Correccion lesson plan nº 4 secondary practicum revised version

Taller de Práctica Docente 2015 Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain Co-tutora: Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Estebo, Cynthia Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Escuela Secundaria “Benito Angel Facetti” Dirección: Villanueva 277 – Punta Alta, provincia de Buenos aires Sala / Grado / Año : 6to 3ra (orientación Ciencias Sociales)– Turno Mañana Cantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio Tipo de Planificación: clase Unidad Temática: Adjetivos de personalidad Clase Nº: 4 Fecha: 13/11/2015 Hora: 9.30-11.40 Duración de la clase: 120´ • Teaching points: Personality adjectives • Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to… * develop their speaking skills through different class discussions about personality adjectives * develop their reading skills by reading and reflecting about a poem * Revise grammatical structures * Revise their speaking and writing skills • Language focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION -enjoy doing, prefer to be Diphthong: Say /seɪ/

Transcript of Correccion lesson plan nº 4 secondary practicum revised version

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Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain Co-tutora: Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur


PRACTICANTE: Estebo, Cynthia

Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario

Institución Educativa: Escuela Secundaria “Benito Angel Facetti”

Dirección: Villanueva 277 – Punta Alta, provincia de Buenos aires

Sala / Grado / Año : 6to 3ra (orientación Ciencias Sociales)– Turno Mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 26

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Adjetivos de personalidad

Clase Nº: 4

Fecha: 13/11/2015

Hora: 9.30-11.40

Duración de la clase: 120´

• Teaching points: Personality adjectives

• Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to…

* develop their speaking skills through different class discussions about personality adjectives

* develop their reading skills by reading and reflecting about a poem

* Revise grammatical structures

* Revise their speaking and writing skills

• Language focus:



-enjoy doing, prefer to be

Diphthong:Say /seɪ/

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Open, chatty, ambitious, hard working, lazy, unreliable, sensitive, organized, reserved

Discussing personality traits


Battle, life, war, give up, win

-Difference between /i/ and /i:/I think/θ ŋk/ɪI believe /biˈliːv/

Discussing own personal feelings

“I think/ believe/ feel”

• Teaching approach: I’ll use the Communicative Approach through the PPP model.

• Materials and resources: 2 sets of cards with personality adjectives, board, marker, copies of the written exam, copies of the poem “Life´s Own Battle” by Emma Jackson, bingo boards adapted from:

• Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in groups for group work and in rows during the written exam.

• Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students are experienced at learning English as they are attending their last year at secondary school. But any issue they may find difficult to solve on their own, I´ll be open to their questions and offer them my support.

• Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may encounter difficulties with understanding instructions in English. I´ll mime, draw on the board, eliciting and paraphrasing to help them understand them.

• Assessment: I´ll check students’ comprehension through their participation. I will elicit answers to guide them in their language construction. I will be monitoring during the exam time.

Routine: 5’

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I’ll get into the classroom and greet students:

“Hello!, how are you today?”

Then, I will write the date on the board

Transition: “Let´s play a game”

Warm-up 30’:

I will explain to students that we are going to play a guessing game. I will divide the classroom into two groups. I will give each group a set of cards with the following adjectives:




I will explain to them that I will read aloud sentences and they will have to guess what personality adjectives matches the sentence. When they guess, they will pick up the card with the adjective and run to the board and stick the cards under the correct column in the chart. The first member that reaches the board “wins” the word. When they have guessed all the words, we will count how many words each group was able to stick on the board. The one with more words wins the game.

The sentences for each word are:

A) My boyfriend wants to be successful. He is so __________(ambitious)

B) Nurses always care about their patients! They are ________(sensitive)

C) My friend does not talk so much about her feelings. She is very _______(reserved)

D) My teacher is good at planning and doing things for the class. She is _____(organized)

E) My mother is the best! She is always ready to talk about anything. She is so ____________(open)

F) My sister studies a lot to pass her exams, and she loves working hard for it. She is ___________(hard working)

G) My aunt does not do what she promises you to do for you. She is _________(unreliable)

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H) Students spend the class talking a lot!! They are ___________(chatty)

I) My brother does not like doing anything at all, he spends all the evening on the sofa!! He is _________________.(lazy)

When the game finishes, I will take advantage of the cards placed on the board. I will ask them to have a look at them. In groups, they will decide which adjectives are from positive connotation and which are negatives. As they are discussing within their groups, I will draw two charts on the board like the following:


When they are ready, one member of each group will come to the board and stick the cards under the correct column. When they have finished, as a whole class discussion, we will reflect upon their answers and reflect why they have chosen each adjective under each column. I will ask them if they have any doubts.

Finally, I will ask tell them that we are going to play Bingo. I will give students copies of Board A and Board B at random. I will tell them that I´m going to read aloud some sentences. Each sentence has a verb followed by a second verb. They will look at their boards and find the correct gerund or infinitive of the verb I say. They will cross the verb out on their boards. When they have four words crossed out in a row (left to right, top to bottom, or diagonally), they will shout “Bingo”. I will model one as an example for them to check they have understood the game. The sentences will be:

* Lazy people enjoy _____________(spending) time doing nothing

* Ambitious people prefer _________(to be) successful

* Hard working people like _____________(learning or to learn) how to work hard

* Reserved people prefer _____________(reading) alone than being with other people

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* Sensitive people enjoy ___________(writing) messages to their friends to see how they are going on in their lives

* Open people like ___________(listening ) to their people´s ideas

* Organised people like _____(seeing) their schedules and calendars

* Unreliable people enjoy ____________(playing) around and not doing what they have promised

* Chatty people enjoy _________(going) to social meetings and talk

* Ambitious people enjoy _________ (watching) their own progress

* Lazy people do not like _________(running) or doing sports

Transition: “Great job, now let´s challenge our knowledge”

Presentation 5’:

I will explain to students that they will do a written exam. I will ask two volunteers to deliver the copies of the exam.

