Download - Formato detallado para Investigador INVESTIGACIÓN Información … · 2019-01-30 · automotriz (VITRO-2014) (Colaborador) Monto:

Page 1: Formato detallado para Investigador INVESTIGACIÓN Información … · 2019-01-30 · automotriz (VITRO-2014) (Colaborador) Monto:

Formato detallado para Investigador

INVESTIGACIÓN Información detallada Proyecto de investigación externo (Ciencia básica, FOMIX, etc) VER ANEXO I Proyecto de investigación externo (Financiado por industría) VER ANEXO II Participación en proyectos de investigación con otras instituciones


Artículo publicado en revista de cobertura internacional con arbitraje incluida en Citation Index o en el Padrón de Revistas CONACYT.


Artículo in extenso con arbitraje publicado en congreso nacional.


Artículo in extenso con arbitraje publicado en congreso internacional.


Libro publicado (internacional)


Citas durante el período evaluado. (autocitas no válidas)


Arbitraje de artículo nivel internacional


Arbitraje de proyectos científicos o tecnológicos


Pertenencia al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores


Registro de patente


FORMACIÓN DE RECURSOS HUMANOS Curso CIMAV: curricular o propedéutico


Dirección de tesis de doctorado (proceso)


Dirección de tesis de doctorado interna terminada


Dirección de tesis de doctorado externa terminada


Dirección de tesis de Maestría (proceso)


Dirección de tesis de maestría externa terminada


Dirección de tesis de licenciatura terminadas


Participación en comités tutorales


Sinodal de examen de grado de maestría o doctorado, interno o externo


VINCULACIÓN Ingresos facturados por derechos de patentes, proyectos, cursos, asesorías.


Page 2: Formato detallado para Investigador INVESTIGACIÓN Información … · 2019-01-30 · automotriz (VITRO-2014) (Colaborador) Monto:

ANEXO I Proyecto de investigación externo (Ciencia básica, FOMIX, etc)

1. Estudio de las propiedades de nanopartículas de ZnO en función de la variación de su

tamaño (CB - Responsable)$935,000.00

2. Fortalecimiento de equipo científico a través de la adquisición de un equipo de XPS para la caracterización de superficies e interfaces de materiales y nanomateriales del Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados (CIMAV) Fortalecimiento y consolidación de la infraestructura científica y tecnológica de los centros públicos de investigación – CONACYT. 2011 (Responsable) $13,500,000.00

3. Investigación de las propiedades en materiales compósitos de base polimérica reforzados con nanotubos de carbono (CB- Dra. Liliana Licea Jiménez) (Colaborador)

4. Tribología y abrasión de PET y PVC en una cama granular fluidizada (Repatriación - Dr. Gabriel Caballero) (Colaborador)

5. Aprovechamiento de la energía solar mediante el desarrollo de compuestos nanopartícula metálica-polímero para su uso como material activo en celdas fotovoltáicas (FOMIX CHIH -CIMAV- Dra. Liliana Licea Jiménez) (Colaborador)

6. Implementación del método 3� para la caracterización térmica de materiales nano-estructurados para aplicaciones en termoelectricidad y barreras térmicas de operación en alta temperatura (Repatriación –Dr. Jaime Álvarez Quintana) (Responsable)

7. Investigación de la influencia de la incorporación de nanopartículas en matrices poliméricas curadas mediante radiación UV y su desempeño como recubrimientos (CB- Dra. Liliana Licea Jiménez) (Colaborador)

8. Estudio Fundamental Sobre Rectificación Térmica en Nanoestructuras: El Desarrollo del Diodo Térmico (CB- Dr. Jaime Alvarez Quintana) (Colaborador)

9. Estudio de la síntesis de nanocristales híbridos por un nuevo método basado en microemulsiones de aceite-en-agua y su incorporación en nanocompuestos poliméricos (CB- Dra. Margarita Sánchez) (Colaborador)

10. Materiales Nanoestructurados para Fotocatalisis : Produccion de Hidrogeno y degradacion de contaminantes poliméricos (CB- Dra. Margarita Sánchez) (Colaborador)

11. Estudio de las propiedades optoelectrónicas de materiales nanoestructurados basados en silicio (CB- Dr. Alfredo Morales Sánchez) (Colaborador)

12. Recubrimientos autolimpliables de alto desempeño para superficies fotovoltaicas. (CEMIESOL- Dra. Liliana Licea Jiménez) (Colaborador)

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Proyecto de investigación externo (Financiado por industría)

1. Asesoría sobre Cables deslizables tipo THHN (Conductores Monterrey Viakable – Dr. Gregorio Vargas 2008) (Colaborador) Monto: $ 60,000.00

2. Uso de nanopartículas en la fabricación de espumas de poliestireno extruído (Owens Corning- Dr. José Bonilla Cruz 2009-2010) (Colaborador) Monto: $ 2,500,000.00

3. Vidrio plano con control solar y color (VITRO- Dr. Mario Miki) (Colaborador)

4. Investigación para la separación de la mezcla PET/PVC (Grupo Simplex-2009 Dra. Liliana Licea Jiménez) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 1,001,397.00

5. Innovación y desarrollo tecnológico de instrumental médico y quirúrgico: caracterización de materiales y desarrollo de proceso (GOVAL-2009 Dr. Servando Aguirre Tostado) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 1,081,131.99

6. Modificación en la línea de Botanas (CONAGRA FOODS-2010) Monto: $ 4,481,000.00 (Líder )

7. Diplomado de Nanotecnología al Cluster de Nano Nuevo León (Dr. José Bonilla Cruz - 2011) (Colaborador ) Monto: $241,379.00

8. Desarrollo de nuevos productos y empaques en las líneas de palomitas, salsas, enlatados y aceites (CONAGRA FOODS-2011) Monto: $ 570,890.00 (Líder )

9. Desarrollo de una formulación a nivel laboratorio de un acondicionador textil con propiedades antiarrugas (ALEN-2011) Monto: $ 2,180,000.00 (Líder )

10. Módulos El Mundo de los Materiales, I2T2, Nuevo León (I2T2-2012 Dr. Paul Horley) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 500,000.00

11. Desarrollo de corazones ultradelgados para componentes automotrices de alto desempeño energético y mecánico-estructural utilizando materiales nano estructurados (Nemak-2012 Dra. Tania Ernestina Lara Ceniceros) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 2,229,463.40

12. Desarrollo y evaluación de nuevas aplicaciones de cargas funcionales en forma de microesfera y desarrollo de planta piloto para la obtención de cargas funcionales en forma de “laminillas micronizadas” para su aplicación en recubrimientos (Termolita-2012 Dr. Jaime Alvarez Quintana) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 562,061.39

13. Desarrollo de un prototipo tipo “vending machine” el cual surtirá producto explotado con el sabor deseado (CONAGRA FOODS-2012) Monto: $ 5,289,178.30 (Líder )

14. Generación de espuma de PU de baja densidad con propiedades mecánicas reforzadas (QUÍMICA PUMEX-2013) Monto: $2,803,215.85 (Lider)

15. desarrollo de corazones ultradelgados para componentes automotrices de alto desempeño energético y mecánico-estructural utilizando materiales nano estructurados (NEMAK -2013) (Colaborador) Monto: $2,229,000.00

16. Desarrollo de productos para las nuevas lineas estratégicas de negocio mediante innovación radical (CONAGRA FOODS-2013) Monto: $2,200,000.00 (Lider)

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17. Desarrollo de plataforma tecnológico para el diseño de recubrimientos arquitectónicos mediante la incorporación de nanopartículas de Si y otras partículas especiales (COMEX-2013) (Colaborador) Monto: $660,000.00

18. Evaluación del desempeño de recubrimientos reflejantes emisivos para techos de viviendas (COMEX-2013) (Colaborador) Monto: $719,310.35

19. Desarrollo de productos, procesos y empaques para las líneas estratégicas de negocios mediante innovación radical (CONAGRA FOODS-2014) Monto: $2,540,216.80 (Lider)

20. Proceso Innovador de impresión nanométrica a escala piloto para generar eco-vidrio automotriz (VITRO-2014) (Colaborador) Monto: $229,173.50

21. Desarrollo del dispositivo de caracterización de propiedades del núcleo de acero al silicio de un transformador y la cuantificación de la contribución del sistema de sujeción del núcleo al nivel de pérdidas de eficiencia (PROLEC-2015) (Colaborador) Monto: $1,423,594.80

22. Poliuretano nanotecnológico resistente al fuego libre de halógenos para aplicaciones estratégicas. (QUÍMICA PUMEX-2015) Monto: $2,238,199.69 (Lider)

23. Proceso Innovador de impresión nanométrica a escala piloto para generar eco-vidrio automotriz (VITRO-2015) (Colaborador) Monto: $353,173.50

24. Desarrollo de un convertidor termoeléctrico para la recuperación y reciclado de energía térmica en sistemas de refrigeración (IMBERA-2016) (Colaborador) Monto: $2,191,611.47

25. Mejora de pasta de oxido de plomo y su desempeño con respecto a la variación de tamaño de las partículas de piso para su aplicación como material activo de acumuladores eléctricos (ENERYA GPO GOHNER-2016) Monto: $2,100,077.59 (Lider)

26. Innovación en Fórmulas y Empaques para las Plataformas de Botanas y Envasados con Impacto en la Sustentabilidad Ambiental (CONAGRA FOODS-2016) Monto: $1,753,130.87 (Lider)

27. Evaluación del desempeño de recubrimientos reflejantes emisivos para techos de viviendas (COMEX-2016) (Colaborador) Monto: $1,551,724.13

28. Innovación en empaques poliméricos y estudio térmico in-situ de bolsa transparente de palomitas (CONAGRA FOODS-2017) Monto: $1,416,380.92 (Lider)

29. Propuesta de proyectos de innovación en el área de implementación y desarrollo de productos. (Estudios exploratorios: Análisis Térmico) (QUÍMICA PUMEX-2017) Monto: $250,000.00 (Lider)

30. Estudio de PU's espreados de más de 1" y su estabilidad dimensional (QUÍMICA PUMEX-2018) Monto: $300,000.00 (Lider)

ANEXO III Participación en proyectos de investigación con otras instituciones

1. La estructura de nanopelículas de óxido de hafnio (CB-Cinvestav Qro. Dr. Alberto Herrera) (Colaborador)

2. Control del tamaño y la orientación cristalográfica de nanoparticulas de oro y su aplicación a la oxidación electrolítica de glucosa (CB- Dr. Federico Castañeda CIDETEQ- Qro) (Colaborador)

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ANEXO IV Lista de artículos publicados en revistas JCR (16) en periodo a evaluar (2013 – 2018). I.F. periodo: 2.62 Total (35 JCR)

Los datos fueron recopilados directamente de las revistas.


