

Transcript of Presentation1

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The people who lived in Mesopotamia believed the world was a flat disc and they also believed in polytheistic which means they believed in many gods. They believed that the world was controlled by gods, goddesses, demons, and monsters. They also believed that each city was protected by 1 god and they would be a god for everything from rivers to bread.

There would be smaller temples throughout the city that ordinary people could go to and worship or give offerings.


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They believed in that demons were created by gods with human bodies and animals or a bird’s head. They also thought they could be evil or good and thought monsters were a mixture of animals and birds.

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The Egyptian religion had many gods that they believed in. The Egyptians religion had much as 2000 gods and goddesses, some were worshiped across the country and some were worshiped locally. So people could worship Egyptians built temples for each god across the cities.

They considered animals such as the bull, the cat, and the crocodile to be holy.


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One of the most worshiped gods is the sun god in Egypt. To the temples that hey worshiped in, the people usually brought food and offerings.

For example a festival for cats religion worshiped the god Basted.

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Also Greeks thought gods and goddesses controlled everything in the environment. They thought if gods were happy, the gods would help them, and if these were angry they would punish them. Greeks believed that the gods came from Gaia (The Earth) and Uranus (the sky).


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To Greeks, religion was very important because they thought gods would take care of them in the afterlife. They always had parties to celebrate their religion to usually thank their god. Religion was important to Greeks because they believed that it would make their lives better while they were living.

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There are many religions in Canada. 75 percent of Canadians are Christians so most of Canadians are Christian. 16% have no religion and 2% are Muslim. 1.1% Jewish.


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Many Canadians think they are living in a “post-religious” period, which means they have stopped openly displaying their Christian faith. So the current religions celebrate certain days, or has a special tradition that they do for their religion. For Christians, they go to churches and study the bible and learn more about god.

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Vikings all believed in Norse gods. The main gods that Vikings believed in were Odin, Thor and many others. They believed that the god Thor had a hammer and protected man – kind. They would sometimes sacrifice animals or people at religious festivals.


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The Vikings believed in the afterlife and that they would go to hell if they died in battle. They took a lot of care placing the dead properly in a comfortable place so they could enjoy their afterlife, and some of them believed that the afterlife was a better place.