Práctica 2.Rappold.hashtroudi.1991

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  • 7/23/2019 Prctica 2.Rappold.hashtroudi.1991


    Journal of Experimenta l Psychology:

    Learning, Memory, and Cognit ion

    1991, Vol. 17, No. I , 103 -114

    Copyright 1991 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.


    Does Organization Improve Priming?

    Virginia A. Rappold and Shahin Hashtroudi

    George Washington Univers i ty

    In five experiments, the effects of organization on implicit memory or priming tests were

    compared with its effects on the explicit memory tests of free and cued recall. Organization was

    manipulated by varying list structure (blocked vs. random presentation of categorized items) and

    by instructions. The results showed that organization had parallel effects on the category-

    production priming test and free- and cued-recall tests; performance was enhanced by organiza-

    tion on both types of


    It was also dem onstrated tha t the effect of organization on priming

    was limited to the category-production test and was not obtained with the word-identification

    priming test. These results suggest that performance on implicit and explicit memory tests is

    similarly affected by experimental manipulations when both types of tests rely on conceptually

    driven processing. In addition, performance on two implicit tests is dissociated when one test

    relies on conceptually driven processing and the other on data-driven processing.

    Recent interest in studying the relations between explicit

    {e.g., recall and recognition) and implicit (e.g., priming) mem -

    ory tests has been motivated by the idea that memory is not

    a single unified system but rather consists of several inde-

    pendent forms. These forms may be differentially affected by

    certain experimental man ipulations and by mem ory disorders

    such as amnesia (Cohen Squire, 1980;Tulving, 1983, 1985;


    W eiskrantz, 1982). Although a few studies have

    reported parallel effects of certain experim ental man ipulation s

    on imp licit and explicit tests (Blaxton, 1989; Graf



    Jacoby, 1983a; Jacoby & Dallas, 1981 ; Roediger &

    Blaxton, 1987b; Roediger, Weldon, & Challis, 1989), the

    majority of studies have focused on de mo nstrating differences

    rather than similarities between the two types of tests. In

    addition, most theoretical accounts of the relations between

    implicit and explicit tests have been formulated primarily to

    explain the differences between the two types of



    & Squire, 1980; Graf & Ma ndler, 1984; Tulving, 1983; see

    Schacter, 1987 and Richardson-K lavehn & Bjork, 1988, for

    reviews). The purpose of the present experiments was to

    explore the similarities as well as the differences between

    implicit and explicit tests in their sensitivity to organizational


    One recent theo retical framework that suggests certain sim-

    ilarities between implicit and explicit tests is the transfer-

    appropriate processing framework that emphasizes the dis-

    tinction between data-driven and conceptually driven pro-

    cesses (Jacoby, 1983b; Roediger Blaxton, 1987b; Roediger,

    This research was supported by a Biomedical Research Support

    Gran t from th e George Washington University to Shahin Hashtroudi.

    We thank Teresa Blaxton, Roddy R oediger, Betsy Parker, Sharon

    Mutter, and especially Barbara Schwartz and Sue Ferguson for their

    valuable comments on this article. We also thank PeterGraf,Colin

    MacLeod, and Daniel Schacter for their helpful suggestions for revi-

    sion. We are grateful to Carol Reisen for her help in analyzing the

    data and to Sheri Denm ark for her help in testing the subjects.

    Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to

    Shahin Hashtroudi, Department of Psychology, George Washington

    University, Washington, D C 20052.

    We ldon, & Challis, 1989; see also Johnso n, 1983). According

    to this framework, both implicit and explicit memory tests

    involve a mixture of data-driven and conceptually driven

    processes. Data-driven processes are guided in large part by

    the physical features of information, whereas conceptually

    driven processes are self-initiated activities that are guided by

    subjects' conceptual knowledge and the experimental context.

    Typically, implicit tests rely more on data-driven processing,

    whereas explicit tests depend on conceptually driven process-

    ing. However, the data-driven versus conceptually driven

    distinction does not necessarily parallel the implicit/explicit

    distinction, because implicit tests may be conceptually driven

    and explicit tests may be data driven. Consequently, depend-

    ing on the particular tests involved, performance on implicit

    tests may be similar to or different from performance on

    explicit tests. If one selects a conceptually driven im plicit test

    and compares it with a conceptually driven explicit test, then

    performance on these tests would be similarly affected by

    experimental manipulations. In addition, dissociations in per-

    formance between two implicit or two explicit tests may be

    observed if one of the tests is conceptually driven and the

    other is data driven.