Título del artículo


ISSN Factor

de Impacto

1. Fluorescence properties of Yb3+-Er3+ co-doped phosphate glasses containing silver nanoparticles

Methods and Applications in Fluorescence 6 (2018) 024005



2. Resistive switching control for conductive Si-nanocrystals embedded in Si/SiO2 multilayers

Nanotech. 29 (2018) 395203



3. Preparation and Characterization of High Purity Anhydrous β-Lactose from α-Lactose Monohydrate at Mild Temperature

Intern. J Polymer. Sci. (2018) 5069063



4. Functionalization Effect on Polymer Nanocomposites Coatings based on TiO2-SiO2 Nanoparticles with Superhydrophilic Properties

Nanomat. 8 (2018)369



5. Influence of the gate and dielectric thickness on the electro-optical performance of SRO-based LECs: Resistive switching, IR and deep UV emission

Journal of Luminescence 192 (2017) 919-924

022-2313 2.686

6. Thermal decomposition of N-expanded austenite in 304L and 904L steels Surface Engineering 33 (2017) 4 319-326

0267-0844 1.347

7. Study of narrow and intense UV electroluminescence from ITO/SRO/Si-p and ITO/SRN/SRO/Si-p based light emitting capacitors

Journal of Luminescence 183 (2017) 334-340 https://10.1016/j.jlumin.2016.02.033



8. Engineered TiO2 and SiO2-TiO2 films on silica-coated glass for increased thin film durability under abrasive conditions

International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 14 (2017) 39-49 https://10.1111/ijac.12614



9. Synthesis of Zn-doped TiO 2 nanoparticles by the novel oil-in-water (O/W) microemulsion method and their use for the photocatalytic degradation of phenol

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3 (2015) 4 Part B 3037 – 3047

2213-3437 3.83 Cite

Score 10. Analysis of the luminescent centers in silicon rich silicon nitride light-

emitting capacitors Semiconductor Science and Technology 30 (2015) 065009



11. Selective band gap manipulation of graphene oxide by its reduction with mild reagents

Carbon 93 (2015) 967-973



12. Enhanced performance thermal diode via thermal boundary resistance at nanoscale

Applied Physics Letters 107 (2015) 084103



13. RF energy scavenging system for DC power from FM broadcasting based on an optimized Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier

Journal of Electromagnetic waves and applications 29 (2015) 1440-1453



14. Behaviour of Carbon Steel in the Presence of Hydrocarbon and Pyridinic Compound

International Journal of Electrochemical Science 9 (2014) 1488-1496

1452-3981 1.469

15. Optical, Electrical and Photocatalytic Properties of the Ternary Semiconductors ZnxCd1-xS, CuxCd1-xS and CuxZn1-xS

International Journal of Photoenergy (2014) 158782



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Título del artículo




de Impacto

16. Microstructural, chemical and textural characterization of ZnO nanorods synthesized by aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition

Materials Characterization 98 (2014) 215-221



17. Multi‐technique characterization of low‐temperature plasma nitrided austenitic AISI 304L and AISI 904L stainless steel

Surface and Interface Analysis 46 (2014) 856-860

1096-9918 1.132

18. Physical properties of inulin and inulin-orange juice: Physical characterization and technological application

Carbohydrate Polymers 105 (2014) 10-19

0144-8617 4.811

19. Microstructural characterization, optical and photocatalytic properties of bilayered CuO and ZnO based thin films

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 615 (2014) S1 S375-S381



20. Magnon-mediated thermal rectification with forward-bias and breakdown temperatures

Journal of Applied Physics 114 (2013) 104904

0021-8979 2.176

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1. K E González–Flores, B Palacios-Márquez, J Álvarez–Quintana, S A Pérez–García, L

Licea–Jiménez, P Horley and A Morales-Sánchez “Resistive switching control for conductive Si-nanocrystals embedded in Si/SiO2 multilayers” Nanotech. 29 (2018) 395203

2. Arturo Román Vázquez-Velázquez, Miguel Angel Velasco-Soto , Sergio Alfonso Pérez-

García and Liliana Licea-Jiménez “Functionalization Effect on Polymer Nanocomposites Coatings based on TiO2-SiO2 Nanoparticles with Superhydrophilic Properties” Nanomat. 8 (2018)369

3. Ana L. López-Pablos, César C. Leyva-Porras, Macrina B. Silva-Cázares, Francisco E.

Longoria-Rodríguez, Sergio A. Pérez-García, Ángel A. Vértiz-Hernández, and María Z.

Saavedra-Leos “Preparation and Characterization of High Purity Anhydrous β-Lactose from α-Lactose Monohydrate at Mild Temperature” Intern. J Polym. Sci. (2018) 5069063

4. Ma A Martínez Gámez, Miguel A Vallejo H, A V Kiryanov, L Licea-Jiménez, J L Lucio M and

S A Pérez-García “Fluorescence properties of Yb3+–Er3+ co-doped phosphate glasses containing silver nanoparticles” Methods Appl. Fluoresc 6 (2018) 2

5. S. A. Cabañas-Tay, L. Palacios-Huerta, M. Aceves-Mijares, J. Alvarez-Quintana, S. A.

Pérez-García, C. Domínguez-Horna and A. Morales-Sánchez “Influence of the gate and dielectric thickness on the electro-optical performance of SRO-based LECs: Resistive switching, IR and deep UV emission” J. Luminisc. 192 (2017) 919

6. G. Maistro, S.A. Pérez-García, M. Norell, L. Nyborg and Y. Cao “Thermal decomposition of

N-expanded austenite in 304L and 904L steels” Surf. Eng. 33 (2017) 4

7. S.A. Cabañas-Tay, L. Palacios-Huerta, M. Aceves- Mijares, A. Coyopol, F. Morales-Morales,

S.A. Pérez-García, L. Licea-Jiménez, C. Domínguez- Horna, K. Monfil-Leyva, A. Morales-

Sánchez “Study of narrow and intense UV electroluminescence from ITO/SRO/Si-p and ITO/SRN/SRO/Si-p based light emitting capacitors” J. Luminisc. 183 (2017) 334

8. Rosa Elena Ramírez-García, Jesús Alberto González-Rodríguez, Miguel Arroyo-Ortega,

Sergio Alfonso Pérez-García and Liliana Licea Jiménez “Engineered TiO2 and SiO2–TiO2 Films on Silica Coated Glass for Increased Thin Film Durability Under Abrasive Conditions” Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol. 14 (2017) 39-49

9. Margarita Sanchez-Dominguez, Getsemani Morales-Mendoza, Maria J Rodriguez-Vargas,

Claudia C Ibarra-Malo, Arturo A Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Andrea V Vela-Gonzalez, SA Perez-Garcia, Ricardo Gomez “Synthesis of Zn-doped TiO 2 nanoparticles by the novel oil-in-water (O/W) microemulsion method and their use for the photocatalytic degradation of phenol” J.

Environ. Chem. Eng. 3 (2015) 4

10. J.A. Leon-Gil, J.C. Perales-Cruz, L. Licea-Jimenez, S.A. Pérez Garcia & J. Alvarez-Quintana ” RF energy scavenging system for DC power from FM broadcasting based on an optimized Cockcroft–Walton voltage multiplier” J. Electromag. Waves Applic. 29 (2015) 1440-1453

11. M. Tovar-Padilla, L. Licea-Jimenez, S. A. Pérez-Garcia and J. Alvarez-Quintana “Enhanced

performance thermal diode via thermal boundary resistance at nanoscale” Appl. Phys. Lett.

107 (2015) 084103

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12. S. A. Cabañas-Tay, L. Palacios-Huerta, M. Aceves-Mijares, J. A. Luna-López, S. Alcántara-

Iniesta, S. A. Pérez-García and A. Morales-Sánchez “Analysis of the luminescent centers in silicon rich silicon nitride light-emitting capacitors” Semicond. Sci. Technol. 30 (2015) 065009

13. M.A. Velasco-Soto, S.A. Pérez-García, J. Alvarez-Quintana, Yu-Cao, L. Nyborg, L. Licea-

Jiménez “Selective band gap manipulation of graphene oxide by its reduction with mild reagents” Carbon 93 (2015) 967-973

14. Sandra Andrea Mayén-Hernández, David Santos-Cruz,Francisco deMoure-Flores, Sergio

Alfonso Pérez-García, Liliana Licea-Jiménez, Ma. Concepción Arenas-Arrocena, José de

Jesús Coronel-Hernández and José Santos-Cruz “ Optical, Electrical and Photocatalytic Properties of the Ternary Semiconductors Zn!Cd1−!S, Cu!Cd1−!S and Cu!Zn1−!S” Inter.

J. Photoen. (2014) 158782

15. Lopez Leon, L. D., Veloz Rodriguez, M. A., Cruz, Reyes Cruz, V. E., Perez Garcia, S. A.,

Olguin Coca, F. J. “Behaviour of Carbon Steel in the Presence of Hydrocarbon and a Pyridinic Compound” Inter. J. Electrochem. Sci. 9 (2014) 1488-1496

16. Y Cao, G Maistro, M Norell, SA Pérez-Garcia, L Nyborg “Multi-technique characterization of

low-temperature plasma nitrided austenitic AISI 304L and AISI 904L stainless steel” Surf.

Inter. Anal. 46 (2014) 856-860

17. Sáenz-Trevizo, P. Amézaga-Madrid, P. Pizá-Ruiz, O. Solís-Canto, C. Ornelas-Gutiérrez, S. Pérez-García, M. Miki-Yoshida “Microstructural characterization, optical and photocatalytic properties of bilayered CuO and ZnO based thin films” J. Alloys & Comp. 615 (2014) S1 S375-S381

18. M.Z. Saavedra-Leos, C. Leyva-Porras, E. Martínez-Guerra, S.A. Pérez-García, J.A. Aguilar-

Martínez, C. Alvarez-Salas “Physical properties of inulin and inulin-orange juice: Physical characterization and technological application” Carbohydrates Polymers 105 (2014) 10-19

19. Angélica Sáenz-Trevizo; Patricia Amézaga-Madrid; Luis Fuentes-Cobas; Pedro Pizá-Ruiz;

Wilber Antúnez-Flores; Carlos Ornelas-Gutierrez; Sergio A.Pérez-García; Mario Miki-

Yoshida “Microstructural characterization, optical and photocatalytic properties of bilayered CuO and ZnO based thin films” Mater. Character. 98 (2014) 215-221

20. J.J. Martínez-Flores, L. Licea-Jimenez, S. A. Perez-Garcia and J. Alvarez-Quintana

“Magnon-mediated thermal rectification with forward-bias and breakdown temperatures” J.

Appl. Phys. 114 (2013) 104904

21. M. Z. Saavedra-Leos, C. Alvarez-Salas, M.A. Esneider-Acalá, A. Toxqui-Terán, S. A. Pérez-García, M. A. Ruiz- Cabrera “Towards an improved calorimetric methodology for glass

transition temperature determination in amorphous sugars” CyTA - J. Food 10 (2012) 639960

22. M. Z. Saavedra-Leos, A. Grajales-Lagunes, R. González-García, A. Toxqui-Teran, S. A. Pérez-García, M. Abud-Archila, M. A. Ruiz-Cabrera “Glass transition study in model food

systems prepared with mixtures of fructose, glucose and sucrose” J. Food Sci. 77 (2012) E118

23. Martinez-Flores, JJ ; Licea-Jimenez, L ; Pérez-Garcia S.A. ; Rodriguez-Viejo, J ; Alvarez-

Quintana, J. “ Comprehensive characterization of thermophysical properties in solids using

thermal impedance” J. Appl. Phys. 112 (2012) 094901

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24. L. D. López León, M. A. Veloz Rodríguez, V. E. Reyes Cruz, S. A. Pérez García , A. L. López

León. “Inhibition on Carbon Steel Corrosion in Presence of Hydrocarbon”. Int. J. Electrochem.

Sci. 6 (2011) 5134-5145

25. L. D. López León, M. A. Veloz Rodríguez, V. E. Reyes Cruz, F. Almeraya Calderón, S. A. Pérez García “Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Presence of Hydrocarbon”. Int. J. Electrochem.

Sci. 6 (2011) 3497-3507

26. J. Alvarez-Quintana, S. A. Pérez-García, E. Martínez-Guerra, E. Pérez-Tijerina and J.

Rodríguez-Viejo “Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Polycrystalline ZnO Films”. J. Appl. Phys. 107 (2010) 063713

27. Hurtado-Macias, C. Domínguez-Ríos, J. Muñoz-Saldaña, R. Torres-Sánchez, S. A. Pérez-García and J. González-Hernández “Effect of the Surface Substrate Roughness and of the Chelating agent on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Electroless Processed Brass Coatings”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (14), pp 6388–6393

28. R. Pérez-Bustamante, C. D. Gómez-Esparza, I. Estrada-Guel, M. Miki-Yoshida, L. Licea-

Jiménez, S. A. Pérez-García and R. Martínez-Sánchez, “Microstructural and mechanical characterization of Al-MWCNT composites produced by mechanical milling”, Mater. Sci. Eng.

A 502 (2009) 159-163

29. S. A. Pérez García and L. Nyborg, “Initial Formation of Contact Layers on Ni/SiC Samples Studied by XPS”, Surf. Interface Anal. 40 (2008) 1144-1148

30. Y. Cao, S. A. Pérez-García and L. Nyborg, “Investigation of Ni/Ta Contacts on 4H Silicon Carbide upon Thermal Annealing”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 254 (2007) 139–142

31. S. A. Pérez-García, and L. Nyborg, “Tailoring of Nickel Silicide Contacts on Silicon Carbide”,

Appl. Surf. Sci. 254 (2007) 135–138

32. Y. Cao, S. A. Pérez-García and L. Nyborg, “Interface Reactions and Electrical Properties of Ta/4H-SiC Contact”, Mater. Sci. Forum, 556-557(2007) 713-717.

