Liferay Resumen

6.2.1 GA2 21-3 2014 6.2.0 GA1 hay versiones BUNDLE que es el server con el liferay instalado la version limpia es un .war listop para ejecutar sobre un server especifico incluye una bbdd llamada HSQL y ademas soporta varias que son las indicadas para trabbajar en produccion. ej_ postreSQL, IBM DB", FIREBIRD; MYSQL; Oracle, SQL Server etc Esta organizado sobre conceptos de ORGANIZACIO Y COMUNIDAD de usuarios, de forma jeraquica organiza a los usuarios. comunicdades, Conjunto de susuarios con intereses y caracteristicas comunes. ej empleados en un equipo de pelota, aunque sean de departamentos diferentes se puede crear un portal para cada comunidad. con paginas publicas y privadas. a partir de la verion 6.1 las comunidades se llaman "sites". Las funcionalidades se amplian con: Portlets Temas Layouts Hooks- para pequeñas modificaciones. Sobre todo en JSP, se modifica el codigo hecho, no borra el anterior sino que lo sobreescribe. EXT- Son problematicos al deshacer, pero son mas completos ycomplejos. estos componentes se pueden crear a medida o descargar comprar en el Market Place de Liferay. razones de su uso - Facilita interfaces de usuario - Es un framework de integracion de aplicaciones, con eclipse etc - incluye muchas herramientos - soporte Single Sign On - campos personalizados - Grupos de usuarios, organizaciones - Plataforma SOA - personalizacion de usuarios - Publicaciones de contenidos basados en Roles - Configuracion a base de clicks - admins mediante drag and drop - Workflow - Auditoria y monitor de rendimiento - trabajar desde el escritorio con LiferaySync - Busqueda y Tagging - Soporte multiidioma


Resumen de introducción a LIFERAY

Transcript of Liferay Resumen

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6.2.1 GA2 21-3 20146.2.0 GA1

hay versiones BUNDLE que es el server con el liferay instalado la version limpia es un .war listop para ejecutar sobre un server especifico

incluye una bbdd llamada HSQL y ademas soporta varias que son las indicadas para trabbajar en produccion.ej_ postreSQL, IBM DB", FIREBIRD; MYSQL; Oracle, SQL Server etc

Esta organizado sobre conceptos de ORGANIZACIO Y COMUNIDAD de usuarios, de forma jeraquica organiza a los usuarios. comunicdades, Conjunto de susuarios con intereses y caracteristicas comunes. ej empleados en un equipo de pelota,

aunque sean de departamentos diferentes se puede crear un portal para cada comunidad. con paginas publicas y privadas. a partir de la verion 6.1 las

comunidades se llaman "sites".

Las funcionalidades se amplian con:PortletsTemasLayoutsHooks- para pequeñas modificaciones. Sobre todo en JSP, se modifica el codigo hecho, no borra el anterior sino que

lo sobreescribe.EXT- Son problematicos al deshacer, pero son mas completos ycomplejos.estos componentes se pueden crear a medida o descargar comprar en el Market Place de Liferay.

razones de su uso- Facilita interfaces de usuario- Es un framework de integracion de aplicaciones, con eclipse etc- incluye muchas herramientos- soporte Single Sign On- campos personalizados- Grupos de usuarios, organizaciones- Plataforma SOA- personalizacion de usuarios- Publicaciones de contenidos basados en Roles- Configuracion a base de clicks- admins mediante drag and drop- Workflow- Auditoria y monitor de rendimiento- trabajar desde el escritorio con LiferaySync- Busqueda y Tagging- Soporte multiidioma

libros:- liferay user interface development, hablan sobre layouts,- Liferay beginners guide- Liferay in action


Liferay Portal provides a feature called staging that lets you place your changes in a holding area while they’re

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being worked on. You can have a local staging server, where the staged site resides on the same server as the live site, or you can have a remote staging server, where all web content work happens on a separate server from your live site. In either case, when you’re ready, site changes can be pushed to the live site, either manually or on a schedule.

