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water biochemistry, bioquimica del agua

Transcript of Agua

  • 1. Agua

2. Importancia del agua

  • Por sus propiedades nicas, es el componente ms abundante en todas las clulas (75-85%w)
    • Polaridad
    • Calor especfico alto
    • Calor de Vaporizacin alto
    • Propiedades de solvente
    • Cohesividad (puentes de hidrgeno)

3. 4. Estructura del Agua 5. 6. Puentes de hidrgeno 7. D H A D: Donador A: Aceptor H:Hidrgeno 8. Estructura del Hielo 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Efecto hidrofbico 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Water binding in hemoglobin. (PDB ID 1A3N) The crystal structure of hemoglobin, shown (a) with bound water molecules (red spheres) and (b) without the water molecules. The water molecules are so firmly bound to the protein that they affect the x-ray diffraction pattern as though they were fixed parts of the crystal. The two subunits of hemoglobin are shown in gray, the two subunits in blue. Each subunit has a bound heme group (red stick structure), visible only in the subunits in this view. 24. Water chain in cytochrome f.