33. L. Licea-Jiménez, A. Lund, P-Y. Henrio, T. M. Laurie, S. A. Perez-García, L. Nyborg, H.

Hassander, H. Bertilsson, R.W. Rychwalski, “MWNT Reinforced Melamine-Formaldehyde Containing Alpha-Cellulose”, Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 844–854

34. S. A. Pérez-García, and L. Nyborg, “Application of angle-resolved XPS for characterisation

of SiC/Ni2Si thin film systems”, Surf. Interface Anal.; 38 (2006) 859-862

35. Andrei Gromov, Staffan Dittmer, Johannes Svensson, Oleg A. Nerushev, Sergio Alfonso Pérez-García, Liliana Licea-Jiménez, Rodney Rychwalski and Elanor E. B. Campbell,

“Covalent amino-fuctionalisation of single-wall carbon nanotubes”, J. Mater. Chem., 15

(2005) 3334 – 3339.

36. R. Zhkharchenko, L. Licea-Jiménez, S. A. Pérez-García, P. Vorobiev, U. Dehesa-Carrasco,

J. F. Pérez-Robles, J. González-Hernández, Yu. Vorobiev, “Photovoltaic solar panel for a

hybrid PV/thermal system”, Solar Energy Material & Solar Cells 82 (2004) 253-261.

37. J. L. Almaral-Sanchez, J. Alvarez-Quintana, C. Araujo-Andrade, J. A. Calderón-Guillén, H.

Carrillo-Esquivel, E. A. Elizalde-Peña, N. Flores-Ramírez, F.A. Garcia-Pastor, O. Gomez-

Guzman, L. Licea-Jiménez, D. Meneses-Rodríguez, A. E. Peña-Hernández, S. A. Pérez-García, J. C. Rubio-Avalos, A. Salazar-Flores, M. Talavera-Ortega, G. Velazquez-García, L.

D. Vázquez-Santoyo, J. González-Hernández, “Preparation and characterization of sol-gel

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silica based neutral optical density coating by the addition of graphite particles”, Thin Solid

Films 423 (2003) 196-200.

ANEXO V Artículo in extenso con arbitraje publicado en congreso nacional e internacional.


1. Marcelo Videa, L.M. Martínez, S. Castro, S.A. Pérez-García, L. Licea-Jiménez, A. Morales-Sánchez, M. Velasco-Soto, S. Garcia Esparza, M. Treviño, J.C. Ortiz Rodriguez “Caracterización Electroquímica de Materiales Activos Nanoestructurados y Nanoadicionados para una Batería Plomo-Ácido” XXXII SMEQ Junio de 2017, Guanajuato, México.

2. Y.V. Vorobiev, I.R. Chávez-Urbiola, S.A. Pérez-García, P. Vorobiev, “Quantum confinement effects in a glass/ito/cds/cdte superstrate structure designed for solar energy conversion” 6th International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM), ISER International Conferences, 11 y 12 Octubre 2016 Paris, France

3. Margarita Sanchez-Dominguez, Getsemani Morales-Mendoza, Maria J Rodriguez-Vargas, Claudia C Ibarra-Malo, Arturo A Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Andrea V Vela-Gonzalez, SA Perez-Garcia, Ricardo Gomez “Synthesis of Zn-doped TiO2 nanoparticles by the novel oil-in-water (O/W) microemulsion method and their use for the photocatalytic degradation of phenol” 3rd Latin-American Congress of Photocatalysis, Photochemistry and Photobiology (3rdLACP3-2014) San Luis Pototsi, 14/10/2014

4. J A Luna López, A Benitez Lara, G García Salgado, D. Hernández de la Luz, M Pacio, A Morales Sánchez, S A Pérez García “ Annealing effect on the structural and optical properties of SiOx films deposited by HFCVD” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sensing Technology, Liverpool, UK. 02-04 Sept 2014

5. A. Sáenz-Trevizo, P. Amézaga-Madrid, P. Pizá-Ruíz, W. Antúnez-Flores, C. Ornélas-Gutiérrez , S. A. Pérez-García and M. Miki-Yoshida “Synthesis and Characterization of highly reproducible Zinc Oxide nanorods and their photocatalytic efficiencies” TOCAT7 2014, Kyoto Japón 01 -06 Junio 2014

6. Cao, Y.; Perez-Garcia, S. A.; Nyborg, L. “Interface reactions and electrical properties

of Ta/4H-SiC contacts ” Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2006 Book Series:

MATER SCI FORUM Volume: 556-557 Pages: 713-716 Published: 2007 7. Saavedra-Leos, Z., Grajales-Lagunes A., González-García R., Toxqui-Terán, A.,

Pérez.-García, S. Abud-Archila, M., Moscosa-Santillán, M. Ruiz-Cabrera M.A. “Glass

transition temperature and water activity of model food systems analogous to fruit

powder composition” 5th International Congress on Food Science and Food

Biotechnology in Developing Countries. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico • 24/10/2012 -

26/10/2012 Asociación Mexicana de Ciencia de los Alimentos A.C. & Inocuidad

Alimentaria 2012 (Food Safety 21012) Publicado: 24/10/2012 8. M. Z. Saavedra- Leos, A. Grajales-Lagunes, A. Toxqui -Terán, S. A. Pérez -Garcia y

M. A. Ruiz- Cabrera ”Determinación de temperaturas de transición vítrea en sistemas modelos ricos en azúcares" Centro de Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado (CIEP), Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosí. ** Centro de Investigación de Materiales Avanzados (CIMAV), Unidad Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, México. Encuentro Nacional de la AMIDIQ. Bahías de Huatulco, Oaxaca, México • 04/05/2010 - 07/05/2010. Academia Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Ingeniería Química (AMIDIQ). Publicado: 04/05/2010

9. Licea-Jimenez, L; Perez-Garcia, SA; Vorobiev, PY “Energy balance of hybrid systems consisting of wind and photovoltaic generators and solar thermal plane collector” Book Group Author(s): IEEE. Conference: 1st International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE) Location: Acapulco, MEXICO Date:

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SEP 08-10, 2004. Source: 2004 1st International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE) Pages: 544-548 Published: 2004


Libros y/o capítulos de Libro Publicados

1. Tailoring of Contacts on Silicon Carbide: Procedures and Mechanisms ISBN: 978-91-7291-938-9 Sergio Alfonso Pérez García, Parte de la Serie de Publicaciones: Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers TekniskaHögskola Ny Serie nr 2619 ISSN: 0346-718X

2. Thin Film Solar Cell Modeling, Obtaining and Applications; ISBN: 978-953-51-

0969 P.P. Horley, L. Licea Jiménez, S.A. Pérez García, J. Alvarez Quintana, Yu.V. Vorobiev, R. Ramírez Bon, V.P. Makhniy and J. González Hernández; Application of Solar Energy, InTech, 2012, Chapter 4

3. Glass Transition and Water Activity of Model Food Systems Analogous to Fruit

Powder Composition, ISBN: 978-607-95455-4-3 M. A. Ruiz-Cabrera , A. Grajales-Lagunes , M. Moscosa Santillán , M. Z. Saavedra-Leos , R. González-García , M. Abud-Archila , S. A. Pérez-García , A. Toxqui-Terán; Advances in Science, Biotechnology and Safety of Foods, 1, AMECA, 2015, Chapter 23

4. Dispersion of Carbon Nanomaterials; ISBN: 978-0-12-801578-0 M.A. Velasco-

Soto, S.A. Pérez-García, R. Rychwalski, L. Licea-Jiménez; Nanocolloids, ELSEVIER, 2016 , Chapter 7

5. Carbon Polymer Nanocomposites; ISBN: 978-0-12-801578-0 M.A. Velasco-Soto,

J.A. León-Gil, J. Alvarez-Quintana, S.A. Pérez-García, B. Laine,C. Mercader, S. Jestin, R. Rychwalski, L. Licea-Jiménez; Nanocolloids, ELSEVIER, 2016 , Chapter 8

6. Multi-layered solar energy converters with Flexible sequence of p and n

semiconductor films; ISBN: 978-953-51-2840-3 Y.V. Vorobiev, I.R. Chávez Urbiola, R. Ramírez Bon, L. Licea Jiménez, S.A. Pérez García, P. Vorobiev, P. Horley; Sustainable Energy, InTech, 2016, Chapter 6

7. Luminescent Devices Based on Silicon-Rich Dielectric Materials; ISBN: 978 -

953-51-2763-5 Santiago A. Cabañas-Tay, Liliana Palacios-Huerta, Mariano Aceves-Mijares, Antonio Coyopol, Sergio A. Pérez-García, Liliana Licea-Jiménez, Carlos Domínguez and Alfredo Morales-Sánchez; Luminescence - An Outlook on the Phenomena and their Applications, InTech, 2012, Chapter 8

8. Graphene Derivatives: Controlled properties, Nanocomposites & Energy

Harvesting Applications; ISBN: 978-953-51-3139-7 Ulises Méndez Romero, Miguel Angel Velasco Soto, Liliana Licea Jiménez, Jaime Álvarez Quintana and Sergio Alfonso Pérez García Graphene Materials - Structure, Properties and Modifications, InTech, 2016, Chapter 4

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ANEXO VII Citas durante el período evaluado. (autocitas no válidas)

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Fuente: àISI Web of Science, SCOPUS & Google Académico

ListadeArtículosCitados. TotaldeCitasA=475 TotaldeCitasA+B=518#



CitasA B

1 Functionalization Effect on Polymer NanocompositeCoatings Based on TiO2-SiO2 Nanoparticles withSuperhydrophilic



2 ThermaldecompositionofN-expandedaustenitein304Land904Lsteels


3 1

3 Engineered TiO2 and SiO2-TiO2 films on silica-coatedglass for increased thin film durability under abrasiveconditions



4 SynthesisofZn-dopedTiO2nanoparticlesbythenoveloil-in-water(O/W)microemulsionmethodandtheiruseforthephotocatalyticdegradationofphenol


7 2

5 Selectivebandgapmanipulationofgrapheneoxidebyitsreductionwithmildreagents



6 Enhanced performance thermal diode via thermalboundaryresistanceatnanoscale



7 RF energy scavenging system for DC power from FMbroadcasting based on an optimized Cockcroft–Waltonvoltagemultiplier

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 2015Volume29,Issue11DOI:

1 1

8 Analysisof the luminescentcenters insiliconrichsiliconnitridelight-emittingcapacitors

SemiconductorScienceandTechnology2015Volume30,Number6 Article ID 065009 DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/30/6/065009

4 1

9 Microstructural, chemical and textural characterizationofZnOnanorodssynthesizedbyaerosolassistedchemicalvapordeposition


20 6

10 Microstructural characterization, optical andphotocatalyticpropertiesofbilayeredCuOandZnObasedthinfilms

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014 Volume: 615, Issue: S1,Page:S375-S381DOI:

5 7

11 Physical properties of inulin and inulin-orange juice:Physicalcharacterizationandtechnologicalapplication


11 5

12 Magnon-mediated thermal rectification with forward-biasandbreakdowntemperatures



13 Comprehensive characterization of thermophysicalpropertiesinsolidsusingthermalimpedance

JournalofAppliedPhysics2012Volume:112,Issue:9Pp. 094901DOI:


14 Glass Transition Study inModel Food Systems PreparedwithMixturesofFructose,Glucose,andSucrose


8 3

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Fuente: àISI Web of Science, SCOPUS & Google Académico

# Títulodelartículo Revista Citas

A B15 Towardsanimprovedcalorimetricmethodologyforglass

transition temperature determination in amorphoussugars


3 4

16 Inhibition on Carbon Steel Corrosion in Presence ofHydrocarbon



17 Temperature dependent thermal conductivity ofpolycrystallineZnOfilms


51 1

18 Microstructural and mechanical characterization of Al-MWCNTcompositesproducedbymechanicalmilling

MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A2009 Volumen: 502Número:1-2Páginas:159-163DOI:

106 4

19 Initial formation of contact layers on Ni/SiC samplesstudiedbyXPS


1 1

20 Tailoringofnickelsilicidecontactsonsiliconcarbide AppliedSurfaceScience2007Volume:254,Issue:1,Pp.135-138DOI:


21 InvestigationofNi/Tacontactson4Hsiliconcarbideuponthermalannealing



22 MWNT reinforced melamine-formaldehyde containing alpha-cellulose

Composites Science and Technology 2007 Volume: 67 Pp.844-854 DOI:


