Jg tirtT o › bitstream › ... · 141 tic J--TVsy Jajuammfetfic flbuiueu m ROBERT CRICVE CO Utcy...

141 tic J -- TV sy Jajuammfetfic flbuiueu m ROBERT CRICVE CO Utcy MlnMnIaj Ylrulntf 1 FIVE DOLHUSiU UMM ruAhLL Vim tce - troratrxv vVJ ie a iW tin wttlilCTf Tiuit Stmt f II nuitimKa r iVnattiau - r -- J iiKiMRNmei me TtmTT uiiM lun rtbBrflIfharTlnrie wlth nlltciry honor vrraTfTpntcMUm TTi0 the reetn ieatal t tfw to ebreda at the battle of laden -J- tirwT aJara - flic iftfr There It not to i the north caoalrir Y Nor yet no the H amber line eacnaUepioHhe Ty Roman eajtea hare Lent lta walli Kama and Dane and bee Uare left the glaBMar of anble dor H 1th their iibm on thla wt rpoC rota the relcrnef WHHam Lor Tbe voojrcha of erery line Had a fitc for rayal Ncweaatle The city apoa la True Ht the Son Gala and un niarlm ateact TV hat partant hare held tb5r way Hat lta eereaii en hundred sad elxty ttrer om bmly morn tn Jlay There u a eljht la bonny XeweaOb Oh that 1 had teiii tntr T bear the call of the imininlMn ThrtlHojE the clear ptitc air To bear the roar of the cannon And the dreamer a Catherine beat nd the cater hnm of the nlthe4 aldng npon the meet lott at noon waa a tender baafa And a funeral nanca rai heard IV ilfc anna rererard and cowrs ic4 Came tba mew of ihe Twenty third And Lennox their noMa leader lre The abreda of a faded nag Tb battle flae of the rectneat -- hot to a zRwtoaa ng hot Into ahreda npon na tuff Torn la a bnndnid fihu From th tsinid pUtaa or ndla To the ordlanadlau hlcbt There nu not an Inch of bentin left Hew eon Id It Boat ajraln Over a faUhfnl nwlmtnt It Lad nerrr led In nls ad oh the bands tfeat bad carried it ra not eiotli and nood It SI for a cfiitarx heron U Nai trtBMD 1th their bloud It 0i ra eentnry a uomrade Tbej Ct Nl net ratt it away nd to wlk poJdier a honor Tbrjaerti Nylnf it Hut da In the fanoal Tl North Hambc Ion tt here the Jtouiaa legion trod with the roar of cannon and roHordrnu They laid It oodTthe ai Jtot ll vunl a Uttered flag aloae They bnrled with tender prhlr It waa crery Ullhfnl roropaalon That under tbe Has had died It waa honor courage gnd laealtj That thrilled that Micfate tbrosj Mandlns bare beaded and ailent Aa the ohl flas paoed alone o ben the craacer bad corered ii There aa a Joyful train todtheaodlerp ctirred to a nobjc tLoBaht Marched proudly home aaia Tb citizena west to iheir abo4 ooee nor The collie went to hla ntlnr The rhephcru went to the broomy bill That It had been well to be Jat for an hour or two fae to fact lta honor and loyally M Habj MiacUanonF True independence has do difficulty iu ceptiosiiocwaary biuduess S i Hcrro A fool maj Lae Us coat embroidered villi paid lot tt is a fooPs coat aUll Advertiser Hetiry I Stanley has rcchoJ the 0050 with 3000 tous of -- ooJs Iter Charles II Spurgeouisinfailiug health uaiu and is oulj ahle to preach one sermon each Sumlaj 5IisMar llle iiartkj who haa juat bc cotuoahndo atUontoii a is 13 ears and 10 mouths old Miss Mary DicUus eldest grandchild of Charles JJickes aged lit jears is about to In- come ¬ ati actress Tjndarl Bays tht una aod nomeo t listed on this earth 0000000 3 ears before the date of Adam and Ere As the countenance is made beautiful by the souls shining through it so the u orld 14 beau ¬ tiful by th shining through it of God Jieuli Avoid that which yon blame others for dc mff sayi 000 of our wise men Well things have cone to a rretlv pass if a loan cant kiss his own nife five cent leetares arc gitenin Philadelphia ujton hypenic subjects such as What lo do until the domes and How to help a man who s roars off iu Se 4 York n advance in rents by her aponts has chauged the tenants in a largo block on Broadway near ighiecnlh street If Noah had foraeen tho future nnd killed ihe two luosquttos which took refuge fn the ark he would hate rendciffd some of the troDot norf utmcccsarv rnae contest rlaco ro ITJS lor set 01 15 letters in the course of three bouts an average or about udy -- three u orda per min- ute ¬ in ordinary newspaper type Mr Mayer has latdbcfure the 1 rouch cau- - cmy of Sciences a new mode of burial viz glass coffins tho air pumped out and filled with tuttiscutic gas Thus he claims tl e lodv could A bo indiffcittly kcj t uncorruptcd It is authontivcly staled that lU Truce of Wales and suito will visit Canada thi first week Iu March remaining until after tho meet¬ ing cf the Science Association also Meiting too prominent ciu7ens oi tne tnued states The projected tunnel under the Hudson at Xcw York upon w Inch nearly 2uu0000 and 23 lives have been w asted has been abandoned it is reported the death of Trcnor lark having discooragcd tho other stockholder ThesaluUlcuanat lale this year says in exchange was a German the alcdictonan a Hebrew aud tho prize dcclaimcr a Chinaman Bat when it cwmes to real classical culture the natne land is there The pitcher of the lalo II aso Ball Club is sd mencsn Lnough money was collected iu Loudon tu present to each of the 53 1 children iu the hospitals and workhouses a Christmas gift in tho snapc of a toy On Christmas Pay a thou ¬ sand poor families m the city had their hearts gladdened at tho sight ef jlum pudding and other good things git en to them A curious experiment is bein tried in sev ¬ eral corps of tho Kussian Army This consists or tho introduction of dogs instcaJ of men as sentries lor this duty the wolf dog of the Ural mountains is found most suitable as this animal will growl at tho presence of an in- truder ¬ instead of larking outright aud thus inciting all tho dogs in camp to do likewise When 1 armer Budge read that a ull paint ¬ ed by Kosa Bonlicur sold for 4 5000 he re¬ marked Jus wifo that ho didnt sec hot a coat of patUt could so greatly enhance thu value of the auimal tot that if ICcsa w ouldnt charge more than 10 would get her to paint his bull in the b nn And his econom ¬ ical wife replied that sho thought ho might paint it himself and save his SI0 Tne indica- tions are now that the bull will be painted Vr Haley says Australian Je Ueat Journal of August 15 16C1J that as a rulo a dull heav headache situated over the Lron s and accom ¬ panied ly languor chilliness aud a feeling of geucral dicutalort with a distatc for food which sometimes a proachos to nausea completely reuiocd in about ten ruiuutcs by a two grain dosoofiodidcof potassium dissolved iu half a wmcglasful of water this King sipped so that tho whole quantity tnav cou- - sumsd in about ten minutes The leto power on the itri of tho sgeriigu exists iu Unglaud but has nut Iwcn eicrciacd for two centuries It is radically obsolete and to revise it would bo regarded as a dau gcrous act of usurpation and almost revolu ¬ tionary The Oakland Time thinks it will be better for the United btatcs when this extraor ¬ dinary pow cr oo tho part of the 1rcsident is circumscribed with definite rules and limited only to the most critical occasions It might be safer for the people if it did not exist at all I usil oil consists chiefly cfarui lie alcohol and although the latter differs lerymuch in Uste fctntll and physiological properties from ordmary alcohol lis presence in small quan- tities in J randy whiskey etc is not easily detect Tho estimations of the quantity presrXwra scarcely possible L Marquardt uf Hamburg bolides that has solved this 1 roblem ithout entering into the of the quaatatit o analysis which is exceedingly tedics w c will only say that his process rxn aists in first extracting the fasti oil with chlo- roform ¬ washing thorough and then oxtd izmg the amyhc alcohol to valerianic actd ly means oi ucuromate of jKitash and strong sul phurio acid at eighty fire degrees C The odor of ih actd H asiljr recognized An amusing incident occurred receoti at Uorcr A bull was with several others be- ing ¬ driven out of a main street into a lane when it turned iuW a chemist s shop which u situated at the corner Tho animal straight through the shop took a surrey of tho contents and then passing the tnd of the counter approached a large looking glass which u fixed to a door leading from the shop lo tho rear of tho premises To the great re- lief ¬ of the proprietor how ever the auuai brought up suddenly at this point and stood admiring himself in the class for a few Can ¬ utes then carcssine his duplicate y licking tho glass be backed quietly into the shop txk a sniff at sonic of the articles lying oj lbs counter and turned round and walked out Into the btrect strain K the amusemeat of a large crowd of people who had assembled cutside Ccrtudsly enuugk no loss in the way of fraakigca was sustained the am mil gassing into and out of jhe shop and kuotkisj enly eoe lottlc vUwU j tltd uet break Twenty years ngn the rnrraist was favored ly a similar visit sju- - vol xvrnNo n Qusmcsf ards FRAKCIS M HATCH A ttornoy At Xa a wrm W Vo II Kaabnmann Street Ijf SBDOLX Connaollor t Law avnd Notary Pmolio Oaee at Ibt corner of Fort nd Merchant Mreela Ho EDWARD PRESTON Attorcj and CoauaeUor t Xw I CCForl Street llonolnlc Kl WILLIAM O SMITH rrultMTi UW 1 tLllCIlT A sriMnui il t wgii W AUSTIN WHITDG Attornrj and Counsellor At Law VCni to taVe AcLnowledmenlt of Inttrament tu the IUnd or aha S Now Kaahnmann Street llonolnln lr WR CASTLE ATTOItWKY VTT ZiAW am Notary labile Attenu all tar loom of thi w- - 3 H HITCHCOCK I lM lllll lit A O Attororjt LW and NotIT PnlHc A Commission KTJMdtMSrioiiiiowhrr be win iiiiH iiania it llMHltollbulcriitrrtmltofalia 10 Jigl win lHh Trm ot tb GK0CERY STOKE and ikvk rnosrjLi ij torrerKmr and Dr EMERSON tcs MIMILi A 4O Cornc of Xortaodia taMtrtr llonaaol Ixmbtr Faints Oils INaili Salt and BsUding an ij Katarialtof eTery tind DRS CUMMIN GS MARTIN SURGE0AS AHDH0ML0PATHIC1HYIICIA5 4Mb an B r ju a - II u hilu 11 twins Auctioneer and Commission Merchant il queen Mm1 Honolalo IIOII I a CO Ship CaaafileriandComananonMerchaiiU Imiiortrr ind Deal rr m trncral Mcrchand t nten 9 Hnnolttlu II 1 U t N CIIMIUIO A xrvBTKn- ami uaaLXRe II Couoi rvl IVIoroliaudlao jtf orner tjmrw and Kaahntcana Strt- i J TT KAT17ATKTTT take to Labor Retail TtEET II 0flrrr huro n jndIrolsloiurallLindunbautI 3 211A r from and 4 III IlltOU ATTOBNET AND COCHSELLCR AT LAW OTAKT 1 CUt i tl ok ii VcLnow lnUnntiit flui irui KL NB 1y A h haahuuann M Ilonolnl II E S CUNHA Ilotnll TATixao Donlor UNION SALOON In rth Hawaiian iareti MilMln ll n M r hai t Mr II la I 41 1111 NOTAHY ITJ33XaIC Agent totake Acknowledgments to Labor CtintraeU - X- GENERAL - - and Merchandise VaV t iricrtji and haahumattu so lv tort Mf Strtet Honolulu to take to Con tbellmolaluWA WILLIAM AULD Acent tract a tor Labor h ll Lti ir trfhona UlandofOsUi at h OiB f otk ro f nnann Mreet IVTSJraXX03J ZZOTZIIj J 1JII s itwmt IKOIKII 1 fill CGRIER OF 1ND HOTEL STREETS HOfcOUILU e If i Wim jd Llqnorrctnirtantly oa band W9 I ivt f Ub aaUacbvd lolhe Hotel ly 4 tl - Importer and Retail Dealer in General nd U Ooodi in tin Hit iioufMvre rormr Kin a ftW and buret ly u w nokton a onrx3i iuitnn AlOs Mur t twi Tanrb Ian tail in iuth keOro rl c ajtti iTunttonraao uenerai errnanuiFi m ul iitrN AND C0UNSEL0B AT LAW W the Term- - throtb rl Un JJ K5i n our language v type setting took w Merraaw m dwr tri l he ¬ can ¬ he details walled aown AT olir DtaUr uirmoviaf a unui from Maneuwald Jtn I IfOI M 1IIM 41 KA IMFOETEES AND COMMISSION KEBCHANTS Honolulu tJahu H Ji ll II 14 Kl I l l A 0 GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS It H t Mrwi 11 molul H I empire house j Iiityn 1 OltNl It NI t VNI tNHIIoril STHIIIN i ntiKEL- - iarf W II 4 IN A Kl Soar Factors and Agents lu 11 vi I A IM A0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS Au ImiMrt re of uid D jleaM ll Hat rain awl hf i ntraJ l rudm II u lu I I join 11 1tii PUBLIC and C0HXIS310KER cf DEEDS forth MateaoriaJirornlaaudN rk Office at Uir Ii kuf llixb pVo llonolcln W ly JOin I a ItUOl IUFORTES AND DEALER IN CENERAL MERCHANDISE j n u Mn l Htn Jul H ji S M CARTER Agent to take Acknowlodementa to Con- - for Labor offi M U ljct Ftnlanadr Honol II I T LENEHAN CO Import era and Conunlaalon Merchant a flttt Nauano - Honolulu CO Drusgists Tobacconists WHOLESALE TET11L ao N u btreei Honolulu MRS A M MELLIS Fathionalle Drras and Cloak Maker Kl 1 t r-1 Hun Inln II I j iiii wi ii ii i - Decul Eoomi on Foit Street Oilh lrr r Llo lunttt UoU 1 rt irt lj i tiuc WX -- trv t itoix ir i 1 l A U art iuf lv t r Jt Ukio mf0RTERS IN LUMBER And all kind vt Hulldltv J4at rial Furl -- ir t t Ml- - Hon Hlti J W ROBERTSON CO and Mannfaclarlne Statiouera Neva Sealers Blnilera and Paper Ruler A I Merchant Mre llonolula II I It Ull 1 n A 41 IMr02TttB AND DEALERS IN HARDWAHE 1 Or Oood latnt ndO at oO i ral WM O SMITH j SS Mervhani bt Hono sin II I Sugar Plantation Railroad and other Corporation Stocks Bond and almilar accarltlc Bought and Sold Commission Monry Loaned on Stock Securities otc H in II IOctoberlfi li Jlv i JOS E WISEMAA Real atate Broker Umplorment Bureau Itenla HooniB Cott jTt IIin r and rels and leaei ILat FeUt In all parta the klnjrdvan Emploj nent lonud t r thon eeeklnc la all Ihe rarlt u hranrh a of hnsltaea connreted With tilt Island rg N U Lecal Docnmrnta draw e Kill CtIWU d EtfLand ccoontskepLandmeTaJulEccworktraBS- - olieHed i email tlott tnoderale acted ratronafff Uonolnlo 11 1 ilMKt bUrou km 1 1114 I1IJIVM A CO IMrOltTEES AND COMMISSION MEBCHAKTS Roblo oaa UaHdins Mreet Honolulu II I AtsEvra fob Tbr 1 lan d nonolnn Liar f Packt t liar X Co t Lirerpoo aod London rack t me n aiaapa Ilantauen VIrrlee TaltWataon car Mac bin The heep lUneh Conipany At ItoblaMm a Wharf Dealari la Ltuocer and all kindi of Xatcrials FiinU Oilf Naili tc Icte aczxm or 4aKTSMn I1ALEAKVLA KCLAM aNTL RTKlCLlOII MinT ELLEN rirAHi 1 LVJiA LEA III i Uoaotala Hawaiian Ilaad lj Ill O I II It I l iotmb iTATIOXIE XEWS AGEXT BOOK EISEZE aim PAFEE SOLEE VCTTkbi itaar Fim ud rntw1 ar II u- IImio lain uta II Aio rvkltUrrof lltr SlulluitauuiudiMH saa IUwIm Otrtn7SAa Itloidv Ac ThiIMkiirtrttwn TtetMrort siiilll vttl to dntfd to tcmil oatnee Rm whMn suiImktt Urn iik ruxk tnta juvriitt Nrv mud Blnisc rwin 1 iqrilrd lf AftOiU BtStl m -- T gusittrss srds bishop cj co BANKERS DUAtt EICHOEON I HE EM OF CILirOMIX FR1ICISCC as Tnitft im is I e lark UMtta Parlt MESSRS I M ROTHSCHILD MIS IQIDOI TlieOrleNlal Itaaik Carrftlln tt IoJoh 1JD TUKDB BEaSCBCa IX llNS tytlnerttad Melhowrn THE BANK OF NEW ZE1UID tueklHtl t lirfleirrU nmtl i lHMrIlH THE BAK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA FORTUNC ORECGI And trantart a Baahlng Pnnneaa ll If i - iiutiitocu ATT0E5ET AT LAW HILO HAWAII M EI1U promptly rollerted Importors Merchants promptly tuna liclltrtDd TEED BAKERY -- niVEYNo Fort Honolnln AMI work Jobo SIR punici v M hUHGHJX Confaltatfnn Room and retldenceNo S Knkol tr eornofrnrt fe OFKIt E IlOl IT 4 iolOa ni lte3u m Trlephwne No ll VM ly P A DE LA NTJX Surveyor and Engineer L C Ad uj itwnlia Toat Office bS Cni SARAH E PEIRCE MD LADIES AND CHILDRENS PHYSICIAN tjfBc aiiJ Ktdcire a i rnbool htrect be taecn lort and Lmna urn Liioi tu m 1 uiosr w wt I TELEPHONE 261- - A C ELLIS fi t o o Is 3D VLI KI OK SFLI lLATATIO IT Niuekh Uund and other Mirketable ecufitle at MrLit alae for lark UHICt WITH L 1 j UiM- - Aoetloneer 9Sly S G LEVEY CO Afient t Ackjiowlodcments Wholesale and CrOCOrS Contracts rOIET UnolaIn I rl1 fl- L if eelied rrralatrt Larone American I AGENT Acknowledgmeuta FORT 4 iiiitiTr nfCtMirton I 4 NOTARY 11 NIL tracta I Book Stools- - Building Mmvcimx I Ueneral Civil istajwon which will b told at the lowed market rates Oitnd llvrred to all paru of tbe city free or charge urdeip eollclted and rum t altraUun I bi given t he ami 5 iy M S CO laWBTtc or GcncralMerchandtaandCnnunlton Mer- - chantaHonoInInHI i M IS GRINBAUM CO- - Commision Merchants No 124 California Su San Francisco Cal 1 11 IKFOETEES AND DEALERS IN BUSINESS Dr uh Worrat OIBic In D wk Corner and King Wholesale Uercnanaise Nnnanu ATTORNEY Ir O iI lltU Commission r HULLIbTEK n nl Lit- - DEALERS Importine Pnlllahens QiolLor Telephone on of rnaloa rolcorl GRINBAUM tiiMn HAEDWAEE JNO A IIASSINGER Agent to take Acknowledgment a to Con- tract ¬ for LaDor t Jt rlor Offlr lion Uln A W PEIRCE CO SHIP CHANDLERS L COMMISSION MERCHANTS ist roit llraid i aud Ibnnb Ixnirea I err lUv laiii Killer J Hj n si Hon flint o ly J 4IItI- - thm Hiitio Merchant ami fjtnerul Jkuler In Dry Uood droceii Hardttar Slat lour rj lalrnl Medicine lerTamerr and tilaitware VVILIK1 M L I DR E H THACHER 3D233NTT7IST- - N lul lort Mreet inrudour aboi M It rkeou r hotosrai h tiallerj Satisfaction caaranteed In Price- - and Quality or Work r MlrautOxida4akadinInti4rnd for painleo S trad Ion to teeth JII h H IONsItIITt Attorney and Counsellor at Law lfpeeU1 Attention paidtn the ntcutlallon or LmdO ontejm In i t all tuatterp pertainln jr to I eal ih iat Notary Public and Comnilaaioner of Doeda Ptrll i it nf irnrnla and NrwlorJ r tffl SVnlmiM llmolnh HI JI- - Ij lllltl XI Htlll S A 4o Lati Ji jcckx A Co1 IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMI AhKKT rot f ibd lb I lv rnool Indent rucrr rrilich and toreisn Varln IniuraB Vud ortbt rn An a ran re Company M W McCHESNEVSON ULiLLK IN Leather Hides Tallow NW COMMISSION MHItCIIANTH uEvrs ion Iloynl So x Oonipy W N 4 Queen Honolnln H I ly G oo 3P WolLe IXrOKTEK MI USiLTIt IX General Mnaical Merckandiaes Paintiutt Enjrravinc Ckromoa c c Ate Tb heaie plat to Brit ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE IN HONOLULU M Tt lit FLAMEb oi all kind- - mad to order u No lOTIorli St IIwmwImIii iii ii S intt Importers of General Merchandise hum J J lf VSJU WJfriAjl l LMTrl STI7A Irn bnt trwl tl loluln 11 I Hik itito w uoMaSAiji onunii Hi and SI i alllvrnla trrt SIN i im I S HI iCT I articular nllci I n pall to mill z and abii pins Itlandorderr ti ly IAITLK J nATHECTV 4 IMII V ou i SiriPFING AND COMMISSION XEKCHaNTS aMI OKTtliS N1 Dealers in General Merchandise u JKlBsMreit HonMnta II I tLNT lOlt IL kubalaBfrto K Ilabtead orWatalua The Haikn soear to 1 lantatSon 1 he Alexander t- - LaW II bmithJtCo ho- wia 1 lantallune loa kaal Hamakoa VUnUtlon J M Vlesander Halkn The Hitchcock JLC Manl I Ian tat ion Tin I at n Insurant t mpan ol an Iranciaco Tb Vw Lniland LIT tnMirauc LompaBy of Lofton The Llakt- Mann fct wins Co- of IIoKtou H M AcMin a latent t otrifu al Maehrn Tb Nlw ork and Honolala Patkct Line Tbr Mtrtharit Line Honolnln and han France j r JaBerMnLI rated Medicine Wilcox Aitlbb iti2ir MannfactornCmpjn and H ffa jtAli aln Machines ly Pommtir tfradurr KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION K lit NOW CtlHINU IN ami Tor lalelii o aant id tosult pnrchater by S mJi c ionu HAWAIIAN SOAP W0EKS GREY CO M atiHfacttirera nd lealera In ALL KINDS OF SOAPS Leleo King Mreet Honelatw II 1 Motton nnd Coat Tallow wanUd Ord rtKrta Doll Lo Qn eo lrrtwiH meet with pronipTitt teniloo It SOLE SADDLE LEATHER Tanned Goat nnd Sheep Skins 1 N II AI IMMURHIU ClONSTtNTI llknoarn 1 aliuea Tanurrj J I Inrker rw r If II niuieri I V Iman Proprlelar gu6 ClEOIIOUy JLCO rtnl iinioiMiirN niiiuin- - C WALLER Proprietor KIhc lreIIIOMJwla Loir tVIta sfruntF aetllcrtla Fruit lrseriii- - to Ime Apples Put Up in Cans 2 lbs each ti DELinoi s rrt rr i C arefnly Prepared For Sale at Wholesale nnd Retail HONOLULU WEDNESDAY AKCH 14 1883 JJtetlumral jards ED C ROWE Ho and Slffn Painter Paper Hamcrr ate TSty Xo 107 Klei Street Honolala S 3VXozol3oxi t Tailor W QortSt belowIr tanjtnwalda ly 4 4 COLMIA BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST llrc Shaelnx farrlajre Warh riaiitallon tiielilnery Ae S13 shop an king MrceL next Cattle A Cool a j JOHN NOTT Importer and Dealer In StOT Ran Metal- - Ifoe FarnlhlaeoodaCrorfcery Ola and rhlnaWare lTactlralMeetanlcr Hoaolnln If I J M OAT CO SALT MAKERS I on la A F loolea New Fire Proof Bstldlar Tawl of NisiBlt treet Honoalan I t5 I la oral description made sad rtpaUeu PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Bakery X- - ZXOZIX Fraetlsal Coafeetioser Paltry Cook and Baker ffJt 71 HotcUlreet betw en Nnmoa and tott Sly JOBS VUm ElbUSI G ENGLTNO A CO- - No 5 Nanana Mrcet Tlnamitha and Plnmbera Dealera In StoTa IUnea Tin bbeet Iron aod trpe Ware k epeen auntly on band a fall aaoriment or Tinware Ualtaa HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO 2r VTK1M MOIM fcl t U UVX iriVrr r IroItraMaod LaiLatlBi Mnchtnory of Every Description V Uada t Order ParticnUr attention paid to Saip Blaekiadtaisa a JOBffOKiftttJw lUthortMlaatka SJlj NT BURGESS OA3LZllITKIl Ss XIVZIiDBll hop on Klnc Street oppoelt Bote g Eitlniaice iten on all Linda or bsldlnr When ro qalred Ofttce and bturca fitted tip In the laten Lat j ii tiki Vlakea strret One door beloW HottJ Mreei Fnraltun or a descriptions made and repaired oa ra eonable term llert workmanship stiannlerd - ly 4 I- - UIIIUHH IMPORTER MANUFACTURER UPHOLSTERER AND DEALER IN FURRITURE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION PHOTOGRAPHS U11 ItlllTTIIl IIIK Till H111M1 or attending to 1 holography I am now to r j to any part of the Orvtjp to inake lew oriralle or any kind or work belvu tns to Photo rrjpby Onl Crt ela4 prodnctlona will be made II L tJMNE Honolala MaiebHh li 9CiSm K1STLER SIMPSON NO J HOTEL bTHCET PLUMBERS AND CASFITTERS DEALLK IN Stovea and Ranges Tlu Sbeot Iron and Copper Ware Kcej Couiantl on band a u parlor Acraortnieni or KM Tin Ware alanized rwn and lead pipe ly Important Notice n INC IL IM II VSin TIIF HjuLrnpt rtock of M COItltEU I M NOM IKtl RED TOOFItR LADIES GENTS CHILDRENSSHOES ai atlonlthlnly low rice lor eab all rarly lo btala a good imlou a nery artuJe will be aoldat ill towet poaMhle pricea to encore an ImmedUte al J H LYNCH vr m No 3hln5ti CEO S HARRIS SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH SHI I ItltUMI HOI HI INI Htlll VaRoii Uorfc Monldfn UN llaulnj Kaltct Anrhonand nitlarpalreiL Uooaenrckf rank xlea aud aon xlea inadt lot tht trad or reaeonalfl term Heavy Wagons for Traction Engines i ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS Uttl ill h Flttlu aSperialt frt- lrMutf llemf I to m II irk ttuaranUctl J WILLIAMS GO no 102 i our st it 1 1 r Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu Utii h rlNIIEH IN Water Colors Crayon India Ink or Oil Photo Colored C Ihe Inl onipltlc ollirlimi tr IIjihI lews rn sliellt tirItpIUt Ar WOlinifios IVIocIointoaJ Qi CS- - katr I On Hand and For Sale Urtj tiabl i rm t im k of III I S IlilS IIIMS 1 S C kltllltlL llllff lllw OaL Ahb and Hickory Ilanl WLito ooJ CnmberlanJ Coal Taints arnisbes Horic SLoee HeGned liar Irou Ac SC lTAII orders promptly fillcdci COSMOPOLITAN J J S T AU II A N T HOTEL STREET KSS P A COSTA UteChl rtI ward fMnif Propnetor Llkeiike UK 111 Till llll lilt ltllh UN Hot UEAUN VLLE TLltN- - ThTall uppli luflfatb Ik lib M ik afTTda SsrMeals at all hours of the day fB lyr I DEFY COMPETITION t5 DETHEL Mnrcr IltTwLCX MNO jgt VV atuMLl CHANT frf j OtM KJbVl ClVllAA - J form the p bl hn i iilar dnirprentieea and In lotrod iur Mmm lwwrr w than clew ttock r Machinery ainil Th I am Coir ininred I att ndl Repairing and Constructing Machinery BELL HANGING Stock and Gun Smithing t siii i tl rl JOB WOLE V U r j j i i on an id pal TLa k nit lb sit ral pw m tans I tla f I pa fa or- - ai d ru rl 11 jm to merit a l trI share of Ke pectXidle J M DAIGLZ CONFECTIONER Y J Ho 71 Fort St above Hotel Stt KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND B nm tit lylTn J la r in ufar r Conlectlonery Wh b J r f r lb ra at reiaij AT REDUCED PRICES thi iii vr ritMsoKiioii iigirs T - ad ti tb maik THE BEST ICE CKE1R SODI WITER 1 C0R0I1LS 83Tt SLI ttlTUl TllCn a 1IL0CKS VVI1 MA T HOOPh ico ATnarrni Biotks IjtTcvr MOffwd tKoeln rural BotUz i Cki ft jam afvsTUA4i liipprniiHriiT an rwr - - I eia uues a co i Jerlianical fords New Steam Bakery MR HEW SHIN HAS OPENED A TH XV STBAM I1AKMHT On King Street aexidoortolt n J Voananlt a premiipa 411 kind of HI LAD Minnrifturr1 of thr hot ijiulltf only MTOrdinreerived bylloacUnuB ToSEJart fit iiaN rouriERH ouctkp ir CEO LUCAS CONTRACTOR BUILDER IIoiiolulii Steam ILining JIills lplanadr Uonolnlu I I Mouldings Brackets Window Frames Blinds Sashes Doors d 11 tin of rK4ok rinilt Turning Scroll and Band Sawing r in iiviiu Planing and Sawin j MorticmJ and Tenanting OKVEKS IM VITLi 4TTEXVED TO luil Mora tnntnleHl C Ordrtrroci the other Inlandaaoliciud Haaolnla Mavil 4-- MB - J D LANES MAltltLi WORKS no loitrM fu it NUiitiiorLihr manufacturerTf monuments Headstotin Tombs TabltU Marble Mantels Washstaud Tops and Tiling in Black and White Marble MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO OULEn AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE BATES 9fwniiiieiil an I llenltiir 1 eweil anl Keei O den from the other I land pr i pO jtt ndcdlo MRS THOMAS LACK No 10 Tort St- - Honolulu IMPORTER and DEALER Sowing Machines and Conulno Parts Attachments Oil and Accessories JClirr KOH T3H J White New Home Davis Cronn Howe and Florence Machine Howards loachine Keedles nil kinds sizes Corticalll Silk la all colors ll llkV Mill I Ml JI KlllM fOTIKV VmdaDi lltiuuir a lit Uhlr t m t ap r rltm n lnhllatlin lrr It KIS ttalul lian Dd pnrtlRS Owid SUut loilr l a MpiHr t jTirUj KRROSEME STOVES In alt IN Jg tirtT r 38 Wi 38 jrvfc- KIM WDrORTIiTKEET CHARLES HAMMER 1MWM iHHiirlit fur Cash 1 liri MotK Fifti Class Ihiiness Filtui Tbo Host roruoss rEI Ull Ell HERt Cheaper than any House IN TOWN 110 VI IlllllltSF I MIL Mil lim SHIN HIS 11011V tin Mnrfl and IKinbK Harnr t oaeord and M ale Ham Fijrettj aud I lanutlon ILum Itrldb Whip- - t rrjt - llrntb - ptir lv ln nt IVXoclcciXL Scic3cUoja THE HE T IN THE tLMK TOBACCO GGARS SJI0KI1S tlks riti uuir ti jmsr Varied Assortment to rt FOUND IN HONOLULU Braf iotistatti nK rrtpt of FVesh Supplies FBOJI THE Most Reliable Ianiilbilurcns IN Till I NIT NTATI tll 1N I OK P Lorillard Cos Tin Tag Tobaccos Vanity Fair Tobacco and Cigarettes ifirX ii d O tla o x - io A GreatVarlety CIGARS MEERSCHAUM I VND 33irlaxXliDOEt cfcc cJUc Hollister Co WfcoIexjIeanJ Iftill ToVaertinl-l- - lt N lA3l SrltllT Jfnznrattre JJoficcs Barton Board of rndtrwrJttr UKXT9 far the Hawaiian lataaMla nmjj C BREWER A tO Philadelphia Board of Cndtnrrllrr fbr tho Hawaiian Islaada VGKTS 1 BREIVKKA IO ia hoiiaii ik rornreaaea BoanlorCndi Areata Pmntea ttoard t rnderwrltert centof letraa Board or Laierwnier ClalniarBrIaiirineCompanle within tl p jui dlrtloa or tbabor Boards of tadenrrtten will have to be ceniSed to by tbe above Ar at to sake then ralld W Insuranco Notice llaXT PUll TIIK T1I1K DKITI9I1 Far- - annmiLlHlrd haa Mann lnatnan reeeired laatractloaa i Kednet iho Staler ot la- nraaco between llonotala and Porta m Ike Paclde and la now prepared lo lean rollclea at tbe Inwtii rat with a apvcbU redaetloa on freight wer aieanirra THEO 11 DVV1ES STIIv AtentTJrlt For Har la t t d 11 in it 1 ikii iiuinit PIKE INSURANCE C0MPANT rtiiin t rULMUN m hiin u mc r-- X pntaiird Aent ft the a bore lumpanr c to inearc riakt caEnt nreontna d Uriel liaiaara and nnMerehMdla aToeed h i HAMBURC MACDEBURC PIRK INSURANCE COMPANY OK It MECIU TXItCandMach ncrTlnairedaralne lln oa the moat faenrabi terraa i V J 1144 Kit Vant rnethelliwaiUnl ind VQi lv or k- - -- pu Uul OBc SU WU1 St Nw Yorlc Honolnln roe tho authorized to aeeept and wnte Marine lUk on Xtr chindlae Frelchu Tressnre LoramUtlona and Hall at rnrrent ralee J 9 U ILK EH Jly Acnl foo the Hawaiian Inlaid OK HV 1865 iaal Ll of In- - Co Iloaolaln for the i laprepar M tchandi of i t n n 1 L1 ru Co itiu vr and Silk From rll llliohir rixi t Nin CM ITM J tt Honolnln for thi Hawaiian lalandt the un ler limed ara nrrtiaml to arrritt rtLa airalnkt art lit U a tort an u tn Tor able ttrtn touir Tat be ha Lt t3 ftlSly J 1 t iniinnn ninnr T Uo i r T th 4 u i o m w ir ait H II a ami ana j and muni n hcnh in JI tu nJn lor Hawiu a i I eta Ik aud tbe on uersin d are pn pare i irwt u k i jui in ui fiocuwa now Brt eaaaa iiri o v Jim- hi Ie lnsorri r ra ptrh d I ofrhr f rtwopr mtu - I hw 1KII Hn lHir Xa O 1881 1 r Inftiiraac all de crlpl n II h IT t ol rofni rjtr pn in am j th nn i rtlttaed 4 ir and I Tbe It ir ur t xa a y ha- - th lor n 1 fQTpIuranrrlrelonipanv in the w rid VIII A of of rpiu bare ettaUlili a General Aaenrr hire and lb Otntral Ajeent to ukr ltlki nalual the the Yul llnlew anilort llio Muxtt reriua- - ui i v u n t Aceitla r tbe Coinpj 411 11 M lOlth and Most IN over 1 iirtrn n h I oiup ill lllo WILlJEtt i Urn Aifr i I I E jm Htilicltlnx Ax v ritt Nt 1I I NTIC OI lll Kb Capita f It A IVwrrre Jb L l tht lr lie nrat al npanlp r tal INSURANCE oi iitnill Mi irili tr r Re lBiranf t n fnl th ml or or in tjoijju k C4 4W l oi nn T ii u film MOID VERSICHERUNGS GESELLSCHAFT jp f lln- - C mpaay fra V aa f 11 Ilk INIH Nn X f tbe three fnr thi- Hawaiian I land are pfrpa ea tn laaare Balldfnr Pnrnltnrr Ac and Mill and in be harbor t lo or daatafe by Are on tbe mo faTorabte terms ly H AU Insurance Co vim 1 133 7U Oihtl Ltf fo m ttrsti on lit most Tctbu nt N IlaM m TRABS I IFE FLVK l lanaal Pattey aean daj- - 3 aaal aeetBlaa eajatlan Phlky 4 year l 4ay Aaaaal eoatlaae Pofley a Zi day 4 Aaaaal toatlaa Policy year 4a day j Annas arastaM coattsne Pulley If year 1 days i s 813000000 La Iall A II AID 1809 T u the a a alt Detculi t 191 9ann Tntal aa fcacrtbed fiMJtM faad aad Panrtea IJJaV4K -- Life aad raaca jjttvior 4 ltata 1 K v giw AK r no7rs h ¬ at ll B t for tb IlaVla Iita94 kmm i gtvittrantt PreriBfial FIRE 8ubrrilKit The tmpany now liWulml an renrr bore and are to take KUht era rp-- etiy or Terr uesor bum wna rfn aerf anaiTni ei a J - I rstoo6ooo1 A u PACIFIC INSURANCE GREAT cinroHit INSURANCE COMPANY UNION INSURANCE COMPANY KKlNCinCU -- TO Til SIR - X hit h rofttata tho 1 laawe X oa TUrel BralVa froai INaaarr r Fnrfu wv L Thr anj kr Polfrr INOOHPOKATED TbU CASTLE ACENTSXalTJTrlc 2S riiiiniid City London Fire wiaiM surance iJTJST RECEIVED CAPITAL 85000000 SKMWfSJLS CONCHEEAULTNG OUT fTMET tdjuiriadiraieiierrHeiV Various IILItULB iiiitiijuui and Japanese utiLirtiT miu Swiss NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY1 niTiHTiuib rZXUmTHKuxikTs tweh On Cargo Troasure Handkerchiefs hemstitched llMidlaloil pott of Mtjqultil ismiEiT CoillrrH Iij iMtitroriktm Japanese IHinirrUrlf TJNIOK Fire and Company Beaver Saloon lll ZUiLANl 27 NOLTEt Proprlotor Vf11XUIHrtUIISIIIil lliLllM1 dwclllnpa warehouses liaenhandie In It No HlTlL 1100000a CiitlnTiuirnt InTttnifst COOKE Goods Ware Lloyd Marine iljws Ware M0oaooo auouuace to bia Irlendo ml tb pabU iiriiieiiiann andcotamliloni opened the above rwMjlly Mtljutleil anal ableliert UALKKH imrnnnm flrat clata fll In ifmTl 1 a tUl W a lutHruui Lunuun utuut rTiataotaHe CO mmwr owtr Assets 31101000 Tobaccos Claims 58871 1000 Clears Pip03 irtvi lATini Smokers Sundries 11 tba jpcmaaai nranncs mkruhmim UKLLIs co be n Mat d and be adaVd i rraaa Cae of Brunowl kA fJTiirableiermit acheddwclltneaondcftnifni eyear nlnn DllII3rU 13DI HO lHIIOPl nnt rloil ItH abet of the eae ran INSURANCE M Or LIVERPOOL CapaiNLMruABlT0T0000 md KLKFB rilaMafian GERMAN LLOYD rrtwl araln leitYv mi Largest Imbf HawaiU I Ut1 jr it rpotll ii f nir urk dtat art naH d Insurance Company Berlin SELLATVERYLOVFIGURES FORT UN a WEK1K InsuranceCompany Berlin nls tnoii OtllNIIA J kt3 Aiiai utvubvi areauthialrd theDniiKeraol lteaaNMble lAtornble HirrEUJtro WILDER CO HonwlMlti llaalfMM Ialauila1eir eral 3lutiial Lile Largest Safest ECONOMICAL LIFE INS CO THE WORLD Cash Assets 500000000 USKMW FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Comaanj uikl NORTH GERMAN FIRE COMPANY utapanjrJkBr MllltIZLIlINIII RUCK OF WINTERTHUR RMINIUJtKlACif abOTo coaipanle alMHncar Wf IIACKrTCLD tne New Mutual life ornMTOX IM OHlOKiri Ptrefy Vmtwti UiHramx folidcs fiTorabU Etample rrrelir INCHRDAUE OKDIIABT preaalaaa eawtfaaaa praabaaaa yrara aeeaifBjaU AJiot ihrvirata Ilaualutn Asmey 40000 CASTLE COOKE AJENTS 1UHTIIL laLANLI SOETH EEITI3H XE2CA3TILE Imwurniioo Company Established Ceaanaey -- rNyaJCntUl -- Wrn jjiij FaraBraajcfc fJBI UfctrtAaaraUyDraaw nLAXoza WHOLE 948 Jjeiices The Leaden nsd INSURANCE COMPANY XalxuitOClV 35UOOU0O haee prepared WATtKnifC A Sti HB Hi CAPEMIi JAECER THE MUTUAL LIFE COMPANY WESTERN ladtapatmMf Beatrietloa Free UriMivit lVHrr Mntnsl ttrhMMrtanuamUUkM The Limited VBuffKIM irfVrTmtiT Descriptions Chinese Insurance EUR0PE1N uixosujia Freight Mprclul irrlilln Lacquered ifuiiViiFi Marine Insurance Saloon Refreshment froaa adwi INSURANCE Paid Halk- - Hwelllits KIltapeeialUy illrilrtjl ifillint tCUilHCI with FIRE COMPANY JIEIHCMES ENGLAND Insurance Xrrbaaflleandlrudarf England IWtllAN where Pnltl atabllabsarut partletnatr Stock aud Most Complete Assortment hand Marine General iNMKtNii andvlnied SOL MaftSTft FOB THU J C AYER COMP Y LOWELL MASS SH THk iio ii ftiTumm o IoimIou PARKE DAVIS ic CO HrTK Ull II Nttnufacturinfr Che mint a HUMPHREY Hon eoiathic Mecicme Co NerY York C3- - G- - o roe xx7 WliotiRI Mt J liuuit Mntr ami llernuti Sjrtii CELLULOID U t n4 I b am j IT TRUSSES IMTT Physicians Prescriptions f j tpti Htil lban ar MUSTER CD S Viholesale Retail Druggists 3J Nl VM T rum UULiLISTERaV COS GINGER ALE Soda Wali r and Sarsaparilla lla a Cqnalleai airt l tor Pi t r Kteetlaacr af Plair Only Pure Fruit Acid Pure Fruit Flavors and Pure Filtered Water IM IH1 Till iuciAairiv OI riiLftt ok Lit Mil mti n tci 111 OOMS INi hU ALr i h r a WJDVWVTKB 9Ali4PRILL ait n rl i HOLLISTER fc CO WIIUIflLt IMIKETill DRUGGISTS Tobacconists f -- lll1t tTBCKT 1ZLV oi eCfafaU Trt Sat u J - 1W IJTMMUI QwaemorCataaa uw Hw nJ rW ThWt-W-- - 5w Swarjiaiiaaa tlatfoflvMaa tWw- - WW a0 un tWnrd Calwara U Mwr aa tt AMCCMaa uwnw 41 sat oarM r- - wwahnaa C yryafJ M- jaar aew aUaweJ a Aaronnt Iraat tbMO twM aralck avw S trnriNS adwUanianiawbaacMaeftadaaearty Y XU ftietbra odwetkwaiiwra aawat So oatsaaaatJot wttb th ff whM la ar wo wtteowtn ha naaaa Om TWeaMrebraaai1oatatoaaaaaa rraJtMM far Caatoe laewaa Wuruwiaaaia ar aab kcrtptteaenMy ba t tawaawtja farrtifa Johrts WILUAJIS DIM05D CO Shlppln and ibbIUb 3rrtluit I tw n lfwala Mtewt Pan ftaoalnaSy W H CH053OAS BRtt C031MISSIOX MKRCnAVT0 114 rikaanbww HtreeS 3 Tawtw ano Mflr A lk u4 J T nmawM Ml Ijr H W SEVEKANCE lUwalma Cal a COMMISSION MERCHANT JORDAN A CO irii rnot Kic- - m mmmim 111 iMral Qmm tl w liiiilin m ssxiiaL nians iunorTts mn n Tu uiwjworxK3 Fislieries riu libliiuu JkHE nntMLir SUPPLY THE HAWAIUH ISLA31 vnuiM Illihf t irnlr uriotlun ttii7 vsDxaM um Nets and Seines to Order Cotton is lisbtertluji2emjimort Dmbli and ltaa ExjxsaiTt CniTrol uri 1 tV Cilat SIIm Amorican Not and Selno Co rrtBLiiiav INDIA RICE MILL tuvnor Minion and Frement St- - 3a frtceiica rilllL INIHk KIU HILL ymr m anctlaal natariiam aaa lMHMflMlW tbe aaaaaaio a aallaa la tb tboaaaaajraeaaof Cleansing and Polishing tiMw I1M a a swr wt mot t WrS9MnilnM lliillins ant Uressins of Iaiiih tta ihe Hjlua laiaaal a m hra Wm M GREENWOOD Gnkl CuMMlutM XMMJlt A Pnritratk IadU Rln MIU anrr ti aouu Mr J T WATERHOUSE caaat and mak DRJCOLLISBHOWNES CH10R00TNL THE UKli IN L a4 liNLT Sl d r I lit ht f a a - rWaii fr lop tr 9Tm retaiat iaa elmlaUaa lataaaa of tba talk aawaln altk llai f - laadaaltaad ar aad ealanM rcamly llralttk HUHTN r a U wry anweltc la h iLuitoTiE a u Bpl epj lljt r nisi 4 IILOttfOia 4 a i Kb rant ii I l KrM nail I a tai Ha atla Jum Eaa ureal aa t Daar Mr Wr raabrara k la tym law mXtir j Hirrnnl avOklnc J baa am d tt rt- - if wae the Kat Aaarn qaaMllvai ataT a taitrr M aa4 w ahall hv lad u u rrf aarpa Iadjaa buau r aotTlvaa annna rU Mrtaa fraaa ialr a wlUWbat xaaHMcrat m af IB bliarata SnaaBML t raaaa Km IM a 2aesl a4aii pa il brtall J Warthtaa and tn n in anttM rf hai- - la lUMtti ha a MaBeln- ban t ullt b Uaattl dWt W l W la tb Jf mimMm laar ajwa- j- M a rar vr mi lain thai tH J latent ut i kw r atvl I Jnljf ll - 1kI t ratra 2 lyf amda DR ttr Hbm a ml tn after f h valna Haaaawlf tb tt u a a TaraVr - T TN at axl ffcrnBrftVimilH Corner Beale and Hotvaid Sts V E 1AT10 T JOHfH IM1I BUILDERS OF STEiM MACHINERY T IKIV Ua Steamboat Strxmtrtip Land ENGINES AND BOILERS HHitl tEaTtU 4B rMlf -- LAf ItSALLM a1 Hal rfful brtn OUIUNtKT LNCilNI air trd ahb rvfr V iu tar raafr w MT rarai d MTBAJf BUILCRV ibar laattif wf tar v turn bat aV h a atuk tflLIJa ltlaltat4 III IHIN CaV bmm i all I i i a r In I l t ITS a t IPCt b atade la aalaaU a n ftbact raattad rttay t ba fltvWd n itviiuit Lie uivirriN tee aaaaV- a Uyairaaib K Ja X iH far tiH rt j araad HII HUHH bin aJ Wicc fc iil ri i am Paaat 3tl apatt Q tt a rtJII Wr Tirtaaa Wai ri hi laaaaana taaaaj al Hm isenla Waeialaai4Dai ta ESTABLISHED 1853 JLaJTPjFMQ H LilJag NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING vr n tuici all enaaaa aaab laaaia 1 at IM i- - atUa ma u M IN IN iINU tItAJp twtX eiaXaa4tavaaaaalaieBi fa Ij mala aainw wa rm aaiia t ail Bias a aaaa ja aaiaia ww raMaiBaaa im aimwaima waara AHf pmw Hat taaa la Ca4aria ttatea aaaaal twrapa Jaa ai amij tiij bjbb pajamimaa ravetaa t a aew aaaraa aAt oaa am auaal mil aaaetaaaa a altanaa aaajafftia a t araa -- aWiatt abajaa 4arlaj aarala-ta- aaairr HavaUaa aaaaaa nfar Wla- - J i i -- ij -- I l 4 P I i M