Web content is one example of an asset (Activo). Assets can have meta-data attached to them, and that meta-data is used to aggregate similar assets together in searches or as published content. One way to do this in the example above is to tag and categorize stories so they can be found more easily by users.

Templates are instructions for how to display structures, written most of the time in Freemarker or Velocity–both of which are well-known templating languages used for mixing HTML with programmatic elements

This is just the web content portion of Liferay’s content management system. Liferay Portal is also great at managing file-based content.

Maneja documetnos imagines, video y mas.

Liferay Portal keeps the UI of its file-based content management system in an application called Documents and Media Library. This application resides on the Site Administration page or can be added to any page.For example, metadata sets, are groups of fields describing attributes of a fileFor files, you can define document types. They provide a more natural way of working with files. For example, you might create a document type called Meeting Minutes. The file format doesn’t matter: whether it’s a Microsoft Word document, an HTML file, or a text file, the document contains meeting minutes. Once you’ve created the document type, you can attach the Meeting Metadata set that contains many of the fields you’d want, and you can also add extra fields, such as a field for action items. When users want to add files containing their notes for meeting minutes, they can also add all the relevant metadata about the meeting (such as the time, location, and action items). This captures the context information that goes with the document, and it provides a much more natural way of working with documents than just dumping them into a shared file system.

 Folders can be set so that only certain document types can be added to them. Workflow rules can also be added to folders to run files through an approval process that you define. In short, Liferay’s file-based content management system gives you all the features you need to manage and share files in a group.

USING LIFERAY PORTAL AS A COLLABORATIVE PLATFORMLiferay Portal offers every standard collaborative application that’s available. These applications range from personal productivity applications like a calendar and email, to community-building applications like message boards, polls, and wikis.Liferay Portal’s suite of collaborative applications includes a blog (complete with blog aggregation features so you can publish multiple users’ blog entries in one place), a chat application for users who are online at the same time, message boards, a wiki, a knowledge base that you can use to publish a library of technical articles, a polling system you can use to have users vote on certain questions, and personal productivity applications like a calendar and email.


Whether you plan to build a social network or enable social applications as part of your overall user experience, Liferay Portal has the tools to make those features work for you. Starting with a suite of applications–including a profile summary, activities feeds, social requests, a wall, and more–and

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rounding things out with an API to handle relationships between users as well as publish their activities to each other, Liferay Portal helps you implement common features of social networks. Liferay Portal provides feeds of social activities. These feeds can contain entries from any of Liferay’s built-in applications or applications that you write.Social relationships in Liferay Portal are ideally suited for everything from public social networks to enabling social features in your corporate Intranet. Users can form relationships with one another, allowing them to see updates from those whose activity they need to track. That’s far more powerful than having them subscribe to multiple individual RSS feeds or visit multiple profiles, because the system keeps track of the updates from those with whom you have a relationship, automatically.

 It fully supports the OpenSocial framework. You can publish gadgets you find online, or you can use Liferay Portal’s built-in OpenSocial gadget editor to create and serve your own OpenSocial gadgets.

Liferay Portal also supports the creation of Facebook applications; in fact, no additional coding is necessary to publish your Liferay applications on Facebook (you would, of course, need to use Facebook’s API to use Facebook-specific features like posting on users’ timelines). All you need to do is get an API key and canvas page URL from Facebook.

USING LIFERAY AS A WEB PLATFORMLiferay Portal’s development framework is a great help when you’re building a web application . While the framework itself is covered in other resources such as the Liferay Developer’s Guide or Liferay in Action, the strengths of Liferay as a platform are also apparent once you’ve finished writing your application.

You can add any application installed on the system to any page in the portal. You can make use of APIs provided by other systems to integrate their data into an application window in Liferay. And applications you create with Liferay’s Service Builder API are web service-enabled from the start.