23 InterfacereactionsandelectricalpropertiesofTa/4H-SiCcontacts


1 1

24 Applicationofangle-resolvedXPS forcharacterisationofSiC/Ni2Sithinfilmsystems


6 1

25 Covalent amino-functionalisation of single-wall carbonnanotubes

Journal of Materials Chemisty 2005 Volume:15 Pp.3334-3339 DOI:


26 PhotovoltaicsolarpanelforahybridPV/thermalsystem Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2004 Volume: 82 Pp.253-261 DOI:

70 3

27 Preparation and characterization of sol-gel silica basedneutralopticaldensitycoatingsbytheadditionofgraphiteparticles

Thin Solid Films 423(2003) 196-200 DOI:

1 2


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DR. SERGIO ALFONSO PÉREZ GARCÍA 1.- Functionalization Effect on Polymer Nanocomposite Coatings Based on TiO2-SiO2 Nanoparticles with Superhydrophilic Properties By: Vazquez-Velazquez, AR ; Velasco-Soto, MA ; Perez-Garcia, SA ; Licea-Jimenez, L NANOMATERIALS Volume: 8 Issue: 6 Article Number: 369, Published: JUN 2018 DOI: CITAS A

1. F. Sbardella, L. Pronti, M.L. Santarelli, J.M. Asua Gonzàlez and M. P. Bracciale Waterborne Acrylate-Based Hybrid Coatings with Enhanced Resistance Properties on Stone Surfaces COATINGS (2018) Volume: 8, Issue: 8, Article Number: 283 DOI: 10.3390/coatings8080283

2. D. Meroni, S. Ardizzone, Preparation and Application of Hybrid Nanomaterials NANOMATERIALS

(2018) Volume: 8, Issue: 11, Article Number: 891 DOI:

2.- Thermal decomposition of N-expanded austenite in 304L and 904L steels By: Maistro, G.; Perez-Garcia, S. A.; Norell, M.; et al. SURFACE ENGINEERING Volume: 33 Issue: 4 Pages: 319-326 Published: 2017 DOI: CITAS A

3. V Belozerov, A Mahatilova, O Sobol’, V Subbotina, A Subbotin Investigation Of The Influence Of Technological Conditions Of Microarc Oxidation Of Magnesium Alloys On Their Structural State And Mechanical Properties EASTERN-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGIES : Applied Physics ISSN 1729-3774, (2017), Volume: 86 Issue: 2/5 Pages: 39-43 DOI:

4. A. Andreev, O. Sobol', S. Shevchenko, V. Stolbovoy, V. Aleksandrov, D. Kovteba, A. Terletsky, T. Protasenko

Results of approbation of the innovative method of ion nitriding for steels with low temperatures of tempering EASTERN-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGIES : Applied Physics ISSN 1729-3774, (2017), Volume: 87 Issue: 3/5 Pages: 31-36 DOI:

5. M. Isupov, V. Pinaev, D. Mul, N. Belousova Plasma-Assisted Nitriding in Low-Frequency Inductively Coupled Plasma Enhanced with Ferromagnetic Cores De Gruyter High Temp. Mater. Proc. 2018; 37(6): 545–550


[1] Gluszek, Malgorzata; Kubis, Michal; Zurowski, Radoslaw; et al. Enhancement of thermo-rheological properties of smart materials based on SiO2 and PPG modificated with expanded graphite INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY, (2018), Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Pages: 538-545 DOI:

3.- Engineered TiO2 and SiO2-TiO2 films on silica-coated glass for increased thin film durability under abrasive conditions By: Elena Ramirez-Garcia, Rosa; Alfonso Perez-Garcia, Sergio Alfonso; Alberto Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Jesus; et al. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Pages: 39-49 JAN-FEB 2017

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6. Gluszek, Malgorzata; Kubis, Michal; Zurowski, Radoslaw; et al. Enhancement of thermo-rheological properties of smart materials based on SiO2 and PPG modificated with expanded graphite INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY, (2018), Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Pages: 538-545 DOI:

7. B. M. Pratima, , K.Valleti, A. Subrahmanyam Optical and mechanical properties of Sol-gel prepared Titania (TiO2)-Silica (SiO2) mixed thin films 'as prepared at 300 K' without any post heat treatment MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS (2019) Volume: 6, Issue: 2, Article Number: 026407 DOI:

4.- Synthesis of Zn-doped TiO2 nanoparticles by the novel oil-in-water (O/W) microemulsion method and their use for the photocatalytic degradation of phenol By: Sanchez-Dominguez, Margarita; Morales-Mendoza, Getsemani; Rodriguez-Vargas, Maria J.; et al. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 3037-3047 Part: B Published: DEC 2015 DOI: CITAS A

8. Nasseri, Simin; Borna, Mohammad Omidvar; Esrafili, Ali; et al. Photocatalytic degradation of malathion using Zn2+-doped TiO2 nanoparticles: statistical analysis and optimization of operating parameters APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING (2018) Volume: 124 Issue: 2 Article Number: 175 Published: DOI:

9. Rao, A.; Pundir, V. S.; Tiwari, A.; et al. Investigating the effect of dopant type and concentration on TiO2

powder microstructure via rietveld analysis JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS (2018) Volume: 113 Pages: 164-176 DOI:

10. Fanun, Monzer Book: Particle Size Chapter: SUGAR ESTERS MICROEMULSIONS (2017) Pages: 271-

291 DOI:

11. Ma, Xiaoyu; Chen, Yaying; Qian, Jiangchao; et al. Controllable synthesis of spherical hydroxyapatite

nanoparticles using inverse microemulsion method MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS (2016) Volume: 183 Pages: 220-229 DOI:

12. Aware, Dinkar V.; Jadhav, Shridhar S. Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic applications of

Zn-doped TiO2 nanoparticles by sol-gel method APPLIED NANOSCIENCE (2016) Volume: 6 Issue: 7 Pages: 965-972 DOI:

13. Mahy, Julien G.; Lambert, Stephanie D.; Leonard, Geraldine L. -M.; et al Towards a large scale aqueous

sol-gel synthesis of doped TiO2: Study of various metallic dopings for the photocatalytic degradation of p-nitrophenol JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY (2016) Volume: 329 Pages: 189-202 DOI:

14. Léa Elias Mendes Carneiro Zaida, Renata Vitória de Lima Sales, Júlia Barbosa de Almeida Salgado, Ana

Maria Ribeiro Bastos da Silva, Daniella Carla Napoleão, Joan Manuel Rodríguez-Díaz, Olga Martins Marques, Mohand Benachour, Valdinete Lins da Silva Photodegradation applied to the treatment of phenol and derived substances catalyzed by TiO2/BiPO4 and biological toxicity analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, (2017) , 7 (24) pp. 6002-6012 DOI:


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[2] Boutonnet, Magali; Sanchez-Dominguez, Margarita Microemulsion droplets to catalytically active

nanoparticles. How the application of colloidal tools in catalysis aims to well designed and efficient catalysts CATALYSIS TODAY (2017) Volume: 285 Pages: 89-103, DOI:

[3] Adrian Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Arturo; Martinez-Montemayor, Sagrario; Cutberto Leyva-Porras, Cesar; et al.

CoFe2O4-TiO2 Hybrid Nanomaterials: Synthesis Approaches Based on the Oil-in-Water Microemulsion Reaction Method JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS (2017) Article Number: 2367856 DOI:

5.- Selective band gap manipulation of graphene oxide by its reduction with mild reagents By: Velasco-Soto, M. A.; Perez-Garcia, S. A.; Alvarez-Quintana, J.; Licea-Jimenez, L. CARBON Volume: 93 Pages: 967-973 Published: NOV 2015 DOI: CITAS A

15. A. H. Abdullah, Z. Ismail, A. S. Zainal Abidin, K. Yusoh Green sonochemical synthesis of few-layer graphene in instant coffee Materials Chemistry and Physics (2019) Volume: 222 Pages: 11-19 DOI:

16. C. Aydin Synthesis of SnO2:rGO nanocomposites by the microwave-assisted hydrothermal method

and change of the morphology, structural, optical and electrical properties Journal Of Alloys And Compounds (2019) Volume: 771 Pages: 964-972 DOI:

17. Q.A.Drmosh, Z.H.Yamani, A.H.Hendi, M.A.Gondal, R.A.Moqbel, T.A.Saleh, M.Y.Khan A novel approach to

fabricating a ternary rGO/ZnO/Pt system for high-performance hydrogen sensor at low operating temperatures Applied Surface Science (2019) Volume: 464 Pages: 616-626 DOI:

18. Z. Wan, S. Wang, B. Haylock, J. Kaur, P. Tanner, D. Thiel, R. Sang, I. S. Cole, X. Li, M. Lobino, Q. Li Tuning

the sub-processes in laser reduction of graphene oxide by adjusting the power and scanning speed of laser Carbon (2019) Volume: 141 Pages: 83-91 DOI:

19. G. Lee, D. W. Jung, W. Lee, S. Nah, S. Ji, J. Y. Hwang, S. S. Lee, S. Park, S. S. Chae, J. O Lee Solution-

processable method for producing high-quality reduced graphene oxide displaying 'self-catalytic healing Carbon (2019) Volume: 141 Pages: 774-781 DOI:

20. H. Ahmad, T. M.K. Tamil, Enhancement of broadband ultraviolet visible photodetection by boron nitride nanoparticles in bulk graphene oxide layer Optical Materials (2018) Volume: 86, Pages: 18-23 DOI:

21. B. Borah, G. Rajitha, R. K.Dash, Correlation between the thickness and properties of the ethanol treated

GO-PDMS based composite materials Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Electronics (2018) Volume: 29, Issue: 23 Pages: 20216-20224 DOI:

22. M. A. Perez-Guzman, R. Ortega-Amaya, Y. Matsumoto, A.M. Espinoza-Rivas, J. Morales-Corona, J.

Santoyo-Salazar, M. Ortega-López, Growth and Self-Assembly of Silicon-Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles into Hybrid Worm-Like Nanostructures at the Silicon Wafer Surface Nanomaterials (2018) Volume: 8, Issue: 11, Article Number: 954 DOI: 10.3390/nano8110954

23. S. Y, Gu, C.T. Hsieh,T. W. Lin, J. K. Chang, J. Li, Y. A. Andomi Tuning oxidation level, electrical conductance and band gap structure on graphene sheets by a cyclic atomic layer reduction technique Carbon (2018) Volume: 137, Pages: 234-241 DOI:

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24. H. Aguilar-Bolados, A. Contreras-Cid, M. Yazdani-Pedram, Synthesis of fluorinated graphene oxide by

using an easy one-pot deoxyfluorination reaction Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science (2018) Volume: 524 Pages: 219-226 DOI:

25. K. K. H.De Silva, H. H. Huang, M. Yoshimura, Progress of reduction of graphene oxide by ascorbic acid

Applied Surface Science (2018) Volume: 447 Issue 31 Pages: 338-346 DOI:

26. S. Azizighannad & S. Mitra Stepwise Reduction of Graphene Oxide (GO) and Its Effects on Chemical

and Colloidal Properties SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (2018) Volume: 8, Article Number: 10083 DOI:

27. O. Gullu, M. Cankaya, Morphological, Structural and Optical Characteristics of Graphene Oxide Layers

and Metal/Interlayer/Semiconductor Photovoltaic Diode Application Journal Of Ovonic Research (2018) Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Pages: 129-144

28. N. Shehzad, K. Johari, T. Murugesan, and M. Tahir Graphene Oxide as An Efficient Photocatalyst For

Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 Into Solar Fuel INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (2018) Volume: 15, Issue: 1, Pages: 4909-4918 DOI:

29. Kaur, A., Kaur, J., & Singh, R. C. Tailor made exfoliated reduced graphene oxide nanosheets based on

oxidative-exfoliation approach. FULLERENES, NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES, (2018) 26(1), 1-11 DOI:

30. M. F. Zainuddin, N. N. H. Raikhan, N. H. Othman, Synthesis of reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) using different treatments of Graphene Oxide (GO) Conference: 3rd International Conference on Global Sustainability and Chemical Engineering (ICGSCE) Location: Putrajaya, MALAYSIA Date: FEB 15-16, 2017 Sponsor(s): Univ Teknologi MARA, Fac Chem Engn 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (ICGSCE) Book Series: IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering (2018) Volume: 358 Article Number: UNSP 012046