    Consistent with these assumptions, Blaxton (1989) dem-

    onstrated that generating a word to a cue (a conceptually

    driven manipulation) improved performance on the explicit

    free-recall and semantic cued-recall tests as well as on a test

    of general knowledge, a conceptually driven implicit memory

    or priming test. In addition, generation did not improve

    performance on a data-driven priming test (word-fragment

    completion). Similarly, Srinivas and Roediger (1990) showed

    that generation and levels of processing (both conceptually

    driven m anipulations) enhanced performance on the concep-

    tually driven category-production test but not on the data-

    driven word-fragment completion test.

    The present experiments were designed to further demon-

    strate similarities between implicit and explicit tests and dif-

    ferences between two implicit tests by varying organization.

    Organization refers to the process of grouping and interrelat-

    ing items on the basis of comm on properties. The manipula-

    tion of organization seems to be an ideal method for varying

    conceptually driven processing because organizing items


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    clearly requires self-initiated activities that are guided by

    subjects' conceptual knowledge. Typically, categorized or as-

    sociatively related word lists are used to induce organization

    because the inherent structure of these lists emphasizes the

    processing of common features oftheitems (Bousfield, 1953;

    Jenkins, M ink, & Russell, 1958). Thus, in a free-recall test, if

    a list consists of several instances of taxonomic categories

    (e.g., animals, occupations), it will be remembered better than

    a list of unrelated words (Hunt & Einstein, 1981). Any vari-

    able that promotes the formation of interitem relationships

    will enhance recall. For example, blocked presentation of list

    items, in which instances of a category are presented adja-

    cently at study, increases recall compared with random pre-

    sentation (Bower, Clark, Lesgold. & Winzenz, 1969; Cofer,


    Reicher, 1966;Dallett. 1964; Ho rton & Cofer, 1975).

    It has been well established that categorical organization is

    an important d eterminan t of performance on explicit m emory

    tests such as free and cued recall (Bousfield, 1953 ; Bower et


    1969; Cofer et a l, 1966; Dallett, 1964; see Tulving &

    Donaldson, 1972). However, there have been no studies that

    have examined the effects of categorical organization on

    implicit m emo ry tests. We compa red th e effects of categorical

    organization on the explicit tests of free and cued recall to its

    effects on the implicit test of category production. In the

    category-production test, after studying a list of items belong-

    ing to several taxonomic categories, subjects are presented

    with category titles and are asked to produc e the first instances

    of the category that come to mind. Some of the category titles

    at test refer to instances presented at study (studied categories)

    and others do not (unstudied categories). Priming is deter-

    mined by comparing the probability of producing instances

    from the studied categories to the probability of producing

    instances from the unstudied categories(Graf,Shimamura, &

    Squire, 1985; Kihlstrom, 1980; Srinivas & Roedigcr, 1990).

    Category production is considered an implicit test because

    subjects are not asked to deliberately remember category

    instances from the study list, but they are simply asked to

    produce instances that come to mind.

    Category production was selected because it is similar to

    implicit memory or priming tests as well as to explicit tests.

    On the one hand, category production resembles priming tests

    such as word identification, word-stem completion, and par-

    tial-word identification in that it is not disrupted by amnesia

    (Gardner, Boiler, Moreines, Butters,


    Graf et al., 1985;

    Hamann, 1989; Kihlstrom, 1980). On the other hand, cate-

    gory production resembles free and cued recall because per-

    formance on this test requires conceptual knowledge of tax-

    onomic categories. In addition, this test has been shown to

    benefit from conceptually driven manipulations such as gen-

    eration and levels of processing, and is not affected by data-

    driven manipulations such as changes in modality of presen-

    tation between study and test (Srinivas & Roediger, 1990).

    To the extent that the category-production test involves con-

    ceptually driven processing, it should be improved by condi-

    tions that encourage organization. Therefore, we expected

    parallel effects of organization on category production and

    free and cued recall.

    We also compared the efTect of organization on category

    production with its effect on the word-identification priming

    test. Word identification has been shown to be sensitive to

    changes in perceptual aspects of


    and, as such, is consid-

    ered to be a data-driven test (Jacoby, 19 83b; Jacoby



    Roedigcr & Blaxton, 1987b; Roedigcr, Wcldon, &

    Challis, 1989). In addition, this test is not affected by manip-

    ulations that vary conceptually driven processing such as

    levels of processing manipulations (Jacoby & Dallas, 1981).


    we expected that word identification would not be

    affected by organization, and that performance on this test

    would be dissociated from performance on the category-

    production test.