Development 85’:

Activity 1: Written Exam 65´

When all students have a copy of the exam, I will explain each part of the test. I will explain the vocabulary section by reading the title and modelling one as an example. Then, I will move to the reading section and tell them to read the text with the spaces in blank. On a second reading, and once they believe they have grasped the main idea of the text, they can complete with a gerund or an infinitive. I will advise them to read it again as a whole text to check whether they have completed the spaces with the correct form of the words in brackets. On a fourth reading, they will decide if statements in 2.3 are true or false. I will tell them to justify the false ones.

Written Exam – 6th 3rd



1) Look at the personality adjectives from the box.

1.2) Then, use them to complete the following listening extract.


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I´m so angry at my friend Sarah today!! I realized how different we are! I love having good marks, so I believe I´m a ___________person, but she is so_________, she enjoys listening to music all day long on the sofa. I´m extremely __________, I wake up and plan my day during breakfast while she sleeps. Maybe, I´m a bit ______________ as I always try to succeed, but I´m _____________ in the sense I also care about other people´s feelings. But she is _____________, she never does what she promises. The other day I asked her to do me a favour and she forgot. As she is extremely ___________, she spent two hours talking on the phone with her boyfriend and did not go shopping as I asked her! I know I can be ____________ sometimes and I do not talk much about myself and things going on in my life, but I´m ____________ to change....She isn´t!! Anyway, I still love her!


2) Read the story carefully.

2.1) Complete the text using the correct form (gerund or infinitive) of the verb in brackets.

“Farmer Jones and his wife”

Farmer Jones met Jane when he was just a young man. He couldn’t help__________ (1 fall) in love with her immediately and asked her to marry him. She said ‘yes’ although she knew it would mean_______ (2 get) up early to milk the cows for the rest of her life. “Love means never________ (3 have) to get up early to milk the cows”, said Farmer Jones, and explained that he would continue ________(4 get) up early to milk the cows so Jane could sleep late every day.

Everything went well until they tried _______(5 increase) their profits by buying some chickens. The first night, a fox ate one of the chickens. Farmer Jones decided_________ (6 build) a fence to protect the chickens. But the ground was too hard so he couldn’t. He tried _________(7 use) an axe to break the ground but it was much too hard. So he went to the local shop and tried________ (8 buy) a gun. But he didn’t have any identification so he couldn’t buy one. He tried______ (9 borrow) one from his neighbours but they were all worried about the fox too.

“I regret not _________(10 buy) one when I had those rabbit problems”, he told Jane.

So Jane went to the shop and bought a gun. That night she tried________ (11 stop) the fox. At first she tried________ (12 scare) the fox by shooting into the air but it didn’t work. So she tried _______(13 hit) the fox but she missed. She called her husband and he ran after the fox to try_______ (14 catch) it but he wasn’t fast enough. They tried _________(15 shout) at the fox

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and they tried____________ (16 throw) things at it and they tried_____ (17 leave) other food for the fox but nothing worked.

Soon they had only 1 chicken left. They tried________ (18 ask) their neighbours for help and one of their neighbours told them to try_____ (19 put) tiger dung on the ground. So they went to the local zoo to try _______(20 buy) some tiger dung. They put the dung on the ground and they never saw the fox again.

Taken from:

1.3) Decide if the following statements are True (T), False (F) or Doesn´t say (DS). Justify false answers.

A) Jane was a hardworking young woman.

B) The couple was ambitious as they wanted to increase their profits.

C) The neighbours were sensitive about the fox.

D) Farmer Jones and Jane were organized in their plans for killing the fox.

E) Their neighbours were unreliable as they said they would help them and they didn´t.


Imagine you were asked to write a different ending of the story for a local magazine. Include:

* A fantastic element

Personality Adjectives

* gerunds and infinitive

When you finish, remember to proof read your production.

For fast finishers, I will give them the following extract to read and reflect upon it.

Life's Own Battle by Emma Jackson

Didn't want a battle,Yet you declared war,Each knock you gave me made me stronger than before,I will not give up,I will not give in,

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You won't make me fall,I won't let you win.


Closure - 20’:

When everyone has finished, I will allot some time for them to read the very short poem. I will write on the board “How does this poem make you feel?” When students are ready, I will ask them to answer this question individually. I will encourage them to use the phrases “I think/ believe/ feel” to answer. I will write the phrase on the board for them to have a look in case they need them.We will listen to all the answers.

When everyone has shared their feelings, I will ask them to connect it to their near future as they are finishing school and making decisions about their life. Again, all reflections will be heard respectfully

The main purpose of this activity is to give them a sense of closure in both, the English classes they attended with me and the ending of their school period as their lives are changing from now on. Working with the text, it would be a contextualized and safe environment for them to express their feelings, as it is known teenagers are sensitive of speaking about their feelings overtly. At the same time, they will work with another genre, different from the ones they have been reading (fictional and fantasy stories, dialogues), so they will end the course with a view of diverse types of texts.