Futuro Simple Ya Acabado

Futuro Simple El futuro simple (Future Simple) en inglés se forma con la estructura: SUJETO + will/shall + VERBO Nota: El auxiliar shall sólo se utiliza para la primera persona de singular y del plural. Mientras que el auxiliar will se puede utilizar en todos los casos. Como ejemplo de la conjugación del futuro simple, veamos el verbo to work (trabajar): En inglés son muy frecuentes las contracciones Los pronombres y el auxiliar will se contraen en las siguientes formas:


inglesfuturo simpletrabajosecundaria

Transcript of Futuro Simple Ya Acabado

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Futuro SimpleEl futuro simple (Future Simple) en inglés se forma con la estructura:

SUJETO + will/shall + VERBO

Nota: El auxiliar shall sólo se utiliza para la primera persona de singular y del plural. Mientras que el auxiliar will se puede utilizar en todos los casos.

Como ejemplo de la conjugación del futuro simple, veamos el verbo to work (trabajar):

En inglés son muy frecuentes las contracciones

Los pronombres y el auxiliar will se contraen en las siguientes formas:

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Negación en el Futuro simpleLa negación del futuro se realiza simplemente añadiendo el adverbio not entre el auxiliar will y el verbo:

SUJETO + will + not + VERBO

Interrogación en el futuro simpleLa interrogación se forma, como es habitual, invirtiendo el verbo y el sujeto:

will + SUJETO + VERBO?

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Futuro idiomático.

"idiomatic future” (futuro idiomático). Da a entender intención, o que una acción se va realizar en el futuro inmediato, y para ello se usa siempre la acción "to be going to". (va a…)Ex:-It is going to rain this weekend.Va a llover este fin de semana

Futuro idiomático negativoPara la forma negativa usamos "not" (no) detrás del verbo "to be" (ser, estar).


She is not (isn't) going to buy that car.

Futuro Idiomatico interrogativo.Para la forma interrogativa utilizamos la siguiente forma:


Ex: Am i going teach english in bachelor´s college ?

Pasado simpleLa estructura del "pasado simple" (Past Simple Tense) en inglés es:


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Como norma general, para formar el pasado en inglés se añade "-ed" a un verbo.


Para los verbos irregulares hay que memorizar su forma de pasado.

Mostramos un par de ejemplos de verbos irregulares:

Para formar el pasado se sustituye la "-e" final por "-ed".

La negación en el pasado simple.La formación de la negación en "past simple" es más sencilla que la afirmación.

Su estructura es:

[SUJETO] + did + not + [VERBO EN INFINITIVO (sin to)]

La interrogación en el pasado simple.Para construir la interrogación se utiliza el verbo auxiliar to do en pasado (did).

La Estructura es:


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Oraciones Futuro Simple I will ring (call) you tonight. She will arrive late. They will be happy to see you. I will design many things I will bother my sister I will write a book I will run 15 kilometers I will explain my homework I will watch tv on the afternoon I will play chess with my friend

Negative. This book will not be useful for us. Ana and Leonard won't come to the party. I wont talk to somebody I wont get something. They wont do something. It wont go anywhere. Jack wont get good grades, he studied a lot. I´ll not visit your mother tomorrow. You will not paint the office.

Interrogative. Will you help somebody?

Yes, I will No, i wont.

Will they like anybody? Yes, i willNo, i wont.

Will she play the piano?Yes, She will No, she wont

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Will you understand?Yes, i willNo, i wont.

Will you help me?Yes, i willNo, i wont.

Will you open The door?Yes, I will.No, I wont.

Will you go on a trip? Yes, i willNo, i wont.

Will I watch tv on the afternoon?Yes, you willNo, you wont.

Will I play chess with my friend?Yes, you willNo, you wont.

Will you learn spanish? Yes, I will.No, I wont.

Pasado Simple. They participated in an activity He ate too She lost the race the beating his teammate the wise Italian He had a new game He won many awards She played basketball in Germany I walk by the seashore He was in another country.

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Negative. I didn’t like that. He didn’t eat much. That didn’t work. It didn’t fit. She didn’t buy dinner. They didn’t go to the party. We didn’t do it. I didn’t believe that. She didn’t practice. He didn’t study at all.

Interrogative. Did you see my bag? Were you hiding something ? Did he learn the basic forms? Was it wrong? Did she fall in love? Didn't your husband tell you? Weren't your parents at home? Did the air feel heavy that night? What did you do? Did she take her coat?

Futuro Idiomático. I am going to run a marathon. I am going to go for a walk. You are going to dance all night long. She is going to sleep now, she is really exhausted after today. We are going to visit our aunt in Florida. Tom an Sue are going to move to the new house soon. I am going to take up spanish classes. She is going to start her new diet on Monday. CD9 is planing to give a concert in Santiago next year. Camila is going to have her first baby in September.

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Negative. It isn’t going to be easy. They aren’t going to be happy. I’m not going to go to work tomorrow. He’s not going to go to school today. We’re not going to go to the party tonight. He’s not going to work late We aren't going to be at the party on Saturday night. Khalida isn't going to buy a new car next week. Jose is not going to university in two years time.

Interrogative. When are you going to study for your final exam? Have you decided what you´re going to wear for Mary´s wedding? Are you sure your parents are going to join us at the airport? Who is going to wait for Susan? Why are you so sure he´s going to have a wonderful week end? Is he going to apologise to Mary for his behaviour? Is the USA going to close down military bases in Western Europe? I can see dark clouds in the sky. Is it going to rain? Don´t you think this team is definitely going to win the competition? Who´s going to visit my grandma next week ? When is Sheila going to give birth?