    Five experiments were conducted to examine the effects of

    organization on implicit and explicit tests. In Experiment 1,

    we studied the effects of organization on category production

    and free a nd cued recall by varying the me thod of presentation

    of the items. Study words from a category were presented

    either in a blocked order to encourage organization or in a

    random order. In Experiment 2. we examined the generality

    ofthe effect of organization on category production and free

    and cued recall by using both high- and low-frequency in-

    stances of categories. In Experiment 3, we manipulated or-

    ganization by giving organizational instructions rather than

    by varying list structure. In Experiment 4, the time course of

    forgetting in category production was compared with that of

    free and cued recall. Finally, in Experiment 5, the effect of

    method of presentation (blocked vs. random) on category

    production was compared with its effect on word identifica-


    Experiment 1

    The purpose of this experiment was to compare the effects

    of organization on category production and free and cued

    recall. One criterion proposed for classifying tests as data- or

    conceptually driven is that data-driven tests should not be

    affected by manipulations that vary elaborative or concep-

    tually driven processing such as organization, whereas con-

    ceptually driven tests should benefit from these ma nipulations

    (Hashtrou di, Ferguson, Rappold, & Chrosniak, 1988; Roedi-

    ger & Blaxton, 1987a, 1987b; Roediger, Weldon, & Challis,

    1989). To exam ine wh ether category prod uction benefits from

    conceptually driven processing, we used two study conditions

    in which organization was varied by changing list structure

    (Bower et al., 1969; Cofer et al., 1966). In the first condition,

    subjects were presented with categorically related words (e.g.,

    eagle, falcon, sparrow) from several different categories (e.g.,

    animals, fruits) in a blocked order for study. In the second

    condition, the same categorically related words were presented

    in a random order. It was expected that the list structure in

    the blocked condition would encourage subjects to interrelate

    the items actively and to form a unitized memory represen-


    The blocked/random organizational manipulation has

    been used widely in free and cued recall, and has been shown

    to be effective in improving performance on these explicit

    memory tests (e.g., Bower el al., 1969; Cofer et al., 1966;

    Dallett, 1964; Ho rton & Cofer, 1975). As with the previous

    studies, we expected that blocked presentation would result

    in higher recall than random presentation. The comparison

    of the effect of method of presentation (blocked vs. random)

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    on category production with free- and cued-rccall tests would

    indicate whether category production also benefits from or-




    The subjects were 96 undergraduates from George

    Washington University who received course credit for their partici-

    pation. Subjects were all tested individually in this experiment and

    in all the other experiments reported in this article.

    Design and materials.

    The design was a 2 x 3 factorial with

    method of presentation (blocked and random) and type of test

    (category production, free recall, and cued recall) as between-subjects

    variables. Sixteen subjects were tested in each condition.

    The materials were selected from the Battig and Montague (1969)

    norms in accordance with the procedures described in Graf et al.

    (1985). From each of the 12 categories (a sport, a fruit, a piece of

    furniture, a kitchen utensil, a bird, a color, a four-footed anim al, an

    article of


    a tree, a musical instrument, a part of the human

    body, a vegetable), six comm on insta nces


    softball, skiing, boxing,

    volleyball, polo, hunting) were selected. These items were not ranked

    among the 10 most frequent instances, but each item was listed by at

    least 10 subjects in the sample of


    subjects used in the Battig and

    Montague norm ative study. The average rank of the selected instances

    was 23.30 (range: 11-48).

    Six of the


    categories were assigned to one list and six to another,

    resulting in two lists of 36 items (6 categories of 6 items each).