31. Chiu, N. F., Yang, C. D., Chen, C. C., & Kuo, C. T. Stepwise control of reduction of graphene oxide and quantitative real-time evaluation of residual oxygen content using EC-SPR for a label-free electrochemical immunosensor. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B: CHEMICAL, (2018) 258, Pp.981-990. DOI:

32. Abdolhosseinzadeh, S., Sadighikia, S., Gursel, SA. Scalable Synthesis of Sub-Nanosized Platinum-

Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite by an Ultraprecise Photocatalytic Method ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, (2018) 6, pp. 3773-3782. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b04148

33. Evingur, GA., Pekcan, O. Optical energy band gap of PAAm-GO composites COMPOSITE

STRUCTURES, (2018) 183, pp. 212-215. DOI:

34. Sukumaran, S. S., Jinesh, K. B., & Gopchandran, K. G. Liquid phase exfoliated graphene for electronic

applications. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, (2017). 4 (9), pp.095017. DOI:

35. Queralto, A., del Pino, AP., Logofatu, C., Datcu, A., Amade, R., Alshaikh, I., Bertran, E., Urzica, I., Gyrogy,

E. MAPLE Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/silver nanocomposite electrodes: Influence of target composition and gas ambience JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, (2017) 76, pp. 1003-1013. DOI:

36. Ahmad, H., Thandavan, TMK. Characterization of graphene oxide/silicon dioxide/p-type silicon

heterojunction photodetector towards infrared 974 nm illumination OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, (2017) 49, Article Number 395. DOI:

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37. Chamoli, P., Das, MK., Kar, KK. Structural, optical, and electrical characteristics of graphene

nanosheets synthesized from microwave-assisted exfoliated graphite JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, (2017) 122, Article Number 185105. DOI:

38. Shaban, M., Rabia, M., Abd El-Sayed, AM., Ahemd, A., Sayed, S. Photocatalytic properties of

PbS/graphene oxide/polyaniline electrode for hydrogen generation SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, (2017) 7, Article Number 14100. DOI:

39. Luo, HN., Auchterlonie, G., Zou, J. A thermodynamic structural model of graphene oxide JOURNAL OF

APPLIED PHYSICS, (2017) 122, Article Number 145101. DOI:

40. Aguilar-Bolados, H., Vargas-Astudillo, D., Yazdani-Pedram, M., Acosta-Villavicencio, G., Fuentealba, P.,

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41. Luo, Haining. A theoretical study of graphene oxide chemical structure MPHIL THESIS, SCHOOL OF


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14.- Glass transition study in model food systems prepared with mixtures of fructose, glucose and sucrose Author(s): M. Z. Saavedra-Leos, A. Grajales-Lagunes, R. González-García, A. Toxqui-Teran, S. A. Pérez-García, M. Abud-Archila, M. A. Ruiz-Cabrera Source: JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE Volume: 77 Issue: 5 Pages: E118 Published: MAY 2012 CITAS A

113. S. L. Gawali, M. Zhang, S. Kumar, V. K. Aswal, D. Danino, P. A. Hassan Dynamically arrested micelles in a supercooled sugar urea melt COMMUNICATIONS CHEMISTRY (2018) Volume: 1, Article Number: 33 DOI:

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180. Hasanzadeh-Aghdam, MK., Anari, R., Mahmoodi, MJ. Thermal expanding behavior of carbon nanotube-reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites-A micromechanical modeling. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, (2018) 744, pp. 637-650. DOI:

181. Hasanzadeh-Aghdam, MK., Anari, R., Mahmoodi, MJ. Micromechanical estimation of biaxial thermomechanical responses of hybrid fiber-reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites containing carbon nanotubes MECHANICS OF MATERIALS, (2018) 119, pp. 1-15. DOI:

182. Chen, ML., Fan, GL., Tan, ZQ., Xiong, DB., Guo, Q., Su, YS., Zhang, J., Li, ZQ., Naito, M., Zhang, D. Design of an efficient flake powder metallurgy route to fabricate CNT/6061Al composites MATERIALS & DESIGN, (2018)142, pp- 288-296. DOI:

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183. Shin, SE., Bae, DH. Fatigue behavior of Al2024 alloy-matrix nanocomposites reinforced with multi-

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184. Saboori, A., Pavese, M., Badini, C., Fino, P. A Novel Approach to Enhance the Mechanical Strength and Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Cu-GNP Nanocomposites METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A - PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, (2018) 49A, pp. 333-345. DOI:

185. Liang, J., Li, H., Qi, L., Tian, WL., Li, XF., Chao, XJ., Wei, JF. Fabrication and mechanical properties of CNTs/Mg composites prepared by combining friction stir processing and ultrasonic assisted extrusion JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, (2017) 728, pp. 282-288. DOI:

186. Han, GQ., Du, WB., Ye, XX., Liu, K., Du, X., Wang, ZH., Li, SB. Compelling mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes reinforced pure magnesium composite by effective interface bonding of Mg2Ni JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, (2017) 727, pp. 963-969. DOI:

187. Rikhtegar, F.; Shabestari, S. G.; Saghafian, H. Microstructural evaluation and mechanical properties of Al-CNT nanocomposites produced by different processing methods JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, (2017) 723, pp. 633-641. DOI:

188. Azarniya, A., Safavi, MS., Sovizi, S., Azarniya, A., Chen, B., Hosseini, HRM., Ramakrishna, S. Metallurgical Challenges in Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Metal Matrix Nanocomposites METALS, (2017) 7, Article Number: 384. DOI:

189. Azarniya, A., Azarniya, A., Sovizi, S., Hosseini, HRM., Varol, T., Kawasaki, A., Ramakrishna, S. Physicomechanical properties of spark plasma sintered carbon nanotube-reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE, (2017) 90, pp. 276-324. DOI:

190. Roh, A., Um, HY., Kim, D., Nam, S., Kim, HS., Choi, H. Influence of high-pressure torsion and hot rolling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum-fullerene composites JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, (2017) 52, pp. 11988-12000. DOI:

191. Pillari, LK., Shukla, AK., Murty, SVSN., Umasankar, V. Processing and Characterization of Graphene and Multi-wall Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Aluminium Alloy AA2219 Composites Processed by Ball Milling and Vacuum Hot Pressing METALLOGRAPHY MICROSTRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS, (2017) 6, pp. 289-303. DOI:

192. Salama, EI., Abbas, A., Esawi, AMK. Preparation and properties of dual-matrix carbon nanotube-reinforced aluminum composites COMPOSITES PART A - APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, (2017) 99, pp. 84-93. DOI:

193. Hassanzadeh-Aghdam, MK., Mahmoodi, MJ. A comprehensive analysis of mechanical characteristics of carbon nanotube-metal matrix nanocomposites MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A -STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, (2017) 701, pp. 34-44. DOI:

194. Li, SS., Su, YS., Jin, HL., Huang, Y., Ouyang, QB., Zhang, D. Effects of carbon nanotube content on morphology of SiCp(CNT) hybrid reinforcement and tensile mechanical properties of SiCp(CNT)/Al composites JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, (2017) 32, pp. 1239-1247. DOI:

195. Chen, B., Shen, J., Ye, X., Imai, H., Umeda, J., Takahashi, M., Kondoh, K. Solid-state interfacial reaction and load transfer efficiency in carbon nanotubes (CNTs)-reinforced aluminum matrix composites CARBON, (2017) 114, pp. 198-208. DOI:

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196. Ogawa, F., Masuda, C. Interface Observation of Aluminum-Coated Carbon Nanofibers Prepared by

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197. Shirvanimoghaddam, K., Hamim, SU., Akbari, MK., Fakhrhoseini, SM., Khayyam, H., Pakseresht, AH., Ghasali, E., Zabet, M., Munir, KS., Jia, SA., Davim, JP., Naebe, M. Carbon fiber reinforced metal matrix composites: Fabrication processes and properties. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, (2017) 92, pp. 70-96. DOI:

198. Saboori, A., Moheimani, SK., Pavese, M., Badini, C., Fino, P. New Nanocomposite Materials with Improved Mechanical Strength and Tailored Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Electro-Packaging Applications. METALS, (2017) 7, Article Number 536. DOI:

199. Rikhtegar, F., Shabestari, S. G., Saghafian, H. Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Al2024 Matrix

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200. Joo, M. R., Choi, H. J., Shin, S. E., et al. Effect of wrapped Zn plate on the densification of Al-MWCNTs composites produced by cold pressing and liquid phase sintering. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, (2016) 674, pp. 91-97. DOI:

201. Liu, WQ., Cao, CZ, Xu, JQ., Wang, XJ., Li, XC. Molten salt assited solidification nanoprocessing of Al-TiC nanocmposites. MATERIALS LETTERS, (2016) 185, pp. 392-395. DOI:

202. So, KP., Liu, XH., Mori, H., Kushima, A., Park, JG., Kim, HS., Ogata, S., Lee, YH., Li, J. Ton-scale metal-carbon nanotube composite: The mechanism of strengthening while retaining tensile ductility. EXTREME MECHANICS LETTERS, (2016) 8, pp. 245-250. DOI:

203. Zhu X., Zhao Y.G., Wu M., Wang H.Y., Jiang Q.C., Fabrication of 2014 aluminum matrix composites reinforced with untreated and carboxyl-functionalized carbon nanotubes. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, (2016) 674, pp. 145-152. DOI:

204. Jeyasimman, D.; Narayanasamy, R. Effect of coarse grain content on microstructure, cold workability and strain hardening behavior of trimodaled AA 6061 nanocomposites reinforced with multi-walled carbon nanotubes. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, (2016) 27, pp. 1845-1851. DOI:

205. Ilyas I., Tunc T.M., Dry sliding wear behavior of aluminum graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) composites. MATERIALS TESTING, (2016) 58, pp. 640-643. DOI:

206. Yang, Xudong., Zou, Tianchun., Shi, Chunsheng., Luy, EZ., Hem CN., Zhao, NQ. Effect of carbon nanotube (CNT) content on the properties of in-situ synthesis CNT reinforced Al composites MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A - STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, (2016) 660, pp.11-18. DOI:

207. Carvalho, O., Buciumeanu, M., Madeira, S., Soares, D., Silva, FS., Miranda, G. Mechanisms governing the mechanical behavior of an AlSi-CNTs-SiCp hybrid composite COMPOSITES PART B - ENGINEERING, (2016) 90, pp. 443-449. DOI:

208. Zhang, H., Xu, C., Xiao, W., Ameyama, K., Ma, CL. Enhanced mechanical properties of Al5083 alloy with graphene nanoplates prepared by ball milling and hot extrusion (2017) MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A- STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 658, pp. 8-15. DOI:

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209. Ostovan, F., Matori, KA., Toozandehjani, M., Oskoueaian, A., Yusoff, HM., Yunus, R., Ariff, AHM. Nanomechanical Behavior of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Nanocomposites Prepared by Ball Milling (2016) Materials, 9, Article Number 140. DOI:

210. Wang, Lin-zhi, Liu, Ying, Wei, Wen-hou, Xu-guan, An, Zhang, Taho, Ya-yun, Pu. Preparation of CNT/AlSi10Mg composite powders by high-energy ball milling and their physical properties INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERALS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, (2016) 23, pp. 330-338. DOI:

211. Rashad, M., Pan, F., Lin, D., Asif, M. High temperature mechanical behavior of AZ61 magnesium alloy reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets MATERIALS & DESIGN, (2016) 89, pp. 1242-1250. DOI:

212. Chen, B., Kondoh, K., Imai, H., Umeda, J. Effect of initial state on dispersion evolution of carbon nanotubes in aluminium matrix composites during a high-energy ball milling process POWDER METALLURGY, (2016) 59, pp. 216-222. DOI:

213. Carvalho, O., Cuciumeanu, M., Miranda, G., Costa, N., Soares, D., Silva, FS. Mechanisms governing the tensile, fatigue, and wear behavior of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum alloy MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, (2016) 23, pp. 917-925. DOI:

214. Zhou, X., Song, S., Li, L., Zhang, RJ. Molecular dynamics simulation for mechanical properties of magnesium matrix composites reinforced with nickel-coated single-walled carbon nanotubes JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, (2016) 50, pp. 191-200. DOI:

215. Housaer, F., Beclin, F., Touzin, M., Tingaud, D., Legris, A., Addad, A. Interfacial characterization in carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composites MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, (2015) 110, pp. 94-101. DOI:

