ingles autoacceso rutina

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Transcript of ingles autoacceso rutina

  • 7/24/2019 ingles autoacceso rutina


    llegue al centro de autoaprendizaje entre camine hacia los lokers. saque una

    libreta y un lapiz y tambien mi credencial , guarde mi mochila y me camine

    hacia el area de computo . entre al salon . ensee mi credencial para poder

    entrar y luego me dieron una computadora . me sente y me puse a elegir que

    actividad hacer . elegi una actividad que tenia cuatro etapas que consistian en

    completar las oraciones con las palabras que estaban en un cuadro . las demasetapas eran similares. tenias que completar las oraciones .si te equivocabas te

    marcaba la computadora cuales eran las oraciones que estaban mal. me pase

    la hora haciendo mi actividad hasta que fue la hora de salir. sali del salon , y fui

    a sacar mi mochila de el loker y me prepare para entrar a mi siguiente clase

    reaches the Learning Centre between walk to the lockers. ake a notebook and

    a pencil and my credentials, keep my backpack and walk toward the area of

    computing. enters the room. show my !" to get in and then ! got a computer. !

    sat down and ! started to choose which activity to do. ! chose an activity thathad consisted of four stages that complete the sentences with the words that

    were in a bo#. the other stages were similar. you had to complete sentences .!f

    you were wrong you showed the computer which were the prayers that were

    wrong. ! pass the time doing my work until it was time to leave. ! left the room

    and went to get my backpack and prepare the loker me to get to my ne#t class

    later latter for my for me library laibrary library library reproduce activities
