Edén Pastora

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Transcript of Edén Pastora

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora


    Df Kbmjhajhtd Kdrba`spjrj sus


    w w w ( h j k ` b h ( k b mAbm`hlb ?4 ad jlbstb adf ?7:;

    D H Q _ D @ [ QJ

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora



    DH W@D ADL T D _ _ J

    Hbsbtrbs sbmbs jhajfukds& ustdads sbh kjtjfjhds9 ustdads kudhtjh pjrj jnudrj& hbsbtrbs kbhtjmbspjrj jadhtrb9 ustdads sbh fdljf`stjs& hbsbtrbs sbmbs eust`k`drbs( Thj rjyj `mjl`hjr`j& j fj qud ffjmjh

    nrbhtdrj& hbs cjkd tjh a`st`htbs*& rdnfdx`bh df btrbrj Kbmjhajhtd Kdrb dh uhj dhtrdv`stj dh Mjhjluj(




    Dah Wjstbrj cj

    vudftb j v`v`r dhtrd

    sujmpbsy cumd-

    ajfds dh fj mjrldh

    adf rb [jh Eujh pd-

    rb& j sus jbs& yj dst fdebs

    adf _jmob trbp`kjf`zjab

    qud adskr`o` df a`jr`bFj

    Wrdhsjdh fbs jbs 37( Df btrb-

    rj kbmjhajhtd kdrbyj hb

    dmpuj df nus`f ludrr`ffdrb y&

    adsad df ?7:7& aj radhds j uh

    kdhtdhjr ad cbmords pjrj qu`-


  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora


    :;_D^@[QJ ABM@H@KJF

    [bh ? i`fmdtrbs9 pdrb s`

    df fjuab a`kd qud pbr jc ds fj

    nrbhtdrj& pbr jc ds(

    Dst cjk`dhab arjljab`fdljf( [dlh df mjpj& dstadhtrb ad fj nrbhtdrj t`kj(

    Hb( Pb dstby dh df adftj(

    Dstby dspdrjhab qud fj Kbr-

    td jkfjrd pjrj sdlu`r f`m-

    p`jhab df rb(

    [jodmbs qud df rb [jh

    Eujh ds ad ustdads( Kbstj _`kj cj pdra`ab

    tbabs fbs eu`k`bs jhtd Fj Cj-

    yj y fd cj a`kcb jf pudofb qud

    tbabs fbs cj ljhjab& pbrqud

    sbh df pudofb ms mjhdejofd

    d hnfu`ab pbr fbs md-

    a`bs ad kbmuh`kj-

    k`h( Hb sjodh qud

    fbs ft`mbs kujtrb

    eu`k`bs fbs cj pdra`-

    ab5 hjvdljr jrmj-

    abs& pjrjr fj f`mp`d-

    zj adf rb& mdtdrsd

    euhtb j Cbhaurjs j

    njvbr ad Kbfbmo`j

    dh df kbhnf`ktb pbr

    mjrds& y qudrdr uh`r

    [jh Kjrfbs kbh [jrj-

    p`qu kbh uh kjhjf qud ad-

    sdmobkjrj dh df Kbfbrjab& y

    fj Kbrtd a`eb qud hb(

    Fj qudej ad Kbstj _ kj#dhv` hbtj hnbrmjt`vj jfKbhsdeb ad [dlur`aja ad fjBHT) ds qud ustdads tdrl`-vdrsjrbh fj rdsbfuk`h ad eu-f`b ad fj Kbrtd ad qud hb oj jkjmo`jr h`hluhj mda`ajkjutdfjr( Fj Kbrtd a`eb qudhja`d dh fj zbhj(