216. Munir, KS., Qian, M., Li, YC., Oldfield, DT., Kingshott, P., Zhu, DM., Wen, C. Quantitative Analyses of MWCNT-Ti Powder Mixtures using Raman Spectroscopy: The Influence of Milling Parameters on Nanostructural Evolution ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, (2015) 17, pp. 1660-1669. DOI:

217. Zhang, SF., Che, GQ., Pei, RS., Wang, YP., Li, DG., Wang, PP. Wu, GH. Effect of Y content on interfacial microstructures and mechanical properties of C-f/Mg composite MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, (2015) 647, pp. 105-112. DOI:

218. Carvalho, O., Buciumeanu, M., Madeira, S., Soares, D., Silva, FS., Miranda, G. Dry sliding wear behaviour of AlSi-CNTs-SiCp hybrid composites (2015) TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 90, pp. 148-156. DOI:

219. Ostovan, F., Matori, KA., Toozandehjani, M., Oskoueaian, A., Yussof, HM., Yunus, R., Ariff, AHM., Quan, HJ., Lim, WF. Effects of CNTs content and milling time on mechanical behavior of MWCNT-reinforced aluminum nanocomposites MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSISCS, (2015) 166, pp. 160-166. DOI:

220. Rikhtegar, F., Shbestari, SG., Saghafian, H. The homogenizing of carbon nanotube dispersion in aluminium matrix nanocomposite using flake powder metallurgy and ball milling methods POWDER TECHNOLOGY, (2015) 280, pp. 26-34. DOI:

221. Jeyasimman, D., Narayanasamy, R., Polalagusamy, R. Role of hybrid reinforcement on microstructural observation, characterization and consolidation behavior of AA 6061 nanocomposite ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, (2015) 26, pp. 1171-1182. DOI:

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222. Nosbi, N. Akril, HM. Controlling the number of walls in multi walled carbon nanotubes/alumina hybrid compound via ball milling of precipitate catalyst APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, (2015) 340, 78-88. DOI:

223. Carvalho, O., Buciumeanu, M., Soares, D., Silva, FS., Miranda, G. Evaluation of CNT Dispersion Methodology Effect on Mechanical Properties of an AlSi Composite JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, (2015) 24, pp.2535-2545. DOI:

224. Chen, BA., Li, SF., Imai, H., Jian, L., Umeda, J. Takashahi, M. Kondoh, K. An approach for homogeneous carbon nanotube dispersion in Al matrix composites MATERIALS & DESIGN, (2015) 72, pp. 1-8. DOI:

225. Meng, X., Liu, T., Shi, CS., Liu, EZ., He, CN., Zhao, NQ. Synergistic effect of CNTs reinforcement and precipitation hardening in in-situ CNTs/Al-Cu composites MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, (2015) 633, pp. 103-111. DOI:

226. Rashad, M., Pan, FS., Tang, AT., Asif, M., Hussain, S., Gou, J., Mao, JJ. Improved strength and ductility

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227. Han, GQ., Wang, ZH., Liu, R., Li, SB., Du, X., Du, WB. Synthesis of CNT-reinforced AZ31 magnesium alloy composites with uniformly distributed CNTs MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, (2015) 628, pp. 350-357. DOI:

228. Liu, HL., Chai, YC., Huang, CZ., Liu, HH., Wang, J. Effect of boron nitride nanotubes content on mechanical properties and microstructure of Ti (C,N)-based cermets CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, (2015) 41, pp. 2813-2818. DOI:

229. Rashad, M., Pan, FS., Tang, AT., Asif, M., She, J., Gou, J., Mao, JJ., Hu, HH. Development of magnesium-graphene nanoplatelets composite. JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, (2015) 49, pp. 285-293. DOI:

230. Ogawa, F., Masuda, C. Fabrication of carbon nanofiber-reinforced aluminum matrix composites assisted by aluminum coating formed on nanofiber surface by in situ chemical vapor deposition MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, (2015) 2, Pp. 015601. DOI:

231. Carvalho, O., Buciumeanu, M., Soares, D., Gomes, J., Silva, FS. Improvement on Sliding Wear Behavior of Al/Cast Iron Tribopair by CNT's Reinforcement of an Al Alloy TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS, (2015) 58, pp. 643-653. DOI:

232. Khorasani, S., Heshmati-Manesh, S., Abdizadeh, H. Improvement of mechanical properties in aluminum/CNTs nanocomposites by addition of mechanically activated graphite COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, (2015) 68, pp. 177-183. DOI:

233. Basariya, MR., Srivastava, VC., Mukhopadahyay, NK. Microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum alloy composites produced by ball milling MATERIALS & DESIGN, (2014) 64, pp. 542-549. DOI:

234. Ramasamy, N., Thangasamy, S., Ramalingam, RJ. MWCNT/Alumina Nanocomposite Characterization and Toughening Mechanism of Uniform Dispersion SYNTHESIS AND REACTIVITIY IN INORGANIC METAL-ORGANIN AND NANO-METAL CHEMISTRY, (2014) 44, pp. 1050-1053. DOI:

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235. Chen, B., Jia, L., Li, SF., Imai, H., Takahashi, M., Kondo, K. In Situ Synthesized Al4C3 Nanorods with Excellent Strengthening Effect in Aluminum Matrix Composites ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, (2014) 16, pp. 972-975. DOI:

236. Choi, K., Seo, J., Bae, D., Choi, H. Mechanical properties of aluminum-based nanocomposite reinforced with fullerenes TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA, (2014) 24, pp. S47-S52. DOI:

237. Shin, SE., Choi, HJ., Bae, DH. Micro-alloying assisted consolidation of aluminum/carbon nanotubes powder MATERIALS SCEINCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, (2014) 599, pp. 46-50. DOI:

238. Boesl, B., Lahiri, D., Behdad, S., Agarwal, A. Direct observation of carbon nanotube induced strengthening in aluminum composite via in situ tensile tests CARBON, (2014) 69, pp. 79-85. DOI:

239. Chandran, P., Sirimuvva, T., Nayan, N., Shukla, Ak., Murty, SVSN, Pramod, SL., Sharma, SC., Bakshi, SR. Effect of Carbon Nanotube Dispersion on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Silicon Alloy Matrix Composites JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, (2014) 23, pp. 1028-1037. DOI:

240. Bradbury, C.R., Gomon, J.-K., Kollo, L., Kwon, H., Leparoux, M. Hardness of Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes reinforced aluminium matrix composites JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, (2014) 585, pp. 362-367. DOI:

241. Fattahi, M., Nabhani, N., Rashidkhani, E., Fattahi, Y., Akhavan, S., Arabian, N. A new technique for the strengthening of aluminum tungsten inert gas weld metals: Using carbon nanotube/aluminum composite as a filler metal MICRON, (2013) 54-55, pp. 28-35. DOI:

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243. Yue, G., Cai, X.-L., Wang, K.-J., Sun, H.-P., Chen, Y.-G. Interface reaction of CNTs/Al composites fabricated by high energy ball milling (2013) ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH, 750-752, pp. 90-94. DOI:

244. Tjong, S.C. Recent progress in the development and properties of novel metal matrix nanocomposites reinforced with carbon nanotubes and graphene nanosheets MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING R: REPORTS, (2013) 74 (10), pp. 281-350. DOI:

245. Zhu, S.-E., Li, F., Wang, G.-W. Mechanochemistry of fullerenes and related materials CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS, (2013) 42 (18), pp. 7535-7570. DOI:

246. Shin, S.E., Bae, D.H. Strengthening behavior of chopped multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composites MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, (2013) 83, pp. 170-177. DOI:

247. Yang, X., Liu, E., Shi, C., He, C., Li, J., Zhao, N., Kondoh, K. Fabrication of carbon nanotube reinforced Al composites with well-balanced strength and ductility JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, (2013) 563, pp. 216-220. DOI:

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249. Mobasherpour, I., Tofigh, A.A., Ebrahimi, M. Effect of nano-size Al2O3 reinforcement on the mechanical behavior of synthesis 7075 aluminum alloy composites by mechanical alloying (2013) MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 138 (2-3), pp. 535-541. DOI:

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251. Yoo, S.J., Han, S.H., Kim, W.J. Strength and strain hardening of aluminum matrix composites with randomly dispersed nanometer-length fragmented carbon nanotubes SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, (2013) 68 (9), pp. 711-714. DOI:

252. Patel, R.B., Liu, J., Scicolone, J.V., Roy, S., Mitra, S., Dave, R.N., Iqbal, Z. Formation of stainless steel-carbon nanotube composites using a scalable chemical vapor infiltration process JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, (2013) 48 (3), pp. 1387-1395. DOI:

253. Ram, H.R.A., Koppad, P.G., Kashyap, K.T. Nanoindentation studies on MWCNT/aluminum alloy 6061 nanocomposites MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A, (2013) 559, pp. 920-923. DOI.

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255. Lahiri, D., Singh, V., Li, L.H., Xing, T., Seal, S., Chen, Y., Agarwal, A. Insight into reactions and interface between boron nitride nanotube and aluminum JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, (2012) 27 (21), pp. 2760-2770. DOI:

256. Majid, M., Majzoobi, G.H., Noozad, G.A., Reihani, A., Mortazavi, S.Z., Gorji, M.S. Fabrication and mechanical properties of MWCNTs-reinforced aluminum composites by hot extrusión RARE METALS, (2012) 31 (4), pp. 372-378. DOI:

257. Choi, H.J., Shin, J.H., Bae, D.H. The effect of milling conditions on microstructures and mechanical properties of Al/MWCNT composites COMPOSITES PART A: APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, (2012) 43 (7), pp. 1061-1072. DOI:

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260. Robles Hernández, F.C., Calderon, H.A. Nanostructured Al/Al 4C 3 composites reinforced with graphite or fullerene and manufactured by mechanical milling and spark plasma sintering MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, (2012) 132 (2-3), pp. 815-822. DOI:

261. Luo, X.-T., Yang, G.-J., Li, C.-J. Preparation of cBNp/NiCrAl nanostructured composite powders by a step-fashion mechanical alloying process POWDER TECHNOLOGY, (2012) 217, pp. 591-598. DOI:

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263. Singhal, S.K., Pasricha, R., Teotia, S., Kumar, G., Mathur, R.B. Fabrication and characterization of Al-matrix composites reinforced with amino-functionalized carbon nanotubes (2011) COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 72 (1), pp. 103-111. DOI:

264. Yang, X.D., Zhao, N.Q., Shi, C.S., Liu, E.Z., He, C.N., Li, J.J. Synthesis of carbon nanotube reinforcement in aluminum powder by in situ chemical vapor deposition (2011) ICCM 18th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 4 p.

265. Singhal, S.K., Srivastava, A.K., Pasricha, R., Mathur, R.B. Fabrication of al-matrix composites reinforced with amino functionalized boron nitride nanotubes (2011) JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 11 (6), pp. 5179-5186. DOI:

266. Hendrik, Han, K.H. Consolidation of mechanically milled Al-MWCNT nano-composite by the conventional powder metallurgy processing (2011) ICCM 18th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 6 p.