    Subjects heard one of the lists (study list) during the learning phase;

    the other list served as a new list at test. Across subjects, each list

    served equally often as a study list and as a new list. The two lists

    were matched in category potency (Battig & Montague, 1969), that

    is,in the num ber of instances produced by subjects in 30


    for a given

    category (List 1,


    = 8.60; List

    2,M =

    7.80) and in the average rank

    of the items {List 1,


    23.08; List 2,

    M =



    At acquisition, a list of36items was presented audi-

    torily at a rate of3s per item . Half ofthesubjects heard the instances

    of the categories in a random order with the restriction that no 2

    items from the same category occurred adjacently. The other half


    the subjects heard the instances in a blocked order with all the items

    from one category occurring adjacently. Subjects were instructed to

    learn the list for a later memory test, but the type of test was not


    Immediately after the study list, subjects were given one of the

    three different types of tests. In the category-production condition,

    subjects were given the 12 category titles one at a time in a random

    order. They were asked to produce eight instances for each category

    title. Eight instances were required to increase the likelihood that

    subjects produce instances other than the most common ones (Graf

    et al., 1985). Six of the 12 categories were always from the study list,

    and the other 6 were from the list that had not been presented to that

    subject (new list). Subjects were instructed to say eight things that

    belong to that category as fast as possible.


    ' However, no time limit

    was specified. Subjects rarely had difficulty generating eight instan ces.

    To familiarize the subjects with the procedure, they were given a

    sample category title (a relative) and three examples of that title

    (father, brother, and sister) with instructions to produce five more

    instances of that category as fast as they could (Graf


    al., 1985).

    In the free-recall condition, subjects were instructed to write down

    as many words as they could remember from the study list. They

    were given 3 min for recall but most subjects finished faster.

    The cued-recall condition differed from the category-production

    condition only with respect to instructions. Subjects were given the

    12 category titles one at a time, and were told that some of the

    categories would refer to words from the study list and others would

    not. They were instructed to use the category names as cues to help

    recall the words from the study list. Again no time limit



    Results andDiscussion



    shows the p roportion s of responses in the three test

    conditions as a function of method of presentation. For the

    category-production test, the proportion of category instances

    produced from the new list not presented to the subject at

    study provides a baseline score. The priming measure is the

    difference between the proportion of category instances pro-

    duced from the old (study) list and the proportion of instances

    produced from the new list. The cued-recall mea sure was also

    based on the difference between the proportion of instances

    recalled from the study list and the proportion of instances

    produced from the new list. However, because subjects very

    rarely produced instances for the categories that were not

    presented at study, correcting for these items did not change

    the cued-recall score. Thus, only the proportion of instances

    recalled from the study list (old items) is reported in the tables.

    The significance level was set at .05 for all statistical tests

    reported in this article. Throughout the article, we report

    separate analyses for category production and free- and cued-

    recall tests. Because of the scaling differences between cate-

    gory-production and recall tests, we prefer the separate anal-

    yses to overall analyses of variance (ANOVAs), with test type

    as a variable. Nevertheless, to assess directly the effect of test

    type, we also briefly report the interactions involving this

    variable from the overall ANOVAs. It should be noted that,

    in most cases, the results from the overall analyses were

    consistent with those of the separate analyses.

    Analyses of the category-production test showed that prim-



    significantly higher in the blocked than in the ra ndom

    condition,F(1, 30) -




    =0.008, although significant

    priming occurred in both conditions (both fs > 1.75).Clearly,

    priming was facilitated by organization.

    Blocked presentation also resulted in higher performance

    than random presentation in free recall, F(l, 30) = 12.59,



    = 0.009, and in cued recall, F(\, 30) = 8.73, MS, =

    0.014. In addition, in agreement with the results of the sepa-

    rate analyses, an overall 2 x 3 ANOVA with presentation

    method and test type as variables showed no significant

    interaction between these variables,F< 1, thereby suggesting

    that organization had similar effects on the three tests.

    One explanation for the similar effects of organization on

    category production and recall is that category-production

    performance is mediated by explicit retrieval. That



    in this condition do not simply attempt to produce the first

    Table 1






    in Category

    Production, FreeRecall,and Cued


    as a



    Method of Presentation


    Category production




    Free recall


    Cued recall









    of presentation







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    items that come lo mind, but they deliberately retrieve the

    study list at test and consciously recall the items from a given

    category. To rule out this explanation, we examined the first

    three items produced by subjects in this test. The results

    showed that in category production only33%of the first three

    items produced at test were on the study list. However, in free

    recall 96% of the first three items recalled were on the study

    list, and in cued recall 88% were on the study list. It appears

    that subjects use different strategies in category production

    than in free- and cued-recall tests. If subjects had been using

    explicit retrieval strategies, then a large proportion of the first

    few items produced at test would have been from the study


    It could also be argued that an explicit retrieval strategy

    would not be used until a few categories were presented and

    subjects caught on to the natu re of the test. If


    were the


    the percentage of words produced from the study list

    would increase from the beginning to the end of the test.