    A`eb qud h` m`f`tjrds& h`

    nuhk`bhjr`bs ad lbo`drhb(

    Jc fb qud cjy sbh k`v`fds& fbs


    Cd v`stb v`adbs ad lujr-ajojrrjhkb& y s` qu`dhds fbs

    a`r`ldh hb sbh m`f`tjrds s`hbmukcjkcbs& ustda y yb sb-mbs jabfdskdhtds(

    [bh purbs kcjvjfbs ad

    pudofb9 jc jhajh s`h kjm`sj

    y fjs mukcjkcjs dh scbr ts9

    hb sbh m`f`tjrds y hb fb pud-

    adh prbojr(

    Qbab dstb cj sukda`abpbrqud ustda adk`a` sdrJmr`kb dspuk`b2

    Kbhnbrmd j fbs fjuabs& y

    dsj ds m` pbs`k`h( Fj tuyj

    ds btrj2 [dhtmbhbs j pfjt`-

    kjrfb& dsb cuo`drj s`ab fb kb-

    rrdktb( Hb cjodrsd ab j fj

    BDJ h` j Hjk`bhds Th`ajs( B

    sd vj j Fj Cjyj& b pfjt`kjmbs

    kbmb cdrmjhbs(

    H`kjrjluj rdjfmdhtdkrdd qud ds jsuhtb ad sdhtjr-sd j kbhvdrsjr2

    Kbmb cjkdmbs kbh Cbh-

    aurjs y Df [jfvjabr( Df lbfnb

    ad Nbhsdkj fb dstjmbs adsj-

    rrbffjhab euhtbs( Zud cuob

    uh prbofdmj pbrqud uh rb

    kjmo` ad kursb2 [dhtmb-

    hbs j pfjt`kjr( Hb cdmbs pb-

    a`ab kbh abj Fjurj(

    H` kbh skjr Jr`js(Cjh tdh`ab kbhtjktbs kbh

    fbs jktujfds kjha`ajtbs2 Hb s( Jcbr`tj hja d md-

    td fj mjhb pbrqud dst abj


    Hb qu`drdh hjaj kbhdffj2

    Hbsbtrbs dstjmbs kjh-

    sjabs ad adk`rfd qud hbs sdh-

    tdmbs j pfjt`kjr& pdrb dffbs

    hbs ffjmjh hudvbs kbrsj-

    r`bs&orojrbs& `hvjsb -

    rds& kjhjffjs( Huhkj vbscjs bab ad hbsbtrbs uhjs pj-

    fjorjs aurjs kbhtrj abj

    Fjurj( Pb j fj arjlj fd pbhlb

    abj Fjurjpbrqud s` uhj

    abj Fjurj md t`rj sda`mdh-

    tb jf rb& qud btrj

    abj Fjurj md

    fb sjqud( Thj prb-

    tdstj suof`mjaj&

    pdrb s`h njftjrfd jf

    r d s p d t b(

    Fb rdljjrbhpbr dsd hbmord(

    Ajh`df& kbh jf-

    turj ad dstja`stj&

    md mjhaj j adk`r5

    Hb cjls dsj ojr-

    ojr`aja& eba`ab(

    Wbhdfd Ljspjr Ljrkj Fjv`j-

    hj( Dhtbhkds sbh [bodrjhj

    @& @@ y @@@&Ljspjry j fj qu`h-

    tj fd vby j pbhdr Fj trbkcj(

    Kuhtjs tbhdfjajs cjarjljab2 Kuhtbs cbm-ords2 Kbstjr !:7 m`ffbhds2

    Kbmb 7$ y

    jcbrj fd ajh df

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora


    ds fj ms kdhtrbjmdr`kjh`s-

    tj5 kujfqu`dr kdhtrbjmdr`kj-

    hb& adspus ad v`v`r uh jb

    dh H`kjrjluj& t`dhd adrdkcb

    j su hjk`bhjf`aja( J kujf-

    qu`dr kdhtrbjmdr`kjhb fb rd-

    k`o`mbs o`dh( Pb& Dah Wjs-

    tbrj& qu`s`drj sdr t`kb(

    Tstda tuvb hjk`bhjf`ajat`kj& qu pjs2

    Md fj qu`tjrbh pbrqud

    drj kbmjhajhtd ad or`ljaj

    ad uh derk`tb dxtrjhedrb(

    Jqu sbmbs ms kdhtrbjmd-

    r`kjh`stjs qud fbs sjfvjabrd-

    bs u cbhaurdbs kbh Nrjh-

    k`skb Mbrjzh& j qu`dh fbs

    t`kbs mjtjh y adspus fd cj-

    kdh uh pjrqud( @lujf jljrrjh

    j Kjrr`ffb #Orjuf`b) y fb nus`-

    fjh y adspus fd cjkdh uh

    pudrtb9 jf ldhdrjf Kjjs fb

    nus`fjh y adspus fd cjkdh

    uhj k`uaja& y fb m`smb kbh

    Mbrj #Eujh _jnjdf) y ads-

    pus fd cjkdh uhj kjrrdtdrj(

    [` jf kbmjhajhtd kdrbfb

    jljrrjh& ku`ajab y tjmo`h

    sd fb dkcjh y adspus fb cj-

    kdh crbd( Bmd dstb5 yb ds-

    tby sdlurb ad qud adspus ad

    qud yb kjhjf`kd dsb y sd adsj-

    rrbffd& kujhab fbs kbstjrr`-

    kdhsds sd mudvjh pbr tbab

    dsd rb dh sus yjtds ad tur`s-

    mb& vjh j adkfjrjr j Dah c-

    rbd kbstjrr`kdhsd(

    Tstda a`eb qud cjodrfb