267. Nie, J.-H., Jia, C.-C., Shi, N., Zhang, Y.-F., Li, Y., Jia, X. Aluminum matrix composites reinforced by molybdenum-coated carbon nanotubes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERALS, METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, (2011) 18 (6), pp. 695-702. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-011-0499-5

268. Kurita, H., Kwon, H., Estili, M., Kawasaki, A. Multi-walled carbon nanotube-aluminum matrix composites prepared by combination of hetero-agglomeration method, spark plasma sintering and hot extrusion MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, (2011) 52 (10), pp. 1960-1965. DOI:

269. Yang, X., Shi, C., He, C., Liu, E., Li, J., Zhao, N. Synthesis of uniformly dispersed carbon nanotube reinforcement in Al powder for preparing reinforced Al composites COMPOSITES PART A: APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, (2011) 42 (11), pp. 1833-1839. DOI:

270. Nie, J., Jia, C., Jia, X., Zhang, Y., Shi, N., Li, Y. Fabrication, microstructures, and properties of copper matrix composites reinforced by molybdenum-coated carbon nanotubes RARE METALS, (2011) 30 (4), pp. 401-407. DOI:

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457. Joshi, A.S., Dincer, I., Reddy, B.V. Performance analysis of photovoltaic systems: A review (2009) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13 (8), pp. 1884-1897. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2008.05.001

458. Dubey, S., Solanki, S.C., Tiwari, A. Energy and exergy analysis of PV/T air collectors connected in series (2009) Energy and Buildings, 41 (8), pp. 863-870. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2009.03.010

459. Chow, T.T., Pei, G., Fong, K.F., Lin, Z., Chan, A.L.S., Ji, J. Energy and exergy analysis of photovoltaic-thermal collector with and without glass cover (2009) Applied Energy, 86 (3), pp. 310-316. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2008.04.016

460. Joshi, A.S., Tiwari, A., Tiwari, G.N., Dincer, I., Reddy, B.V. Performance evaluation of a hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) (glass-to-glass) system (2009) International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 48 (1), pp. 154-164. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2008.05.001

461. Raman, V., Tiwari, G.N. A comparison study of energy and exergy performance of a hybrid photovoltaic double-pass and single-pass air collector (2009) International Journal Energy Research, 33 (6), pp. 605-617. DOI: 10.1002/er.1494

462. Liu, P., Guan, X., Cai, K., Mu, Z.J., Tong, T. Study on Photovoltaic Solar Cell Cooling System (2009) Progress in Enviromental Science and Technology, Vol. II, Pts A & B, pp. 166-170

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463. Raman, V., Tiwari, G.N., Pandey, H.D. Life cycle cost analysis of a hybrid photovoltaic-thermal water and air collector: A comparison study based on energy and exergy (2008) International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies, 3 (3), pp. 173-190. DOI: 10.1093/ijlct/3.3.173

464. Pei, G., Zhou, T., Ji, J., He, W. Performance contrastive analysis of PV/T system with and without glaze conditions (2008) Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 29 (11), pp. 1370-1374.

465. Dubey, S., Tiwari, G.N. Thermal modeling of a combined system of photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) solar water heater (2008) Solar Energy, 82 (7), pp. 602-612. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2008.02.005

466. Raman, V., Tiwari, G.N. Life cycle cost analysis of HPVT air collector under different Indian climatic conditions (2008) Energy Policy, 36 (2), pp. 603-611. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2007.08.031

467. Joshi, A.S., Tiwari, A. Energy and exergy efficiencies of a hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) air collector (2007) Renewable Energy, 32 (13), pp. 2223-2241. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2006.11.013

468. Ji, J., Lu, J.-P., Chow, T.-T., He, W., Pei, G. A sensitivity study of a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal water-heating system with natural circulation (2007) Applied Energy, 84 (2), pp. 222-237. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2006.04.009

469. Tiwari, A., Sodha, M.S. Parametric study of various configurations of hybrid PV/thermal air collector: Experimental validation of theoretical model (2007) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 91 (1), pp. 17-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2006.06.061

470. Aroutiounian, V.M., Martirosyam, K.S., Hovhannisyan, A.S., Soukiassian, P.G. Double- And triple-layer antireflection coatings for silicon solar cells based on porous silicon (2006) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6327, Article Number 63270T. DOI: 10.1117/12.679923

471. Ji, J., Lu, J., He, W., Zhou, T., Pei, G. Experimental investigation on a novel solar photovoltaic/thermal system with flat aluminous box as collector (2006) Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 27 (8), pp. 765-773.

472. Naveed, A.T., Kang, E.C., Lee, E.J. Effect of unglazed transpired collector on the performance of a polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic module (2006) Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 128 (3), pp. 349-353. DOI: 10.1115/1.2212438

473. Lu, Z., Yao, Q. Flat-plate solar energy photovoltaic/thermal combined panel (2006) Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 27 (6), pp. 545-553.

474. Tiwari, A., Sodha, M.S., Chandra, A., Joshi, J.C. Performance evaluation of photovoltaic thermal solar air collector for composite climate of India (2006) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90 (2), pp. 175-189. DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2005.03.002

Citas B

[39] Chavez-Urbiola, EA., Vorobiev, YV., Bulat, LP. Solar hybrid systems with thermoelectric generators (2012) Solar Energy, 86, pp. 369-378. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2011.10.020

[40] Robles-Ocampo, B., Ruis-Vasquez, E., Canseco-Sanches, H., Cornejo-Meza, RC., Trapaga-Martínez, G., García-Rodríguez, FJ., González-Hernández, J., Vorobiev, YV. Photovoltaic/thermal solar hybrid system with bifacial PV module and transparent plane collector (2007) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 91, pp. 1966-1971.DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2007.08.005

[41] Zakharchenko, RV., Díaz-Flores, LL., Pérez-Robles, JF., González-Hernández, J., Vorobiev, YV. Nanostructured porous sol-gel materials for applications in solar cells engineering (2005) Physica Status Solidi C - Conferences and Critical Reviews, 2, pp. 3308-3313. DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200461151

27.- Preparation and Characterization of sol-gel Silica Based Neutral Optical Density Coatings by the Addition of Graphite Particles Author(s): J.L. Almaral-Sanchez, J. Alvarez-Quintana, C. Araujo-Andrade, J.A. Calderon-Guillen, H. Carrillo-Esquivel, E.A. Elizalde-Pena, N. Flores-Ramirez, F.A. Garcia-Pastor, O. Gomez-Guzman, L. Licea-Jimenez, D. Meneses-Rodrıguez, A.E. Pena-Hernandez, S.A. Perez-Garcia, J.C.Rubio-Avalos, A. Salazar-Flores, M. Talavera-Ortega, G. Vazquez-Garcia, L.D. Vazquez-Santoyo, J. Gonzalez-Hernandez Source: THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 423 Pages: 196-200 Published: OCT 2002 CITAS A

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475. Zhu, YL Comparison of tribological properties for graphite coatings used for remanufacturing (2005)

Journal of Central South University of Vechnology 12 (2) P.p. 41-44

Citas B

[42] Calderón-Guillén, J.A., Avilés-Arellano, L.M., Pérez-Robles, J.F., González-Hernández, J., Ramos-Ramírez, E. Dense silica-based coatings prepared from colloidal silica (2005) Surface and Coatings Technology, 190 (1), Pp. 110-114. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2004.04.068

[43] Angelito-Baños, J., Avilés-Arellano, L.M.R., Barreiro-Rodríguez, G., Flores-Farías, R., Flores-Farías, S., Guerrero-Guerrero, N.A., Hernández-Landaverde, M.A., Hurtado-Macias, A., López-Beltrán, A.M., López-Gómez, M., Louvier-Hernández, J.F., Méndez-Albores, A., Ochoa-Landín, R., Rodríguez-Proenza, C.A., Vázquez-Durán, A.G., Véles-Medina, J.J., González-Hernández, J. Structural characterization of silver doped silica prepared by two different wet chemical methods (2004) Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 30 (2), pp. 89-94. DOI: 10.1023/B:JSST.0000034696.92285.72


Arbitraje de proyectos científicos o tecnológicos

1. ARTICULO: Ms. Ref. No.: CARBON-D-18-01770 Title: Enhanced adsorption of organic dyes by graphene: A new insight into their interactions CARBON Dear Alfonso, Thank you for your review of this manuscript. You may access your review comments and the decisi

2. ARTICULO: Dear Dr. Pérez-García, Thank you for submitting your review report on Research Article 6846753 titled "Synthesis and Characterization of Self-Assembled, Free Standing, Flexible Graphene Oxide Sheet for Supercapacitor Applications" by Nagarani Sandhar

3. ARTICULO: Ref.: Ms. No. APYA-D-18-00008 A 3D heterogeneous FeTiO3/TiO2@C fiber membrane as a self-standing anode for high performance Li-ion battery Applied Physics A Dear Dr. Perez Garcia, Thank you for your review of this manuscript. You can access yo

4. ARTICULO: Ref: MATERIALSCHAR_2017_2597 Title: Direct observation of interfacial reaction of Ni/6H-SiC and carbon redistribution by in situ transmission electron microscopy Journal: Materials Characterization

5. ARTICULO: Ref.: Ms. No. APYA-D-17-01005R1 Enhanced photoconductance in ZnS-RGO based nanocomposite under UV irradiation Applied Physics A

6. ARTICULO: Ref.: Ms. No. APYA-D-17-00889 Tailor made exfoliated reduced graphene oxide nanosheets based on oxidative-exfoliation approach Applied Physics A Dear Dr. Perez Garcia, Thank you for your review of this manuscript. You can access your review co

7. ARTICULO: Ref.: Ms. No. APYA-D-17-01314 Ag/nano-TiO2 composites compact film for enhanced performance of perovskite solar cell based on carbon counter electrodes Applied Physics A Dear Dr. Perez Garcia, Thank you for your review of this manuscript. You

8. ARTICULO: Ref.: Ms. No. APYA-D-17-01314R1 Ag/nano-TiO2 composites compact film for enhanced performance of perovskite solar cell based on carbon counter electrodes Applied Physics A Dear Dr. Perez Garcia, Thank you for your review of this manuscript. Yo

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9. ARTICULO: Dear Dr Pérez-García, Re: "Effect of reduced graphene oxide on the energy harvesting performance of P(VDF-TrFE)-BaTiO3 nanocomposite devices" by Yaqoob, Usman; Chung, Gwiy-Sang Article reference: SMS-105061 Thank you for your report on

10. ARTICULO: Ms. Ref. No.: APSUSC-D-16-10651 Title: (001) 3C SiC/Ni contact interface: In situ XPS observation of annealing induced Ni2Si formation and the resulting barrier height changes Applied Surface Science

11. ARTICULO: Ms. Ref. No.: SE-D-16-00335 Title: A fast and facile fabrication of chemically-converted graphene oxide thin films and their uses as absorber materials for solar cells Solar Energy

12. ARTICULO: Ms. Ref. No.: MSSP-D-15-00984R1 Title: Evaporated Iron Disulfide Thin Films, Sulfurated Annealing Treatments Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Dear Alfonso, Thank you for taking the time to review the above-referenced manuscript. You

13. ARTICULO: Ms. Ref. No.: MSSP-D-15-00987 Title: ZnIn2S4: Synthesis, characterization, and its light harvesting applications through semi-batch method Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Dear Alfonso, Thank you for taking the time to review the abo

14. ARTICULO: Ms. Ref. No.: CARBON-D-15-01375 Title: Graphite Mediated Reduction of Graphene Oxide Monolayer Sheets CARBON Dear Alfonso, Thank you for your review of this manuscript. You may access your review comments and the decision letter (when availabl

15. ARTICULO: Evaluation of an Induction Assisted Friction Stir Welding technique for Super Duplex Stainless Steels

16. ARTICULO: Manuscript # SIA-13-0291 entitled "Evaluation of an Induction Assisted Friction Stir Welding technique for Super Duplex Stainless Steels" has been submitted to Surface and Interface Analysis for the Special Issue dedicated to ECASIA'13.