Transcript of Jg tirtT o › bitstream › ... · 141 tic J--TVsy Jajuammfetfic flbuiueu m ROBERT CRICVE CO Utcy...

Page 1: Jg tirtT o › bitstream › ... · 141 tic J--TVsy Jajuammfetfic flbuiueu m ROBERT CRICVE CO Utcy MlnMnIaj Ylrulntf 1 FIVE DOLHUSiU UMM ruAhLL Vim tce-troratrxvvVJ ie a iW IIf tinnuitimKawttlilCTf





Jajuammfetficflbuiueu m

ROBERT CRICVE COUtcy MlnMnIaj Ylrulntf


- troratrxvvVJ ie a iW

tin wttlilCTf Tiuit StmtfII nuitimKar iVnattiau -


-- J iiKiMRNmei me TtmTT uiiM lunrtbBrflIfharTlnrie wlth nlltciry honorvrraTfTpntcMUm TTi0 the reetnieatalt tfw to ebreda at the battle of laden -J- tirwTaJara -


iftfr There It not to i the north caoalrirY Nor yet no the H amber line

eacnaUepioHhe TyRoman eajtea hare Lent lta walli

Kama and Dane and beeUare left the glaBMar of anble dor

H 1th their iibm on thla wt rpoCrota the relcrnef WHHam LorTbe voojrcha of erery line

Had a fitc for rayal NcweaatleThe city apoa la True

Ht the Son Gala and un niarlm ateactTV hat partant hare held tb5r way

Hat lta eereaii en hundred sad elxty ttrerom bmly morn tn JlayThere u a eljht la bonny XeweaOb

Oh that 1 had teiii tntrT bear the call of the imininlMn

ThrtlHojE the clear ptitc airTo bear the roar of the cannon

And the dreamer a Catherine beatnd the cater hnm of the nlthe4

aldng npon the meetlott at noon waa a tender baafa

And a funeral nanca rai heardIV ilfc anna rererard and cowrs ic4Came tba mew of ihe Twenty thirdAnd Lennox their noMa leader lreThe abreda of a faded nagTb battle flae of the rectneat-- hot to a zRwtoaa ng

hot Into ahreda npon na tuffTorn la a bnndnid fihuFrom th tsinid pUtaa or ndlaTo the ordlanadlau hlcbt

There nu not an Inch of bentin leftHew eon Id It Boat ajraln

Over a faUhfnl nwlmtntIt Lad nerrr led In nlsad oh the bands tfeat bad carried itra not eiotli and nood

It SI for a cfiitarx heronU Nai trtBMD 1th their bloud

It 0i ra eentnry a uomradeTbej Ct Nl net ratt it awaynd to wlk poJdier a honorTbrjaerti Nylnf it Hut da

In the fanoal Tl North Hambc Iontt here the Jtouiaa legion trodwith the roar of cannon and roHordrnu

They laid It oodTthe aiJtot ll vunl a Uttered flag aloaeThey bnrled with tender prhlr

It waa crery Ullhfnl roropaalonThat under tbe Has had died

It waa honor courage gnd laealtjThat thrilled that Micfate tbrosj

Mandlns bare beaded and ailentAa the ohl flas paoed alone

o ben the craacer bad corered iiThere aa a Joyful train

todtheaodlerp ctirred to a nobjc tLoBahtMarched proudly home aaia

Tb citizena west to iheir abo4 ooee norThe collie went to hla ntlnr

The rhephcru went to the broomy bill

That It had been well to beJat for an hour or two fae to fact

lta honor and loyally M Habj

MiacUanonFTrue independence has do difficulty iu

ceptiosiiocwaary biuduess S i HcrroA fool maj Lae Us coat embroidered villi

paid lot tt is a fooPs coat aUll AdvertiserHetiry I Stanley has rcchoJ the 0050

with 3000 tous of --ooJsIter Charles II Spurgeouisinfailiug health

uaiu and is oulj ahle to preach one sermoneach Sumlaj

5IisMar llle iiartkj who haa juat bccotuoahndo atUontoii a is 13 ears and10 mouths old

Miss Mary DicUus eldest grandchild ofCharles JJickes aged lit jears is about to In-


ati actressTjndarl Bays tht una aod nomeo t listed

on this earth 0000000 3 ears before the dateof Adam and Ere

As the countenance is made beautiful by thesouls shining through it so the u orld 14 beau ¬

tiful by th shining through it of God JieuliAvoid that which yon blame others for dc

mff sayi 000 of our wise men Well thingshave cone to a rretlv pass if a loan cant kisshis own nife

five cent leetares arc gitenin Philadelphiaujton hypenic subjects such as What lo dountil the domes and How to help a manwho s roars off

iu Se 4 York n advance in rents by heraponts has chauged the tenants in a largo blockon Broadway near ighiecnlh street

If Noah had foraeen tho future nnd killedihe two luosquttos which took refuge fn theark he would hate rendciffd some of thetroDot norf utmcccsarv

rnae contest rlaco roITJS

lor set 01 15 letters in the course of three boutsan average or about udy --three u orda per min-


in ordinary newspaper typeMr Mayer has latdbcfure the 1 rouch cau- -

cmy of Sciences a new mode of burial vizglass coffins tho air pumped out and filled withtuttiscutic gas Thus he claims tl e lodv could

A bo indiffcittly kcj t uncorruptcdIt is authontivcly staled that lU Truce of

Wales and suito will visit Canada thi firstweek Iu March remaining until after tho meet¬

ing cf the Science Association also Meitingtoo prominent ciu7ens oi tne tnued states

The projected tunnel under the Hudson atXcw York upon w Inch nearly 2uu0000 and23 lives have been w asted has been abandonedit is reported the death of Trcnor larkhaving discooragcd tho other stockholder

ThesaluUlcuanat lale this year says inexchange was a German the alcdictonan aHebrew aud tho prize dcclaimcr a ChinamanBat when it cwmes to real classical culture thenatne land is there The pitcher of the laloII aso Ball Club is sd mencsn

Lnough money was collected iu Loudon tupresent to each of the 53 1 children iu thehospitals and workhouses a Christmas gift intho snapc of a toy On Christmas Pay a thou ¬

sand poor families m the city had their heartsgladdened at tho sight ef jlum pudding andother good things git en to them

A curious experiment is bein tried in sev¬

eral corps of tho Kussian Army This consistsor tho introduction of dogs instcaJ of men assentries lor this duty the wolf dog of theUral mountains is found most suitable as thisanimal will growl at tho presence of an in-


instead of larking outright aud thusinciting all tho dogs in camp to do likewise

When 1 armer Budge read that a ull paint ¬

ed by Kosa Bonlicur sold for 4 5000 he re¬

marked Jus wifo that ho didnt sec hot acoat of patUt could so greatly enhance thuvalue of the auimal tot that if ICcsa w ouldntcharge more than 10 would get her topaint his bull in the b nn And his econom ¬

ical wife replied that sho thought ho mightpaint it himself and save his SI0 Tne indica-tions are now that the bull will be painted

Vr Haley says Australian Je Ueat Journalof August 15 16C1J that as a rulo a dull heavheadache situated over the Lron s and accom ¬

panied ly languor chilliness aud a feeling ofgeucral dicutalort with a distatc for foodwhich sometimes a proachos to nauseacompletely reuiocd in about ten ruiuutcs by atwo grain dosoofiodidcof potassium dissolvediu half a wmcglasful of water this Kingsipped so that tho whole quantity tnav cou- -sumsd in about ten minutes

The leto power on the itri of tho sgeriiguexists iu Unglaud but has nut Iwcn eicrciacdfor two centuries It is radically obsoleteand to revise it would bo regarded as a daugcrous act of usurpation and almost revolu¬

tionary The Oakland Time thinks it will bebetter for the United btatcs when this extraor ¬

dinary pow cr oo tho part of the 1rcsident iscircumscribed with definite rules and limitedonly to the most critical occasions It mightbe safer for the people if it did not exist atall

I usil oil consists chiefly cfarui lie alcoholand although the latter differs lerymuch inUste fctntll and physiological properties fromordmary alcohol lis presence in small quan-tities in J randy whiskey etc is not easilydetect Tho estimations of the quantitypresrXwra scarcely possible L Marquardtuf Hamburg bolides that has solved this1 roblem ithout entering into the ofthe quaatatit o analysis which is exceedinglytedics w c will only say that his process rxnaists in first extracting the fasti oil with chlo-roform


washing thorough and then oxtdizmg the amyhc alcohol to valerianic actd lymeans oi ucuromate of jKitash and strong sulphurio acid at eighty fire degrees C Theodor of ih actd H asiljr recognized

An amusing incident occurred receoti atUorcr A bull was with several others be-


driven out of a main street into a lanewhen it turned iuW a chemist s shop whichu situated at the corner Tho animalstraight through the shop took a surrey oftho contents and then passing the tnd of thecounter approached a large looking glasswhich u fixed to a door leading from the shoplo tho rear of tho premises To the great re-


of the proprietor how ever the auuaibrought up suddenly at this point and stoodadmiring himself in the class for a few Can ¬

utes then carcssine his duplicate y lickingtho glass be backed quietly into the shoptxk a sniff at sonic of the articles lying ojlbs counter and turned round and walked outInto the btrect strain K the amusemeat of alarge crowd of people who had assembledcutside Ccrtudsly enuugk no loss in theway of fraakigca was sustained the am milgassing into and out of jhe shop and kuotkisj

enly eoe lottlc vUwU j tltd uet breakTwenty years ngn the rnrraist was favored lya similar visit


vol xvrnNo nQusmcsf ards

FRAKCIS M HATCHA ttornoy At Xa a wrm

W Vo II Kaabnmann Street IjfSBDOLX

Connaollor t Law avnd Notary PmolioOaee at Ibt corner of Fort nd Merchant Mreela Ho

EDWARD PRESTONAttorcj and CoauaeUor t Xw

I CCForl Street llonolnlc Kl

WILLIAM O SMITHrrultMTi UW 1 tLllCIlTA sriMnui il t wgii

W AUSTIN WHITDGAttornrj and Counsellor At Law

VCni to taVe AcLnowledmenlt of Inttrament tuthe IUnd or aha

S Now Kaahnmann Street llonolnln lrW R CASTLE

ATTOItWKY VTT ZiAWam Notary labile Attenu all tar loom of thi

w- - 3 H HITCHCOCKI lM lllll lit A O Attororjt LW and NotIT PnlHc

A Commission KTJMdtMSrioiiiiowhrr be win

iiiiH iiania it llMHltollbulcriitrrtmltofalia10 Jigl win lHh Trm ot tb

GK0CERY STOKE and ikvk rnosrjLi ijtorrerKmr and Dr EMERSON


MIMILi A 4OCornc of Xortaodia taMtrtr llonaaol

Ixmbtr Faints Oils INaili Salt and BsUdingan ij Katarialtof eTery tind


4Mb an B r ju a - II u hilu

11 twinsAuctioneer and Commission Merchantil queen Mm1 Honolalo

IIOII I a COShip CaaafileriandComananonMerchaiiU

Imiiortrr ind Deal rr m trncral Mcrchand t nten9 Hnnolttlu II 1 U

t N CIIMIUIO AxrvBTKn- ami uaaLXRe II

Couoi rvl IVIoroliaudlaojtf orner tjmrw and Kaahntcana Strt- i


take to Labor RetailTtEET II

0flrrr huro n jndIrolsloiurallLindunbautI3 211A r from and


OTAKT 1 CUti tl ok ii VcLnow lnUnntiit flui irui


N B1y


h haahuuann M Ilonolnl II


Ilotnll TATixao DonlorUNION SALOONIn rth Hawaiian iareti MilMln

ll n M r hai t Mr

II la I 41 1111NOTAHY ITJ33XaIC

Agent totake Acknowledgments to Labor CtintraeU- X-

GENERAL - - and MerchandiseVaV t iricrtji and haahumattu so lv tort Mf

Strtet Honolulu

to take to Con



tract a tor Laborh ll Lti ir trfhona UlandofOsUi at h OiB f

otk ro f nnann Mreet


CGRIER OF 1ND HOTEL STREETS HOfcOUILUe If i Wim jd Llqnorrctnirtantly oa band

W9 I ivt f Ub aaUacbvd lolhe Hotel ly

4 tl -Importer and Retail Dealer

in Generalnd U Ooodi in tin Hit iioufMvre rormr Kin aftW and buret ly

u w nokton a onrx3i

iuitnn AlOsMur t twi Tanrb Iantail in iuth keOro

rl c ajtti iTunttonraao uenerai errnanuiFi


W the Term- - throtb rl UnJJ K5in our language v

type setting took w Merraaw m dwrtri l











uirmoviaf a unuifrom ManeuwaldJtn


Honolulu tJahu H Jill II 14 Kl I l l A 0


empire housej Iiityn 1


i ntiKEL- - iarfW II 4 IN A Kl

Soar Factors and Agentslu 11 vi


Au ImiMrt re of uid D jleaM ll Hat rain awlhf i ntraJ l rudm II u lu I I

join 11 1tiiPUBLIC and C0HXIS310KER cf DEEDS

forth MateaoriaJirornlaaudN rk Office atUir Ii kuf llixb pVo llonolcln W ly


MERCHANDISEj n u Mn l Htn Jul H ji

S M CARTERAgent to take Acknowlodementa to Con--

for Laboroffi M U ljct Ftnlanadr Honol II I

T LENEHAN COImport era and Conunlaalon Merchant a

flttt Nauano - Honolulu


Drusgists TobacconistsWHOLESALE TET11L

ao N u btreei Honolulu

MRS A M MELLISFathionalle Drras and Cloak Maker

Kl 1 t r-1 Hun Inln II I

j iiii wi ii ii i -Decul Eoomi on Foit Street

Oilh lrr r Llo lunttt UoU 1 rt irtlj i tiuc WX -- trv t

itoix ir i1 l A U

art iuf lv t r Jt Ukiomf0RTERS IN LUMBER

And all kind vt Hulldltv J4at rialFurl -- ir t


Ml- - Hon Hlti

J W ROBERTSON COand Mannfaclarlne Statiouera

Neva SealersBlnilera and Paper Ruler

A I Merchant Mre llonolula II I It

Ull 1 n A 41

IMr02TttB AND DEALERS IN HARDWAHE1 Or Oood latnt ndO at o O i ral


j SS Mervhani bt Hono sin II I

Sugar Plantation Railroad andother Corporation Stocks Bond andalmilar accarltlc Bought and Sold

Commission Monry Loanedon Stock Securities otc

H in II IOctoberlfi li Jlv i

JOS E WISEMAAReal atate Broker Umplorment BureauItenla HooniB Cott jTt IIin r and rels and leaei

ILat FeUt In all parta the klnjrdvan Emplojnent lonud t r thon eeeklnc la all Ihe rarlt uhranrh a of hnsltaea connreted With tilt Islandrg N U Lecal Docnmrnta draw e Kill CtIWU d

EtfLand ccoontskepLandmeTaJulEccworktraBS- -olieHed i email tlott tnoderaleacted ratronafff

Uonolnlo 11 1





Roblo oaa UaHdinsMreet Honolulu II I

AtsEvra fobTbr 1 lan d nonolnn Liar f Packt t

liar X Co t Lirerpoo aod London rack tme n aiaapa Ilantauen

VIrrlee TaltWataon car Mac binThe heep lUneh Conipany

At ItoblaMm a Wharf

Dealari la Ltuocer and all kindi ofXatcrials FiinU Oilf Naili tc Icte

aczxm or 4aKTSMnI1ALEAKVLA



rirAHi1 LVJiA

LEA IIIi Uoaotala Hawaiian Ilaad lj

Ill O I II It I liotmb


VCTTkbi itaar Fim ud rntw1 ar II u- IImiolain uta II

Aio rvkltUrrof lltr SlulluitauuiudiMHsaa IUwIm Otrtn7SAa Itloidv AcThiIMkiirtrttwn TtetMrort siiilllvttl to dntfd to tcmil oatnee Rm whMnsuiImktt Urn iik ruxk tnta juvriitt

Nrv mud Blnisc rwin 1 iqrilrd lf AftOiUBtStl m


gusittrss srds

bishop cj coBANKERS


as Tnitft im isI e lark



TlieOrleNlal Itaaik Carrftlln t t IoJoh1JD TUKDB BEaSCBCa IX



tueklHtlt lirfleirrU nmtl


And trantart a Baahlng Pnnneaa ll Ifi - iiutiitocu

ATT0E5ET AT LAW HILO HAWAIIM EI1U promptly rollerted

Importors Merchants promptly

tuna liclltrtDdTEED BAKERY

-- niVEYNoFort Honolnln





punici v M hUHGHJXConfaltatfnn Room and retldenceNo S Knkol

tr eornofrnrtfe OFKIt E IlOl IT 4 iolOa ni lte3um Trlephwne No ll VM ly


Surveyor and EngineerL C Ad uj itwnlia Toat Office bS Cni


tjfBc aiiJ Ktdcire a i rnbool htrect betaecn lort and Lmna

urn Liioi tu m 1 uiosr w


fi t o o Is 3DVLI KI OK SFLI lLATATIOIT Niuekh Uund and other Mirketable ecufitle

at MrLit alae for lark UHICt WITH L 1j UiM- - Aoetloneer 9Sly


Afient t Ackjiowlodcments Wholesale and CrOCOrSContracts rOIET UnolaIn I

rl1 fl- L ifeelied rrralatrt Larone American







I 4


1 1 NIL




Stools- -







which will b told at the lowed market ratesOitnd llvrred to all paru of tbe city free or charge

urdeip eollclted and rum t altraUunI bi given t he ami 5 iy


laWBTtc or

GcncralMerchandtaandCnnunlton Mer- -chantaHonoInInHI i

M IS GRINBAUM CO- -Commision Merchants

No 124 California Su San Francisco Cal

1 11


OIBic In D wk Corner and King





















JNO A IIASSINGERAgent to take Acknowledgment a to Con-


for LaDort Jt rlor Offlr lion Uln


ist roitllraid i aud Ibnnb Ixnirea

I err lUv laiii KillerJ Hj n si Hon flint o ly

J 4IItI- -

thm Hiitio Merchant ami fjtnerul JkulerIn Dry Uood droceii Hardttar Slat lour rj

lalrnl Medicine lerTamerr andtilaitware



N lul lort Mreet inrudour aboi M It rkeou rhotosrai h tiallerj

Satisfaction caaranteed In Price-- andQuality or Work

r MlrautOxida4akadinInti4rnd for painleoS trad Ion to teeth

JII h H IONsItIITtAttorney and Counsellor at Law

lfpeeU1 Attention paidtn the ntcutlallon or LmdOontejm In i t all tuatterp pertainln jr to I eal

ih iatNotary Public and Comnilaaioner of Doeda

Ptrll i it nf irnrnla and NrwlorJr tffl SVnlmiM llmolnh HI

JI- - Ij

lllltl XI Htlll S A 4oLati Ji jcckx A Co1


f ibd lb I lv rnool Indent rucrrrrilich and toreisn Varln IniuraBVud ortbt rn An a ran re Company


Leather Hides TallowNW

COMMISSION MHItCIIANTHuEvrs ionIloynl S o x OonipyW N 4 Queen Honolnln H I ly


General Mnaical Merckandiaes PaintiuttEnjrravinc Ckromoa c c Ate

Tb heaie plat to Brit


mad to orderu No lOTIorli St IIwmwImIii

iii ii S inttImporters of General Merchandise

humJ J lf VSJU WJfriAjl l

LMTrl STI7AIrn bnt trwl tl loluln 11 I

Hik ititow uoMaSAiji onunii

Hi and SI i alllvrnla trrt

SIN i im I S HIiCT I articular nllci I n pall to mill z and abii pins

Itlandorderr ti ly



Dealers in General Merchandiseu JKlBsMreit HonMnta II I

tLNT lOltIL kubalaBfrto K Ilabtead orWataluaThe Haikn soear to 1 lantatSon1 he Alexander t-- LaW II bmithJtCo ho-

wia 1 lantallune loa kaalHamakoa VUnUtlon J M Vlesander Halkn

The Hitchcock JLC ManlI Ian tat ion

Tin I at n Insurant t mpan ol an IranciacoTb Vw Lniland LIT tnMirauc LompaBy of LoftonThe Llakt- Mann fctwins Co- of IIoKtouH M AcMin a latent t otrifu al MaehrnTb Nlw ork and Honolala Patkct LineTbr Mtrtharit Line Honolnln and han France j

r JaBerMnLI rated MedicineWilcox Aitlbb iti2ir MannfactornCmpjn and

H ffa jtAli aln Machines ly

Pommtir tfradurr

KAUPAKUEA PLANTATIONK lit NOW CtlHINU IN ami Tor laleliio aant id tosult pnrchater byS


GREY COM atiHfacttirera nd lealera In

ALL KINDS OF SOAPSLeleo King Mreet Honelatw

II 1 Motton nnd Coat Tallow wanUd Ord rtKrtaDoll Lo Qn eo lrrtwiH meet with pronipTittteniloo It

SOLE SADDLE LEATHERTanned Goat nnd Sheep Skins

1 N II AI IMMURHIUClONSTtNTI llknoarn1 aliuea Tanurrj J I Inrker rw rIf II niuieri I V Iman Proprlelar

gu6 ClEOIIOUy JLCO rtnl

iinioiMiirN niiiuin- -

C WALLER ProprietorKIhc lreIIIOMJwla

Loir tVIta sfruntF aetllcrtla

Fruit lrseriii- - toIme Apples

Put Up in Cans 2 lbs eachti DELinoi s rrt rr i

C arefnly Prepared ForSale at Wholesale

nnd Retail


JJtetlumral jardsED C ROWE

Ho and Slffn Painter Paper Hamcrr ateTSty Xo 107 Klei Street Honolala S

3VXozol3oxi t TailorW QortSt belowIr tanjtnwalda ly4 4 COLMIA

BLACKSMITH AND MACHINISTllrc Shaelnx farrlajre Warh

riaiitallon tiielilnery AeS13 shop an king MrceL next Cattle A Cool a j

JOHN NOTTImporter and Dealer In StOT RanMetal- - Ifoe FarnlhlaeoodaCrorfcery Ola and

rhlnaWare lTactlralMeetanlcr Hoaolnln If I

J M OAT CO SALT MAKERSI on la A F loolea New Fire Proof Bstldlar Tawl

of NisiBlt treetHonoalan I

t5 I la oral description made sad rtpaUeu

PIONEER STEAMCandy Manufactory and Bakery

X- - ZXOZIXFraetlsal Coafeetioser Paltry Cook and BakerffJt 71 HotcUlreet betw en Nnmoa and tott Sly


No 5 Nanana MrcetTlnamitha and Plnmbera Dealera In StoTa

IUnea Tin bbeet Iron aod trpe Ware k epeenauntly on band a fall aaoriment or Tinware Ualtaa


2r VTK1M MOIM fcl t U UVX

iriVrr r IroItraMaod LaiLatlBiMnchtnory of Every Description

V Uada t Order

ParticnUr attention paid to Saip Blaekiadtaisaa JOBffOKiftttJw lUthortMlaatka SJlj


hop on Klnc Street oppoelt Bote g

Eitlniaice iten on all Linda or bsldlnr When roqalred Ofttce and bturca fitted tip In the laten Lat

j ii tikiVlakea strret

One door beloW HottJ Mreei

Fnraltun or a descriptions made and repaired oa raeonable term llert workmanship stiannlerd

- ly



PHOTOGRAPHSU11 ItlllTTIIl IIIK TillH111M1 or attending to 1 holography I am now

to r j to any part of the Orvtjp to inake leworiralle or any kind or work belvu tns to Photo

rrjpby Onl Crt ela4 prodnctlona will be madeII L tJMNE

Honolala MaiebHh li 9CiSm



Stovea and Ranges Tlu Sbeot Iron andCopper Ware

Kcej Couiantl on band a u parlor Acraortnieni orKM Tin Ware alanized rwn and lead pipe ly

Important Noticen INC IL IM II VSin TIIF

HjuLrnpt rtock of M COItltEUI M NOM IKtl RED TOOFItR

LADIES GENTS CHILDRENSSHOESai atlonlthlnly low rice lor eab

all rarly lo btala a good imlou a nery artuJewill be aoldat ill towet poaMhle pricea to encore anImmedUte al J H LYNCHvr m No 3hln5ti


SHI I ItltUMI HOI HI INI HtlllVaRoii Uorfc Monldfn UN llaulnj Kaltct

Anrhonand nitlarpalreiL Uooaenrckf rank xleaaud aon xlea inadt lot tht trad or reaeonalflterm

Heavy Wagons for Traction Enginesi

ARTESIAN WELL TOOLSUttl ill h Flttlu aSperialt

frt- lrMutf llemf I to m II irkttuaranUctl

J WILLIAMS GOno 102 i our st it 1 1 r

Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu

Utii h rlNIIEH IN

Water Colors CrayonIndia Ink or Oil

Photo Colored C

Ihe Inl onipltlc ollirlimi trIIjihI lews

rn sliellttirItpIUt Ar

WOlinifios IVIocIointoaJ Qi

CS- -

katr I

On Hand and For SaleUrtj tiabl i rm t im k of


C kltllltlL llllff lllwOaL Ahb and Hickory IlanlWLito ooJ CnmberlanJ CoalTaints arnisbes Horic SLoeeHeGned liar Irou Ac SC

lTAII orders promptly fillcdciCOSMOPOLITAN



UteChl rtI ward fMnif


UK 111 Till llll lilt ltllh UNHot UEAUN VLLE TLltN- -ThTall uppli luflfatb Ik lib M ik afTTda

SsrMeals at all hours of the dayfB lyr


VV atuMLl CHANT frf j

OtM KJbVl ClVllAA -J form the p bl hn i iilar dnirprentieeaand In lotrod iur Mmm lwwrr w than clew

ttock r Machinery ainil Th I am Coirininred I att ndl

Repairing and Constructing Machinery


Stock and Gun Smithingt siii i tl rl

JOB WOLEV U r j j i i on an i d pal

TLa k nit lbsit ralpw

m tans


f I pa fa or- - ai d ru rl11 jm to merit a l trI share of

Ke pectXidle



Ho 71 Fort St above Hotel SttKEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND

B nm tit lylTn Jla r in ufar r

ConlectloneryWh b J r f r lb ra at reiaij


thi iii vr ritMsoKiioii iigirsT - ad ti tb maik


83Tt SLI ttlTUl TllCn a

1IL0CKS VVI1 MA T HOOPhico ATnarrni BiotksIjtTcvr MOffwd tKoeln rural BotUz

i Ckift jam afvsTUA4i liipprniiHriiT an rwr- - I eia uues a co


Jerlianical fords



aexidoortolt n J Voananlt a premiipa

411 kind of HI LAD Minnrifturr1 of thrhot ijiulltf only

MTOrdinreerived bylloacUnuB ToSEJartfit iiaN rouriERH ouctkp ir


IIoiiolulii Steam ILining JIills

lplanadr Uonolnlu I I

Mouldings BracketsWindow Frames

Blinds Sashes Doorsd 11 tin of rK4ok rinilt

Turning Scroll and Band Sawingr in iiviiuPlaning and Sawin j

MorticmJ and Tenanting


luil Mora tnntnleHlC Ordrtrroci the other Inlandaaoliciud

Haaolnla Mavil

4-- MB -


no loitrM fu it NUiitiiorLihr

manufacturerTf monumentsHeadstotin Tombs

TabltU Marble MantelsWashstaud Tops and

Tiling in Black and White Marble



9fwniiiieiil an I llenltiir 1 eweil anlKeei

O den from the other I land pr i pO jtt ndcdlo

MRS THOMAS LACKNo 10 Tort St- - Honolulu


Sowing Machines and ConulnoParts Attachments Oil

and AccessoriesJClirr KOH T3H J

White New HomeDavis Cronn Howe and

Florence Machine

Howards loachine Keedlesnil kinds sizes

Corticalll Silk

la all colors

ll llkV Mill I Ml JI KlllM fOTIKV

VmdaDi lltiuuir a lit Uhlr t m t ap r rltmn lnhllatlin lrr It

KIS ttalul lian Dd pnrtlRS OwidSUut loilr l a MpiHr t jTirUj








iHHiirlit fur Cash 1 liri MotK

Fifti Class Ihiiness Filtui

Tbo Host roruossrEI Ull Ell HERt

Cheaper than any HouseIN TOWN

110 VI IlllllltSF I MILMil lim SHIN HIS 11011V

tin Mnrfl and IKinbK Harnrt oaeord and M ale Ham

Fijrettj aud I lanutlon ILumItrldb Whip- - t rrjt -

llrntb - ptir lv ln nt

IVXoclcciXL Scic3cUojaTHE HE T IN THE tLMK


SJI0KI1S tlksriti uuir ti jmsr

Varied Assortmentto rt

FOUND IN HONOLULUBraf iotistatti n K rrtpt of

FVesh SuppliesFBOJI THE

Most Reliable IaniilbilurcnsIN Till I NIT NTATI

tll 1N I OK

P Lorillard CosTin Tag Tobaccos

Vanity Fair Tobacco andCigarettes

ifirX ii d O tla o x -



33irlaxXliDOEt cfcc cJUc

Hollister CoWfcoIexjIeanJ Iftill ToVaertinl-l- -

lt N lA3l SrltllT

Jfnznrattre JJoficcs

Barton Board of rndtrwrJttrUKXT9 far the Hawaiian lataaMla

nmjj C BREWER A tO

Philadelphia Board of Cndtnrrllrrfbr tho Hawaiian IslaadaVGKTS 1 BREIVKKA IO

i a hoiiaii ikrornreaaea BoanlorCndiAreata Pmntea ttoard t rnderwrltert

centof letraa Board or LaierwnierClalniarBrIaiirineCompanle within tl p jui

dlrtloa or tbabor Boards of tadenrrtten will haveto be ceniSed to by tbe above Ar at to sake thenralld W

Insuranco NoticellaXT PUll TIIKT1I1K DKITI9I1 Far- -

annmiLlHlrd haaMann lnatnanreeeired laatractloaa i Kednet iho Staler ot la-nraaco between llonotala and Porta m Ike Paclde andla now prepared lo lean rollclea at tbe Inwtii ratwith a apvcbU redaetloa on freight wer aieanirra

THEO 11 DVV1ESSTIIv AtentTJrlt For Har la t t d

11 in it 1 ikii iiuinitPIKE INSURANCE C0MPANTrtiiin t rULMUN m hiin u mc r--X pntaiird Aent ft the a bore lumpanr c

to inearc riakt caEnt nreontna d Urielliaiaara and nnMerehMdla aToeed h i



TXItCandMach ncrTlnairedaralne lln oa themoat faenrabi terraa i

V J 1144 Kit Vant rnethelliwaiUnl indVQi lv

ork- - -- pu

Uul OBc SU WU1 St Nw Yorlc

Honolnln roe thoauthorized to aeeept and wnte Marine lUk on Xtrchindlae Frelchu Tressnre LoramUtlona and Hallat rnrrent ralee J 9 U ILK EHJly Acnl foo the Hawaiian Inlaid


1865 iaalLl

of In- -


Iloaolaln for thei lapreparM tchandi


t n n





and SilkFrom rll llliohir



ttHonolnln for thi Hawaiian lalandt the un lerlimed ara nrrtiaml to arrritt rtLa airalnkt art lit U

a tort an u tnTor able ttrtn

touir Tat be haLt t3ftlSly J

1t iniinnn ninnr

T Uo




th4 u

i o m w ir ait


II a

ami ana


andmuni n hcnh in

JI tu nJn lor Hawiu a i I eta Ik aud tbe onuersin d are pn pare i irwt u k i jui in ui fiocuwa now Brt eaaaa

iiri o v Jim-

hiIe lnsorri r ra ptrh d Iofrhr f rtwopr mtu - I hw






r Inftiiraac all de crlpl n II h IT t olrofni rjtr pn in am j th nn i rtlttaed4 ir and

I Tbe It ir ur t xa a y ha- - th lorn 1 fQTpIuranrrlrelonipanv in the w rid VIII A



rpiubare ettaUlili a General Aaenrr hire and lb

Otntral Ajeent to ukrltlki nalual the the

Yul llnlew anilort llioMuxtt reriua- -

ui i v u n t

Aceitla r tbe

Coinpj411 11 M lOlth

and Most

INover 1

iirtrn n h I oiupill lllo WILlJEtt

iUrn Aifr i I

I Ejm Htilicltlnx Ax

v ritt Nt 1I I NTIC

OI lll KbCapita f It A IVwrrre Jb L


tht lr lie nrat al npanlp

r tal

INSURANCEoi iitnill Mi

irili tr rRe lBiranf t n fnl

th ml


in tjoijju

k C4 4W

l oi nn

T ii u filmMOID


jp f lln-- C mpaay fra V aa

f 11 Ilk INIH NnX f tbe three fnr thi- Hawaiian

I land are pfrpa ea tn laaare Balldfnr PnrnltnrrAc

and Mill and in be harbor t loor daatafe by Are on tbe mo faTorabte terms

ly H AU

Insurance Co

vim1 133

7U Oihtl Ltf fo m

ttrsti on lit most Tctbunt N IlaM


l lanaal Pattey aean daj- -

3 aaal aeetBlaa eajatlan Phlky 4 year l 4ayAaaaal eoatlaae Pofley a Zi day

4 Aaaaal toatlaa Policy year 4a dayj Annas arastaM coattsne Pulley If year 1 days

i s 813000000La Iall



1809T u the a a alt Detculi t 191

9annTntal aa fcacrtbed fiMJtM

faad aad Panrtea IJJaV4K-- Life aad raaca jjttvior

4 ltata 1 Kv giw AKr no7rs h ¬at ll B t for tb IlaVla Iita94






The tmpany now liWulml anrenrr bore and are to take KUht era rp--

etiy or Terr uesor bum wnarfn

aerf anaiTni ei aJ -


rstoo6ooo1A u





-- TO Til SIR -

X hit h rofttata tho 1 laaweX oa TUrel BralVa

froai INaaarr r Fnrfu wv


Thr anj krPolfrr


CASTLE ACENTSXalTJTrlc2S riiiiniidCity London Fire wiaiMsurance



tdjuiriadiraieiierrHeiV Various

IILItULBiiiitiijuui and JapaneseutiLirtiT miuSwiss NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY1


rZXUmTHKuxikTs twehOn Cargo Troasure Handkerchiefs hemstitched

llMidlaloil pott of MtjqultilismiEiTCoillrrH Iij

iMtitroriktm JapaneseIHinirrUrlf

TJNIOKFire and Company Beaver Saloon

lll ZUiLANl

27 NOLTEt ProprlotorVf11XUIHrtUIISIIIil lliLllM1dwclllnpa warehouses liaenhandie









WareLloyd Marine




auouuace to bia Irlendo ml tbpabU

iiriiieiiiannandcotamliloni opened the aboverwMjlly Mtljutleil anal ableliert



flrat clata

fll In ifmTl 1 a tUl W a

lutHruui Lunuun utuut rTiataotaHeCO mmwr owtr

Assets 31101000 TobaccosClaims 58871 1000 Clears Pip03

irtvi lATini Smokers Sundries11 tbajpcmaaai

nranncs mkruhmimUKLLIs


be n Mat d and be adaVd i rraaa

Cae of Brunowl k A


eyear nlnn DllII3rU 13DI

HOlHIIOPl nnt rloil ItH abet

of the eae ran



mdKLKFB rilaMafian


rrtwl araln



Imbf HawaiU I Ut1

jr it rpotll ii f nir urkdtat art naH d


InsuranceCompany Berlin nlstnoii OtllNIIA J kt3 Aiiai utvubviareauthialrd



WILDER COHonwlMlti llaalfMM Ialauila1eir


3lutiial Lile


THE WORLDCash Assets 500000000



Comaanj uikl





RMINIUJtKlACifabOTo coaipanle



tneNew Mutual life


IM OHlOKiriPtrefy Vmtwti UiHramx

folidcs fiTorabU


preaalaaa eawtfaaaa

praabaaaa yraraaeeaifBjaU

AJiotihrvirata Ilaualutn Asmey




Imwurniioo CompanyEstablished

Ceaanaey-- rNyaJCntUl-- Wrn jjiijFaraBraajcfc fJBI




The Leaden nsd





ASti HB Hi







UriMivit lVHrrMntnsl




irfVrTmtiT Descriptions


Insurance EUR0PE1Nuixosujia


Mprclul irrlilln LacqueredifuiiViiFi

Marine Insurance


froaa adwi



Halk- -

Hwelllits KIltapeeialUy illrilrtjl ifillinttCUilHCIwith









Stock aud MostComplete Assortment




iNMKtNiiandvlnied SOL MaftSTft FOB THU



iio ii ftiTumm o IoimIou



Nttnufacturinfr Che mint a

HUMPHREYHon eoiathic Mecicme Co NerY York

C3- - G-- o roe xx7WliotiRI Mt J

liuuit Mntr ami llernuti Sjrtii


U t n 4 I

b am




Physicians Prescriptionsf j tpti Htil lban ar


Viholesale Retail Druggists

3J Nl VM T



Soda Wali r and Sarsaparilla

lla a Cqnalleai airt l tor

Pi t r Kteetlaacr af Plair

Only Pure Fruit Acid

Pure Fruit Flavors and

Pure Filtered WaterIM IH1 Till iuciAairiv OI

riiLftt ok Lit Mil mti n tci111 OOMS

INi hU ALr i h r a


9Ali4PRILLait n rl i


DRUGGISTSTobacconistsf -- lll1t tTBCKT

1ZLV oieCfafaU Trt Sat

u J - 1W IJTMMUIQwaemorCataaa uw Hw nJ rWThWt-W-- - 5w SwarjiaiiaaatlatfoflvMaa tWw- - WW a0 untWnrd Calwara U Mwr aa ttAMCCMaa uwnw 41 sat oarM

r-- wwahnaa C yryafJ M- jaar aewaUaweJ a Aaronnt Iraat tbMO twM aralck avw S trnriNSadwUanianiawbaacMaeftadaaearty

Y XU ftietbra odwetkwaiiwra aawat So oatsaaaatJotwttb th ff whM la ar wo wtteowtn ha naaaaOm TWeaMrebraaai1oatatoaaaaaarraJtMM far Caatoe laewaa Wuruwiaaaia ar aabkcrtptteaenMy ba t tawaawtja

farrtifa Johrts


Shlppln and ibbIUb 3rrtluitI tw n lfwala Mtewt Pan ftaoalnaSy


114 rikaanbww HtreeS 3 Tawtwano Mflr A lk u4 J T nmawMMl Ijr

H W SEVEKANCElUwalma Cal a



irii rnot Kic- -

m mmmim 111iMral Qmm tl w liiiilinm ssxiiaL niansiunorTts mn n Tu


Fislieriesriu libliiuu JkHE nntMLir


vnuiMIllihf t irnlr uriotlun ttii7

vsDxaM um

Nets and Seines to Order

Cotton is lisbtertluji2emjimort Dmbliand ltaa ExjxsaiTt

CniTrol uri 1 tV Cilat SIIm

Amorican Not and Selno Co


tuvnorMinion and Frement St- - 3a frtceiicarilllL INIHk KIU HILL ymr

m anctlaal natariiam aaa lMHMflMlWtbe aaaaaaio a aallaala tb tboaaaaajraeaaof

Cleansing and Polishing

tiMw I1M a a swr wt mott WrS9MnilnM

lliillins ant Uressins of Iaiiihtta ihe Hjlua laiaaal a m hra


Pnritratk IadU Rln MIU

anrr ti aouuMr J T WATERHOUSEcaaat and mak


d r I lit ht f a a - rWaiifr lop tr 9Tm

retaiat iaa elmlaUaa lataaaa of tba talkaawaln altk llai f -

laadaaltaad araad ealanM rcamly

llralttkHUHTN r a

U wry anweltc la h

iLuitoTiE a uBpl epj lljt r nisi 4

IILOttfOia 4 a iKb rant ii I l

KrM nail I atai Ha atla JumEaa ureal aa t

Daar Mr Wr raabrara kla tym law mXtir j

Hirrnnl avOklnc Jbaa am d tt rt- - ifwae the Kat AaarnqaaMllvai ataT a taitrr Maa4 w ahall hv lad u u

rrf aarpa Iadjaa buau raotTlvaa annna rUMrtaa fraaa ialr awlUWbat xaaHMcrat

m af IBbliarata

SnaaBML t raaaa KmIM a 2aesl a4aiipa il brtall JWarthtaa and tn n inanttM rf hai- - lalUMtti ha aMaBeln- ban t ullt b

Uaattl dWt W lW la tb JfmimMm laar

ajwa- j- M arar vr mi

lain thai tH Jlatent ut i kw

r atvl I

Jnljf ll -1kI t


2 lyf



Hbm aml










TaraVr- T TN

at axl


Corner Beale and Hotvaid Sts




Steamboat Strxmtrtip Land


-- LAf ItSALLM a1

Hal rfful brtn


air trd ahb rvfrV iu tar raafr w


ibar laattif wf tar vturn bat aV h a

atuk tflLIJa ltlaltat4 IIIIHIN CaV bmm

i all I




r In


l t

ITS a t IPCt b

atade la aalaaU a n

ftbact raattad

rttay t ba fltvWd n

itviiuit Lie uivirriNtee aaaaV- aUyairaaib K Ja XiH far tiH rt j araad

HII HUHH bin aJWicc fc iil ri i am Paaat

3tl apatt Q tt a

rtJII Wr Tirtaaa

Wai ri hi laaaaana taaaajal Hm

isenla Waeialaai4Dai taESTABLISHED 1853



all enaaaa aaab laaaia 1










eiaXaa4tavaaaaalaieBi fa Ij malaaainw wa rm aaiia t ail Bias a aaaa jaaaiaia ww raMaiBaaa im aimwaima





taaa la Ca4aria ttatea aaaaal twrapa Jaaai amij tiij bjbb pajamimaaravetaa t a aew aaaraa aAt oaa a mauaal mil aaaetaaaa a altanaaaaajafftia a

t araa


abajaa 4arlaj aarala-ta- aaairr HavaUaaaaaaaanfar Wla--




-- I




Page 2: Jg tirtT o › bitstream › ... · 141 tic J--TVsy Jajuammfetfic flbuiueu m ROBERT CRICVE CO Utcy MlnMnIaj Ylrulntf 1 FIVE DOLHUSiU UMM ruAhLL Vim tce-troratrxvvVJ ie a iW IIf tinnuitimKawttlilCTf





2fe Snthcnts

tlr a rrn Bk taw tfcfa a appointsi rflk bantemr SMI vie D K Tyte

t - l 4 Br erof ictmJ0 X BARNARD ClerkV IW

Mr V - Kiwvu ha beoo aiore4 twjwhe fort and rollertioa District of kahnlwL

F B1IEXDB1TMpaty Col or of Customs

M ksraa Minister of Flnanc TLicenses Expiring- in Mirth 1883

nrTAii 4niLaii A Co-- Esq maidc HonoluluAimi VTatanar

Uf k PaiUMTtl

cur For and Mfrnani

t I Y Clark FWt street HmoIiIdU t 1f Era MmkI Honolulu

Ktatuwa Mmt Ifaasoialu1 okEet PKMkasvl ctMrt HMlalb

II n BiH Blt stotaC HonoluluV Xhwi atroet Hoawealc

kwm fe Kee loEtacUet HonoluluA Ittetaaswtt iCt eorFsaarf Merchant

CU oauJr Merchant uwet HonoluluK T Akm Xanana sXrset Bavohita

0 Us Yet cor raacfcaowt m4 Kin t Honolulutat Son whine Qosou sveee Htmasala91 1 tlf King iwt tl rnlu

K TAIIIIAWAII5 4s W c Jon keaunou Km

V atnenerr WaiaK ay Ahana t Akui Keaabou Nw koua

MMlMfotUIIH HlloM L Am XorU Beoala

m Aim KatMtto iorth KmniN


J XoftiAU Makawaoa wash rat Laaaaaja

II akaW Haw Wullukuit Asa iM iliaM Baa Mac Jwa KaaalaJ

fan Haw A Ton H uns Hatawa HaaukualuaalLTAII IAI Al

allTLAIJMa1 W Hap ke Hiaitaai kaoai7WaacXcr rUsx aad LUlba street Honolulu

W Kafeaaojaali fc Awaal A Xesneno MaooateaslrtitlOattHM Weiiaku Maai3 AlaTTaiwhia Maai

AJtaa Hotel tare Knolila5 MlfaajV BmtU struct Hon luluItaavK Walton Lnhalaa Maul

l tMritaKw iTakalal uaiilart ha Hotel otmrf BowoloiuWlllll IAAI t

I ftrowvfALv taacmatri lloaalaltimi iii h

no IkaoUlac lUaaM kaast

fHU 111 III Ittk kahU M

r ltaw Kaalii inn mi

v ciagMtit A CoIKL I llill tu

tmt HoaaM KolAit asJOItltlM fil Itill

PI iaairt iU Mrrriiawi tmi HmHilalata faaaveblaqrn JtCoMnfThwit rtrrrt lioaolitln


a ZaJao3ltf1aa


tlLIIAKHi 0k Baytoia UkaJaa ul1C Ilart ttrofl Hold otfoct Hoavlniw

Al I KINl C W r Km hoaa flaaail

Jilt I

IhtaintC tor Frt aod Mrrchsat MHaMlala

lllfKI srAiuila IJoBf CboaK MraaaAok airvet Hoaolala

wrntEKti T w ATen v oBkhMooou LP JalrM lri

All i eraoof aatlnjc M ater Tri Ttktr are aMtt thaitlrolr Vtatar Ralo arr MttUt aeail aaaaallr In wt

of at tlw tMksr af Cba appatc4l at of M aurHorfca foot of KaaaM Mirrl afwa tbr trt dor of

r hn in new ij B WJLMIXHapt WatrtWork

b Kaai HluUi oflalnior t


IIoKot-i-- Kng SStb Itotu ir ti nb fci tbai amillcatloa fr auv

p irtloti f ilir NLH trfERNMEXT LOVN to

i m wt li t l 8lx pnt nipt annantpajal i ntwll aaa th ttnnur n xrMfit froma v m it jiif waaiMM-

MMON k KAA14 Mlntatrr vl ilir lut rlor

NOTESCvtjtx J i ui Laa infortml n lUat tl Mandial

bad so authority from him to taLa ixmHestnon ofMr hawsiiiDJ tmlktin board JIr Liul roerrlrKAked lr l L to atw wbt h on lb lonrd1 ba O luiitl bad Uwrcfore do abare in Uw bUme

uieu mac intm AtiAcnca w ma aiaiMuii

W ifiKim atutio baa jvoTed it fizzl aa far as1bm IfcUnd are ootiofnwd vrry ihlr attfoiA at a aovtbfflr blow vas tb only tbioc tbatunnwKw ittairaiBrirorooeKira ruiuw i orbtif ijajitta atonu pawed over Itond nrrbapn itBot hmn cruaatue Um gnat uceAiL cbftnep mittbat aborra ur no atonn M Hatina bat mnde a Roodaaic oi um atmanacK ami tbai m wiiott- nnair imaMeo a ekrw imtnIHiui dodge

Imr abiitbiti dtrMtobr4 ouMd Uu aiitf-- of

aab rarduajt the pt pect f tccinbitiou at tbnwiataa of Caogroaa It aiipean ibat if amr UriffI uj bacwaw law It will only owe turat tlinwfflia cjufrtwofDHiiH of tferw frotn earb btMmrhot mtUr all lb dobstoa id Intb boaww tbrmrutl iu Iaw end pruuitm u be U4atiuu bytuiit oumfettw NuthitiffouoldbetterillafitMtoUio iln me diAealty of daabiut eeTrctirHj Willi mo

ouil i a aabjori aa Ute tariff by a iqut anrtiw1 ly ie paufcpxt uf iMQrit tb rnartnwttt of

y i Mofaiaw itMVMuea of importance at tbi wsvjfi k worwhnirJr Hf

TWaabtnftUnifrfyf J UTIimuoson edHof apeak uf tbe Qkimr id tbe fnilowinrcMainteatarj trrma VlmoM Iiwildeniic refiecla coaae U aa wbcit fruni tb far awar I a

iSbu lalea in tbe Center uf tLe miabtv 1 actficOcean rwwnna anjUninirrTrbanpiii Ihn Jlonnlolabojrffr It a larffe nbt oohiiun foiauTerfl wjvg with adrrf IriiananUt poMmbed w kly at fWetMHan a ar iu real atod 1 antce 1 Jhfdi 1 beadrajioeuf 1 oabdi cfnlizathM i about in tbiallwOmtetu ia marked vol 18 It t one of oarraoat lbtereatitteKrbattKT

It m tbe Iauctioa of tbe dtaary to do ja ltorand kowo nay aay H deaerrea no prabw for exer

ddac rU fsuetiooa any more tban tbe eierctHe ofcommon boaretr raqeira laudathtu It ia not alwaya bowevrr tbat a jadfte nboaa truore of uffiofli abort iUettetununoepMdiactiKNi tbe King a

pleasorc lara down tbe taw a IearleaMly aa doar 1uUA Mafctetrat in ca ea fwr instance liketiiooe wbiob dvierntUMd tbat tbe Kinu Cv rouatton Hala Pruftraaiiaea erea oomtuon naiaancejdaiuly bortial aud idJuHoqm to tbe pabtic nioralaaod oouunou Ueopucr to fact an lawlt to everyboueotaaan or woman bo vaaiireaent altbat tinflWe rwal etrtrTUinnHaiL

In Onjan cotoplained tbe otber day tbat tberewh avat MtbetcaH social uaaHfiM tit here aod trottedfmttbfttngUfeal diftinannbtU traveler inaunortetf H aUteiaeot Ibeivcan be no comtnamt un acrawut of laelt uf ffairty Ibtawcok J beiltm ilr IKabopgavaa Iitwu teunM itorty and atittle daace Laliway tbe Hrilinb 0iauuwHoturtiodAlta udebuuar a ball tbia rrnikyj MrslBty a daare on 1 hnreday and otber amnsetomum tbe taia for Friday and hatarda Mt baa

tbe lrwaai r m mnan to euaplainof Ituuolula larbt eawoeu Wbcre H toat --tHMmitiabea vtattorr

Uy tat aotw ot ur milliotuurcs knowabonthwi iod i fori itHmtrrd Mmietbbtg lulubtbe Rwt 04 ft r bun 1 rot oat tbat dtMuvDiCedruitor

Fakncb affair nil cjnLun iu a uiifcd ruidtUreatetntte cotMliltut d aujtUing may bappcuTbo laat weak liuLtrv U U ro obnnsvd and forone ireaier atril Hot 110 luttter wbat combiiiationxoav bepalcbedtipfor tb prent and notbingcan be more Uuipurary tban tbe halbtrea tnakeaUfl 4t ia clearly iiupuaaible for any FUble Oorernment to real npou any sacb baaw as tba existinjr Cbamber of DefmUea and a tuwolalion ofParUuaeut aod an awed to tbe ooontry mayshortly be expected liven M Crery ia now re-ported to be courittoed tbat tbere I no cucttitational alteruatiTt xortrf dbMolnttou and tbe bratinformed critic of tbe reuch aitoation doubtTenrmoob wbetiwr evwi tbat alternative wouldnmtnbrjte to imprnr- tbe potation of affair

A N nr Cbistlc for tbe aty of ban 1 rancaacof now occupying tbe alteutiou uf tbe lYra of tbataty Of tbla documrlit

oaratlrcp we tnjn civencarefn find

Tit ta it T- enr it iinnut laxaTu rlJltproTUls ISSSliS r 11wujfihi 11

due - fr iMtuuire tbt uo


readme uf

liwm- -uuto can er

It tuat tbertty brnl cbirterafirerybvdy iud a aafer one than tluitvoul lw oabntiti U for popular apprnTal eU

c jt vftt be drnard Mcrchanta boatnnw andtaxtn Mptnrll are anraMrtinu lt Tbeeteouxt v Ij dc LirtMtne wbetber nr Hot it btretsuitl p aptwoval wa to be uebl Mnrcb

Sote SnCr Tariff Pawd Feb 13

su ul h V U fctaodartldoty for



laat tinnnuriHhttmrkuown





te I rUT HiUi

po rti i



r na

ioU1coe rl W irocfttw eenta pr cal

4JIitN b rrspnjN ljl

fttnilMlHNodi u tfavvrarrkcKC ti- -

otr pMUkt verttr Aff

It btltcvrd ttuit Uu lionae viU adwpt tbe Vo

tduipe Iran




t n



4tb of Iarcb aa antoil wtrjeh now arcnw im

formerly tbt kiili ater booy on tbe afterKc mplMtttamaf iocidttiUti deiMrterc came near

uneu out oy me cxar- -o removeu rTerai iaia

fcrjiua uf rot Irom tavr propeHer and tbe acientiQcaarvtcea 01 njOi t rvtasee anc apt iuock uieibfficaltieM were uY d and lb luttf craft aeeutnoiufced tlw- - tfl Uiesanof ici iioUtuMconorrnod it - ni nUnttbo 11 ft i uketberVifU U j n ul w U Of oncifird In

it irt li in j trora tinandotM ntprn


lit UOri IN RKBUfl


The following Ie patcli from A ashington was Landed io Mr Baldwin llarch 388 the Sw ms leaving her wharf viz

TTie Senate pwwed tbe Committee AmeuudTanff IW1 thia mondnc bT - majority TbellotiwaretQTOtf onitatr M It will probablypaw

The moht favorable action we have thusfar noted concerning the Treaty is thenotion of the Senate in referring to itsCommittee on Poreign Affairs the reportof lis Committee on Finance that i thematter goes to a Committee regardeda favorable to the Treaty

Tnx Government organ call attentionto the verj pleasant reminiscences connocted with the visits of Bntuh Admiral

to this iort This is perfect I v trne of

most of these visits Imt the writers of

that jonrnnl have not leen fnll informalof ff tbe events connected with fcnch

nata Tlie Slimster for 1 oreign Affairsihonld examine the corretondcnce whichpasej lietween Admiral le Horwy andthe Hawaiian ilimstrv e hardly thinkthat he will find it tf Mich an agreeablenature m to recall pleasant reminivcences If we recollect correctly thatwas the iKcauon when Mr Kapena amemlter of the prent Cabinet packedhis valis and went to windward leavingto bis colleague the trouble of adjustingthe difficulty

Tax decieion of Judge BicLerton w isthat 3Ir Rolert Jneve by lenuittingthe Kings Coronption Hula lYognuameto le pnnted in onr establ l hment comnutted a common nuisanc notwithftanding hi couwHled ignorance of the nativeof that document and in t pite of the fact

that the programme were icrmitted bHis Majestjs Chunlerlain to le takenfrum his office to lw iied at t he CoronationHulas and were tht redistributed Ivt othersofficially Tor this off nee Mr Gnevewas fined fifteen dollars and costs thretdullars and twentv cents like fint wasimioMd niiou Air Am Vuld who pro-duced the inanitscriit for the programmeobtained its printing and who did not asfar as we learn profess to le ignorant ofits true in lining since it was written inhis native language Mr Gntne has apjKaled from this decision to the SupremeCourt solel in onhr to obtain its view ofhis accountabihty Irat not to tbhpnte thehnding of the Police ilagistrate that theprogramme itelf ti an oic ne documentThat judicial finding ts now a art of thepublic record of this kingdom Theof the Coronation festivities vna a performanct the very jirogramme of which19 now officially announced to le indecentandolscene to the extent that the t tropin tors of ainnting offict in which itwas alluwetl to be printed art liable to acnnunai fsemence

0 booncr does some man of indejiendtnt tlionght write against any of tbeIremier s littl schemes as lor instancethe late lamented coronation foil than thePremier 6 organ is immediate ordered tofire little ikIIcIs of innd Because Mr

IE Castle came boldlv forward anddenwinced the Programme of the KingsCoronation Hula as an obscene documenthe is charged with blatant liypocriojliecanse Mr A O Smith make somejiointed remarks shewing np tbe arrantfolly of tht coronation lie 14 charged withIteiagiin office soekera mere disappointedout Of course such trash as this in noway affects the character of these gentle-men Mr Castle performed a moral dutand His Honor J mice Bickerton has bvhis bentence clearh laid down that the

of the Kings CoronationJirogramroe an obscene doenment Thestor that ill Smith was an office seekeris pun fabrication and those icquaintedwith that gtntlt man welllaiow how utterlyfalse such a statement is

It 1 contemptibli in our couttniiiorarto use such expressions with reirard tolion oral tie men If these gentlemaudifferin politics iroin tnc irt uut r ana ins cliquelet them be attacked in a proptr mannerand not Ihpried at b aich vulgar insmuations as haio lieen nsl instead of fairargument

We notice au iiiMUtiatiou that the LiefJustin and Mr Charles It BfJion indorsed the conmation farce u onewho will take the trouble to converse withthose gentlemen can easily satisfv him6lf as to their vuws on the matterNeither of these en ntleimn care to writefor tht public Press but it will not ledifficult for an one com rsin with thimto find out their wutimmts We hardhtlunk their Mews are tin laudatory of theCoronal iou

Tht 11 ws which his leen recti wl relatne to the Treaty is satisfattor Congresshas cot acted ujon tlie inatUr at all andall indications shew thtt etninthefutnnthtn will not any hostility which manot be ow rcuuie An eminent iohticianwriting to a friend here sa s lie thinks thatthe treat ma 1 regardeil as safe for sixjears the hope may lie extremely sangutne but it shews the light m whichthismatbris regarded In a jkixju thoroughh couei sant with aflairs in theSUtcs

muuber of excillent ai ticles andpamj lilets have lieen appearing tn lanouparts of the States cxtremtly favorableto the Treaty Ir J Afott Smith hasbeen doing able work and Ins memorialto the St uate 1 inanct Committee ismasterl and it an extremtl concisedocument the Doctor has written as hoalways writes tirsejvand well He hasput the trade argument as strongly as11 is imtisiuic 10 jnii 11 ue tupjxjses 01 liltctlcbrated balance of trade against theI nitetl States Prom the figures of IbSrthis lmlance apoars to be l74lii andtt to liquidate this Imlance the United

states oiil exrted coin to the amountof S10iHH the rest was paid for ingoods yielding a hanilsonu profit andaffording a good deal of employment tothe citizens of the United States

An able pamphlet has also btin putforward b Judge Sliding the father ofCol Spalding of Kauai he treats of thesocial economical twlitical and strategictKksitiou of the Islands his work haslavnlargtn quoted fromm many of tboleatlmg papers and material assists in pvingn clear view of the trnt situation of thefonngners and natne on these IslandsAir IM1 uf the s nr it r tout contimles his eoman s work and conclusivjdvmwjws now vaiuauic tne isiarLir irmttdirectly and indirectly isJunng thelast mntjLiastJjd jmlStIs of American

to the islands amounts J k17017S while dunng the saiun period theexports to IVencli pohsossions hai beenonl if 704 and to fcjigheli possessions

S12VISS that is Hawaii owing to theexertions of her little population of indnstnotis Anglo Saxons and Germans hasused more Vmencan goods than the Colonies of two of the mightiest powers onti th


A nnt of which it 1 well to di abusethe wind of tho e abroad is the amountoF arable land available an one hungin sa IxHusiana can hardly fonn an ideaof bow small a orhon of the surface oftht Hawaiian Islands hi for mltiration of an sort how much less is fitfor the cultnatiou of cugar cane Withtbe uuiNMip mountain wacs rising nigged and Imrren for purto es of agnculturo in tbe cvntn of onr island we havebut a er fringe of cultivation extendingfrom the coast from one to three milesinland There is no unlimited field forcane cultivation aud the southern planterneed not fear that we shall lm able toutilise all our laud for cane the fact 1

tho inland have ver nerh 1 eached theirlinut of production and as lias lieensht wn again and again bv statistic thatproduction is but a drop m the bucketwhiui corupnrtl with the quantit of sugarmjiuvd b the people of the UnitedStiles Tht demand for this article ontlie Pacific Coast will iuenao year byyeai the supply as far as Hawaii is concernrd cannot be much increased there isno fw thai that the EaUi niarkt U canla cerrun b Hawaiian sugars far fromdoiixr such a thing a few ears will shi w

that ne shall be unable to fully supplyeven jthe Pacific Coast This overrunningof Kinttrn Markets is a pure V setup cither by those who are ignorant of

what our agricultural capabilities really areor bv those who are designedly hostile tous from malicious motives we nopeshortly to completely exorcise this demonat last

Tire Premiers paper was never morearrogant or impertinent than on Fridaylast when in noticing a popular demand

set forth in th Gazette of tbo previousAVcdnesday that the law of the land becomplied with he curtly informs taxpayers

that they may wait -- presumably till itsuits the Ministers to compl with thelaw the law which require the Ministerof Financeto publish a quartely audit oftlie public accounts

The vulgar taunt that the tax paid byany individual is too small to jnstify anyremonstrance from him as to the expen

ditnre of public money is simply al

surd only the fact remains that theGazette will persist in holding np to thepublic any abuses of public trust and aMinister wuo neglects or avoias compuanee with the law will probably find himelf reminded of the factThis is no time to te tampering with

law or finance with a Legislature such asthe list led on by such leaders as it hadto vote away three years income for twoyears expenditure a great deal of thatcxienditnre useless and a great dealworse than useless it more than ever le--

hooves the intelligent public to examinecritically every item and if they cannotpretent the wasU of the direct vote forCoronation expenses Ac at least theyought to Ie able to feel assured that nomoney ha been diverted from imjwrtantpublic necessities towards supplying thedemanas 01 mat or any otuer unimponant matter This nuperand its constituents d mand the knowledge at the handsof the Minister of I inance what has le--

come of the enormous sums ot moneydrawn from the Public Treasury withinthe last mne months and neither neersnor iersonahties will be accepted as ananswer Lnul tin statements ana accounts called for by Acts of the Legislatnre art fairly and reliably pat forth by

thatthe officials appointed for purposethis demand will be reiterated Neithershirking nor shuffling nor mendacity norpersonal abuse and of each of these wehave had mon than enough late willserve to siknee the demand for full aetatled statements as provided for 111 the

Vet to Ilegulate the Kecciptr Custodv andIssue of the lubhc Moneys and to providefor the Audit of Public Accounts H

The repealed blunders of the Poieumoffice and the incapacity of FinanceMinisters haw grown to be a scandal anda discredit to all those who wish well toHawaii and now the insolence of officialdom says merely wait and at onr goodpit asure ou shall see what ou shall see

This is not the style of answer whichsatisfied our forefathers and now Dreadlungs are cone out of fashion beyondtlit jowerof Mr Gibson or am one eleto resuscitate the hapxtlapu and the hula

i are suiwrstitions or obscenities of thepast the frog and the ox is an old fableanu our iremier uoes not know it

Ma Ksidsen of Kauai writing fromVienna sends the following interestingstatistics on leprosy which will 1e reidwith interest b all here

iexi4 January J7 lfckKditoe JiiETTi I bare received from Nonrav

tbe following short statement of tbe decrease ofItprotty in tbat country and send it to von asfortber proof tbat in utolation 1 tbe only bopeagmnm tue piagne 01 lepronr lonri irmy

iuriftB KxcimcsIn a report civen a few davacoby tbe bead

pbyaician of Norway for the cure of leprony it isfhown that by tbe end of isit tbere were knownin Norway 2SfKJcJweof leprosy rfwbom then batJ3 wf re treated in boopiuK and 2 18 in theirbona Smce then tbere ha been steadily moreitolation and thereby a steady dineinishinjt of newcineothnt by tbe end of isrr U ere were 2704caftee and of thete 73 were in hospitals mid 1J0Oin their bmtaea A decreae of lJj caaea ly theend of 18Ctbore acre known 2 0JHme showinga decrease 01 Wj caae

ince tLe decrease has been renUr rbostbere were known in IJJ3 rast a in 17PIfSAicaani in lr I 77 case in 18s0 1W2 ofwhom C17 were tn hofitalB and C5 in their booseslima the dcrreow of tbidivueiafroni2GlcaReain lfW to UW2caBe tn IpSI In all ljsJI or 41 permn

1 here can be no doubt that hi happy resulti doe to isolation and tbe he id pbytnnan Rtllftbat this baa only been iruperiVcMhereby intiraatinjrlhat if it bad been thorough the reanlt miRhtuare ueen atiu iteiter

Tbe nnmber of cared in the same ieriod ofyears 107 while tbe number of death I y leproxydanDB the same time i tSl

We regard tins as a mot luijortantcontribution upon the subject of leprosiand we recoinint nd the jKrusal of it toour authorities It evident that 111

