Download - Desarrollo sostenible


A travs del tiempo el ser humano ha utilizado los recursos naturales de forma desmedida, importando muy poco el causa el impacto que se ha generado al extraerlo de la naturaleza, as como el impacto que se genera durante y su posterior uso, debido al descontrol y el dao que se le est ocasionando al medio ambiente, efecto del consumo desmedido de los recursos, aunado a la creencia de que alguno de ellos por su cantidad o condicin eran renovables o en ciertos casos inagotables han causado que algunos de ellos se vean comprometidos para satisfacer las necesidades futuras, como podemos mencionar el agua. A raz de todo esto es que surge el concepto de sostenibilidad, que es el desarrollo que asegura las necesidades del presente sin comprometer las necesidades de futuras generaciones. Desde hace poco tiempo se le ha venido dando importancia a la sostenibilidad en todos los mbitos dela sociedad y en todas las actividades que generan impactos en el entorno donde se realizan las actividades de inters econmico La empresa y organizaciones estn buscando una equidad en todas sus acciones por medio de compensaciones que generan bienestar en la comunidad en el medio ambiente y se ven retribuidas en sus ingresos econmicos.El desarrollo sostenible trata de fomentar una actividad econmica para administrar todas las necesidades bsicas de los pobres del mundo en busca que haya un equilibrio ambiental reduciendo el consumo de los recursos que generan todos los residuos de tal forma que sean soportables para las prximas generaciones. Nuestro medioambiente se ha visto altamente afectado por nuestras acciones y con herramientas de gestin como la sostenibilidad se estn contrarrestando estos impactos negativos con la bsqueda de nuevas alternativas que permitan que todo tipo de desarrollo este encaminado hacia el equilibrio ecolgico-sociocultural-econmico. No importa cul sea la actividad que desarrollemos lo importante es tener en cuenta que todas deben estar encaminadas hacia el aseguramiento de un futuro con oportunidades para todos sin acabar con los recursos no renovables que nos rodean en el presente. Un mundo sostenible es ms que un ideal. Parece el nico mundo compatible con la vida.Nuestro bienestar es una prioridad que en la actualidad no es tan evidente, ya que llevamos acuestas la carga de una sociedad despreocupada por nuestro ecosistema, para poder equilibrar esta balanza es necesario que todos conozcan la problemtica que se est viviendo. Para lograrlo es preciso elaborar polticas estratgicas que hagan posible la participacin directa de todos los habitantes sin discriminacin de ninguna ndole. Para enfrentar el problema es necesario el fomento de la educacin y la difusin del mismo, tambin es esencial la capacitacin y sobre todo la toma de conciencia que de un cambio ante nuestro ecosistema. Can you imagine a world where the environment is completely destroyed, then what would be the point of making profits if there are no resources to maintain our lives or a world where you have the resources but doing nothing with them. Este panorama es en general lo que ha llevado a impulsar polticas de sostenibilidad dentro de las organizaciones de la mano con gestin de responsabilidad social empresarial, estos esfuerzos ya estn dando sus frutos y vemos como las entidades gubernamentales y el sector privado anan esfuerzos para impulsar programas de certificacin por ejemplo de hoteles verdes. La empresa sostenible ser aquella que logre asegurar su permanencia a largo plazo, su rentabilidad satisfaciendo sus necesidades en cuanto las demandas de todos los involucrados en el negocio esto implica el satisfacer la confianza de todos los involucrados en la habilidad para administrar los posibles impactos ambientales, humanos y ecolgicos de cualquier operacin de negocios. La humanidad est enfrentando una serie de problemas que afectan a la atmosfera en forma alarmante a tal nivel que podra ser irreversible si no se incorpora un desarrollo sostenible efectivo cuanto antes. Cada da se toma ms conciencia y mayores son los esfuerzos realizados pero lo importante es tener en cuenta que en el futuro aquellas organizaciones que subsisten son las que se adaptan a la globalizacin y generan programas de sostenibilidad que las ponen a la vanguardia y adems les brinda la posibilidad de mantenerse en el mercado con prcticas responsables que compensen sus impactos generados en el medio ambiente principalmente, sin dejar a un lado lo social y lo econmico. Es el momento de cambiar fuertemente de los impactos del medio ambiente, como del consumir menos combustible utilizando menos el carro, remplazando por transporte pblico o compartir el transporte, remplazar lmparas comunes, apagar luces y desenchufar aparatos elctricos que no se estn utilizando, reducir residuos diarios en nuestra casa, el desarrollo sostenible es una buena alternativa para poder disminuir el dao ambiental. Sustainability is an issue that everyone should be concerned about. If the planet Earth is going to exist, as we know it, everyone should wake up and do their part to help achieve a greater level of sustainability. , it is about the choices we make and also the future we build and not only the present.

