XIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE HISTORIA SOCIAL Y … · de la sesión de tarde del día anterior,...

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Transcript of XIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE HISTORIA SOCIAL Y … · de la sesión de tarde del día anterior,...



1-5 octubre 2013


ECONOMIC HISTORY (ICOSEH) 1st-5th October 2013





Del 1 al 5 de octubre de 2013

Universidad de Alcalá


Colegio de San Ildefonso, Universidad de Alcalá, Plaza San Diego sn/ Alcalá de Henares - MADRID


Comité organizador Özlem Kumrular Universidad de Bahçeşehir, Estambul Fernando Fernández Lanza Director de Asuntos Culturales, Universidad de Alcalá Emilio Sola Castaño Profesor de Historia Moderna, Universidad de Alcalá Jesús López-Linares García Universidad de Alcalá Linda T. Darling Miembro del Patronato de la IAOSEH Claudia Römer Miembro del Patronato de la IAOSEH Mahmoud Yazbak Miembro del Patronato de la IAOSEH Oktay Özel Secretario General de la IAOSEH

Secretaría Nahide Işık Demirakın Maria Durán Natalia Garcés Ignacia Garcés María Luisa Rodríguez Frade Alicia Puñal González Luisa León Tierraseca


Martes, 1 de octubre de 2013


9:00 Entrega de las acreditaciones

• Todas las sesiones y paneles se celebrarán en el Colegio de San Ildefonso. Universidad de Alcalá. Plaza San Diego. Alcalá de Henares. Madrid. Sala A: Salón de Actos (nº. 1 en map. II) Sala B: Sala de Conferencias Internacionales (nº. 5 en map. III) Sala C: Aula 3M (nº. 3 en map. III)

• El mostrador de acreditaciones estará ubicado en el “Patio de Santo Tomás de

Villanueva” (n.º 2 en map. II)

• La inauguración del Congreso se celebrará el martes, 1 de octubre, a las 12:00 h. en el Paraninfo de la Universidad (n.º 6 en map. II) Intervendrán en este acto: el Vicerrector de Extensión Universitaria y Relaciones Institucionales, Profesor Javier Rivera; la Vicerrectora de Relaciones Internacionales, Profesora Elena López, y la Embajadora de Turquía en España, Sra. Ayşe Sinirlioǧlu.

• Un proyector y un ordenador portátil (Windows XP y MS Power Point) estará a disposición de los participantes en las salas. Se recomienda utilizar el portátil con objeto de agilizar las intervenciones. Se ruega entreguen su presentación en un pendrive para USB. Los participantes deberán cargar sus presentaciones una hora antes del comienzo de cada sesión, o bien a última hora de la sesión de tarde del día anterior, en caso de que su presentación se hiciese a primera hora de la mañana del día siguiente.

• Las pausas para el café serán en el “Patio de Filósofos” (n.º 7 en map. II)

• Las comidas estarán reservadas en el restaurante del Colegio de San Ildefonso (n.º 8 en map. II) a las 13:00 h. El primer día (1 de octubre) la comida será un cocktail que se servirá en el “Patio de Filósofos” (n.º 7 en map. II)

• Acceso a Internet: habrá un acceso a Internet disponible en la “Sala del

Consejo Social” (n.º 3 en map. IV) en el Colegio de San Ildefonso, durante los días 1, 3 y 4 de octubre, entre las 10:00 h y las 13:00 h. La Organización del Congreso pondrá ordenadores a disposición de los participantes.

• Wi-fi gratuita Nombre de usuario: OTTOMAN CONGRESS Clave: OTTOMANALCALA


Martes, 1 de octubre de 2013 (Mañana II) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C Port Cities What’s New on the Tanzimat? Panel I: The Reshaping of the “Ottoman Economic Mind” in the Wake of Modernity

Modera: Mustafa Soykut Modera: Butrus Abu Manneh Modera: Eyüp Özveren 10:00 Osmanlı Modernleşmesi Sürecinde, Şark Ticaret 10:00 Rethinking the Tanzimat Fermanı 10:00 Indigenous Precedents of the ‘National Yıllıkları Işığında, Doğu Akdeniz Liman Kentlerine Berrak Burçak Economy’ Thesis in the Ottoman Empire Karşılaştırmalı Bir Bakış Seven Ağır Tülin Selvi Ünlü

10:20 Shaping the Built Environment in Mediterranean Port Cities at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century Tolga Ünlü