Norwaj Mgregation is ngirdinl as themeans by winch the disease can 1m stampetlout It uint bt rememberetl that m Norway the horror and disgust at lepros isverj strong that no such contact as iscommon among Jiawaiian would le pernutted in tlie people of their own volition

aen lire nant fact shewintr the differonce between the two peoples this thatduring J tar vnu a partial scgngation tht disease in both countries thynumlier of sufferers hasdecreased in Norway from 2bG3 cases to 1582 or 4i percent while in Hawaii during the sameInod of 2J ear the di ense instead ofdecreasing has increised As we have frequentl pointcil out the blame of this doesnot rest on the native people of Hawaii neiit rests on those who have thwarted theproptr camtmr out of the law Suchpeople ha e to setth this matter with theirown consciences now but the will haeto answer lor it ieiore uod hereafter

Tht rt r a njfrt hronirle has jiublisheda moat atrocious sttof carbleil quotationsfrom paper lit re and pure fabrications ofso called interviews it is evident on theface of it that the sheet in question hasno desire for the public cood of Sm I ranCisco but is only desirous of throwingmua ai tne coininnnitv now thai it nntLithat its onslaught on the treat has eometo nanght The information furnished byMr Knudsen i of a quieting natureand shows tint with proicr carrying outof the Mgn gation law the cases ofdiseasecan u raj mil tiecreasetl s for there bemg dancer from our products that is simpie and un adulterated rubbish Lejwrsarc not cinplo ed by an of our plantersand merchants they are much too carefulof that it is onlv among the Hawaiianhomes that the disease will In found andit is on Iebaf of the Hnwauan that theauthorities have to acf A e aro glad tosee that tht authorities aro now carryingout the law stnctlv with proper care thedisease can thorough indicated andwo feel assured that now that effort is 1k

ing honest made

Since last June when Mr Gibson tutered the Mini tr his nevspuier tho T

1 IttfitMcr has constantly ieenaiertingthat tht opposition to hinuRitl his Cainnet is confined to n smrdrfnumber of disapxuittsl office setljfrs to men hivingno large propcrW stake in the countrythat the opposition is unscrupulous andhas no other motives than personal dihkeof himself and n desire to get its ownclique into office He has lately t xpressedin Ins journal his grief that the opjiosition was composed of men who allowed afew men for whom he naturalh expressesgTeat antijttthy to mislead and deludethem Sncli invectivts and Vehement assertions liavo lecome too fiit and stale brepetition to interest any one unless it lxthe unfortunate traveller of distinctionwho has recently leen paraded so often intlie columns of our contemporary Theeditor of this journal may nave he hasbut httb worldly pelf on which to paytaxes for the support of Mr Gibsons orany other Ministry a fact on which MrGibson and his colleagues apjMar to dwellwith gTeat satisfaction judging from thefrequeuc with which his nwspajKTbring- out that imiortant piece of information to the public although for thatmatter we are willing to compare onrdebt paying nonl with theirs but thenumber of large property owners whoha e placed themelves on record as having no confidence in him or his ministryare not to be taunted in that manner Noindictment of Air Gibson ha ever ap-peared in these columns which comparesin seventy with that which was made liythe Trustees of the Planters Company intheir Annual Ileporf of last Octolier Xomore forcible expression of utter 4listmstin the Ministry could well be made thanis contained in the celebrated but verydignified memonal to the King by theCommittee of the Planters CompanyThe men who mide and signed both thereport and the memonal are among theleading capitalist planters and businessmen of the country Their action washeartily endorsed by the company Thtywere men inculpable of being deluded byother- - in thru-- judgment of public menand of the times and equally incapable

either of attempt to mislead others or ofbeing actuated by deire to obtain office

for themselves or for personal inenus juthat we have said is part of the recordedhistory of this country facts which noman can gainsay

That Mr Gibson and Mr GibsonsCabinet do not command and cannot command the respect of this country and thattby neither nave nor deserve the confidence of this country is a stubbornalthough nnfortnnate tact

Xo amount of personal invective ornbaldry against those who have madepublic expression of this feehng of intense distrust can avad one jot or tittleAYith uch men in power it is idle to expeck the Hawaiian Government to obtainconfidence at home or wherever theirstanding is known abroad

W e are glad to see the publication of aportion of Col G A Macfarlanes reportupon the snbject of Portuguese lmmigration and are fnrthtT pleased to see thatthe stones in circulation here relative tothe large profits made by Messrs Hoffnung

i Ca which were chiefly the work of thePresident of the Board of Immigration sown organ are without foundation InAugust of last year the Premier stated inthe House that on trustworthy informition the actual cost of fitting out theMonarch was 28000 Major Macfarlanewntcs that the estimate made in Honoluluof the total cost of theexiedition fell shortby more than 3000 The Sfuwrth expedition was a successful ventuie becausesays Major Macfarlane the steamer waschartered at an exceptionally low rateand the authorities at St MichaiLs icrnutted many more to go in her than MrHoffnung calculated upon In the castof the Hanut Messrs Hoffnung V Co lot

2000 in consequence of the action ofthe authorities at La bon Vs has beenfrequently pointed out the business ofbnnging immigrants presents great nsksand those who have engaged in it haveleen mot unjustlv apersed

The result at which Major Macfarlanearnveti at m his letter is that the Petthine for the Hawaiian Governmt nt to dois to allow Messrs Hofinung A Co tpcarry on the business As tht arrangement now stands Messrs Hoffnung A Comade a concession of 2 per adult iiastenger with the proviso that from 1 to 2additional can be charged if the numlxrof immigrants lall below 25 to 50 jwr centof tho ships capacity for carrying whilethe Hawaiian Government are to pay thepassage money in fall on tjie comi fetionof each shipment and all children abov e

li y tars of age and npwanis are chargedfor as adults

To arnve at this result the present Cabinet penned the whole matter 01 ronugueso Immigration anxious to throwblame on their predecessors in ofhco theytook up in August trustworihy inioruiation which has proved anything but trustwortln thtv hac delaved introducinglaborers into the country while they havebeen lnvesticaunir a mare s nest Assuxedly these men have not considered thebest interests 01 the countn ihe im estigation might have been earned on bit noperemptory order should have been givento stop immigration

When the present Ministry muredolhce Jir Henry uaner was in lansrepresenting the Hawaiian Governoientin ihatterH of Portuguese ImmigrationXothin was oimnb and more cl arhtheir duty than at once to obtain fromhim all the details of the contract withthe Hoffnungs but without giving himan opponnnny 10 set ngut uiv txagerated report in Honolulu concerning thenrofits made by tho e contractors whatdoes this incompetent Ministry do butforthwith order all Portuguese lmnugntion stopiMsP This was m no wai dueto want of funds for funds could havebeen obtained The next step f theMinisters was to do nothing it alluntil the month of November whea theysent Col Alacfarlane abroad to stirt upthe Portuguese Immigration and nowthis atrent renorts that he basbron Lt thoGo ernment pack to where it broke offlast June obtaining it is true aconceionof ten dollars for each immigrant butwhilt that gtntlemin has shown hisgood senst and business qualifications inoutaining this result it is owing to thelony 01 the jum try that it iiecamt n cessiry to hau all this delay

Tbo Celebrated ConUnnedOn last rhorMlay the Mb last thecAseof In

ICobert Onove in which the defendant unacharged with tbe printing of the now renownedCorouationllDla Programme was again cvlled

in the Police Conrt and Jadge bickerton who badreserved bn drcwion from tbe rd insUnt nreaented tbe following jadsment in answer to theunci 01 11 m v n uanwrii tne cntuuel for Uefendant who bad introduced a special rlea of wantof intent by hi client to do anything contrary toin nnum j inr ainuiDieignonuiceoi ir ineveof the nature of the content uf the d icnraentwhich seemed to have bad official a inctiou the titie pago leing graced by the 1 al

Jude lbckertou wild I have carefully consulered the apecial defence ruado by the dtfendutthat be should Iw acquitted nut withstanding thecontent of tbe alleged olxtcene doenment for thereason that be bad and has not noa anykuowledge of its contents and tbat be M ignorant of tbeHawaiian binguacc and that hi foreman and typeartier did not inform bun of thcrebeinganythiniolMceneor objectionable in said doenment andtbat be merely allowed bis employe to provide apaper in tbe Hawaiian language at tlw request ofan employee of the Hawaiian OoTcrninout

1 have carefully considered the authorities ciledby Ihe defendant a counsel and other authoritiesin libel cases and I cannot find thai the authonties in libel cases apply to a case of thUnatore Inluette cMea it uas ueen uciu mat 11 ueienuant uaano knovledm that tbe article tmLImlipd sua tilwlotis alito that if be had no knowledge of the party

caw of tbia nature can be controlled bv thoe anthontica JTbe defendant 19 proprietor or one ofthe proprietors of a printing office and personally manages it I think it would be a dangerousthing for courta to bold that each a pinion aliouldnot held responsible for all matter that patweaurouguuu priming presses or mat ignorance ofthe latignace in which it ia written ilmnl1 rmnf rate him 1 feci it u my duty to bold tbat it wisand in tbe duty of defendant to make hiniaslf follyacquainted itb the nature of the contents of allmatter to be printed in hi ofhco in whatsoeverlanguage 11 may oe a mien 11 tms were not so theresponsibility might be idufted from one to anothand this lea of ignorance made in each case asdno one held responsible Ihe responsibility wastrest somewhere and in this case nint rest with hodefendant 1 therefore cannot acquit the defendanton this Meuce 1 he case ill Lave to go 00 andevidence liut la of the nature of the contents oftbe alleged obsoeue or immoral pamphlet

A b llartntlL tsq tbe defendants counseldesired bis Honor to ate the authorities which biaHonor did not consider applying to the caw V

short argument ensued betaeeu the Court amicounsel ending by Mr Hartaell declaring that hewas not inclined to go into examination of tbenature ot the contents ef this alleged official docnment although stamped with the impress of hoyal authority for ounl said if the contents wereof thenastmess which be bad beard bmted bewould not under wit circumstances care to unraveltbe meanings knowing that bis client and hiiuft Ifwere 3 ct ignorant of thexa be preferred hi HonoruiiviMH j augment

The case ended here for tue da w with this abruntnessand the Court proceeded with hearing tbect so of

Tin OTIIl B VICTIMTbe CAtA uf ltex V Wtn nld the defendant

beinc chaired with nablishunr the oLhcrne docninent known as the frogramme of the Hulas atthe C ronationof tba lung1 tbe same documentbearing upon iu Utlu paga tbe Hoyatand from all appcaraucea having the sanction ofthehojalChamberlain Mr Anld dike Sir UneveJis a centlenian well known in the couimumty andbaa sustained a character for probity and honestyhaving held and still holding an honorable mition under Ibe Hawaiian itorerament as Secretaryto the Superintendent of S ater Works and hitatatemenu are cmlible

The tint witnoas called by tbe prosecution wasMr K Onevo who testified as follows Ant pro-prietor of the luxTTE printing office liave persoml charge of it Mr James Anld is my fore-man and has charm when I am awat DiJ nntknow of tho prmting of these programmei Thisu ue uocoment pnnteu at my ooico 1K notknow who brought it to tbe office It wa deliveredto my foreman before I saw it Did not know tideor supposed contents until after it was printediiwiiiiiun 1111 aujuuug as oonocne as UUS ISsaid to would be brought from tho PaL iea to beprinted It was set up in my office that is tbedocument identifies programme entitled Tro- -grammeoi Jiaiasateronatiouoi UisUajotyIo not remember exact date but do remember itwas to be finished about tbe lth i ebmary Coronation day was not done until the latter part ofthat week Manuscript produced and identtficdJames Anld U my foreman when I am absent betiku charge of the office Do not remember seeing title page until printed This is tbe roanascript from which the doenment vas printed

ame jinia leeiiueu - im loreman 01 tne print-ing


department of tbe Gazette office lememberprinting of tbe Hula progamme YtiUiam Auldbronght me tbe manuscript Keliere this to betbe same manuscript ItrougLt one week beforetbe Coronation of 111 Majesty There was no manusenpt for title pace Made up the proof of titlepagemyatlf on first proof Coatof arms waa o second proof I irst time I refusedto put the anus ou without authority First proofwas taken away without arms on it Jlrooght backand s ordered to be pat on The boleprogramm waa then printed and taken I scppd to tLe King or the palace Gave third prooftn the afternoon bid order to co ahead UmAdd told me to strike on proof with coat of armson He also ordered them to be delivered at theChamberlains offlce rhen Cnisbcd tbey were de--

UTereu mereby J b Kub1 Emi Mlitnthe

third proof wa rttumed John Kaolabea was standitignearme Ue might or might not bare btardtbe couversation between myself and ilhamlUre known John hanlabta for about twentyyears beisnottUrof W lUuun aaid to tne to iuton tbe coat of arms and go ahead Nxtday hecame back with tbe proof and said alt rtgbt goahead

Mr Caatlc tbe nnwenfmtr fittimor aJJrtsxlIbe Court and stated tbat from tbe nature of tbe 1

ifrfrnf ir - -

evidence which ilr FOipov one of tbe witnessesfor the Crown would be compelled to ctve andoat of regard for tba feelings of the witness hewould ask to have the Court cleared ttf all pnrsonaeicept the defendant the court officers and witnesses juage liictenon in compuaioe nu uurequest at lfclO ordered the Court to be clearedand added to the list of exempts members of thepress I poa resuming tbe examination of wit ¬

ness His Majesty s Chamberlain was called andafter being duly sworn made the following state-ment which it will be noticed is directly at vaivanee with tbe testimony of A m told as pven iitbe trial of Mr Gneve on the previous day

CLILJodd stated Am Auld came to my 01S0the Chamberlains office with a roll of papermanuscript 1 tuinK wmen purported to ue a list 01dances or Af Ue asked permission to place theItoral coat of arms on tbe programme I said 1

would have nothing to do with them and declinedto allow him to use the sajingthatI did not think it vas right to put the coat of armson rach things and he would not be allowed mypermission Afterwards Mr J UJvawainni brooghttne same rou 01 papers so tne cnamneriais a ouicebe said tber were the same and spoke about tbeprinting of the lists he said it would coet aboutfiO or fGO and he wanted to know about gettingthe money to pay for it I said I would have nothingto do with the matter and referred bim to Mr W

M OiDnon as I bad seen a hat of moneys for coronation evprnaes and remembered that tbere wasan item of 100 for Awa 1 told him to go to theChairman of tbe Coronation Committee who badthe fond and ask bun I declined to responsible He spoke about rmtting on the ltoyal coatof arms 1 said no tbat I would not give perm usionArter be went away I found be bad left his paperson my dek and I sent them to bun by one of tbemessengers That ia tbe last I saw ot tbe papersuntil tbe programmes were left I was quite snr

when I saw the loyal on themdo not know wbetber Mr hawawni came a a

member of the Coronation Committee or simplyin regard to the printing To Mr Kawainnil alsodeclined having anything to do with the printingreferring him to Mr Gibson tbe Chairman of theCoronation Committee the greater nnmber oftht programmes are still iu my office lo netkno wbo dixtnboted those that wcredfrtnbuu dthe attribution was not done by my orders I badnotbing todowi b tbe things Im a little ac-quainted with the natire language 1 eople calledat tht office and helped themselves there were agreat many inquiries for them especially fromforeigners I gave no order to distribute them

Crorts examined by Mr laasell Mr ad didnot ask my rmistiion to put ou the loyal

be asked bow about tbe coat of amis1I said no Mr rnmsandMr Levi Kamaka werepresent and could bear tb conversation betweenmvself and Mr Auld Ther were also present doring my conversation with Mr hawainui I was amember of tbe Coronation Committee beveralpeople asked for 1 rogrammes I did give some toman of war officers and others

Hon G Vt lllipo testified to having seen tbepnnteu program mca 01 ue uuias at tne eoroualion of His Majesty and referring to the manaHem translated throucb the medium of W h

tlcor Lsq tbe Court interpreter tbe meaningsof several of the headings to melts Home of w hicbthe witness understood to have reference to lluMajesty and the language when translated mtLnclub being most obtccne and bestial

In answer to Mr 1ohI counsel for defendantthe witness stated that he had obtained Lis knowiedce of the native lancuace from bis parents Hawauan being bis mother tongue Ue had knownpeople to be mistaken in the meaning of Hawaiianwords His translations bad been made as be un ¬

derstood tbe words It was tbe custom amongstHawauans to address meles to different parts ofthe person Did not attend tbe Coronation of HisMajesty Do not consider the programme of bulastor ins jiajesty tf uoronauon a ni ooua 10 oe pe-rused


bv childrenIn answer to Judge BicLerton Hon Mr lUipo

Elated tbat be had bad charge of school in thekingdom from bis knowledge be judged that tbeelder school children would be able to understandthe meantnes

Aukaiand haahaniokn both native Hawauansagreed with tbe Hon Mr Filipo as regarded theverbal and hteral meanings of the words in tbesentences translated

Ivapapuu a native Hawaiian called by the prosecution to assist la establishing the obscenity ofthe language used in the programme as mostnon committal and one of his translationa whenDlaced in iuxtapoHition bT Mr huASelL causedconsiderable merriment the meanings being soentirely void of tue obscenity nnicu tne otuer wit- -neshes nad lesuneu 10 ana comical in uicir siguiiicance

Ilia case was rested here and Mr husseU forthe defendant said in substance that bis clientregarded the case of such importance to him thatne leu tnai a jury 01 uis counirv men anouia aeci Jo whether or not literally or by any dodactionor meaning arising irom circuiubiances or position that be con Id be found cuiltv 1 bese considtrations compelled lnui to have tbe case go Ixfona jury of his countrymen Mr Auld consideredhimseV nnneoessanly aaoailed He had only donathat which bad become engrafted cpuuthu custom of thecoontry limi the importance of thecase tne timetau ueen toosuon uicoiiaie ieumiuiT tu niutraJiet thtt testimony uf what theCrown bad proposed to bbov Would not delaytbe court by analyzing the testimony which tbeCrown bid offered would do tbat at a futureperiod The testimony for the prosecution didnot scent to be always clear tbere was a doubt ahesitation with regard to ihe txnet definition oftbe words vt tbe testimony was fcUll green in thememory of his Honor and at hehadlbeoppuitumty both of hearing and transcribing the evidencegiven it was for hi Honor to decide vibt ther hiclient could be found quJty from tbe evidenceoffered

Mr t little for tbe prosecution said In view ofwhat counsel for defendant had said he MrCastle anticipated a verdict for tbe Crmu Hefelt regret that he bad to prosecute Mr luld inthe matter they were perroml friend t f longblinding and if ft was merely a question of fine be

Mr C would rather pay it himself and pay itwillingly rather than that any animosity shouldbe engendered Ixlwt-t-- himself and the defendantBat be thooght the case was one of a higher castetlian niiM irtiinnl frnm1iliin 1 ti timorammnof Hulas for His Majesty a Coronation comtaupto obscene literature ana tue prooi oi panucauonis complete Ythat nas already been translatedsuowsthat tbe document is unfit forjiernsaal bymit ncrsoD ebster defines obacenu a offensive to chastity and delicacy impure etc hatbaa been heard tramdvted comes np to tbe definition I be counsel said be had no malice w bateverin prortccutiug the matter onlv be wanted tbe lawto suppress this kind of literature Did not wishto prosecute the defendant only in a mild wayand ask tbe conn to impose only a light sentenceif the defendants are found guilty of the charge

Judge llickcrton delayed until irioUy be f reeivins ludmneut deainm- - the presence of MrGneve who as charged with printing and wbooecaseload been presente u tin tuat day JnugeBickertou judged both Mr Grieve and Mr Anldguilty in the ud degree and levied a fine ofand cuu on each of them Appeal were iuimediately note d to the Sai reme Court

flcrul JJatitet in mar cnt nut rt CcDlly through Ibr tsietle

Mi J t Wrman it may be rnggeitnl la eon

i i i wiili hi gebtral office biutoet that hei uu Ih Ihs agent for tbe YlcLrry Man t lily Fire

t J urnal aod Prop If a Monthly Macular whichtor rt nltb Is IWntlal t bromo nccompaojlpg the

ir sllforflS a jear U a good inreftiuentfor oar I land populace a the paper contain rloeUlcrir It piding Mailer and tbe Cbromo are northrnnre ban double tbe price of tnbecriptlon VIS

Beware of Cheap Teasrratlrltaln baa patted a Uw problbitlDE tbe im

rtaiion of adalterated tea Immediately after thatUw wai nacteilll1Hbclf cbett were tbat untnilfi i half cbei were deetrojed mack af this artificialtea t nude out of tht dried leaves of wood rentabledni rrfne bird Ilmeand varlona Linda of decayedn alter Iron filing aol Uarrl lesves and gln arened In ihe mannfactttteof the romponnd pnt In themarket lea

A grn nine article ofiealmow offtrcd for ealc imlecled by a tea mm bant iaehlnaat a reasonable triceat tbe lower rtore of JTWaterboate and tbe inxerrutorea of II May Jt Co and S J Levey Jt to on FottSire i Wt

r nrrihed boom en feolle V neat and cijr Pi rlors tttn koin and bed Room can be bad br an earlja i rational 93 J It KIE t WE

American Waltham WatchesAwarded Twu Uohl Medal The only tncdaH award

tdforHtcbe Melbourne International LxhibllionISSU

The only dold Medal alo ifaree rirrUl and ur

firrl i rue jdury l7JTbeUild Medal larla 1ST oar tlnl Iriar Med

rfailadLtphia 1TTbennequaled enect of ttaew Celebraied ftatchc

ba rodncvd a bot of wortnlrn traltailon- - bnyertwill observe tbe Trade Mark W altham Man engraved on tbt plate of all eniilne Waltbatn Ualcbcitutu caev are riawpru it vo i k ur auui iiiticitn ur iiauiinm vmencan nti n companyWalt ham Mai terllns 92 ly




Loderiakct tbe panaae and shipment of ah kind ofIlrltith and Continental cood except Ardent Spiritsand willbegUdtorrce t Orders atratca either free onboard at shipping port In knroc or delivered ex ehlp4btn with U itj for bujer account at Ilouwiata otbOrder may be accompanied by rem ttancea payableIn LAntloo or Sa r rancltca or bewllldrawatsudayiitht agalai confirmed credit from Jloaolola Baakert

r otherwise total iheeonvcnleaeef bnyeraBXrKKEUCCt

MCssIts Vl IRWIN i CO HonetalaHON J s VALkEIL IlonolnlaTllk AOUlllANk Limited London

91W It

4 m Sdttrtistments

A Watch Lost or MissingA VM llllal COM HATCH

btarlaron the i Tlenfthacasc tha uimri LAEanttfit IanleatI Th abaea WTirrh waa lr atMr I V e lark hop Honolnla for repair toberrtmnod t ihe nnderlned when completed he fore hisdrpartnr Mr L lark I eapprned to bare eatratted the

atch to fom peroa to deliver to tbe owner bnt itbaa never reach d him Should this meet Ihe eye ofany p rU who can stve Icformatlon relative to tbewDTraix uipoi a u aicn iarTwni comer a lavor onthe owner r writing Io

s IIAKIX ASTLEMtu kaopaknea rUnUtloa Hawaii

FOR SALEThe Largest and Most Complete


C uipn n th Fine t lKre to be found Ini Draj aee rnine In thlt City

Phw nn tr for as active and eblicla man tomake a food It Ins

THIS OFFER IS OPEN FOR 2 WEEKSFwr ter u and particaUrs apply tott U If ItOBERTsON atC Brewer A Co


lit- II tiisln Iron Workf Ceunpaay hcldinllon r l issath following offtcera were electedr hi v ar



Xrr gdrftjisrmttits

niTiniirii - it yjr n- - J


Beam Block Qneea Street lonolaloSALES OP rCBXITCBE STOCK ItEAL ESTATE

and General Merchandise properly attended to

Sole Arfots for imerlran and European917 MEL CnACDIsE

0TICErm v virrxriteiur hkiutto- -L roeeentln between J Fnndi McKeaile and

AS Hood dotnc baMneet at Hooitapo Kan II awaitunder the name of McKenzle at Iloodia this daydlfMrtTed bv the withdrawal of A 8 Hood from the InnVII liabilities of tha firm are ammed by J F Mckenzie to whom all debts dot the Arm are to he paid

A t HOODHoi pekai Hawaii I eb Hth IW3 M3l


VroTICK IS UKUUtV GIVKLv tbat at a meeilac held tn Honolnla a th 3th day

or March A 1 1W1 of eubtenbert to tha Mock el theReciprocity tigr totnpany it waa voted to accept aCharter of lacorpoestloa xranted to tbem and theiraeaocisiea py eae winrntrroi me inirnor uy ana wimthteonentuf the klnir In Prtv t oancll nnder theeorporatntmeandatTl of the KECIpJUXm slUlteeiMiAi Dnia inaayoi ceoraary icruaituthtt th re rn r n under tht ld Charter thereuponoreauiidli e t andeleiiedthefollowlniofllcerm ITea--

laeOL 4 1IHMI ir rirBKiii aaa jaaaasiCnmmln t cretarr t I Ilopklnt Treaaorer IIVarfarLana Andilor L V lankta Loard of DirectorJ k Bofth W II CummlngmJ HarteWen CiLlntana a J Jicvroaton

otlr It farther clven that porauant to the term oftaid C hart r aa ttock holder tball Indttidaally b liablefor tha d bt of tba corporation bejoitd tha amountwh ch abal be dar npoa the hre or aharea held orowned by btmtelf

C L IiOrKIN4 ecruryUo letn Marrhfith IsM IHIm



i Bttw Oprmns A p rndld uwk of


Rich Satins

Dress Silks C

Just Keceneil From Liverpool

a BaiL t LI OCR and expect per Zcaakdla

All tbe Latest Styles

Millinery GoodsLadies Underwear eta

Ciurullj Vlt ctttl li Mr HU in

IVi on iu haii KliiicNio

bast TIA tud ArtUtlc UU b4t btrttuforr ul Ibrtacrty ippre of Ihp Lsdtc of this Cll

Iirticul ir in Future VilurtixMiitsei

EARE BOOKS FOR SALEOm- - - or uiim iuom

to I u 1 vol of I riend from li to lf I 1

rob of Sandwich Island New from tstft- - vol ofsandwich NUndHazette from lti 7 I vol SandwichIflandUazrttelsi t vol Coutribnllona ef a enerabit saraze I vol Illustrated London cwa j DIOs

is ivol Sclent ifir Imerlcaa9Qlf AhIE Sk 171


niiaiinirioN or lmulUio forebanct of name the followlnsdecree wat ma U bv lilt Uajraty In iTivj C uncll ujtontbe 3d day of lei rnary 19U via

Tht name of Fmmeline le U in her petitioncUaa7iltoEMMELlNk FOU Thtt decree It remlied to be poblUhed for four consecutive week inthe Hawaii IIatbttk a newrtaper prtntt d and publithed in Ilonolnln

HAS H JIDIsper tary PriTT Council

lolauilaia konolulu leb lih ts3 u li

The Jams Furnace CoD1IKK lOCAKL nil- - VII lo ¬

Sugar 1 lanlert and M11I Owner of theHsu allan lilandt to their 1 alent Cane Traib on umIn Inrnacit by which Jrath can beburaed fresh from

9111m cnt Ifaeen Street ifonolaln


1 t medio klnsbury M Jams on the Ath Jannarylati bv the Mluitter of tbe Interior nnder the lawsoftbitklnzd ui for a Ua and Cane Trah Contumlnprnrnare this lit warn all persons again an Inrtncment of tie alii Iatrnt

e RKEWEIt COMIAgent I of the Jairl Furnace Co

rr J ti t ARTta serHonolulu Febr ary II ISr 911

riSIIERSChampagno CIdor Manufactory

IlLILIIIV sTI EET HOOLl LIThix Health Invljrattni Peveraze fir Pale hi all lb

Leadlnz Saloons in the t ItyOrders Iron Ibe Other Islande I rompll lttnirird Io

9 lily

NOTICEfrill l MUlMfM II v IfJ Irendul a pointed fcieeutor of tht Estate of M

J IiOSL decvaeed and cnardian of bis minor cblldren all persona havinc e almt azalusl said estateare hrrely notified to resent tbe tame without delayand within six months after thedatr hereof or theywill be forever barred and all prrsoii ladrblrdsaid estate to make Immediate payment

F 1 seiUEFkllExecutor of the Will al M J Lose deceased

Honolulu lebraarygd ISS3 iWSm

Dissolution of Partnershipryui i ium or uiato jh h1 ito doUK business aa General Merchants atkobala Hawaii hts beendlsolved ly mutual content

t fcOI tE F 11ENTONE lv lll EN

L THOMIsONkohaU Hawaii lebHi ISW H In

Cfi7IVV T ISTiCiS3F O C fe 23




2seuiityitt Scialu a LimbwjotIhwkurhtSorthcoit of tlie Utct futtt Quttisye

Sore Ihroal SictUtnys andSprains Hums and Scald

General tioddyPaim

7oath tkxt and 2iadacltc Ftwtl Futand irs and all other

Pains and Acheol reparation on earth tijualt ar Jaeua Oil a a

a awnr timpittwlcAup Lxternal Remedy trialcuUtlt bat tbe comparatively irlfiln oatbtj of 30 elsand every one suflertuff wilb pain can hav cheap andpeel tire proof of Ita claim



A VOCELER COIlwlllmore 31 tl I N

HoUister Sc Comi sol Agents fotthe Hawaiian lland- -


MANILA CORDAGEstiiieeaii tu si 3 ileum


Dt3o trLD Oot3asoOf Auerlcao and Itateten Maaafactar

Casaia Bolt RopeManila Blt Cope

Seixlar Uari n noasbnpaaysm aadKattlia

All of which v ill be dd as low at offered by otber


para in any auanniy aatireuBtltXKi A CO


tfnrral Mercantile a Commbtoo tnUUCEEN STREET HO fOLnX II I

ust or emcxa1 C JOEb t Fr s In t and XJQSEl It O CARTER Treaurer aod Sec jrr



Oceanic Steamship CompyFOR SAN FRANCISCO

- THE rA--- 8 HUM

Tgk STEAMER SUEZWUl leave for San Francisco OS FRIDAY

March 16th at i T MFur frflcht of r ne apply o

tig Mr C TBW1 1 JtjO l

For Hongkong DireotThe Al G rman -- t an h i

4 EhrenfelsA FlsCnER omtaaader

Will ail for Iboie Tort on or Ibont May I

For Freight or pataag apply to15 II HACKrELU A Aayats




Will Dispatch Another A 1 Vessel fortiusPort in all the Month of Miy

fr Xerrbntiudotbersdrln2 to tblp l7 thisTopoUr oud t orurilc Lioe will do wll tu Mod forwinltbrirordCT by tboronlac toll iiMnta frtlal - ojmtdy tocortd tut thr ttmc

9r C MTLE J tuOKE AteU

For San FranciscoThr Floe Asiriicao Balk

a Forest QuoonT 11 WIND1M Matlrr

Will have quick dispatch for above portr it triibt and povavo apply to


For San Francisco

S 2J Lm X 3J --flLMILLEB Ma lea

Will have quick dispatcli for abote portrorrrcixni vrpuaaappiyiotl O VT M CFAKLE A Co ivau




Will have QmckDispatchfor tbcabovcScitFor In til or jaar apply tor f t fCIMEFEIt i t O i ul


- THE M illEIlliM1HKMaiiOia Davis

Mill ln itiui Sail from ltwloi for

IliN Toil 0 JINK 13thOrder Sllrd p oraptly aLd fr hi tak n at tbr Urw

ctllatr pplyloLlLS UKEUEIC Jt t u No r

Oceanic Steam Ship Compy


THE tl BKITlsll

STEAMER SUEZ111 leivc ban FrancNii fur lluiio- -

lulu the Ulli ilar uf tacli monthRetvrntnr from llottotolt- on lbs 31 It s 1

of eorh m dttaan Fiaaciro Vgrou J D ttmECKELS X BKO

T Slarbrt trrctlluolola gcht3 t O IRlNACo WH

TXIvfiiai 1J BI 35


bteaurr Llkelik will leatt llonotulu each Tue dayattr a toucblnc at Labaina Maauraflay Mak naMahuLona kawalliae Lacpaborhoe and Ililo

Return nt will touch atalltheab- tHite arrivinzat Honolulu each sgnday a a

Crtsllt for I r JIntey fjtt poslilrely refuse Io open account f rlutaaace

aud we particularly call the atleuUvu to tbe tracHnpcbllt to tbe trecesalty of bavins Daajraa and Frrtaht

Freight Honey Dae on DetcandIn all caves or frclaht for jKitlei- - t rt p nulblt a

unknown tha frelfbl mon y will be dot la advancei tii i4 r Lii4iJsiM i iM ts jtiisr

ltl Il IM MtlilllbIror tba tsarly whom they are for ur pla tard iaibe recti to w bom they are conslaued

111 demands for damage or lost moat b withinone month

Ia noway liable for loss or accidents to Ihe stuckCar Hack Drivers Hoys and such llkt will not be

allowed oa board thebtcamer ou axriul until aftarlhcpasseucers have been la idrd



For San FranciscoTill fil I TtMUlI HTI A3ISIII1


WILL LE1VE HONOLULU FOR Sill FBUI3C0On or abont MonJjy ipril 6th


mi si i i mhi hti ijiHiuiZTSA-LA-iSTDI-

wi inn it tmn vmu uOn or about March 18th 1883

Tor rreEtal and taasxe npv tJOHIc 11 1U br KLD Alu tacuie

immN Inr Milpiurul wr Mranier ran nowbe Slurnl Irrenl Clinrse In His I Iroproolttnreluiie urtr Hie iCcaiier Ulinrf

Th AcbU here are now pr par d tol ue Ticket to san f rjucl ru iml Ketnm

10K SI illlI 101 Ml 1 KIP


CUNARD LINEEstablished 1840

Ia Jailmfxs Every Weeki tu iii MtrooLt

Irom eiP lork every WtxtHcftlaifFrttm Bo on ertry 4tfi rifty

RATES OF PASSAGEtniiiti so u 1 int ttH

Accord ue to AccommodationKLTLUi TICBBTS OS FAWULMiLE TEOMr- -

SleerMce Jw NrrrurrCroud axcusamodattoas can always bo secured oa ap

plICa MOB IO llalja9 ViaValP wban Francisco

J LtXAMELW State irttt Boaioa

VERNON II BHOWN I O4 Bowling Green Nw York

NfHlc to I asseBgera from Australia Ni Zealandand Ilonolalu The Cuuatd Llaa aflorda mure than atnalfacilities to throaajh pateencera from Tran Pacificiwrta the freuaeocy of IU saillazt prectudlairall pooalbillty of dUy la Vew i orkffir Good accowmndattoas alway- - ieerted

VEltNOX II BHOWN COWBly IBowHagfatcea New York


WsUoIo T MloloWalolL a 4 Julia

Wlohn tfl TViatinoluGnu Slccol Tr lUlana

rand UanoYfv KMoilhUailrDall OI9

and unana urctf tlrl



All Kinds of Mason Workspec Ml vri rnu humi

Setting Ranges Bakers Ovens and

all kinds Cooking ApparatusCIIIWMTO lllIHTIII Ar Ill 111

o aT1ioroak and Wofkuianltk Master aod

AXI WORK GUARANTEEDOroVra should be addm d to

ARCHIBALD SI LAIR M u x Buildiis w Care Honolulu Poat Ottke


1 tht E0IIALA 5UOA ULOUPATtT held raraary6lh VSO the followtani Ofloer wm ekvtod for the entainx rear



j u ATnEirros S-- R S aUn F btatn uta pts uta

JVa gilrtrhttntnCOURT OP T1IK 1IA

leiiiiVMI lnl ta Prwhata Iw the Biatterf the Estate afCrKTISF WAEO late of Hoeotura

deceased atcaamtfvTt aeiarce aiei tiiuctdisaOn radinc and flbnr th petition aad aceansta of

Albert Jaeger Enecttorof the Will of CurUtT Wartlata of Ho Kdiia dercared whertla he aUa to be Jllowed 1H9S3JO and charsca hlmta f with aiSJOaad aifca that tbe Mat may be examined aad pproveoVaad that a fiaal order may b auda of dlstribatloa cfthe property rtmalaiaz la hit handato tha pcrtoasthereto raUtled aad dltcbarfjnr him and hU torrtlesfrom all farther responsibility as ikI

It U ordered OutrBIDVC thefthday of Aarll At KXaitcn ochxka a before the lt Jattlce latbe L kfur Hone at lloaolalw bw aad tbe tarn herebrI appointed as tha time aad place for hearinx Midpetitoa and accounts aad that all pej toot lateretteamay tltea aad there appear and show caatr Ittj theyhare why tho tame shoaM sot brraald taa marpresent evidence aa t whs are at tied to taraMa

aad that ibts order tatt English UscaaseKpperty la the llaatiait UaffTT lewspapernriBlnlarwl MbUahed ta Honotaln few J ret auctet- -

tiva weeks prrvtoiis to thr time therrln aptejated foraaia aeanas a

Dated at nonoralu II 1 this ita day of MarcW D

ft A r jrDDttett hlefja Ucr of tba Sapreme ert

Cterhwf the Hnpreme Caart flT

oiruKTirK contT of tiieiiaiO WIIA ISLANDS ia the matterof tha Banknrncyor wti i rutiv

VTONO PARK of Honalula bavin come Ufora A Fraact Judd Chlef Jaatica of thaSapreatCoart aad declared himself a baBkrnpL at provided tasectlwct K of Ihe Civil Code UwaalbUday orderedby th said Jastlre that Tuesday thrth day af Marchlastaat at W o clock A M at tha Court room et tbaSaprema Court at AlUwlaal House Uoaolani batheUnit and place to hear aad deeWt the quettlo f baakraptey aad thai notice of sorb heariac ba pabHsbed tatbellawattsa Uurm for three con secatlr weeks forall persoas taerela concerned loaprarasMthowraateIf aay there he why tte sal I ttOM rAitRohoaldnotbe decreed bankrupt

