Tpd beramendi-lesson plan 3

Lesson Plan Three Alumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi Período de Práctica: 1, Nivel Inicial Institución Educativa: Escuela de Educación Inicial y Primaria (UNS) Dirección: 11 de Abril 445 Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1er grado Cantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Inicial Tipo de Planificación: clase Unidad Temática: Partes del cuerpo Clase Nº: 3 Fecha: 19 de Mayo de 2015 Hora: 8.40 a 9.10 hs Duración de la clase: 30 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 14 de Mayo de 2015 Teaching points: Working with a story in English. (numbers, colours, parts of the body) Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Transcript of Tpd beramendi-lesson plan 3

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Lesson Plan Three

Alumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi

Período de Práctica: 1, Nivel Inicial

Institución Educativa: Escuela de Educación Inicial y Primaria (UNS)

Dirección: 11 de Abril 445

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1er grado

Cantidad de alumnos: 26

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Inicial

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Partes del cuerpo

Clase Nº: 3

Fecha: 19 de Mayo de 2015

Hora: 8.40 a 9.10 hs

Duración de la clase: 30 minutos

Fecha de primera entrega: 14 de Mayo de 2015

Teaching points: Working with a story in English. (numbers, colours, parts of the body)

Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to:

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Recognize simple questions such as “What’s your name? Who is he? “What colour is it?”

Follow simple commands such as “Listen to me”, “Stand up”.

Recognize questions of quantity “How many coconuts can you see?” in a meaningful context.

Participate in different activities using the foreign language.

Language focus:

Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation

Revision Colours: blue, green, brown, red. Numbers: one, two, three, four, five. Parts of the body: head. Book characters: Mowgli, King Louie, Baloo. Extra: jungle.

Follow simple commands: stand up, sit down, listen to me, and listen to a song. Identify colours and numbers students know.

Recognition and production of Wh questions in the simple present: “what’s your name?” I’m ____”what colour is it?” It’s red! “Who is he?” Mowgli!

Production of the /dʒ/ sound through repetition as in Jungle.

New Vocabulary related to the jungle: palm tree, coconuts.

Quantifying, (identifying how many coconuts there are, and count them)

Recognition of Wh questions in the simple present: How many coconuts can you see? Four!

Production of the /k/ sound as in coconut through repetition.

Teaching approach: Communicative Approach.

Integration of skills: Speaking and listening skills will be integrated in the lesson since

the teacher will model the word or phrase, and students will repeat. For instance when trying for students to understand and recognize “How many coconuts can you see?” The teacher will model the sentence and encourage them to answer. Besides, students will listen to a story, and then perform that story.

Materials and resources: Pictures, a real coconut, 5 Styrofoam coconuts, worksheet,

DVD of the story, a computer, CD player.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will listen to a story

in the foreign language, so they’ll listen to authentic material, and the use of the language in a real context. During the lesson, we will listen and watch the scenes of a story on the computer.

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In case the devices don’t work, I’ll record the songs on my cellphone and tell students the story showing them the pictures from the coursebook.

Seating arrangement: students will be sitting in groups of 4 or 5 as always and standing

up when acting the story.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

Students may become a bit excited when the teacher plays the story on the computer or after telling the story, so she will try to keep them calm or ask them to sit down and pay attention, telling them that later they’ll act at the front. Besides, students may resort to their mother tongue when trying to participate, so if that happens the teacher will provide them with the equivalent word in the foreign language for them to repeat.

Classroom management strategies:

The teacher will show students a real coconut so as to motivate them and get into the lesson. Besides, she will encourage students to participate along the lesson so as to use the language. And finally, she will give students several short activities in order to avoid boredom.

Potential problems students may have with the language:

Students may have problems in understanding what “How many…” means, however I’ll provide several examples letting them help me so as they can recognize the structure. For instance I’ll say “How many coconuts can you see” and I’ll start counting taking the coconuts with my hands and encouraging them to help me.


Students will be assessed individually when the teacher asks specific questions and in groups when collaborating and participating along the activities.


Routine: 5 minutes

Purpose: To greet students and let them know that the lesson has started.

I’ll enter the classroom and say “Hello kids” and play our “Hello” song.