10:20 Tanzimat Döneminde Kent Mekânında Devletin Erki ve Temsili: Hükümet Konakları Yasemin Avcı

10:20 Economic Sensibilities in the Late Ottoman Society: Novels as Reflection and Instrument Deniz T. Kılınçoğlu

10:40 İzmir Kentinde Siyasi Protesto

Kültürü (1908-1912) Umut Karabulut

10:40 Millet, Millet-ism, Nationalism. Missing Pages in the Creation of Modern Public Space and Identity in the Late Ottoman Empire and Beyond Darin Stephanov

10:40 Sakızlı Ohannes Pasha’s Mebadi-i İlm-i Servet-i Milel: Wherein Resides its Originality? Alp Yücel Kaya & Eyüp Özveren

11:00 Debate

11:00 Converging and Diverging Nationalisms in the 19th

century Balkans: Bulgarian and Greek Ottomans Eleonora Naxidou

11:00 Debate

11:20 Debate

11:50 – 12:15 Pausa


Martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

INAUGURACIÓN Paraninfo de la Universidad

12:15 Palabras de apertura

Javier Rivera (Vicerrector de Extensión Universitaria y de Relaciones Institucionales) Elena Lopez (Vicerrectora de Relaciones Internacionales) Ayşe Sinirlioğlu (Embajadora de la República de Turquía en España) Emilio Sola Castaño (Profesor de Historia Moderna de la Universidad de Alcalá) Halil İnalcık (Presidente de la IAOSEH)

13:00 Cóctel de recibimiento y apertura del Congreso


Martes, 1 de octubre de 2013 (TARDE I)

SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C Diplomacy Ports and Merchants Panel II: Ottoman Subjects as

“Homo Dictyous”: Reputation, Authority and the Power of Words

Modera Modera Coordina Mahmoud Yazbak Canay Şahin Zeynep Dörtok Abacı

14:30 The Ottoman 'Ahdnâmes (14th-mid 18th

Centuries): An Essay in Definition Güneş Işıksel

14:30 The Merchants and Consulate of the Dutch Republic in Cyprus (1600-1700) Mehmet Demiryürek

14:30 Small Blue Spider is Knitting Its Web: Testimony, Suretyship and Trusteeship Documents as an Indicator of Social Relations Zeynep Dörtok Abacı

14:50 A Papal 'shuttle diplomacy' between Philip III of Spain and the Austrian Court during the Ottoman-Habsburg War in Hungary Mustafa Soykut

14:50 Evliya Çelebi’ye Göre Ankâ Bâzergân, Ankâ Mellahân: 17. Yüzyılda Büyük Tüccarlar ve Armatörler Mehmet Ali Ünal

14:50 Modernity and the Humiliation of Word Gökhan Yavuz Demir

15:10 La política otomana de la Monarquía hispana en la transición del reinado de Felipe II al de Felipe III Evrim Türkçelik

15:10 Interaction Between Levants: The Bouligny Family Case Pablo Hernández Sau

15:10 Politics of Keeping Your Honor Intact: Gender and Defamation Cases in the Seventeenth Century Bursa Court Records Nurcan Abacı

15:30 Brazil and Ottoman Empire: From 'Incognito Relations' to Permanent Ties (1850-1919) Monique Sochaczewski

15:30 Birinci Dünya Savaşı Öncesi Osmanlı Pazarında Fransa’nın Rolü Damla Ayoğlu Duman

15:30 Debate

15:50 Debate 15:50 Debate 16:20 – 16:30 Pausa



Principles of Ottoman Administration Modera: Yusuf Oğuzoğlu

Communities Within and Without Modera: Sophia Laiou

Panel III: La Perspectiva Europea Sobre el Turco. La Otra Parte del Cielo (I) Modera: Luca Lo Basso

16:30 Osmanlı Siyasal Düşüncesi Açısından “teshîr” ve “zabt” Kavramları Bize Neyi Anlatır? Özer Ergenç

16:30 How to raise a church? The Franciscan strategies concerning renewal of Catholic churches and monasteries in Ottoman Bosnia Vjeran Kursar

16:30 Litigios de los capitanes de embarcaciones con pabellón otomano en el puerto de Barcelona: 1797-1808 Eloy Martín Corrales

16:50 17. 18. Yüzyıllarda Osmanlı Taşra Yönetiminin Mali-İdari Yapısını Şekillendiren Yeni Aktörler: Muhallefat Kayıtları Işığında Diyarbekir Voyvodası Özlem Başarır

