presentasi genetika

 Oleh : IDH Mutations in Primary Myelofibrosis Predict Leukemic  Transformation and Shortened  Survival: Clinical vidence  for Leukemo!enic Collaboration "ith #$%&'()* + PROGRAM STUDI BIOTEKNOLOGI, SEKOLAH PA SCASARJANA UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA YOGYAKARTA 2013



Transcript of presentasi genetika

  • Oleh :IDH Mutations in Primary Myelofibrosis Predict Leukemic Transformation and Shortened Survival: Clinical Evidence for Leukemogenic Collaboration with JAK2V617FPROGRAM STUDI BIOTEKNOLOGI, SEKOLAH PASCASARJANAUNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADAYOGYAKARTA2013

  • Background Primary MyelofibrosisSumsum TulangJAK2(70%), IDH, TET2. LNK, ASXL1, CBL


  • Material and MethodsSebanyak 301 pasien diikutsertakan dalam penelitianInformed written consent

  • Detection of JAK2, MPL, IDH1 and IDH2 Mutation

  • Dihitung berdasarkan pertama kali data diambil hingga kematian atau kontak terakhirDihitung berdasarkan pertama kali data diambil hingga leukemic transformation, kematian atau kontak terakhir

  • 10 cmResult and Discussion

  • Figure 1 Overall survival data for 301 patients with primary myelofibrosis stratified by the presence or absence of IDH, MPL and JAK2 mutations.

  • Figure 2 Overall survival data for 301 patients with primary myelofibrosis stratified by the presence or absence of MPL, JAK2 or IDH mutations with or without concomitant JAK2V617F expression.

  • Figure 3 Leukemia-free survival data for 301 patients with primary myelofibrosis stratified by the presence or absence of IDH, MPL and JAK2 mutations.

  • Figure 4 Leukemia-free survival data for 301 patients with primary myelofibrosis stratified by the presence or absence of MPL, JAK2 or IDH mutations with or without concomitant JAK2V617F expression.

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