And It la rurfher ordcted laat all rredltera of tha saidWO Mj rRK appear at the time aad place trorruidto prove tbeir claims fly Order -

JW E BIRKARDClerk Supreme Court

March j ISM T 3t

Executor- - and Administrator Notice

rill- - tXDKItelGXED HAVUfGJL beeqsluiytBpotntedExecatoraaadAdmtnlttrtloriof the Estate ofTlttsCoaa deceased all person havtac

Estate to make t m mediate parmentLYDIA BINClM COAX

Hllw Mar lt lt1Notice of Mortgagees Intention to Foredoie

and of Sale7AttOUI VNCEAVITHAlOWhnX of tale coaulned la a certain mortjrac made by

sla aad Asuf toChnlan and Company dated tha mhdv of Vajrust l recorded tn liber ba pajea 193 laand IV Notice it hereby jlvea that said morttag eIntends to forrhfte said merttpLge for condition brokenand upn said force loam will sell at public auction atthr salesrooms of K F dama la Honolulu en batarday the 31st day of March ItKLatHtxt ofaalddav thepremises described la aaM mortnn at below tpecllled

Funherpartlcnlararaa bebadol A X Hartwell ttorney at Law

Honolult MarthaChalaaaauCumpany Monaifeei

Premtset bt be sold are All of tba interest of tbesaid tn aa4 Atal to aad ta tha fottowlac Iadcatureaof laa a aad tbt premises thare dtmtsvd to wit

Lease by Kabaa Pal aad luahaa to Aanl A I odated May 31 pew for nine years and recorded la Liber66 oa paae M aad

2 Laos from Faahao 111 aad W E fil to toldated April SB Iev for eByearaandrecorded la Ltb rfit oa pagTM Sal awl

3 Lease frosa EasaUa naahaa and others to At iland Ada daied Jaaaary ITS for seven yaart andrecorded In Liber t oapaff W

t Le frosa Puapsato trnl A Lo itated DecernberCl9t for sevea years

- Lt aee from kaasaaau aad Krkaba w Asal aadia dated Marrh at ltw for lea year ad reeordrd

tn Liber M on pare B and 11tt Iaaeffom llaahrt to alaa4i dated May

SI snt for tea jeart and recorded In Liber S9oa pactaSTsandani

T Lease frvm kahnlatt AtalACo dated April flvl for tei ca rar and ft corded In Liber H oa pacesTlaitd t

8 Lease from L M Lrmbiwrfo AtuCdateffttpril f13h for ltftet n years and recorded In Liber W on paur

andT 9l

Administrators Sale Real EstatepUltelVT TO AX OICDEIl OFL the Hon F H Lyman Circuit Jadre Third Jodt

ON TUESDAY MARCH 20tnat ti noon on tbe premises all tbe rkht title and lalercstofp bamakala of North hohala Hawaii deedIn and to aceruln piece or parcel of land altnated atkawaibae uka South Huhala roatalnins ABOUT SIXTV ACKEs together with the Buildings thereon ataaup et price ofj Also at tht tame time and plactwlJ be sold tha Brand of aald deceased tnc ladies theproperty la some JU head of Cattle more or left nowrunning at tray Trrms Cash

II F WOODAdmlaletrator of tbe Estate of F Katatkala deceased

North kobala HtwiU Feb Htk lyta M4 3t

Mortsagee 8 Notice of Intention to ForecloseJOTICU lb IIEIILni GIVES

tbat DUrsaant to a oowcr of Bala rontalnad la aertain Mortaaaw dead dated Aaanvt It 137 mads bv

M1M M KLIKINlKAPEfAandJohNM KAPENt of Hooolalu Islandof Oahu ta JAMES CAMPDbLL i r Labalua Island of Maul of record la thtofllca of tb Ueglitrar of Conveyances la Liber IU en

ok 3 and W aad for a breach of tha conditio afacet Moftawct deod c wtalned to wit The non paymeat of the money secured thereby that all and alncular the lands teaemeata and hereditaments la aaldMortaagudeed contained aad described wilt after thetime limited bv law ba sold at rubtic Auction oa accouutof the breach of the conditions aa hereinbeforeraemioava

The property in raid Mottcajn described betas tltoatt

of tl taOMOt more ot less JMES C IMfBCLLDated Honolulu tebrnary iS1hlfa

CwttaHaowv Attorney for Mortgagee S4ltMortageoi Notice of Intention to ForecloseVOTICI l s lujtnn GIVK

X tbat parauuDttoa palter of sale roatataed tn acertain toawtgwKe d w rtated Dec aJtBlfi madt byJohn M kap na and Emma M kapena Lit wife of Labalna ItrHnd uf Mini to James Campbell of aaldLahaina of ncord in th office of the Itetialrar of Conveyancesin LlbtrP p 15L 1 5 A lSb and forabriathof tbe roudltl na In said mort-a- - deed containedto wit the uou payment of tb money secured thertbythat all and siBjrular he land lenementtaud hercditsmentf Iu aald iuortimia deed contained and describedwllL after Uio time limited by law be tohl at PublicAuction ou account of the breach of tha condittoaa ashereinbefore mcniionfd

The property in said tnortj atte described being ttwate la ihe Island of Molnhai and mora parUcalarry detcribed in Hoyal Patent Na PHI containing aa area oft tw KHi tcret and also at Lkameaame Itlaud ofMaul and mnn part ko lar ly described la Hoyal PatentNo WOl c ntal ular an area of Mi Acres IRrwul CT

litrbet JAMES IAMPHELLDafed Honolulu February 2Wb l1

CxriLllanwx Attorney for Mortgagee NjtMortgagee s Notice of Foreclosure and of

Salep Atcoii nck Airn a rouX EK of tae contained in a certain mortgage made bykuhcle toChaa M Cooke dated tba 3tth day of Febl recorded lu Liber ilpageWaialentdtoSttpbtabpenrtr by dn atslg anieiit notice ia betcby gtrra tbatsaid uorlcagee Intends to forecioae aald monzaxa forcondition broken and upon sabt forcclotare WiHaslI atpublic auction at the oflfco of W K CsUt HonolalaHNTLK1Y Mart h 21th at ISM of tald day tbaPremfsefl described In said mortgage aa below tpcctled

lremitra to be told arc siinaud on Fort street Honolulu to kaakopaa described in loyal Patent lll tokaita sltnated nrar the premlsea of JL kecllkolaaland contains a good house

lurtherparllcularaeanbc had of W K cibTLEttioro y al Law Merchant street

STEPHEN urENCERW ilt Atslgneaof tbe Mortgage

Notice of Intention to ForecloseMortgage

PIIL l Mr FMGNKlMMJONtftX Jr aod J O CARTE It Assignees in Bankruptcyof David Crownlngbnrg of Makawao Maul herebygive notice tbat by virtue of a power of sale containedfu a certain toot tinge deed given by W II kaaaua aadNiul w of kobala Hawaii to said Crowalagbarrdau d July 23d ITU recorded In Liber SI folios sn hthey intend to foreclose aald mortgage for conditionbrola n to wit aon payment when due ofaaotafor

and Interest secured thereby and will at Pub-ic Auction at th tolcs ltooBi or E P Adams on batar

lay March tt at It M Ue following pereola or landconveyed by said mortgage

1 All th s Premises at said kobala known aa Eaaapona described In Royal Patent to 77

area of 35 IU acres2 those Premises at kanaeUU kobala dtacrlbed

iu Itoj IPatiut No JVC containing aa area of 111acres

The lull mt of aald I mwn Ing bars haviax baeimtttted In the uuderalgned by virtna of the autnte In

retail m to BankruptcyP C JOXCsJrJ O CthTEnV

sBicnecaln Bankruptcy of D CrownlasburifY M HaicS Ittotaey for Udgjiaaa iM3 4t

SuiiiMK to i it r ok niK haIn rrobatc lalasd or

Oabu Hawaiian Islanda taIn the matter of the E J TATE OF RICHARD CO

1NOTON deccwaedA doenment purporting to be tba last will aad testa

ment of Richard Covington deceased having oa tbeIftth day of Feb 14 been presented to said ProbataCourt and a petition for the probate thereof aad fortbe Issuance of letters Testamentary to Anna Chartotle Covington bavlqz been lied by bet It la ordsredUutTlESDVi irBli4lb Ia at in in of said

X the Court Room of said ourt at AHIoiaal Haltlallonofttlu be and tht same la hereby appointed Uetimi for orevtac said will aad hearing said applicationwhen aad where ar jrerson interested may appear andcontest the aald will aud the granting of Letters Testamentary and tbe raid Anne Charlotte Coviajten Ithereby appointed Temporary Admlalatratrlx

It la further ordered thai notice thereof be ghea by

Eabllcatloa for four tuccestlve wecka In tba flawalaanewspaper printed and published In Heno

laruAad It Is further ordered that citations ba is aod to

tha aabacrlhlng witnesses to said will and to tha heirsof the testator to appear and contest the probata ofsaid will at Ue time appointed

Dated Honolulu II I Feb laUMJuA I JCDD

tteat Chief Justlceortno Snprcaac CoartJau E Biaaaap c lertt tapreme Conrt 43 It

pv TUhbtlMELMhCOLKTOKTIIEJL Hawaiian kingdom kankaaa by tbo Oraoa ofled of tba Hawaiian islands king To WMBan C

Parke Esq Martha of tha Kingdom r hit DeputyGreeting Voa are hereby comauandod to taxationALEXANDER J c iHTWlflGIIT Jr Deftadanb lacase be shall written answer wltWn twaaty dtrtafter acrvtce hero f to be and anpanr btforathabapreme Coart at the Jannary tn ikareef to ba botuaaat taw Coart Boom of Ue Court Honac lloaiwhi tntbe Island of Oaha on MOCD t Y tbe lit nay of Jaanaty next at o elock a a to snow eanaa wfcy thclaim of TlIEHEeAl KTVIlItUT Pkalati tionldnot be awarded her pursuant to the ttaor of baraexM penuon

Aaa navour orocM

Wltaes Hon A HVSCIB JIM CUofu Jattlce of oar baprmw Coart at Honotttln

thi tth day of Jannary t D Pffiala E BiajjRD ChKkTo which sanmons tbe Martha matW the foltowlaz

rctam Having taao dllleew acarch for the wltslnmentionew ikxaader J Cartwiight Jr I hereby retum tbU aamaoae not pcrvco as I am naahla to a4th-- said lexaader J tmwrbrhr Jr In tUa Klnrdini

Mrned yT C PAHhC MaoaWlHonolulu Januan Mh I

Hawaiian I lands

Oabu JI hvrabv certify thai the ltbin aaa fortxotac hi a

troe and f diblal copy of the original tastmoao tatiirjiin tue mi i idv wiTunr inereav i an w rural a AMI

artwright Jr and also of tba MaMhaTw renno that br reason of aatd Marakal a

auoer Jtarn thentorctam the ourt at inviaauj lerniatrsNtJl VIhn did order the case conttaavid tatban wflTerm li I9M ana that la the ateaatima an attaotadcopvof saMMaaannabaptlnudna p eaerlswd by the

a - luymvrai o anewer at tne

In witnr afcisl 1 hart htawsurtst mrbaml ibis M day of rthruarr

JXO UXttNAUDlrk SupreiaM Coart

To the Proprietors of Sugar Mills

H Hl 1 UII FHIsjT tJVAbS- KTItNH an In nrccand ta Cotra r fir bn Id II km rea w Ul rreat dl

i mo s eatiae tr i Ipiti M - vt mh KoVrt ocalf it- - i wiiri rflertlaa paraut ibj s ih savtnxofrs aad Labor

Hi ana E CAKLET t I OM en Street





Page 3: Jg tirtT o › bitstream › ... · 141 tic J--TVsy Jajuammfetfic flbuiueu m ROBERT CRICVE CO Utcy MlnMnIaj Ylrulntf 1 FIVE DOLHUSiU UMM ruAhLL Vim tce-troratrxvvVJ ie a iW IIf tinnuitimKawttlilCTf



Tke feulces activity cot loafcJe daring the pact tkbu beem taamtj ubl u eommarcAl elrda the

twirta and fr m tmrtatie atcsmera featj and Clt of fi oaty altn Inwardtucoet from the Coaat and fydntr occapjiDa- thetime and attention of the baitesa conmntty aluce latwt1i1b- Danostat vcrktae ectpu of rajsr arwenave bee cnormoak amoanliaa- tarooad aaanbenui

33 WO ftafa of tail ameant the City fridner taawOoattwanta about WO ton Hlc bar at o arrived infair BaaBtltipe and tbe TtmkVi- rw fiUH -

HI net- la wrtnn rln intnl u iv s u iitbe 3Ia r E bodn with Umber from It TwBead thtMllBceaeralcarzoaDdtDaillatra u thr adfrm fa Irsun Ta and the P M a S City l SrdaeTfnKBtUAvuidatuFrXM beretaiwbalervllCBartti portion f tar oil aad boteIfLlrfllllll ill - at - - -

Jtlaet for the Found II B U h Hatta has tiled forCa

J rS b Zealaadia df b ib lBta Inat withMl U1C iVUl


ArriveK Feb --H BM Swiruare Allchlawa from Calla

JZ 9 Am tent Mary Dodce T from Uambnjdlll o K aez Dodd from an raictaco--r Jl a t Cit of Ojdmry Itoartmra fm Co tea

SailedFeb - Am ablp Hope rahalknr Tort Tears Mod

Am bit mraM Gaiter Prat boaad6 Amrbah Yon Humit Arctic

ll IlfDtbMaUnt Edward BriUra UhnUtll l JI SMttirof trdaej Iarton F

Veatels la PortVATAL

HB1IS bwifuure Altchtaout KLackaataaUIUU SAatoortt ItarMW


t Ilmnatan an ten la diirraim urn uaota rauftrlt h Aberamaa t aapaaaiiAm alp Ucttyabarc TbrobaldAm bk riret jaero

m achr Panonia UimjtorRrbWabitoc IhwAm ten Unit omih JobiKvnAm tern Mary Dode Ianl

MEMORANDAEeporl PMh8 City of bydaey Dearborn Left 8yd

sry rcb Sd Slarcb 3d bile off the tjieodly ItlandanperlcncedaheaTycalewitb blub waatPa m LooUXolaory a naUre of France ai waoheil overboardaadloeL Arrived at Uonolala March ISOi

From San FrenHeto per bnrz Uareh 11 SIM pksrreclT3k craln Kiti llanon 1Uc ewinr macbiaea C63 ci ceneral XTthadle--

From Enrckapet 3fan Dodffr Xarrh K ff19fllambrrrmCTjerrou the Colonies per Oij rTdii llaxli

I ton afBorted mrrcuaDdlte

PASSENGERSForMaaiaud Ilavxil per Ukelike Mar-C- HoiUMWTiitneyJ bbmltfale JUOIbMn John Hind JiH

Tbonipion aod wife ERMU Mr LonU and twuanrmera i in In b larkw J tay t BeH IICamming E Lmm D Mite HImK Ullhelm JButler and V U Tladalr

For San Franelaee ptr Conuielo March 7U AHaaipton Alfred trrar Mtr ISaret J B Cooke AtHood Oeorre Mllllam J H rotter J Chmldt C Marphy

For Tort Townaend per Hope March c- B Sonet JK rickerlBff C Sweet

From Maai per Ktlanva Iou March 10 1 c UatktlLUCunmJnc b E Unttoo OKI wife T AlexanderMcLalae Aft lit en J Kitbardeon Mr Uioad

IVoni Maul and Hawaii pr Inalam March 10 -- ItVOrorbea EfatallhJ Fraorl II Ceutrr J fccott LKerr t Ofalandt C Doodj

From Windward Port per LIkelikc March Hbam1Tarkrr and wife J rareiB W BacklDXfaan U UansfarnanJ McCreary W Mount U Holme II lEAdcerx JKoblnaon 11 Luacomb C Makec M Correa W lianaW U Irwin Mr Kin W Ieacoi k U II Italley Hon 11V Whilaee CIUwdit BMmt E Lnca O IV Dr UL Fltcb w Jobneton A Ileen rather iiaranctt

From ran rraucieo per Saez March 11 MIm M Aleiander Ml UNell E T Ulahop Miao J ArmatronirK b Smith 11 1 Baldwin lfe and 4 children U TelK O Dreahara Mr h M Damon and 3 children and ftIn eteeraji

FoeEabolul per KiUnea Hon Marrlt 13 Bt BeeBishop of Jlonolnln OCOaaklll J It aneandt andabout 5 deck

MKhll H J

From Kauai per C H Buhop March 1- 0- A de h Canaairo F Mnclair F Oiv Thompson Ila I

FKicbmond and wife and W deckFor Kaaai k r f R Biohop March 1- S- Ohlaudt II

Center J A bvottO EOraham E II Uoodwortfa EIBihep WDbchinfdt MiaU Walker and about VIdeck

From the t oloniDean wife Infant and nurtt



a no i in me tieetage--For Man Franrico per Lltjf uf Srdnry SI arch 13 IT

i Jutklrtcbara ir beymeur T McCrearey Jev Honhard MraJobutionMra and Miea kelkr Irof C U

Hitchcock Mr ablenbenr Mm Collinbam a CohenI YFibtrTJeffrea C liechtl A Loewenberc anawife E 1ealey II W Severance D Eastman Mil andMiaa Lapbam D Arnold II Miem 0Towar Dr Y FThompson L A Oat t Locaa and 3 aon It Lillie h TAlexander It J oik T It M alter and wife Mr T CooktTbayeri MUsModdnxJ r Hackfrld II Ilarrii J FereaaoaTbtewart and wife tauli j Taber b Kern

byleaaad wife CDoolvJ Oraeon UDilllncee A Smith M Fa ev J A Comber D Mar hadoJ Francla II Ancll M Santo Mr Johanoen Mri AOlaeo S Karlten J Androa and uife T Jacob tonaudwire WDonnelreu andnifi B 1Id9ii J Mneniter A Trawley J Eno

MARRIEDrKiHNEBEKt-REIflInLrT-- Al rsidenrt of

the brides father Hilo MjnhJd bvldi E 1 UakYMr J BoBffXCxxas to Ml c Emxa ltiMjEBT i Ideedaohter of J Kelubardt ttq Manacei nf tin Vmaunlnflsatauon

McKxaria NrbHjo In iuta city Martb th bjHev II 11 Parker AMhzxsic and XlASMaBCT lOtoLMJf


BlLKEltTON A t Kilda Melbourne A Jan 3dPniM ULa n ox aiB widffw of the late It r DlckertonMelbourne and mother of K r Blcki rtou J Honolaiu

CLMMIXGS A aldc ia Ctoorria Fibftb Dr O scxntksa late of Hmolulu ieaoCROWDEIl Al Makaa ou tlir th Frb JRx

Cnowpra aped M jearIlOBLBia In Honolulu riJTtb t naxit Kuieht

a eblp carpenter

Toor of Inspection of the P M GeneralKunvnGizCTTE- llje 1otituiaaUr General hft

Hunolula on the LLrlkt last fuesday to visit theIeland of Matu He Lwded at Maalaea crly onWednesday momuig and dro e to the residence ofthe lion Kuhelani at Wailuku whore Le remaineduntil sunrise After breakfast he inquired wherethe loatmastcr was to be found and was informed that he seldom come to the post officethat he had turned the iust office over to a groundparty who had transferred it to a tblrd personwho had delegated it to a half 4vut and even hefcmployod a native when it suited his convcnxticeThis was rather a bad showing for a i t officewhich is the second in importance in the Kingdom1eople will begin to see a reason why so manycomplaints of loss of man1 matter have come fromthe second city And yet there i more reason toblame the general Government than any particularIndividual Ihe allowance for carrying on thatparticular jkji office is the inatfnincent sum offZSOter annum and a communion of 10 per centon the sale of stamps It was stated that the grotJtreceiitsof the office were JW per annum or sayf25lr mouth Ihe tent of the building 10 permonth has boen paid by the Government Howcould the Govt rnment expect that office to be care-fully carried on on those terms W hen we readof Fuch immense sums being spent for other iur- -

luau huuj sfo vi ri unit- iiuwruuice to iu iai-imyer we may well say that a trifle more might bespent on the Wailuku lost Office IliU with halfthe quantity of mail matter to handle has a finebuihiing and its work i well done or ae bear nocomplaint from that quarter Lahaina also has itsfine stone building and e wldom hear of mistakeshappening there Hut tbe WailoVa post office iscorned on in a corner of a dilapidated desertedstore bdildiLg It ought to be the ambition ofeach Ministry to leave a monument behind themand the Wailuku folks hope that the monument ofthe present Cabinet wtll take the direction of asubstantial pottt office A piece of ground could behad for JU to UW and a suitable building couldbe erected for JMX We presume a man can bebad for about flOiiO ptr annum to run it and aithe money order sjsteui u to be introduced it willbe esntntial thai a good accountant only be employed ouxet wx

The Queens Hospital Trustees

Ihe regular quarter meeting of the Trustees ofthe Queens Hospital was held at the rooms of theChamber orCummerce on the th iusU a very ouwplc te attendance being noticeable After tbe usualpreliminary routine business had be u hnisLed thefollowing report of the Resident Physician wasread

HosoLtLL Februarv SrJth liwi7Vit Tr rtm of iA Qhm llwmtu GcXTlX

Mta I havr the honor to submit the followingreport for the quarter ending February 2th lstedThe total number of patients at present in theHospital i P2 vu J Hawatiana 3U males 1H femalea 7 Chinese and IS of other natioualitieXi paying lue Lumber of adraitsionsdaring the quarter was VXi viz Jtfllauauaus i imales Ij femslea 10 Chinese and 3T of other na-tionalities Discharged ll viz 12 Hawaiiaut ISmales II females 16 Chinese and 36 of other nationalities Deaths 7 tu 4 Ilawaiians 3 nydes1 female and 3 foreigners The causes of deathwere as follows Congestion of tonga it Aneurismlj Injury I Bronchitis 1 Chronic Diarrhopa 1

Consumption 2 Ihe highest number of indoorpatients was W lowest Ai Daily average 73S amber of prescnpUons iSTv Ice number cfpatients treated in the Hospital was aa followsDecember 1W January 9U February 116 Callsat the Dispensary BH New names entered in thePitpensary books 116 Respectfully submitted

1L MdClBECfAfter the adoption of the Report it was decided

on motion to grant a leave of absence not exceeding sevtn mouths to Dr Kobcrt McKitibin theResident Iliystcian of the Hospital The discus-sion of some mattert connected with the duties ofthe Hoard and internal arrangement of the HoapitaluoeupiedtbelrwSecn for A short time andthen the meeting adjourned

The Jadlclaxy or WailaknEurroa Gizxtxe 1 be srpointuttst of the dis-


judges lathe hands of the Govt roors whoare chosen by the King will eventually have theselection of onr lolice J odpe

Ibelltgh Chief KuiheUal hasbecsi Touce Jndfiefor a sent of sears and has given very centralsatisfaction He was abonj sucpictou aodexeeptinc that he way have been wrongly advised bythe ufflrvt of the crown in boom instance theopinion of the watts i that a better or mere independent judge could not have been delectedhereaboQta

Hs has resumed so rumor has it The restgiotton to taks eiltct 31st March

Its Diputy Folace judge is a leper and goesthif cotuhui wwi to Honolulu on Lia way to Kalawao Some complaint has be su mads of betngcou pelled to carry ou caset in his presence betthe Government take but digut notice of suchaffairs

Now the bnneh being clear we look forward tosee who are to be sppoinkd sneewsors We had aparty named Nakowkoo who used his position as

to get bwMelf elected to the LeoslaturrIs was so bold as to make public speeches refer-

ring to the instances iu which he had favoredthe people igaint the employer and the inferencewas that if be was not elected he would wreakvenceanos uu those who caused his defeat Ucdo not want to aee his ligure on that bench 2ainTbe number of case in which foreigner should beappointed to tbe poebua of Judge If the Govrnor wants advice as to who would be suitable be

wijiii apply income of tbe people of WailuknIrCZXiESr

M- - jaV--


ID Ma jetty mil most probably isit thp Sftnr Thursday

Furty eieht leperi arrired per tsh- - Irom Manion the lOtii iost

There are prospect of cricket to tteb al MakiU on Saturday

The O h S lMt2 is adrertised lo sail for nFmncieco on Tnday the 16th tost at 4 r x

f3 in the ahade by tbe thermometer haturdayand Soiday noona Wind EtrooR aootberly

Ihe fantheon saloon is to be rued and a finerbaildmx wtll be placed on tb mte by tbe proprie-tor

rWxnaster Oe netal Whitney La ordered a lateletter bag to be kept open for tbe aerrice of thepabho

Tbe Vthfm does not po on her usual roots thisweek being laid op high and dry on the MarineKailiray

Ilia Ms jestv received Admiral Lyons and the off-

icers of 1L B H Sifurt at tbe 1alace on themorning of the llh inst- -

Iharsday ntonunj the themometer indicatedGT at C20 and many waited for the tkrrm to nebefore KetUnf up UiemiielTefl

Tbe Iutor island Mcara XaTifatioaCotnpan anew unniagnisning nac u iiaraiiei ainpes reowhite bloe with red ball in the wLii ftnpe

Mhmts Lyon andLery are now claining theaiienuoaoi tne poiuo vuo aare arestau anawho reqatre the scrnce of capable and attentiTauctioneer

LastTbonulay Colonel and Mrs Jndd uave aTerr tlaant nartT at their residence llu MajenlTthe Kiss d a number of onr prominent citizentwere pwenu

Last ereninc the Itoyal AsncnHnral Suaety heldamretincat which a programme for the comingFair was settled opon The programme will ap-pear next week

When Mr Castle firvt began to call attention tothe outrage of the Ktit Lvrwtoth Nahs wuwell aware that the rrocrammefl had been nnntedat the Girrrre office

The rMSZeZarf arrived oat on the 20nlL H days from this port llie Kiln Jlrtiinand K 11 Xtytr had alo arriTed oat in 19 1 and

G days reapectJTely

A aetof 8 volDmeacomDriitm Thfl Llbnm ofChoice Literntore coating TG nd -- tKience forAir to u voiameaat KSuare to m atiaea tothe GoTcmment Library

1 wu Iaanehen were duiTmtched from li 1 31 bfMf ir on hauday to conrey visitors from shore

to tnit Teaml On next bandar boats will lw lieplaced at the dispmwl of rioitora

The arriTal of the but with late maili was quitean advantage to the corrcHpondiuf public eppeciaily as answers could be rapidly forwarded bytbeontfioing 1 31 S H tlif Syfun

The Band save a delichtfol concert at EmmaSqnare on the evening of the litu which wis wellattended Ly residents and visitor from the Smft

r beveral uf the pieces were heartily pUoded

IXe 1 31 b H Cttv of 6Wev arrived at i mon tbe 13th iust from the Sooth she bringtt Ans 1

trauan dues to the ma lebrnary hnesaueuanain for ban Franclaoo at 7 r at same date heav-ily laden

1ort Surveyor Momll seized a half poaud tinaof opium which were found packed in alialf barrelof Halmon on the Sc marked J H The cunsisnee aavtd himself from a rxsideuce on the reef bynot entering them

Amocc the lasKiigera who left by the ty tSrtryt yehtcrdavT we noticed Mr and Mrs T 1LW alker Mr S T Alexander Consul bevcrauccMr Uoo Lucas and Mr J 1 lUckfrld In allthero were about W pasbviifitrs

It is a pleasure to state that una of the iu ofDr Ilatchinson who accomianied his father tuWellington X Z has passed a succesofnl exmination on entering coilcce at that place winmuupraiM flora the examining teachers

1 he local cricket sharps did not turn op ruturdav afternoon on the grounds at Makiki Humorhath it that the Stttxtr crickt t team are notvtry strong at either bat or wicket and were notraab enough to precipitate defeat

J he bark 7fMore hits trn purchased b iUmnJ C Merrill A Co of ban Francisco and will benut bv tiiem vx the trade between here and theCoast Capt O W Jetiks old skvuiU willbring the vesael down on her initiatory trip

We are clad to hear that Dr Uobert McKibbinhas een granted leave of absence for 7 monthsIho Doctor has been at his post with scare ly anyrest for several vears and well deserves a Iodu holiday We hear that he will leave by tbe mil trip

lue ariHon and Mrs C It Bishon entertaiuid the

ofheers of II 1131 itttre at their uty resi-dence jeelerday In the afternoon lawn tennisand other games occupied the time and attentionof the party present and in tbe evenmz the lightfantastic1 was the closing event

Ihe native boat bovs took odvautsm of thesoutueriy winu wmcu was mowing on aununy tvsupplying their boats with tanuhiui old umbrel-las and parasols and after landing paiscugers onthe war vessels in the harbor would return shorewards propelled by tbe Hind blowing on these tubEtitutee for sails

7lie Ittnlint His Majestys yacht and the achtsKtttlett Ewmti and frfrfte were all out last bunday and presented an interesting sight aa theymancuvred in the harbor and boat out the chan-nel The tittle Kuttf tuA Ithatandiiig tbe roughsea took an extended tnpoff Diamond Head IheKilnltiit went on a cruise to Tearl river

A sitlor named John Seligou LIoiiUig to tbeSIhii v bile engaged at ork ou tbe f

yard of tbe iestl Monday morning suddenlyfell from that dizry height to the deck striking onthe rail receiving injuries which caused lusiuimdiate removal to the Hospital where he died on the12th instant

Ibeiu Btiins to have been a fatonte pi ctfur deserters from the war vessels to retreat to noIras than four being found on her juxt previous toher departure on last 1 hursdsy fur 1uge t boundI bet were taken charge of by Captains Fehlbehrand MiLrtens brought on store and returned totheir vessels

Mr David Dean the popular purser of the stmrA Mitral m resigned his position on that vessel onher arrival at Sydney Uie last trip owing to illhealth Sir Dean is a pAbsenger to this port bythe fit uf SifdHrif and after a short Mjjurn hereintends going to England He let last evening outhe LtLthlt lot a vibit to ilaui

ljatt Fridav the monthly meeting of Lonelierwasbeldinlhe lort btreit scbool room Ibcrewas a large attendance Mr 31 31 Scott gave apractical exercise in the teaching of mental arithinetie to children of the sixth grade The subjectfur next matting will be the Geograpby of the liswaitan Inlands which will bo presented by Mr AT Atkinson

1 he names of the two steamers now building inrbiladcIphiA and which will most probably runletTeen this ixrtand ban Francisco in the Oceanicline are the Sfaitrpuea and tylnnta iney are eachof 3010 tons register ipt Howard of the tiwfU will probably go East this trip leaving bisvesnel at ban Francisco and bring one of the newsteamers hither

The German steamer Lhtmfth nailed fromFeuartn England Feb 2ku for HremerhavenIty information received from Mr J F Hackfeld itis learned tlmtbe vessel sailed from that latterport ou the XMLrTf Feb with LVJ families and IlOanuria men immicTants for this nort Ihe Hntishsteamer I htrntlht sailed on the tith of Feb fromCardiff for Honolulu ret the Azore Islands

The iuter it4and steamers fi Iltflup andJumrt A7Ti bad atml of Kpned f rou NawiliwiliKauai to this nort on the last down tnn tbe MuktrCapt McDonald beating her rival ovt r an hourIn the run between the two ports Capt Cameronand the enjoys such a good reputationamong the travelling oommumty that his boat

filled uuicklywiin nassencers but tnev likethe bixhop got bad j left

Hy thcSw- - ueaswas received m this cily ofthe death at Yaladista Georcia of Dr Ornn 8Cummincs who was formerly in practice in thiscity Dr Cnmmius was well and favorablyknowu m this coiiiniunily and it is with regretthat the sad news of hu early death is chronicledMany friends of the family tender their sympath-ies with ours to the widow and the fatherlesschildren in this hour cf their sorrow

Our resume of the Session Lias of I will becouple ted next week with a review of the uw taxlaw The importance to tbe oommpmtyof under-standing the difference between this law whichgoes into effect the present year and the old taxlaw are such that we shall present lhem withoutthe technical verbiage at some length Tax lay-ers loaf save themselves from much difficulty bycaret cllv examining this new tax law for it is insome respects a great innovation

We tave received tbe firt number of the Jif if i Ae Stir nublndied in San Francisco

California w hicb claims to be the only paper published In the two languages in the world KiiuWine is mentioned as the senior fjroDrictor of thejournal a wealthy Chinese resident Tbe outsidepages 01 uuA paper are printeu in cugusn ana uiematter thus presented is translated into Chinesebv 3Ir Kim Wine and ntten or tainted bv turnoa paper after which it U photo lithographed andmen prtnieu icere is uuuouucieuiy a vast netufor n paper in Sn Francisco and a like enterprisemight succeed here

11 B M il U Captain Edwards sailedfrom port here on the Uth iust bound to Vancouver B C Tbe general report for the seeminglysudden departure of thejft was that troubleexisted amonz the Indians cf British Columbiaand that the presence of a war vessel was necessary Later information obtained shows thatorders had been dispatched some time previous tocaptain rawarus to proceea 10 tancouver outtbey had not been received by turn It is reason-ably supp I 1 that the sudden dispatch forward ofthe Xttm u to enable her to dock dear up andbe out of the way by the time uf the arrival of theSicfttttrt at Vancouver

On evuaJ occasions the Giuxte ban eaUed attention to the rough handling prisoners nccive attbe hands of the police Last niht one of thesedisgustnu scenes was enacted on the Eaplanadein which a partially intoxicated would be passenger by the California steamer was bung taken tothe Station House by two policemen Thewould be passenger could not speak English andwanted to ge back to the steamer to get his tggage but instead was forcibly dragged for a distance through the dost of tbe streets and when theby standera remonstrated they finally packed theman up Iheman wetmderrtandhada pawportand his passage ticket in his MiK Mtiou but tbesteamer sailing shortly after his arrest be Iot hispaiage and baggage

Trof Hitchcock delivered the fourth uf theNines of lectures which he had been engaged forunder the anspKx of the Y M C A on the evenine of the tn inst at the Lyceum having for hissubject Life in the Later Geological Fenods Theaudience present was large and paid close attention to the discourse- of the speaker Ou Saturdaythe 10th inst-- Frof Hitchcock gave the Jat lecturetn the course at the same place and lo an aaditnce that showed a deoded increase in numbersoer previous taiembUgea testing the Lyceum toits utmost salting and sUnding room capacityTh lecture rai more local in its character thanany of the pnoredrag ones the subject beisjz the

Geological History of the Hawaiian Islands andit was quite a treat tna very ruTeresiing irom comraenaement to close Tbe IMCA are entitledto considerable praise for their successful effortsin obtaining as 4easant and instructive a gentle ¬

man as Frof Hitchcock to inaugurate tketrketure series

The regular monthly meeting of the MissionChildren bociety will be held at Mr C M Cookeson Saturday evening March 17th 13

UiwanThe railroad is becomins more and more a ne--

ceestty Its advantage over the former slow anduncertain schooner travel beixc folly appreciated

An fccident happened to one of the school boysof the HUo Hoarduig School on Tuesday March6th In transporting a barrel of bme It roUed offfrom tbe cart on to the boy breaking his leg

We understand that the Kev Mr Tuttle of Colorado has been tendered the charge of the foreignChurch made vacant bT the resignation of theHer Mr Smith whose intended departure U touchregraicu oy onr people

The heavy rains have interfered with mill workthroogbxtit the Kohala district Dr Tisdale atUalawa and Judge Hart at Niulti alone being ableto grind rein cr shine These mills being suppliedwith cane by flumes are really benefitted by wetweainer

Cane has never been more forward at this seasonin Kohala than it is tbe present year and everything bespeaks a monster crop for H There issome cane at llalawa and a piece belonging to MrBond at lole that looks like the good old six toncane oi former years 9

A correspondent sajsi What is the matter withoar resident phvsician the regular correspondentof the A llisattackof modesty is alarmingFor thrre weeks nothing personal to the family ofthe said M D has appeared in tbe Kohala itemsof the A4rtrttr Have thev really done nothingin this length of time worthy of mention in thatinfluential journal

A large party of the residents of Hilo gatheredat the town residence of Mr J lleinhardt on Situnlay evening 31 arch 3d to witness tbe marriageof his daughter to 3Ir Hobnnenberg The ceremony over and the supper ended the dulcet notes ofthe violm were heard and the company soon joinedin the marriage dance and the evening was mostenjoyable spent 1 he whole community join inbest wishes for tbe married life of the youngcoujilc