16:50 Irak Sâbiî Cemaatine Dair Bir Asayiş Dosyası (1873-1898) Selda Güner

16:50 La cuestión nacional turca en la época de la Paz Armada (1871-1914) Laura Lara Martínez

17:10 Recording Village Boundaries as a Vehicle for Reaffirming State Authority Michael Nizri

17:10 Living Abroad: Romanian Community in the Ottoman Empire (1878-1916) Silvana Rachieru

17:10 La edición en el ADF de la crónica turquesca de Herrera Tordesillas Fernando Fernández Lanza & Emilio Sola

17:30 18. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Taşra Yönetim Düzeni Açısından Hüdavendigâr Sancağı’nda Yörükler Nilüfer Alkan Günay

17:30 Sermaye-i Şefkat-i Osmaniye (The Turkish Compassionate Fund): A British Relief Campaign for the ‘93 Refugees (1877-78) Sena Hatip Dinçyürek

17:30 La plataforma del Archivo de la Frontera y el Imperio Otomano. Características técnicas, recursos disponibles y potencialidades para la docencia y la investigación. Laura Massimino & Emilio Sola

17:50 Debate

17:50 Debate

17:50 Debate

18:15 Visita a la Universidad de Alcalá

Martes, 1 de octubre de 2013 (TARDE II)


Miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013 (MAÑANA I) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C

The Rural Economy Modera Linda T. Darling

Panel IV: Rebellion, Resistance and Obedience in the Late Ottoman Empire Coordina M. Mert Sunar

Panel V: Modernization Efforts in Educational System in Abdülhamid II Period: The Case of Bursa Coordina Cafer Çiftçi

09:00 Unveiling the terms “Sahib-i Arz” and “Sahib-i Raiyyet” and See Who’s Behind... Nil Tekgül

09:00 “When the feet become the head”: Limits of Obedience in Ottoman Sultanism Aysel Yıldız

09:00 Bursa Harîr Dârüttalimi Cafer Çiftçi

09:20 Inequalities of Income in the Rural World of Ottoman Europe Nenad Moacanin

09:20 Merkezi Otorite ve İç Güvenliği Tesis Etmek: Osmanlı Irak’ında Şibane Bölükleri Burcu Kurt

09:20 Bursa İnas Rüştiye Mektebi Sadettin Eğri

09:40 Defining the Structure and the Content of a Çiftlik: Large Estates in the Environs of Thessaloniki in the first half of the Eighteenth Century Demetrios Papastamatiou

09:40 Between Volunteers and Deserters: Recruitment of Ottoman Soldiers during the Ottoman-Russian War of 1806-1812 M. Mert Sunar

09:40 Bursa Hamidiye Medrese-i Muallimîni Hasan Basri Öcalan

10:00 Debate

10:00 Debate

10:00 Debate

Pausa 10:50-11:00


Miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013 (MAÑANA II) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C

Rural Unrest Modera: Oktay Özel

Economic Institutions Modera: Özer Ergenç

Panel VI: La Perspectiva Europea Sobre el Turco. La Otra Parte del Cielo (II) Modera: Eloy Martin Corrales

11:00 “Balık Baştan Kokarsa!”: 1880’lerde Trabzon Vilayetinde Şiddet, Eşkıyalık ve Yolsuzluk Hamdi Özdiş

11:00 The Numismatic, Metrological and Fiscal Assessment of Şahi, an Important Coin of the Reign of Murad III Şule Pfeiffer Taş

1 :00 Génova, Imperio Otomano y "la estafa del siglo". Los luigini a través la documentación privada (1665-1670) Luca Lo Basso

11:20 Fire in the Village: Justice and Vengeance in the Late Ottoman Countryside Ebru Aykut

11:20 Tütün Rejisi’nin Samsun’da İktisadi ve Toplumsal Yaşama Etkisi Melda Yaman Öztürk & Nuray Ertürk Keskin

11:20 Las relaciones comerciales entre Génova e Imperio Otomano en la segunda mitad del siglo XVII. Los documentos del Banco de San Jorge Paolo Calcagno

11:40 Rural Rebellion and Revolt in Canik (1805-1806) Canay Şahin

11:40 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Devleti - İngiltere Dış Ticaretinde Kaynak Aktarımına Parametrik Yaklaşım Serdar Serdaroğlu & Mehmet Çetin

11:40 La vida de Margliani en Estambul: dudas, peligros, amenazas e intentos de fuga tras las negociaciones hispano-turcas Cristina Tejada

