim prime minister. But this still appears highly unlikely, especially when it is borne in mind that Ferreira Leite is probably the most unpopular member of Durão Barroso's cabinet.

The final decision over elections will rest with President Jorge Sampaio, and should he opt for elections, the centre- right coallition, on current levels of popularity and the recent hammering they received in the European elections, should be removed from office and replaced by the Socialists.

However, the Socialists do not currently enjoy acceptable levels of stability within party ranks, and Ferro Rodrigues' leadership has come under increasing fire from within. The two strongest candidates to replace Rodrigues are former Lisbon Mayor João Soares (son of former President Mário Soares) and José Socrates, with the latter set to receive the most support and many are tipping him to become the next Prime Minister.

With Pedro Santana Lopes as chief of the PSD and José Socrates leader of the PS, the spectrum of Portuguese politics will have undergone a dramatic and unexpected surprise. But others may believe their rise to power was a foregone conclusion after the two attended the Bilderberg conference at the beginning of June (see The Portugal News, June 5).