Over time humans have used natural resources sprees They cared very little impact has been generated to extract from nature, and the impact generated during and after use, because of lack of control and harm he is causing to the environment, effect of excessive consumption of resources. The false belief that any of them in quantity or condition were inexhaustible renewable or in some cases have caused some of them are compromised to meet future needs, as we mentioned water. As a result of all this is that the concept of sustainability, which is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations, arises. Since recently he has been giving importance to sustainability in all areas of the society and all activities that generate impacts on the environment where the activity of economic interest as it was mainly performed. The companies and organizations are seeking equality in all its actions through offsets that generate wealth in the community in the environment and are you paid on your income.Sustainable development seeks to promote economic activity to manage all the basic needs of the poor of the world for there is an environmental balance by reducing the consumption of resources that generate all waste so that they are sustainable for future generations. Our environment has been highly affected by our actions and management tools such as sustainability are offsetting these negative impacts to the search for new alternatives that allow any development this track to ecological and socio-economic equilibrium. No matter what activity we develop it is important to note that all must be directed towards securing a future with opportunities for all without destroying nonrenewable resources around us in the present. A sustainable world is more than an ideal. It seems the only supported world with life.Our welfare is a priority at present is not as evident as we lie down load a carefree society for our ecosystem, to balance this balance is necessary that all know the problems being experienced. Is necessary to achieve develop strategic policies that direct participation of all citizens without discrimination of any kind as possible. To address the problem requires the promotion of education and dissemination thereof, is also essential training and especially the awareness that a change to our ecosystem. "Can you imagine world Completely Where the environment is destroyed," then what would be the point of making profits if there are no resources to Maintain our lives or a world Where You Have the resources With nothing but doing them.This scenario is generally what-has led to sustainability policies within organizations hand in hand with managing corporate social responsibility, these efforts are already paying off and we see government agencies and the private sector join forces to promote programs certification eg green hotels. Sustainable business is one that achieves secure long-term retention, profitability meeting their needs for the demands of everyone involved in the business that involves meeting the trust of everyone involved in the ability to manage potential environmental impacts, human and ecological any business operation. Humanity is facing a number of problems affecting the atmosphere at an alarming rate to a level that could be irreversible if an effective sustainable development is not incorporated soon.Increasingly aware and take greater the efforts but it is important to note that in the future those organizations that remain are those that adapt to globalization and generate sustainability programs that put them at the forefront and also gives the ability to stay on the market with responsible practices to offset their impacts on the environment generated mainly without leaving the social and economic side. It's time to change strongly impacts the environment as the consume less fuel using the car less, replacing public transportation or carpool, replace common lamps, turn off lights and unplug appliances that are not in use, reducing waste day in our house, sustainable development is a good alternative to reduce environmental damage. Sustainability is an issue That Everyone should be concern concerned about. If the planet Earth is going to exist, as we know it, Everyone should wake up and do Their part to help Achieve Greater level of sustainability. , It is about the choices we make and Also we build the future and not only the present.