12:00 Debate

12:00 Debate

12:00 Comer y pasar hambre a bordo: Sabor de la miseria. “Mesas” de los galeotes en las galeras de su Majestad y el Sultán Özlem Kumrular

12:00 Debate

Pausa comida 12:50-14:30


Miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013 (TARDE I) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C

Gender and the Body Modera: Evguenia Davidova

Labor and Industry Modera: Pablo Hernandez Sau

Panel VII: La Perspectiva Europea Sobre el Turco. La Otra Parte del Cielio (III) Modera: Laura Lara Martínez

14:30 In the Mode of Burlesque: Constructing Gender in Early-Modern Ottoman Culture Didem Havlioğlu

14:30 Emergence of Capitalist Industrialisation in Ottoman Macedonia (1870-1912) Costas Lapavitsas & Pınar Çakıroğlu

14:30 El miedo fingido: la amenaza del imperio otomano a Felipe III Miguel Ángel de Bunes Ibarra

14:50 Women’s Strategy: How to Enforce a Divorce and Keep Your Financial Rights? Cases from 19th- Century Palestine Mahmoud Yazbak

14:50 An Ottoman Woman Writer in the 1893 Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition: Fatma Aliye Hanım Cafer Sarıkaya

14:50 Un franciscano al servicio de Felipe II: Fray Diego de Mallorca Gennaro Varriale

15:10 Masculinity and the Modern Arab Man in 19th

Century Ottoman Syria Literature Fruma Zachs

15:10 Osmanlı Devleti’nin Son Sanayi Sergisi: “1919 Türk Sanayi Sergisi” Aydın Beden

15:10 La convivencia turco-cristiana en la literatura cervantina María Lara Martínez

15:30 Debate

15:30 Debate

15:30 Consideraciones políticas de la España del siglo XVIII sobre relaciones entre la Puerta Otomana y la Regencia de Argel Ismet Terki-Hassaine

15:50 Debate

16:20 Tiempo libre 18:00 Recorrido por la ciudad


Jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013 (MAÑANA I) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C

Revisiting the Historiography of the Seventeenth-century Modera: Demetrios Papastamatiou

Ottomans and Foreigners in the Economy Modera: Zdenko Zlatar

Literature and Society Modera: Didem Havlioğlu

9:00 A Shi’i Catholic in Spain and Safavid-Habsburg Alliance: The Don Juan of Persia Fariba Zarinebaf

9:00 The Ottoman “Merchants of Europe” in the Beginning of the 19th Century Sophia Laiou

9:00 Difference and Ridicule in the Literary Realm: Are Züppes Practitioners of an Ottoman Modernity? Melis Hafez

9:20 Ottoman Social Unrest in the Mediterranean Context: Military and Social Transformation in the Late Sixteenth Century Linda Darling

9:20 1860’lı Yıllarda Hüdavendigar Vilayetindeki İtalyan Varlığı Fulya Düvenci Karakoç

9:20 Bir Mecmua Ekseninde Lale Devri Murat Ali Karavelioğlu

9:40 Some Questions on Agricultural Production and Productivity in an Age of Demographic Crisis and Rural Violence in 17th-Century Ottoman Anatolia Oktay Özel

9:40 Fransız Konsolosluk Belgelerine Göre 19. Yüzyıl Sonlarında Bursa ve Çevresinde Fransız ve İtalyan Varlığı İsmail Yaşayanlar

9:40 A Literary Character Created by the War: Rich Men of the War Meral Demiryürek

10:00 Rural Debtors and Urbanite Creditors: Some Observations on the Rural-Urban Credit Networks in Ottoman Rumelia Gürer Karagedikli

10:00 Economic and Commercial Conditions of the Island of Rhodes at the Beginning of 20th Century According to the Reports of Sir Alfred Biliotti Elif Yeneroğlu Kutbay

10:00 Debate

10:20 Debate

10:20 Debate

10:50 a 11:00 Pausa


Jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013 (MAÑANA II) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C

Panel VIII: Coping with Life in the Seventeenth Century: Three Episodes Coordina: Ahmet Kaylı

Demographics and Populations Modera: Claudia Römer

Ottoman Slavery and Forced Labor Modera: Zübeyde Yağcı

11:00 The Quest for Authority in a Distressed Age: Ahmed Rumi el-Akhisari (d. ca.1043/1633) and Peculiarities of Ottoman Literary Culture Ahmet Kaylı

11:00 New Data and Comments Regarding the First Ottoman Population Census (1831-1845) Coşkun Çakır