    admjhajab dh Wbkbk #pbr

    v`bfjk`h j Fdy Nbrdstjf pbr

    df arjljab) drj uhj ojobsj -

    aj y uhj p jyj s j a j #pbr fb

    kujf t`dhd bradh ad jrrdstb y

    hb pudad hlrdsjr jf pjs)(

    Nud uhj o jo b s ja j sbftjr

    fj c`ptds`s ad rdkfjmjr ad-

    rdkcbs sbord Lujhjkjstd2

    Df prds`adhtd Brtdlj fb

    qud c`zb nud cjkdr uhj rdsd-j c`str`kj ad kmb sd a`d-

    rbh fbs cdkcbs( Zud dstjhab

    hbsbtrbs dh ludrrj k`v`f& Kbs-

    tj _`kj sd quda kbh fbs tdrr`-

    tbr`bs ad H`kbyj y qud hbsb-

    trbs jkdptjmbs y sd fbs

    n`rmjmbs dh df jkudrab Kj-

    js-Edrdz( Lujhjkjstd& Kjfd-

    rb y Wbrt`ffbs sbh ad Kbstj _`-

    kj& pdrb s` dsbs jkudrabs fbs

    adskbhbkd abj Fjurj Kc`h-

    kc`ffj df kjb& dhtbhkds H`-

    kbyj y Lujhjkjstd s`ludh

    s`dhab ad H`kjrjluj(

    Kbstj _`kj hb dst ads-

    kbhbk`dhab df Kjjs-Edrdz9

    sbfb p`ad j fj Kbrtd qud rjt`-

    n`qud df mjpj qud fd mbstr(

    Fj nrbhtdrj fj hbrmjh df

    jkudrab Kjjs-Edrdz y fbs

    fjuabs& y jff a`kd qud fj nrbh-

    tdrj dmp`dzj dh Wuhtj Kjst`-

    ffj y pbr fj mjrldh adrdkcj

    cjstj df kjb( Fjs nrbhtdrjs

    fjs mjrkjh fb qud a`kdh fbs

    fjuabs& hb fbs mjpjs(

    Kmb cj jkdptjab H`-

    kjrjluj tbab dstd t`dmpb dsd

    mjp j2

    Hb cj cjo`ab uh abku-

    mdhtb qud a`lj qud H`kjrj-

    luj jkdptj dsb( Fb qud jkdp-tj ds fb qud a`kdh fbs fjuabs5

    df pr`mdr kjb(

    Df h`kjrjldhsd ds ld-

    ldhsd #jstutb y adskrdab)(

    Ds muy ldldhsd( Hb-

    sbtrbs sbmbs jhajfukds& us-

    tdads sbh kjtjfjhds9 ustdads

    kudhtjh pjrj jnudrj& hbsb-

    trbs kbhtjmbs pjrj jadhtrb9

    ustdads sbh fdljf`stjs& hbsb-

    trbs sbmbs eust`k`drbs( Thj

    rjyj mjl`hjr`j& j fj qud ffj-

    mjh nrbhtdrj& hbs cjkd tjh

    a`st`htbs* Tstdads tbab fb

    jrrdlfjh kbh df eudz

    P cjofjhab(

    Dhtrd ustdads( Kbh H`kj-

    rjluj& hb sd cjh pba`ab cj-

    ofjr9 jc nrjkjs fj Kc`hkc`-

    ffj( Cjstj jcbrj dstjmbs

    jprdha`dhab ad fbs t`kbs(

    Jkbstumorb adk`r qud df

    pudofb ad H`kjrjluj cj dhv`-

    a`jab s`dmprd j Kbstj _`kj5

    su admbkrjk`j& su k`v`f`smb&

    su fdljf`smb( Cjstj jcbrj&

    qud dstjmbs dh pjz& dstjmbs

    jprdha`dhab ad fbs t`kbs cjs-

    tj j sdr fdljf`stjs(

    P ad dsb adpdhad fj pjz

    dhtrd fbs pjsds9 qud ustdads

    jprdhajh j jkdptjr fb qud a`-lj uh eudz& juhqud hb fds

    l u s t d(

    Wbr dsb jkdptjmbs fb

    qud a`lj fj Kbrtd @htdrhjk`b-


    Kbh Kbfbmo`j& pbrqud

    fbs odhdn`k` jf ajrfds ms

    tdrr`tbr`b mjrt`mb( Zu

    pjsj s` fj Kbrtd aj rjzh j

    Kbstj _`kj2 ^jh j rdspdtjr2

    [by df pr`mdrb dh pda`r

    pdrah jf cdrmjhb pudofb ad

    Kbstj _`kj(

    P j abj Fjurj2

    Hb( Ds qud fj bndha`aj

    hb sdrj dffj s` hb df pudofb

    ad Kbstj _`kj(

    [d dst rdjrmjhab hj-

    vjfmdhtd jf kbmprjr fjs sd`s

    pjtruffdrjs rusjs2

    Krdb qud t`dhd ms pj-

    truffdrjs Kbstj _`kj9 fj a`nd-

    rdhk`j ds qud fjs hudstrjs

    sbh hudvjs(

    Hb( P sbh v`dejs(

    Kbmprdh hudvjs( [` nud-

    rjh tbrpdadrjs b ouquds ad

    ludrrj* Ds tbhtdrj cjofjr pbr

    sd`s pjtruffdrjs qud hbs ajh

    fbs rusbs(

    Cjy ?0 jkk`bhds ad h-:1_D^@[QJ ABM@H@KJF

    AD _DL@[Q_BHbmord5 Dah Jtjhjk`b Wjstbrj LmdzNdkcj ad hjk`m`dhtb5 ?? ad dhdrb ad :0;