HOSTING MULTIPLE SITES ON LIFERAY PORTALLiferay Portal excels as a multi-site hosting platform. You can use it to host multiple sites under the same overall architecture, or you could host several completely different websites based solely on Liferay’s ability to serve multiple instances of itself from the same physical installation.

EXTENDING AND CUSTOMIZING LIFERAY FOR YOUR OWN NEEDSThe first (and easiest) way of customizing parts of Liferay Portal is with Application Display templates.  Liferay Portal goes far beyond this, though. Special software components called  hook and ext plugins enable developers to change any aspect of Liferay’s interface and behavior–without having to modify any of Liferay Portal’s source code.Liferay es un portal server, esta diseñado para ser un single environment donde todas las aplicaciones que un usuario neceesita se ejecutarán , yademas estas están integradas juntas en una foram consistente. Si una aplicaciones vive fuera del portal, el portal debe ser capazde consumiralgun recurso de dicha aplicación, de manera que el usuario puede ver todo lo que interactua con el de la aplicación.Las aplicaciones estan en fragmentos de la página llamado portlets. Portlets son aplicciones web que corren een la porción de una página web. El núcleo de liferay es un portlet container y su trabajo es mostrarlos al usuario en su página particular, y mostrar estos apropiadamente.

Portlet applications, like servlet applications, have become a Java standard which various portal server vendors have implemented. The Java standard defines the portlet specification. A JSR-168 or JSR-286 standard portlet should be deployable on any portlet container which supports those standards. Los prtlets tienen un cierto orden.Los portlets pueden ser:

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1- Multiples con pequelas funcionalidades y ser agregaods por el portal en una aplicación.2- Una completa aplicación puede ser escrita y residir en una o varias ventanas.

De cualquier forma el portal se lo muestra a l usuario.

Liferay provides a Plugins Software Development Kit that makes creating portlet projects easy. Ademas liferay soporta portlet escritas en otros lenguajes como php, ruby, groovy o python. Ejemplos en: ( plugin s/trunk/ portlet s ).

__________Herramientas de LIFERAY:

such as Liferay Service Builder that automatically generates data tiers (SQL and Hibernate logic / classes), Spring Dependency Injection wiring, and Web Service access. This frees your development team to focus on higher priority matters like business logic. Meanwhile, Liferay Hooks give you access to modify core Liferay functionality without modifying Liferay’s core source code. Liferay’s extensible development environment permits an easy upgrade path for your customizations because it creates a clean separation between the platform and your modifications.

Ademas incluye otras cosas• Standar Struts, Framework MVC • Integrated Kaleo workflow engine allowing developers to define dynamic business processes (i.e., publishing and editorial approval, user registration, e-commerce transactions)• Spring framework for easy transaction management• Support for other frameworks including JSF and IceFaces, Wicket, Spring MVC, and others.


Se usa una carpeta llamada home para su configuración.Recuérdese tiene una BBDD embebida pero se puede usar una en multitud de proveedores.Se puede ver el método de instalación manual en liferay adminsitrator guide pag 28______________________

Navegando por Liferay:

Al loguearse como administrador, se muestra en la Dockbar la opción.

Añadir -> (se pueden añadir:) New page, al nivel actual de navegación, Añadir Portlets a la pagina actual, y se muestran tipos de portlets que se pueden

añadir.La Otra opción es Administrar -> Pagina.

Disposición en la página (Page Layout Sitemap).Configuración del sitio web.

Editar controles: Checkbox para habilitar o no los controles en cada ítem de la página.

Panel de Control:Usuario: Datos de usuario, ilovemyboysdick

Aparece además contenidos: web,documentos, imágenes,bookmarks, calendarios, administrar una pizarra de mensajes, configurar wiki, y más. El titulo aparece como el nombre de la comunidad u Organización cuyo contenido se está administrando y se puede cambiar a otra.

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Portal: Ajustes y configuración del Portal.

Server: Funciones administrativas de instancias del portal u de plugins, etc. Se le pueden agregar portlets al panel de control.Roles y permisos de los Usuarios: