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Page 1: a... · Web viewTabla de contenidos. 1. TIEMPOS VERBALES. 7. Present Simple (Presente Simple) 7. Present Continuos (Presente Continuo) 9. Present Simple vs. Present Continuos. 10.


Tabla de contenidos.....................................................................................................................................1

TIEMPOS VERBALES...............................................................................................................................7

Present Simple (Presente Simple)........................................................................................................................7

Present Continuos (Presente Continuo)................................................................................................................9

Present Simple vs. Present Continuos...................................................................................................................10

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)..............................................................................................................................11

Past Continuos (Pasado Continuo).......................................................................................................................13

Reglas ortográficas de los verbos acabados en –ing:............................................................................................13

Present Perfect (Presente Perfecto)....................................................................................................................15

Past simple vs. Presen perfect...............................................................................................................................17

Present Perfect Continuos (Presente Perfecto Continuo)......................................................................................18

Past Perfect (Pasado Perfecto)...........................................................................................................................19

Pasado Perfecto Continuo (Past Perfect Continuos)............................................................................................20

Futuro Simple (Future Simple)............................................................................................................................21

To Be Going To..................................................................................................................................................22

Present Continuos (Presente continuo).................................................................................................................23

Diferencia entre presente continuo y to be going to:............................................................................................23

Future Continuos (Futuro Continuo)...................................................................................................................23

Futuro Perfecto (Future Perfect)..........................................................................................................................24

Future Perfect Continuos (Futuro Perfecto Continuo).......................................................................................25

PHRASAL VERBS...................................................................................................................................37


VERBOS SEGUIDOS DE PREPOSICION..............................................................................................47

THE INFINITIVE AND THE GERUND.............................................................................................50

THE INFINITIVE................................................................................................................................................50

THE GERUND.....................................................................................................................................................51

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Verbos seguidos de infinitivo o de gerundio sin variación de significado...........................................................52


MODAL VERBS.......................................................................................................................................55

MODALES PERFECTOS....................................................................................................................................59

EXERCISES ON MODAL VERBS.....................................................................................................................60

Modals With Perfect Infinitive.............................................................................................................................61

DO / MAKE...............................................................................................................................................62

Make - Do.............................................................................................................................................................62


LA ORACIÓN...........................................................................................................................................65

Orden básico de las palabras en la oración...........................................................................................................65

QUESTIONS WORDS.........................................................................................................................................67

QUESTIONS TAGS............................................................................................................................................67

CLASES DE ORACIONES. SINTAXIS...............................................................................................69

THE PASSIVE VOICE........................................................................................................................................69

PASSIVE INFINITIVES......................................................................................................................................70

HAVE CAUSATIVE/ HAVE SOMETHING DONE..........................................................................................71

PASSIVE VOICE. EXERCISES..........................................................................................................................72




CONDITIONALS ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS ADVERBIALES CONDICIONALES CONDITION RESULT / CONSEQUENCE.............................................................................................80


CONDICIONALES SIN IF..................................................................................................................................82



FORMA Y USOS.................................................................................................................................................84

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REPORTED SPEECH...............................................................................................................................86

REPORTED STATEMENTS (ENUNCIATIVAS).............................................................................................88

REPORTED QUESTIONS (INTERROGATIVAS)............................................................................................88

REPORTED ORDERS OR COMMANDS (IMPERATIVAS)...........................................................................88

REPORTED SUGGESTIONS (SUGERENCIAS)..............................................................................................89

OTHERS REPORTING VERBS..........................................................................................................................89

REPORTED SPEECH. EXERCISES...................................................................................................................91

ADVERB CLAUSES (ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS ADVERBIALES).......................................94

TIME CLAUSES (ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS DE TIEMPO).................................................................94

PURPOSE CLAUSES (ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS DE FINALIDAD)..................................................94

CONCESSION CLAUSES (ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS CONCESIVAS)..............................................95

CAUSE CLAUSES (ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS CAUSALES)..............................................................95

RESULT CLAUSES (ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS CONSECUTIVAS)..................................................95


Write concessive sentences...................................................................................................................................96

PREFERIRÍA / ES HORA DE.................................................................................................................98

WOULD RATHER / WOULD SOONER; IT´S TIME........................................................................................98

EXERCISE B...............................................................................................................................................99

EXERCISE C...............................................................................................................................................99

EXERCISE D...............................................................................................................................................99

GRAMMAR REVIEW (REPASO DE GRAMÁTICA)....................................................................101

Ortografía / Spelling..........................................................................................................................................101


PREFIJOS Y SUFIJOS.......................................................................................................................................104

EL ARTICULO.......................................................................................................................................113

El artículo determinado o definido “The”..........................................................................................................113

El artículo indeterminado a / an..........................................................................................................................114

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SOME / ANY......................................................................................................................................................119

SOME / ANY / NO / EVERY............................................................................................................................119

ALL / BOTH-EACH / EVERY-EITHER / NEITHER - A LOT OF / PLENTY OF / (A) FEW / (A) LITTLE / MANY / MUCH / NO........................................................................................................................................119


ADJETIVOS COMPARATIVOS Y SUPERLATIVOS........................................................................122




TIME: FOR / DURING / BY / UNTIL / AT / IN / ON......................................................................................128

LUGAR: IN / AT / ON / TO...............................................................................................................................128


PREPOSITIONS AND PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES.....................................................................................129


WRITING / COMPOSITION (REDACCIÓN)....................................................................................133





School and education..........................................................................................................................................137

Film and tv..........................................................................................................................................................140



Other vocabulary.................................................................................................................................................142


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Natural disasters..................................................................................................................................................143

Myths and legends..............................................................................................................................................144


Computer technology..........................................................................................................................................146


Health problems and first aid..............................................................................................................................147


The world we live in...........................................................................................................................................150

Fun and games....................................................................................................................................................152

Places to visit......................................................................................................................................................153

FALSE FRIENDS...................................................................................................................................155


A NARRATIVE..................................................................................................................................................158

Extra writing practice..........................................................................................................................................160

AN OPINION ESSAY........................................................................................................................................161

AN OPINION ESSAY........................................................................................................................................162

Extra writing practice..........................................................................................................................................163

A DESCRIPTION OF A PLACE......................................................................................................................164

A DESCRIPTION OF A PLACE.......................................................................................................................165

Extra writing practice..........................................................................................................................................166

A PERSON THAT YOU ADMIRE...................................................................................................................167

A PERSON I ADMIRE......................................................................................................................................168

Extra writing practice..........................................................................................................................................169

DISCUSSING AN ISSUE (FOR AND AGAINST).......................................................................................170

A FOR AND AGAINST COMPOSITION....................................................................................................171

Extra writing practice..........................................................................................................................................172

ADDITIONAL EXERCISES..................................................................................................................175

TIEMPOS VERBALES......................................................................................................................................175

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PRESENT PERFECT: JUST, ALREADY, EVER, FOR, SINCE.....................................................................176


THE FUTURE....................................................................................................................................................181

VERBOS IRREGULARES (IRREGULAR VERBS)...........................................................................182

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Present Simple (Presente Simple)



I work You work

He / she / it works

We work You work They work

En la tercera persona HE/SHE/IT hay que añadirle a la forma básica del verbo la terminación:

–s –es -ies según el verbo.

Reglas ortográficas para formar la tercera persona HE / SHE / IT.

Si el verbo acaba en -consonante, -e o -vocal + y añadimos una -s a la forma básica del verbo.

Si el verbo acaba en -o, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x o –z se le añade –es. watch / watches

Si el verbo termina en –consonante + y se le añade -ies study / studies

· Negativa

I do not work I don´t work

You do not work You don´t work

He / she / it does not work He / she /it doesn´t work

We do not work We don´t work

You do not work You don´t work

They do not work They don´t work


Do I work? Yes, I do No, I don´t Do you work? Yes, you do No, you don´t

Does he / she / it work? Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she / it doesn´t

Do we work? Yes, we do No, we don´t Do you work? Yes, you do No, you don´t

Do they work? Yes, they do No, they don´t

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a/ Para expresar acciones habituales, rutinas, lo que realizamos con una cierta frecuencia.

En estos casos el verbo va acompañado por adverbios de frecuencia como never (nunca), usually (normalmente), always (siempre), sometimos (a veces), often (frecuentemente), generally (con asiduidad), seldom (rara vez). Todos estos adverbios se colocan delante del verbo principal y si es el verbo to be detrás.

También pueden aparecer con este tiempo verbal expresiones temporales como every day, year, month…on Monday… once a week, year , day…Al ser expresiones de tiempo se colocan al final de la oración.

I usually go to the gym. My mother is sometimes late at home. We meet our friends everyday

b/ Para expresar hechos o verdades generales y definiciones científicas.

My mother works in a factory. Ice is solid.

c/ Al hablar de horarios y programas.

The train arrives at 7.30.

d/ Hay verbos que normalmente siempre se usan en presente simple. Se llaman “stative verbs” y son

- Los que expresan sentimientos y emociones love, like, dislike, hate, need, hope, want, prefer…

- Los que expresan comprensión u opinión think, believe, know, understand…

- Los verbos de sentido y de percepción see, smell, sound, taste, touch…

- Los precios y las medidas: cost weigh measure

- La posesión: belong have own

Algunos pueden indicar estado y actividad y usarse en la forma simple y en la continua. Por ejemplo, think.

Dona thinks the book is wonderful He is thinking about going to Ireland in summer

Mientras que el verbo see en Present Continuos indica una acción futura fijada de antemano.

I’m seeing the doctor this afternoon.

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Present Continuos (Presente Continuo)

Forma S+ Present to be+ V-ing


I am working I´m working

You are working you´re working

He / she / it is working he / she / it´s working

We are working We´re working

You are working You´re working

They are working They´re working

· Negativa

I am not working I´m not working

You are not working You aren´t working

He / she / it is not working he / she /it isn´t working

We are not working We aren´t working

You are not working You aren´t working

They are not working They aren´t working


Am I working? Yes, I am No, I´m not

Are you working? Yes, you are No, you aren´t

Is he / she / it working? Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isn´t

Are we working? Yes, we are. No, we aren´t.

Are you working? Yes, you are . No, you aren´t

Are they working? Yes, they are No, they aren´t

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Reglas ortográficas de los verbos acabados en –ing:

- Los verbos que acaban en una sola –e pierden esta vocal y añaden –ing:

write writing have having come coming

- Los verbos de una sílaba acabados en “vocal + consonante” duplican la consonante y añaden –ing (excepto en el caso de w y y):

put /putting stop/ stopping shop /shopping


a/ Para acciones que están sucediendo en el mismo momento de hablar. Las expresiones más frecuentes que le acompañan son now, at present, at the moment…

En español suele equivaler a “estar + gerundio”.

b/ Para acciones que no han terminado en el mismo momento de hablar pero períodos de tiempo un poquito más amplios.

These days, this year, this morning… This year I’m revising the tenses in class.

c/ Para acciones que ocurrirán en un futuro próximo con seguridad porque han sido programadas anteriormente. Las expresiones temporales que le acompañan son tonight, tomorrow, next week, in a minute, in a couple days... Tomorrow I’m moving to a new flat.

d/ Algunos “stative verbs” pueden aparecer en forma continua siempre que no expresen su significado original.

I have a car I’m having a shower

Present Simple vs. Present Continuos

· El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que ocurren habitualmente o en general:

- James studies German at university. - My parents live in the south

- Water boils at 100 Celsius degrees. - Sharks are dangerous animals.

· El presente continuo, en cambio, se utiliza para hablar de cosas que están ocurriendo en el momento en el que se habla:

- Mary is playing the guitar now. - Take an umbrella. It´s raining.

- Let´s go to the park! The sun is shinning. - They are working in the garage at the moment.

Las oraciones en presente continuo a menudo van acompañadas de expresiones que indican que la acción se está realizando en ese momento:

Now, right now, at the moment, at present...

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Past Simple (Pasado Simple)

Forma S+Vpast


Verbos regulares forman el pasado añadiéndoles la terminación –ed a la forma básica del verbo.

(work) I / You / He / She / It / We / They worked.

Reglas ortográficas para añadir la teminación -ed

-Si el verbo en infinitivo acaba en –e sólo añadiremos –d move / moved

-Los verbos que se acentúan en la última sílaba doblan la consonante final. Permit / permitted

-Los que terminan en consonante + y cambian -y por -i añadiendo después –ed study / studied

-Los verbos monosílabos que terminan en cons + vocal + cons doblan la consonante final. Stun / stunned

-Los verbos que acaban en –l también doblan la consonante final. Travel / travelled

Verbos irregulares (go)

Tienen su propia forma para el pasado.


I went You went He / she / it went

We went You went They went


Verbos regulares (work)

I did not work I didn´t work You did not work You didn´t work

He / she / it did not work He / she / it didn´t work

We did not work We didn´t work You did not work You didn´t work They did not work They didn´t work

Verbos irregulares (go)

I did not go I didn´t go You did not go You didn´t go

He / she / it did not go He / she / it didn´t go

We did not go We didn´t go You did not go You didn´t go They did not go They didn´t go

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Verbos regulares (work)

Did I work? Yes, I did No, I didn´t Did you work? Yes, you did No, you didn´t

Did he/she/it work? Yes, he/she/it did No, he/she/it didn´t

Did we work? Yes, we did No, we didn´t

Did you work? Yes, you did No, you didn´t

Did they work? Yes, they did No, they didn´t

Verbos irregulares (go)

Did I go? Yes, I did No, I didn´t

Did you go? Yes, you did No, you didn´t

Did he/she/it go? Yes, he/she/it did No, he/she/it didn´t Did we go? Yes, we did No, we didn´t

Did you go? Yes, you did No, you didn´t Did they go? Yes, they did No, they didn´t


a/ Para acciones acabadas que ocurrieron en un momento definido del pasado.

I saw your cousin yesterday My father bought a book last week

Con el pasado simple pueden ir todas las partículas temporales que indiquen pasado por ejemplo: last year, month, week… ago (hace) detrás de años, meses o minutos, yesterday…

b/ Para expresar acciones que ocurrieron consecutivamente en el pasado.

Last night I heard a terrible noise; I got up inmediately and closed my window.

c/ Para expresar una acción corta en el pasado que interrumpe a otra acción larga que también sucedió en el pasado.

I was watching TV (acción larga), when the phone rang (acción corta).

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Past Continuos (Pasado Continuo)

Forma S+ past “to be” + V-ing


I was working You were working

He / she / it was working

We were working You were working They were working


I was not working I wasn´t working You were not working you weren´t working

He / she / it was not working he / she /it wasn´t working

We were not working we weren´t working You were not working you weren´t working

They were not working they weren´t working


Was I working? Yes, I was No, I wasn´t

Were you working? Yes, you were No, you weren´t

Was he / she / it working? Yes, he / she / it was. No, he / she / it wasn´t

Were we working? Yes, we were No, we weren´t Were you working? Yes, you were No, you weren´t Were they working? Yes, they were No, they weren´t

Reglas ortográficas de los verbos acabados en –ing:

- Los verbos que acaban en una sola –e pierden esta vocal y añaden –ing: write writing have having come coming

- Los verbos de una sílaba acabados en “vocal + consonante” duplican la consonante y añaden –ing (excepto en el caso de w y y):

put putting stop stopping shop shopping

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a/ Para expresar una acción incompleta, continuada, que estaba ocurriendo en un momento determinado del pasado. Yesterday evening I was doing my homework

b/ Para indicar que dos o más acciones largas estaban ocurriendo simultáneamente.

En este uso podemos utilizar la partícula temporal while (mientras).

I was eating a sándwich while my mother was cooking in the kitchen.

En español equivale normalmente a “estaba + gerundio”.

c// Para señalar que una acción larga estaba teniendo lugar en el pasado cuando fue interrumpida por otra acción breve. I was watching TV (acción larga) when the phone rang..

Past Simple/Past continuos

El pasado simple se utiliza para referirnos a situaciones o acciones completas del pasado o a situaciones permanentes o de larga duración, también en el pasado.

- I lived in Rome till I was 10.

- She bought chocolates because she thought you liked them.

El pasado continuo, sin embargo, se refiere a situaciones o eventos temporales de un momento del pasado.

-She arrived when we were having dinner.

Cuando hablamos de situaciones o eventos simultáneos en el pasado, puede utilizarse el pasado simple o el pasado continuo:

-They went on holiday while their son was at university. -Jill was making dinner while he was laying the table.

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Present Perfect (Presente Perfecto)


Sujeto + have/has + participio del verbo principal

Al igual que en la forma de pasado, los verbos regulares añaden –ed en el participio.

En el caso de los irregulares, es necesario saberlo.


I have worked I´ve worked

You have worked you´ve worked He / she / it has worked he/she/it´s worked

We have worked we´ve worked You have worked you´ve worked

They have worked They´ve worked


I have not work ed I haven´t worked

You have not work ed You haven´t worked

He / she / it has not worked He / she / it hasn´t worked

We have not worked We haven´t worked

You have not worked You haven´t worked

They have not worked They haven´t worked


Have I worked? Yes, I have No, I haven´t

Have you worked? Yes, you have No, you haven´t

Has he/she/it worked? Yes, he/she/it has No, he/she/it hasn´t

Have we worked? Yes, we have No, we haven´t

Have you worked? Yes, you have No, you haven´t

Have they worked? Yes, they have No, they haven´t

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Uso del Present Perfect::

a/ Para expresar acciones que habiendo ocurrido en el pasado afectan al presente.

I have lost my ballet He perdido mi cartera, y el resultado es que ahora no tengo dinero.

b/ Para una acción que empezó en el pasado y continúa en el momento presente.

They have been married for two years (llevan casados dos años, todavía siguen casados).

c/ Acciones que ocurrieron en un tiempo pasado pero no se expresa cuando por ser desconocido o poco importante pero siempre guarda relación con el presente.

I have been to United States.

d/ Para acciones que acaban de suceder, en este caso llevan la partícula just.

I have just lost my keys. (Acabo de perder mis llaves).

NOTA: Al contrario que en español, el present perfect no se utiliza para hablar de algo ocurrido en el pasado reciente. En esos casos se usa el pasado simple:

- He desayunado a las diez (hoy) I had breakfast at 10.

- Ha llegado esta tarde He arrived this afternoon.

- ¿Qué has hecho por la mañana? What did you do this morning?

Expresiones temporales que acompañan al present perfect

Already / Yet

Already (ya) es una partícula temporal que va con el verbo en forma afirmativa para expresar que una acción se ha realizado ya y se coloca detrás del auxiliar have o has.

I have already seen that film.

Yet en la forma negativa significa (aún, todavía) y la utilizamos para decir que una acción todavía no ha tenido lugar, se coloca al final de la oración.

I haven’t seen that film yet.

Yet con la forma interrogativa significa (ya) y la utilizamos para preguntar si la acción del verbo se ha realizado ya. También va situada al final de la oración.

Have you seen that film yet?

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JustJust Esta partícula temporal se utiliza para expresar que la acción acaba de suceder, podríamos traducirla por la expresión perifrástica en español “acabar de + infinitivo” Se coloca detrás del auxiliar have / has.

I have just met your sister in the street.

Ever / NeverEver (alguna vez) es una expresión temporal que utilizamos en oraciones interrogativas para preguntar si alguna vez ha sucedido esa acción.

Have you ever eaten Indian food?

Never Se utiliza con el verbo en forma afirmativa para expresar que nunca se ha realizado la acción. Se coloca detrás del auxiliary have / has.

I have never eaten Indian food.

How long?Utilizamos esta partícula interrogativa para preguntar cuánto tiempo ha durado una acción.

How long have you studied in London?

For / SinceFor (durante o desde hace) Indica el tiempo completo que dura una acción.

I have studied French for two hours. Período completo dos horas.

Since (desde) Indica el momento concreto en el que comenzó la acción.

I have studied French since five o’clock. Momento en el que comienza.

Past simple vs. Presen perfect

Uno de los aspectos gramáticales del inglés más conflictivos para los hablantes de español es el uso del pasado simple y el presente perfecto. De hecho, en este punto el inglés se diferencia bastante del español. Por ello, observa atentamente los siguientes pares de ejemplos:

Acciones que comenzaron en el pasado:

- I have lived in Brussels for 3 years = Llevo viviendo en Bruselas 3 años (Aún vivo allí)

- I lived in Brussels for 3 years = Viví en Bruselas durante tres años. (Ya no vivo allí)

Acciones acabadas que tuvieron lugar en algún momento del pasado:

- I have read that book. (No se especifica cuando, quizá porque no es relevante o se desconoce)

- I read that book two summers ago. (Se especifica cuando)

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Acciones que han tenido lugar en un pasado reciente.

- I´ve lost my keys and I can´t go out now. (La acción pasada tiene una relación directa con el


- I had cereals and orange juice for breakfast this morning. (La acción no tiene ninguna repercusión en el presente, aunque haya ocurrido en el mismo día en el que se habla).

Present Perfect Continuos (Presente Perfecto Continuo)

Así se forma el presente perfecto en su forma afirmativa: Sujeto + have/has + been + verbo principal acabado en –ing


I have been working I´ve been working

You have been working you´ve been working

He / she / it has been working he/she/it´s been working We have been working we´ve been working

You have been working you´ve been working They have been working they´ve been working


I have not been working I haven´t been working

You have not been working You haven´t been working

He / she / it has not been working He / she / it hasn´t been working We have not been working We haven´t been working

You have not been working You haven´t been working They have not been working They haven´t been working


Have I been working? Yes, I have No, I haven´t

Have you been working? Yes, you have No, you haven´t

Has he/she/it been working? Yes, he/she/it has No, he/she/it hasn´t Have we been working? Yes, we have No, we haven´t

Have you been working? Yes, you have No, you haven´t

Have they been working? Yes, they have No, they haven´t

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El presente perfecto contínuo se utiliza para expresar acciones o situaciones que se han producido durante un tiempo y han finalizado hace muy poco o aún continúan. Este tiempo verbal enfatiza la duración de la sacción.. A menudo se acompaña de una expresión de tiempo con since o for, por ejemplo.

- I ´ve been trying to talk to him for weeks.

- She´s been studying French since she was 15, but she still can´t speak fluently.

- He´s been living in Rome for five months now.

También se utiliza frecuentemente en preguntas que comienzan con How long...?

- How long have you been waiting for the bus? - How long has she been trying to find a job

Past Perfect (Pasado Perfecto)

Así se forma el pasado perfecto en su forma afirmativa: Sujeto + had + participio del verbo principal

Al igual que en la forma de pasado, los verbos regulares añaden –ed en el participio. En el caso de los irregulares, es necesario saberlo.


I had worked I´d worked

You had worked you´d worked He / she / it had worked he/she/it´d worked

We had worked we´d worked You had worked you´d worked

They had worked they´d worked


I had worked I hadn´t worked You had worked You hadn´t worked

He / she / it had not worked He / she / it hadn´t worked

We had not worked We hadn´t worked You had not worked You hadn´t worked

They had not worked They hadn´t worked


Had I worked? Yes, I had No, I hadn´t Had you worked? Yes, you had No, you hadn´t

Had he/she/it worked? Yes, he/she/it had No, he/she/it hadn´t

Had we worked? Yes, we had No, we hadn´t Had you worked? Yes, you had No, you hadn´t Had they worked? Yes, they had No, they hadn´t

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Uso del Pasado Perfecto:

Este tiempo se utiliza para referirnos a un hecho pasado que tuvo lugar antes que otra acción también pasada o antes de algún momento concreto del pasado:

- When he arrived, the film had finished. 1º acción: the film had finished. 2º acción: he arrived..

· Pasado perfecto con already y just.

- I had already had dinner when he phoned. (Ya había cenado cuando él llamó)

- She told me to buy some bread when I had just come back from the supermarket. (Me pidió que comprara pan cuando yo acababa de volver del supermercado)

Pasado Perfecto Continuo (Past Perfect Continuos)

Así se forma el pasado perfecto continuo en su forma afirmativa: Sujeto + had + been + verbo principal acabado en –ing


I had been working I´d been working

You had been working you´d been working

He / she / it had been working he/she/it´d been working

We had been working we´d been working You had been working you´d been working They had been working they´d been working


I had not been working I hadn´t been working

You had not been working You hadn´t been working

He / she / it had not been working He / she / it hadn´t been working

We had not been working We hadn´t been working You had not been working You hadn´t been working They had not been working They hadn´t been working


Had I been working? Yes, I had No, I hadn´t

Had you been working? Yes, you had No, you hadn´t

Had he/she/it been working? Yes, he/she/it had No, he/she/it hadn´t

Had we been working? Yes, we had No, we hadn´t Had you been working? Yes, you had No, you hadn´t Had they been working? Yes, they had No, they hadn´t

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- El pasado perfecto continuo se utiliza para expresar acciones o situaciones que se produjeron durante cierto tiempo en el pasado y finalizaron en un momento concreto también del pasado, o poco antes de ese momento:

- Jim had been watching TV all evening when she phoned.

- I had been doing some work before going to bed.

- They had been trying to save for the summer holidays.

- Her parents had been trying to persuade her for weeks but she didn´t listen to them.

El pasado perfecto continuo enfatiza la duración de una acción o situación, mientras que el pasado perfecto se refiere más a la finalización de una actividad o sus efectos:

- She had been phoning for hours but she hadn´t got any answer.

Futuro Simple (Future Simple)


I will work I´ll work

You will work you´ll work

He / she / it will work he / she / it´ll work

We will work we´ll work You will work you´ll work They will work they´ll work


I will not work I won´t work

You will not work you won´t work

He / she / it will not work he / she /it won´t work

We will not work we won´t work You will not work you won´t work They will not work they won´t work


Will I work? Yes, I will No, I won´t

Will you work Yes, you will No, you won´t

Will he / she / it work? Yes, he / she / it will No, he / she / it won´t Will we work? Yes, we will No, we won´t

Will you work? Yes, you will No, you won´t

Will they work? Yes, they will No, they won´t

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Shall: con I y we se puede utilizar shall en lugar de will, pero su uso es menos común:

- I will go to work in five minutes = I shall go to work in five minutes.

- We will buy vegetables this afternoon = We shall buy vegetables this afternoon.


a/ Para expresar hechos futuros.

The members of Parliament will hold a special meeting on Monday

b/ Para hacer predicciones sobre lo que creemos que ocurrirá en el futuro basadas en la opinión.

Pueden aparecer con verbos de opinión por ejemplo think, believe…

In the future We will study with computers instead books.

c/ Para decisiones que se toman en el mismo momento de hablar, espontáneamente, y ofrecimientos.

I’m getting tired. I’ll take a taxi. – I have a lot of work. I will help you!

To Be Going To


AfirmativaSe forma con el presente del verbo “to be” más going to + infinitivo.

I am going to + inf We / You / They are going to + inf He / She / It is going to + inf

NegativaI’m not going to + inf We / You / They are not (aren’t) going to + inf

He / She / It is not (isn’t) going to + inf

InterrogativaAm I going to + inf? Are We / You / They going to + inf? Is He / She It going to + inf?


a/ Para expresar planes o intenciones (ir a, pensar en).

I’m going to visit my grandmother next week.

b/ Para expresar predicciones sobre el futuro basadas en indicios o evidencias.

Look at these clouds! It is going to rain!

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Present Continuos (Presente continuo)

Forma S+am/are/is+V-ing

Diferencia entre presente continuo y to be going to:

Aunque ambos se utilizan para referirnos a acciones futuras ya planeadas, existe una pequeña diferencia.