    Thus, we compared the percentage of study w ords produced

    for the first two (30%), the middle two (22%), and the last

    two (26%) categories at test, for both blocked and random

    presentations. An ANOVA on these data showed no main

    effect of category position, F (2, 60) = 2.00,M S


    0.023, and

    no interaction of category position with method of presenta-


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    As in Experiment 1, stimulus m aterials were selected from the

    Battig and Montague (1969) norms. Six high-frequency and six low-

    frequency instances were selected from the 12 categories used in

    Experiment 1. We did not use the three highest and the three lowest

    frequency instances to avoid ceiling and floor effects. The lists were

    composed of the next six highest and next six lowest instances. The

    average rank for the instances was 7.90 (range: 4-15) for the high-

    frequency instances and 27.97 (range: 16-45) for the low-frequency


    The pool of


    high-frequency instances was divided in to two lists



    item s (six categories of




    Similarly, the pool of


    frequency items was divided in to two lists of 36 items consisting of

    the same six categories as the high-frequency instances but with 6

    low-frequency instances for each category. One of the two lists was

    used as a study list and the other as a new list at test. Across subjects,

    each list served equally often as the study list and the new list. The

    two high-frequency lists were matched in the average rank of the

    instances (List 1,


    =8.52; List2,

    M =

    7.27). The two low-frequency

    lists were also matched in the average rank of the instances (List 1,


    = 27.82; List 2,


    = 28.10). Category potency was the same as

    Experiment 1.


    At acquisition , subjects were instructed to try to learn

    each word for a later memory test, but the type of test was not


    At test, as in Experiment 1, subjects in the category-production

    condition heard 12 randomly presented category titles one at a time

    and were asked to produce eight instances for each category (Graf et

    al., 1985). Six of the presented categories were from the study list,

    and the other six were from the list that had not been presented to

    that subject. In cued recall, subjects were given the same titles and

    were asked to use these titles as cues to recall the words from the



    Other procedural


    of category production, cued recall,

    and free recall were the same as those in Experiment 1.

    Results andDiscussion

    The proportions of responses in the test conditions as a

    function of presentation method and frequency of the cate-

    gory instances are shown in Table 2. The priming and cued-

    recall measures were derived in the same manner as in Ex-

    periment 1.

    Analyses of category production showed that blocked pre-

    sentation led to higher priming than random presentation,

    F{\, 44) = 7.65, A/5


    = 0.010, although priming was signifi-

    cant with both methods of presentation (both /s >



    addition, there was no significant difference in category-pro-

    duction performance between high-frequency and low-fre-

    quency instances of categories, F 1.71).

    An examination of Table 2 suggests that the difference in

    priming between blocked and random presentations was

    slightly greater for low-frequency than for high-frequency

    instances. How ever, analyses of the data showed no significant

    interaction of method of presentation and instance frequency,

    F{\, 44) = 1.00, MS


    = 0.010. Organization seemed to have

    similar effects on the priming of high-frequency and low-

    frequency instances of categories.

    As with category production, blocked presentation led to

    higher performance than random presentation in free recall,

    F(l , 44) - 9.51,MS, = 0.009, and in cued recall,F (U44) =

    12.76, MS


    = 0.017. However, unlike priming in category

    produ ction, performance was higher with high-frequency than

    with low-frequency instances in both free recall,


    1, 44) =


    M S


    = 0.009, and cued-recall tests,F(\, 44) = 19.06,



    =0.017. There was no significant interaction of presen-

    tation method and instance frequency in either of the recall

    tests (both f s < 1).

    An overall 2 x 2 x 3 ANOVA with method of presentation,

    instance frequency, and test type as variables confirmed the

    results of the separate analyses. There was a significant inter-

    action of instance frequency and test type,F(2,132) = 6.41,



    =0.012, indicating that free recall, F (l , 132) = 17.92,



    = 0.012, and cued recall, F(U 132) = 27.42, MS, =

    0.012, were higher with high-frequency than with low-fre-

    quency instan ces, but there was no significant difference

    Table 2

    Experime nt 2: Proportions of


    in Category Production, Free Recall, and Cued

    Recall as a F unction of Method of


    an d





    Method of presentation

    Blocked Random

    Category production

    High-frequency instances




    Low-frequency instances




    Free recall

    High-frequency instances


    Low-frequency instances


    Cued recall

    High-frequency instances


    Low-frequency instances






















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    between the two types of instances in category production, F