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora



    ad dstj dhtrdv`stj

    dh hjk`bh(kbm


    ^`drhds ;: ad euf`b ad

    :03:5 df jorjzb ad uh

    jmbr fd mp`a` jobr-

    ajr df ACK-> dh df jd-

    rbpudrtb ad Wdhbhb-

    m& Wjhjm( Hb rdkudrab su

    hbmord& pdrb qu`s`drj mjh-

    ajrfd j cjkdr uh mbhumdhtb

    pbrqud md sjfv fj v`aj*( Dh

    dsd vudfb& mur` su jm`lb pj-

    hjmdb Bmjr Qbrr`ebs& qu`dh

    fd cjoj ajab js`fb j pr`hk`p`bs

    ad mds kujhab f rdhuhk` j

    su pudstb kbmb v`kdm`h`strbsjha`h`stj& jkusjhab

    j fbs kbmjhajhtds ad

    trj`k`bhjr fj _dvbfu-


    Hb nud fj pr`mdrj

    h` sdrj fj ft`mj vdz

    qud Dah Wjstbrj sd

    sjfvjrj ad mbr`r& pdrb

    huhkj ms pbr fj htdrkds`h

    ad Kup`ab( Fj jhkabtj rdnudr-

    zj fj mjldh kf`kc adf ludrr`-

    ffdrb fjt`hbjmdr`kjhb& dspdk`d

    sdfvt`kj ojrojaj qud dxuaj-

    oj tdstbstdrbhj y qudmjoj

    tjhtj jardhjf`hj kbmb rbh(

    Hb cd s`ab muedr`dlb9 prd-

    jabr dsb s& t`rb sdlurb( Bh-

    kd c`ebs o`bfl`kbs kbh k`hkb

    muedrds rdsdffjh df dstdrdbt`pb

    y a`dz c`ebs jabpt`vbs fb cjkdh

    kbh df kbrjzh ad Pbfjhaj Qb-

    rrds( Dffj fb kbhbk` kbh ?7

    jbs y uh ttufb ad dhndrmdrj(

    K`hkb jbs y abs c`ebs ads-

    pus& fj ade sbfj pbr pr`mdrj

    vdz& kujhab f cuy jf dx`f`b(

    Fudlb ffdljrbh btrbs abs c`ebs

    y mukcjs sdpjrjk`bhds ms

    pdrb yj ffdvjh 13 jbs euhtbs(

    Md kjs kcjvjf`tb& j fbs ?:&

    y ousqu dh abs muedrds fj nd-

    f`k`aja& pdrb fj pr`mdrj md

    a`eb5 B tu _dvbfuk`h b yb& y

    j uh rdvbfuk`bhjr`b huhkj sd

    fd pbhdh dsbs pjrjhlbhds( Fj

    sdluhaj md a`eb qud sd sdhtj

    nrjkjsjaj pbrqud dffj pdhs

    sdr fj dspbsj ad uh cbmord

    hbrmjf y md a`eb5 ^bs hb sbs

    hbrmjf& vbs dsts fbkb& pbr-

    qud hb pbas v`v`r s` hb dsts

    cuydhab ad fj Lujra`j& adf

    Derk`tb b ad fj Wbf`kj( Cj ad

    cjodr s`ab muy fk`aj& pdrb

    sd quda s`h Dah pbrqud fda`ed5 Ouskjtd uh

    kudr ab( Dhtbhkds

    dhkbhtr j Pbfjh-

    aj& uhj muedr a`v`-

    hj& sumjmdhtd h-

    tdf`ldhtd y

    dsp`r`tujf& qud md

    cj dhtdha`ab muy


    Pbfjhaj sd dhtdr ad fbs

    c`ebs pbr nudrj kbmb dh uh

    pdr`a`kb v`deb( FjO of j

    a`kd dh df dskhajfb dst df

    pdkjab9 s` hb sd sjodh fjs

    kbsjs& hb cjy pdkjab(

    Mjkc`smb rdkjfk`trjhtd y

    trj`k`h adskjrhjaj sd v`d-

    hdh j fj mdhtd y j fbs fjo`bs&

    pdrb df kbmjhajhtd sd jndrrj

    j su prbp`j c`stbr`j5 Mjkc`s -

    mb sdrj s` hb md mpbrtjrj

    qud m` muedr sunr`drj( Qrj`-

    k`h ds qud fj aded ad qudrdr(

    Pb fd eur jmbr dtdrhb y

    m`dhtrjs fj qu`drj& dstby

    kumpf`dhab( Fj hn`adf`aja

    hb ds pdhdtrjk`h9 ds njftj ad

    jmbr& rdspdtb& sbf`ajr`aja y

    tdrhurj& y dsb fd dxpf`k su

    luj dsp`r`tujf(

    Df ?? ad jlbstb ad :0 m`ffbhds ad h`-

    kjrjldhsds qud qudrdmbs y

    hdkds`tjmbs df kjhjf( Kbh mukcjs auajs jm-

    o d h t j f d s(

    Hb sd cj tdrm`hjab df ds-

    tua`b ad mpjktb( Df kc`hb

    #\jh E`hl& df hvdrs`bh`stj)

    dst a`spudstb j ljstjr !077

    m`ffbhds dh df dstua`b(

    Ds muy ebvdhk`tb pjrj

    qud tdhlj tjhtj pfjtj(

    [& ds muy ebvdhk`tb( Df

    kc`hb ds uh eba`ab o`dh rdfj-

    k`bhjab& muy juajz& vjf`dhtd

    d htdrdsjhtd& pdrb hb ds O`ff

    Lj tds(

    Wbr qu Brtdlj hbm-

    orj j su c`eb Fjurdjhb kbmb

    dhkjrljab ad kbhkds`bhds2

    Wbrqud fd t`dhd kbhn`jh-

    zj9 fb dst prdpjrjhab pjrj df

    n u t u r b(

    Wbr qu2 Ds kjha`aj-

    t d jofd 2

    Hb& ds uh jrt`stj qud

    kjhtj o`dh(

    [` ds uh jrt`stj kmb fb

    pbhd j mjhdejr kbhkds`b-


    Wjrj qud sd cjlj dmprd-

    sjr`b& pjrj qud jprdhaj ad

    dmprdsj y sd rdfjk`bhd( Pb

    dsb cjrj kbh uh c`eb(

    Ad hudvb5 rdspdtjr H`-

    kjrjluj df njffb ad fj Kbrtd2

    Wbr tdrkdrj& qu`htj y m`-

    fs`mj vdz5 H`kjrjluj vj j

    r d s p d t j r(

    d j H`kjrjluj dh lud-r rj2

    Fj ludrrj ds kudst`h ad

    c`stbr`j( M`s h`dtbs hb vdrh

    ludrrj dh Kdhtrbjmr`kj(

    Wudad cjodr ms ludrrj dh

    Kbstj _`kj qud dh H`kjrj-


    Wdhsjhab dh fjs a`ndrdh-

    k`js kbh Kbfbmo`j& Kbstj _`-

    kj y Cbhaurjs& dst H`kjrj-

    luj dh p`d ad ludrrj2

    H`kjrjluj hb dst dh p`d

    ad ludrrj( [drj dstp`ab&

    jhbrmjf9 sdrj ad fbkbs pdh-

    sjr dsjs kbsjs kujhab cjy br-

    ljh`smbs htdrhjk`bhjfds(

    Pj dsb hb ds pbs`ofd( M`r& s`-

    lb s`ht`habmd t`kb y tdhlb

    kujtrb b k`hkb c`ebs t`kbs(

    Abhad tdhlb jm`lbs ds jff&

    fbs ad jk sbh kbmpjdrbs

    pbft`kbs( Pb js`m`f fj a`b-

    s`hkrjs`j adf pudofb t`kb9 fbs

    mbmdhtbs ms ndf`kds ad m`

    v`aj fbs v`v dh Kbstj _`kj y

    sby hkjpjz ad cjkdrfd df md-

    hbr ajb jf pudofb y jf Lb-

    o`drhb ad Kbstj _`kj( [` fj

    Kbrtd a`kd qud yb cd dstjab

    dqu`vbkjab& fd p`ab pdrah jf

    p u dof b(

    J PbfjhajQbrrds& sudspbsj& Wjstbrj

    fj adskr`od kbmbuhj muedra`v`hj& qud mdcj dhtdha`abmuy o`dh( NBQB5DPFDDH ^J_LJ[

    Wjstbrj f`adr fj tbmj adf Wj-

    fjk`b Hjk`bhjf ad [bmbzj y

    mjrk df pr`hk`p`b ad fj v`ktb-

    r`j sjha`h`stj& kbhtrj fj kujf

    sd rdodf adsad Kbstj _`kj kb-

    mb prbtjlbh`stj dh df @rjh-

    Ljtd y dh c`stbr`js ad dspjs&

    jsds`hjtbs y df mpuhd jtdh-

    tjab dh Fj Wdhkj(

    Cj sjf`ab ad aduajs dmpd-

    jhab vjr`js vdkds uh _bfdx

    ad [bmbzj y uhj vdz vdha`

    uh kjkcbrrb ad fdh qud td-

    hj kbmb mjskbtj(Cjkd jb y mda`b& c`zb fjs

    pjkds kbh Ajh`df Brtdlj y

    vbfv` j fj sdfvj adf rb [jh

    Eujh kbh jrmjs ms pdsj-

    ajs5 fjs arjljs kbh fjs qud

    f`mp`j df rb y tbrdj& rdtj y

    dhdrvj jf lbo`drhb kbstjrr`-

    kdhsd( Dstj ds su c`stbr`j(

    Quvb t`drrjs dh Kbstj


    J Bhbnrd fd kbmpr fjs

    Fbmjs adf Kbrbhdf& qud

    jcbrj ffjmjh fjs Fbmjs ad

    Wjstb r j & drjh uhjs ;77 cdk-

    trdjs( Zudrj pbhdr uhj

    kr`jhzj ad onjfbs& pdrb sd fjs

    ade j Odtb& j Lbrr`tj& j Kcu-

    fh y j fbs qud trjojejojh

    kbhm`lb y fb adejrbh tbab5

    kjsj& mbtbrds& pjhljs& kujr-

    tbs nrbs y pfjhtjs dfktr`kjs(

    Dsb fb tbm Ejpadvj( Qdhlb

    ttufb ad prbp`daja& pdrb h-

    vf`ab( Dh Ojrrj adf Kbfbrj-

    ab v`v fbs ajs ms ndf`kds ad

    m` v`aj(

    [` Brtdlj rdkfjmj Luj-

    hjkjstd& vj j rdkfjmjr fjs

    Fbmjs ad Wjstbrj2

    Hbsbtrbs rdkbhbkdmbs

    (((:: C@EB[

    Hb cd s`abmuedr`dlb9

    prdjabr dsb s&t`rb sdlurb(

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora


    :>_D^@[QJ ABM@H@KJF

    qud Lujhjkjstd& sfj Kjfdrb d`sfj Wbrt`ffbs sbh kbstjrr`kdh-sds jf m`f pbr m`f& pbrqud rds-pdtjmbs df trjtjab Kjjs Ed-rdz y fbs fjuabs(

    Wbr qu adskuor` surbstrb dh fj tbmj adf Wjfjk`bHjk`bhjf s` fj kbhs`lhj adsus kbmpjdrbs drj hb cj-kdrfb2 Dlb2

    Fj m`smj prdluhtj md

    c`zb Qbms Obrld( Fj vdrajads qud huhkj md qu`t df pj-udfb pbrqud hb fb ffdvjoj(Ds cjstj qud df ous ffdlj jfp`d adf jv`h y fj prdhsj `hvj-ad df ous& qud fbs kbmpjdrbssd suodh df pjudfb( Pb hb fbc`kd pbrqud& dh df Kbhlrdsb&uh a`putjab md fb p`a` y sdfb a` y f md a`b df obth ad a`-putjab qud pusd dh m` lbrrj(

    Kujhab md sjf& df Nrdhtdmd jkus ad hkbcdrdhtd&drrt`kb& jmo`k`bsb& vjh`ab-sb& dlbkdhtr`stj& mprdadk`-ofd& hmjhdejofd& c`eudputj&jldhtd ad fj K@J& dlfjtrj ya`kd qud md qu`t df pjudfbpbr jrrbljhk`j y vjh`aja(

    [udhj j kjfadrb adf a`j-of b(

    Df Nrdhtd ds uhj sdktj( Zu`hds nudrbh sus

    lrjhads kbhtjktbs y jm`lbst`kbs2

    Abh Wdpd& Ebs Mjrj yMjr`jhb N`ludrds9 NdrhjhabOdrrbkjf& _bfjhab Jrjyj& Jf-odrtb Nj`t& df abktbr Kbrrjfdsad Kjrtjlb& Wdpd Ljrkj quddrj df audb adf _dl`b& Odr-hjrab Zudvdab& mukcs`mbs(

    Fj ldhtd ad zqu`draj2 Dsj fj mjhdejojh Cum-

    odrtb y Ajh`df( Hb fb qudrjh2 Qjf vdz md vdjh kbmb

    sbk`jfadmkrjtj( Jcbrj mdmudrb ad fj r`sj pbrqud tbabsdffbs a`kdh qud sbh sbk`jfad-mkrjtjs(

    Cbhdstjmdhtd& cj sjo`-ab ad dstrjtdl`j2

    Huhkj cd ab j dskudfjm`f`tjr( [by df h`kb kbmjh-ajhtd qud ffdl j dsd kjrlbs`h cjodr s`ab uhl`ab ludrr`-ffdrb dh Kuoj(

    Wbr qu nuhk`bhjrbhfjs rdnbrmjs sbk`jfds dh Kbs-tj _`kj y dh H`kjrjluj hb2

    Dh Kbstj _`kj nuhk`bhpbrqud& kujhab fj adrdkcjffdl abhad abh Wdpd j prd-luhtjrfd s` tdrm`hjoj kbh fjsrdnbrmjs ad Kjfadrh Lujr-a`j& abh Wdpd a`eb5 ^jmbs jp r bn uh a`zjrf j s ( Jqu& abstdhadhk`js ad fj a`rdkk`hhjk`bhjf sd mpus`drbh j fjtdrkdr`stj& qud drj fj qud mssd pjrdkj j fj ad abh Wdpd& fjqud dst jpf`kjhab cby Aj-h`df Brtdlj(

    _dkbhbkd Brtdlj qud sdd q u vb k 2

    P Qbms Obrld fb a`eb5Nu`mbs sbodro`bs& jrrbljh-tds& prdpbtdhtds y hbs dhndr-

    mjmbs ad pbadr& fjs kjrjk-tdrst`kjs ad uh bf`ljrkj(

    Quvb ustda fj rjzh yfbs Brtdlj hb2

    Jcbrj fd dkcjh fj kufpjj Brtdlj& qud drj df vbkdrb(

    [bfb df vbkdrb2 Hb ms df vbkdrb( Df

    cbmord ad cbhrj& v`aj y cj-k`dhaj drj Qbms #Obrld)9 dfad fj ludrrj drj Cumodrtb9df ad fj pfjh`n`kjk`h dkbh-m`kj& Cdhry _u`z( Ajh`df hbpjrt`k`pjoj ms qud dh adk`rfb qud jkbrajojh( @oj ad pud-ofb dh pudofb& adndha`dhab fj_ dvb fu k`h (

    Dh df eu`k`b adHbr`dlj& dh M`jm`&prdsdhtjrbh trds rd-k`obs pbr uh tbtjf ad!?&? m`ffbhds& prb-

    auktb ad fj vdhtj adjrmjs qud ustdads fd cjojhvdha`ab( Ahad dsth fbsm`ffbhds qud fd a`b fj K@J jDah Wjstbrj& dh [u`zj& dhKbstj _`kj2

    J m fj K@J huhkj mda`b uh kdhtjvb9 huhkj tuv`-mbs fjs sun`k`dhtds jrmjspjrj fukcjr& mdhbs pjrj vdh-adr9 ejms cd vdha`ab uh jr-mj y s` yb tuv`drj a`hdrblujrajab& sdrj mjsbqu`stj(^`v`r dh dstj kjsj& nrdhtd jdstj kjffd kbh dsbs ru`ajfds ykbh !? m`ffbhds dh uh ojhkbsu`zb2 Dsb fb cjkdh a`ktjab-rds y pbf`t`qudrbs& yb sby cb-hbrjofd& uh cbmord qud cjdstjab a`spudstb j ajr su v`-aj( Huhkj cd tdh`ab a`hdrb(

    Df adjf adf pbadr kbfdk-t`vb ds uh nrjkjsb2

    Th nrjkjsb( Fj c`stbr`jmd josbfv`( Df sbk`jf`smbbrtbabxb nrjkjs( Dh df 07 sdv`h`drbh fjs dfdkk`bhds& hd-lbk`jajs kbh Dstjabs Th`-abs( A`kdh qud skjr Jr`jsnud df cbmord ad fj pjz9 hb dsk`drtb( Fj pjz sd jkbra dhMjhzjh`ffb& Mx`kb& dhtrd

    Dstjabs Th`abs y H`kjrjluj(Fudlb sd v`h`drbh abhad s-kjr Jr`js y fd p`a`drbh qud`mpfdmdhtjrj( Wjrj qud tu-v`drj nudrzj pbft`kj& fd vj-mbs j ajr df prdm`b Hbodf adfj Wjz( Ds df h`kb Hbodf s`hcjodrsd n`rmjab uhj pjz(

    Md dst a`k`dhab qudskjr Jr`js hb pjs ad ld-rdhtd ad adsmjhtdfjm`dhtb2

    Zud md pdrabhd s` fb rd-s`dhtb& pdrb hb pjs ad dsb(

    [d cjorj pba`ab adrrb-kjr j [bmbzj s`h jyuaj ad_bar`lb Kjrjzb2

    [`h fj jyuajad f& ad N`ludrds yad fbs t`kbs& cjorjs`ab muy a`nk`f fjtumojaj ad [bmb-zj(

    Cjor dx`st`-ab fj Kbhtrj s`h fj jyuaj adFu`s Jfodrtb Mbhld2

    [`dmprd cuo`drj dx`st`-ab pbrqud tbaj rdvbfuk`ht`dhd su kbhtrjrrdvbfuk`h(

    Kuhtbs t`kbs pdfdjrbhkbh ustda2

    ^jr`bs( Fst`mj qud hbrdkudrab df hbmord& pdrb rd-kudrab uh k`pbtd ad :> jbsjf qud _bar`lb Kjrjzb md br-adh qud fb trjedrj ad fj pr`-mdrj fhdj(

    Kuhtbs mur`drbh2 Thbs :7 y dsb ds ojstjh-

    td pbrqud hb drj su ludrrj( Ds k`h`smb u bpbrtu-

    h`smb ad Wjstbrj cjkdr ld-hunfdx`h j Brtdlj2

    Qdhlb rdumjt`smb dh fjkbfumhj& hb md pudab ab-ofjr( P h` jhtd fbs pbadrdsms lrjhads ad fj t`drrj& Ds-tjabs Th`abs y _us`j& cd cd-kcb ldhunfdx`h9 mdhbs jcb-rj jhtd Ajh`df( Fb qud s krdbds qud tdhlb qud jpbyjr j uhcbmord qud dst cjk`dhab fbqud yb fd adkj qud c`k`drj(

    Hb ds pbr dlb qud v`dhdWjstbrj j ouskjr qud fb rd-

    kudradh& j tdhdr sus ft`mbsjbs ad njmj2

    Wbr qu krdds qud adefj uh`vdrs`aja y md v`hd j fjludrr`ffj2 Wbr dlb2 Wbr qukrdds qud md mdt jf Wjfj-k`b2 Wbr dlb2 Wbr qu krddsqud cd dxpudstb m` v`aj2Wbr dlb2 Dstby v`de`tb& ad jbs& y vby j vdh`r j kfjua`-kjr fj jkt`tua jhtd fj v`aj

    qud cd tdh`ab s`dmprd2 Df Nrdhtd fd dst pjljh-

    ab kbh ?7 mjhzjhjs dh dfprbydktb ms jmo`k`bsb adfWjkn`kb pbr jb y mda`b adt r joj eb(

    J uh cbmord sd fd euzljpbr fj jkt`tua ad tbaj su v`-aj& hb pbr df ft`mb m`hutb(

    Dhtbhkds krdd qud md-rdkd dsd rdljfb2

    Md cjh bnrdk`ab cjk dh-ajs& edts& mjhs`bhds((( FjK@J md bnrdk` kudhtjs& mdpusb uh mjfdth kbh !? m`-ffbhds y hb jkdpt( Jcbrj& s`ustda md aj fbs oudhbs ajs&sd fbs jljrrb& s`dmprd qud hbvjyj j kbmprbmdtdr m`spr`hk`p`bs( Df Wrbkurjabrmd a`eb qud cjoj ffdljababhad Ajh`df y fd a`eb5 Jkdsth dstjs t`drrjs adf Dstj-ab& fjs qu`drd Jrhbfab Jfd-mh& fjs qu`drd Wjyb [bfs&fjs qu`drd Fdhh [drhj& jqu`h sd fjs aby2P f a`eb5Asdfjs j Dah& qud huhkjcj jljrrjab hjaj(

    Kuhab sd r Ajh`dfBrtd lj2

    M`r& s` Ajh`df cjkd dfkjhjf& sd qudaj Ajh`dfnbrd-v d r( Dsb ds j fb qud t`dhdhm`dab fbs jht`ajh`df`stjs(

    Fj adj ad uh prds`adh-td kjs` qud v`tjf`k`b pbr rdd-

    fdkk`h& hbs sudhj j fbs t`kbsj a`ktjaurj kjmunfjaj(

    A`ktjabr ds df qud jtrb-pdffj fj fdy& y Ajh`df hb dstjtrbpdffhabfj(

    Kuf ds df pfjh ad dstjsdluhaj njsd ad fj _dvb-fuk`h pjrj rdkupdrjr jf kj-s` m`ffh ad h`kjrjldhsdsqud v`vdh dh Kbstj _`kj2 H`-kjrjluj rdk`od !:34 m`ffb-hds dh rdmdsjs(

    Dspdrjmd qud dstdmbstrjojejhab df kjhjf #`htdrb-kdh`kb) y df kjhjf sdkb& fjrdn`hdrj& qud tdrm`hdmbs fjkbmuh`kjk`h sjtdf`tjf& qudffdludh fbs

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld : " 3

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld ? " 3

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld ; " 3

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld 1 " 3

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld 4 " 3

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld > " 3

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld < " 3

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld : " ;

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld ? " ;

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld : " :7

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora


    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld ? " :7

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora


    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld ; " :7

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora


    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld 1 " :7

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora


    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld 4 " :7

  • 7/30/2019 Edn Pastora


    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld > " :7

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld < " :7

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    Ldhdrjtda w`tc www(ctmf-tb-pan(hdt Wjld 3 " :7

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