El presente continuo se utiliza para expresar actividades que se realizarán casi con total seguridad porque ya se han planeado, mientras que to be going to no implica tanta certeza, sino más bien una intención.


- I think I´m going to start looking for another job. (intención, no un plan definido) - The film is starting in one hour. (según un horario fijo)

- She´s coming for dinner tonight. (ya se ha planeado antes y es algo seguro) - We´re going to start learning Italian. (intención)

Future Continuos (Futuro Continuo)

Así se forma el futuro continuo en su forma afirmativa: Sujeto + will + be + verbo principal en su forma –ing


I will be working I´ll be working

You will be working you´ll be working

He / she / it will be working he / she / it´ll be working

We will be working we´ll be working You will be working you´ll be working They will be working they´ll be working


I will not be working I won´t be working

You will not be working you won´t be working

He / she / it will not be working he / she /it won´t be working

We will not be working we won´t be working You will not be working you won´t be working They will not be working they won´t be working

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Will I be working? Yes, I will No, I won´t

Will you be working Yes, you will No, you won´t

Will he / she / it be working? Yes, he / she / it will No, he / she / it won´t Will we be working? Yes, we will No, we won´t

Will you be working? Yes, you will No, you won´t

Will they be working? Yes, they will No, they won´t

- El futuro continuo se utiliza para referirnos a acciones que ocurrirán en un momento concreto del futuro o durante cierto tiempo en el futuro. A veces se trata de acciones ya planeadas. Se suele mencionar el complemento circunstancial de tiempo (tomorrow, next time, etc.)

- I ´ll be wearing a suit at work every day. - She´ll be leaving tomorrow morning at 9.

Futuro Perfecto (Future Perfect)


I will have worked I´ll have worked

You will have worked you´ll have worked

He / she / it will have worked he / she / it´ll have worked

We will have worked we´ll have worked You will have worked you´ll have worked They will have worked they´ll have worked


I will not have worked I won´t have worked

You will not have worked you won´t have worked

He / she / it will not have worked he / she /it won´t have worked

We will not have worked we won´t have worked You will not have worked you won´t have worked They will not have worked they won´t have worked


Will I have worked? Yes, I will No, I won´t

Will you have worked? Yes, you will No, you won´t

Will he / she / it have worked? Yes, he / she / it will No, he / she / it won´t

Will we have worked? Yes, we will No, we won´t Will you have worked?

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Yes, you will No, you won´t

Will they have worked? Yes, they will No, they won´t

Uso: se utiliza para expresar que algo ya habrá sucedido o se habrá completado en cierto momento futuro:

- I´ll have finished my exams by 20th June. (Ya habré terminado los exámenes el 20 de junio)

- She´ll have paid her mortgage when she is 55. (Habrá terminado de pagar cuando tenga 55)

- I ´ll have done the shopping by the time you get home. (Habré hecho la compra antes de que llegues)

Future Perfect Continuos (Futuro Perfecto Continuo)

Así se forma el futuro perfecto en su forma afirmativa:

Sujeto + will + have + been + verbo principal acabado en –ing


I will have been working I´ll have been working

You will have been working you´ll have been working

He / she / it will have been working he/she/it´ll have been working We will have been working we´ll have been working

You will have been working you´ll have been working They will have been working they´ll have been working


I will not have been working I won´t have been working

You will not have been working You won´t have been working

He / she / it will not have been working He / she / it won´t have been working We will not have been working We won´t have been working

You will not have been working You won´t have been working They will not have been working They won´t have been working


Will I have been working? Yes, I will No, I won´t

Will you have been working? Yes, you will No, you won´t

Will he/she/it have been working? Yes, he/she/it will No, he/she/it won´t

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Will we have been working? Yes, we will No, we won´t Will you have been working? Yes, you will No, you won´t Will they have been working? Yes, they will No, they won´t

- El futuro perfecto continuo se utiliza para expresar cuanto tiempo habrá durado una acción o situación cuando llegue cierto momento. Es necesario mencionar la duración de dicha acción (one year, two days...) y el momento futuro que se toma como referencia (next summer, tomorrow...)

- Next year we´ll have been living in this house for 2 years.

- He´ll have been travelling around the world for one month on Monday.

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1.Choose the correct answer

a. Sally isn't here. She visits / is visiting a friend in hospital.

b. Our English teacher gives / is giving us spelling dictations every week.

c. We don't stay / aren't staying at home tonight.

d. These flowers are beautiful and they smell / are smelling wonderful, too.

e. Don't talk loudly. They try / are trying to sleep.

d. We don't think /aren't thinking his suggestion is a good one.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

a. How much______________this book __________?(cost)

b. Call the doctor later. He______________a patient (see) at the moment.

c. I'm so excited. My best friend __________(arrive) now.

d. That's ridiculous. Dogs __________ (not fly)

e. __________ you __________at home tonight? (stay)

f. We __________ (not know) what to do.

g. I _______________ (have) a birthday party next week so please come and celebrate with me.

h. I never_______________ (forget) a person's face.

3. Complete the letter with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Dear Anne,

I 1_______________(write) to you about my friend, Mary. My problem is 2_I______________ (not understand) her at all. She 3_______________ (lack) self-confidence and she's very shy. We 4. _______________ (take) a kickboxing course this year and we often 5___________ (go) to parties together, but she 6. _______________ (not talk) to anyone. It's strange because we _______________(get along) so well.. 8_______________(see) her later this weekend to talk about things. 19_______________ (know) that she's worried about the party at our school next week. 10_I___________ (like) Mary a lot, but I’m not sure how to help her.

Thanks for your advice. Tina

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4) Complete the sentences with a suitable time expression below.

*while” *when” *this morning” *last year” *10 o'clock last night” *fifty years ago”

a. Nobody had computers or microwave ovens………………………………………………………….

b. I was standing outside the cinema_______________it began to rain.

c. _______________ my sister won the talent contest at our school, I hope she wins again this year.

d. Our friends came to visit_______________ we were having dinner.

e. What were you doing at ._______________

f.. John got up late_______________and missed the bus to school.

5)Write questions using the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

a. you /study / for the exam / all weekend


b. what /she /say /when / you / tell her / the truth


c. they / sleep / when / you / arrive / last night


d. why / you / cry / when /1/ see / you


6)Complete the e-mail with a suitable verb below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

eat - not forget - try - concentrate - meet - arrive - not speak - rain - have – look-be

Hi Andy,

Here I am in London. Its a good thing 1. I_____________ my umbrella because it 2. ____________ very hard when 3.I ____________ My cousin Jill 4____________ me at the airport. We 5 ____________much to each other on the way home because she 6. ____________on driving.

Anyway, while Jill was driving. 7 I____________ out of the window. It 8. __________strange driving on the "wrong" side of the road. My first meal here was fish and chips, which I wasn't mad about but 9I__________ it anyway because 10. I ____________to be polite. That's all for now - more tomorrow.


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7)Choose the correct answer.

a. The ground was wet / had been wet because it rained / had rained the night before.

b. I started writing the answers after / by the time I had read all the questions.

c. She offered / had offered to help, but we eventually solved / had solved the problem on our own.

d. Sally burnt / had burnt her mouth when she had drunk / drank the hot coffee.

e. Dad had realised / realised that he had forgotten / forgot to lock the front door.

8)Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences. Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect or Past Perfect.

a. She made tea. Then she washed the dishes. (after)


b. Sally came to live here 20 years ago. (for)


c. Do you know how to play tennis? (ever)


d. I haven't seen him since we finished school. (last time)


e. Thanks, but I had lunch earlier. (already)


9)Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect or Past Perfect.

Frozen foods 1. ____________(be) part of our lives for so long that it’s hard to imagine how we once 2.____________(manage) without them. Like many other inventions, the discovery of frozen food 3. ____________ (happen) by chance. A scientist called Clarence Birdseye was working in the Arctic, when he 4. ____________ (notice) people were eating fish that local fishermen 5. ____________ (catch) several days before. The freezing temperatures 6. ____________ (keep) the fish fresh Birdseye realized the importance of his discovery because until then, there 7. ____________(be) no satisfactory way of keeping meat, fish and vegetables fresh for any length of time Food companies quickly 8____________ (adopt) his ideas and methods for freezing food. Since then, we 9_________________ (benefit) from Birdseye's discovery.

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10) Complete the mini dialogues with a suitable time expression below.

Already yet last weekend just in 2006 never

a. Do you want to see the film? No thanks. I have____________seen it twice.

b. Are you planning a picnic this Saturday? No. We had a picnic ____________

c. Is Danny's sister pretty? I don't know. I've_________ met her.

d. How long have they lived in this neighborhood? Not very long. They came here____________

e. Why are you still wearing your coats? We have____________arrived.

f. Is the TV working now? No. The man hasn't come to repair it____________

11)Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Present Perfect.

a. When ___________ this new restaurant ___________ (open)? I don't think I ___________ (eat) here yet.

b. Jessica _________ (fail) two driving tests so far. Both times, she ___________ (drive) too quickly

c. They ___________ (know) each other for years, but they only ___________ (start) dating last year.

d. This watch ___________ (not work) properly since ___________ (buy) it.

e. I ___________ (already hear) about the accident Sue __________(call) last night to tell me the news.


1.Choose the correct answer.

a. I can't wait! He _________ tonight.

is arriving will arrive is going to arrive

b. Ellen _________ a course in computers next year.

is doing is going to do will do

c. Hurry, or we _________ to the station in time.

aren't getting aren't going to get won't get

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d. Be careful! You __________

are falling are going to fall will fall

e. I don't understand the homework. "Don't worry. I.. _________ you."

will help am going to help am helping

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple, Present Continuous or be going to. There may be more than one possible answer.

a. I _________ they _________ the game tomorrow? (win)

b. Our friends _________ us this evening. (visit)

c. Do you think he _________ me his car? (lend)

d. Don't climb that tree. You _________ (fall)

e. Look at those clouds. It _________ soon. (rain)

f. I _________ my doctor this afternoon. (see)

g. It's a long journey. They probably _________ before midnight. (not arrive)

h. The lesson _________ (begin) in an hour.


3. Choose the correct answer.

a. During the next few months, we will be working / will have worked in another building.

b. Don't worry! By the time you arrive, we will have cleaned / will be cleaning everything.

c. At this time tomorrow, I will be travelling / will have travelled to Paris.

d. I have to cancel our plans. It looks like I will be studying / will have studied all weekend.

e. You can call me after 8 o'clock. I won't have slept / won't be sleeping.

4.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. Use the Future Continuous or Future Perfect. You will need to use some verbs more than once.

Make finish work sleep save

a. For the next few months, Jack _________________ extra hours to make more money.

b. By January, he _____________________________ enough money to pay for the trip.

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c. Don't call John before midday. You'll wake him because______________________ At noon, you can call him. He _____________________________________ enough by then.

d. On 15th June, we ____________________________ in this company for exactly ten years.

e. I believe we _______________________________________ still here ten years from now.

f. By the end of next week, we _______________________ all our exams, and we _________________ plans for a celebration.

6.Write a suitable response for each question. Use the correct future tense of the verbs in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer.

a. What do you need the eggs for? I __________________________________ (bake) a cake this evening.

b. What's the best time to call you? After 9 o'clock. I ________________ (finish) my homework by then.

c. Are you busy tonight? Yes, I _____________________. (help) my brother study for his math’s exam.

d. He's a great musician. Yes. I agree. He _______________________________ (be) famous one day


1.Complete the sentences with a suitable word or expression below. Pay attention to the tense in each sentence.

by then / one day / last year / yet / every day / this time, next month / at the moment / at eight o'clock, last night

a. How many students failed the exam ___________________________ ?

b. __________________________________ we'll be spending our days on the beach.

c.Eleanor likes exercising. She walks to work.__________________________________

d.I haven't finished my homework ________________

e.Come at 8 o'clock ________________________ we'll have finished dinner.

f.What were you doing ___________________________

g.Sally is busy. She's doing homework ______________________________________

h.Fred is a marvelous guitarist. He'll be famous _______________________________

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2.Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or the present continuous.

a. Jill is interested in politics but she _________ (not / belong) to a political party.

b. Don't put the dictionary away. I _________________ (use) it.

c. Don't put the dictionary away. I _________________ (need) it.

d. Who is that man? What _________________ (he / want)?

e.. Who is that man? Why _________________ (he / look) at us?

3.Complete the sentences. Use past simple or past continuous.

a. A man _________ (leave) his house when he _________ (see) some workmen who _________ (put) rubbish in the road outside his front door.

b. I _________ (watch) TV when I _________ (hear) the news of John Lennon's death.

c. Paul _________ (join) a group when he was fifteen.

d. The Beatles _________ (play) in The Cavern when Epstein ___________(see) them for the first time.

4. Complete the sentences. Use simple present, simple past or present perfect.

a. When the magazine _________ (begin) Howard only _________(have) a few readers.

b. He_____________________________ (sell) over five hundred copies at his last match.

c. People often ______________________ (tell) me that I'm lucky to have my own room.

d. My father _______________________________ (decorate/recently) my room.

e. In the last few years, over 150 football magazines _________ (appear) in Britain.

5.Complete the sentences. Use past perfect or past simple.

a. I _________ (go) to sleep by the time he arrived.

b. He _________ (leave) school by the age of sixteen.

c. They waited until we were all there before they _________ (start).

d. I was sure that I _________ (see) her somewhere before.

e. I couldn't watch the film because it _________ (start) before I ___________(arrive).

f. It _________ (take) me an hour to get there on the bus. By the time __________(get) there all the stars _________ (go) in, so I __________________(not get) any autographs.

g. Robbie _________ (come) on stage at nine. Most of the audience____________(arrive) hours earlier.

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6.Complete the sentences. Use past perfect or past perfect continuous.

a. They _________ (talk) for hours before they realized what time it was.

b. The kitchen was a mess because the boys _________ (cook).

c. I _________ (know) him since primary school.

d. The boys _________ (do) their homework by the time I arrived.

e. I went to England after I _________ (study) English for three months.

7.Make sentences from the words in brackets. Put the verb in the correct form: present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous.

a.. Ann is sitting on the ground. She's out of breath. (she/run)


b. Where's my bag? I left it under this chair. (somebody/take/it)


c. We were all surprised when Jenny and Andy got married last year. (they / only / know / each other / few weeks)


d. Suddenly I woke up. I was confused and didn't know where I was. ( I / dream)


e. I wasn't hungry at lunchtime so didn't have anything to eat. (I / have / a big breakfast)


8.Complete the sentences. Use will, shall or going to.

a. "These books are very heavy." "Don't worry, I _________ (carry) them for you."

b. __________________we go out now?, I'm bored.

c. "There's someone at the door." "Ok, I ______________________ (open) it."

d. __________ we go to the cinema tonight?" "I can't, I ____________________ (study),

e. Look at that man hanging form the top of the building! He ________________________ (fall).

f. "How are you getting home?" "I _________ (take) the number 57 bus as usual." "I _________ (come) with you. It stops near my house."

g. My father has decided that we _________ (visit) Sarah in New York next summer.

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9. Complete the sentences with either the future or the future continuos form of the verbs in brackets.

a. In five years time he _________________________________ (be) a millionaire.

b. This time next year I ____________________________________ (live) in America.

c. Ask Peter. I'm sure he ___________________________________ (know) the answer.

d. On 27th July he _________________________ (watch) a football match at Wembley.

e. I _________ __________________ (work) late in the office if you need to contact me.

f. I ______________________________ (meet) you in front of the cinema at 7.00 pm.".

"Ok see you then."

10. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of do or make.

a. I feel really nervous before _____________________ a speech.

b. You can't _________________ an international call from this office.

c. Have you finished _________________ the housework?

d. Don't ________________ any noise when you leave.

e. Could you _________________ me a favour?

f. In war, people _________________ terrible things.

11. Write the verbs in the correct tense: Present Simple/Cont., Past Simple/Cont

Present Perfect (Simple/Continuous), Past Perfect (Simple/Continuous).

1.      I closed the door quietly because he(try) sleep.

2.      How many times (she-call)....................................since he came to N.Y.?

3.      The children are filthy. Where (they-be)...............................................?

4.      I´m going to bed. I (work)..........................................for hours and I am tired.

5.      Mary was cleaning the windscreen when she (notice)................................ a crack in the glass.

6.      I couldn´t open the office door because someone (lock)

7.      I agree: I (not think) should apologize.

8.      When I phoned her she (do).........................................her homework.

9.      When I shouted they (jump) the roof and (run)..................away.

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10.  Don´t phone her just now. She (talk) her boss.

11.  Oh! You (have).....................................a shave! You look strange without a beard.

12.  Sorry, I (not understand)........................................... Could you say that again, please?

13.  There was nobody at the office.  Mr. Brownlow (tell).................................... the staff to go home.

14.  How many times (you see)................................................him since he went to Edinburgh?

15. They are very angry. They (try) see you for the last two or three hours.

16     I had a pleasant surprise when I got to my room: someone (put).....................................some flowers there for me.

17. Don´t make a noise: the children   (try) sleep.

18. We (sit) the sunshine for about twenty-five minutes when I suddenly felt sick.

19.He´ll be ready in a moment. He (clean).....................................his shoes.

20. It´s the most comfortable car I (ever-drive).....................................................

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Son un grupo especial de verbos que van seguidos por una o dos partículas: back, up, on, out, off …

Un phrasal verb es por tanto una unidad con significado especial y distinto al de las palabras que lo forman por separado.

To PUT- poner To PUT UP WITH —tolerar To PUT OFF- aplazar, apagar...

Mark got out of the car to have a look at the engine. (salir fuera)

Transitivos (Object)

Separables : pueden llevar la partícula junto all verbo o detrás del CD (object).

I have looked up the word/ looked the word up in the dictionary.

Si el CD es un sustantivo acepta las dos posiciones.

OJO con esto: Si el complemento es un pronombre como “him”, “it” o “that”, debe ir siempre entre el verbo y la partícula

I have looked it up in the dictionary.

Inseparables: llevan la partícula unida al verbo y el CD (object) se coloca detrás de la partícula.

My sister takes after my mother My sister takes after her

Ahora, cuando una frase tiene dos complementos, deben ir siempre separados:

I can’t put the painting on the wall. No puedo poner el cuadro en la pared.I can’t put on the painting on the wall.


No llevan CD (object) son inseparables.

To stand up —levantarse To sit down- sentarse To come to- volver en sí

To go away- irse To lie down- tumbarse.

Los que se forman con dos partículas son siempre inseparables

To look up to —respetar To look forward to-esperar con illusion To put up with —tolerar

To stick up for-apoyar.

La dificultad de este tipo especial de verbos estriba en que no hay reglas para orientarte qué tipo de phrasal verb es.  No hay otro medio que aprender su uso y su significado juntos.

A menudo utilizamos verbos con las siguientes partículas.

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In, out, on, off, up, away, round, back, through, about, along, over, forward, by.

On, off, back, round van con verbos de movimiento para indicar subir, bajar...


break in- introducirse en una casa. Burglars usually break in at night.

bring in – incluir Can we bring in Susan in on this decision?

call in- visitar a alguien sin cita, pasarse por casa de alguien.

come in- entrar. Come in quickly and close the door, please.

deal in- comerciar en. That shop deals in anticues.

fill in- rellenar. I need fill this form in to get my passport.

get into- meterse, por ejemplo, en problemas. He ge tinto trouble.

give in- rendirse. He gives in quickly when things get difficult.

join in- juntarse. He is antisocial, he never joins in our games.

look into- investigar. The police are looking into the burglary.

take part in- participar. Sue took part in the New York marathon.

turn into- volverse, convertirse. The young vandal turned into a responsible adult.


break out- fugarse. Three prisoners broke out of jail last night.

carry out- llevar a cabo. They should carry out her final wishes.

come out- salir. Heat magazine comes out on Fridays.

find out- descubrir. It’s a secret, nobody must find out.

get out- sacar. Bill got euros out of the bank to buy a phone.

get out of- escaparse. Only two survivors got out of the burning building.

give out- repartir. The air hostess gave out drinks and snacks.

leave out- excluir. Leave out question 2, you don’t need to do it.

pick out- elegir. We picked out a lovely tie for your dad’s birthday.

put out- apagar. The fire service put the fire out inmediately.

run out- agotar. My phone has run out of credit.

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set out- partir. They set out for the mountains at dawn.

spell out- deletrear. I often have to spell my name out.

stand out- destacar. Her work is excellent, it really stands out from the rest.

take out- sacar. He takes the dog out three times a day.

turn out- resultar. The festival turned out to be a great sucess.

work out- resolver. I can’t work out the answer. It’s too hard.


carry on- continuar, seguir. We must carry on until the end.

come on- darse prisa. We must come on to finish work.

drive on- seguir conduciendo. They drove on all day.

get on- “irle a alguien bien o mal, por ejemplo en un examen, trabajo...”

get on with- llevarse bien con alguien. He doesn’t get on with her dad, they always argue.

go on- seguir, continuar haciendo algo.

go on- ocurrir. Look! There’s something strange is going on in the street.

go on- conectarse (Internet). I’ll go on the internet and find a hotel.

switch on- encender. It’s too dark, switch the light on please.

try on- probarse. Try the shoes on before you buy them.


get off- bajarse. Get off the bus here, it’s our stop. También puede significar colgar. Get off the phone! I need to make an urgent call.

go off- explotar. The bomb went off at midnight.

put off- posponer. You shouldn’t put off going to the dentist.

switch off- apagar. Switch the lights off when you go to bed.

take off- despegar. The plane took off from runway 7.

take off- quitar. Please come in and take off your coat.

turn off- apagar.


blow up- explotar. The terrorists blew the plane up.

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break up- dejar una relación. He broke up his new girlfriend after a week.

bring up- educar. He brought his six children as a single parent.

build up- aumentar, desarrollar. Traffic always builds up on Sunday morning.

dress up- disfrazarse. It is a tradition to dress up on Halloween.

dry up- secarse. The reservoirs could dry up again this Summer.

fill up- llenarse. It costs 30 euros to fill the tank up with petrol.

get up- levantarse. He ges up at 6 o’clock because he stars work at 7.30.

give up- dejar de. She got up smoking alter she got bronchitis.

go up- subir. Is the lift going up or down?

look up- buscar. Can you look up “warrior” in the dictionary?

make up- desmaquillarse como verbo, como sustantivo significa maquillaje y también tiene otros significados como por ejemplo, inventar. She makes incredible stories up.

pick up- recoger. I will pick up you at the station at six o’clock.

put up- exponer. They put election posters up all over the town.

put up with- tolerar.

ring up- llamar por teléfono. He rang me up at midnight.

set up- establecerse, asentarse. The company set up for new offices last year.

shut up- callarse. Shut up! Stop shouting!

take up- empezar a hacer algo, practicar, por ejemplo un deporte. She took up running a few years ago.

throw up- vomitar.He threw up after eating too much.

turn up- acudir. He didn’t turn up for his exams. Tambien puede significar subir el volumen.

use up- gastar. Use up this cereal before you open a new one.

wash up- lavar los platos. wake up- despertarse.


blow down- derrumbar. The wind blew the fence down.

break down- averiarse, estropearse. The car broke down on the motorway.

cut down- reducir. If you want to lose weight, cut down on fast food.

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knock down- derribar por ejemplo un edificio, también puede significar atropellar. The man was knocked down by a train.

lie down- tumbarse.

sit down- sentarse.

slow down- bajar la velocidad.

turn down- bajar el volumen. write down- apuntar, anotar. The police wrote down the suspect’s name.


fall over- perder el equilibrio, caerse.

get over- recuperarse. She never got over the death of her husband.

knock over- tirar, hacer caer objetos y knocked over, en pasiva ser atropellado.

turn over – dar la vuelta. Turn over the page and begin the test.


get away with- salirse con la suya. He smiles and gets away with anything.

give away- regalar. They give a DVD away with this magazine.

go away- marcharse, irse.

put away- guardar algo en un sitio, colocar.

run away- huir. The boy run away after a family argument.

take away- quitar algo de un sitio. Take the dirty dishes away to wash.

throw away- tirar. Don’t throw bottles away, recycle them!


come back- volver. When are the Rolling Stones coming back to Spain?

give back- devolver. Give me back my pen, please.

go back- regresar, volver. Are you going up home for Christmas.

pay back- devolver dinero a alguien. I paid back the money I owned my parents.

FOR ask for- pedir. They asked for two coffees.

call for- reclamar. Ring this bell to call for attention.

FROM come from- proceder, venir de. Where does caviar come from?

ACROSS come across- encontrar. Bob came across an old friend in the supermarket.

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AFTER look after- cuidar de. The nurse looks after the patients.

THROUGH get through- comunicarse.I can’t get through to him at work , his phone is engaged.

WITH deal with- encargarse de algo. She’s great, she can’t deal with any problem.

TO put to- poner. The manager put the idea to the meeting.

OF think of- recordar. I can think of his name. Bill? Bob?.



come through something = survive an illness ora crisis

come round = become conscious after fainting

come across something = find something by accident

come up with something = find an answer or solution to something

come forward = offer to help, or volunteer to do something

1 Match the sentences.

The examiner asked Joe a difficult question. c

1 Gill fainted during the marathon run. …

2 Tom has an operation last year. …

3 Mary gave the wallet to the police officer. …

4 Police arrested the man who robbed the bank. ...

a Fortunately he came through it all right.

b She had come across it in the street.

c He still managed to come up with an answer.

d A witness came forward and identified him.

e She didn't come round for half an hour.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs.

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When Dave asked for volunteers, five people came forward.

1 Clare fainted at a pop concert. When she……………… the concert had finished.

2 Mark worked on the maths problem until he ……………… a solution.

3 Karen had a car accident last year. She was badly injured, but she managed to ……………… it.

4 Tom ……………… some old roman coins in his garden.


go down with something = become ill

go with something = look right together

go without something = manage without something

go along with something = agree to something

go up = increase in price

3 Choose the correct phrasal verbs.

Put a coat on. You don’t want to go down with /go up with a cold.

1 Which T-shirt will go up / will go with my new jeans?

2 If my parents go with / go along with the idea, I’ll have the party next week.

3 You should buy your computer now. Prices will go up / will go without soon.

4 After the earthquake, many people went without / went with fresh water for weeks.


take something off = remove a piece of clothing

take something on = accept or decide to do something

take something over = take control of or responsibility for something, e.g. a business

take to someone = like someone who you’ve just met

take something back = admit that something you said was wrong

4 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

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When I take my glasses off, I can’t see a thing.

1 Julie is often tired. She has taken too much work ……………… .

2 When his father died, Simon took the family business ……………… .

3 My parents haven’t taken …......... my new boyfriend. He’s much older than me.

4 If he doesn’t take what he said ……………, she’ll be angry.


put someone off = make someone lose interest in something

put yourself out = do something that is inconvenient for you

put someone up = let someone live in your house or flat for a while

put something on = put clothes on your body

put something forward = introduce something for discussion

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs.

The idea that Mary put forward was the best.

1 Rachel didn’t want to go out with Steve. His smoking ……………… her ……………… .

2 Carol is very kind. She always ……………… herself ……………… for other people.

3 Tina ……………… Tom ……………… last month while he looked for a new flat.

4 Maria decided to ……………… her black dress ……………… for the party.


bring something forward = move a meeting or a plan to an earlier time

bring something out = produce a new product

bring something on yourself = cause something to happen to yourself

bring something up = introduce a subject into a conversation

bring something down = cause the defeat of someone or something

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs.

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GameBoy are bringing a new computer game out next month.

1 ‘Greg failed all his exams last year.’