Pastor Cmiani Sunday SermonDOT LOST

At Fort btreet Church Sunday evening MrCrnzi continued the series of sermons on M heHome taking for hi theme A Hoy Lost Hebegan bis discourse by referring to the loss ofCharier Host a few years ago from his home nearrtiladelphia and the long conunned but unavailing search for hisoue little boy He then showedhow there aie a great many boys lost every yearsimply because parents fail to make home attrac-tive and provide for the wants of boys Ihe

then asked How can tbee boys in2eaker being lost be savrdr and gave as hisanswer- 1 Hy bympathy Theparent ho wouldretain his hold upon hu boy most put himself iuthe boys place The golden key to a boys heartis sympathy If the father who docs not knowwhat lo do with bis unruly little boy would onlyplay jackstones with him or toss Kill with him inthe back yard be would soon find out Here iswhere moMt fathers fail tniserablT A boy oncecame to Dr lardee for his advice as to what heshould do in life Why elont von ask lourfathers advice said Pardee Oh said theboy I dont feel very well acquainted with theold gentleman There are a good many fathers

ho need introductions to their own sons 2 Theparents who would save their boys rauH providefur all their wants This means much more thana ilace to sleen food clothes and an educationA boys has social wants He needs amusementsah well as food He will have this at home if theparents are wise or elsewhere if they arc unwise1 be devil will f ornish amusement for your boysif yon fail to doit There hhould be games books

and when the boys crow up totbe critical ageof 11 or 15 then tbey should have a room a

sanctum of tueirowuand initeacu uoysnouiabe furnished the means with which to gratify hisnobby tnere should tie a large Dook case miouwith the best of books here the boys shouldbe sQiireme be allowed to invite their friendsana occasionally treat tuem to suppers enter-tainments Hat this will cost luonev1 bait will Hat it will cost the wise father no morethan it costs his neighbor fur tobacco and at thetnd of a few years he will have a good intelligentclean home loving boy to thow for it while hisinbbor who invests niuo each year imtobacco

wm navenoiuing to suow loriu o wuiuraio moar bov a home feclin 3Iake home the rleas- -

nnteftt brightest happiest place ou earth Keepboy at home by making it more attractive to

iour than the Saloon or any other place under tbesun I his mil require time and thought andmoney but it will pay Ikut economise in thesethings in order to amass money for jour childrento squander The richest legacy you can leaveyour boy is a lift long fragrant memory of homeGive him that and he will in tbe strength of itmake his own wnv in tbe worU Your boy willueter feelgrate ful for jour money when you arennaer grounu nut ne win go to jour green grateand bless jour very ashes for the sanctuary ofcomfort of refinement and punty into which 30ainn if you iNjssess the tact and a little moneytransform your home

Mr Cruzau closed with an earnest appeal toChristians that they fulfil their obligations notonly to their own uhes but lo tbsmanyhomeleHyoung men huddled in the board boase andotber lodging place iu the city these hae so-cial wants aleo Where except the saloons canthe erratify theiof Give them the hand of friendbhip utvite them to your homes make them wel-come iu your parlor and at your family altarsand then- as we as your own children will oneday rite lip end call yon blessed

Our Hilo LetterHilo March Mh Itvtt

LrtiToa Gazette I he event of the naet weekin Hilo was the marriage of Mr John Ilohnenbtrgto Miss Emma Keinhardt J he event occurred atthe residence of tbe brides father on the eveningof the Sd lust All the tlit of Hilo were presentand tbe scene was gay and festal Ihe Hev MrHaker iinormod tbe rramage ceremony m an inipreuive manner and after a collation where all tbegood things eru spread before the guests includ-ing ice cream llie butler of the refectory couldalso f arondi the best Hbeeisb wine porter and sleAfter tbe collation music was heard and Boon tbepattering sound of dancing feet exhibited the factthat all went merry as a marriage bell Ihe en-joyment was kept cp until the hour of midnighttold the happy dancers not to encroach upon theSabbath It was altogether the most pleasantwedding party I have attended In llilo Longinaytbe happy couple procper

Humor reached here a few days aco that a Chinaman had stabbed a native at the Ookala planta-tion After due investigation it was found that thenative accidently stabbed himself slightly in tbearm while in rough play with a Chinaman Anartery was cut and owing to tbe wont of medicaltreatment the Kanakas arm mortified and hedied lliere certainly should be a physician atLaupaboeboe or Ookala

On the 3rd inst I II Hitchcock held an auctionpsale of jhe effects belonging to the estate of lcke- -

lottauaxane mere was a lair attendance amieverything brought good prices

Ihe leather has been fine more fair and sunnythan cloudy davs There is every indication thatthe climate of Hilo is changing Year by year theranfall become less For five mornings dating thetbe past week the breeze came cool and refreshingfrom the snows of Maun Kea which presented amagnificent view

An accident ejccurred to one of the scholars ofit Olesons school who was assisting Mr Nawahi in loading a barrel of lime when it became de-tached


in some maimer and rolled down breakingtbe boys leg

The Iia vAwiHr arrived on the lt and hasditchnj grd her cargo and u now taking iu freightfor ban Francisco 1 here was some trouble withthe consignees about the freight but as I was dotpaid for my opinion I have none to give

Treaty Topics

llepreseutalives Kandall Morton and Tucker re-fused to serve as conferees on the Tariff Hill andbpeer of Georgia was selected Senators ltayardand Iteck withdrew from the Conference Commit-tee after a Bhort session

Ahnrsirrors February 27th Senator Morrillfrom the Finance Committee to day repotted infavor of the abrogation of the Hawaiian TreatyDefore anything was done with the report howevr the resolution of tbe Committee was referredto tbe Committee on Foreign Affairs where it isvery liable to be put to sleep for tbe balance of tbesession Ihe whole investigation will thereforehave to be made again next session A regularmeeting of the Foreign Aflairs Committee will beheld ou Friday and even if the resolution shouldbe reported back and pass the Senate there isdoubt that it can be got through the House daringthe few remaining hours of tbe session An after-noon paper in an editorial on the subject says

Congress should not adjourn without abrogatingthe Hawaiian Keoiprocitv Treaty It is a ludi-crously one sided affair AH the advantages whichaccrue from it are enjoyed by less than luo sugarplanters who employ contract and coolie labor

hicb is unpleasantly like slavery This jug handlearrangement should be prumjitly broken up

WxsHisoTox March 2d Tbe Conference Com-mittee on l hi Tax and Tariff Hill reached a com-plete agreement about 120 oclock this afternoonand forthwith sent their report to the GovernmentLtintiug Office in order to be able lo present it toboth Houocs in printed form before the adjournment to day Ibe report will recommend theadoption of the Senate liill with very few changesof general importance except in the metal sched-ule in which the Commit recommends some in-crease in rates especially in regard to steel

New Tokx Feb SJlu The HervM says Sugarcan be rained in the Sandwich Islands and sold ata fair profit in San Francisco while paying properdoty to the Government No prudent planter fadedin the days before the treaty Congress cannotafford to go home without doing some thing to re-lieve


the tax payers and one of the measures ftcan most easily joss is to give notice to the Sand-wich Islands that it proposes to turn into the Treas-ury


for the relief of American tax payers the duties which for too many years it has allowed tobe distributed among a handful of Hawaiianplanters

Rule or Rulxt

Lutirti MaulEditoe Gaietix From remarks in the Govern

meet Organ it is vary obvious that the Fremierfinds he is driven to the wall and has played hisbut trump

He Cuds he has made his nest too hot to hold himand turning about he meets the whole people infull hue and cry and in despair threatens to ruinevery planter and in fact the whole Island community by damning the product of our suarmilU

A dirtier Jnainnation never fell from the lips ofa human being than that printed in the A4nrtnerviz that an embargo mtght be placed on our products if it was hinted abroad that our wares werehandled by lepers and they would be a probablevehicle of conveying it to the consumer

Could any brain but the Machiavellian one ofthe ingetious Iremier have invented a meanerway of getting even with his opponents in politics

If Cm is not adding insult to Injury then there isno such thing

lis and his colleagues have fjstered leprosysince they have been in office have 1 reached upits non contagioaxnesa and as President of theBoard of Health te has done nothing towards segregitiaji the lepers until artbetIionwthreatenedinconsequence

Now he threatens to inform the world that oursugar should be avoided

Surelr the Hon 1 gentleman fonreU his oicniTestate and that greater men than be have usedvile threats to the inhabitants of these fair islesand we still lire and prosper Uowcvcr we willgive him credit for the attempt to ruin the country ana wten tne tune comes u settle accountswith him that item shall not be forgotten

WrxL Gexitxx

Axettal orTL B M 8 SwzrxsrxEThis grand and imposing specimen of the naval

power of Her Majesty Victoria Queen of GreatBritain and Empress of India bearing the flag ofAdmiral Lyons commander of Her BritanniaMajesty naval forces In the ratine arrived offthis port on the 9th inst ST days front CaQaorem ra fat Charles and Albermarie island of theGalapagos group

The Smfltmrw sailed from Callao January 9thand from the GaUoacos ptoud Feb 6th roakinffduring her trip hither over 3100 miles under sailalone inia tugsnipot me tnglisn naval lorcesin the Factne is an armored bark ricced ramijJM tons burthen CJIti tons dLsraaeement hasengines of cXO nominal and O00 indicated borselpower sue carries a eompusnenl all lota 01 amsouls The vessel is now drawing 77 feet 9 inchesa draft which compels her anchoring outside tieharbor The following description of the Teaselwas obtained in a visit of a few hours only and isnot as complete as a more extended stay couldhave made it yet If affords a fair idea of thismarine monster


The batteries nmnerfv annakinc are two innumber and are situated directly over each otherin box shaped apartments In the lower and central battery are six 9 inch Woolwich rifles 13 tonseach and each can throw a shot or shell of 2 lbweight a charge of 0 lbs of powder being usedDirectly above is the other battery containing foury incn guns 01 me same pattern one m eacn cornerltoth thewa tistteriea are nrufjvtfd fare and aft bvarmored thwart snip bulkheads 8 inches thickwhich when closed make thew huge boxes watertight and the bow and stern cf the vessel could beriddled with shot and shell without any great det¬

riment to the destructive abilities of this portionof the ship Besides those monsters there areeight 25 pounder nfles breech loading throwing a

pousa proiecute using a marge 01 aj id mtuwdcr canable of nenetratimr G inches of ironat 300 yards These guns are quite a novelty inconstruction ana cuaraciensuca as ennceu oytheir weight only 1 ton con recoiling and using adischarge force of t Mf the weight of the pro-jectile The Srftttt is tbs only vessel that hasbeen fitted with these guns aa yet but their qual-ities seem to recommend them as an effective adjunct for offense or defense Ten Norxenfeldtathree on each after quarter one at each conningtower and two forward complete the complementof the ships batteries Tnere are however 4 boatguns for use In the tops or boats when necessaryHat the armament of the vel does not consist ofthe guns solely there are hundreds of hand grenades torpedoes etc- - ready for service mostprominent to the view the two Whitehead torpe-does


the vessel U supplied with 12 which rest intheir steel cases at the bottom of the main ladderon the gun deck These automatic instruments ofdestruction are discharged from the ships side bymeans of compressed air usually under water butthesremay be discharged from tbe deckof the vessel These torpedoes are fitted with engines which working by the compressed air withwhich a portion of the torpedo casing it filledwork a propeller attached and a vessel severalmiles away may be reached quietlv and silently bythese destructive engines of war and blown up bytbe cun cotton with which the torpedoes arecharged

LNOrSES 45 D MACHEftaiThe machinery connected with hsr engines

weighs over 7UJ tons Her engines are expansionand surface condensers built by Maudslay ofLondon and are capable of making 70 revolutionsper minute the vessel then going at an estimatedspeed of X2i knots In the two condensers thereare It miles of copper piping She is suppliedwith SI furnaces which beat tbe 6 boilers in whichthere are over 2100 tubes Her usual full supplyof coal is G40 tons The main shaft is 19 Inches indiameter and 7t feet in lenrth a wonderful massof iron Ihe propeller is tao bladed each blade10 feet in length and about four feet in width andis capable of being raised above tbe water whenthe vessel is under sail alone Besides Ihe mainshaft there is another shaft about 80 feet in lencthand about 9 inches in diameter which is connected and nsod with tbe steam steering apparatus

There is also an electrical engine of 5 horsepower which is used tn connection with tbe threeelectric lights of 7000 candle power each Wildesapparatus witu nmcu me vessel is suppueu anaalso w ben electricity is used to discharge tbe heavyguns Condensed air engines for the Whiteheadtorpedoes pumping engines and other enginescan be found by the patient visitor who has tbetime ana inclination 10 view nna stuuy tne ponderous and inteiesting machinery of the vessel but itwill take several days time before becoming famillar enough with them to designate off nana


Ihe Admirals main cabia is ou the gun deckaft and is a comfortable and cosy apartmentOn the upper dtek there is another cabin also atthe af teriuobt part of the vessel and also used byme AUtmrai era mis upper ueca are aiso merooms of the Captain and chief Secretary On thegnu deck forward of the Admirals cabin is theWardroom off of which are the rooms of the Com-mander laymaster Sargeou and Gunnery andtorpedo Lieutenants Ou this deck are also thequarters of the other lino officer and engineersfurther forward are the galleys and beyond themessroomof the men On the berth deck is tbe

sick bay and storeroom for tbe mens bagsboxes etc also the engine room audthemessrooius of the mechanics and musicians Aft onthis deck is a portion of the steering apparatusBelow comes the engine boilers and other machin-ery of the vessel and further down is the skin ofthe- upper bottom A space of about four feet sep-arates the inner and outer bottoms and shouldinjury happen to the vessels outer covering fromtorpedoes shot or contact with rock the inner oneis sufficiently strong to atill float tbe vessel Thevessel is supplied with seven steering wheels thoseworked by steam being capable of being manipulated by a child eight vears old Conning towersare on the port and starboard sides of tbe upperdeck and from which towersthe entire instructionsare given during action how to maneuver andhgbt the ship communication being had by meansof bell trumpets etc with every rt of the vessel brace forbids a more extended dew notion ofother artions of the vessel information regardingwuicii au etern suiuiy sorpiieu uy exmimanuer3Ialnwaring Guunerv Lieutenant Hastings LeesAdmirals becretarv Llddell Chief Encmevr Johnson and bub Lieutenants Goldfinch and Coode

We advise ull w ho can to take advantage of nextbanday and vUit the vessel for themselves asjuringviMtors that they are welcome and sure ofcourteous treatment from the officers and men ofIIll3KtMriMor

ihe following is a nlmM list uf the officers of11 B 31 SSwiJLL r

Hear dtnral Alc rnon McL Lyonrtag Lienicnsni Evan Thorns

icretary tieorje Lf titleClerk lo the hrcreianr C Imrlea E Mrrnlrlh Kit

tnnid F E iptae aptain II c AUcbiou

ommantUr my MalnwarlngIieaicaant John llllendenon ALKnaplon Ill

ommander J Itobertaon1 aptaln Marine II li RoblnenChaiilatli and Naiil Intrnctor lift J dvliLiniIHe

II Astall Mirueor- - It II Mon M IPatma IT I Jl L tirocinia nLhlef Enjpmer --CM Jountor

n - Lien tenant T I It enide J II toldCnrhSnrgeon li LlrocLrr U F UaleAet 1ajmaiic- r- A lawonEnjnecr A hpahtin T KuleAssistant Engineer J J CarryConner J Oramlloulwlntll smith J luaif J Puckcy taeiutjrjl ar pen ter W II ThornsMhUblpme n II C Scron J 8 Luaril C W Kelrhly

Peach F lKndereon II J L I larke r A Hodze 1 VA lie Saatroares A T Pawon KtA OrUvr S C Fal--mer eowter 4 11 nwe r 11 Monro tt n

I likerClerk A Clarke E II Xeat II It HillAUtant t let E St Alton

Natlvo PressI mm ihe iitnm fat u tit March 10 l

The uatuiu from Hawaii to Katul is asLnuhow is it that the public treasury has so soon hernitnpoveriohed hy tins Cabinet We think this i t apood time for the new itmHUrof ITinance tomake a btsteraent of thv condition of the pablictreasury Ihe rconloare the owners of all themoney tn the public treasury and they hare aright to know the condition of their fonds at thepresent time when so many report are heiuff cir-culated reRJtrdins the raindeeds of the covernmentlet a statement l made of the receipts of theciveranicnt for the past jear as well as of theuinert ni ways to wntcii tne nvmey na i eenBinandered

Oar present Minister of Finance is His Ex J noII Kapen1 a true Hawaiian Hot if he will not explain the profuse expenditures ns veil as theI ceipts of the co vt rnment trcstaryop to thepresent time of doubt and apprehension amonsthe people throughout the land we shall feelobliged to wit hold from him the credit of being atrue Hawaiian

According to the new law lately passed be isrequired to make a quarterly statement of thereceipts and expenditures of the GovernmentAnd if he will not fulfill the letter of the statutethen e shall no longer regard him as a truehearted Hawaiian a lover of his people and hicooLtry and we shall he obliged to uelieve fartherthat he belongs to the annexation ring and isfafttJecsto his nation In that case the nationwill reckon the liinisterof Finance as a blackhearted enemy who tries constantly to hoodwinkthis nation that still remains independent

Let him not be overawed by the dark underhanded tricks of his base associates bat let himdisplay his love to his people and bis native landIX laot be led away by deeeu that are not approvedby your nation The nation looks to yon to hiform it of the condition of its own property tbetreawury of tbe pcoide

Tha Post Office-

Yesterday was one of tht busiest days that theHonolulu pout office has ever had We learn thatthere were seventeen bags of mail matter sent bythe City of byilney to ISan Francisoo containid 7313 letters and papers the Urgist mail everdispetched from here bhe also brought in fromthe Jotonies S boss or about 1030 letters and pa

era ltesides this the island steamers LUrhiandiVubMtook thirty three heavy bacsxontatuins2J7 letters and about 1000 newpnperj and

or a total of 6271 articles The foreign sndiahutd mails thus numbered fifty bags containingHlt7 articles The City of Sydneys mail wasmade up to no lens than forty eight different conntnet la tbe Tosta Cnlou This statement willshow how rapidly the business of the departmentu locreasicg and that the duties required of the

mployees ant by no means light

The Augean Stables on Maui

The many titled DeputySheriff of Wailuku has at last made a raid on aChinese den aud corralled quite a number of gamblinz ctlofttiaU 1 hey looked as if tbeyoait ex-pected his appearance and were not much ducotniooded This is too tfcm it was tned on a formeroccasion but it did not lull the supicions of tbeInowins ones His friends advise him to demandan investigation It would be better for him to doso than U resijn some- of the numerous offices asthe writer would never desut from cxDosinc hishort comujjcs nnul he was stripped of every Oov

ernmental pusitiun whereas in case of ft fall andeoxnpleta exoneration from ntl the different chargesHercules would take him to hu manly bosom andrive him such a bagof rtcognization that he wouldfly howling t-- the wilderness and hide his lUnmilsued liead txrosrJT

Sarett from the Seav

Five castawavs from the island of Ana mamaGilbert group were brought to this port by the O

The party consists of four men andone woman all that were left of an original com ¬

pany of twelve the other wren dying of starvaUon who bad atarted from the island of Apamamafor another island fifty miles distant colled MianaA strong wind and current set them off shore andthey were picked op by the American ship Aarttm Liyhi on December 6th fiOttamtes away frominegrorip iney were laxen lojapan Dyinat ves ¬

sel By tbe interest taken hi them by Krv HLoornis a subscription was raised for them in

amo ntiiur to nearly five hundred dollarsao l the Paeffc Mail SteAmabip Co own them free

usage to Saa Frandsco where on arriTal theymmitlndnrraof bT Mr E P Flint and CantGelett the latter gentleman well known in thisGty trom tnere tney came nimer pec ett anaare sow in the care of lie v Mr Binghaxa who willforward them at the earliest opportunity to theirbuoea per Xar3 Stmr or some Teasel returningthither with laborers Considerable Interest istaken in these forced voyagers on account uf therndtaices of Christianity which they carry withthem their Bible and prayer books being theircpnstant companions Through the kindness ofmissionary friends they have been enabled to Toyage since their rescue in a comfortable mannerand present a healthy and happy appearance

jetv iitrtlstmtntsWANTED

AieonasrRVAvT uibln or troMLv


DOV n man Mr TIIOS R ft CAM will ut rdc is aii mailer 01 onamcas saner ui power at snor

liionnlnlaMawhtSihTtK3 tM GLCCts


Xlv mKlaaaaadLaaatUoSt Eniaokaau PlainsAmMMOSqLAUUlKT The Lot Uewchwedwithstood Substantial Fence For further rarttcslarssppty te

J M NOS ABRTUs Attorney at Law to g Mere bant St


JSWIOHED MARE dark mil- - and tall brand 10M T nnder her mane AJo 1 SMALL BAT M ABE

A Saluble Reward will be siieu t lasr one retarnlnxtbe Pimt to


aTHLKTIC ASSOCIATIONrPIlE GYMXAMUM OK THE IIO- -J-- aolnls Athletic Aaaoelatlon ta now open forthtnst

of members every day bandiya excepted at 1 p mMonday and Thsrdaya for ladle and TaedarWednesday Frldaja and Saturday for gentlemen laarartlon will b civcn cacti ereotn- - la the vsrlensbranches of eymBa tlCf

XStf It 1KILE Prel4ent

WANTEDrtrSTAGE STAMPS for CASn Send any unaal

ty and fall valne la rath will be unit by retarn mallsir aii aiaos ot riampa ooegnt ana eow jig enia

wanted AddreDAWSON Co

36HwwlbMtbJtham Man- - Eag

POUND NOTICEmi rmLowiMi iiiihiiieianimal will be nl at Pnblie anrtioa inthe IWVEItXMENT 11t YD KOIIULA- -

T LOAatl331 ONHiri KIlkVMar IT

t nay Horn white forehead bind fetlocks whitebra ad a

tMTIt B KA fKfr Toaad XaUrr


31 A LEI AST KK at Oliiaa Thehoselbeanlirally altnated haa two eood rlternthree bedrooms and an ohl fathloned Sre pUce Term

Z per month Iwrtle wlhlnc to ne the aama daringtbe eomin- - inrntner fthontd apply oon to

v 11 aibA4uftitKH 3m Hamakaapoko Maai

Notice of Foreclosure of MortgageVrOTICKISlIEirjlYGlViXTIIAT

X 1 pnrtnant to a power of talc contained la a certainmorUraredeed dated ovBlWd made between JolaO Kaihannea of the on part and S K Kalliall of theother part and recorded In the ones of taeBeaUtrarofCnnverances In Liber 78 page ft and KAtbe mortgaje hereby pre notice that he intend to forecloseaid roortarv andr after tbe time limited by law willell the land theieby eenred at nubile snctloa In Hone

loin on account of the broach of tbe eondillon mentioned in Mid niortgaj- Thin land I altnaled atWaihee Man K KA1L1LL1 Mortsacee

L Kaweht Attorney fur Mortgagee WS fSPERM AND WHALE OIL


Just evt ECixxLcitrom the WaallnjDarqoia Abram Darker

and Orca


A FEW CASKS WHALE OILll of Fine Quality and Free from Foot

For Sale in Unantltlca Detlred byS POLLES X U


OJKr trith tkr AtttirMnt GMrml IfiWo Halftn llmtt II I 1T


Fox SciXoAt a Great Bargain

Well ltnilt Store Tno Story HoumSTABLE AND LAND

lKlucaeb Duloc9or Jper month KrotOIr Month A tlrtt cla 0riortiinltv for a man with atmatl Capital IlalfCaib balanc aproved blllf threeand ix utontbr

J W LtTNING9T3SI lloute aud Land Agent Merchant Mreet

A KMAnTiisAiiiMMiiiiuTiJl fromdrtvlairor brandlnj cattle apon the tAlKAIl COMMONS witbfot penuialon from tbeunder tailed UlTindcri will be roeeated with theutniofl rinor of the law tUKNWELL jttO

alkajtauMaui Mar 11 llrir 7St

ASSIUMaPaS MITICKriun rxinuhicxii iiavixgX been diJy appointed atslcneea In baakrnptev ofLnn Kre Mlu iA Cum bin uoiici i hereby sitcdlo all person oariuc aid bank rapt lo nisi immediatepavmrnt or vacb claim wili be Ttd All pron inoelon of any property uf raid bankrupt are required to make Immediate delivery thereof tn the alii -

rt A I per da to he made bvperion- -I Tn A I Inlbeirownlo- -

Tl TaXlotkforn NewOWl OWbaalBC All meei lth wobJtrial racre auj ouecaa doiLework Cauiul notreqmred V e UI atait too Until worth ill mailed

and In traction mailed fre


irucmany auapieu 10 melion circnlatr Uoyaand

lelar but write to n at onceAOdre tiTlMJS A

iDartientarntime don

rortland Me


ITroiiB SiiverpoolPale Sherry In cases

Cfl Irish Malt Whisker best brands

Tine Quality Scotch Whiskey Old

Htg hlanel

Superior Old Stock of Gleu Garcy

and Glen Lossic

Xloixxo WinesMarcobrumlor Hochhcinv

or Schloss Johan- -

nisborgorIOR KALE HI



SMSloir SevleOne 2 Story House

Dearly nc and TWO ACRES Or LAND

Artesian Water SuppliedKrFiTlartiil3 apply

D r DILLIOUA3tBm 17 Fort St Ilonolalii

Notice of IncorporationvroTici is nnuKiiv tiivirxXl that at aineetlB- hrM In Ifntsolnln no tht- istfc

day of 1rbniary I tnof qherfher tithe tork of tbeaier i uoa oiratu tainm eonipaajr iinited Itra voted lo accent a charier of Inroruaratlaa nuilrtl

to them and their associate bj the jflaltter of Ibe tatenor oj ma muj ine coneni or ine nine in rmrt oancll nnder tbe coroorale name and irle of tbr IntT Irlaod MtM Navlraltoa imMiir on tbe 7k dafof lebrnary IftSt and that lie corporation nnder aidcharter thcreap w organized ltelf and ewted the folrwlasoiBeer-

r u nTLK rreMirntW B HJUFRKV lee rreldentJ ENAJaWILLLIM rOMTEBTreaarert X WILCOX Auditor

oti- - i farther pivea tht nirinnl ti lb irm ntaid charter do ttockholder anall todlvidnatlr br Uir

for tbe debt of the eorporaiiou berond the monntnbkh ball hedaeapon the hara or ban heid orownd by htBilf 4 KNA to Secretary

MARSHALS SAlEi vnrrrKKTwoiCKruTHXI lflrS hr IL r Btrkerton Em fallen JuatW ntUoaolls apon the firt jodrmeut aznint Ja hleanin favor of W ioa for ib- uji if uae h iuiir d andSfty seren dollan and SVlw jIjTC IU and a infavor of kamaanwal fit tb- nni of me hundred ndninety ivedollarf and B Ii tW Tw fad I bav tIM

Don and hall extjoe for al tu lb- hl hei ttiddrrU LUAClUl anl 4tb at 1 u nUlarkulnllosae Ilonolnla tbe f Hotii tum d jroprftr nr

All tne rlzbt title andwind known af Ri

V loj nbja e dated Jan 4tt

In A4d lo Ttaln-f



Interior lo the caid Jmm Em Im a tarn HU krs atKails Kallhr aka ale i Mond hand wafon 4 potfaanrl I tlszle karne 2 hor e nnloa the laid JndfBeataaadmr expta f an prrxloBT paid

w e r e Jtawhai


Asm all iAirriK- ixriinii isat of 11m llMMJ t tkCmpIn Want of Employees

Will Dlcr Bk thai t kui tA Ik mIk wbowlU4aul ilr pwrr Sll tJirit rfere

TTIsoji si vrreiU SmH PKbf


tSti Ml i


inni i co

Honolulu Clothing EmporiumHiring Completed the Neccssirj RcnoTatioaJ of the Entir Slorr I take pteuare

innnonuniiglolheLaiiieofIIoooIolancliJjiCCTt IjIaod shat tley will find tbebore Estsbluhment ONE OF TIIE MOST ISVITIXO PLACES IN THIS KI5G

DOlt A wgirdt the Goods now on hand I irontd ttate thfj hare beta retileiiihfdin ererjr line with the

Latest Patterns and Finest Materials which could beFound in the Eastern European Markets

In tue Dress iooris Doparlmeut will bo FoiiHd

Plushes Brocades Satins Silks Merlnoes PlushesBuntings Flannols c c

TTJFeiivi3vtjC3Nrcs- - xE3aiiaiiaEiaNrTFringe Laces Buttons Tassels Cords rosomantrw Bogles Embroideries etc


Hosiery Chemise Skirts Underwear Gloves Mitts Conets Enehinjs Boots Shoes Ae


Is iroYided yvith a Filfino Kooiuwhere Purchasers can try oa their Suits beforo Bajiog

ThintiDf for past faror rcceireil I will endearor to reUin the eonfiJcnce bestowej

opon me heretofore

JL M MELLIS iTol04fcForfc Street




SPECIAL NOTICENew Goods New Goods j

One Price Mechanics BazaarCor Fort and Merchant Sts

Bog to notify their Friends and the General Public that







TRUNKS BAGS AND VALISESJust Received Ex Steamer Suez

T ltESIEMilEl- t- TU9 lrice is PLAINLY MARKED on Ech Artclf Irvmtrliicli there is no ileTintion

-- TO rURCUASEItS Tothenmoontof5WoroTer THUBH TEIt CKSTDISCOUNT Xo Hook AwoanU Kept

Store open from G am to 8 pm Saturday Eveng till 9S W LEDERER J L ROSENBERG

ManagerCor Fort and Merchant Streets Ilonolulu



mm FOKT ST HOMHXLUU-- Wc arc djw manulii ntii- - itn 4

A JE li AT E D WAT B It SSuperior in rjrialitj m l fljVt I rttt - wr r f r ia this Kmsd

OUR SODA WATER is UnrivaledOur Ginger Ala is oqaaled only IT tb irapurtsd Our aAw we gaarsatw lo b i from

He pare juice of tho spplt Tliws ilelicions drinks sra iDclMMSg in psiakritjr tui m tekisftlio Ucc of light wines for ttbl u Oar titrcmW low prieM Mii Atm wilkkt 1W rcMbof all

Soda Water pr doz SOc

Saruparilla - SOcCider 50c-

Ale 73eDinger - -Tbe patent wire slower used br us on all of onr becUee does away with corks eoliol

and for cleaoliness and ease in opening is aneqvaled Onr hollies are hranded

CRYSTAL SODA WORKSWe deliver rmr eooda tn mv trt tin itv nmt ch

TELElIIOXE No 7ii th Isltlj

1UU 1harruacisu


We Have Just Received Per AberamanJFjTO m Elxislteixca

Pianos Organs G uitarsHaraonlunu Flutes Fifes Accordeoo Harmonicas Sruais c


WiXlM riMill TUE ElST BEST TO THE CHEtPEhT IX HUClUKGANX FOi THE lAUIXl Er Kind of 8n Maastl JnMlilaneil Ataasa a Stock


37170330 BostonAll Ihiiih5iisc Stock ilia Irs A Ucdroow Furniture



1UMKU clllv






Xr E mmAdmiHJgtraters laleIn arcrancarteaa 4rsaktsVrtW Baaaxtax

As Jastiee ef tta sx rems Ceaw stcttsc am Tbatai tn aa4enttawrxlMtUwUsaaMMkwrypecmlsea at ihsraMHwaf UwatasCT OIULCCiV

ILAM Ute tWwrac KFT7 w

WEDXKSD1T XAKCI1 14 I8S3r trrzCK a

amnniwl Ikasne aaopavtysf the late CHAM altant on tMloaw Arenaw ajataln law

erryof Dr J 31 wsttavrsw tbaaanki4rbtIttMtaattBe2a eb effWs

ISO ft Front and 295 ft DepWell toms4avrtwiaj4afrmiiweTmmayrpja


errant- - avtas haa 4aJ ormwrwmwmmm IB Men XS


fM1MN eTTItli Ttu mS at






JJ- - ta Cms cTfitidnK r pii sierra

ISnoitrb al ISA


On Friday March 16Sll - M


Line of Fresh Groceries

CalllCatolO15 im InstateOn Saturday March I7th

U V ai av- - aVa I af

Tlie Two Lots9mVMmA aw hiSS rli Wi4

iuf mm MhMg

60000 Square Teet nearly on

and half Acres Also

That Certain Iicco of Land

Ktl kmi aih ir or A I




Containing an Area lCO

an Acre

With the Buildings andImprovements

rnaasutConsisting Two Cottages

and OuthousesW 1 J



r tUHmtmmn


In Hauhaukol at Auctionr unW vt W Mm W l rwtlM B t tli aalar s a53ae aaat

ON SATURDAY Mar 31stal a a aam CM taw ty

4 ism aaM ft Baaa t rT

fatkMWtV Hal aal

Vrtal SB

aium jiii

IMMtlaa iMtmi IJtaa


of 53 of


uttciM au

PWfve aSaMasar


ISUwt Rata ratelhr BiHiajfclH a i IU aarjr

IHi j mctrrartlefclara is W


HAWAIIANinniiliiiT 1iniuuer





the rvurrvix nWll ivtrtdo Vjr IVIolainry



No Pains will be Spared


riilfrif u a urrtCoffins Always on Hand


a giiism S

8 fre

EColilstor cfc CoaavrSMato MSit

S50000 IN BONDSFor Scvlo

7h k i TinitiiKiTii unylr- - rVrv f ft OHktaU t SJUI flltfV

at a r ji- - ifc wMrf mtmttpmtmtL mn

uatrM fnf fimm - Tat Cajaftai attfTtT

d mvmuatlB9ia mMmtm tmmimtm rmW

Z T 44 fc t aaas-- - aWltSu TraitaMaMtaraal i

rmtantaawl -










jfisiqdn ijiasl



Page 4: Jg tirtT o › bitstream › ... · 141 tic J--TVsy Jajuammfetfic flbuiueu m ROBERT CRICVE CO Utcy MlnMnIaj Ylrulntf 1 FIVE DOLHUSiU UMM ruAhLL Vim tce-troratrxvvVJ ie a iW IIf tinnuitimKawttlilCTf



lflam WilSW Mm

OCX iir A- - XA


tufCBtf MfTjit

tX7n 1fi v XT a--7

wu b t r di iiSii i - ttIUr4BIlrr1l r Ihr htb li

nf rototUt Ua rti t i hiti s

Tr Jnd- - ti il tii I l Mrr- -

imiiitt TnnfiiTlBTnmTi ini tjKMfjtiitral JjtrrlinJiic





The Only Gold Medal also Two Special andFour First Prizes for Watches

li liit iuxl hW 1nUraatU ExblUmiAatrricita Uairfa MirirWaJllMaa XaacliM a KH AT1IFJ



am fwa-



wMiaeoerd th mw mih- - ihi there are several Worthless WatchesbarlnK the mnrks ofwaltham Watches ani tB- -WaJttMM irh- - aifl wwihl imtimrloo

3VE 3McI3NTEJRajrSAgent for the Hawaiian Islands

JOHN NOTTAt the Old Stand No 8 Kaahumanu Street


PLUMBING in all its branches

Arteslau Well Pipe all sizes

STOVHS AN3 JLNO Slg111x Mdlun bm Ill lov tiUo iliiv

1iuiwv iii Iuu- - Micunl 1111Itiinl ir rlT Wnu

OVltallnllldr pPMllrJrVi rim nMlim

Galvanized Iron Water Pipe all sizes and laid on at

Lowest Rates Cast Iron and Lead Soil Pipe

House Furnishing Goods mi kinds

UIHBKK AIJ MJ AM U111Uft lmio CiMern omioOnlviuiu owr slijrt iaJ

Ililli WI rClMl- - W mil IVI tlmmrtwl hUud

Cbiandeliers Lamps LanternsESTAJ3LISIIBID XIV 18DO


Importing and Manufacturing StationersPublishers Printers Book Binders and

NJBWb JDKA LKKSTho Oldest Largest and CheapcstiStationcry Establish

ment In the Kingdom Keep constantly on hand

A MXLdASiMS VssdilHinil of STATION Kit V

--In Our Subscription DepartnitMMk AlUtnlU atiU Ktlt IJr

lOieDOE illlEMOFfflWe Blake All Descriptiou Blank Books

itit it-

EavingaFirst Class Ruling Machine

In tho PRJHc DK2ILEIiT weaic prepared to do ALL



fifZ7S1 Jllit1 JilNgCn

mtpauoTfc TIl jmln



Light lorlabk Kaihvay Hails


03 TUB SSVKJJni SULwV CtUbk for nitra Cni


MnirUl Mrtl IUHII to tlir jar


working Mrtw iwlro nilW fUlw tae darled bf rarer

W ART EXw siAcrAmjotE

AywW for Jofcc Towter

M kxa corrir

-- -null 1 - in v





hlLtlTv r


JJkE fcMlTUM - Iinui i

t i ih tli li i io ui I f - I r

ll S t f m

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i llt ii- -ii lw i

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Bt 11 - im tone

Ilpr 1 in Mrll li



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of Favtcr a- to u

L or-


KriFv i


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HIjii d








11IL I ML1 Hsn II - II LMI

Fitted Up hi Elegant Style ithcLarge Roomy Cottage

iuftatfU brliuallv lo tb I m n 1 t tLJft brynS b l cmmiiTH Ilnil lrpjnl -

JaUed the White House1tcBt be arait is ih Kh riai rlIMlNUUnrf Thr Ground tn pa icni- - an r- M m-- irjiBi- - in rfi Tiani hi

t knan l jit mnwl for th lotmlmrr or uCwjorto A PK MtE RfMM TIVtbm iit nmlml

MRS J T WHITEI rrtnpf lb- Mlklu Soa

ViUrfuM roftSrn will rtBLAiWr Sir WhileItaMfetnw of tar Lwtslftf Bone o Tort tret adtltBiacUelBLkras ttV- h- rtici 3 acta ft tonTrUbt float sadrr hrr srij armt M


piuaiian teeiteIWroXESDAY MAKC1I II US3

5vprr m Court Januftry Tirm 1883

HrtJItTtM KiLixrosuacz uwn lwv- -

erinf Crtnrn LasKAotwu of itrorQt tnM IWort UfCollj J

th1 inrr tin wiUtMib joruiiUiQti9tbreuctoi whbjj

Kamefaameha 1 VH brtnjp thM artioa fr Ihc ttooteiT T oat omlindd mowty of tTi crttain piei

2 wtr tte WBr4iOJmt dunncmnrK t U

foarth neiTOtU and ntnlL jhmw The ejepiece exorrttlwtfutb nrr mrti o lAndCora- -

rnebIIL Tlie orietti of the Utlo f the lotsdiSfn from that of lb Iwdy of Unds now onaa the ennrn lianas in serem ttucuCrown Lands m Hwni by the Act to reltcre toe