11:00 XVI. Yüzyıl Edirne Şehrinde Köleler ve Sosyal Durumları Ahmet Yiğit

11:20 Forty-Years Endeavor for a Timar: The Tragicomic Story of Divane Müslüm (1596 – 1639) Muhsin Soyudoğan

11:20 Professional Profile of Several Balkan Towns in the Middle of the 19th Century Gergana Georgieva

11:20 Meaning and Context: The Perception of the Ottoman Slave Markets Through the Greek Question in Britain and the United States in the Abolition Era Birgül Koçak

11:40 Trial by Number: The Accountability of a Finance Bureaucrat, Muhsinzade Mehmed Efendi (d. 1710) Aykut Mustak

11:40 20. Yüzyıla Girerken Osmanlı Ortadoğu’sunda Suriye ve Beyrut Vilayetlerinin Demografik Durumu Yusuf Oğuzoğlu

11:40 Bir Zorunlu Çalıştırma Biçimi Olarak Osmanlı’da Amele-i Mükellefe Uygulaması ve Gelişimi Kadir Yıldırım & Yakup Akkuş

12:00 Discussion

12:00 Discussion

12:00 Discussion

Pausa comida 12:50-14:30


Jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013 (TARDE I) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C

Panel IX: The Ottomans and Russians: Explaining Each Other Coordina: Valeriy Morkva

Panel X: People and Spatial Relations in the Ottoman Society: Bed-sitters, Inns and Launderettes Modera: Bülent Özdemir

The Ottoman Balkans Modera: Nenad Moacanin

14:30 A description of the Ottoman Empire Left by a Russian War Prisoner in the Second Half of the 17th Century Valeriy Morkva

14:30 Osmanlı Kültüründe Çamaşırcılar ve Çamaşırhane: “Câmeşûy” ve “Câmeşûy Odaları” Emine Dingeç

14:30 The Extent of Militarization among Rumelian Yörüks in the 16th Century Ottoman Western Thrace: A Revisionist Approach Harun Yeni

14:50 Rus-i Menhus: Osmanlı Tarihyazıcılığında Moskof İmgesi Özhan Kapıcı

14:50 Osmanlı Toplumunda Mahallenin Dışındakiler: Bekâr Odaları ve Bekârlar Zübeyde G. Yağcı

14:50 Dubrovnik and the Ottoman Balkans Under Selim I: Merchants and Capital Zdenko Zlatar

15:10 Demographic Warfare in the Service of the Russian Imperial Policy against Its Southern Rivals in Transcaucasia: The Mass Emigration of the Armenians from Persia and the Ottoman Empire (1820s-1830s) Serkan Keçeci

15:10 Osmanlı Toplumunda Hanlar ve Yolcular Serdar Genç

15:10 Balkan Travel Accounts: Nineteenth-Century Perspectives from Within Evguenia Davidova

15:30 Debate

15:30 Debate

15:30 Sair Balkanlıların ve Jöntürklerin Meselesi Olarak Makedonya; Tunalı Hilmi Bey’in ‘Makedonya: Mazi Hâl İstikbâl’ Risalesi (1898) Mehmet Özden

15:50 Debate

Pausa 16:20-16:30


Jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013 (TARDE II) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C

History and Literature Modera: Özlem Kumrular

Panel XI: The Processes and the Ways of Change of Ownership in Crete under the Rule of the Ottomans Modera: Ayşe Nükhet Adıyeke

Education, Books and Libraries Modera: Gottfried Hagen

16:30 "La conquista turca de Otranto en 1480: la Historia de los mártires de Francisco de Araujo" Roberto Mondola

16:30 Fetih Sonrası Resmo’da Mülkiyet Değişimi Hakkında Gözlemler Mehmet Ali Demirbaş

16:30 Maarif Salnamelerine (Salnâme-i Nezâret-i Maârif-i Umûmiye) Göre 20. Yüzyıl Başlarında Bursa (Merkez) Sancağında Eğitim-Öğretim (H. 1316/1321) Seher Boykoy

16:50 Köprülüler, Hizipler ve Evliya Çelebi: Bir Siyasi Tarih Kaynağı Olarak Seyahatname Cumhur Bekar

16:50 17. Yüzyıldan 20. Yüzyıla Girit’te Mülkiyetin El Değiştirmesinde Olağan ve Olağanüstü Koşullar Nuri Adıyeke

16:50 Osmanlı Kitap Koleksiyonculuğu ve Sosyal Tarih Açısından Osmanlı Kütüphane Yapıları Soner Şahin