‘He ……………… it ……………… . He should have worked harder.’

2 Jane wanted to split up with Rob, but she didn’t know how to ……………… the subject ……………… .

3 They decided to ……………… the date of the wedding …………… by two weeks.

4 The scandal might ……………… the government ……………… .


get on with someone = have a good relationship with someone

get someone down = make someone feel unhappy

get away with something = escape punishment for something

get round to (doing) something = finally do

something after finishing other things get by on something = manage to survive with something

7. Match the dialogues.

Why wasn't Maria at Rachel's party? b

1 Did you hear about the boy who stole a computer game? …

2 Have you started your homework? …

3 Why do you need more pocket money? …

4 Do you want to watch Saving Private Ryan tonight? …

a No, I haven't got round to it yet.

b She doesn't get on with her.

c I'd rather do something else. War movies really get me down.

d I can't get by on £5 a week.

e No, I didn't. How did he get away with it?

8 Choose the correct phrasal verbs.

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Kevin gets on with / gets by with Jack really well.

1 Revising for exams really gets on with me / gets me down!

2 When they were young my grandparents managed to get by on / get round to very little.

3 After watching TV for hours, Jackie eventually got away with / got round to tidying her bedroom.

4 Although Karen cheated in the exam, she got by on / got way with it.

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Hay verbos en inglés que rigen una determinada preposición

We don't agree with you He tried hide from the police.

Otros pueden llevar diferentes preposiciones detrás dependiendo de su significado.

I dreamt about you last night. He dreams of leaving the country.

 Verbos con preposición

 To accuse (someone) of (something)

To apologise to (someone) for (something)

To apply for (a job)

To ask (someone) about (someone / something)

To ask (someone) for (something) (pedir algo)

To believe in (something)

To complain to (someone) about (someone / something)

To concentrate on (something)

To congratulate (someone) on (something)

To crash into (something) (estrellarse)

To depend on (someone / something)

To die of (an illness)

To dream about (someone / something)

To hear about (something)

To insist on

To invite (someone) to (a party)

To laugh at

To listen to (someone / something)

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To look after (someone / something) To look at (someone / something)

To look for (someone / something) (to try to find)

To pay (someone) for (something)

To protect (someone / something) from (someone / something)

To provide (someone) with (something)

To punish (someone) for (something)

To remind (someone) of (someone / something) (me hace redordar)

To remind (someone) about (something) (recordarle a alguien algo)

To run into (something) (estrellarse) / (someone) (atropellar)

To spend (money) on (something)

To shout at (someone) (angrily) / to (someone) (para que se entere)

To speak to (someone) about (someone / something)

To succeed in

To suffer from (an illness)

To take care of (someone / something)

To talk to (someone) about (someone / something)

To thank (someone) for (something)

To think about (someone / something) (reflexionar sobre algo, recordar)

To think of (pensar en algo, imaginar, recordar)

To throw (something) at (someone / something) (para golpearle)

To throw (something) to (someone / something) (para que lo coja)

To translate (a book) from (one language) into (another language)

To wait for (someone / something)

To warn(someone) about (someone / something)

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Prepositions With VerbsSupply appropriate prepositions to complete the sentences

1. Jim usually complains ________ everything.

2. Our neighbours complained ________ us ________ the noise we made last night.

3. You were very rude to Tom. Don't you think you should apologize ________ him?

4. Are you going to apologize ________ what you did?

5. Tom and I ran ________ each other in town yesterday.

6. I dreamed ________ Antonio Banderas last night. We were dancing together.

7. The accident was my fault so I had to pay ________ the damage.

8. I didn't have enough money to pay ________ the bill so they cut off the electricity.

9. Did you hear ________ the accident on M-30 last night?

10. Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven't heard ________ her for a long time.

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Es la forma en la que aparece en el diccionario el verbo. Expresa el significado del verbo en un sentido general .

Simple Perfect

(To) write (To) have written

Normalmente el infinitivo va precedido de to He wants to learn English .

Funciones del infinitivo

1. Complemento de verbos que indiquen gustos y preferencias o lo contrario cuando van precedidos de would o expresan una preferencia específica. Living like this is to enjoy life.

2. . Subordinadas adverbiales de finalidad I went there to see him

3. Detrás de adjetivos y adverbios , solos o acompañados de too/enough heavy to carry

4. Detrás de verbos como:

afford (permitirse) learn (aprender) agree (estar de acuerdo) come (venir)

promise (prometer) appear (aparecer) decide (decidir) happen (suceder)

manage (dirigir) prepare (preparar) be (ser o estar) hope (esperar)

offer (ofrecer) refuse (rechazar) plan (planear) seem (parecer)

My family can’t afford to go away on a holiday They agreed to go to Paris together.

5. Detrás de verbos que lleven complemento indirecto tales como: advise (aconsejar), invite (invitar), tell (contar), warn (advertir), teach (enseñar), persuade (convencer).

He persuade me to join the club

Pero…ADVISE (aconsejar) ALLOW (permitir) FORBID (prohibir) ENCOURAGE (animar)

PERMIT (permitir) van seguidos del verbo en ING cuando la persona del complemento indirecto no se menciona. I don’t allow smoking I don’t allow my students to smoke in class.

I wouldn’t advise taking the car, there’s nowhere to park I wouldn’t advise you to take the car,there’s nowhere to park.

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El infinitivo sin to se utiliza detrás de los modales, excepto en aquellos que lleven to en su forma original , después de los verbos de percepción: feel (sentir), hear (oir), see (ver), watch (mirar/ver), notice (caer en la cuenta/notar), listen (escuchar) cuando van seguidos de infinitivo sin to expresan una acción terminada.

Cuando van seguidos de gerundio ing expresan una acción continuada.

I saw her cross the road (She had crossed it ) I saw her crossing the road (She was crossing it )

make y let.también van seguidos de infinitivo sin to pero si son utilizados en pasiva se les añade to.

El verbo help a veces, y sobre todo en el inglés de América va seguido del infinitivo sin to.


El gerundio es la forma del verbo en ING y se considera como un nombre por tanto puede desempeñar todas las funciones de un nombre.

Funciones del gerundio

1. Como sujeto de la oración Working in these conditions is a pleasure.

2. Como complemento de verbos (object) que expresen gustos y preferencias o lo contrario.

Like / dislike (gustar/no gustar) love / hate (encantar /odiar) prefer (preferir) enjoy (disfrutar)

He loves sending Valentine’s cards

3. Como complemento de algunos verbos.

Continue (continuar) finish (terminar) miss (perder) recommend (recomendar) practise (practicar)

Avoid (evitar) imagine (imaginar) keep (guardar) mind (importar) suggest (sugerir).

4. Detrás de estas expresiones:

IT’S NO USE / IT’S NO GOOD / THERE’S NO POINT IN (No sirve de nada, no vale la pena).

IT’S (NOT) WORTH / BE (NOT) WORTH (Valer, no merecer)

HAVE DIFFICULTY IN (Tener dificultad en)

A WASTE OF MONEY / A WASTE OF TIME (Derrochar dinero / tiempo)

SPEND/WASTE (TIME) (Pasar, perder tiempo)

BE BUSY (Estar ocupado)

GO/COME + SPORT/ACTIVITY Go swimming / skiing / fishing

BE USED TO / GET USED TO (Estar acostumbrado, acostumbrarse)

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5. Detrás de preposiciones

You can ask for advise by writting a letter.

Verbos seguidos de infinitivo o de gerundio sin variación de significado

Verbos como begin (empezar), propose (proponer), forbid (prohibir), Intend. (intentar), start (empezar) pueden ir con gerundio o infinitivo sin variar su significado.

They started to answer/ answering the letter.

Verbos seguidos de infinitivo y gerundio con variación de significado

Remember + gerundio Acordarse de haber hecho o no algo. I remember posting the setter

Remember + to inf. Acordarse de hacer algo. I remember to post the letter

Forget + gerundio Olvidar algo en el pasado We forgot meeting the writer of the book.

Forget + to inf. Olvidarse de hacer algo He always forget to bring the keys

Stop + gerundio Dejar de hacer algo Bob stopped going out with Gina

Stop + to inf. Interrumpir una acción para pasar a hacer otra. Can we stop to have a coffee?

Try + gerundio Experimentar I tried clicking on the box but it doesn’t work.

Try + to inf. Intentar You must try to be more careful.

Go on + gerundio Continuar haciendo algo. We go on playing computer games.

Go on + to inf. Continuar con otra cosa. They went on to explain the school regulations.

Regret + gerundio Lamentarse de algo que ha sucedido. I regret lending him some money.

Regret + to inf. Lamentar algo I regret to tell you that you failed the test.

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1. Fancy ____________ an overcoat on a hot summer's day! WEAR

2. Do you like ___________________________ to the cinema? GO

3. "You ought __________ today." "It may ____________ " GO / RAIN

4. Do you want_______________ to Susan? Can you speak to her for me? SPEAK

5. I couldn't help ____________ what you said about me. HEAR

6. Do you want _______________ the football on TV tonight? WATCH

7. "Let's ____________ the film on TV" "I don't really want ____________ TV now." WATCH

8. She hates ____________ DANCE

9. Why on earth did you suggest _____________ the car red? PAINT

10. I can't imagine George ____________ a motorbike. RIDE

11. Would you mind ____________ ____________ the door? CLOSE

12. He continued ____________ after his illness. WORK

13. I tried ____________ you several times but I couldn't get through. PHONE

14. It has started ____________ RAIN

15. We decided ____________ because of the weather. NOT GO

16. She enjoys ____________ French very much. SPEAK

17. I'll do the shopping when I've finished ____________ the flat. CLEAN

18. Would you like ____________ to the cinema? GO

19. I don't like ____________ very much. SWIM

20. Would you mind ____________ me ten euros? LEND

21. I like ____________ to music. LISTEN

22. I'm not very fond of ___________ after pets. LOOK

23. ____________to much is not good for your health, ____________ is just as bad. EAT / DRINK

24. I can't stand ____________ in queues. WAIT

25. We decided ____________ married. GET

26. She wanted to stop ____________ out because she was very tired of working. GO

27. I'd prefer __________ out. I always have dinner outside. GO

28. Most people prefer ___________ money to ____________ it. SPEND / EARN

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Complete the sentences with the given verbs . Use the infinitive with” to” or the “ING” form

1.I tried a shop, but it didn't interest me. WORK

2. She wanted to stop ................................... out because she was very tired of working. GO3. Has it stopped ....................................................yet? RAIN4. He promised ...................................... her a car. BUY5. I always remember ............................................... my pills. TAKE6. Remember .................................................. him my regards. GIVE7. Where are the keys? I remember .......................................... them on the table. LEAVE8. The door was opened but he said he remembered ............................. the door before leaving.

LOCK9. They stopped ........................................their homework when the teacher told them. DO10. He was talking and he stopped ...............................................a cigarette. HAVE11. I had to ask the boys ....................................................STOP / PLAY12. I don't remember a Christmas card this year. SEND13. She didn't remember ................................................ the dinner. BUY14. I remember him bag. STEAL15. He could remember .................................... along the road just before the accident happened but

he couldn't remember the accident. DRIVE16. Stop ....................................... ! TALK17. She was walking along the street and he stopped me. SPEAK18. Can you stop........................................................ that noise, I'm trying to study. MAKE19. Sam often forgets ............................................. the door. LOCK

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*habilidad en el presente *permiso informal*posibilidad*pedir algo

- I can drive a car- Can i go out?- She can come to the party- Can you lend me some money?

CAN'T -*imposibilidad *deducción

- I can't lift this box- Those can't be my keys. I've got them

COULD (podia/podria)

*habilidad en el pasado *preguntar formalmente *especular*sugerir

- I could play the guitar when I was 4 - Could you tell me the time, please?- Whose could these glasses be?- We could go to the theatre.

COULDN'T * imposibilidad en el pasado - We couldn't pay so much money

HAVE TO (tener que)

* obligation (external) - Simon had to finish his homework

DON'T HAVE TO(no tener que)

*ausencia de obligación/ no ser necesario

- You don't have to stand

MAY (podria)

*permiso formal*posibilidad*especular*pedir formalmente

- May I go out?- Take a taxi or you may lose your way- It may be too late to phone them- May I have your opinion?

MIGHT (podria) *posibilidad remota *especular

- It might rain tomorrow- Andy might be waiting for us

MUST (deber) *obligación *consejo fuerte*deducción

- You must be quiet in the library- You must take this medicine- John must be busy. He didn't phone

MUSTN'T (o deber) *prohibición - You mustn't cross when the light is red

NEED/NEEDN'T (necesitar)

*ausencia de obligación - You needn't do all the exercises

WILL *certeza en el futuro*predecir*prometer*preguntar educadamente *ofrecerse a hacer algo *ordenar

- This lesson will finish at 11.00 - Atlético de Madrid will win the league- I will write to you when I am away - Will you lend me your pen?- I will carry those bags for you - You will stand at the back

WOULD *pedir educadamente *ofrecer*hábitos en el pasado

- Would you pass me the salt, please? - Would you like something to drink?- At that time we would go on foot

SHALL *ofrecerse a hacer algo *sugerir*determinación/amenaza

- Shall I help you?- Shall we go to the park?- You shall not see me again


*consejo *obligación moral

- You should work less- You should spend more time with the

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(deberías) family.USED TO (solía) Hábitos/ estados en el pasado. - She used to spend her holidays in Mallorca

Son un tipo especial de verbos que expresan habilidad, capacitación, prohibición, permiso, obligación posibilidad…


-Siempre van seguidos de un verbo en infinitivo sin to (excepto los que llevan to en su forma como have to / has to(Tener que...) o ought to (Deberías...)

-Sólo tienen forma de presente, excepto can/could(poder…) y have to /had to (Tener que…), que también tienen pasado.

-Para referirse al pasado pueden ir seguidos de Have + participle entonces forman los modales perfectos.

You should have visited the doctor (Deberías haber visitado al médico)

-No cambia la forma en tercera persona (He/She/It) excepto en Have to / Has to (Tener que…)

Peter has to wear uniform in his school.

-Negativa: Se coloca not o n’t detrás del verbo modal.

Jean can’t / can not drive. She’s too young.

-Interrogativa: Se coloca la forma modal delante del sujeto

Can you speak English?



Indica habilidades en el presente o posibilidad.

I can speak english (Sé hablar inglés) The doctor can see you at 3.00 ( El doctor le puede visitar a las tres )


Indica habilidad en el pasado. Tony could swim when he was six.(Toni sabia nadar cuando tenía seis años )

Will be able to + Infinitivo

Indica habilidad en el futuro. Utilizamos esta forma modal porque can no tiene forma futura.

I will be able to study medicine Podré estudiar medicina.

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CAN + S + INF? Para pedir permiso o hacer una petición de una manera informal.

Can you lend me a pen? ¿Puedes prestarme un boli?

COULD + S * INF? Para formular una petición o una pregunta de una manera más formal.

Could you pass me the salt, please? ¿Podría pasarme la sal, por favor?

MAY + S + INF? Cuando el permiso que se pide o la pregunta que se hace se encuentra en un registro muy educado.

May I use your computer, please? ¿Podría utilizar su ordenador, por favor?

WOULD + S + INF? Para hacer un ofrecimiento o para un permiso formal.

Would you like something to drink? ¿Le apetecería algo de beber?




Estos dos modales expresan obligación, son equivalentes pero en MUST la obligación es más fuerte, a veces, expresa un consejo enérgico que es casi un mandato.

You must arrive home at 12 o’clock. Debes llegar a casa a las doce.

Jean has to do her homework everyday. Jean tiene que hacer deberes todos los días

You must take your medicine! ¡Debes tomarte la medicina!

Ausencia de obligación


En forma negativa significa que no tienes obligación de hacer algo, es decir, no tienes necesidad ni es obligatorio. Es opcional.

You don’t have to make your bed when you stay in a hotel. No tienes que hacer la cama cuando estás en un hotel.

You needn’t bring her any gift. No era necesario traerle a ella un regalo.

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En forma negativa significa prohibición. No es sólo que no debas hacer algo porque no es correcto o peligroso sino que no puedes hacerlo porque está prohibido.

You mustn’t smoke in class. No puedes fumar en clase.

Podemos utilizar también el modal CAN (Poder) en forma negativa CAN’T (no poder) para expresar la imposibilidad de hacer algo.

Peter can’t use the mobile phone at school.Peter no puede utilizar el teléfono móvil en el colegio.



Expresan consejo. Se puede traducir por: Deberías / No deberías…

Should expresa un consejo más personal por parte del hablante; una opinión.

Mary should be more polite. Mary debería ser más educada.

Ought to expresa un consejo más general de lo que se debe o no se debe hacer.

Students ought to study for the exam every day. Los alumnos deberían estudiar…..

En la forma negativa sólo utilizaremos Shouldn’t

You shouldn’t behave like that. No deberías comportarte de esa manera.

Posibilidad, Probabilidad

Expresan la probabilidad de que algo suceda en el presente o en el futuro. Según el grado de posibilidad que establecemos podemos emplear:


.Expresa deducción, es decir, prácticamente tenemos la certeza cuando estamos especulando sobre lo que puede ocurrir.

Paul must have problems because He looks like sad. Paul debe tener problemas porque parece triste.


Cuando tenemos la misma certeza en la deducción pero de forma negativa.

It can’t be truth what you tell me !No puede ser verdad lo que me cuentas.

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Expresan una posibilidad remota de que algo suceda “puede ser” “quizás”…

I may / could go to aerobics class.Puede que vaya a clase de “aerobic”


Es el pasado de may. Expresar una posibilidad pero aún más remota. “Pudiera ser que…”

I may go for a walk in the evening.Pudiera ir esta tarde a dar un paseo.



Expresar conclusiones lógicas sobre el pasado teniendo en cuenta lo que sabernos ahora. Milton must have given too much information to Joe.Milton debe de haber dado demasiada informaci6n a Joe.


A/ Expresar una posibilidad en el pasado que no se materializó.Milton could have been more careful. Milton podía/podría/pudo haber sido mas cuidadoso B/ En forma negativa se usa para indicar que creemos que algo no ocurri6 asi.She couldn't have done anything wrong. Seguro que no hizo nada malo.


Expresar una suposición sobre el pasado.She may have made a mistake. Puede que ella haya cometido un error. Si usamos might la suposición es aún más remota.


Se utiliza para lamentarnos sobre lo que no hemos hecho en el pasado.I should have studied harder for the exam. Debería haber estudiado mas.


En negativa expresa que la acción pasada no estaba bien o no debería haber ocurrido. She shouldn't have told him anything. No debería haberle dicho nada.


Indicar que no había necesidad de hacer al go que ya se ha hecho.You needn't have bought anything for the party. No necesitabas haber comprador nada para fiesta.

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Fill in the blanks with suitable modals1. __________ order a taxi for you?

2. The car broke down and we __________ have it towed to a garage.

3. I'm sorry to __________ tell you this but you leave me no alternative.

4. The house had just been decorated so we __________ do anything before moving in.

5. I realize how difficult the situation is, but you __________ Iet it get you down.

6. You __________ see a doctor if you're still feeling ill tomorrow.

7. He talks about walking to the moon, he __________ be crazy.

8. You __________ be my mother, she never say __________ such a thing in a million years.

9. The main road was under repair but luckily we __________ find an alternative route.

10. We expect to __________ move into our new house at the end of the month.

11. His eyesight __________ be poor. He wears glasses all the time.

12. I'm not sure but you __________ find him in his office during the week.

13. You __________ reveal my secrets to everyone, do you?

14. Despite the heavy rain, the footballers __________ play an excellent game.

15. I __________ stop for a while. My feet are killing me.

16. According to the brochure, the facilities __________ be superb but in fact they were dreadful.

17. Whenever the dog wants to go out, I __________ get up and open the door.

18. When I am 18, I'll be of age. Then I __________ Iive at home if I don't want to.

19. Philip suggests that the money __________ be raised by public subscription.

20. A: Excuse me! I'm looking for the deputy manager.B: Oh, I'm not sure, but he __________ be upstairs in his office.

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Modals With Perfect Infinitive

Modals with perfect infinitive ( MODAL + HAVE + PAST PART.) Complete the sentencesusing perfect modals.In some cases more than one alternative might be suitable.

1. A: I phoned you at nine this morning but got no answer.B: I'm sorry. I __________ been in the garden.

2. A: I've opened another bottle.B: You __________ done that. We haven't finished this one yet.

3. A: Perhaps he swam across.B: He __________ done that. He can't swim.

4. A: I saw Ann in the library this morning.B: Are you sure? You __________ seen someone else.

5. A: I had to get down the mountain in a very thick fog.B: Really! It __________ been pretty difficult.

6. A: Joe returned home with a tiger cub in his hands.B: His wife __________ been very pleased about that. She's fond of animals you know.

7. You __________ made two copies. One would also have been enough.

8. You two went to that party and didn't even tell me. You __________ called me at least.

9. You __________ informed the company's accountant much earlier. The boss will surely getcrazy on learning this.

10. Look! It's raining now. You __________ watered the garden at all.

11. I heard the way you were talking to your granny last night and got upset. You __________talked to her like that since she is a lot older than you.

12. You __________ been at the museum on Tuesday! It was closed all day.

13. Janet said she had bought a brand new car. It __________ cost her a fortune.

14. You __________ told Kate about the accident. I had already told her.

15. My father told me that he himself had taken my mother to the doctor's, so I __________ driveher there.

16. I saw the light coming out of his livingroom window last night. He __________ been reading orwatching TV. I'm not sure.

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Make - Do

Qué son Make y Do?

Las dos formas verbales significan hacer. Donde en castellano se usa hacer, en inglés puede ser make o do, según el caso. Ahora la pregunta es, ¿cuándo usamos make y cuándo usamos do?

Distinguir entre make y do puede resultar algo complicado. Hay algunas reglas generales, si bien hay también excepciones o casos que no van con regla alguna. Seguimos con las reglas.Cuándo usar Make?


Make para: construcción, creación, fabricación, invención, producción.    

They made a bridge

He makes films

In that factory they make chairs

Make para: cosas abstractas

She made a decision

They made an agreement

I’m making plans for the future

Make para: preparar comida 

I make a cake every Saturday

I make breakfast for myself every morning

I sometimes make new meals

 Excepciones del verbo Make

No decimos make damage, sino DO DAMAGENo decimos make a favour, sino DO A FAVOUR

Cuando usar el verbo Do?


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Do para: tareas domésticas

Peter does the cooking

Mary does the ironing

Susan does the cleaning

Do para: actividades generales (a menudo tareas rutinarias)

To do business

To do exercise

Do con adverbios y pronombres

He does well

We do badly

To do so

Casos de Make y Do


 Make an exam: El profesor confecciona el examen.Do an exam: Soy el estudiante y hago el examen 

I do/make an exam

I do/make a puzzle

I do/make a course

I do/make a test

I do/make a Sudoku

En algunos casos la expresión va con make, pero si hablamos de la acción como tarea rutinaria también se puede decir do.*

I make a phone call/I do the phone calls

I make the beds/ I do the beds

I make breakfast/ I do breakfast

*La expresión correcta es “to make a phone call” (hacer una llamada), pero si hablas de la acción como tarea rutinaria puedes decir do

Por ejemplo: “At work I always do the phone calls, in fact I have to make a phone call now.” (en el trabajo yo siempre hago las llamadas, de hecho tengo que hacer una llamada ahora mismo)Recuerda entonces: que cuando se trata de una tarea rutinaria pero también de algo nuevo, make siempre es correct, aunque do a veces, también, se puede usar.

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Make or Do

1. Put the correct answer .

1. I have to ___ a telephone call.a. do b. make

2. She didn't ___ her best so she felt sad.a. do bmake

3. It was the first time she didn't ___ the beds.a. do b. make

4. She was late so she didn't ___ breakfast for them.a. do b. make

5. He ___ the assignment, but forgot to bring it to school.a. did b. make

6. He has to ___ the housework before he can go.a. do b. make

7. There are so many decisions to ___.a. do b. make

8. Did you ___ a reservation for tonight?a. do b. make

9. Did he ___ the doctor's appointment yet? a. do b. make

10. He was busy ___ the food shopping.a. doing b. making

11. He ___ a lot of research.a. does b. makes

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Orden básico de las palabras en la oración

El orden de las palabras en la oración en Inglés es más rígido que en español , por tanto , resulta frecuente encontrarse con faltas de este tipo .

La norma básica sería :



We like pizza very much We like very much pizza

I don´t speak English very well I don´t speak very well English

Con los adverbios de frecuencia el orden cambia .Con cualquier verbo ( menos con el verbo “to be“) ,se sigue el orden siguiente:



I usually wear jeans to go to school I wear jeans usually to go to school

My mother doesn´t always go shopping .

My mother doesn´t go shopping always

Con el verbo TO BE el orden cambia :



My father is never at home. He travels a lot.

My father never is at home. He travels a lot.

The teacher is always asking me questions

The teacher always is asking me questions

En este caso se ha generalizado, aplicando la regla anterior al verbo to be

Hay otras expresiones adverbiales de frecuencia que van situadas al FINAL de la frase como : once a week, twice a moth , every day .

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We go to La Pola every weekend We every weekend go to La Pola

I go to the gym twice a week I twice a week go to the gym

En oraciones interrogativas con el verbo to be el orden es el siguiente:



Where´s my notebook? Where does my notebook?

When was your birthday? When your bithday was?

En el primer ejemplo se ha puesto un verbo auxiliar innecesario, mientras que en el segundo ejemplo se ha cambiado el orden de los elementos de la oración interrogativa

En oraciones interrogativas con con los verbos restantes son necesarios los verbos auxiliares do,does,did



Where did you go last weekend? Where you went last weekend?

Did they stay at home yesterday? Stayed they at home yesterday?

En estos dos casos se han olvidado el verbo auxiliar


En frases negativas tambien suelen omitir el verbo auxiliar


We didn´t play football because it rained

We not played football because it rained

Our team didn´t win the match Our team not won the match

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El objeto de los verbos con partícula acepta varias posiciones .


I tried a sweater on.

I tried it on

I tried on a sweater

I tried on it El pronombre objeto no puede ir al final después de la partícula

Turn the lights on

Turn them on

Turn on the lights

Turn on them El pronombre objeto no puede ir al final después de la partícula


Who...? ¿quién / quienes? Who puede funcionar como sujeto o como complemento en la oración interrogativa. Cuando funciona como sujeto no ponemos auxiliar y hacemos la interrogativa como si fuera una enunciativa. Who lives in this house?(Subject question) Si por el contrario funciona como complemento sí tenemos que poner auxiliar Who did Silvia see? (Object question)

What…? ¿qué, cuál? What también puede funcionar como sujeto en ese caso no necesitaría auxiliar o como complemento en el que si lo necesitaría .What happened? What does George like?

Where..? ¿dónde? When…? ¿Cuándo? Why…? ¿Por qué?

Which…? ¿cuál, cuales? How…? ¿cómo? Whose…? ¿De quién?

How much / many…? ¿cuánto/os? How long...? ¿cuánto tiempo?

How often...? ¿con qué frecuencia? How old…?


Una question tag se forma con el verbo to be o un auxiliar (have, do) o un modal (can. could…) + un pronombre sujeto que se añade a la oración negativa o afirmativa.

Como regla general si la oración va en afirmativa la question tag va en negativa y vice-versa.

It’s 5 o’clock. Isn’t it? There aren’t enough planes. Are there?

Si hay un auxiliar o un modal o el verbo to be en la oración , éste se repite en la question tag.

I haven’t seen Stuart. Have you?

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Si hay un verbo en forma simple en una oración do se usa en la question tag.

His plane arrives at 10.p.m., doesn’t it? It snowed this time last year, didn’t it ?

Nota. Cuando have funciona como verbo con su significado completo y no como auxiliar, utilizamos do en la question tag y no have. They had a good time, didn’t it ¿

Después de un imperativo utilizamos las siguientes formas:will you? Would you? Can you? Could you? Take that to Mary, will you?, would you? (formal) Speak up, will you?

Nota. Después de un imperativo en negativa solamente es posible poner will.

Don’t make a mess, will you?

Despues de palabras que contienen significado negativo como:nothing, nobody, none, utilizamos la question tag en afirmativa. Nothing was stolen, was it? Nobody was hurt, were they?

Nota. Con palabras como: Nobody, somebody, utilizamos el pronombre plural they.


1.Answer with Do you? / Doesn’t she? / Didn’t they? Etc.

1. I speak four languages……………………..? Which ones?

2. I work in a bank..........................................? I work in a bank too.

3. I didn’t go to work yesterday……………….? Were you ill?

4. Jill doesn’t like me………………………….? Why not?

5. You look tired..............................................? I feel fine.

2. Complete the sentences with a questions tag isn’t it? / haven’t you? / did she? / do you? ...

1. It’s a beautiful day,...............................? Yes, It’s lovely.

2. These flowers are nice……………........? Yes what are they?

3. Judy was at the party.............................? Yes, but I didn’t speak to her.

4. I’ve lost my keys...................................? When did you last have it?

5. You don’t know Mike’s sister................? No, I’ve never met her.

6. I met Paula last week.............................? How is she?

7. I’ve bought a new car…………………...? What make is it?

8. You speak German………………………? Yes, but not very well.

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-La voz pasiva se utiliza mucho en inglés y se construye con un sujeto paciente, la forma correspondiente del verbo “To be” más el participio del verbo principal y un complemento agente introducido por la preposición” by” cuando éste fuera necesario.

Sujeto+verbo to be+ participio +by

-Utilizamos la pasiva para evitar el uso de un sujeto indeterminado bien sea nombre o pronombre.

I have been shot (Someone has shot me).

-Para mostrar que el foco o interés de la oración está en lo que sucede, es decir en la acción.

The criminal was arrested. (The police arrested the criminal).

-En oraciones impersonales. Three new factories have been opened.

-Evitamos cambiar de sujeto. The pop singer arrived at the airport and was welcomed by thousands of fans. (The pop singer arrived at the airport and thounsands of fans welcomed him)

Pasos para convertir una oración en pasiva:

El complemento directo/indirecto de la oración activa (object) pasa a ser el sujeto (subject) de la pasiva.

Elegimos el tiempo correcto y ponemos la forma correspondiente del verbo “To be” en ese tiempo.

Ponemos el verbo principal en participio.

Si el sujeto de la oración activa no es necesario para entender el significado de la oración, es decir, es un pronombre personal o Somebody, Anybody, People o se sobreentiende se omite en la oración pasiva, si es necesario pasaría a ser complemento agente precedido de la preposición BY.


El object es THE POSTMAN que pasa a ser el nuevo sujeto.

El verbo BIT está en pasado simple. El pasado simple del verbo be es WAS/WERE elegimos la forma correcta para nuestro sujeto haciendo la concordancia con el verbo. WAS

El participio del verbo BITE es BITTEN.


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Somebody cleans this room everyday This room is cleaned everyday.

Ruth cleaned this room yesterday. This room was cleaned everyday.

Somebody is cleaning the room This room is being cleaned at the moment

Somebody was cleaning the room This room was being cleaned when I arrived. when I arrived.

Somebody has cleaned the room. The room has been cleaned.

Somebody had cleaned the room. The room had been cleaned.

Somebody will clean the room. The room will be cleaned.

. En inglés muchos verbos pueden estar seguidos de dos complementos directo e indirecto.

Verbos como offer, ask, tell, give, send, show, teach, play... Podemos hacer la pasiva de dos formas.

They offer Ann the job Ann wasn¨t offered the job The job is offered to Ann.

(C.I) Forma más frecuente (C:D) Forma menos frecuente



Algunos verbos van seguidos de infinitivo, por ejemplo, los verbos modales:can, must, should, will, would, etc. También algunas formas como used to cuando estos verbos tienen que ir en construcción pasiva utilizamos el infinitivo de pasiva be+participle.

Active: We must treat our listeners with respect.

Passive: Our listeners must be treated with respect.

Si el modal es perfecto la estructura es have been+participle

Active: He shouldn´t have insulted Mrs. Hind.

Passive: Mrs. Hind shouldn´t have been insulted.

Utilizamos el infinitivo de pasiva en construcciones después de verbos como want to, expect to, agree to, hope to…

I hope to be offered a job by another radio station

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En oraciones en estilo indirecto con that con verbos como think, believe, say, report…tenemos dos formas de hacer el cambio a pasiva, con la estructura impersonal “it” o con el infinitivo de pasiva.

People say that John works hard.

. . Forma impersonal con “it” +verbo pasiva. It is said (that) John works hard

Forma con infinitivo (personal)

John is said to work hard. Se toma el sujeto de la oración introducida por that hacemos la pasiva con el verbo introductorio y añadimos el infinitivo simple si el verbo está en presente o en futuro –

Si el verbo estuviera en pasado:

They believe( tha)t this sword belonged to King Arthur.

It is believed( that) this sword belonged to King Arthur.

This sword is believed to have belonged to King Arthur.


Utilizamos la estructura causativa para describir servicios que nos hacen otras personas, es decir, el sujeto no realiza la acción la ordena.

Se forma con el verbo “to have” en cualquier tiempo + Object (something) +participio del verbo principal. Suject+have+object+ participle.

Last year I had my car repaired.

La misma construcción puede describir pequeñas desgracias que nos suceden, causadas por una persona indeterminada.

Peter had his car stolen last week. He had his leg broken playing football.

El “have causativo” sirve para marcar la diferencia entre algo que me han hecho y algo que yo he hecho.

I have checked my teeth. I have my teeth checked.

La diferencia afecta a la forma de la oración y al significado también. Con “have causativo” el sujeto no realiza la acción. Podemos utilizar GET en lugar de HAVE cuando queremos decir que nos las arreglamos para hacer algo o para dar más énfasis a la oración.

It was difficult but I got the painting done in the end.

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a. Somebody had cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit.


b. Someone will serve refreshments.


c. People must not leave bicycles in the hall.


d. The judge gave him two weeks in which to pay the fine.


e. Who wrote it?


f. They showed her the easiest way to do it.


g. Did the idea interest you?


h. The lawyer gave him the details of his uncle's will.


i. Children couldn't have done all this damage.



a. People consider that this surgeon is a brilliant practitioner,


b. I saw him enter the shop.


c. People expected that the brewers increased the price of beer in the near future.


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d. We're going to offer a really suitable applicant. a good salary.


e. Did his bank manager turn clown his request for a loan?


f. People reported that the police didn't act with great restraint.


g. She lets her doctor decide what's the best for her.


l. The teacher saw the pupil cheating.




a. Tom's windows were dirty, but he didn't have time to clean them himself.

Last Saturday, Toni ________________________________________________________

b. The shop delivers Mary's food to her house.

Mary ___________________________________________________________________

c. At the butcher's Fred said, "Please cut the meat into small pieces,"

Fred ____________________________________________________into small pieces.

d. The hairdresser cuts Rachel's hair about twice a year.

Rachel _________________________________________________about twice a year.

e. Last week, the optician checked Mr Stone's eyes.

Last week, Mr Stone _______________________________________________________

f. Mrs Frost's doctor says to her: "When you come to see me next week, I'll check your blood pressure."

When Mrs Frost goes to see the doctor next week, she ______________________________________

g. Last week, the garage serviced Jane's car.

Last week Jane ____________________________________________________________________

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Pronouns Adverbs

Who When

Which Where

Whose Why




Antecedente Personas Cosas

Object Who,* whom, that, 0 Which, that, 0Subject Who, that Which, thatComplement (after a prepositon) Whom WhichPossesive Whose Whose, of which


Antecedente Personas Cosas

Object Who,* whom WhichSubject Who WhichComplement (after a prepositon) *Whom Which

Possesive Whose Whose

Las oraciones subordinadas de relativo nos sirven para identificar o describir a una persona lugar o cosa en la oración principal

Las oraciones subordinadas de relativo especificativas (defining) expresan una información muy relevante para el sentido de la frase que definen. Restringen o limitan al antecedente. Cuando la función del pronombre relativo es de sujeto se puede sustituir por that.

No van nunca entre comas.

The man is coming to tea.    ¿Qué hombre? The man wrote this poem.

The man who (that) wrote this poem is coming to tea. (El hombre que escribió ese poema va a venir a tomar el té)

This is my new  car. The car cost me $15,000. This is the new car which (that) cost me $15,000.

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(Este es el  nuevo coche que me costó  15,000 dólares.)

En los dos ejemplos  who  y which actúan como sujeto del verbo en la oración de relativo.

El relativo que utilizan puede omitirse cuando funcione de complemento. Nunca cuando funcione de sujeto.

Omisión de WHO/WHICH cuando actúan como complemento en la oración de relativo.

Las llamamos en inglés CONTACT CLAUSES.

The man is coming to tea. You want to see the man. The man who / that you want to see is coming to tea. The man you want to see is coming to tea.

(El hombre que tu quieres ver va a venir a tomar el té).  Si no se desea omitir es preferible usar that.

The man that you want to see is coming to tea.

The book is on the table. You want to read the book. The book which/that you want to read is on the table. The book you want to read is on the table.

(El libro que quieres leer está sobre la mesa)  Si no se desea omitir es preferible usar that.

The book that you want to read is on the table.

     Oraciones de relativo con preposiciones.

Cuando las oraciones de relativo contienen preposiciones es posible emplear tanto

who como that para personas cuando la preposición se coloca al final de la frase.

Sin embargo, cuando la preposición va delante del pronombre relativo, debemos

usar whom para personas.  No se puede poner  that  después de preposición.

The police found the man. The police had been searching for the man.

The  police found the man who/that  they had been searching for.

The police found the man for whom they had been searching. Esta estructura es demasiado formal por lo que normalmente omitimos el relativo y dejamos la preposición al final,

The police found the man they had been searching  for. (La policía encontró al hombre que estaban buscando)

Igual ocurre en las oraciones de relativo que se refieren a cosas.

The company  is very successful. He works for the company. The company that/which he works for is very successful. The company  for which   he works is very successful.

The company he works for is very successful.


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WHOSE se usa para la posesión (cuyo,a,os,as).  Suele sustituir a my, her, John´s, etc.

This is the girl. Her sister lives near us. This is the girl whose sister lives near us.

(Esta es la chica cuya hermana vive cerca de nosotros)

The man is coming to tea. I always forget his name.

The man whose name I always forget is coming to tea. (El hombre cuyo nombre yo siempre olvido va a venir a tomar el té)



Utilizamos where para referirnos a lugares

That the shop where you can buy decorations ( Esta es la tienda donde puedes comprar adornos )


Utilizamos when para referirnos a un momento en el tiempo.

That was the year when she wrote her first poem. ( Eses fue el año cuando ella escribió su primer poema)


Utilizamos why para introducir una razón.

That’s the reason why he was late.(Esa es la razón por la que él llegó tarde).

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Las oraciones subordinadas explicativas (non-defining) expresan una información no esencial para el significado de Ia oración principal . Dan una información adicional, extra, no relevante.

Charlie Chaplin, who was a star of silent films, died in 1977.

(Charlie Chaplin, que fue una estrella de las películas mudas, murió en 1977.)

La oración de relativo da una información extra de Charlie Chaplin.  Aunque prescindiéramos de la oración de relativo, sabemos de quién estamos hablando.  Por tanto podríamos omitirla sin crear ninguna confusión.

Por ello, y como es algo añadido, las oraciones de relativo explicativas van entre comas.

THAT  no puede usarse nunca en las oraciones explicativas de relativo.

Pompei, which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption, was once a very prosperous Roman

.No puede omitirse el relativo en ningún caso.

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A.      Read these sentences then, write a sentence with the same meaning.

1. The street is very wide.  The street leads  to the school.


2. The person is not very clever.  The person is sitting next to me.


3. Women are to be admired.  Women work in hospitals.


7. The lady has gone to London.  She was here yesterday.


8.. The girl is very pretty. She lives opposite my house.


9. The dress is lovely.  Mary is wearing the dress.


10. The Tower of London attracts more than two million visitors a year.  It was the largest fortress in mediaeval Europe.


11. A surgeon is a man. He operates on people.


12. A pencil is something. You use it for writing.


13. A book-shop is a place. You can buy books there.


14. I bought a dress. Where is it? Where ____________________________________________

15. . Our manager made us feel very welcome. He was a very nice man.


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16.. Our television set is always making funny noises. It cost us a lot of money.


17..Here comes the girl.  I am hiding from her.


18. . There´s the lady.  Her purse has been stolen.



D. Complete the following sentences with  who, what, which, where, why, how, etc.

1. She doesn´t know ______________ to do the exercise.

2. I can´t think buy for dinner.

3. Have you decided ____________to ask  to the party?

4. They don´t know .______________to meet us tomorrow.

5. I´m  wondering _______________to do with my clothes.

6. Tell me _______________to be there, and I´ll not be late.

7. It´s difficult to know_______________to choose.

8. We can´t think __________________to go for our holidays.

9. They were not sure_________________roon to give you.

10.  Do you know _________________to get a good meal in this town?

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If you press the button, the machine starts to work(if clause) (result clause)


Utilizamos la “zero” condicional cuando hablamos de cosas que generalmente son ciertas , es decir, la condición y el resultado son lógicos. Por eso ponemos presente simple en las dos oraciones.

Situaciones generales que siempre son verdadIf + present................................................................S + present..................................

If you heat water, it boils.If we leave the door open, the dog runs away.


Utilizamos la primera condicional cuando estamos hablando de algo que puede suceder en el presente o en el futuro.

Situaciones posibles y probables en el presente y/o futuroIf + present................................................................will, can, could, may might, must

If we go to bed early, we will feel better tomorrow.If Julia comes this evening, we can /could /may /might go to the cinema.

If + present................................................................imperativeIf you want to come with us, take your coat.


Utilizamos la segunda condicional para hablar de algo que sería poco probable que sucediera en presente o en futuro..

Situaciones poco probables, hipotéticas o imaginariasIf + past simple.........................................................would, could, might, should + INFINITIVE

If we had a million dollars, we wouldn't live here.if + I was / were........................................................would, could, might, should + INFINITIVEif+ he/she was/ were.................................................would, could, might, should + INFINITIVE

If I were alone, I would /might be sad.


Utilizamos la tercera condicional para hablar de situaciones que no se pueden realizar porque se refieren al pasado, por lo tanto es imposible que se cumpla la condición.

Situaciones pasadas que no ocurrieron. LamentosIf + past perfect........................................................would have + PARTICIPLE,'....................................................................................could have + PARTICIPLE ....................................................................................might have + PARTICIPLE

If we had stayed at home, we could have seen him.

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Unless = if…notI don’t watch TV unless there’s something interesting(If there's not anything interesting, I don't watch TV)



A. Write these sentences, putting the verbs into the correct tense.

1. If you´d stayed at home, there (not be)_________________________any trouble.

2. What would you do if he (resign)____________________________tomorrow?

3. I´ll do it if he (ask)

4. If we offered him more money, (he stay)______________________________here?

5. It´s a pity John didn´t come to the football. He (like)_________________________it.

6. I wouldn´t have been so upset if Judy (write)_________________________to me earlier.

7. I´m going to scream if you (not stop)._____________________________playing the guitar.

8. We would have missed the train if we (be)_____________________________two minutes later.

Complete the conditional sentences with the correct tenses. (type 0, I, II,and III)

1.Somebody stole my father's car. If he ________________(lock) it, nobody__________(steal) it.

2.I don't have any money. If I _________(have) some money, I__________.(buy) this beautiful dress.

3.If you _________________(mix) red and blue, you_______________________(get) purple.

4.I didn't know he was going to the party. If I __________.(know) he was going, I ________(go) too.

5. I don't like fighting. I ______________(not / hit) you unless you._________________.(hit) me.

6. Perhaps I will go to Cuba. If I _______________.(go). I ______________(send) you a postcard.

7. You are always arriving late at school. If I _________(be) you. I __________(try) getting up earlier.

8. 1Sometimes the machine doesn't work. If it ______________(stop)__________(press) this button

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C. . Rewrite  the following sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentence   (conditionals).

1.      The runner twisted his ankle because he fell.


2.       Diana is always late for work because she wakes up late.


3.       We didn´t buy the house we wanted because it was too far from the city.

We would______________________________________________________

4.       Brenda doesn´t pass her driving because she´s always so nervous.


5.       We didn´t move to Paris last year and so I didn´t learn French.



. UNLESS ( a no ser que... ;  a menos que... ): 

 Podemos utilizar unless para significar “if...not”:

Unless I hurry, I´ll miss the train. ( If I don’t hurry...)

A menudo utilizamos unless para amenazas       Unless you stop making that noise, I´ll scream!

 También en advertencias                          You´ll be late unless you go now.


..AS LONG AS ; PROVIDED / PROVIDING (THAT) (siempre que... ; mientras / con tal de que... ; a condición de que...)

 Utilizamos estas expresiones para significar “if  but only if”:   (si, pero sólo si…)  

You can borrow my camera as long as you´re careful wiith it .

I´ll go to the party provided that  you go too.

. SUPPOSED / SUPPOSING ( si...,  en el caso de que...)

  Podemos utilizar también supposed  o supposing                  Supposed / Supposing you won the lottery, what would you do? en lugar de if especialmente si es una condicional improbable (II condicional)

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 A)    Rephrase the sentences using UNLESS

   1.       If you don´t wear your coat, you´ll be cold.


2.       We´ll play tennis tomorrow if it doesn´t rain.


3.       He won´t receive the letter tomorrow if you don´t post it  before 1 o´clock today.


4.       If I don´t get a pay rise at work, I´ll start looking for another job.

..................................................................................................................................................... .

B)    Choose the correct word or expression

1.       Unless / Provided you tell the truth, everything will be all right.

2.       In Britain you can marry at the age of sixteen unless / providing  you have your parents’ permission.

3.       He won´t forgive you unless / as long as you say you are sorry.

4.       Unless / Providing you lend me the money, I won´t be able to go on holiday.

5.       I´ll buy the car unless / as long as it´s not too expensive.

  C)     Join each idea in A with the most suitable idea from B.  Make sentences beginning

Supposed / Supposing.

    A                                                                   B

1. I moved to Scotland,                                would you have taken it?

2.  someone finds my wallet,                         what would the prize have been?

3.  they had stayed at our house,                   do you think they will take it to the police?

4. they had offered you the job,                     would you come and visit me?

5 . you had won the competition                     where would they have slept

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Se utiliza para expresar deseo y se traduce por el subjuntivo "ojalá"



Expresamos el deseo de que algo sea distinto de como es en el presente. Se traduce por el pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo.

I wish I knew the answer! ¡Ojalá supiera la respuesta!

Wish + could Expresa un deseo o arrepentimiento en el presente referente a una falta de habilidad.


Expresa el deseo de que el pasado hubiera sido distinto de lo que fue. Se traduce por el pretérito pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo.

I wish we had discovered the cause of his problems so that we could have helped him.Ojalá hubiéramos descubierto la causa de sus problemas para haberle ayudado.



Un mandato formal I wish you would return me the Cd.without asking you.

El deseo de que una situación o el comportamiento de una persona cambie en el futuro.

I wish Sue would reply to my e-mail!

WISH tiene relación con la construcción If only tiene un sentido casi idéntico y lo utilizamos de la misma manera. If only es más enfático.If only + pastIf only I felt better. Si al menos me sintiera mejor (Tengo el deseo de sentirme mejor)If only + past perfectIf only we had listened to our teacher. Si al menos hubiéramos escuchado al profesor.If only + wouldIf only they would stop smoking. Si al menos dejaran de fumar.

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A. Write sentences beginning I wish ....

1 I don't know many people (and I'm lonely). __________________________________ more people. 2 I don't have a mobile phone (and I need one). I wish ____________________________________

3 Helen isn't here (and I need to see her)_______________________________________________

4 It's cold (and I hate cold weather). __________________________________________________

5 I live in a big city (and I don't like it). _______________________________________________

6 I can't go to the party (and I'd like to). _______________________________________________

7 I have to work tomorrow (but I'd like to stay in bed) ___________________________________

B. Write your own sentences beginning I wish ....

1 (somewhere you'd like to be now - on the beach, in New York, in bed etc.)

I wish I _________________________________________________________________

2 (something you'd like to have - a computer, a job, lots of money etc.)


3 (something you'd like to be able to do - sing, speak a language, fly etc.)


4 (something you'd like to be - beautiful, strong, rich etc.)


C. Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentence with I wish.

1 You've eaten too much and now you feel sick.You say:____________________________________________________________so much.

2. When you were younger, you never learned to play a musical instrument. Now you regret this.You say:_______________________________________________________________________

3. You've painted the gate red. Now you think that red was the wrong colour.You say_______________________________________________________________________

4. You are walking in the country. You'd like to take some photographs, but you didn't bring your camera.You say: ______________________________________________________________________

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El estilo indirecto se utiliza para comunicar lo que alguien ha dicho pero sin citar sus palabras exactas.

Podemos contar en presente lo que alguien acaba de decir, para lo cual basta con suprimir las comillas y cambiar el pronombre sujeto y la persona del verbo. “I am tired” He says that he is tired pero lo normal es contarlo en pasado. Entonces usamos el verbo introductorio en pasado said, told…, el verbo siguiente da “un salto atrás”: el Present Simple pasa a Past Simple, este a Past Perfect, etc...y además de los pronombres cambian los demostrativos, los posesivos, y las expresiones de tiempo y lugar.

La oración subordinada va introducida por la conjunción that pero en inglés hablado se suele omitir.


Direct Speech Reported Speech

Present simple Past simple

“I live in London” He said he lived in London

Present continuos Past continuos

“You are having breakfast” He said he was having breakfast

Present perfect Past perfect

“You have failed the exam” He told me He had failed the exam

Present perfect continuos Past perfect continuos

“My father has been working all life” She said her father had been working...

Past simple Past perfect

“I didn’t recognize you” He said that he hadn’t reconized…

Past continuos Past perfect continuos

“ I was lying” She admitted she had been lying

Past perfect Past perfect

“I hadn’t seen her before” He said that he hadn’t seen her before

Past perfect continuos Past perfect continuos

“They have been playing since 11 o’clock” They told me they had been playing…

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Future simple Conditional simple

“You will be late” They told me I would be late

Can, May Could, Maight

“I can speak English” She said she could speak English

“It may rain” He thought it might rain

Would, could, might, ought to… Would, could…

“It could be true” He said it could be true

Must “I must pass the exam” Had to She said that sehe had to...”

Direct Speech Reported Speech

This That

These Those

Here There

Tomorrow The next day/The following day.

The day after

The day after tomorrow In two days’ time

Now Then

Today That day/The same day

Tonight That night/The same night

Yesterday The day before/The previous day

Last year The previous year/A year before

A year/week ago The previous week/year

The day before yesterday Two days before



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Otros verbos utilizados a menudo con las oraciones enunciativas.

COMPLAIN (quejarse, reclamar) EXCLAIM (exclamar, manifestar) REPORT(informar)

EXPLAIN (explicar) REMARK (comentar) ASSURE (asegurar)


Hay dos tipos de preguntas en inglés:

Las Yes / No questions son las que se pueden contestar con un “si” o un “no”. Para ponerlas en estilo indirecto empleamos el verbo ask y la conjunción if. Entonces como la pregunta deja de serlo y se convierte en una oración enunciativa no hay inversión sujeto-verbo ni signo de interrogación y tampoco comillas.

Las Wh-questions comienzan con una partícula interrogativa (what, where, when, why, whose, how, how long, etc.) y cuando las ponemos en estilo indirecto dicha partícula interrogativa va en lugar de if y después el sujeto y el verbo con sus cambios como las enunciativas.



Otros verbos que podemos utilizar en las interrogativas:

WANT TO KNOW (querer saber) INQUIRE (preguntar) WONDER (preguntarse)

“What time is it?” He asked me what time it was

“How much money do you need?” She asked how much money I need

“Are you tired?” He asked if I was tired


Para pasar una orden, una petición, una invitación o una advertencia a estilo indirecto hay que cambiar el imperativo por un infinitivo. Debemos usar un verbo que exprese mandato como tell y order seguido de un CI y el verbo en forma imperativa pasa a infinitivo con to to+inf , cuando la oración es negativa se pone not delante de to.

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Otros verbos que podemos utilizar en las imperativas:

ASK (pedir) BEG (pedir) NIVITE (invitar) WARN (advertir) PERSUADE (convencer)


“Please, sit down!” The bank manager said to her The bank manager asked her to sit down

“Don’t move!” The policeman ordered the burglar not to move

“Sit down, Rover!” The boy told his dog to sit down.


Las sugerencias se pasan al estilo indirecto de dos maneras: una en la que el hablante se incluye dentro de la sugerencia, en este caso, ponemos suggested y el verbo en –ing y otra en la que no se incluye el hablante en cuyo caso tendríamos que utilizar una oración subordinada de complemento directo introducida por that con su sujeto y verbo en la forma base.


SUBJECT+SUGGESTED+ THAT + SUBJECT+V Present /( should )+ inf

Speaker included Speaker not included

Shall we...? You could...

Let’s ... Would you mind + ing...?

We could... Why don’t you...?

What about...?

“Let’s go home” He suggested going home

“You could go home” He suggested that they (should) go home



Estar de acuerdo con alguien sobre algo / Estar de acuerdo para hacer algo / Estar de acuerdo que...


Aconsejar a alguien que haga o no algo / Aconsejar que...


Disculparse por hacer algo

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Pedir algo / Pedir a alguien que haga o no algo


Quejarse de / Quejarse a alguien sobre algo


Explicar a alguien que / Explicar que


Promete a alguien hacer algo / Prometer que


Invitar a alguien para hacer algo / Ofrecer para hacer algo


Rechar hacer algo


Advertir a alguien para hacer o no hacer algo / Advertir a alguien contra hacer algo.

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1. Phil said, "I haven't any money."

2. Tim said, "I've only been in England since yesterday."

3. They said, "We prefer pop music to classical music."

4. Joanne said, "It's the best film I have ever seen."

5. She said, "I want to go on holiday, but I can't afford it."

6. He said, "If it rains this afternoon, the grass will be too wet to play the football match


7. She said, "I'm going out, but I'll come back by 9.30."

8. She said, "They should put traffic lights here or there'll be more accidents."


2.A Wh-Questions.

1. The boss said to him, "How much money do you want to earn in this job?"

2. He said to the shop assistant, "How much are the cigarettes?"

3. He said to me, "How long did it take you to get to Paris by train last summer?"

4. The secretary said to him, "Who do you want to speak to?"

5. She asked the policeman, "Where can I park my caravan?"

2. B YesJNo Questions

1. She said to him, "Are you all right?"

2. He said to Susan "Are you going to the party tonight?"

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3. She said to him, "Have you worked before?"

4. He said to her, "Would you like to go for a walk?"

5. She said to him, "Did you work hard the day before yesterday?"

6. She said to him, "Do you want to know my address?

7. “Can you speak French?”, she asked him.


1. He said to her, "Get out of my way."

2. "Don't eat too much fried food", the doctor said to him.

3. The teacher said to students, "Read the exam questions twice."

4. "Don't take more than two pills." The doctor said to her.

5. The policeman said to the driver, "Avoid High Street, because there's a big demonstration."

6.I said to him, "Go to a dentist, before your toothache gets worse."

7. "Close all the doors", he said to them.

8."Don't touch the hot bottle." She said to him.

 4. Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech.

1.      “If it rains  this afternoon it will be too wet to play the match tomorrow”, the captain said. _________________________________________________________________________

2.      “Did any of you see the accident happen last night?” said the policeman. __________________________________________________________________________

3.      “We have a lift but very often it doesn´t work”, said my aunt. __________________________________________________________________________

4.      “Can you tell me why Paul left the university without taking his degree?”

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Paul´s sister asked me. ________________________________________________________

5.      “Please don´t make an official complaint.”, the manager said to her. ___________________________________________________________________________

6.      “I don´t think you should go to England in the winter” Mary said to Peter. ___________________________________________________________________________

7.      “How long have you been learning English?”, the examiner said.


8.      “Stand still!”, he said to the children.


9.      “When are you planning to come to Darlington?”, Bill said to his friend.

10.Let’s go to swim with all friends!


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Son proposiciones subordinadas introducidas por un nexo que las relaciona con la acción de la oración principal, indicando si ésta ocurrió antes, después o al mismo tiempo que la subordinada.

when (cuando) , whenever (cuando), while (mientras), as soon as (tan pronto como), once (una vez que…), by the moment (en el momento que…), soon after (poco después).

Si el verbo de la oración subordinada está en presente el verbo de la principal en futuro, si va en pasado los dos deben ir en pasado.

Give me the exam, when you’ve finished. She was reading while I was studying.

After he had finished As (cuando), after (después), before (antes), since (desde), till (hasta), until (hasta que), his work, he went back home.

As soon as I had heard the news, I phoned him.

After, befoe...+ing.

After finishing your exam, you can give it to me. Cuando el sujeto de la proposición subordinada y el de la principal es el mismo podemos poner la partícula temporal seguida del verbo en –ing.


Son proposiciones subordinadas que expresan la finalidad de la acción principal.

In order to / So as to + infinitive Es una estructura formal podemos traducirla por ´´a fin de que´´ ´´con el fin de´´. She went abroad in order to / so as to find a better job.

So that o bien in order that + suj-verb-compls. Suelen ir seguidas de can, will, could., should, o would + infinitivo.

I’m going to buy my son a computer so that / in order that he can practise at home.

To+infinitive Cuando el sujeto de la oración principal es el mismo que el de la subordinada.

We spent the summer in Rome to learn Italian.

For+noun In case También con estos nexos puede expresarse la finalidad

He went to the restaurant for lunch. I’ll be there in case you need help.

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Este tipo de subordinadas oponen un obstáculo para que se realice la acción de la oración principal.

a. Although + S + verb Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

b. In spite of / Despite + noun / -ing In spite of the rain/raining we enjoyed our holiday.Despite the rain/raining, we enjoyed our holiday.

c. In spite of / Despite + the fact that + SVC

I didn’t get the job in spite of / Despite the fact that I had the necessary qualifications.

f. Even though su uso es el mismo que although pero es más enfático. Though se utiliza también en lugar de although.


Expresan la causa por la que se realiza la principal.

Because + SVC / Seeing that + SVC / As + SVC

All the best seats had been taken because we arrived late.

The reason why + SVC / The reason for + -ing

The reason why he did it was that he was very nervous.

The reason for doing it was that he was very nervous.

Because of / As a result of + noun

Many of the deaths of old people are because of heart attacks.


Expresan la consecuencia de la acción principal.

So, consequently, as a result + SVC He lost all his money in the war, so he’s ruined.

So + adj /adv... (that) + SVC

So much + noun / So many + noun So few or So little + that

The exam was so easy that everybody passed. He ate so much food that he felt ill.

Such + a/an + adj + noun + that

It was such an easy exam that everybody passed.

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Write concessive sentences

1. We were desperately hungry; we had no time for lunch. (although)_______________________________________________________________________________

2. We enjoyed our holiday but the weather was awful. (as)_______________________________________________________________________________

3. She kept her coat on, it was very warm. (however / in spite of))_______________________________________________________________________________

4. I used to play the piano when I was younger. I don't play the piano now. (although)_______________________________________________________________________________

5.You look very like your grandfather but you are not as tall as he was. (despite)_______________________________________________________________________________

6.The traffic was heavy. The air was fresh and clean. (in spite of)_______________________________________________________________________________

Write time sentences

1. The building had almost burnt down. The fire brigade arrived. (by the time)______________________________________________________________________________

2. We realized that something had got wrong. We saw him run towards us. (as soon as)______________________________________________________________________________

3. You'll live a little nearer us. Then we'll see you often. (when)______________________________________________________________________________

4. Mr. Smith. had spent nearly 40 years with the company. Then he retired at the age of 70. (after)______________________________________________________________________________

5. She had already opened the letter. then she realized it wasn't addressed to her. (before)______________________________________________________________________________

6. The man tried on a few pairs of shoes. Then he bought a pair. (before / after) (2)______________________________________________________________________________

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Purpose clauses 

1. Complete with a suitable verb to form purpose clauses

1. We are having a party ____________________.Ann´s birthday.

2. I didn´t have enough time _____________________the newspaper today.

3. We have no furniture – not even a bed _______________in.

4. I think I need some new clothes _____________________________

5. Tom didn´t have enough energy ____________________________.the mountain.

6. There will be a meeting next week._________________________.the problem.

7.  We wore warm clothes.  We didn´t want to get cold.

We wore _______________________________________________________

    Choose the correct answer.

  1. I´m going to study harder __________.pass my exams in June.

a. so to         b.  for to           c.  in order that     d.   in order to

2. We invited lots of children _____________.our son could enjoy his birthday party.

a. in order to   b. so as to   c. so that    d. for that

3. Helen is going to be on a diet_____________.lose weight.

a. so as to         b. so that         c.   for          d. in order that

4. They went to the town centre some shopping.

a. so as           b. to          c. for to          d.  for

Result clauses

1.     Complete the sentences with so, such or such a(n).

1. He was _________________happy that he invited us for a drink.

2. They´re _________________lovely people that we enjoy their company.

3. Joanne is _________________.elegant woman that everybody admires her.

4. He´s __________________popular singer that he sells thousands of CDs.

5. They were books that we bought quite a few.

6. Sunday afternoons are _______________.boring that we never know what to do.

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Would rather/would sooner  van seguidos de infinitivo sin to y tienen el significado de preferir.


-         I´d rather go to the disco.  Preferiría ir a la discoteca.

-         I´d sooner stay here.  Prefiriría quedarme aquí.

  Si se comparan dos acciones, el segundo verbo va precedido de than.


-         I´d rather laugh than cry.  Prefiero reir que llorar.

  Esta forma verbal también puede ir seguida de una oración subordinada nominal, cuyo sujeto es

distinto de would rather y cuyo verbo va en pasado simple.


-         I´d rather she spent the night with us.  Preferiría que ella pasara la noche con nosotros.

El ejemplo anterior podría expresarse también así: I´d prefer her to spend the night with us.

  Exercise A

Rewrite these sentences with the words provided.

1.       I prefer to go to the cinema this evening.

I´d rather_____________________________________________________

2.       I prefer reading to watching TV.

I´d rather _____________________________________________________

3.       We´d prefer her to stay with us.

We´d rather she ________________________________________________

4.       She´d prefer to work on her own.

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She´d sooner___________________________________________________

5.       I´d rather you didn´t come with me tonight.

I´d prefer you __________________________________________________


Answer these questions using “I´d rather...” Use the words in brackets.

1.       Would you like to play tennis? (go for a swim)

2.       Do you want to watch television? (read a book)

3.       Shall we leave now? (wait for a few minutes)

4.       Would you like to go to a restaurant? (eat at home)

5.       Should we decide now? (think about it for a while)


Now make sentences using “I´d rather..............than...”

1.       (go for a swim/play tennis)

2.       (read a book/watch television)

3.       (wait for a few minutes/leave now)

4.       (eat at home/go to a restaurant)

5.       (think about it for a while/decide now.


Use “I´d rather you (did something)”. You are talking to a friend. You say you´ll do something, but really you want your friend to do it.

1.       I´ll cook the dinner if you really want me to, but_____________________________________

2.       I´ll call Tom is you really want me to, but__________________________________________

3.       I´ll go to the bank if you really want me to, but _____________________________________

4.       I´ll do the dishes if you really want me to, but ______________________________________

5.       I´ll tell Ann what happened if you really want me to, but ______________________________


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IT´S TIME........

  “It´s time...”  Esta expresión puede ir seguida de tres estructuras:

  a)       It´s time + infinitivo

Ejemplo:   It´s time to go to bed.  ( Es hora de acostarse)

  b)      It´s time for + objeto + infinitivo.

Ejemplo:  It´s time for them to go to bed.  ( Es hora de que se acuesten)

  c)       It´s time + sujeto + verbo en pasado simple.

Esta estructura se emplea, a menudo,  para expresar reproche o crítica.

Ejemplo: It´s time they went to bed.  (Ya es hora de que se acuesten)

 También podríamos decir: “It´s high time/ It´s about time.

  Exercise E

Rewrite these sentences with the words provided.

1.       It´s time for her to go back home.  It´s time she _________________________________

2.       It´s time for us to say goodbye. It´s time we____________________________________

3.       It´s time for him to start doing some work.  It´s time he __________________________

4.       It´s time to have some dinner.  It´s high time we ________________________________

5.       It´s time to go to bed.  It´s about time we.______________________________________


Write these sentences with “It´s time someone did something.”

1.       You think you should take a vacation because you haven´t taken one in a very long time.

2.       You think Tom should write to his parents.  He hasn´t written to them for ages.

3.       This room should be redecorated.  It looks awful.

4.       You´re waiting for Ann.  She is late. She should be here by now.

5.       You´re sitting on a plane waiting for it to take off.  It´s already five minutes late.-

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Ortografía / Spelling

Short Forms

En inglés hablado normalmente decimos: I’m / you’ve / didn’t etc. (formas cortas o contraciones).en lugar de I am / you have / did not…etc. También utilizamos las formas cortas en lengua escrita de tipo informal por ejemplo, una carta a un amigo o un mensaje.

Al escribir las formas cortas utilizamos un apóstrofo (‘) para las letras omitidas.

‘m…… I’m ‘s…… o has he’s she’s it’s

‘re........are you’re we’re they’re ‘ve........have I’ve you’ve we’ve they’ve

‘ll.........will I’ll he’ll she’ll you’ll we’ll they’ll

‘d........would/had I’d he’d she’d you’d we’d they’d

Let’s - significa Let us Let’s go away. (Let us go away)

‘d- puede ser would or had I’d see a doctor if I were you= (I would see)

I’d never seen her before = (I had never seen)

Utilizamos algunas de estas formas cortas (especialmente ‘s después de question words:who, what,…

y después de that, there o here. Who’s, what’s, where’s…

Tambien puede ir después de un nombre. Catherine’s going out tonight. (Catherine is)

No se puede utilizar ‘m / ‘s / ‘re / ‘ve / ‘ll / ‘d al final de la oración porque el verbo lleva el acento en esa posición. Are you tired? Yes, I am y no Yes, I’m. Do you know where she is? No ...where’s.

Negative short forms

Isn’t = is not don’t = do not haven’t = have not Aren’t = are not doesn’t = does not hasn’t = has not Wasn’t = was not didn’t = did not hadn’t = had not

Weren’tCan’t = can not couldn’t = could not mustn’t = must not

Won’t = will not wouldn’t = would not needn’t = need not

Shan’t = shall not shouldn’t = should not daren’t = dare not

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Nombres, verbos y adjetivos pueden tener las siguientes terminaciones:

Noun + -s/-es (plural books ideas matches

Verb + -s/ -es (dp. He/She/it ) works enjoys washes

Verb + -ing working enjoying washing

Verb + -ed worked enjoyed washed

Adjective + -er cheaper quicker brighter

Adjective + -est cheapest quickest brightest

Adjective + -ly cheaply quickly brightly

Cambios en las terminaciones:

Se añade –es cuando la palabra termina en -s /-ss /-sh / -ch / -x

Bus / buses miss / misses wash / washes

Match / matches search / searches box / boxes

También: potato / potatoes tomato / tomatoes do / does go / goes

Palabras que terminan en –y (baby, carry, easy...etc.)

Si la palabra termina en cons + y (by, ry, sy, vy etc.) -y cambia a –ie delante de –s:

Baby / babies story / stories country / countries secretary / secretaries

Hurry / hurries study / studies apply / applies try / tries

Cuando la palabra termina en cons + y y tenemos que a ñadir – ed , -y cambia a -i:

Hurry / hurried study / studied apply / applied try / tried

-y cambia a -i delante de las terminaciones –er y -est:

easy / easier / easiest heavy / heavier / heaviest lucky / luckier / luckiest

-y cambia a -i delante de –ly :

easy / easily heavy / heavily temporary / temporarily

-y no cambia delante de –ing: hurrying studying applying trying

-y no cambia si la palabra termina en voc + y (-ay / -ey / -oy / -uy ):

play / plays / placed monkey / monkeys enjoy / enjoys / enjoyed buy / buye

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Una excepción es day / daily y también pay / paid lay / laid say / said

Verbos terminados en -ie, (die, lie, tie ) –ie se convierte en -y delante de la terminación -ing

die / dying lie / lying tie / tying

Palabras terminadas en -e (hope, dance, wide etc. )

Verbos Si el verbo termina en –e se pierde delante de la terminación –ing:

Hope / doping smile / smiling dance / dancing confuse / confusing

Excepciones: be / being y los verbos terminados en –ee see / seeing agree / agreeing

Si el verbo termina en -e añadimos -d en el pasado de los verbos regulares. Hope / hoped

Adjetivos y adverbios Si el adjetivo termina en –e añadimos –r o -st para el comparativo y el superlativo:

Wide / wider / widest late / later / latest large / larger / largest

Si el adjetivo termina en -e se mantiene la –e delante de –ly :

Polite / politely extreme / extremely absolute /absolutely

Si el adjetivo termina en –le (simple, terrible etc.) la terminación del adverbio es –ply, -bly etc.:

Simple / simple terrible / terrible reasonable / reasonably

Doble consonante

Doblamos la consonante (stop/stopping, wet/wetter/wettest etc.) cuando una palabra termina en voc + cons y es de una sílaba delante de los finales en -ing/-ed/-er/-est

Stop p___pp stopping stopped

Plan n___nn planning planned

Big g___gg bigger biggest

Thin n___nn thinner thinnest

En las palabras que tienen más de una sílaba (prefer, begin, etc.) se dobla la consonante al final sólo si la sílaba es tónica.

PreFER / preferring / preferred perMIT / permitting / permitted

ReGRET / regretting / regretted beGIN / beginning

Si la sílaba final no es tónica no se dobla la consonante. VISit / visiting / visited

Si la palabra termina en –l pasa a –ll delante de –ing y -ed tanto si la sílaba es tónica como si no lo es. Travel / travelling / travelled cancel / cancelling / cancelled

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No se dobla la consonante final si la palabra termina en dos consonantes (-rt, -lp, -ng, etc. )

Start / starting / started help / helping / helped long / longer / longest

No se dobla la consonante si hay dos vocales delante de ella. (-oil, -eed,. Etc. )

Boil / boiling / boiled need / needing explain / explaining / explained

No se dobla –y y -w cuando van al final de una palabra porque tanto –y como –w en esa situación no se consideran consonantes.

Stay / staying grow / growing new / newer / newest



Los prefijos se añaden al principio de algunas palabras para formar otras nuevas, normalmente, cambiando su significado pero no su categoría gramatical.

Prefijos negativos para formar nombres, verbos y adjetivos.

Un- (opuesto o ausencia de) adjetivos, precede a adjetivos, participios y verbos.

Unable unbelievable undo unfair undressed

Incapaz increible deshecho injusto desvestido

Non- no Forma nombres y adjetivos.

Non-smoker nonconformist non-essential non-fiction

No fumador inconformista sin importancia no ficción, real

In- (opuesto o no ) Forma adjetivos

Inaccesible incomplete incorrect inevitable insane

Inaccesible incompleto incorrecto inevitable insano

Il- (delante de l) Opuesto de o no. Forma adjetivos.

Illegal illegitimate illicit illiterate illogical

Ilegal ilegítimo ilícito analfabeto ilógico

Im- (antes de m y p ) Opuesto de o no. Forma adjetivos

Immature impatient imperfect impolite imposible

Inmaduro impaciente imperfecto maleducado imposible

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Ir- (antes de r ) Opuesto o no. Forma adjetivos.

Irracional irregular irrelevant irresistible irresponsable

Irracional irregular irrelevante irresistible irresponsable

Dis- (opuesto o no ) Forma adjetivos, verbos, y nombres.

Disconnect dishonest dislike disloyalty disobedient disobey dissatisfied

Desconectado deshonesto desagradar deslealtad desobediente verbo insatisfecho


Inter. (entre) Forma adjetivos y adverbios.

Interactive intercontinental internacional interweave

Interactivo intercontinental internacional entrelazado

Re- (repetición) Forma verbos y nombres

React re-apply rebuild recycle re-use

Reaccionar aplicar de nuevo reconstruir reciclar reutilizar

Cyber- (relacionado con ordenadores e internet) Forma nombres.

Cyberspace cybercafé cyberpunk

Ciberespacio cibercafé ciberpunk

Anti- (contra) Forma adjetivos y nombres.

Antibody anticlímax antinuclear anti-racist antisocial

Anticuerpo anticlimax antinuclear anti-racista antisocial

Super- (más que…algo especial) Forma adjetivos y nombres

Superimpose supermarket supernatural supersonic superstar

Superponer supermercado sobrenatural supersónico superstar

Over- (demasiado) Forma adjetivos y verbos

Overconfident overeat overstimate overpopulated overreact overwork

Presumido comer mucho sobreestimar superpoblado reaccionar trabajar mucho

Under- (por debajo) Forma adjetivos, verbos, participios y adverbios

Undercharge undercook understimate underprivileged understatement

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Cobrar menos poco hecho infravalorado desfavorecido poco explicado

Extra- (excepcional o extraordinario) Forma adjetivos.

Extracurricular extraordinary extraterrestrial

Extracurricular extraordinario extraterreste

Mis- (equivocado o algo malo) Forma verbos y nombres

Misbehave misconception misunderstand

Portarse mal idea equivocada comprender mal

Pre- (anterior) Forma adjetivos y nombres

Pre-Christmas pre-Raphaelite prewar

Antes de Navidad antes de Rafael Antes de la guerra

Post- (posterior) Forma adjetivos y nombres

Postgraduate postmodern post-war

Posgraduado posmoderno posguerra


Son terminaciones que añadimos a unas palabras para formar otras de categoría gramatical diferente.

Sufijos nominales Son los que se usan para formar nombres a partir de adjetivos, verbos y otros nombres.

Nombres formados a partir de adjetivos

-ety Adjetive Noun

Anxious anxiety anhelante/ansiedad

-ity active activity activo/actividad

creative creativity creativo/creatividad

-ness aware awareness consciente/conciencia

ill illnes enfermo/enfermedad

-ence confident confidence seguridad/confianza en sí mismo

different difference diferente/diferencia

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Nombres formados a partir de verbos

-ant / -ent Verb Noun

assist assistant ayudar/ayudante

immigrate immigrant inmigrar/inmigrante

-ation examine examination examinar/examen

imagine imagination imaginar/imaginación

-er / -or drive driver conducir/conductor

profesiones teach teacher enseñar/profesor

conduct conductor realizar/director

-ion act action actuar/actuación

connect connection conectar/conexión

-ment achieve achievement lograr/logros

amuse amusement distraer/distracción

develop development desarrollar/desarrollo

-ism capitalize capitalism capitalizar/capitalismo

criticize criticism criticar/crítica

Nombres formados a partir de otros nombres

Noun Noun

-ist art (arte) artist (artista)

biology (biología) biologist (biólogo)

optimism (optimismo) optimist (optimista)

pacifism (pacifismo) pacifist (pacifista)

-ship citizen (ciudadano) citizenship (ciudadanía)

friend (amigo) frienship (amistad)

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Sufijos adjetivales. Los añadimos a nombres y verbos para formar adjetivos.

Adjetivos formados a partir de nombres

-ful Noun Adjective

beauty beautiful belleza /bello

care careful cuidado/cuidadoso

colour colourful color/colorido

-less care careless cuidado/descuidado

colour colourness colorido/descolorido

faith faithless confianza/desconfiado

-al accident accidental accidente/accidental

environment environmental medioambiente/medio-


logic logical lógica/lógico

-y cloud cloudy nube/nublado

cream creamy crema/cremoso

dirt dirty suciedad/sucio

dust dusty polvo/polvoriento

Adjetivos formados a partir de verbos

-ive Verb Adjective

act active actuar/activo

attract attractive atraer/atractivo

compete competitive competir/competitivo

create creative crear/creativo

-able accept aceptable aceptar/aceptable

-ible access accesible acceder/accesible

convert convertible convertir/convertible

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. Word formation: nouns and adjectives

We can make adjectives from nouns with the suffixes -ous, -ic and -al.

fame > famous, ambition > ambitious photography > photographic, drama > dramatic

music > musical, maths > mathematical Be careful! Sometimes the spelling changes

when you add a suffix. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you find the correct spelling.

1 Write the related adjectives.

1 logic ………………

2 fury ………………

3 person ………………

4 apology ………………

5 rebel ………………

6 technology ………………

7 optimism ………………

8 caution ………………

9 nation ………………

10 advantage ………………

11 theory ………………

12 pessimism ………………

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

Jackie is very ambitious. She wants to be a actress. (ambition)

1 The holiday was ……………… . There was nothing to do and it rained all the time. (disaster)

2 Brenda was very ……………… when she heard that I’d split up with Pete. (sympathy)

3 You have to be fit and extremely……………… to take part in this sport. (energy)

4 The ……………… party promised to cut taxation when it was elected. (politics)

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Word formation: verbs and nouns

We can make nouns from verbs with the suffixes -ment, -tion/-sion and -ance/-ence.

amaze > amazement introduce > introduction annoy > annoyance

Be careful! Sometimes the spelling changes when you add a suffix. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you find the correct spelling.

2. Write the related nouns.

1. 1 imagine ………………

2 arrange ………………

3 discuss ………………

4 educate ………………

5 excel ………………

6 manage ………………

7 amuse ………………

8 organize ………………

9 tolerate ………………

10 enjoy ………………

11 avoid ………………

12 confirm ………………

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

According to experts, digital television is the future of home entertainment.


1 When Clare entered the skateboarding ……………… , she didn’t expect to win. (compete)

2 Jane couldn’t taste the ……………… between the two cola drinks. (differ)

3 After discussing the results of the experiment, the scientists finally reached a ……………… . (conclude)

4 Greg’s parents gave him ……………… to go on holiday with his friends. (permit)

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Nombres compuestos

Se forman con dos palabras, la palabra básica es la segunda. La primera tiene valor de adjetivo y es invariable. Las dos palabras de la combinación se pueden escribir unidas por un guión, unidas en una sola palabra o separadas:

(*) El lenguaje inglés tiene gran facilidad para formar palabras con un significado propio a partir de palabras que tienen cada una por separado un significado independiente.

Bedroom (Bed+Room) / Dormitorio    Postcard (Post+Card) / Tarjeta postalBreakfast (Break+Fast) / Desayuno    Washing-machine / Lavadora


Hay tres reglas para la formación del plural de estos sustantivos:

1. Añadiendo una -s

Bedroom, bedrooms (Dormitorio-s)    Armchair, armchairs (Sillón-es) Overcoat, overcoats (Abrigo-s)

2. Cuando el nombre está compuesto por dos sustantivos y el segundo sirve solamente de complemento, el primero toma el plural:

Father in law (Suegro)    Fathers in law (Suegros)

3. En los nombres compuestos con los sustantivos man y woman, los dos sustantivos toman el plural:

Man-servant (criado)        Men-servants (Criados)


Hay varias maneras de formar en inglés adjetivos compuestos:

a.) Sustantivo + adjetivo:

Blood-thirsty / Sediento de sangre    Sky-blue / Azul celeste

b.) Adjetivo + adjetivo:

Dark-Blue / Azul oscuro

c.) Adjetivo (o adverbio) + participio presente:

Good-looking / Buen aspecto

e.) Sustantivo + participio presente:

Hard-working / Trabajador    Heart-rending / Descorazonador

f.) Sustantivo + participio pasivo: Well-dressed / Bien vestido g.) Adjetivo + sustantivo + ed: Well-mannered / De buenos modales       Fair-haired / De pelo rubio

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1. Form compounds with these words

sick, , line, way, work, proud, plant, bound, light, office, coming, town, page




2. Form compounds adding one word in the column A to the column B


Tooth/paste cut

monthly on

swimming ground

Under pool

Hair paste

hanger ticket

dry- put

Out cleaning

3. Form compounds joining one word in line 1 to a word in line 2

1.Pass, pencil, news, suit, guide, first-aid, shop, vacuum, travellers,

2.port, case, cleaner, case, paper, lifter ,book, cheques, kit, passport,

1.Study, book, bird, land, work, head, office, tool, knife, master, service, room, lady, cage, stone, table, block, edge, box, key, station studyroom,

1.Passers-, Lay, Mothers-, Shoe, Women, Travel, Bus, Antique, Physics, Runners, bys, shops, by, judges, agencies, shops, teachers, stations, uppassersby

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El artículo determinado o definido “The”

El artículo definido o determinado se traduce en inglés por The. Es invariable y corresponde a las formas españolas el, la, los, las.

The boy (el niño) The boys (los niños) The girl (la niña) The girls (las niñas) The book (el libro)

The books (los libros)

El artículo definido puede ir precedido de las preposiciones of, to. En inglés no hay contracción de preposición y artículo: del y al se traducen por of the (de el) to the (a el).

Of the village. (del pueblo) Of the house. (de la casa) To the garden (al jardín) To the door (a la puerta)

Usos del artículo the:

1. Cuando sabemos de quiën o de quë estamos hablando. Can I have the drink? (¿puedo tomar la bebida?) cuando sabemos de que bebida hablamos

2. Cuando hablamos de un nombre que lo hemos mencionado en una frase anterior. Mr and Mrs Jones have a daughter and two sons. The daughter is a doctor. (El sr. y la sra. Jones tienen una hija y dos hijos. La hija es doctora)

3. Con los adjetivos en grado superlativo. She is the best. (ella es la mejor)

4. Con los nombres propios de océanos, mares, montañas, naciones en plural... The Alps. (los alpes)

5. Con los adjetivos abstractos. The fantastic (lo fantástico)

Casos en los que no usamos el artículo the:

1. Cuando hablamos de algo en general. Houses are expensive. (las casas son caras) Life isn't easy. (la vida no es fácil)

2. Delante de términos geográficos o topónimos. Fifth Avenue. (la quinta avenida) Spain. (España)

3. Delante de nombres de personas aunque estos estén precedidos de títulos. King Charles (el rey Carlos)

4. Delante de meses, estaciones y días festivos. We see you in September. (te veremos en septiembre)

5. Delante de las comidas generales como almuerzo, cena..Have luch, dinner…

6. Cuando hablamos de partes del cuerpo usando el verbo to have (tener) I broke my leg last year.

7. Delante de next (próximo, siguiente) y last (último, pasado)

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El artículo indeterminado a / an

A o an, corresponde los siguientes artículos en español: un, una. se usa con nombres que comienzan por consonante.

a book = un libro a pen = un bolígrafo a chair = una silla

An se usa con nombres que comienzan por vocal.

an animal = un animal an answer = una contestación an example = un ejemplo

Usamos a antes de una palabra comenzada por la letra u cuando esta es pronunciada como el sonido figurado "yu". A University

Usamos an antes de una palabra comenzada por una h que no pronunciamos. an hour

Usos del artículo

Usamos a / an delante de los nombres singulares.

Have you got a bicycle? (¿tienes una bicicleta?) I've got an umbrella. (Yo tengo un paragüas)

Usamos a / an cuando hablamos del oficio de alguién.

Maria is a journalist. (Maria es una periodista)

Tom Cruise is an actor (Tom Cruise es un actor)

No usamos a / an delante de nombres plurales.

Have you got two bicycles? (¿tienes dos bicicletas?)


Put in, the or a/an where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.

1 A: Where did you have — lunch? B: We went to a restaurant.

2 A: Did you have ___________ nice holiday?B: Yes, it was ___________ best holiday I've ever had.

3 A: Where's ___________ nearest shop?B: There's one at ___________ end of this street.

4 A: Do you often listen to ___________ radio?B: No. In fact I haven't got ___________ radio.

5 A: Would you like to travel in ___________ space?B: Yes, I'd love to go to___________ Moon.

6 A: Do you go to ___________ cinema very often?B: No, not very often. But I watch a lot of films on ___________ television.

7 A: It was ___________ nice day yesterday, wasn't it?B: Yes, it was beautiful. We went for a walk by ___________ sea.

8 A: What did you have for ___________ breakfast this morning?B: Nothing. I never eat ___________ breakfast.

9 A: Excuse me, where is ___________ Room 25, please?B: It's on ___________ second floor.

10 A: We spent all our money because we stayed at ___________ most expensive hotel in town.B: Why didn't you stay at _________ cheaper hotel?

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Put in, the where necessary. If you don't need the, leave the space empty.

1 lay down on ___________ground and looked up at ___________ sky.3 Sarah spends most of her free time watching ___________ television.4 ___________ television was on, but nobody was watching it.5 Lisa and I arrived at ___________ same time.6 Have you had ___________ dinner yet?7 You'll find ___________ information you need at ___________ top of ___________ page 15.8 What's ___________ capital city of Canada?

Put in, the or a/an where necessary.

1, Sun is star. ______ sun shines.2 Paul lives in_______ small village in________ country.3 Moon goes round________ earth every 27 days.4 I'm fed up with doing_______ same thing every day.5 It was very hot day. It was________ hottest day of ___________year.6 I don't usually have_____ lunch, but I always eat good breakfast.7 If you live in__________ foreign country, you should try and learn_____ language. 8 We missed our train because we were waiting on ____________wrong platform. 9 Next train to London leaves from____________ Platform 3.

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Subject pronouns Object prouns Possesive pronouns Reflexive pronouns

I (yo) me (a mí) mine (mío) myself (me)

You (tú, usted) you (a tí, usted) yours (tuyo) yourself (te)

He (él) him (a él) his (suyo) himself (se)

She (ella) her (a ella) her (suyo) herself (se)

It (ello,eso) it (ello,eso) its (suyo) itself (se)

We (nosotros/as) us (a nosotros/as) ours (nuestro) ourselves (nos)

You (vosotros/as) you (a vosotros/as) yours (vuestro) yourselves (os)

They (ellos/ellas) them (a ellos/ellas) theirs (suyo) themselves (se)

Possesive adjectives Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

my (mi) This (este/esta) cercanía That (ese,esa/aquel, aquella) lejanía (si

your (tu,su) These (estos/estas) Those (esos,esas/aqullos,aquellas) (plur

his (su)

her (su)

its (su) our (nuestro) your (vuestro) their (su) de ellos/as

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A    Complete these sentences with the correct possesive adjective or pronoun

1.       Whose camera is this?  Is it ____________________? (you)

2.       Excuse me, those are __________________.seats. (we)

3.       Is it _________________suitcase or _________________? (you/he)

4.       Is the dog eating_________________food? (it)

5.       They are not _____________keys – they´re __________________. (I/she)

6.       I don´t think it´s ____________room; I think it´s ______________(you/they)

7.       The policeman is asking me for _____________.address. (I)

8.       I think this  Oh no, it´s _________________ (I/you)

9.       The cat wants ___________________dinner.  (it)

10.   You know it´s not  It´s ________________ (you/I)


B     Choose the correct possesive pronouns

1.       I´ve got a car.   The car is mine / his.

2.   Alan, that is not your bike.  It´s not  hers / yours.

3.   Students, are those your books? Are they theirs / yours?

4.   The football is not Peter´s. It´s not  hers / his.

5.   Mary and Jane have got a computer.  It´s theirs / yours.

6.   We´ve got a new game.  The game is  ours / mine.


G) Replace the underlined words by : me, him, her, it, us, them.

1.      Write these letters and send the letters.

2.      Look at this boy.

3.      Open the door.

4.      Take Peter and me to the zoo.

5.      Close these boxes.

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6.      Close this box.

7.      Speak to Mary.

8.      Speak to the teachers.

9.      Don´t help those students.

10.  Read this book.

11.  Dance with John and me.

12.  Put those books under the table.

13.  Help that old woman.

14.  Talk to that man.

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Se usa some y any para expresar cantidades indefinidas. Normalmente se usa some delante de sustantivos contables en plural o incontables para indicar la existencia de algunos de estos sutantivos pero no todos. (unos, algunos, algo).

I’ve got some sweets for you. There is some mineral water in the fridge.

Utilizamos any delante de sustantivos contables e incontables para referirse a un sustantivo no específico, por eso va en oraciones negativas e interrogativas, sin embargo se utiliza some para realizar ofrecimientos o peticiones corteses.

Would you like some coffee?. Could I have some water, please?

Are there any yoghurts in the fridge?. There isn’t any sugar in this coffee.


Se combinan con body para decir: “alguien, cualquiera, nadie, todo el mundo”

Anybody – Anyone – Nobody- Noone – Everybody – Everyone

Se combinan con thing para decir “algo, cualquier cosa, nada y todo”

Somthing - Anything – Nothing – Everything

Se combinan con where para decir “en algún, cualquiera, ningun sitio o en todos los sitios”

Somewhere – Anywhere – Nowhere – Everywhere


- All (of) Se usa para referirnos a más de dos personas o cosas con el sentido de todos. Esta expresión rige un verbo en plural cuando hace función de sujeto.

I like all animals. All of us are very happy.

- Both Se usa para referirnos a dos personas o cosas con el sentido de ambos. Esta expresión rige un verbo en plural cuando hace función de sujeto y no se usa en oraciones negativas.

I like both children. Both of his sisters are doctors.

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- Each / Every Se utilizan con sustantivos contables en singular y por tanto, rigen verbos en singular cuando hacen función de sujeto. Each cuando nos referimos a nombres como entidades separadas. Every cuando nos referimos a nombres que son parte de un grupo.

He gave a prize to each child. I’ve been to every country in Europe.

-Either / Neither Acompañan siempre a un nombre singular por tanto el verbo va también en singular. Neither con un sentido negativo (ninguno de los dos).

Neither of us is going to the party.

También se utiliza nor como conjunciones disyuntivas neither…nor (ni…ni…)

I like neither apples nor pears. I like neither you nor your friend.

Either con un sentido positivo (cualquiera de los dos).

Would you like strawberry or vanilla? Either I don’t mind.

También se utiliza con or como conjunción disyuntiva. Esther…or (o…o…)

What flavour do you like, Sir? I’ll have either chocolate or strawberry.

Either también puede tener un valor negativo si se combina con un verbo en negativa.

I like esther car. I don’t like neither car.

-A lot of Se usa con nombres plurales contables e incontables con el sentido de muchos o una gran cantidad de.

I have a lot of children. She drinks a lot of coffee.

-Plenty of Se usa con nombres contables en plural e incontables con el sentido de más que suficiente.

Don’t worry! We’ve got plenty of time. There are plenty of books to read.

-A few / A little A few se usa sólo con nombres contables y con el sentido de unos pocos / cuantos. A little se usa sólo con nombres incontables y con el sentido de -un poco de

There are a few sándwiches in the fridge. I’d like a little help.

- Few / Little Few se usa sólo con nombres contables y con el sentido de ‘pocos’. Few se usa sólo con nombres incontables y con el sentido de ‘poco’.

There are few sándwiches in the fridge. They have little time.

-Many / Much Many se utiliza con nombres contables y Much con nombres incontables. Ambos con el sentido de mucho/os. Normalmente se utilizan en oraciones negativas más que en afirmativas donde ponemos A lot of.

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I don’t have many hats. I haven’t got much money/time I don’t like much sugar in my coffee.I like a lot of sugar in my coffee.

Many y Much Se usan normalmente para hacer preguntas sobre cantidad, la estructura utilizada en este tipo de preguntas es. How many…? y How much…?

How much…? Se usa sólo con nombres incontables How much water is there in the lake?

How many…? Se usa sólo con nombres contables. How many eggs are there in the fridge?

-No Se usa para referirnos a más de dos personas o cosas podemos usarlo tanto con nombres contables como incontables con el sentido de ninguno/a, ningunos/as o nada de.

I’ve got no patience for this. There are no cars in the garage. There were no people at the concert.

Estas oraciones también se pueden expresar usando el verbo en negativa y la partícula any

I haven’t got any patience for this. There aren’t any cars in the garage. There weren’t any people at the concert.


A.      Choose the correct answer:

a)      We don´t need.................tomatoes. (some  any  no).

b)      The homeless man sleep. (somewhere  nowhere  anywhere)

c)      She refused to the police. (nothing something  anything)

d)      ..................people today have TV sets.(any  either  many)

e) or tea will be fine, thank you. (either  either of   neither)

f)        ................newspaper will do; they all have the TV programmes in them. (some any  none)

g)      Dave has ....................very valuable stamps. ( a little  a few  little)

h)      Will you get me ......................stamps when you go out? (any  some  a little)

i)        Can you lend read?(anything  some  something)

j)        ......................people go to the South Pole for a holiday! (very few very little)

k)      This room is so full.  There isn´ put.............................. (nothing anywhere something anything)

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Utilizamos los adjetivos en modo comparativo cuando comparamos a una persona, cosa, acontecimiento, etc., con otra.

Utilizaremos los adjetivos en grado superlativo cuando comparamos a una persona o un objeto con otros del mismo grupo..

Generalmente utilizaremos than para el grado comparativo y the para el grado superlativo,

Formación del comparativo y el superlativo

Los adjetivos de una sílaba o dos sílabas terminados en consonante + y hacen el comparativo en –er -ier y el superlativo en –est –iest.

Nota: Los adjetivos de una sílaba que terminen en con+vocal+cons doblan la consonante.

Los adjetivos de dos sílabas que no terminen en consonante + y o más de dos sílabas hacen el comparativo con la partícula more + adjetivo. Y el superlativo con la partícula the most + adjetivo.

Para añadir el matiz de igualdad al grado comparativo del adjetivo, utilizaremos las partículas

as + adjetivo……as (tan/tanto …como) o bien su forma en negativa not as + adjetivo……as.

Para establecer la inferioridad utilizaremos less.....than (menos que) .

Hay un grupo de adjetivos que son irregulares tienen sus propias formas para hacer el comparativo y el superlativo. Estos son los más importantes.

Positivo Comparativo Superlativo

Good better the best

Far farther the farthest

further the furthest

Old older the oldest

elder the eldest

Little less the least

Bad worse the worst

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Para enfatizar al adjetivo podemos utilizar so + adjetivo

Adjetivos que terminan en –ED e -ING

Los adjetivos terminados en –ED describen cómo se siente alguien (bored, interested, worried…).

Los adjetivos que terminan en –ING describen cómo es algo o alguien (interesting, surprising, dissappointing…)

Los adjetivos delante del nombre van en el siguiente orden: opinión, dimensiones, edad, forma

color, procedencia y material.

Utilizaremos la estructura comparativa the…..+comparativo the …..+comparativo ( the….the…..)

para decir que dos cosas varían a la vez o cómo una afecta a la otra.

Estas estructuras pueden combinarse

Adjetive…adjetive.......................... The harder as job is, the more rewarding I find .

Adverb.....adverb........................... The sooner we start, the quicker we’ll finish.

More.....+ noun more + noun ..... The more money Jack earn, the more clothes he bought

Less + clause less (+uncountable noun) fewer (+plural contable noun)

The less Bor earned, the less food / the fewer holidays he could afford.

More + clause less + clause

The more you sleep, the less you do.

Comparative+and+comparative Indica que algo aumenta o se reduce.

The city centre is becoming more and more coged.


A.      Fill in with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1.      Today´s food tastes much (good)...........................than yesterday´s.

2.      The statistics on child abuse are quite (shock)...................................

3.      David is (funny)...........................person I know.

4.      Karen´s mother is very (satisfy)................................with her school marks.

5.      Personally, I´m not (interest) stamp-collecting, although I´m sure it´s an (interest)...............................hobby.

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6.      She left him because she was(happy) her marriage.

7.      My uncle´s (child).......................behaviour embarrassed everyone at the wedding.

8.      Flights to England are (frequent)..............................than flights to America from this airport.

9.      The (soon)...........................we do it, the (good)..............................

10.   She isn´t (pretty)...........................her mother was at that age.

11.  Many foreigners find the situation (confuse).......................... They are (confuse)............................about the facts.

12.  The litter in our streets is (disgust)...............................

13.  We are talking about his job, so your comments about his dog are quite (relevant).....................................

14.  In my opinion , York is(interesting) in the north of England.

15.  My graduation day was one of (happy).............................days of my life.


1. Él estaba cada vez más delgado.

2.Cuanto más frio hace, menos gente hay en la calle.

3. Cuanto más frio, peor.

4, Cuanto más nos reímos, mejor nos sentimos.

5. Cada vez hace más calor.

6. Se está haciendo más y más difícil encontrar un trabajo.

7. Cuanto más templado es el tiempo, mejor me siento.

8. Cuanto antes nos vayamos, antes llegaremos.

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El adverbio puede ir al principio, en medio o al final de la oración. Hay seis principales tipos de adverbios o locuciones adverbiales.

MODO- Describe cómo se realiza la acción del verbo. Va colocado después del verbo o después del objeto si lo hay. quickly, badly, quietly, well, forwards, in a hurry.

He looked at me suspiciously. He looked suspiciously at me.

LUGAR- Describe el lugar donde se realiza la acción. Va situado detrás del objeto si lo hay, si no detrás del verbo. Abroad, upstairs, somewhere, where, here, there.

She painted that picture here. I looked everywhere.

TIEMPO- Este tipo de adverbio nos dice cuando sucede la acción. Se coloca o al principio o al final de la oración. Afterwards, eventually, lately, recently, soon, now, today, tomorrow…

Late, inmediately, yet se colocan al final. Already justo detrás del auxiliar con perfectos.

FRECUENCIA- Describe la frecuencia con la que sucede la acción. Se colocan delante del verbo o detrás del verbo “to be”. Always, never, sometimos, hardly-ever…

AFIRMACIÓN- Se coloca antes del verbo principal o detrás del verbo “to be”.

Apparently, certainly, evidently, obviously.

Clearly se coloca al principio o al final de la oración. Surely al principio de la oración o al final al lado del verbo.

CANTIDAD- Modifican a un adjetivo o a otro adverbio dando el grado de la cantidad, y se coloca delante del adjetivo o del adverbio. Every, fairly, rather, almost, quite…

El orden de los adverbios en una misma oración es. Modo – Lugar – Tiempo.

Los adverbios que expresan una opinión o un punto de vista normalmente van al principio de la oración. Amazingly it didn’t rain all weekend.


TOO- Significa más de lo necesario (demasiado) se utiliza de las siguientes maneras:

Too + adj/adv It’s too hot here. Can I open de window? You’re driving too fast. Slow down.

Too + adj/adv + for This food is too hot for me. You’re walking too slowly for me.

Too + adj/adv + (for+object) + to + verb My father was too ill to look after himself.

Too + quantifier + noun I ate too much food at lunchtime, so I don’t feel hungry.

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ENOUGH- Significa lo que necesito (suficiente) y se utiliza de las siguientes maneras:

Adj/adv + enough Holidays are never long enough. I didn’t go to bed early enough.

Adj/adv + enough + for + noun or pronoun My car isn’t big enough for the whole family.

Adj/adv + to + verb My parents didn’t think we were old enough to get married.

Enough + noun We didn’t have enough money to buy a car.

VERY- Simplemente da énfasis (muy) y se utiliza de estas maneras:

Very + adj Concorde is a very fase plane.

Very + adj I can walk very quickly

Very + quantifier I’m on a diet, so I’m eating very little.



A. Complete these sentences using enough with one of the following words:

big    old   warm   well   cups   money   qualifications   room   time

1.       She can´t get married yet.  She´s not ...........................................................

2.       Tom would like to buy a car, but he doesn´t have.........................................

3.       I couldn´t make coffee for everybody.  There weren´t ..................................

4.       Are you....................................................?  Or shall I turn on the heat?

5.       It´s only a small car.  There isn´t ..................................................for all of you.

6.       George didn´t feel go to work this morning.

7.       I didn´t finish the exam.  I didn´t have...........................................................

8.       Do you think I´ve apply for the job?

9.       Try this jacket on and see if it´s .......................................................for you.


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B. Answer these questions using the words in parentheses (...).

Example:   “Is she getting married?”  (not old enough)

                 “No, she isn´t old enough to get married.

1.       “Why can´t you talk to me now?” (too busy) “I´m too”

2.       “Let´s go to the movies.” (too late)  “No, it´s ................................................................movies.”

3.       “Why don´t we sit outside?” (not warm enough)  “It´s not..........................................................

4.       “Would you like to be a politician?” (too nice)  “No, I´m ............................................................

5.       “Are you going away on vacation this year? “ (not enough money) “No, I don´t have..............

6.       “Shall we take a picture?” (too dark)  “No, ................................................................................

7.       “Did you hear what he was saying?” (too far away)  “No, we....................................................

8.       “Can she make herself understood (in English)?” (not enough English) “No, she doesn´t speak


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For Período de tiempo en el que se realiza la acción. (durante)

We watched T.V. for two hours last night.

During + noun Nos indica el momento en el que ha sucedido la acción.

Hill asleep during the film.

By Nos indica el tiempo en el que se realizará la acción.

I sent the setter to them yesterday, so they should receive by Monday.

By the time “en el momento· It’s too late to go to the bank now. By the time we get there. It will be closed. También puede referirse a una acción que ha sucedido en el pasado.

By the time we arrived the concert had already started. “cuando”.

Until Indica el fin del período del tiempo en el que ha sucedido una acción. “hasta”

David stayed in bed until half past ten.

At Indica horas y períodos de tiempo. At five o’clock, at midnight, at weekend, at Christmas, at the moment...

On Días y fechas On Monday..., on 22 November..., on Saturday evenings...

In Partes del día o períodos largos de tiempo. In the morning, in a few days, in Winter…

On time Significa estar “puntual” The 11.45 train left on time

In time Significa tener tiempo “con tiempo” I hope it arrives in time.


In En (dentro) In a room, in a car, in a garden, in a shop...Estar en In the front, in the back. Edificios In hospital, in prison...

At En pero no dentro. At the bus stop, at the door, at home, work, University, concert...

Ponemos at cuando nosotros explicamos los lugares en los que tiene lugar la acción.

We went to a concert at The Royal Festival Hall.

On “encima” on the wall, on the table...

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Otras expresiones on the left, on the right, on the corner, on holidays, on a tour.

To “dirección” To London, to the airport, to work, to bed...

Under (debajo) behind (detrás) opposite (enfrente) in front of (delante)

Beside (al lado) Next to (al lado) between (entre) above (encima)

Up (hacia arriba) down (hacia abajo) over (por encima de) through (a través de)

Round (rodeando) along (a lo largo de) across (atravesar algo) past (pasar por un lug)


By Para expresar el modo en el que se realiza la acción, medios de transporte, autores, y para la pasiva .

By post, by car, a book by Cervantes, A painting by Picasso.


English Spanish Example

about acerca de about the history of the USA

above más arriba de above the clouds

across a través de (de un lado al otro) across the street

after después de after the lesson

against en contra de against the enemy

along a lo largo de along the coast

among entre (varios) among all the girls

around alrededor de around the house

at en, a at home, at 4.15

at the back of en la parte posterior de at the back of the room

at the bottom of en la parte inferior de at the bottom of the map

at the top of en la parte superior de at the top of the shelf

before antes de before the lesson

behind detrás de . behind the door

below más abajo de below the carpet

beneath más abajo de beneath the ground

beside al lado de beside the table

besides edemas de besides John Clark

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between entre (dos) between you and me

beyond más allá de beyond the hill

by por, cerca de by the river

despite a pesar de despite the noise

down hacia abajo down the coast

during durante during the day

far from lejos de far from London

for pare for the students

from desde, de from the USA

in en in the garden

in front of al frente de in front of the school

in the corner of en la esquina de in the corner of the room

inside dentro de inside the classroom

into hacia adentro into the room

near cerca de near the hospital

next to próximo a next to the supermarket

of de of the week

off lejos de off the coast

on encima de (sobre) on the desk

onto hacia encima de onto the table

opposite frente a opposite the bank

out afuera out in the street

out of hacia afuera out of the room

outside fuera de outside the office

over sobre over the roof

since desde since that day

through a través de through the tunnel

till hasta till tomorrow

to a, hacia to the office

towards hacia, en dirección a towards the east

under debajo de under the table

until hasta until next Sunday

up hacia arriba de up the road

with con with my friends

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within dentro de within a week

without sin without money


1. Write in / at / to

1 I like reading ........................................ bed.

2 We're going ......................................... Italy next month.

3 Sue is on holiday............................................ Italy at the moment.

4 I must go ...................................................... the bank today.

5 I was tired, so I stayed .......................................... bed late.

6 What time do you usually go ............... bed?

7 Does this bus go ............................................... the centre?

8 Would you like to live ............................................. another country?

2. Write to / at / in Sometimes there is no preposition

1 Paula didn't go ...................................... work yesterday.

2 I'm tired. I'm going..".............................................. home.

3 Ann is not very well. She has gone ................................. the doctor.

4 Would you like to come ........................................... a party on Saturday?

5 'Is Liz ......................................... home?' 'No, she's gone ................................... work.'

6 There were 20,000 people ............................................ the football match.

7 Why did you go ................................................. home early last night?

8 A boy jumped into the river and swam.......................................... the other side.

9 There were a lot of people waiting.................... the bus stop................. the hotel.

10 We had a good meal............ a restaurant and then we went back ..................

3. Write in / at / to Sometimes there is no preposition

1 I'm not going out this afternoon. I'm staying ...................... home.

2 We're going ........................................ a concert tomorrow evening.

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3 I went......................................................... New York last year.

4 How long did you stay ............................................. New York?

5 Next year we hope to go .................................................. Canadá to visit some friends.

6 Shall we go ............................................................ the cinema this evening?

7 Is there a restaurant............................................................. the station?

8 After the accident three people were taken ............................................................. hospital.

4. Complete the sentences with a prepositions (in, to, at, by...)

1 In tennis, you hit the ball................................... a racket.

2 It's cold today. Don't go out........................................ a coat.

3 Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth are plays.............. William Shakespeare.

4 Do you know anything .................... computers?

5 My grandmother died.................. the age of 98.

6 How long does it take from New York to Los Angeles .................. plain?

7 I didn't go to the football match, but I watched it............. televisión.

8 My house is the one .............. the red door on the right.

9 These trains are very fast. They can travel................ very high speeds.

10 I don't use my car very often. I prefer to go ....................... bike.

11 Can you give me some information ............... hotéls in this town?

12 I was arrested ............... two policemen and taken to the pólice station.

13 The buses here are very good. They're nearly always ............... time.

14 What would you like to drink ............... your meal?

15 We travelled from Paris to Moscow ............... train.

16 One of the most famous paintings in the world is the Mona Lisa ............... Leonardo da Vinci.

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  Utilizamos letras mayúsculas (capital letters) al principio de una frase, detrás de un punto, con los días de la semana, los meses del año, nombres de idiomas, nacionalidades, nombres propios de persona o lugar.


We´ll go to Buckingham Palace on Wednesday morning.  Iremos al palacio de Buckingham el miércoles por la mañana.

I´m Spanish and I speak English, French, Italian and Catalan.  Soy español y hablo inglés, francés, italiano y catalán.

Our summer holidays start at the beginning of July. Nuestras vacaciones de verano empiezan a principios de julio.

  La coma se emplea:

a) Para indicar una pausa corta, , generalmente entre dos oraciones coordinadas y cuando la

    oración principal va detrás de la oración subordinada.

    We thought we were right, but actually we were wrong.  Pensábamos que teníamos razón,

    pero, en realidad, estábamos equivocados.

    Although it was warm and sunny, we didn´t go to the beach. Aunque hacía calor y sol, no

    fuimos a la playa.

  b) Para indicar una aposición.

    Lady Di, Princess of Wales, died tragically in a car accident. Lady Di, Princesa de Gales,

    murió trágicamente en un accidente de coche.

  c) En las cartas detrás del nombre de la persona a la que escribimos. En castellano utilizamos dos

    puntos (: ):

    Dear Harry,  Querido Harry:

  d) Delante o detrás de palabras de enlace: however, on the other hand, as a matter of fact, etc.


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El punto y coma se emplea para indicar una pausa más larga que la de la coma y suele utilizarse

entre dos frases que no están relacionadas gramaticalmente entre sí.

Phil lives at the outskirts of the town; he always goes to work by underground. Phil vive en las

afueras de la ciudad; siempre va a trabajar en metro.


El punto  se utiliza detrás de una frase para indicar una pausa más larga que la de la coma y el punto y coma.

En inglés sólo hay un signo de interrogación (?) y uno de exclamación (!) que se colocan siempre al final de la oración interrogativa y exclamativa.

El apóstrofo se utiliza en el caso posesivo de los sustantivos y básicamente para indicar que

se ha omitido parte de una palabra en las formas verbales.

This is Alice´s suitcase. Esta es la maleta de Alice.

She´s got two brothers.  Ella tiene dos hermanos.


In spite of / despite = A pesar de

In spite of/Despite the late hour, they went on with the meeting

He arrived on time in spite of/despite getting up lat

Although, though, even though, in spite of the fact that = Aunque

Although/Though/ Even though / In spite of the fact that the pupils had

not studied as hard as they could, they all passed their exams.

However, Nevertheless, Even so = Sin embargo

She was quite ill. However/ Nevertheless/Even so, she went to school.

On the one hand...............On the other hand = Por una parte........por otra parte

On the one hand, the beach is fun. On the other hand, I don´t like the sand.

On the contrary = Al contrario

“I thought you liked classical music.” “On the contrary, I hate it.”

While, whereas = mientras

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This soap opera is very interesting, while/whereas that one is quite boring

Because/As/Since/Seeing that = Porque, puesto que, ya que

We should all go home because/as/since/seeing that it´s late

Because of/On account of/Owing to/ Due to = A causa de, debido a

We stayed at home because of/on account of/owing to/due to the weather.

  In order to, so as to, to = Para, con la finalidad de

She uses her video in order to/so as to/to record her favourite shows

For example/for instance = por ejemplo

Vegetables are a good source of vitamins; for example/for instance,

pepper has vitamin C.

Such as = tal(es) como, como

Singers such as Michael Jacson and Madonna are popular throughout the


Moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition = Además

I´m too busy to take a holiday. Moreover/Furthermore/Besides/In addition,

I don´t have the money.

In addition to/ As well as = Además de

In addition to classical music, she likes jazz.

The city has several main roads as well as a ring road aroung it.

Apart from, except (for) = Aparte de, excepto

Apart from English, she speaks three other foreign languages

He eats nothing except (for) bread and fish.

First of all/To begin with/First/ Firstly = Lo primero de todo, en

primer lugar.

First of all/To begin with/First/Firstly, we should talk to the manager.

 Second/Secondly, Then = En segundo lugar, después

Second/Secondly/Then, we must make a detailed plan.

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The next stage is = El siguiente paso es

The next stage is to view...

Finally/In short/To sum up/In conclusion/Lastly but not least =

Finalmente/En resumen/En conclusión/Por último/Último pero

no de menor importancia.

Finally/In short/To sum up/In conclusion/Lastly but not least, we

need to have good ideas before we present our plan to the whole


Therefore/As a result /Consequently/For this reason= Por lo

tanto, Como resultado, Por consiguiente, Por esta razán.

Tina keeps her car in good condition. Therefore/As a result /

  Consequently/For this reason, it always passes its annual road test.


A.     Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences. Use the words in brackets.

1.      Owing to my illness, I cancelled my holiday.  (because)

2.      In my family, we all have long conversations on the phone. Consequently,

our phone bills are high. (result)

3.      Although the jacket was expensive, he bought it. ( in spite of)

4.      My brother is very busy at work.  My sister is on holiday. (whereas)

5.      There is a shopping centre in this town and many small shops as well. (In addition)

6.      Despite his age, he´s very active.  (although)

7.      Despite the doctor´s advice to stop smoking, she hasn´t stopped. (even though)

8.      I took a cookery course in order to be able to make special dishes. (so that)

9.      Contrary to me, my sister is an excellent swimmer. (whereas)

10. He drove through a red light and was given a ticket. (as a result)

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School and education

go to school al colegio study ............................estudiar

learn (by heart) ..aprender (de memoria) do homework ................hacer la tarea

ask......................preguntar answer ..........................responder

know...................saber revise..............................estudiar para examen

take an exam ....hacer un examen pass an exam. ................aprobar

fail an exam .......suspender repeat a year ................repetir

leave school .......dejar el colegio take the register attendance . pasar lista

expel .................expulsar

punish.................castigar punishment. ..................castigo

skip classes* ......saltarse las clases absent. ..........................ausente

present ..............presente hard-working. ................trabajador

inattentive..........distraido undisciplined..................indisciplinado

high / secondary school instituto state school ...................colegio público

private school ....colegio privado

At school

class ..................clase classroom. .....................clase

headmaster ......director deputy ..........................vicedirector

director of studies jefe de estudios counsellor .....................orientador

teacher ..............profesor tutor. .............................tutor

caretaker ...........conserje secretary .......................secretario

cleaner ...............limpiador language assistant asistente lingüístico

desk ...................pupitre table .............................mesa

ruler ..................regla glue /stick ......................pegamento

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scissors ..............tijeras stick ...............................pegar

calculator............calculadora brush .............................cepillo

computer ..........ordenador keyboard .......................teclado

mouse ...............ratón headphones ..................auriculares

loudspeakers .....altavoces laptop ............................portátil

netbook.............. miniportatil map ...............................mapa

drawing pin ........chincheta duster, eraser ................borrador

rubber. ...............goma sharpener. .....................sacapuntas

schoolbag. .........mochila pencilcase .....................estuche

exam .................examen break ............................recreo

bell ....................campana chair. .............................silla


Term...................trimestre timetable........................horario

subject................asignatura lesson ............................lección

period ................hora de clase free period ....................hora libre

french class ........clase de francés vocabulary .....................vocabulario



playground ........patio library.............................biblioteca

assembly hall .....salón de actos language lab...................laboratorio de idiomas

canteen ..............cafetería reception .......................recepción

staffroom............sala de profesores registration room secretaría

laboratory ..........laboratorio gym................................gimnasio

headteacher’s office despacho del director

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In the classroom

classmate ...........compañero chair...............................silla

cupboard............armario locker ............................taquilla

stapler ...............grapadora hole punch ....................taladradora

schoolbag ..........mochila board..............................pizarra

notice board ......tablón dictionary.......................diccionario

notebook ...........libreta sheet .............................hoja

pen ....................bolígrafo pencil .............................lápiz

marker ...............subrayador boardpen rotulador pizarra

chalk ..................tiza crayons ..........................ceras

coloured pencils. lápices de colores correction fluid ..............líquido corrector

spelling ..............ortografía essay .............................redacción, trabajo

translation .........traducción exam .............................examen

mistake ..............fallo good mark .....................buena nota

bad mark ...........mala nota pass ...............................markaprobado

school report......boletín prize...............................premio

GCSE ..................graduado de Secundaria holidays..........................vacaciones


maths .................matemáticas computer studies ..........informática

history ...............historia geography .....................geografía

science................ciencias biology ..........................biología

chemistry............química physics ...........................física

languages...........idiomas English ...........................inglés

physical education E.F. religion ..........................religión

French ................Francés

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Film and tv

Film types

action acción adventure aventuras

animated animación comedy .........................comedia

fantasy fantasía horror terror

musical ..............musical romantic comedy...........comedia romántica

science-fiction . . .de ciencia ficción thriller suspense

war guerra/ bélica western .........................del Oeste

Tv programmes

cartoon ..............dibujos animados chat show.......................prog de tertulia

comedy programmecomedia documentary .................documental

drama ................serie game show ....................concurso

reality show ......telerrealidad soap opera ....................telenovela

the news ...........informativo sports programme.........programa de deportes


get enough sleep dormir lo suficiente hold................................ celebrarse

look for ..............buscar


award ................premio celebrities .....................los famosos

cinema complex. multicines contestant ....................concursante

event..................un acontecimiento mask ..............................máscara

popcorn .............palomitas quiz(show)......................preguntas y respuestas

report.................informe snacks aperitivos ...........salados

survivor ..............superviviente teenagers ......................adolescentes

weather ............el tiempo (meteorológico) boda

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gold oro English habla inglesa

popular .............famoso theatrical .......................teatral


so........................así que

Other expressions

I can’t stand aguanto I don’t mind da igual

I’m great fan of . . me encanta It is about......................trata de

Let’s see ............vamos a ver. special effects ................efectos especiales

to be in love ......estar enamorado to fall in love .................enamorarse

twice as much ....el doble Film (BrE) = movie (AmE)

stay up late ........quedarse levantado hasta tarde


Survival skills

build ..................construir camp .............................acampar

chop ..................cortar (leña) climb .............................escalar

cook. ..................cocinar find ................................encontrar

fish ....................pescar sleep ..............................dormir

hike ....................hacer senderismo look for ..........................buscar


angry ..................enfadado bored .............................aburrido

embarrassed ......avergonzado excited ...........................emocionado

jealous ...............celoso nervous .........................nervioso

pleased ..............contento sad ................................triste

scared.................Asustado surprised .......................sorprendido

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Other vocabulary


brand new .........recién salido nervous .........................nervioso

safe ....................a salvo


however ............sin embargo while .............................mientras


(in) isolation .......aislado canoe ............................canoa

course. ...............cursillo outdoors aire libre

resources ..........recursos skills ...............................habilidades

summer campamento verano

survival ..............supervivencia tool ...............................herramienta

tribe ...................tribu ways ..............................maneras

wood .................leña


find out ..............averiguar hunt ...............................cazar

join ....................apuntarse look after........................cuidar

survive ..............sobrevivir

Other words

together ............juntos whole ............................entero

Global issues (temas de importancia global)

in the wild ..........en la naturaleza make friends .................hacer amigos

life swap ............intercambio de vida of course. .....................por supuesto

Are you free…?. . ¿Estás libre…?

That’s fine. Where shall we meet? Estupendo. ¿Dónde quedamos?

Sorry, I’m busy....Lo siento, estoy ocupado.

What about…? . ¿Y si …? (para proponer) How about + -ing? ¿Y si …? (para proponer)

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Verbs of discovery

arrive ................llegar discover ........................descubrir

drive ..................conducir explore .........................explorar

fly........................volar/ pilotar go

land .................... aterrizar leave .............................dejar, partir, irse

ride ....................montar sail ................................navegar

take off .............despegar travel ............................viajar

Natural disasters

drought ..............sequía earthquake.....................terremoto

famine ..............hambruna fire ................................incendio

floods .................inundaciones hurricane. ......................huracán

landslide ............alud tornado .........................tornado

tsunami. .............tsunami volcanic eruption...........erupción volcánica

Other vocabulary

wheat ................trigo wide ..............................ancho


ash .....................ceniza biscuits ..........................galletas

century .............siglo descent .........................descenso

dessert................postre environment .................Medio Ambiente

explorer .............explorador flour ...............................harina

guide...................guía mountaineer ................montañero

paintings.............pinturas sweets............................golosinas

top......................cima trader ...........................comerciante


appear ...............aparecer bury ...............................enterrar

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create ................crear erupt .............................entrar en erupción

hide. ...................esconder invade............................invadir

reach ..................alcanzar

Other words

both ...................los dos several ...........................varios

Other expressions

A long time ago. .hace mucho tiempo As we know it, ...............como lo conocemos

At the age of.......con la edad de … años. In fact.............................De hecho

Thanks to ..........gracias a To be responsible for.....ser responsable de

Very little + N......muy poco + SUST

Can I help you? . .¿En qué puedo ayudarle?

I’m looking for information on Estoy buscando información sobre

I’d like to find out about Me gustaría encontrar algo sobre

What type of information do you need? ¿qué tipo de información necesita?

Come and ask me if you need anything else. ......................................Venga y pregúnteme si necesita algo más.

Thanks for your help Gracias por su ayuda.

biscuits (BrE) = cookies (AmE)

Myths and legends

Character adjectives

brave. ................valiente cheerful ........................alegre

cruel ..................cruel friendly .......................... simpático

funny ................divertido kind ...............................amable

lazy ...................vago loyal ...............................leal

selfish ................egoísta shy .................................tímido

stubborn ...........testarudo wise ...............................sabio

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Movement verbs

carry ..................transportar, llevar cross ..............................cruzar

drop ...................tirar, dejar caer fall .................................caer

follow .................seguir jump .............................saltar

lead ....................conducir, liderar lift ..................................levantar

move .................mover pull ................................tirar

push ...................empujar sit .................................sentarse

stand .................levantarse


conquer .............conquistar rule ...............................regir

fight ...................pelear invade ...........................invadir


myth ..................mito legend ...........................leyenda

witch. .................bruja wizard ............................brujo

sword ................espada stone. ............................piedra

king ...................rey queen ............................reina

fact ....................hecho real fiction ............................hecho ficticio

sighting .............avistamiento ghost. ............................fantasma

highwayman .....bandolero cliff ...............................acantilado


dangerous ..........peligroso sure ..............................seguro

merry ................feliz


while. .................Mientras when..............................cuando

Other expressions

in fact hecho at that time ...................en ese tiempo

take around four hours durar unas cuatro horas

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nearby ...............cercano one day .........................un día

then ...................después later ...............................más tarde

in the final



borrow. ..............tomar prestado buy ...............................comprar

earn ...................ganar (sueldo) lend ...............................prestar

pay (for) ............pagar save ...............................ahorrar

sell ....................vender spend ............................gastar

swap ..................intercambio, trueque win ................................ganar (premio)

Computer technology

desktop ..............ordenador sobremesa flash drive...................... memoria externa (lápiz)

keyboard ............teclado laptop ............................ordenador portátil

memory card .....tarjeta de memoria mouse ...........................ratón

printer ...............impresora scanner ..........................escáner

screen ................pantalla speakers ........................altavoces

webcam .............cámara web


walk ...................andar, sacar a pasear look after .......................cuidar

go shopping de compras throw away ...................tirar, descartar

click ....................pulsar search ............................buscar


part-time job......trabajo a tiempo parcial pocket money ..............dinero suelto

tips .....................consejos initiative ......................iniciativa

change. ..............cambio charity............................caridad, beneficencia

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donations ...........donativos coin ...............................moneda

£ (pound sterling) libra esterlina ................€ (euro) euro

$ (dollar) ...........dólar website..........................sitio web en internet


second hand segunda mano smart ............................inteligente

expensive ...........caro, cara cheap ............................barato, barata


Either … or .........o … o

Other expressions

do the maths ..... hacer los cálculos piece of advice. .............consejo

means of transport medios de transporte

for sale ..............en venta


actor architect ........................arquitecto

electrician ..........electricista engineer .......................ingeniero

lifeguard ...........socorrista mechanic .......................mecánico

nurse .................enfermero, enfermera police officer .................oficial de policía

sportsperson ......deportista surgeon .........................cirujano

teacher .............profesor, profesora vet..................................veterinario, veterinaria

Health problems and first aid

broken arm ........brazo roto cold ...............................resfriado

cough .................tos cut .................................corte

earache ..............dolor de oído headache .......................dolor de cabeza

insect bite .........picadura de insecto sick.................................enfermo,(con ganas de vomitar)

throat ................dolor de garganta stomach ache.................dolor de estómago

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temperature ......fiebre


design ................diseñar work ..............................trabajar

repair ................reparar play ...............................practicar

install ................instalar perform .........................actuar

queue ...............hacer cola donate ...........................donar

lie down .............tenderse


equipment ........equipamiento queue ............................cola de espera

partner ..............compañero, compañera sanitation ......................condiciones de higiene

volunteer ...........voluntario, voluntaria fireman ..........................bombero

uniform ..............uniforme helmet. .........................casco

rescue . ..............rescate first aid primeros............auxilios

plaster. ..............escayola exhaustion .....................cansancio extremo


professional. ......professional boring ............................aburrido, aburrida

busy ...................ocupado, ocupada exciting ..........................emocionante

distinctive .........distintivo, característico healthy .........................sano, sana


also ...................también, además too .................................también

Other expressions

make a difference hacer algo importante

developing countries países en desarrollo

sentence stress...acento en oración

in my opinion. ....en mi opinion I think............................. yo creo

I imagino I would prefer ................yo preferiría

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Musical instruments

acoustic guitar....guitarra acústica drums ...........................batería

electric guitar.....guitarra eléctrica flute................................flauta

harmonica .........armónica keyboards ......................teclados

percussion .........percusión piano ............................piano

saxophone .........saxofón trumpet .........................trompeta

violin .................violin

Life events

anniversary .......aniversario birth...............................nacimiento

christening .........bautizo death .............................muerte

divorce ...............divorcio engagement ..................compromiso

first communion. primera comunión funeral............................entierro,funeral

retirement .........jubilación wedding ........................boda

Other vocabulary

nearly .................casi probably.........................probablemente

regularly ............con regularidad soon ..............................pronto

until ...................hasta


be born . nacer . .compete competir

fail .....................suspender get a job .......................conseguir trabajo

get married .......casarse go to university a la uni

have children ....tener niños learn to drive..................aprender a conducir

train to be ..........formarse para ser leave school ..................terminar los estudios

live to..................llegar a start school ...................empezar las clases

leave home ........irse de casa de los padres

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Adjectives, promedio both...............................ambos, los dos

real ....................auténtico, de verdad second-hand segunda mano

similar to............parecido a successful éxito, exitoso

teenage .............adolescente


aerobics ............aerobic ambition. .......................ambición

band ..................grupo choir .............................coro

contest ...............concurso computer graphics.........gráficas por ordenador

demographics ....estadística de población economics .....................economía

folk music ..........música tradicional Gospel music .................música gospel

hymn .................himno mathematics ................matemáticas

orchestra. ..........orquesta physics ...........................física

politics. .............política pop música ....................pop

scientist ............científico statistics ........................estadística

vet .....................veterinario vocalist ..........................cantante

Other expressions

a few .................. algunos at least ..........................por lo menos

how long ............cuánto tiempo most mayoría de

no problem hay problema per cent ........................por ciento

the same as .......igual what kind of ..................qué tipo de

The world we live in

Materials and containers

aluminium .........aluminio bag ................................bolsa

bottle .................botella box ...............................caja

can ....................lata cardboard .....................cartón

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carton. ...............envase de cartón cotton. ...........................algodón

glass. ..................cristal jar ..................................tarro

metal .................metal paper .............................papel

plastic ...............plástico wool. .............................lana

Endangered animals

dolphin ..............delfin elephant ........................elefante

leopard ..............leopardo orangutan .....................orangutan

panda .................oso panda polar bear .....................oso polar

rhinoceros .........rinoceronte snake .............................serpiente

tiger. ..................tigre turtle .............................tortuga


before. ...............antes ever ...............................alguna vez

fase ....................rápido finally .............................por último

firstly ..................en primer lugar really verdad

sometimos .........algunas veces soon ..............................pronto

then ...................luego yet. ................................todavía


hunt ...................cazar rebuild ..........................reconstruir

recycle ...............reciclar reduce ...........................reducir

refuse ................negarse resend ..........................reenviar

restart ...............reiniciar reuse .............................reutilizar

rewrite ...............reescribir save ..............................ahorrar

survive ..............sobrevivir


Asian .................asiático African............................africano

Indian .................hindú homeless........................sin hogar

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land....................terrestre marine ...........................marino

inusual ...............insólito


cliff .....................acantilado coast ..............................costa

desert ................desierto forest..............................bosque

habitat ...............habitat hill ................................colina

ice ......................hielo ivory ..............................marfil

land....................tierra mammal ........................mamífero

mountain range..cordillera neighbourhood..............barrio

pet......................mascota pond...............................laguna

rainforest ...........selva tropical recycling bin...................contenedor de reciclaje

rubbish ..............basura savannah........................sabana

stream ...............arroyo territory .........................territorio

tusk.....................colmillo valley..............................valle


Other expressions

a few...................algunos at least...........................por lo menos

how long ............cuánto tiempo in danger of extinction...en peligro de extinción

most mayoría de no problem hay problema

per cent..............por ciento the same as ...................igual

what kind of.......qué tipo de

Fun and games

Playing games

action .................acción brain game. ...................juego de agilidad mental

beat ...................vencer,derrotar cheat .............................hacer trampas

chess .................ajedrez computer de ordenador

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count .................contar give up ...........................rendirse

guess .................adivinar,suponer land ...............................caer (en una casilla)

life simulation ....que imita la vida real lose ................................perder

miss a turn .........perder un turno move a counter .............mover ficha

noughts and crosses tres en raya ...................

platform .............plataforma roll a dice ......................tirar un dado

playing cards .....jugar a las cartas role-play ........................juego de rol

Places to visit

aquarium ...........acuario art gallery.......................galería de arte

campsite ............camping castle .............................castillo

cathedral ..........catedral fishing port ....................puerto de pesca

market ...............mercado monument ....................monumento

safari park ..........parque zoológico donde los animales están en libertad

statue.................estatua town square ..................plaza

water park .........parque acuático


at the moment ..en este momento at weekends ..................los fines de semana

last ....................por última vez later. ..............................más tarde

never .................nunca professionally ................profesionalmente

right now ...........ahora mismo tonight ...........................esta noche


come true ..........hacerse realidad earn ...............................ganar (un sueldo)

send....................enviar solve...............................resolver

take part.............participar win.................................ganar (un premio)


addicted .............adicto boring ............................aburrido

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busy ...................ajetreado fair..................................justo

favourite.............preferido fun..................................divertido

honest................honrado peaceful ........................tranquilo

racing carreras sandy ............................arenoso

wild.....................salvaje worried ..........................preocupado


borrad.................tablero century...........................siglo

console...............consola counter ..........................ficha

laptop.................ordenador portátil player ............................jugador

rules ...................reglas seaside ..........................costa

strategy .............estrategia surfer.............................surfista

tournament .......torneo tower.............................torre

toy shop..............juguetería war ................................guerra

winner ...............ganador

Other expressions

how often ..........con qué frecuencia at the principio

I don't feel like tengo ganas I don't me apetece

I'd rather.............preferiría in fact ............................en realidad

on holiday vacaciones while .............................mientras

there was once . .había una vez

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Actual: real, verdadero

Actually: en realidad

Advice: consejo

Argument: discusión

Carpet: alfombra, moqueta

Casualty: víctima, baja en combate

Conference: congreso

Constipation: estreñimiento

Diversion: desvío

Educated: culto

Embarrassed: avergonzado

Exciting: interesante, entretenido, emocionante.

Exit: salida

Flan: tarta de frutas

Gracious: afable, cortés

Idiom: modismo, dicho

Illusion: espejismo

Large: grande

Lecture: Conferencia

Library: biblioteca

Miserable: triste

Misery: tristeza

Motorist: conductor de coche

Actual: present-day, modern

Actualmente: currently, at present

Aviso: warning

Argumento: plot, story

Carpeta: file, folder

Casualidad: chance, accident

Conferencia: lecture, talk

Constipado: cold

Diversión: fun

Educado: polite, well-mannered

Embarazada: pregnant

Excitante: stimulating

Éxito: success

Flan: caramel custard

Gracioso: funny

Idioma: language

Ilusión: hope, thrill

Largo: long

Lectura: reading

Librería: bookshop

Miserable: shameful

Miseria: poverty

Motorista: motorcyclist

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Notice: anuncio, letrero, aviso

Parcel: paquete

Parents: padres

Petrol: gasolina

Scholar: erudito, sabio, estudioso

Sensible: sensato

Stranger: forastero

Sympathetic: compasivo

Vicious: agresivo, feroz

Noticia: news item

Parcela: plot of land

Parientes: relatives

Petróleo: petroleum, crude oil

Escolar: schoolchild

Sensible: sensitive

Extranjero: foreigner

Simpático: nice, pleasant

Vicioso: dissolute person


A.     Read the following sentences and decide which of the words in bold are false friends.

1.      John is such a sensible person; he always knows the best thing to

do in any situation.

2.      I wasn´t  actually there, but I heard it was a fantastic party.

3.      Steve  is so insecure; he always asks us to help him make a decision.

4.      She had good  intentions, but everything went completely wrong.

5.      He was so embarrassed  that his face turned bright red.

B.    Match each false friend with it correct meaning.

1. demonstrate                        a. take away

2. sensible                               b. very big

3. remove                               c. a place where you can borrow books

4. actually                               d. very unhappy.

5. embarrassed                      e. kind, understanding

6. large                                   f. something positive which you achieve

7. sympathetic                       g. practical, reasonable

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8. library                                h. really, in fact

9. success                               i. uncomfortable or ashamed

10. miserable                          j. take part in a march or meetin

C.    Complete the sentences with the false friends in Exercise B.

1.      I haven´t got an encyclopedia at home so I have to go to the ..............

2.      The students plan to .............................against the new law.

3.      She was very ...............................when I told her my terrible story.

4.      Daniel was ...................................when everyone saw what he had done.

5.      The bookshop in the town centre has got a ......................selection of books.

6.      Please.........................your books from the table immediately!

7.      I wasn´t at the party last night.  Tell me what........................happened

8.      Everyone wished him .............................and happiness in his new job.

9.      Everyone agreed that he had made a ..............................decision.

10.  Marta was...............................when she heard she had failed the exam.

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Escribir una narración es contar una historia. En ella tienen que aparecer todos los recursos narrativos a nuestro alcance para que el lector entienda dónde, cuándo, cómo y por qué se desarrolla nuestra historia en la que no faltaran ni los personajes ni el narrador.


En la introducción vamos a describir la escena situando al lector en el tiempo y en el lugar donde se desarrolla la acción y crearemos una atmósfera en la cual presentaremos también a los personajes.


Desarrollaremos la historia relatando los acontecimientos de una manera secuencial, en el orden en los que éstos sucedan. Utilizaremos los conectores secuenciales y ¡cuidado! Tenemos que utilizar los tiempos verbales correctos.


Terminaremos la historia poniendo las razones por las que sucedió o las consecuencias finales.

No olvides

-Organización-Gramática (orden de palabras en la oración, tiempos verbales…)-Ortografía yPuntuación.

Connectors of Sequence

In the beginning at that moment once

To begin with suddenly then

At first eventually finally

Later in the past in the end

Afterwards while/as at last

First by the time

What a terrible/wonderful/lucky day!

I was thrilled/ upset/frightened/happy/glad…

To my surprise…

I couldn’t believe my eyes!


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It turned out to be that… We/I felt confused, happy, disappointed, shocked, relieved…

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Topic: Describe a funny experience.

I was trying to get into University and I was terribly nervous.

This was a very important interview and I just had to do well. My mouth felt dry when I walked into the room.

I sat down and smiled at the interviewer. My hands were shaking and I felt hot.

At first, the interviewer didn’t look up, which made me feel more nervous. I sat there waiting quietly, hardly looking at him. Suddenly, he began to ask me question about school, my hobbies and books I had read. Then, he wanted to know why I wanted to study archaeology. Finally, he asked if I had any experience. I took a deep breath and began to tell him about my summer in Egypt. At that moment, he started to laugh, I couldn’t understand why.

I looked at him closely and began to laugh, too. The interviewer had been my teacher in Egypt! He was the one who had encouraged me to study archaeology. I felt much better.

I knew I was going to be accepted.

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Extra writing practice

A Narrative

1 Choose the correct answer.1. Jake got off the bus. Then / Finally, he entered the shopping centre.2. Kate was confused. At first / Eventually, she didn’t know what to do.3. Before / Later the firefighters left the house, they checked that it was empty.4. As soon as / In the beginning it was safe, he landed the plane.5. Mrs Tate parked the car. After / Next, she got out and helped the injured people.

2 Look at the words and expressions below and answer the questions that follow.then • at first • eventually • next • as soon as • after • finally1. Which expression refers to actions at the beginning of a story? ……………………2. Which words and expressions are usually used to talk about actions that happen in themiddle of a story?…………………… , …………………… , …………………… , ……………………3. Which words generally refer to actions at the end of a story? …………………… , ……………………

3 Complete the chart with the expressions below to show the correct plan for a the details of the story • sets the scene • gives the ending of the storygives the consequences • introduces the charactersOpening:Body:Closing:

4 These sentences are taken from different narratives. Write where they belong: O (in theopening), B (in the body) or C (in the closing).…… 1. Finally, Lucy found her way back to the hotel.…… 2. It was a cold, dark night and there was nobody on the street.…… 3. As soon as the search party arrived, they began to check the area.…… 4. Mike Grainger was a young pilot who worked for British Airways.…… 5. In the end, Paul won first prize.

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Cuando nosotros escribimos una composición en la que vamos a dar nuestra opinión, queremos convencer al lector de que nuestro punto de vista es el mejor.


La introducción constará de un párrafo y debe expresar claramente desde el principio nuestra opinión sobre del tema.


El cuerpo de la composición puede ocupar dos párrafos en los que aportaremos suficientes datos, ejemplos y razones para apoyar nuestra opinión Explicaremos también por qué estamos en desacuerdo con otras opiniones que fueran contradictorias a las nuestras, respetando siempre el punto de vista de los demás.


En la conclusión volveremos a establecer nuestra opinión otra vez y no olvidaremos dar una solución, una sugerencia o un consejo sobre el tema que estemos tratando.