17. ARTICULO: Effects of potassium doping on the composition, structure and carbon dioxide chemisorption of Na2ZrO3

18. ARTICULO: Kinetic Study of Interfacial Solid State Reactions in the Ni/4H-SiC Contact



3. PROYECTO: Laboratorio de caracterización estructural para investigación y servicios tecnológicos




7. PROYECTO: Desarrollo y aplicación de nanoestructuras superparamagnéticas y fotoactivables como agentes nanoteranósticos ultra sensibles y específicos del cáncer

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8. PROYECTO: Correlación de la estructura física y química de nanopelículas con sus propiedades funcionales


10. PROYECTO: Análisis de los mecanismos de reacción en la reducción aluminotérmica de residuos sólidos a base de ZnO y Mn2O3





15. PROYECTO: Development of Flexible Thin Film Sensors for Charged Particle and Neutron Detectors

16. PROYECTO: Establecimiento de un Laboratorio de Bioingenieria de Superficies

17. PROYECTO: " 000000000242495 " con el titulo " Desarrollo de películas delgadas de CdMgTe por la técnica de coevaporación para aplicación en celda solar superior "

ANEXO IX Pertenencia al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores

Perteneciente al SNI Nivel I desde 1996-2018 SNI Nivel II desde enero de 2019

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Registro y Títulos de Patentes

1.-Titulo: "Método para conservación y secado de alimentos con alto contenido de azúcares" Autores: María Zenaida Saavedra Leos, Alicia Grajales Lagunes, Miguel Ángel Ruiz Cabrera, Alberto Toxqui Terán, Sergio Alfonso Pérez García Expediente: MX/a/2010/007940 Titulo de Patente: 355205 Fecha de Registro:21/07/2010, Fecha de Título de Patente: 223/02/2018 Condición actual: OTORGADA 2.- Titulo: "Método de reducción parcial de óxido de grafeno mediante reductores suaves a temperatura ambiente" Autores: Miguel Ángel Velasco Soto; Sergio Alfonso Pérez García; Liliana Licea Jiménez; Alberto Toxqui Terán Expediente: MX/a/2016/007399 Fecha de Registro: 07/06/2016 3.- Titulo: "Método de preparación de recubrimientos hidrofóbicos basados en nanocompositos multicapas" Autores: Margarita Sánchez Domínguez, Liliana Licea Jiménez, Sergio Alfonso Pérez García, Alberto Toxqui Terán, Daniel Antuhan Hernández Lepe, Flavio Gabino Flores Banda, Arturo Román Vázquez Velázquez, Miguel Ángel Velasco Soto Expediente: MX/a/2016/008071 Fecha de Registro: 17/06/2016 4.- Titulo: "Método de preparación de recubrimientos superhidrofílicos basados en nanocompositos" Autores: Liliana Licea Jiménez; Arturo Román Vázquez Velázquez; Sergio Alfonso Pérez García; Miguel Ángel Velasco Soto; Margarita Sánchez Domínguez; Alberto Toxqui Terán Expediente: MX/a/2016/014953 Fecha de Registro: 15/11/2016 5.- Titulo: "Método para obtención de óxido de grafeno reducido con tamaño, solubilidad y propiedad semiconductora controlables" Autores: Liliana Licea Jiménez; Sergio Alfonso Pérez García; Ulises Antonio Méndez Romero; Miguel Ángel Velasco Soto; Alberto Toxqui Terán Expediente: MX/a/2017/010798 Fecha de Registro: 11/08/2017 6.- Titulo: "Método para obtención de óxido de grafeno reducido y covalentemente funcionalizado con aminas" Autores: Liliana Licea Jiménez; Sergio Alfonso Pérez García; Ulises Antonio Méndez Romero; Miguel Ángel Velasco Soto; Alberto Toxqui Terán Expediente: MX/a/2017/016741 Fecha de Registro: 19/12/2017 7.- Titulo: "Método de preparación de recubrimientos hidrofóbicos y bloqueadores de ultravioleta basados en nanocompositos de matriz de poliuretano con alumina y ceria funcionalizada" Autores: Liliana Licea Jiménez; Arturo Román Vázquez Velázquez; Sergio Alfonso Pérez García; Miguel Ángel Velasco Soto; Alberto Toxqui Terán Expediente: MX/a/2018/007168 Fecha de Registro: 13/06/2018 8.- Titulo: "Dispositivo y método para aplicar recubrimientos nanocompositos por rocío con inyección de flujo, ajustable en base a una mesa de coordenadas" Autores: Sergio Alfonso Pérez García; Pavel Vorobiev; Liliana Licea Jiménez; Arturo Román Vázquez Velázquez; Miguel Ángel Velasco Soto y Alberto Toxqui Terán Expediente: MX/a/2018/016169 Fecha de Registro: 19/12/2018 Condición actual: Registrada

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Introducción a la Ciencia de Materiales Ciclo 2009-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Caracterización de Materiales Ciclo 2010-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Temas Selectos de Nanotecnología Ciclo 2010-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Introducción a la Ciencia de Materiales Ciclo 2010-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Caracterización de Materiales Ciclo 2011-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Temas Selectos de Nanotecnología Ciclo 2011-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Introducción a la Nanotecnología Ciclo 2011-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Temas Selectos de Física y Química Ciclo 2011-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Preparación y Caracterización de Películas Delgadas Ciclo 2011-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Caracterización de Materiales Ciclo 2012-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Introducción a la Ciencia de Materiales 2012 Maestría en Nanotecnología

Introducción a la Nanotecnología 2012 Maestría en Nanotecnología

Aplicaciones Industriales de la Nanotecnología 2012 Maestría en Nanotecnología

Caracterización de Materiales Ciclo 2013-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Caracterización de Materiales Ciclo 2014-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Caracterización de Materiales Ciclo 2015-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Introducción a la Nanotecnología Ciclo 2016-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Temas Selectos de Ingeniería y Procesos de


Ciclo 2016-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Caracterización de Materiales I Ciclo 2017-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Tópicos Selectos de Nanotecnología Ciclo 2017-2 Maestría en Nanotecnología

Química de Materiales Ciclo 2017-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Introducción a la nanotecnología Ciclo 2018-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Química de Materiales Ciclo 2018-1 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Caracterización de Materiales Ciclo 2018-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

Química de Materiales Ciclo 2018-2 Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales

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Dirección de Tesis Terminadas y en Proceso externas e Internas


En Proceso (Copia desde Sistema de Posgrado)

Finalizadas Externos

I. Gildas Nédellec, “Processing and Characterisation of In-Situ Nickel Silicide Formation on Silicon carbide”, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, (2004). (Licenciatura)

II. Raquel de Oro Calderón. “Surface oxides in chromium-alloyed steel powder”. Department of

Materials Science and Engineering, Chalmers university of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden (2007). (Maestría)

III. Laure Zegdoun, “A new samples design for cyclic high temperature corrosion and condensation in

crevices”, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, (2007). (Licenciatura)

IV. Marisol Rodríguez Comunidad, “Preparación y caracterización de películas delgadas de

ZnO/PEDOT:PSS para su aplicación en celdas dolares polímerica” Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, (2010) (Licenciatura)

V. Hugo Alberto Navarro Ruíz “ Estudio de las propiedades tribológicas de Materiales Compuestos

del tipo Nanopartícula/Polímero fotocurable” Universidad de Monterrey (2011) (Licenciatura)

VI. Rodolfo Reynaldo Jaime Ugarte, “ Estudio de las propiedades tribológicas de Materiales Compuestos del tipo Nanopartícula/Polímero fotocurable” Universidad de Monterrey (2011) (Licenciatura)

VII. María Zenaida Saavedra Leos, “Estudio de la transición vítrea de sistemas modelo elaborados con

fructosa, glucosa y sacarosa para la optimización del secado por aspersión y estabilidad de jugos de frutas en polvo”, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Diciembre 2011. (Doctorado)

VIII. Alejándra Ramírez González, “Contribución al Estudio de la Transición Vitrea y Diagramas de

Estado en Biomateriales Agua-Carbohidratos”, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Diciembre 2014. (Maestría)

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Finalizadas Internas (Copia desde Sistema de Posgrado)

ANEXO XIII Participación como sinodal en examenes de grado

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ANEXO XIV Participación en Proyectos de Vinculación


1. Asesoría sobre Cables deslizables tipo THHN (Conductores Monterrey Viakable – Dr. Gregorio Vargas 2008) (Colaborador) Monto: $ 60,000.00

2. Uso de nanopartículas en la fabricación de espumas de poliestireno extruído (Owens Corning- Dr. José Bonilla Cruz 2009-2010) (Colaborador) Monto: $ 2,500,000.00

3. Vidrio plano con control solar y color (VITRO- Dr. Mario Miki) (Colaborador)

4. Investigación para la separación de la mezcla PET/PVC (Grupo Simplex-2009 Dra. Liliana Licea Jiménez) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 1,001,397.00

5. Innovación y desarrollo tecnológico de instrumental médico y quirúrgico: caracterización de materiales y desarrollo de proceso (GOVAL-2009 Dr. Servando Aguirre Tostado) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 1,081,131.99

6. Modificación en la línea de Botanas (CONAGRA FOODS-2010) Monto: $ 4,481,000.00 (Líder )

7. Diplomado de Nanotecnología al Cluster de Nano Nuevo León (Dr. José Bonilla Cruz - 2011) (Colaborador ) Monto: $241,379.00

8. Desarrollo de nuevos productos y empaques en las líneas de palomitas, salsas, enlatados y aceites (CONAGRA FOODS-2011) Monto: $ 570,890.00 (Líder )

9. Desarrollo de una formulación a nivel laboratorio de un acondicionador textil con propiedades antiarrugas (ALEN-2011) Monto: $ 2,180,000.00 (Líder )

10. Módulos El Mundo de los Materiales, I2T2, Nuevo León (I2T2-2012 Dr. Paul Horley) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 500,000.00

11. Desarrollo de corazones ultradelgados para componentes automotrices de alto desempeño energético y mecánico-estructural utilizando materiales nano estructurados (Nemak-2012 Dra. Tania Ernestina Lara Ceniceros) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 2,229,463.40

12. Desarrollo y evaluación de nuevas aplicaciones de cargas funcionales en forma de microesfera y desarrollo de planta piloto para la obtención de cargas funcionales en forma de “laminillas micronizadas” para su aplicación en recubrimientos (Termolita-2012 Dr. Jaime Alvarez Quintana) (Colaborador ) Monto: $ 562,061.39

13. Desarrollo de un prototipo tipo “vending machine” el cual surtirá producto explotado con el sabor deseado (CONAGRA FOODS-2012) Monto: $ 5,289,178.30 (Líder )

14. Generación de espuma de PU de baja densidad con propiedades mecánicas reforzadas (QUÍMICA PUMEX-2013) Monto: $2,803,215.85 (Lider)

15. desarrollo de corazones ultradelgados para componentes automotrices de alto desempeño energético y mecánico-estructural utilizando materiales nano estructurados (NEMAK -2013) (Colaborador) Monto: $2,229,000.00

16. Desarrollo de productos para las nuevas lineas estratégicas de negocio mediante innovación radical (CONAGRA FOODS-2013) Monto: $2,200,000.00 (Lider)

17. Desarrollo de plataforma tecnológico para el diseño de recubrimientos arquitectónicos mediante la incorporación de nanopartículas de Si y otras partículas especiales (COMEX-2013) (Colaborador) Monto: $660,000.00

18. Evaluación del desempeño de recubrimientos reflejantes emisivos para techos de viviendas (COMEX-2013) (Colaborador) Monto: $719,310.35

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19. Desarrollo de productos, procesos y empaques para las líneas estratégicas de negocios mediante innovación radical (CONAGRA FOODS-2014) Monto: $2,540,216.80 (Lider)

20. Proceso Innovador de impresión nanométrica a escala piloto para generar eco-vidrio automotriz (VITRO-2014) (Colaborador) Monto: $229,173.50

21. Desarrollo del dispositivo de caracterización de propiedades del núcleo de acero al silicio de un transformador y la cuantificación de la contribución del sistema de sujeción del núcleo al nivel de pérdidas de eficiencia (PROLEC-2015) (Colaborador) Monto: $1,423,594.80

22. Poliuretano nanotecnológico resistente al fuego libre de halógenos para aplicaciones estratégicas. (QUÍMICA PUMEX-2015) Monto: $2,238,199.69 (Lider)

23. Proceso Innovador de impresión nanométrica a escala piloto para generar eco-vidrio automotriz (VITRO-2015) (Colaborador) Monto: $353,173.50

24. Desarrollo de un convertidor termoeléctrico para la recuperación y reciclado de energía térmica en sistemas de refrigeración (IMBERA-2016) (Colaborador) Monto: $2,191,611.47

25. Mejora de pasta de oxido de plomo y su desempeño con respecto a la variación de tamaño de las partículas de piso para su aplicación como material activo de acumuladores eléctricos (ENERYA GPO GOHNER-2016) Monto: $2,100,077.59 (Lider)

26. Innovación en Fórmulas y Empaques para las Plataformas de Botanas y Envasados con Impacto en la Sustentabilidad Ambiental (CONAGRA FOODS-2016) Monto: $1,753,130.87 (Lider)

27. Evaluación del desempeño de recubrimientos reflejantes emisivos para techos de viviendas (COMEX-2016) (Colaborador) Monto: $1,551,724.13

28. Innovación en empaques poliméricos y estudio térmico in-situ de bolsa transparente de palomitas (CONAGRA FOODS-2017) Monto: $1,416,380.92 (Lider)

29. Propuesta de proyectos de innovación en el área de implementación y desarrollo de productos. (Estudios exploratorios: Análisis Térmico) (QUÍMICA PUMEX-2017) Monto: $250,000.00 (Lider)

30. Estudio de PU's espreados de más de 1" y su estabilidad dimensional (QUÍMICA PUMEX-2018) Monto: $300,000.00 (Lider)