17:10 Osmanlıyı Tanımak: Osmanlı-İspanya İlişkilerinde Yeni Dönem ve “1784 Yılında İstanbul’a Seyahat” Kitabı Faruk Bal

17:10 Ada’dan Ayrılığın Son Aşaması: "Resmo Müslümanlarının El Değiştiren Mülkleri (1913-1924) Aytek Soner Alpan - Melike Kara

17:10 Osmanlı Entelektüel Dünyasına Bir Katkı: Dersaadet’teki İranlı “Basmacılar”/Sahhaf ve Matbaacılar” Filiz Dığıroğlu & Güllü Yıldız

17:30 A Look at Ottoman and World History through the Eyes of Sâlnâmes (ca. 1850-1870) Claudia Römer

17:30 Discussion

17:30 Discussion

17:50 Discussion


Viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013 (MAÑANA I) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C

Religion and State in the Ottoman Context Modera: Rhoads Murphey

Panel XII: The Intellectual Foundations of the Ottoman Imperial Project

Coordina: Fatma Sinem Eryılmaz

Rebellions, Crime and Misbehavior Modera: Mehmet Ali Ünal

9:00 Opening the Gates: Dervishes at the Gates of the Sultan's Trail Halil Çetin

9:00 Neo-Platonic Elements in Constructing Ottoman Imperial Ideology in the Sixteenth Century Fatma Sinem Eryılmaz

9:00 The Student Rebellions of the Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Empire Revisited: The Case of Bursa Onur Yıldırım

9:20 II. Manuel, Osmanlılar ve II. Manuel’in Anadolu (Küçük Asya) Mektupları Yahya Başkan

9:20 From Shiraz to Edirne Negotiating the Idea of Empire in the 15th Century İlker Evrim Binbaş

9:20 Osmanlı Devleti’nde Kapıya Katran Sürme Hadiseleri ve Toplumsal Boyutları (Konya Örneği 1650-1750) Cemal Çetin

9:40 Sultan Mustafa II, Feyzullah Efendi and Islam Butrus Abu-Manneh

9:40 The Lettrist Mystic 'Abd al-Rahman al-Bistami (d. 1454), the New Brethren of Purity, and the Sources of Ottoman Historical Consciousness Cornell H. Fleischer

9:40 Osmanlı’da Kadın Sürgünler Kemal Daşçıoğlu

10:00 From Persecution to Informal Accommodation: Ottoman Politics of Difference and the Kizilbash Ayfer Karakaya-Stump

10:00 Ottoman Empire and Islamic Religiosity Gottfried Hagen

10:00 Discussion

10:20 Discussion

10:20 Discussion

Pausa 10:50-11:00


Viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013 (MAÑANA II) SESIÓN A SESIÓN B SESIÓN C

Usury, Famine and Prices Modera: Onur Yıldırım

Panel XIII: Military Technology and Know-How: Arms, Experts and Espionage Modera: Coşkun Çakır

The City of İstanbul Modera: Nurcan Abacı

11:00 Fighting with Usury in the Late Ottoman Empire M. Akif Berber

11:00 Who was Master Urban? Kahraman Şakul & Yunus Uğur

11:00 Gülnuş Emetullah Sultan’ın Yaptırdığı Çeşmeler ve Su Yollarıyla Galatia’nın “Fethi” Muzaffer Özgüleş

11:20 Kıbrısta Kıtlık ve Alınan Tedbirler (1869-1874) Cemil Çelik

11:20 İlk Osmanlı Kaynaklarında Silahlar ve Osmanlı Askeri Sistemi Feridun Emecen

11:20 Sensing Nocturne: Popular Perceptions of City Gas Lighting in fin de siècle İstanbul Nurçin İleri

11:40 1880 Yılında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Ekonomik Kriz, Kıtlık ve Ekmek Fiyatları Funda Adıtatar

11:40 Torching the Imperial Arsenal: Habsburg Sabotage Attempts in 16th-century Istanbul Emrah Safa Gürkan

11:40 Workers of Istanbul in the context of the Left Turkish Press in the Era of War of Independence Aytül Tamer

12:00 Debate

12:00 Debate

12:00 Debate

Pausa comida 12:50-14:30


Viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013 (TARDE)

14:30-16:00 Reunión general de IAOSEH

Sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

09:00 Visita guiada a TOLEDO

18:30 or 19:30 Regreso a Alcalá de Henares

(En función de la demanda que haya)