No olvides: organización, gramática, ortografía y puntuación

Conectores y vocabulario útil.

In my opinión… I am in favour of… obviously

As I see it… I am against… perhaps

I (strongly) believe… I agree with… personally

I (strongly) feel… I disagree with… possibly

I don’t feel that… It is clear to me that… probably

It seems to me that... As far as I’m concerned... (un)fortunately

Of course clearly

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Topic: Is AIDS an important issue?

AIDS: An important issue.

In my opinion, AIDS is one of the most important issues facing teenagers today. The fact that many teenagers are sexually acive makes the problem even greater. It is clear to me that young people must constantly be told of the dangers of this disease and be offered ways of preventing it.

I believe that it is not enough to have educational programmes at school.

As I see it. Information on this important subject has to be clear and strong in order for it to make an impact on teenagers. I strongly feel that posters, films and adverts must appear in all public places.

In addition, there must be goverment campaigns. These campaigns should use the power of the media so that the maximum number of young people can become better informed. Everyone must realise that AIDS is nothing to be embarrassed about.

In conclusion, the issue of controlling this disease should be regarded as an important priority. Teenagers today must be shown how to take responsibility for their health and for the health of the others.

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Extra writing practice

An Opinion Essay

1 Complete the sentences with a suitable pronoun or possessive adjective.1. Many people who own mobile phones believe they couldn’t live without …………………….2. The Prime Minister spoke about homelessness and said that …………………… was aserious problem.3. Paul was very embarrassed when he told me that he had forgotten ……………………name.4. I called Julia to ask …………………… if she knew Tom’s address.5. We must make looking after the environment …………………… main goal.

2 Complete the expressions with the words below.seems • strongly • doubt • see • opinion1. As I …………………… it, …2. I …………………… agree that …3. In my …………………… , …4. There’s no …………………… that …5. It …………………… to me that …

3 Complete the chart with the expressions below to show the correct plan for an opinionessay.restates the writer’s opinion • states the topic and the writer’s opinionsupports the writer’s opinion with reasons, facts and examplesOpening:Body:Closing:

4 These sentences are taken from different opinion essays. Write where they belong:O (in the opening), B (in the body) or C (in the closing).…… 1. I believe that no one has the right to conduct experiments on animals.…… 2. Moreover, research shows that teens need between 8.5 and 9 hours of sleep atnight.…… 3. In conclusion, more should be done to protect the environment.…… 4. In my opinion, an examination is not the best way to test a student’s knowledge.…… 5. As a result, many people become ill.

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Cuando nosotros escribimos sobre un lugar tenemos que recrear la atmósfera de ese lugar para nuestro lector, aportando datos sobre su situación, características geográficas, cultura, ocio…y creando una clara y colorida pintura sobre el lugar.


A modo de introducción hablaremos del nombre del lugar, donde está situado y lo describiremos en general.


El cuerpo de la redacción lo dividiremos en dos párrafos.

El primer párrafo lo utilizaremos para hablar sobre las características físicas, si fuera un lugar de costa o montaña, si es una ciudad, hablaremos de sus puntos de interés más importantes por ejemplo: monumentos, museos etc.

En el segundo párrafo continuaremos hablando de la gente de esa ciudad de su ocio, de su cultura, su manera de vida incluyendo todo lo que tú puedas hacer en esa ciudad o pueblo: deporte, comida, espectáculos…y podemos poner también los sentimientos que a nosotros nos despierta ese lugar.


Para terminar pondremos una conclusión general que describa bien al lugar y nuestra opinión personal o actitud, e incluso podemos hacer una recomendación al lector para que visite el lugar objeto de nuestra redacción.


Geography Adjectives Culture and History Connectors

Beach ancient magnificent castles I think/believe

Coast beautiful peaceful churches In my opinion

Lakes delicious quiet festivals

Mountains friendly splendid markets

Valley kind wonderful museums

Country crowed narrow streets

City squares

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The Isle of Skye

The Isle of Skye, is in the northwest of Scotland, is one of the most

beautiful places I have ever seen, in addition, it is a wonderful place for a holiday for people of all ages.

Skye is known for its magnificent coast and its beautiful mountains. Although there aren’t many hotels or restaurants, the area is so beautiful that many people go there each year for their summer holiday.

When we visited the island last summer, I loved taking long walks through the splendid mountains and along the beautiful coast.

Most of the people who live on the Isle of Skye earn a living from farming, tourism or forestry. They are quiet people who are proud of the history of their island.

It was fun touring the Clan Donald Centre where I learned the story of the MacDonald family, which was once the most powerful family of the island. Many of the people who live on the Isle of Skye today are still named MacDonald.

The Isle of Skye is a great place to visit if you like to look at beautiful scenary and meet kind and friendly people.

I recommend it as a holiday spot for anyone who loves peace and quiet.

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Extra writing practice

A Description of a Place

1 Choose the correct answer.1. Tokyo is a modern Japanese / large city.2. We saw a big impressive / stone castle at the top of the hill.3. Lily lives in a cute / ancient little French village.4. My parents stayed in a beautiful / new huge hotel in London.5. My grandfather showed me an old black and white / interesting photograph of thetown wherehe was born.

2 Look at the adjectives below and answer the questions that follow.beautiful • glass • narrow • Italian • ancient • boring • plastic • square • huge1. Which two adjectives are used to express an opinion? …………………… and ……………………2. Which two adjectives describe size? …………………… and ……………………3. Which adjective describes age? ……………………4. Which adjective describes shape? ……………………5. Which adjective describes origin? ……………………6. Which two adjectives describe material? …………………… and ………………

3 Form sentences by matching A and B.A B1. It is possible to …… a. very impressive.2. You shouldn’t miss …… b. see the sea from there.3. It is well known for its …… c. traditional food.‐4. The views are …… d. a boat trip along the river.5. It is located …… e. in the centre of town.

4 Complete the chart with the expressions below to show the correct plan for a description of a greater detail • includes an opinion • gives general detailstells you what you can see and do there • introduces the placegives a summary or conclusionOpening:Body:Closing:5 These sentences are taken from different descriptions of places. Write where they belong:O (in the opening), B (in the body) or C (in the closing).…… 1. I really recommend spending a weekend in Paris.

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Cuando vamos a escribir sobre una persona a la que admiramos sea una persona conocida para nosotros, es decir, un familiar o alguien desconocido como un cantante, actor …etc. tenemos que dar una amplia visión de cómo es esa persona por qué la admiramos y qué es lo que te impresiona de ella, sin olvidar describirla física y si podemos psicológicamente.


En la introducción presentaremos a la persona sobre la que tú vas a escribir.


Aquí daremos las razones por las que admiramos a esa persona o porqué nos impresiona.


Una o dos oraciones en las que resumamos la idea principal, es decir, el por qué de ese sentimiento de admiración hacia la persona objeto de nuestra descripción.


Vamos a utilizar los pronombres relativos who, that… las conjunciones cuando sea posible.

First before in (year) in order to… Later after in (month) so as to...

Then when in (season) so that... Eventually while on (day)

Finally soon on (a specific day)

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My friend Katty

A person I admire is my friend Katty , she lives in Callao and we go together to University. We met in English class the first day of the course and we have become in good friends since then.

Katty is very pretty , she has long and black hair, her eyes are green and her mounth and nose small. She is not very tall but she is slim.

She is very interested in sports and trains every day of the year. Katty plays basketball.

She loves animals and has a dog called Puki.

We study a lot but she always gets better marks than me.

I like to go out with her because she is also a funny and charismatic person.

The most I admire of her is her kindness, she helps everybody who need it and everybody loves her.

I have great luck to be her friend.


Hair: straight (liso) curly(rizado) blonde/fair(rubio) red haired(pelirrojo)

Face: thin-faced(delgado) round-faced(redondo) freckles(pecas)

General: fat/obese/overweight (gordo) slim(delgado)

Appearance well-built(buen cuerpo) smart/elegant(elegante) Beautiful(guapa) handsome(guapo)

Character: intelligent(inteligente) stupid(estúpido) optimist/pesimist extroverted/introverted sensible(sensato) sensitive(sensible) reliable (fiable) sociable/gregarious(sociable)

polite/impolite (educado) quarrelsome/argumentative (discutidor, peleón) jealous(celoso)

envious(envidioso) rude(grosero) honest(honesto)

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Extra writing practice

A Description of a Person

1 Choose the correct answer.1. John never talks to anybody. Furthermore / As well as, he is a very selfish person.2. Luke is an excellent swimmer. Moreover / In addition to, he plays for the schoolfootball team.3. Fiona studies chemistry in addition / as well as physics.4. My mother speaks French. She furthermore / also knows some German.5. Chris is active in the community. In addition to / Moreover working with old people,he volunteers at the local hospital.

2 Form sentences by matching A and B.A B1. My brother can be a bit …… a. computers.2. Tim is one of the most …… b. moody.3. Amy is into …… c. outgoing people I know.4. Grace has got …… d. long, dark hair.

3 Complete the chart with the expressions below to show the correct plan for a descriptionof a person.say how you know the person • describe the person’s appearance • introduce the persondescribe the person’s activities • give a summary including an opinion about the persondescribe the person’s personalityOpening:Body:Closing:

4 These sentences are taken from different descriptions of people. Write where they belong: O (in the opening), B (in the body) or C (in the closing).…… 1. In short, Mike is a wonderful person and a great friend.…… 2. She doesn’t like cooking, but she’s a good baker.…… 3. I have known Jessica since we were both ten years old.…… 4. He’s got an amazing sense of humour.…… 5. Mr Jenkins is an English teacher in my school.

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Cuando debatimos un tema, intentamos presentar una postura objetiva mostrando la parte positiva y la parte negativa de manera clara y precisa.


A modo de introducción presentaremos el tema de un modo general.


El cuerpo de la composición tendrá dos párrafos como mínimo, en el que uno de ellos consistirá en un argumento a favor y otro en contra. Los dos párrafos deben ir perfectamente explicados y con ejemplos.


Resumiremos los argumentos a favor y en contra estableciendo una conclusión lógica y adecuada al tema que hemos presentado en la introducción.

En este apartado podemos dar nuestra opinión si queremos.


On the one hand moreover Some people believe...

On the other hand furthermore Other people believe...

In contrast finally Those who are in favour of ...

In the first place in conclusion Those who are against...

Secondly in short One aspect aspect of issue is...

Firstly to sum up Other aspect of issue is...

One advantage is... Another advantage is So...that / such...that

One disadvantage is... Another disadvantage is...

As opposed to too /enough (not) for this reason

The question is… Is this a good idea?

Many people feel that… It’s an effective/a legitimate way to…

This is/ This is not a good idea They should…

This may be true, but…

Because of this,…

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Topic: Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life

Some people love living in the country. Others prefer life in a big city.

The type of life people prefer usually depens on their age, occupation, hobbies and how they grew up.

People who prefer country life generally talk about clean air, beautiful scenery and peace and quiet. These are people who have pets or who enjoy activities such as hiking and horse-riding. These people say that the country is a wonderful place for young children. They can run around outside without being afraid.

People who prefer city life say that country life is very boring. On the one hand, they know that cities are crowded and there are many traffic jams. On the other hand, they say that they can enjoy public transport, entertainment, shopping and cultural and sporting activities which are affered only in a big city. In addition, cities offer many jobs opportunities for people of all ages.

In conclusion, life in the country has both advantages and disadvantages.

If, however, I had the choice, I would choose country life .

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Extra writing practice

A For and Against Essay

1 Choose the correct answer.1. I really want to buy these jeans. However / On the one hand, they cost too much.2. The company spent a lot of money on adverts. Although / Nevertheless, they weren’tvery effective.3. That restaurant is very popular, but / on the other hand I don’t enjoy the food there.4. Even though / However everyone said the car was a bargain, I decided not to buy it.

5. On the one hand / Although I knew the shoes wouldn’t fit me, I tried them on anyway.

2 Look at the expressions below and answer the questions that follow.For this reason, ... • On the other hand, ... • It is a fact that ... • On the one hand, ...In addition, ... • It is true that ...1. Which two expressions are usually used together to compare two completely different ideas?…………………… and ……………………2. Which two expressions are used to show facts? …………………… and ……………………3. Which expression shows a result? ……………………4. Which expression gives extra information about a subject? ……………………

3 Complete the chart with the expressions below to show the correct plan for a for andagainst essay.introduces the issue • sums up the topic • presents arguments for and against the issuestates the writer’s opinion • gives examplesOpening:Body:Closing:

4 These sentences are taken from different for and against essays. Write where they belong: O (in the opening), B (in the body) or C (in the closing).…… 1. On the one hand, advertising adds to the cost of the things we buy.…… 2. In many countries, it is now forbidden to smoke in public places.…… 3. In addition, mobile phones disturb the people who are around you.…… 4. In conclusion, I believe that saving the environment should be one of the government’s main goals.

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Cuando escribimos un e-mail utilizamos un lenguaje coloquial porque conocemos a la persona a la que va destinado el e-mail, pero no por eso dejamos la estructura básica de la redacción: opening, body y closing.


Aquí saludamos a la persona que escribimos y le decimos el motivo de nuestro e-mail


En esta parte del e-mail introducimos el tema de nuestro e-mail y hablamos sobre amigos, actividades, estudios, sentimientos etc. Contamos también novedades que la otra persona no sepa si las hubiera y planes de futuro.


En la conclusión del e-mail vamos a poner la despedida y la firma.

Saludos (Greetings Opening remarks) Despedidas ( Closing remarks) Signing off

Dear… Hi…

It was great to hear from you / seeing you…

How are things? Did you get my…?

Sorry I haven’t written for so long

Congratulations! I haven’t heard from you for…

I’m writing because…What’s new?

I can’t wait to… Write soon!

Please let me know…That’s all for now

Say hello to… I hope to see you soon

Keep in touch

Love Regards

See you

Take care

All the best


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Hi, Juan

Yesterday, I found a lost call from you on my mobile but I couldn't call you because I didn't stop the whole evening. The thing was, yesterday was my birthday (31 - although I don't look it!) and though I didn't have a proper party, I did go out for a few drinks to an open-air bar with friends.

Today, I'm dead tired through lack of sleep and I don't think I should make plans for tonight. But if it's OK for you to meet up on Monday or Tuesday of next week, tell me and I'll call you on one of those days, OK?



506 Country LaneNorth Baysville, CA 53286July 16, 2007

Dear Susan,

It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it's only been several weeks since I saw you. So far my summer has been great!

I spend my all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan and you can no longer say I am paler than you. I have been playing lots of volleyball, surfing and building a nice collection of sea shells. Just this past weekend I took second place in a sandcastle building contest!

On the weekdays I work. I drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream to the kids. It is so cool. It is a combination of the two things I love most, ice cream and kids. The pay isn't too great but I love the job so much.

I hope the summer's been going well for you too. There's only a month and a half left in summer vacation and after that it's back to school. Would you like to meet up some time before school starts? Your friend, 


P.S. John Austin says hi.!

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Present Simple- Present Continuous

A.    Decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong. Correct the ones that are wrong.

1.      Look! Somebody is climbing that tree over there.

2.      Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?

3.      Are you believing in God?

4.      Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.

5.      The moon goes around the earth.

6.      What are you thinking about my idea?

7.      The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is increasing.

8.      I´m usually going to work by car.

B.    Put the verb in the correct form, present continuous or simple present.

1.      I (not/belong) a political party.

2.      Hurry! The bus (come)...............................I (not/want) miss it.

3.      The Nile river (flow) ..............................into the Mediterranean.

4.      The river (flow)....................................very fast today – much faster than usual.

5.      ....................................(it/ever/snow)in India?

6.      We usually (grow)......................................vegetables in our garden, but this year we (not/grow)......................................any.

7.      A: Can you drive? B: No, but I (learn).......................................

8.      You can borrow my umbrella. I (not/need) right now.

9.      I (get).....................................hungry. Let´s go get something to eat.

10. George is a vegetarian.  He (not/eat).........................................meat.

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C. Complete these sentences by putting the verbs into the past simple or the past continuous.

1. She was so tired that she (sleep) ……………………………….for twelve hours.

2. Do you like this picture?  My uncle (paint) …………………….it. 

3. We (have) ………………………….lunch when we heard the news. 

4. He broke his arm when he (play) ………………………………rugby.

5. Kylie (make) ……………………….her first film when she was 21.

6. (you see) ……………………..the football match yesterday?

7. I (work) ………………………….on the computer when the earthquake happened.

8. Who was that man you (talk) …………………………….to when I came in?

9. The fire (destroy) ……………………………..the old church completely.

10. I (wait) ………………………… the queue when the robber came in.

11. I (have) …………………………….a bath when she phoned.

12. They (knock) ………………………….on the door, then they went in.

13. John and Mary (live) ……………………………in Germany for many years.

14. The police (ask) ……………………….them lots of questions before they released them.

15. We (have) ……………………………tea when they arrived.

16. What (you do)……………………………. when the alarm sounded?

17. The factory (make) ………………………six thousand cars last year.

18. She (not say) …………………………..anything to my parents.

19. James (walk) ………………………………through the forest when the storm started.


A.     Use “just”. Answer the questions using the words given.

1.      Have you seen Johnathan anywhere? (Yes/I/just/see/him).....

2.      Has Ann called yet? (Yes/she/just/call)......................

3.      Would you like a cigarette? (No thanks/I/just/put one out).......

4.      Have they arrived yet? (Yes/they/just/arrive)............................

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B.    Write sentences with “already”.

1.    Don´t forget to call Eric. ..........................................................

2.    Why don´t you read the paper?...............................................

3.    Shall I pay the waiter? No, I .....................................................

4.    Shall I do the washing up? No, I ..............................................

5.    Don´t forget to buy the tickets. ..................................................

C.    You are asking someone about things she has done in her life. Use

the words in brackets (....) to make questions.

1. (you ever/be/to South America?)...........................................................

2. (you/read/any English novels?)..............................................................

3. (you/live/in this town all your life?).........................................................

4. (how many times/you/be/in love?).........................................................

5.      (what´s the most beautiful country you/ever/visit?)...............................

6.      (you ever/speak/to a famous person?)..................................................

D.    Answer these questions using the words in brackets

1. When did it last rain? (for ages) It.......

2. When did they last visit you? (since June) They...

3. When did you last play tennis? (for a long time).........

 4. When did you last eat caviar? (never) ........................

 5. When did you last drive? (for six months) ........................

  6. When did you last go to Puerto Rico? (never)......................

7. When did she last write to you? (since last summer)............

Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

  Imagine that you are talking to a friend.  Read the situation and ask  a question beginning in the way shown.

Example: Your friend is studying Arabic. How long have you been studying Arabic?

1.      Your friend is waiting for you? How long.................................................

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2.      Your friend writes books.  How many books ..........................................

3.      Your friend writes books.  How long .......................................................

4.      Your friend is fishing by the river.  How many fish...............................

   Put the verb into the correct form: present perfect simple or continuous

1.      Look! Somebody  (break) ..........................................that window.

2.      I (read).......................................the book you gave me, but I (not/finish) yet.

3.      “Sorry I´m late”. “That´s all right. I (not/wait).........................................long.”

4.      Hello! I (clean)..........................................the windows.  So far I (clean)......

............................................five of them and there are two more to do.

5.      There´s a strange smell in here. (you/cook).................................something?

6.      My brother is an actor.  He (appear) several movies.

    Put in the verb forms.  Use the present perfect continuous or simple.

Example: (build)  The Thorpes have been building  a house for some time.

                They ´ve built more than half of it now.

1.      (run) Those young men .............................................nearly two miles. They ..............................................for ten minutes.

2.      (do) Since tea time Elaine .....................sums in her exercise book.   She ...........................sixty.

3.      (drink) You ..........................................tea all day. You least ten cups.

4.      (deliver) Simon ....................................about two hundred newspapers. He ..........................them since early this morning.

5.      (play) Bob and his friends since lunch time They................................ten holes.

   Put the verb into the correct form: present perfect or simple past.

Mr. Clark (work) a bank for 15 years.  Then  he gave it up.

George lives in Athens.  He (live)....................................there all his life.

Bob and Alice are married.  They (be).............................married for 20 years.

When we were on vacation, the weather (be)...................................terrible.

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The weather (be)..................................very nice lately.

My grandfather died 30 years ago. I (never/meet)...............................him.

I don´t know Carol´s husband.  I (never/meet)......................................him.

  Put the verbs in the present perfect or past perfect.

Example: It isn´t raining now.  It has stopped.

                We had no car at the time. We had sold our old one.

1.The square looked awful.  People (leave).............................litter everywhere.

2. You can have that newspaper. I (finish) ......................................with it.

3.There´s no more cheese.  We (eat) all.

4.There was no sign of a taxi although I (order) half an hour before.

5.This bill isn´t right.  They (make)......................................a mistake.

6 I spoke to Melanie at lunch time.  Someone (tell)..................................her the news earlier.

7 I was really tired last night.  I (have) .....................................a hard day.

8. Do you want to see this programme? It  (start) ............................................

9 I´ll get warmer in here.  I (turn)........................................the heating on.

10. At last the committee were ready to announce their decision.  They (make)...................up their minds.

Write two sentences as one.  Use when and the past perfect in either the first or the second part of the sentence.

Example: I gave the book to a friend.  I read it. I gave abook to a friend when I had read it.

1. Joe saved enough money.  He bought a motor-bike. ...............................................................................

2. Max put all the dishes away.  He dried them. ..........................................................................................

3. Jane signed the letter.  She typed it on her word processor. .....................................................................

4. We completed the forms.  We handed them in..........................................................................................

5. I looked both ways.  I pulled out into the road. ........................................................................................

6. The golfers went into the club house. They played the last hole..............................................................

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E.    Put in the correct form of the verbs: past perfect simple/past perfect continuous and past continuous.

1. Steve could hear shouts from the flat next door.  His neighbours (argue) ............................................... 2.  Lucy went into the living-room.  It was empty but the television was still warm.  Someone (watch)

3.  I (play), so I had a shower.  I was annoyed   because I (not win).............................................a single game.

4.  The walkers finally arrived at their destination.  They (walk)...........................................all day, and they needed a rest.  They (walk)...................................thirty miles.

5.       When I saw Ben last week he said he (stop)..................................smoking. But when I saw him two days later, he (smoke)............................................a cigarette.  He took the cigarette from his mouth and looked rather ashamed.


A)     Write the verbs in the correct tense: Present Simple/Cont., Past Simple/Cont

Present Perfect (Simple/Continuous), Past Perfect (Simple/Continuous).

1.      I closed the door quietly because he(try) sleep.

2.      How many times (she-call)....................................since he came to N.Y.?

3.      The children are filthy. Where (they-be)...............................................?

4.      I´m going to bed. I(work)..........................................for hours and I am tired.

5.      Mary was cleaning the windscreen when she (notice)................................ a crack in the glass.

6.      I couldn´t open the office door because someone (lock)

7.      I agree: I (not think) should apologize.

8.      When I phoned her she(do).........................................her homework.

9.      When I shouted they (jump) the roof and (run)..................away.

10.  Don´t phone her just now. She (talk) her boss.

11.  Oh! You (have).....................................a shave! You look strange without a beard.

12.  Sorry, I (not understand)........................................... Could you say that again, please?

13.  There was nobody at the office.  Mr. Brownlow (tell).................................... the staff to go home.

14.  How many times (you see)................................................him since he went to Edinburgh?

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Decide which form is correct (or more natural) in these sentences.

1. Tom isn´t free on  Saturday.  He will work/is working.

2.      According to the weather forecast, it will rain/is raining tomorrow.

3.      I´m sure Tom will get/is getting the job. He has a lot of experience.

4.      I can´t meet you this evening.  A friend of mine will come/is coming to see me.

5.      A: Have you decided where to go for your vacation yet?

B: Yes, we will go/are going to Italy.

6.      Don´t worry about the dog.  It won´t hurt/isn´t hurting you.

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infinitive past tense past participle meaning

verbo en infinitivo pasado participio significado

to be was / were been ser, estar

to beat beat beaten golpear, batir

to become became become convertirse, llegar a ser

to begin began begun empezar

to bet bet bet apostar

to bite bit bitten morder

to bleed bled bled sangrar, desangrarse

to blow blew blown soplar

to break broke broken romper

to breed bred bred criar, reproducirse

to bring brought brought traer

to burn burnt / burned burn / burned quemar

to burst burst burst reventar, explotar

to buy bought bought comprar

to catch caught caught coger

to choose chose chosen elegir

to come came come venir

to cost cost cost costar

to cut cut cut corta r

to dig dug dug cavar

to do did done hacer

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infinitive past tense past participle meaning

verbo en infinitivo pasado participio significado

to draw drew drawn dibujar

to dream dreamt dreamt soñar

to drink drank drunk beber

to drive drove driven conducir

to eat ate eaten comer

to fall fell fallen caer

to feed fed fed alimentar

to feel felt felt sentir

to fight fought fought luchar

to find found found encontrar

to fly flew flown volar

to forbid forbade forbidden prohibir

to forget forgot forgotten olvidar

to forgive forgave forgiven perdonar

to freeze froze frozen congelar

to get got got (also us gotten) obtener

to give gave given dar

to go went gone ir

to grow grew grown crecer

to hang hung hung colgar

to have had had tener, haber

to hear heard heard oir

to hide hid hidden esconder

to hit hit hit pegar, golpear

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infinitive past tense past participle meaning

verbo en infinitivo pasado participio significado

to hold held held sujetar, mantener

to hurt hurt hurt herir

to keep kept kept conservar, guardar

to kneel knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled arrodillarse

to know knew known saber

to lay laid laid poner, situar, colocar

to lead led led dirigir, liderar

to learn learnt / learned learnt / learned aprender

to leave left left salir, dejar

to let let let dejar

to lie lay lain tumbarse, yacer

to light lit lit encender

to lose lost lost perder

to make made made hacer

to mean meant meant significar

to meet met met encontrarse

to pay paid paid pagar

to plead pled / pleaded pled / pleaded suplicar, abogar

to put put put poner

to read read read leer

to ride rode ridden montar

to ring rang rung sonar

to rise rose risen levantarse, ascender

to run ran run correr

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infinitive past tense past participle meaning

verbo en infinitivo pasado participio significado

to say said said decir

to see saw seen ver

to sell sold sold vender

to send sent sent enviar

to set set set establecer, poner

to shake shook shaken temblar, sacudir

to shine shone shone brillar, dar brillo

to shoot shot shot disparar, tirar

to show showed shown enseñar

to shut shut shut cerrar

to sing sang sung cantar

to sit sat sat sentarse

to sleep slept slept dormir

to smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled oler, olfatear

to sow sowed sown sembrar, plantar

to speak spoke spoken hablar

to spell spelt / spelled spelt / spelled deletrear

to spend spent spent gastar

to stand stood stood estar de pie

to steal stole stolen robar

to stick stuck stuck encolar, pegar

to swear swore sworn jurar

to sweep swept swept barrer

to swim swam swum nadar

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infinitive past tense past participle meaning

verbo en infinitivo pasado participio significado

to swing swung swung columpiar

to take took taken coger

to teach taught taught enseñar

to tear tore torndesgarrar, derramar lágrimas

to tell told told decir

to think thought thought pensar

to throw threw thrown lanzar, echar

to understand understood understood entender, comprender

to undo undid undone deshacer

to wake woke woken despertar

to wear wore worn llevar puesto, calzar

to win won won ganar

to wind wound wound bobinar, airear, ventilar

to wring wrung wrung estrujar, retrocer

to write wrote written escribir

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