Tt OTikin fmm inmrflhrlnrM nj tO fftiaeftb wwne inllenbj- January 3 are eoMtitatocl of Bchedol of Undi Brt forth in the Act ofJan 7 IH nlalmc to the Undn of llu MsjtMy

the fcuic nd o l OoTcrnmcnL lljthilafitDamctl Act t tKuil tightened ami rniLenaniiaou Sot-- ifi iifi th foondAtinn for the ttnure of rrlestate now irtbiastine ty iraUnit hil ownershiptn all the land of the Kinlora conjointly with

eiae reoMjniaed but not weu detineu nfibia oi mrhM I rtlmqaishinc to the ceneral coremmmt forlast distribiitioa to claimants and for public own

rUiip the ereaier jart of the territory and recrrine tor his individual ownership a royal estatewhich wa catalojieil in the Art Tho piece ofland here in qnwtion were awanlod to Knniehanieha HI Mi or aen n jcar solrtcqaentlT JcJyfithl4Jaenarr 141SVsand March X1ik lheyare not Ilu or Anopoaa ccscTioeu iimtcit vy nameImt KnrroTMl lot of moderate size one bcilie -

teatlM of a acre one i 17 acres Blauchanwha111 died on the tJth Ilrceralicr 1VI cabooqnent toit nvar1 nf nil th m 4bat the first ThecUumton iM bail ot iu- estate are in ine orunory proceu-cro of Land OomiaMiion Uwines n wnen arpu-cotton vh made by rwnato pcnooi for knlesnaaward bomb ol tuese were cupai nna ictumoQT bi taken h determine the riglitful claimnet rUo teotb tiroe in the eonmlAint was awardsby ward C73 to Nnaann ana Kamehameh1 111

ml h iImmI nf iiartttkin i made Auimt 10 ISTmw

letwtea Naoano and KanxhixnchalX HiepiwetttlwM nvtrdod rniwru into iw eiaie oi wwiwatoeka III tngrtb r with ihe Icfore roPntKmodlmhi reerrtd

lt estate of kuuehamthA III a utUaCthothrone paused to KanKhamfha IV vho contlnncdto trml the llojal iXmuin an lus predt cessor baddone a his pnrate estate stUint and mortsapincniHr thrmf an trAtnaa Rnited hu euntort joining m the deeds to rtleaso her dower lpon hidecoane tniefttate oreniDcr i- ino luronopaftsinff tohw brvier by the prorWon of the willcf Kaiaihamehalll thwqoefitionof thederntof the rrtMienr held and noasrcaed bT hi lato 31a- -

jftr Kjiioetmelui I eaaiebrfore ibeSarcemeiburt oimi rn rred rtatemtnt of facts Thenftnlna of th eonrt wx written brMrJaticeliK rtxun whtM tuinTmh und jadicia caM ofii tin w D iud J b thf inuruatr aetuuntaneewitbiii iriKui i uwi uiiuret in mm niufiumu uctiih fnim Li- - UImtth - iot of the Hoard of CoraluimaonerH t quiet ljiud Title 1 he Court hadicopwt t thf loom uf ihi TriTT oonctl and VUm n curdf cfal the tniowction leading thodtmh rt i niifM f land ntie und the nrnG n -

idenK nnd iienl lnmiiMn4 t forth in thedecwHMi whidi iuiut alway remain sruoncthprnoHi jBporuuit rnnuiiniKWi u iiawaiLin intorv ul llaw Krik n TX

As haTinji a controHiue tnllw net on the Hadinglu thn oase and canoe lsi tne uoi oi suuwoxrtt leRulatiun it iswelltoqnoteat tircr hereine eeneiauinc rnraflrajHii oi iaai opinion

In uar orauion whilr it nx clear I r the intt-n-

itou of KajnehanHhn III tnrvoU rt the land vbichbe renened to himself out of Die domain whichhaJ Leon imu red lr hu niUTthroaehlhettrowess and ofcill of hit fatln r the onquc ror from thedADser of tjeiuc treated a nnuic uoniaut or uot-fmmMit nronertr it inm al ut hu intrntinn to rro--

ride Ut tbov lamls idionld deeend to hh heirsand soeceworH the f utnrt wearers of the crownwhich the ronqneroi had won vr nndertand thoAct of 7th Jon- lls a hannc wcnredlrthtbrMobjerta I nder tliftt Art the lauds descend in feethe inheritance being limited howetcr to the boccessors to the throne and each saccessiTe possessor mar reeruaie and dirKwe or tne same arconi- -

inft to his will and jleesan a prnate property inlike raanntr as wan dow1 by Kamchamehi III

In our opinion the fifth clause of the will ofCamehAineba III wan nnt uere8ary to pas therescrred lands lo KamehanK ha I V any more thanthe first clans wa wceNor to ras hiio thecrown iii ws f anira to inurm inow iancn ptforce of th Act 7th J one IN when he fmcceed-ed to the crown tu rtrtne of the proclamAtlonniadV tit tin predecMr with the consent of thoiionTOi whik nna u wssrnuueunsineaatipted sou of Kanirhaiu In 111 to inherit the remainder of hii rBtxti tu d viaed to ary one tl nb--ort to dirwf r

We arc ekail uf ouuon jito ihatJIet ilajosty jueeii llniuin is las fnlly entitled to dower inthe rvttorri O lands except so for a she mar haveItarred her nrht therein by lier osnert and dfedInert fatuutiuiii m tlie rtof Ttb June W whichcan underKtrvk n takinc awae the Oneensnjjht ufdoiur in tin lands therein named nor isthcn iuit in a of luio h dotn which renders thematnmouinl nghtr of the wife of the King anyleshtli iu or iiny differrsit from lhote of the wifeof any prate h utUman fcnch was unquestion ¬

ably the tndertimdini of both Kamchameba IIIand hi- sneeessor n ti dower in those lands whiciiare to lit dealt with in all respxbi n pritate inhi titabli prowrtv nubject only to the stceiaj Jjec- -

iInte restriction on the manner of tlmr descentltit is Ma jest j Hniut hamehalt sasposResod

oi miuT iarTMn ioin rest anu personal ax icetime of hi- - death not nflccted with th specialchamctir rtiacned to the reend Iand Thedebcent ot that pari of ht t stiU mnM be governedby the seneroi Jaw ot inhcntauce aud dixtnbatianand Her Msjest uecn IJniua i then fore entitled as statutory heir to one half uf that rroirtrniter the iTnient therooct of sach tairtion of thelaic Ktofi s debts ai are not spertlwruly charred byraortgiiRt or otherwmo niion the reserved lands

ebtsof the latter class onsht clearly to be pxUoat of the estate encamlered tUerewith

In consonance with the Mndiucs of th Cooi theIjCfivlatarc paswd the ctsof Ilectl lte Tomake n pcrniaiunt xttlenient in Her MajestyOoeeu Kunian and of Jan Ji LNm To relievethe loI IXjHiftui from Incnmbraiiro- and torentier mt same iiiaiieuiuie ine lomier profKlesanaiuiiin tQaeeii Eiujua oncondiUon ofher reJea4 of iWwer in tliflZorallausin Ityihosecoud Act the Ocrtennne nt is ncthorlad to inecichsviner bonds for the pnyrnent of rnortsiSM onthe Crosn Ijuid- - to be repaid with interestfrom the income thereof In Wv the Lcgwhttareaxsoioeu tne pnMiieni or tnese ixiuds and re leasedtheestatt elenrtothe CoinuiLSSioners

It is plain fiotn theloreijinsritatiansaijiUiate- -nwntathat th prcntises here in qnertkm nre not aportion of tbf Crown Inuds uf which the control Utested in the Crosn ltnd CoiumiHSioncrs who arehere dcfeudantA and that they descended to thepenmnal hem of rvnuuer Ijhohlio whowas hnruehamelm I

ITjc lennuii Uoru nuirul on the pirt oftue ueienoanid huiihiis tuat ine puintin w estopped from BMwrtuig her legal title on two roonds

I Hint if it had been the proicrty of kanichaluelin IV it must him been mil J In nav hi drlits

I IhHt xbt- harniu accepted the reluf from thoJrorcrniueiit tin rwn has now nojntrcd thiiproiitnT

He introduc tu ustnuouyof Got f louilou to this effect thai he was the Administrator ofIlia Uajertv KanKhameha IVsaceordinirMr WtaWelnter on tLt deotAM of tliat enUeman andcontinued dmuilurator till UiecstaLewasmtikxlnrsnaut to orders from tin lrobate Jonrt henoli as he bajsroid oil the pnrate lands of theitoyai oeceuem lie tooKpotfessionof tneiaAioothe lob at WaikiLi and the other loU cnibracedin this action No claim wits made at that time bythebeirs Witness was a Crown tand Comniissioner from ld to L7e and the agent for CrownLands lie was alto the buinet3 oceut for ijoecn

mma from IC1 to 17 He did not as suchagent consider that they belonged o Iter ft heheirs these lands would hare been sold at thattime if tie hid snptuied ther were of the estate of

Cross eunrfnatiri- u- dont tciueniber s mortKBe on Ia AIoo but think there was oue IlecMved the income from la Moo the lands at Waikiki and Ithaina donng the period of niycoranibvsiouership The lands sold were direct grants toor rarcitases by liijohho Considered ine ot hento be Crown Lands

Counsel osree that there were no mortgages onany of the premises in this case the morticg beinc on Crown Lands and other lands than the

The probate records of the estate of Kamchamehn 1 banns keen placed in evidence by tho

I find that there were sundry orders ofourt for the tale of real estate with ennJIrmatinn

of sale that tin Idmicistrator received 27lfpMn thi tnisnrr for the release of morttpces

secured ou Cmsn Iwtuds an1 thai at the finalsettlemoni of hw neeounls and discharge January19th 1 then vat a taLince doe the estate ofStMllib t m tue uecoont lBcruereorders ol thetoort ie prctinc andrr items nnflicr ronriauuic orarr tm --inni ine Aaminisrrbe diKCltarced from fnnliT n nonsiLilitr Jo idoeiu hmhand xiiiKWintine to VIf1inc ordered to U piid ti the utmnisMonerx of CrownLand of whom th Cviart is spnrtciMhf timintatnior u him If our nnd is tbeir Ijsjaess ccnt

The learned rmoi for JefleicndanU lbmitiin arnmroetit thit tbJjfclrs of Karaehamclia IVtuiTinf liadlferStiramaEO of the stalnleof W

frl WII5 hsTing been made aeainvt the povfosMon of these tecf-- by the Crown ere now es-topped Inat the jfrTyXW was a Rift to t bo CrownUnas b the nation and it mates no difference tothem thai it was noi a payment from Crown I Jindsfor lle n lrtue of incanibranee whereby the remaiiidsrof the estate was kaed Tbatoutheciftby tbetfoiernmentof this sum for the paymentof the debts of decedent any private lands not soldreesaio charged with payment of that cum andwith all Htmi- - advanced by the administratorThat if tlm n so the defendants are in the por-tion of a raorbsafzee in possesstm till the amountadvanced shall be fell - paid

i im ww iwuiiuh it n- cijuiiaiuiu uit uue as tothe nioietr rested in l n on the death of her larvalConsort that no act of the Lerislature can ilcyesther of her private prop rty and no yoluntiry assonsption of the debts of her hosbsnd csn iirpisea Iten on her estate ITut these orrcnl pieces notbetcc ennmerated aud made Crown Innds andharuu been vested in Kamchaueha 1 V by a dif-ferent furm of title were not affected bj statutesfdatins to Crown lands And finally that theplea of oUoppel and uf equitable lien ronld notbe entertained in a court of law

1 he eoart has above expressed its finding thatthe legal estate of tbcte premi s tested in theheirs It remains onlr to consider the validity ofttte estoppel or ben If thn learned counsel forthe plaintiff intended to maintain the Lut nmrsibon expressed they are met by the authority ofKarsohai vs Kobele 3d Haw II 91 where thetwin uuii iu principle iuai an equitanle estoppel mar be sL un in actions of rkrtnwni fnteonoittstte a bar to the action ibe court raay

vtwrewrea umr - iu um vmic sqppnri aneetoppe or establish an oqmtable lien

The preamble of tho Act of Dec ftk l0t ttattitnal br the eiisxine law the Cotuurtnf thoicifrof Hawaii are entitled to dower in the Koval Do ¬main as had been decided bv the Court She badtherefore aught toft and the occtclsdinclaoaoof the preamble of whereas it is just and properthat jceen Cmnia sbonld be enabled to maintaina style of livinc smuUe to her station and dignitj1 I incwsoej5tijdmiJe the permanent

was eomplett ty dispropoitioned to thevalue oi the dower which is not pretended far ifit was hi nrfit it wai secufMl to her on the ttoyalDomain anil ifcwa nJ fnr H lvlti lt -that of the incumbent of the throne that the Leefslatare otcd to rein ve the Crown estaU oftEocbarBe by payinff what wockl be taken by thoplaintiff as on equrralcnL The Act contains thesole oondhiuu that she shall first reUnqairj herbower in the Uoya Duuiam and it cannot be oon- -

LatercstortUtThe jQbseouent Ac f Jwi Jd lki uju nelioyal Domaia iualien tble places it in tneccitodyol three Comnad-aoner- andauthorizkw th Minister of 1 mine- to iso leheqer bond t the

unocnt of not more than f30AWL which the Cotn

ndsnoners Jointly with the Minister may necoti- -

fnr the redercrtion of the mortcaKes whiciimay remain unsatisfied after the administrator of

His late Majestys ertate has exhausted all theprivate estate whicii theadnUnistralor may be legally entitled to use The proposition ef the defsndants here la that the administrator onabt tohare sold hee premises if they were priTate csuteLet nssceTliie preamble ot the Act refers only

to mortesces charged on the lioyal Domain pursuant to the Undine ot the Court that tho iKxnainshould pay what was charged upon It ltladxaitted In rroof that t bcre was no mortcaco on thesepremises and the adcnnistratori accounts statethat the OTmoreeeived frem the treasury was to relicrerjKnlcKMeharfOTtheerown lands Fromthis it follows that the administrator would nothave been legally entitled to sell such iirivate estate of the decedent as is here in question for thepayment of such dbti as were met ly the 27O0O

taken fnm the Treasury and that he should nottaTO sold it before taking finds from the Govern ¬

mentBat this sum of money was not at thai time a

gift to the lioyal Domain much less was it a benefit to the plaintiff rhe had iarted with her interest therein m consideration of the annuity fromthe Government It does not appear that theamount of the permanent settlement liad not beenmade with reference ti the rains of dower In Iheestate as mortcaced and in any case this amounthad been agreed upon with no condition of anyother release than of the dower herein It was yetonly a lean of the Goyernment credit Section fiprovides that one fourth part of the annual rerenoe of the Crown Lands shall be paid into theTreasury to sitWy the interest and accumulate afund for the payment of the bonds nntil thoenttre sum authorized to be loaned should be paid

InlNJoly Ctbwas passed an Act which rscitinc in a lengthy preamble that His MajestyjCameharneha had derived bnt smalt advantagefrom the Crown lands in tonseqocnee of thecharges upon them and in view especially of HisMajestys peneronty in consenting to the limita-tion of the lUyal Domain enacts that the Hswail- -

an nauon assumes ine payment oi ine nanusissoed under the Act of Jan 3d lMVi

It must be apparent that the effect Of this Artes of the Act KranUnc the annuity was for thebenefit of the reigning Sovereign who inight thenenjoy the entire income of the Crown Estate Howthen were the heirs ot the private estate of the de-

ceased Sovereign bound by equitable principle tosarrendcr this private inherttanoe for this consideration moving solely for the benefit of the incum-bent of the throncf Or how can it be said thatthis contribution of the Government to the CrownDomain forms a lien on the inhentanoe which theCotumissionuS have 1 Id jiossession of to t dlscharpxl tcfore somnder To whou should thislien be mid If to tho Commissioners it is a Riftof another f2Ult And the Government does notbold the premises and demand payment

If wo then dismiss the claim as untenablfc onwhat way be called the facts of the causethere remains only the claim as based on thediclaration in the testimony of the ndniinijtratortlt he sold all the binds which he suprswmd tohtieMongedtoKamthamebalV in his privateright and would have sold thee if hi had conquered them such Little need be said upon this inview uf the line of reasoning whicb the court hasfirllowed Upon estoppel pound tbeadminLstra

fr was ehtopped from claiming that ho injured theCrown Iwinds by neglecting to sell this estate be-

fore belling any i rt of the Crown Lands if hedid still snch or before going on tho Krvtrnmentcrtdit for he was also the Crown Land agent andas socli must be held to hare forborne to realizeninn that estate which he aays lie might have soldllolcft it where the lwtr- of tW Iwal title inurht atany time assert their claim at now the pliintiffnis

llie finding of the court is for the plaintiff ursuanttotbe description of the premises in theeomrJaint lewi the nieces disclaimed I jot No 10

for the unsold renuunelcrof the partition of Ka- -

mettamena ii wnn oustsV IL Caitle and V M Hatch for plaintiff the

Attorney Genera for defendantHoxorxi r March rd lKk

Swpmno Court of tho Hawaiian IblanelsIu Equity

kii E7Ain H H 1uiai nu -

Ojntrt1 of th t

1 his u a bill to equity alleging niilwlamnjij moral agreement between the defendants ancestorthe late Ik W linker and certain native Hawanans to wit Nakalina nnd 13 others for the sale ofa piece of land in Kaneohe Oahn described inHoval 1atcnt o-- 5k for the sum of Krt Thebill also alleges part raj men t of the purchasemoney amounting to itJiJand that the said deceased put the said orators in posoesrion of thelind 11 Koso a complainant tn the bill aUegesthat these same natives have assigned to him theirrights in the land accruing to them by the saleabove set forth alo refuil of the defendantsheirs of the said Ik Vf larler lo execute the conveyance agreed upon as alleged also tender uf re-mainder of purrhaso money The Court h a keilto decree that defendants make and execute a con ¬

veyance accordingly and to en join a trespass sailby defendant 11 II Parker against M Kimc

It rppearod by the evidenoe that some twentythree persons originally composed this companymany of whom have now deceased and the bill hasbeen amended accordingly

11icrelieingnocyidtnccthit the- pnitithleftsrifgned their interests hen in lo M llose ho UnuloBicer a nartv ercem as Pravrrts for an injunctionagainst suits for trespass in distcrtmnre of hi

s to MrsMarv 1arker widow of ih late IkW larkerf there is no evidence that her right ofdower was releasee nnd the claim for this wasabandoned at the trial

This case is one of empidtrabl diiHcnlu litefollowing are tranalatkais of the receipts pnt ineviaenee nv tno piamtinn

Ilitt This day laoa and Kaiule lave eatrrftlvrmidonobundn d and fifteen dallnrmkllinOfor the lind of IJpuna In Kaneohe Island ofinun oijorui it nikHEu

Honolulu IVb 2nd 171Il3i This dav Iaoa iaiJ one hundred and

fifteen dollars flliW part payment for the landm naneoue rMgneeii n i Lssrc

HonoluloJune3dl71fTOjOO Kahuakai and Kdpule luee cornflJy

Iald seventy elollars 70 for I lie land of I -puno irticneaj i i rinsui

Honolulu SrpL ICth 171K0A 1 his day Kahuakai has iuid on huu- -

umi uiniiin tor kuu iiluu m jjjtuu1 m rvnueoteiIsland of Oahu feigned It W ltutcc

Honolulu October th 173In all four hundred dollars was mid Ihtsi

natures are shown t lie genuine by members ofthe family of the late It W larkcr bat none ofthem bate any personal knowledge of the transaction never hearing of it until after Mr Parkersdeath which occurred in lsj 1 hose receipts arenot relied upon by the plaintiffs ai forming amemorandum in vntinc lor the sale of land sufficient to satisf the Statute of Frauds tbespecifieInormairce oi wnicu can uc cnipeueu in equity

It isendent that these receipts do notrompWwith the requirements f tLsMatuteof Irandsfor they do not state the names cf the grantees

lho memorandum must conLiin tho essentialterms of the contract with such a degree of cer-tainty that it may be understood without recourseto snow ine inicnnou oi uiepanics

Browne Statute Frauds 371Tho written memorandam must contain the

names of both the contractus nartics id i 372

Ihe memorandum does not iJiOw he ptcnagreed to bo paid This is an essential part oftheir agree ment where as tn this case a price wasHipuiaieu anu lis omission is taiai

See Ilrowne M Frauds 1 376Thi plaintiff contend boweter aiiJw itllitt

in their Ihll as amended that the contract vmoral and that thereby Air 1arker otmJ tn mnvrvforlhoHnmnf Five Hundred Dollars the Land ofUrjuna consistm of about 45 acres situate inKaneohe Oahn to a company ef natives some 23in number and Ihe receipts are introduced asevidence that f 100 was paid in pursuance of thisparoie agreement

The plaintiffs contend that thev blue proved averbal contract for the sale of this lind and relyon the power with which courts of eouitv areclothed of compelling the specific execution oftnc vernal contract vom try ine statute oi t rauason the ground that the refusal to execute thiswould amount to practising a fraud upon theplaintiffs

Ino correct doctrine upon which this rodsflnrmara to lio iliat Mimti mil at nil limH 1nil itaid to defeat a fraud notwithstanding the Matateof Fraud

See Drowne bututc 1 rauds 4 J and l fc

Courts of eouitv will enforce a verbal cola metwhere the statute itself has been nsed nn coyerto a fraud

iximtv will intervene to enforce kVLtfulmntnirtnotwithstanding tho btatote of Ftahd where oneparty has done certain acts lamrt txpcntion andupon the faith of the contract with the knowledgeand consent of the udier and the contract mustbe so far executed hat for the latter to repudiateit would uaoaut to a fraud upon the other party

PayTncy alone is not now considered t Ten tothe j4me amount of the purchase money partperformance- so as tojastify the enforcement oftjdo contract Itrowue M Frauds t 4d and many

be that as t be money can be recovered in an actionat law tho parties may lie restored to their oricinalpnjiiiju

Jadfe More savs in thi fioction tlui uuilimuis to bcoonsidertO part performance which doesnot put the party into a situation which is a fraudnpon him unless the agreement h folly per-formed

ltut uiiero lavme nt i aecomnauied bv the mir- -cliasers taking possoHuon of the land in pursuanceof the verbal contract for the pnrchaeecf it apan penormance quite ajiiiorroiy considered tobe shown

Urowne M t raods and coes citedHut in all cases in which nossrMJon i rvltd

Gcn as an art of part performance it mast appearto be notorious ami exclusive possesMon of theland and to have been delivered or essoined innursaanceof tliecontrnct alleot d ami tn rptaim-or continned

Ilrowne bt IrauuX 17The land Idvol ved in this oaf i j tici f nn- -

fenced cncnlirated pasture land It is not dahxedthat the nlainthTs have made onv imnrnvomontaupon it permanently beneficial to the estate exeeptte far as the mesing upon it cf a house byMakahio vi is concerned Imt Mr II IL Parkertsitifies nncontradicted that after hit fathersdeath Makahlo asked his tU witness permissionto continue to have her boose on the land as hisfather had dace in Lis Lifetime This would makethe possession by Makahlo a rermistrive one andnot in pursuance of tho alleged contract

It is admitted in testimony brnunr wiiiif awho were parties plaintiff that the natives composing this Company had horses and some saycattle pasturing on this land under Mr Parkerbefore any engagement was made to bay the land

Xnr the possession of the land as above BUteJimast be assumed in pursuance of the contract alleged In order to be part performance but in thiseast the continued possession can be naturally andproperly referred to the old tenancy and does notm cwssanij imrsy an agrrcmeni between tnc parties for a sale of the land The main question alWITS Is Of nmixa the nwnKLii vn tLnLpon a review of the whole case the real fadsseem to bo that the natives composing thi Company having the use of this bind for pasturage un-der Mr Parktr agreed with him in 171 b buy itfor CU0L and matLi mvnwnti in in tamrtnTiing to tfOO They xuade no improvements on tholand The defendants have paid the taxes all thistune The delay of plaintiffs in seeking a ppeaficperformance of the contract for over three yearsbetween the List navniect and Mr Partra fthand for five years alter hU death has changed theposition of the parties for the land has now risenconsiderably In value There U no written memorandam of the bargain for the al of the landwhich I am at liberty to enforce under the bUtsteof Frauds of this country The oral aereemectwas not accompanied by such acts of part perfornunoe bv the nlainlias as to nL- - it nmunsiequity and good conscience not to enforce theagreement fwcii was apparently the view of theparties plaintiff for it is shown that they have re¬

peatedly tdfered Ui acqulsce la giving op tbeir parchase and rtouviiu tbeir money back Wfcetterthis was such i w vrnf their nht to apply forsperifie perfoneance of the mntrvt r- m tep

them in this action I have not fully consideredhaving come tothe conclusion that they have notKnown that part rerfotiBance of the contract whichin the light of the adjudged eases is necessary incrder to entitle them to relief HOI dismissed

J IL Davidson for plaintiffs A S Hartwell andW 11 Castle for defendants

llonolnla September 23 1S

Snpreme Court of the HawraUan Xslaads-

M Rose rr au vs II IL Tarccr et At

f y t hj Opinion f Anrtin JIt is shown ooncluatrclr and found by the

Chancellor tbat a rerbal contract cf sale cftbc land ss claimed vris made autatantultj asset forth in the till At the time this contractwas made the plaintiffs were in possession oftie land aa tenants of Her B W Parkerfather or defendant Rcr II H Parker whoerode tho contract and were nsirr it for theparposo S paslarazc roucstion etintinuedafter the sale nnd at three different timesthereafter payments were made and acceptedon the purchase rnoncr cf the land ainountiojto 100 and receipts were given showing thatthey were fcr purchase of land in the rijbtdistrict bat not tpcciGc CDCQh to take thecase cut of the stat ate These receipts showthat the pnTroccts vrere sorely net made oniccts Ther were not in the nature of rentand co payment cf rent was shown Tho con

tinuance ot possession alter tue aaie x nuncwas not under the lease bat must hive Ivenallowed under and in pursuance of lire con-


of sale1 n this caso the possession is not 03 in luatiy

cases nsed as aidioz tho evidence of saleThat fs made cut entirely afivmit The cflectof mere continuance of possession which isweak when the actual making of the contractis doubtful becomes strung 1 think when thecontract is sure and poescssion gjoes on andpayments are thereafter maJe and accept eel ontho contract

See Browne on Matote uf Fraud sections175 ll p 513 Wills TsStradin3 Vcecy Jr37B S2 Storys Eq Jur Vol T Sec 7C3

in addition to that a house was erccieu ontho land and ocenpied by oneof the purchasersfor several years It is proved that soon afterthe death of Iter Jl W Parker the party whobad occupied that boose came to the ueicnuaot Kcv II H Tarker and rcqocited icrmitsion to retain Ihe house on the land as hisfather had permitted it in his lifetime ThisIs construed by the Chancellor to show thatthe original leave to build the house there waspermissive merely and did not accompany orgrow out cf tlie contract of sale With treatdeference to bis opinion I think tbat construc-tion


is a mis tike If it could bo held as anadmission that she was not a purchaser of theland that admission would net bind all theothcrB who claimed as such Aud I tLink itwas not even an admission binding on her notto claim as purchaser lo a recent case webare held that a party entitled to land couldnot admit away bis right by parol

The evidence shuns that the house was putpu the land after the contract of sale was madeand manifestly with Mr Parkers free consentIt was not ouder any lease Tbelesbohadbeen abandoned Tho erection of a bouseseems a new deitarture mid should k held to1 allowed and done under the contract ofsale The party in occupation of it winhed toavoid trouble uitti tho defendants and so ask¬

ed iormssion to remain This did uot des-troy


the first eftcct cf put tin tho house therewhich with the other acts of jossession shownI think was sufficient part performance totake the caso out of tho statute All apparentlaches in the caso was properly accounted forFor these reasons I respectfully disstnt fromtlio opinion of the majority of the Court

Ilunolnlu Jan 30 16b3

Saprewe Court of the Hawaiian IslandOctober Term 1883 -- In Banco

Ili f VtCUg lrff- J JM Kosl KT AL S II II PaRKLU If W

Omn o iMffH fy of ttr ftmtf ir Jmll i J

The louit has taken tirao to oousiJer delib-erated


the questions invovlcd in this case anda majority is nnv cf tho opinion tliat the de-


of the Chancellor rendered on tho 23dSepternler I6a2 declining to decree the en-


of tho agreement for thesalooftheland in question should be affirmed

We are however cf the opinion that all iheparties being now lcforo the Court the plain-tiffs


should not lie pot to their action it law torecover their money paid to tho lato II WParkf r and now order that tho same 1 paidb the respondents to tho plaintiffs withoutinterest which is offset by the use of tho land

Sec Johnston v Uancy 26 Am Dijcns 30It is in evidence that tho plaintiffs had ex¬

pressed themsches as willing to receive backI rem defendants tho money mid aud to rescindthe contract bat the principal defendant re-


them to his counsel who siid he uonldconsider the matter and no payment was thentendered When much later the defendantsoffered to pav the money the plaintiffs answered that they had parted with their interests tuthe plaintiff Kosc

e do nt think that this refusal to take thomrppr ttnrv lln rilitil ifTj frAni t nll In ttiAtUVT WIS UU iWIllIIlB IIUU 1111 V

relief now granted since by ho judgment oftue court mey canne t nave tnc contract ot saleexecuted To pray for the repay men t of thomoney in the bill for specific performancenoon k inconsistent

It is nrgcxl that the plaintiff are larrrd ofthis recovery by the Statute of Limitations

We nude rs tanJ tliat Courts of Liaity notenly act in olicdiencc and in analogy lo thoStatute of Limitations in proper cases butthey also interfere in many cases to preventthe bar ol the Statute vthcro it would be inctpiihible or unjust

Storys LVi Jur hec 1321The LircnmstsDcesof this cse juslib us iu

letrecmg repayment notwithstanding the Statii le

Mcercc iccorditiglv osts to Ik paid byKsponJcnts

I M Davidson lor plainliQs A HartwellV I Castle for defendants

II jfiolulu March 1st 1ds3

JOSEPH E WISEMANMil liaai -- ii i Honolulu 111


And General Business Office

Uu- - ami I iinU

la etl aud iibl

In All Ijrt of iiiN hiuziioiii

Rutin Hi BlrtT Tllltutint I humAMMmitllS UBdlunlsautlUniiwsof Houm i and Keal cui will bear la mind that I

m the oulTrrrccuIred Ileal Krtale Agent and IloueerroLrim thelsrandsand ttalll tie toyonr I q term t

jiur Ianil Tcnctae-ut- sbuKoonielntOLir bandieippofai

Particular aitrntiuti iin tn procuring npuaibleTrnatit fall ehtrsr taken of Pruncrtr for abVcnteetInmiunn It pilr Tavand Walrr emrBt st

LOANS NEGOTIATEDlorn o rmxT n vuk i r

tin ui mikim wk us thim i

iimi-- ii nu MaLacu- - uf Plantauun 4tiiLUu ia-anil Taiti iBcn and all employcrt who ilclre

cjit ful aurntlon lo ttulr bnIun would do wII toitfiirj m whrn 3canciffiJti


lr - iltrjldn nna m ntli on ib o Ilan

--iioo t thflrcmnrortf locallm tar on hrlr arrl7alnnd fert mir Dome and tiiiH di U1n litoploTmit Il b IIk lf pnld d

GENERAL OFFICEWORKOfunj ilf iriiiioti atit ailed to IHK- - collwlrdrupcr of all kind drawn friokp and Account krptaod Mllelted and care taken to wk the Interest of allrov cnttonicr- -

llavlncnratlj arunnt my new wSlct dfparimcni isthr new Ftr prnof Prick IlalldlBj adjotnln the new

Kcttc cjiir I am fully prrpared to ntt aiorerzlesiircdcinaoda In bnlne than beretfiforr sad

ttb my alarsid facilltle I Invtlu th patronae titcuuea on inctiiarrifUBti u maar vwtt purtuaetalloiioliiln ibrnanh rar cnaraiiteclnz to elve alt ordercJwatontlin anil m purcbacall and every kind of

pit ni ia e

Soliciting Agent for theMUTUAL LirE INSURANCE COMPl

oi- rvj3v voiut2JTArkB0wl d nl ti b tlu Largest afrft and niotecr Llf Iatiracr fompipyla th world St

The G reat SuccessBAILEY CO

PROPRIETORSIiD u1ri lUlJ SuirrlflllD KlfWa tn llrrui rill

b2 created a cn at dral of talk tn bulneM circle andjuims ip n cw mra wbiea me nrm inan rcnlvd nf ni lite th uif r hatmjwa niha- - 5necded o wt II thai thUr baelaeaa ba cwwa tolosiiiniiui pKvwriion- - icj rommeacea la a Moreon TntnoBi umr lWtou about foaryean are and arcnow 6olog m bnviresof lVUpeTiBtim Thfjkar nln Mnrrtvota HofUmotr In rbihulelpblsear In Saltliaars ewr InXew York no lallrocklrnone In t Leal- - otifinLrnn 3Ia ind on- In lliwoIain 11 L

Tar main ion In iktou i ibe Ur- - -- s tonbaildinft Vt shlastoa etrvt Jt UM fm va andSfwl wWr and Willed wlthercrr conrrivaMt Und

oX rnoda connected with Tke itockunoas otbcT thin PJ0 barrel of rUswnand alnit 73 tun- - of tinware which gives an idea othtammnt ctanty in band from patron to len

froBS one asintrrd ilrJs a employed tn thi- - Moreand in botfoaj m man thin The cret efllettr- - BAILfr ALu5aeeefa J let In tbr knowingwbat tie peopii want asd they hare facilltita to boylarrt joi lott fur eaao and can control majrufafBKTitoekr at iwttiaa lzut The boalact is both wkolcrale and retail and I lmft cxcrnilvely ronflaed lotn tm and twcntr f re cent avud Tier bav lntSoreha ed a joj ot of bntions eanIthtfff 3fjU0U

xod kr rlLn ord r f the prtntlns ofy a mlUtn 4lict j ajrilc Frfai Ux ef2tltJlIr rn that llii ni ilmi fl1T tI - ivLlli oni-b - it h r Those

vi - d U r itabt an - findi d 1b nhc vni liUii f prJoa

vi rs - wbi Ii an be tjIbvw form r JU mi Itottv f ttf

gtwj JJltrtkmiist ffwwt Jflmlpnihst 2mHHACKFELECO

OFthll ton SALK



JEOM BBEHEUi l- - - utr hi pari pf ss follow

A Lrge Assi of Dry Goods

Ivnluis ltruwn and White CottonsDrills Tickings Tnrkey ICed le

Merinosblackanil colored 4 qualities

llrppd Colioorgs Alncas Italian Cloth and

Dress Goodsrcii a

Iauej Prints TvTfntj rhc New Mjle

Printed Satteens 1ompadoars Plaidsiinghams Victoria Lawns Sitin Stnprs

Fancy htnped Grenadinesbite bilk Japanese Twills S rges

Poplina Satin and MoireItlack and Colored Velvets

FIXK SILKSMack Grohgraiu J oncy OJored and Mripd

Hsrege Crepe Jcc

TAILORS ROODSllackslins Dkvnnals 1 weeds CurdsSerges btlesias Ioeslcins Cassimeres Ac

A Splendid Asst of ShirtsnKIru Mxiil Caiu n Hickory bValm Jte

Merino and Cotton lndcnhirtsWhite Ilosora tShirts deSocks and Jtockings HandkerchiefsFoulards ti loves


1 iui PUct Llwlh Frock CoaU and PantsHuckskin Nickn Pants and SaiuFelt Mohair Drill Flannel Hocks and PantsHoys Marts and Cbildrens JacketsMonkey and hailor JacketsI IL Coats anil Leggings Carpet ClipperbUk and I C Lmbrtllas and ParawlsFancy and Traveling MiawlsCtHton and Turkish TowelsW hite and Fancy guiltsFelt Ungsond IlrusseLs Carpeting

13 1

Horse ltlaakct bite and Fancy lUankttsFancy btnpnt Woolen two sueshcarlet Orange White Weiulen5and 4 iointsInreads Tape Klastic Scarfs AftSilk and Velvet lUbbonsItutbMis for Shirts Coals Pants Dresses


tienuiiM Lau do Cologne Iibins PJitmctsTmlct Snaps lliilitcomc Hair Oil CVmibsMirrors Looking Glasses lipesI Ii Halls Harmouiws HlouklluuksAlbums Gold Icaf Jewelry Watches


LxteUMon Arm Dining KeKHuoiid ParlorChairs Settee Ac

Srtddles Calfnkins Girths stirrup Leathers


Certitaining PUles Cups Te aiwts How IsChambers Hce Dibes and lakersDemijohns 3 and ft gnJU Kimple lluttle sVases and Glass wareManilaand Tarred lepeHemp and I IL Packing Coal Uiskets

Sugar c3 Bico X3cisOf all sizes and qualities

4ial I tags Gunnies Twine liurlapHWootpack and Twilled Kicking linen lleie


Sardines in half aud Mnarter boienII and P Itiiteuits Salt in JarsCastor Oil in 1 rnsMeanne Caudles i aud 6Matches Cnomnut Oil Wash ldueHnhrmrks Linseed lrtint hi It YVbtto UndWhite Zine Paint

IKHOUSDo Ijiage uls and lkuUllrun Hraud and

other brandsUdiu Gin St Iaul Heer Alo aud Porterrun vt in ciierry linine nineFine nnd Table Clarets Cliamp igneDry Ueidseick Monoiiule ChVarre