The song is from the course book they are working with “English Adventure” starter A.

Hello! Hello!

Hello! Hello!

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Hello! Hello!

Hello to you.

(repeated twice)

Then, as another part of the routine, I’ll throw a soft ball to one of the students and say “I’m Cintia, What’s your name?” and the student will say “I’m ____” I’ll do this with different students.

Transition: Very good!! Now let’s work!

Warm up: 5 minutes

Purpose: to activate previous knowledge and set the context.

I’ll stick the pictures of the characters of “The Jungle Book” on the board (the ones I took to the classroom last class, which are from the textbook “English Adventure” starter A), and the two pictures of the jungle I also took last Tuesday, and ask students “Do you remember our friends from the jungle?” Who is he? (pointing to one of the characters) SS: Baloo! (and the same with the other two characters). Then, I’ll say.. and where do they live? (pointing to the pictures of the jungle) and I’ll encourage students to say in the Jungle! (I’ll help them And what can we find in the jungle? Let’s see!

Then, I’ll show my students a picture of a palm tree that contains coconuts and ask them “What is it? Students may say “Palmera” so I’ll say “It’s a palm tree!! And look! It has coconuts! (pointing to them) What colour are coconuts? SS: brown! Very good! And what colour is it? (pointing to the leaves of the palm tree) SS: green! T: and this one? (pointing to the trunk) SS: brown!

Transition: Very good!! Oh, look what I’ve got here! (looking into my bag) Mowgli gave it to me! It’s a present from Mowgli! (miming) Do you want to see it? SS: yes!

Presentation: 5 minutes

Purpose: To introduce new structures and vocabulary

I’ll take the coconut I’ll bring to the class from my bag and show it to students. I’ll go table by table showing the coconut and saying to students for them to recognize it “It’s a coconut, what is it?” SS: coconut. Very good!

And look! I’ve got some more here, these are from Baloo! I’ll open a box I’ll bring to the class with 5 Styrofoam coconuts, take them out of it and ask “How many coconuts can you see?” (I’ll start counting for students to understand the question) then, I’ll take only two

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coconuts and ask again “and now, How many coconuts can you see? SS: two T: very good! Again, I’ll take four coconuts and ask “How many coconuts can you see?” SS: four!

Transition: Excellent job kids!

Activity 1: 5 minutes

Purpose: to listen to a story so as to recognize the vocabulary and structures presented in the lesson, while practicing vocabulary and structures previously learnt.

Now, kids! We’re going to watch and listen to a story about our friends from the jungle, right? Pay attention! (I’ll play the story on the computer for students to see the different scenes). First, I’ll play the story once for students to become familiar with it; then I’ll play it again for students to repeat the dialogues.

The story is from the coursebook “English Aventure” starter A.

(picture 1)

Baloo Mmm, coconuts! How many coconuts

can you see?

(picture 2)

Mowgli One, two, three, four…five.

Five coconuts!

(picture 3)

Monkey No! four coconuts. One, two, three, four.

(picture 4)

Monkey Here!

(picture 5)

Baloo Ow! My head!

(picture 6)

Mowgli Now, how many coconuts can you see? One, two, three coconuts!

Transition: Well done children!

Activity 2: 5 minutes

Purpose: to recognize and practice the structures and vocabulary we’ve been working with along the lesson and to foster communicative interaction.

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I’ll ask for two volunteers to come to the front and perform the story. (I’ll be one of the characters and also, I’ll help students with the dialogue of the story by saying it secretly near their ears, and I’ll let more than two students act the story, Besides, I’ll draw a big palm tree on the board and stick the coconuts I’ll bring for students to use them when acting) So, I’ll say “Now we are going to act the story, yes?; You and you come here please (pointing to two students) you are Baloo, and you are Monkey, right? Then I’ll help each student say each dialogue while I’ll be in Mowgli’s character. Besides, the rest of the class will help each character counting the coconuts when it corresponds. (Then, we change roles with other two students).

Transition: very good job!

Closure: 5 minutes

T: Now, it’s time to say goodbye!

And I’ll play our routine goodbye song that is from the same book “English Adventure, starter A”.

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye, everyone!



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The pictures of the story (form the coursebook, page 8)

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