Mumm J Co hrnrklino Hockit ii

German and Havana CigarsPlated Wart Siioon Forks Craets Tea Sets


HAKDWAWPoektt and Huteher Kuiun ScisoorMictpShoars eeHUesplns Kilespurs fialvanized Hasius HMp Iron

hea livets Hammerslellow Metal and CumiuMtiou NaiUllabbitt MctaL Sogar NlersIinu Tanks lanners Ac Al- -

Portland CeiueutFire Clay IUarksmitb Coal Fire ItncksI lies Fmptr Itarrels Oak Coats Ac



Ex Suez Kalaknua I City of Sydney

Ship Gliaiullery it blii Storesordaj lUuip IfftnlU Cut lou Dmk

Y i anaa riax Suii Twine 1

lilockv r 9 m i ft bhacbltjhiir- - ui luiam noon- - aim lUiuiulcs tiub Uiock

Wllcb block Iron Mrap ItlocL Haw LockMa l Ik sl Mtalinc and Patent nothing

hee- - iwtd lm MocLholniTarPhrh I ojl Tar Tar Oil

Krijht Varnifb DlatL aruUhIre KirtiDr Marline

beiaiuz lloclinc lailipuwjiuu e juikus iroiii -rvn Tack- - toon ctlns Uokraaiktn Mallet Mat Ilono

Marltn pikt-

land Vik Ptteb Mp Tjr Ilntn- - Ac

Paints and Paint OilI ull t unuat ui or All kiuds and Color- -

PartS Knlhrr Iaittt nm lot Inrlodinc all Ihi

tartou- - color

J3 rus ib DS SUbiu Pari Artiti




UKOGElllESiHIlUVISlUNSall Assortment of broceriet Includingon Choice Varltttcaof Canned mm d

Table 11 Frnlla Janit Jelllea a new articlf putop bra new Sim and wc can blab recommend

them being aomethlnj really nice






Lot or Ttrao Inclodlnc i





ic aobnluiarleiiet LOAK rtrnnetaad Kaw

Uacon I rd nwked Derf In Urn new artcleRTilEn FOUL

rilitlEU liYTK- -PLLM MTjUINu



CodaVh Chesse Oxisrd ianaase


IX 7 lb1 sal bf awl au and 3 L

Msrrh Tapioca cnnkeHlMatron Pried

Prnae IlnuvPrackei





Eldorado ClirGraham Oat and ora iteal

Br ad Crackers an aMcrtasenlrr Miap Saloon Pilot Uread

sou rtiKttUs ami rorFEtWIULK AND MEBtf



SoM al the Ilfst Market IlatcsPi - - r rl n




EOLLEliS jin

inpw ti

IS-- apph-


Extra ramiLIlolden



Spur Wheels Pinions Completeiiverything perfect order




jfifoM--i w j- -

Jitl V IL 1 iipII B - - I V 11

New Goods by Liite ArrivalsFROM SAN FRANCISCO




Suitable for Plantations Country StoresOr FAMILIES Iilcrs Filled at Sliirtisl Notircaml nlth Sall

to Iurcliacrs Attention i Callttl to Our

Improved Paris PLO WTllk ONLY OElM 1AIU9 PLOW XIUK Ot ItiLMIFP IAM MES1 tud Gaarah- d

Kinal if not Ikttir than nor stul llnaktnh fitn thf MarkL AlnseMhi r makra vfPlow- - on Maud efUolh 11 wto Jsn br A C Ac Giinir Ptow

llwrv Hoe pUnil JrCanKnlTiJdeof bjltcrl toonrnrder Plant - Ho Saarf i Sjihinathi Ase andIlLkMatick Pick Hoc Adz I Mi Air and rthrr hanill- i- lUldntn tel trter

Leather HcUn 3 to Ultcb brt quality India ICnbbcrllwr ll1 and Inch Oi ToteOsbons Axle for horn andbislxearia Portablt Korcp Anvil Canal Uatronsoanttona and Alberto Meam Packing Ifa t Flat India Kubln r Mrani racking St1 inchUabbrt Vela Lace Leather and Lacing India lbibbcr Mean 1acklnf rand andMsare illtUt

beliBolUrCoTerlnaiid SUam 1ip di Machinery Oil- - lard wtur sad jltndrr eSl FoellM

DISSTOrrS CELEBRATED saws AND FILES ALL SIZESMtar Jt Jackroiii andtnbba Kll IMiunn n for Carpcutrr MachiniiU UUckanillb X llvraliri

Siaud WroDj bt all alUtia Horx nl Mill Sbw NatliOalv Nail- - Cat ptkr- - HorW A Mai eh-

Latest Improvements in Shelf HardwarellabbiirL 11 L O ai V r Lu IUtf- - llabbnck tthu and KcU L al Zmc mall 1aJma la OilIllake Mannfaclnriii CoaMcam rml acnnm Iunip- - Wcoq IVenttrniriramUDarbl W trr Pltln fVncus ire Galvanized lCoclnc

STAPLE 3D 0R 2 C3- - O O 3D SnenluoHandSo Ticking-- Hand U ltd acba ami ltthlcaehllatlou- tlaala Diaperrinmnand Blewhed IWIMinnheeiinr Xopilto Uc Vt blur nnd ejl l rUanel

Fine Atortm nl of tt bite 1 btntl Also

STAPLE GROCERIES Golden Gate Star it Superfine Flour

i oInmfciKUr slfloii lljjo Urnn AJ- - u trufn Um- 1oilliniliiil IlyUrmlii twnlFor Kerosene Oil We THE PALACE and Guarantee

Itcannotbobeatfor quality or price also THEVULCAN a good oil and above test


Tin- - IlimniM iool 1iino N IUm ii Orsan CoVliirlor Orgau- -


Ilic Lollnnins MiTiliiinilif jnit

lrciil ier



t rfnes 7 e and 0 fet test Euglisli Corru- - jijatcil Hoofinr iiaWanizeel ltiJing frsame

illls llcst Knslisti Portland LetueuiIMIs beat Annealed Fencing Wire Xos I 5

uik C

UJU best Englifth UaHaui tcd Fencing Wire5 and 0

Coils lalranizetl Wire nope ull sizesRile lienuine Twilled ltuttrifed

SXJOAB BAGSUf wlich tlicre is a number ul woMLIoh

in Caniaee Sprincs and Carrifteeai

CeleLratcd and the great demands forthem from the planters lias induced seme

a STUDEBAKERvueap iiuitaeiun vi mviii

Fine Assortnii Crocker

A bpleudid lot of Knglisli jhU iruccties particulars will be ou arrivaltf tho fcteamsbip Hans ALSO

A small of beautiful Irish Hamask Cambric Handker ¬

chiefs direct from Ireland -

A email invoice id WATKIt COLOllSby Cekbrated

Also to arrive Ljr now loading atJlastw

A Cast Irou Vacuum Panfeet in ill tin by 7 feet de

1 Vacuum Fain ping Kugine U incli jrlmderand 12 inch

3 Wroazbt Iron Tanks eaeli 1000 galluuscapacity

1 lrwi Ihunney 65 feet high 37 indiani thick

1 ltoiler 10 lone 6 feet id

4 -


1 Pressure


9 ly withovcrnor wheel fori

J Vruimlit KTaiurator1 ClarilieiN


Steel RailsRailways

14 tot r tni ol


W aUi FAliLANh- j ii jfc


rriIKfXUKIlsHXEIIIWlllsTX rcc i cr pr Turn- fr n K- - joriBKm i L p ffi rteed f tvnpanp mpert We call


acawnpnnrrtrab1 tb fierpn






llKiTOANNOirNCirrilATTIIKsXJ arc nv npi nlnf a Hplmdld AMntmBt r lteMfrom NtM York and to wkUa ihry rwprctfoly Inillc tbu stl rn ion of bur r Ths Ooudfl havbicbe enbonubt frSbst b tufni prlee rnllnc prertous to the recent adrsn a olTt rl npon esenllon

II farnrnM tirei- - pt ut ittiillon Ii etlW t


AiJKMl In KAL HKNTSHE IIIIIiiadc upon tbc of Bfrbeen by competent jothpM to be the

Sntrocst Easiest HandlodAnd mtft i


ritnm Flowa al nli 4 and KtrdCab bajrar lda Hill lwtDoable atd 31il bbovel PJowoftabavll lkw Eaxls and Tekfraph lk v i vt

Harrow of itMmnt patterns Incfndlns the TramsaPatent llarmw whkb b net wttb aseh gen

tal favgr darlaR the nrt SI seaws

cnnvAToits iioitSK noisvrv Li nii tuiiii

Olluke OxBon- -Mwap Puller Urub llook tnietbinP pml

Wmion i litSereutlal Paller Olock- -

tbo market Wo ar tte Origi- - Cart Axlescm v inrvrCh1unlagsf

raauufactarcrs and their afnts lojtt WACONSv

A of


invoice linensheetings and





Mnliitobalar feetdiameter SUELF KINDS


gallons capacityDnriog










c rlVS









aunvitUmt risaterlbsvrpronounced




cspacllj un band


KEKOSKNG OHlniuillti in ru fjri ELLCTHK rad

KEROSENE OIL STOVESIn gfai nr u b iliii s pr tltaf aud ntlrely aer

English and American Paints and Oils



Il Br




UubU r Oardt D lb Earrka Iviion MureHclUag and Belt LaclnarPompa and Hrdraalic lUm- -INnracr Shot and t apaHbect LaMk BabblU SteUI be- - icTin Plate Wire L Mb

aMe Pan and Fry PantChartoal Iron Heodcs IVarr

with furuace front doors etc HARDWARE OF ALLcomplete

30 inch Patent self balancing Sua- - xl ml Ub ius bvf- -

c rrfX A LARGE VARIETY of SCALESIron Framing Wrooght Iron Sugar 3Iixer fastform ca4 iiomant seaie

2000 will Stirrer ittoggwrnin-Jear c

House Fuxnlshlng- GoodsHigh Diagonal

incli Cylinder inch strokeFly aod


-- zU

lengths lbs tbc








Fall Lint ifTliinarr Acalc Irwn Wuftec Crrant Freezer- - from SI SO apwap

Lamps Chanclollors Lanterns

talland urnm ibi- - lock bWurtn aflrpuTeuaiflIsawberr




portable or permanent ioveriujj Itoileis Steam liiioSaves 25 percent of Fuo




At ALL IAirriKS KXTJIKR IXt anv isarf ibeOnnn

In Want of EmployeesW It jleaf makr


unuA nblildo in hrjrp c torn i

Diu iaonof

r and promptly aa


Vt of Tb l in


JTIJAIislXcJ VNICt IIUlNTji tiUXrrjr 4ih sb4 lw

kcJc new v r-







cc- -



Page 5: Jg tirtT o › bitstream › ... · 141 tic J--TVsy Jajuammfetfic flbuiueu m ROBERT CRICVE CO Utcy MlnMnIaj Ylrulntf 1 FIVE DOLHUSiU UMM ruAhLL Vim tce-troratrxvvVJ ie a iW IIf tinnuitimKawttlilCTf


Th f OMJ bfTMb f toe polar t kias

Education In HawaiiIt m admitted in all countries where mjuriui

uaUecal eJacatmn or eumnon school prevail

rtRwrted by common tuea that the only viewor havinc web a jiteto m that fur the ooutmou

meaL It u Utter W cdooate than to raffer not

vk tt h ebeaiwr than prisons


Hawaiian Gazette Supplement March 14 1883WILDER


CJMJBlGJbtY to indiutrial edooation twk wnat nut ue

tailed technical or handieraft in wry few ieen Mim th-- Id can kodi be found In tbe moat highly

jIESSpSLTSSS BUILDING HIM I LIIIMLOur diflJctUtindurtnalarta are tbe moat bighljdevrkt rd and labor to a Tery high degree differ

mtiated we find find what are caTed Heebanics ru Italefle yet these at nearly alwajaframed a an appendage to or in connection vithi technical tcbool or an YgncnUoral CoUrtfc

rbe qualification of htndenu for admission ui

iu one of the lower indastnal Hchoute u not very

high yet requiring at least a fair elementary

tdaoalion bach school exist in i few if lot- mutULportant aue of the oast rr I nited btateuraiUr tfysteoi prevails m the Lim hmi mtiurinejpal citiea of Holland ttie Mechanics rtv4iool in connection with tbe Mat4achatetM In

tute of Technology Us perhaps a ipwd aamof it daw school uf Mechanical 4rW inwhich special proramenct is given to manual iudtraetion ha been established for those who witito enter nrua industrial poiwils rather than tDUCDUPICICUlUn nviUKll uthe annual catalogue Ul students w ho hareuleted the ordinary crammar dchool coarseadmitted if fifteen vears of ace Ibe coarseinstruction extends through two yean tunein HH to a continuation 01 ineir tneoreucaistudies the atndents are required to work at thefVdLwtne 1t I Tartwntrv and Jutnerr Snd Woodrnminii 3rd I altera Making 4th Foundry AIjL UlL s sh lJWort Second war 1st Iron 2ndrw Work 3rd Machine loot workWhenever these indattnal school are found

they are the result of a hishly general CRiTr NfilUfcHTTIJt iniUCI uuu H win HHthoM states or countries in which the commoniwovla have had nooppontuutieaof a eoodelementary cdocation in that measure will tudostnaleducation be found wanting

W e believe that in tbe main the system ofeducation hitherto prevalent in these itUndn baabeen suited to the cotttllloni and requirements ofthe llawauans In the first lac- the lancuage ofa barbarous peopi- had to be reduced to a wrstem j

inand books gveputd no matter how worthlessur hmMji hvm to lrn tii ti This m

A Fifit OF

erbouU that have any deRrm of emaencj inthinly tcttkd ajtrfetthural dirtnet in a dimcalt rL slfxri 1

matter anywhere Frnallv had the text booksbeen of bad ntrattua NAXLb LOCKS1of people iuftafficieut number to warrantvhoobt two other drtficulues would have presented BUTTS HINGES

o teaeherii of sufficient and edoeauon could have buen found to impart instructiontnthe native a want much felt at thepresent time 1 ben there mart bean active desire on the part of the puita for solid and uwfolnfttrneuon

It tatght not br known were th re not sufilCMJit

practical examples thai the first deaue of a poolit just etnerKtnj from a verv low hocuI statewouii H be the of those in thmorit Inchly developed xocial state Hence today it may be wen thai those few of

tntelURcaoe have either become lawyet ctoRTiuen or puhttefcina Inc fact thatthe oocupauon or calbnc whkfa has a hifa sounding name or that permits a maximum of talk to aniimw of sene is one that catches the imagination of a low cinliaatioo the worldjvtr It i not pretended that tbe school of thekingdom ban been intnnaioally Rood or thatbetter onea could not have been eeUbtiahed fromit Uut tt contended that conawlennK tbe obUetfi not mth htu ones could bavs been

established trr as to the of indo rial school

o Kciiool 14 neceecan to uacb boys ordinaryfarm labor If the boy father be a farmer hoursdftfr and Lt fore wiuil are samcient So drawintfou tte blackboard will instruct a youth to4ant M or drive an ox team Tbe Mat way

to learn a thing u to do it No youth if he wishto preeervc hu streufrtb and eUrticMj ahoold beHulirlr taital sith hard LUmit until be bt atleast sixteen yean old and it is best until thisAge to give him a good ekmentarv educationt might possible to organise an

v school on a sinall scale in Kondolu but we believetbe kingdom Tbe only war to

create a desire for excellence m anv branch of infnctr i Irt U ilfrlotal in the OMBOKMl ScbooUHow isthb to In done not in tbi t

now taught by teach HUt l TO UTm no Hcnool for the excri

of teaeherk and it is not totfetabltsboue They have not the to im-


and had they the they have hadon training Ibt onl w to rai thett the ecbouh aud ti impart better

L1 uun iilu I farrr ml ihil thr ikU ItuMFil

f Iwsac and makt tbe wediam of tnstruetH This wvcld uitsu Urser expense broan very few natives oan be

to teaco iuThen we believe that with uachert ldl t

uiJ a course of instraction itb KFFU uto elemetitan science ine scaoou wouki j

be all that is neceiarv at present We do notthink that much should be attempted as yet idthe wav of erbools Thev would no4Mrtainlv be a failure After all a at

oanuow scfauul u nuuUj lotbe auJ tu ti mar

ai of tto acv unfortanu C tbe yuatb

thrt UJ mr Uote nwlBl mjoro iMicietT ssdtoptck aat ud iwkxl Umm

vail of Kutiu at cu uxib hi vp



















theteatand tberebeencooc









Hawaiian pracUcabkeduoataon








tfecovlMl fdocatwoUerdup rtiniaUK


m hovel sunte- - coaimid a dflljAthwella thel1la

mat any curt Ir Gohon that ma- -

ijw iabove and HI MdNI Hull Lai

bat more on in on i

111011011fd that IT a oooniry can uiupi runw

school if she educatesr lavy in her commoni cost 4 milbtin pounds gett htmilirt cbepw N w accwding to this eatima wehould Lave onlv twelve of youth m any way

aad weU no


ConvcynneorKIM r li A lv loo

or ai n

Oil N

R ST fal tor T1U i Lfcl

U t La

JTj r H T Taren JSaadlteiirtMl fitt uti r


il t tUat bJ

uana Txu ac in lw n tfcrf

Main Honttar aJjoin ar t -

a Y35

1 2 Story1 Ilouac Room

StnlU for two Horse ChickenBoose Wood Shed

it II f j urr ilrukii iaaoad l - fbf tHTBnem

Wter WoruTu uac n hK ana r j it ill

Fruit and Treesu r ril i L BtSiWfB Po

X ii Mti

rri n ricivi KsE


V vSTI InoUDtJr rw



and m

111 hIMts


A Mast nf

the Urge


DRY RIDW000uilim k fturtut lI r ulL

tsids sarlamj atiJ r ball t

tlMI l Mill I

Fant and Whitewashu in n 1 1 tn

ix i



Iduors sashl I HIIS

Of Eastern and MakeManifestly

MM lUMITIITLm rreiratlou r



HOUSE AND FOR SALEfound sumcienUv uuziinn -

modlned nctal MIHTME








Handsome Residence Jt

of the

eowetim- theaAwtacmthelustheatiaM- -

ir II III 2i CaLo


sj ri H id

Jbloeducati saynot thanoneiofourthoMandmenwataU U

ttHnsuisIied intrllectuallyn4 than million



theJituiUiJicd gettaalL


English Hawaiian





Contain IEuomtlarze

BuildingCaxmApc SerrsuiU

tore ffs













iapuseddlhl I

r l1llt l ILl BtILT THXEI- U V- u


Uu ut4 rU ster t lari a la Bath KapMb aWwes ties Is aim laid a wtib tnr aTly Iicsuthfwuli the whale hawse wUk Etesaat isthe priori pal raaw- -

Oa tke utsls awsr will bt foend a Luye Par ur souIHarac Ssom HUtac Bseai Ball Mqiu Rooat

aUdrea Malax Bsusa Bstk Mmm Tww BedroomClat Paauj Twobmn ii jaad hiicara attschilIs the Mala BaUdta- kwt saner separate roof

Ob tike ttiamt aosr wfelca I narbed hjscoaTraleetfairway frssa the hall are Twa Lux Beuroeai 9talso lv euoi slacd Btaio t eraada Boon Bsta

Bona sad t kwet la Haia Roase Uaboaimfertfroat aad feet depth TfceKhch i nwreaimtlyarraaMd wttha Fin t ookla Ban with hct vateri

Oa arcTwototuco with tntnda aada well battt MiWIf vith for threeharm aad caTrtarra aad tarr rooeai or rriuitiTacrr aln asal baildias fur th Oa MvhineTh Lot i333 oaJadtl pirert and ifwoi f i n LIllha tairm reuialniaxaaar a of iarrra

iW Tirtlrs derfnaj v lit tt Proper m o

raaat iaon v can r tojjear t t


rt for fftW


As we are Making a Change in ourBusiness we Request

Tn Itlc tbe at W Itbin Thlri r

TreBt liitiFOSTER A Co

TiTEj7V73B003KLBook for Prior

StKakof iBl r t lobl RHM tBok ilit fa





is ii



is id


anu wiviiiiMin Ti Clttr --S ta

5tTill R11rCUrIrMBrMa4U40MaI

Fireworks lr Fireworksundorsignod desires to inform tho public that

ho has appointed


Manufacture of FireworksJjt Snn Fi ancisco

I It i tl to rvctm for iny decrirtuuiuf tht vi u

U filled at that U1TIartlr lrirliiiuj a rl m rut- - for hcIiim cjii J tiitl IIxf

tw i ti anu i ii if n mil ite rorwanleil

aM uuciir lis MU Ilbab b II1I tXLOUU I VNULLS tmittuu bait- whichauwr Llte l lot dinJo in thaatr to mL ufn inlllnp

WIIP LIOHTS ant KOCKETSriMcncn kockkts ai thw out

floatai balloon with eolonU IiRhtLUHIN all uzes UATfLKlLh ration

md 3IainilctnrrI Iu Dnler

AL S OShells from 4 to 12 inches with


Sal lnin r liM nl from lctr 4ifl iJ



Invoicem r i iw


UI bi


c - -

--a ox- l l

s ar



pea Merideo silver rjlattHUM Or Jl MIA I I M- - oilier plate IJiittu

This in the Z 11Part City

hulellows 1





Itij- -







3e lies sflver plateJy pes sflrer

tiiw 18 Mend en silver CanlJG pes j Iatc attt19 jcs tilvor a ted

silrcrMJ dm iiler poonn

Forks ir Jtr c


a --ui P rr ir i uue



IIr Q kibs buck i t

i iiw bMl4 XZ lj

- T H JV O T O tt




ma an ek of Jii fert

JIollois Ixlfns Desiih

diameterMortars for firing

U ih



Mcnden GobleUMenJn plate bpoon Holdtrs

-- 1 jJate rcteirers


MendenMenden jdate Caps

plate Najtm HingisMenden plate Dessert

rti roi

lir- - -- -XKD Oh


ofofofof ltnn -- cits



Bj Al


ALL BILLS thn rer


tLs SunHub








FLOWHC OTb tiivncif muellULClNOLxeffctm lirKt






Agents the Superior StoveIgi STOVES RANGES


i2firl S lrrilISIIIFilfiISSiimBI5ntpm



Silver Silver SilverConsignment

VA AnEs HOLIDAY iiilb Has

fishelThe Leading Millinery Store

Corner FORT HOTEL streets

Property Healthiest








Glove ioitnDetW

Wort JioxeetLadm Toilet ttu

of Albania

iFortment Lea tier Card CaseShell Casea


to be theyon the rooni


Washing Made Easy


Machine Manfg








Xi2e 1stAo ent


ecBBsrf ajiaa











PbotoojaphTrarehng KeceaneeJ

Vssortment CardAssortment EmbroideredAortment Htbing

sold bring niay bringaccount want







COLnrgo Qunntitioe



LVLU1L Al T IOB1IILPaaJaC Matunl Life Insnrancc Conpanj

state laTeatmeni lnsnrancc fonpaar

RfT la JtAAiVa JS

MI HI1II fit







From the CargoesIll TltU


Other recent VesselsrilL olLUUfM

DRY GOODS AND CLOTHINGPrints of latest style fast colorsMat Denims White Crodoa fthcettollnrrock e Lon JothsUrown Lmen UntlnUatcrprool Tweed Towels Towelm

i lass TowlIs Tatle llothi do NapkinsPare Linens hawli OrcnadiDea

DRESS GOODS WHITE SC0L0R0 SILKSt olored Saline GraM Ooths

rtiBCial Howirsand reathenotton Handkerchiefs Mlk lUiulkvixLHis

Woolen lable tovern Coldaua4 OmrtancT Mutor Illoe and Gray llauneN

ictona Iaanm Itrooks Sjwiof CottonJacp Curtains blue and whiteCheck UsladuU fancy Drcsa tnjudUFancy llanb lontU birts Wool SimV hit and olort d Cotton hirtaliJot IiKnt lndin Kobticr Cunts Capos ami

ipojnncMinsWhitf Ititnrn and Colored Half HoneLadies Hone Urn h laady Made ClothingMen s Hat I loo and dray Hone ISLinlbtWookn Itlanket all color sizes A weight

Srtwt i drpcts thet itu vyv

unriiHlr Hour HaK

SADDLERYtoll irtDienl of teuts LaUie Girh

nikl ItiTi aJJImVfi JCKKrV StDDIKillnJIca aiUlf riuths bamoii kin

Siiiar lVs 50JI oil IMsvia


CORRUGATED ROOFING-- a iil liupi criwX Msshrr

tL VMZU IID0IN0Vuntakd lenoa Wire No 17tialv Iron liuckets all huh

UiUt Vah Itasins lair OardVn Itorderinoaand Nettintia

1 tuned Iron Nmcepuns all sueslea Kettle raj Japan DUcking

ru in minisnitiiKviiLhNonlru Lullers IjatdSaIi anj Chain

I lubrelU stswL Iron hcrnntrHat llonU uiJ lUlln LAWS 14 NMs bt ISlotIi lu ktti Ilaml IVbkeK Hurl Idtiket

Crockery and1 aucy GIv-- H w itand- I irn lkiUts tc


tin Lit Wbium LlialL liUou Ochre

3ROOJQJQS SlatesI ir nuiul md Lock halt

ZINCS PAINTS AND BOILED OILSMorc iiL taci and lrooens

liuli li VnicriciiiA IlaiiiiViii Fla- -and 7 yards length

TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINSVdnnrallv rai ux and 7 10

Powell Steam CoalsrinoMM II ONH14iTLUKnLNMIMILLvntFLRFLriNO Stoli

Bargains can be csqiecteda as these Goods have FLOOR OIIjCLOTIISwhateverof of

Leading MillineryriSHEI









IV 1 rana bloui muut Wolfe ICuAIJl inprota and quajtAh In Mnuaiid qoarut me i n nch ItraniiMR ui lolk aikl caIIiiwr a Brandy mj cava

J Xitth and In k MlmLnaIhiplwltol ISar aoJoturtUreta hi cliu tHMKy in tolk ana cawtiinine in piarla and puts




Lowest market rates to cane planteesi








I ivj vj r i net varaini in tne District of KohalariliT A L

b ProlitabIvTilrititfi in no- - - AUa

un tJuyiA wiiivBforatvttCivil Engincerlngand Surveying Hoover Telephone the Snplet Beat

iiJTS1 s tKAPr Mnj Ground at his MilKi ac 5 ir r i Ifi wmsm


Page 6: Jg tirtT o › bitstream › ... · 141 tic J--TVsy Jajuammfetfic flbuiueu m ROBERT CRICVE CO Utcy MlnMnIaj Ylrulntf 1 FIVE DOLHUSiU UMM ruAhLL Vim tce-troratrxvvVJ ie a iW IIf tinnuitimKawttlilCTf

MC5 ii j fflbe attract efule TTul ereil

LATEST FOREIGN NEWSthe Qgaaa fcrteajaafetp Cuotpaay anr -

iniTwi a port fccre at 3 p ib ee the 11th vt --

day rua a Fruaoot hnofE Bspiw datefc tie 1 teat Oar m ue bM oweiyiete htwvrj h paac asul tad bcgg tfcTd P yH- asTvBica hue awe armed BfttwJat v

cental ve are malted to pmsat herewith tfot- -tfaa la3t t farraja cawi

lbs first ttroast trua of freight hs Ua -- ntram Montreal to Wmsirrc fftrr the Qutdi PcieZUJmuL

Father BapCdU iwttcicti imi of the Catiwt

The UnlerTklfrBS bees tfciettm utfer 1PeczsylTizia UsoM

By to KiigrivnicfWPt uf tht U Tn Miuifvcr years ud Kuf ITtatedetptm tort f fc7t



A rcgcher of the jmItWwi Aavy vu- - antwJ

franklin stove coalat McEtoc wwe fottad dead batibk tanp ral w2n the median IT

Tte wtaafc Cfaw-- from Ltwfuui for Hl1T JtattreSSesV Tort few bees wreefced and aaaay toea ktti cttoiic cbucfcaftd prwai Kitr Double and Single

ui ubvp vt cs ixa awaavyott or areTt aid lCalb euttaa atllkt at North Adam

ct Wfflfcrr Gutfe Fb 25

ifcfflgtontutte memery otiLutm f mfctr

It wtdoy of ci Goromt MrhM Jewec died y i r iri -

ilevlj m Ntw Yoct f heart Al-- J M l i W T

XUUrshiTetielMinlCtarfWiphjuucaiv - J JtsndCtitff unuer n 1J k L iCrwa rtuasB FirdenRk Udten hu Uco

hut Washington ChairsFttntet afi Ussbssfteocf tsBmnwiaep atari err f Yl3 ypyi c

FiTtoftbe Kordavrau ica6cwr Paltorr Jparty ars to Le tnel ax finlii HtH 1Hexiui treaty cafil Deceeafcw

K i tfctuwlttal sftBM neMMiilanc fx il

AraiaOiteWMU frt tkepuasfcvet tabiMJcJ 3 fcrart of baae wata rtimHitl

Had Mock tlic irtan 4ae timer who brtiiuuucanumq law iBtscssft mnreorr--jc

SbudelatecttFerTta sSirr vedfisn ft ajulaw of is- Oiwwu

Pticce sal Fnacwii tent pae m Katts Hb SUlTtd sartnaeatal citndiam UMaiK4wiiii taw



ax iBaslxet Topslijtt ealaa dtaraeaanjt the haiawa a ta4u

k rueuco Moc Board rcwrtcet mhus do bm tMlTacwwartiae i KsUl l lUlCT

Fi iTniT h m iiaiiilMhli niiifwiHajqronwsnTiT

Tbe mnmitua u JtAn Villi W laaqh farKveraor af Uoay a twm rnaiiiawit by ta

dr Mftt Al m the bMMf Mi

Tte cable gwAEAi m t at j to bi aatcoJcced iiOiw lerfc

Tbe b F Cr of tlM ilat ait nntim a ga aertict rf tfe Garoaatva fHwMW f Etac Eaav-

Ku nut tkcKlti m waw dttil aaeewl litaw

CaiiyTop JJuggies

EDWARD MAYsj cocLcacil a Man Itasd Navy YanL bat tta va ioaotlLKihkeiyabiiaa t

ILe A3i3 bee sCaaxoer JCwam jy f m aiiUv

AcuoctT e fuaabsta baft dweotwd it -

Icn aca sevKW meofcew anaottrfsf doccxte


Af van mL efearir ocovjkf ta pnoort wk went xwaVi

Afire itjiBr tit au on the ooil ifciw rf Ui-

tte icfaoottLonnf attached to ta Grsaa Raaaan

Forti ftreetbetwee AfcnaaA aid



a ui

Democrat Wagons


nnbTata qportez poC ttrea r Fab 3B thextot oi a umMecaauaay vimhihii zobz ConriifinnteecctridrentetttKrlm OwMitahaadmiictijiics oobily cUrai of the puustr rlam n

Aa4 ill Ur mM II I lM I ira- -JtTg ftt n to yuan j ae attended I

tlie aia vcr in tbeir Hasavgoaw tfao MiCirsi et ftiB wai rateed A teufol pbk naoved -- -IKLUEJC A IIIAChaaidtpatefadatcdHaret 1U aain tamx -

iervcea9 0atKSBaii aiBe9 uaniMpcfiihat d --riliwprtia I M fJflT JRt n

GOiaaa fawn mat m the ata ad iwwmnt rf J W

Ubtxt Lae aiau InietaD aha - Aptezm tag an ex oczuu CGaaonuse axaa aaaAootSt tie nsslt bemc chat EQmt shh kill4taJ Dn3 wrjcndeii w tire taw

a Wi it sa mtemlau u uu r uiyrdaf the Cuocly Jail ac FtaccMoa Mazefc AL

lacC asaxdAl is ctwanntf 2LSiL Staii ciKziEmc unsnf oq cat ova BBsroraatua asd twdve bucm tbegsard throc vboae the cnaanaJicoiea in r

acEnssS News Dealerso3 vnae on essywee organic affctirtauotct

o ti oocftoc

crfy later Jifea IU4

Tbara w much waierHitt f w varnt at fd iaGicsty Dcneetl IreJaoI

Itary Irtoe UeyC a mac taxi a haca nk isnlfrom a lzac aiaza tear Ftdfedaifaaa

amrf the etectiuu aJstiru Fttraajyfriii Brne aa iHnTft iiiianJiia a afarFh- o-


Pnotograph AlbumsTtm Fimeea Tietor n

aer tLtf Itafias asayTbe Saaie ta puMtpjuU aaawatenCkwi dc

ae- trasiy tta Maica lata Pgceaafcartfca Sscaid Tarat bfll hiw win od ti a itiSMTaitoiariHMlStet-c- - Christmas andisenoutBcyM BBrean at3M

Tte aeas tathifbeOEiXMsi to brteC



ft u pocAIe that trma

Knjat at Mazes

ma ctu iaAtccnca

FnsuJt radical joorti agamic ibCrfcirajn af ftf rse tiie irvh naajiatthe Freccb Mibter of War aVaftand that w

neixa ct the ramm n the acwv

batrci ACcne has bens arraatau atTisjadreMrelLerxfilof tte Far PUtThauaetyftUBaiciHaada n

toolbarssLnrefUvTZ- - TJL u atfwwwB i

V J- - ft

the o-i a 11c

Ctjcaao at aft aW MatoTakcagt n leading hat

fetoefceca wTteETChfagantgatorika i

Ejt of tie hi acceecdLaa rzesad hi





Offer for Ml anro f


Allm Hi iiiiiiill


Goods in ETPpllpntl







Xo Ierchaot Street

Have ReceivedEXSTMR SUEZ J3

and Isms NaiJian TflT


Autograph AlbumsPromenade Bass

Purses WaUets etcCards





FOR AIjIjiLLtj Ausni

iofot Traascczef tttGniMm Faadof XVpuEXi CocpaoyTta astbcntiea bTraaa that eayUroriierK

rraiaa freaoat DanaGUdatoDe EngiaaaV






FOR THEla tibe acaale February 3M Atatztt mud

fee irTTitnwwu report cf A FfcaaeaCar indrti ia DoJ TJrtTiVioUto U atrociazc tt Havanaa AeU HUDOerTreaty snd tt iczerred to ttmautte da

Stamp Agencyatt JvAxh aa actreti well bva fcx her aasts- -tCMatbsfsezizccuf cLxRtUe aedbcsen- - - i v i i r t jtratxsadnsccdz M OAT Jr CO

Tte nrnratigfrinn iat J k g tbe aurtS tte cuaat of Oceejca ao txr ptMeat the



1 I

was tbt

rilEKK Ir N i fllLK r II IMU -tha no atfTca ni jrtn dtrecay by the Cap- - X r Ju t acrtid HJ i Pare

Tfce r r - - u a Ec- - I

Or tire


9 Suae Rffa a h v



ljrf r nv

111 Hkt Ckik uJ lm1 mad oiu


woine Plow co -- 3 S 11 1 H

itd i r

i i





Hand Carts CartsTHE tR4it

FlitATEnae Jiif










unnltalSK9cti3UDIan GOSSH


clBocuiin Ntck


HallsSteelPlows FuPBitrae




iilMb lD OlL of all kimkUUv m toct U uibt

KROeEEOlL JOl Tkl rr lUaUtlHiMLVEK ILiTEI H IKL tnxa BMltHiikSJUD tLVEB VKE Irom the Gurfaam torOWDElt- o- M Und frum U KmderHort trjBHGE VI VU BOLTS iU UM


A Splendid AMcrtmcnt

LEITHEIS r VII lerriiitimi

it i t iri ttUr tnfertMtrj t r i i p an jiew DESCfirmE

ClULCGtlc - BduiayiMaTUin id it i 4n4 nil xr -- olrgdiJ toctof CwAj

AT OUR WAREROOMS i f Tort ah a n r n o l tBK


i -


- A

0i -- o



f COc


















nr ti mnr shbiptis- - kbjttrtfUOJlXCJLJTjS





iaii iytrrt jiiLWs mi- -


Has Receiyed Per tale Importatiass

Optical Goodsa 33 v7 EI 2L R 2

si Pa - --

f U - E

WatehesCURIOS Ff cm All Pans cf Oceania

Received by Castle Cooke


CompanysiUpright pianos1STESXV STORE

Nos 5G3c 5S StJ

rl ll4irla Ha ulr Hall

New Goodspeh

StmpSuez0TKI VL21VK

nMHiTOVKlBlMin 1sirlor SuiKi

Irliu Niira lrlriMm Set- -

tItiiito a e itjle






Woven Wire Mattresses

Hnir c Sprinsr do

Curlj Iair do

Hair and Feather Pillowa

MiizorsSheets and

Pilloiv Cases

Excelsioi and Straw Mat-






The Lowest PricesPthe Ui


Ex andjother late arrivals

NEW1 IlC llll MIT1II hlbIOM



St Store

St StoreIi Will well repay the eare

ful for his


ICE1 ilviit uf iisT ii- -

a W Fn- a4 - if I

ELITEi rif btith

tiil tiros HOC II vTIICmillGPiltUU


k iuir J cj ouatc

mpit nail

Hy the Sure I am In Kereipt

At the California Furniture Cos

Hjanhttarrtlh larl llumik

Have Now Been

Haie linen Perfect Satisfaction


1 AlVT PI 11liimuoi uujuiji

wt r4 sa


Are now in UseIn KtEM H iej l LK M u

Combine all the latest and Best

Tar IN Fxtramlman I Btil uac


K r -- illimill


23T THE ItEiri MTU


Agent for Hawaiian Islands



New Goods fl1G Vb KlTTIiMi







buyer trouble


Ice Cream Saloon






ItAiVUESLamps Jliuiidcliurs



liUSlSlVAKIvjiiiiELrN f n iioh




T t BCtUt I1I1UIHeoe filciij Ceurs Paistinj aad E

punay as4 Work ofZTtrj

Ducnptms i trrro tf tt a uire