
2010 Biología Hasta en la Sopa

Administración de Biología Hasta en la Sopa



En este archivo PDF podéis encontrar una lista de todos los libros que en

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Química general- Petrucci - 8va edición

Química orgánica 3ª Ed., (Schaum)

Fundamentos de Química Analítica 8ª Edición . DOUGLAS A. SKOOG

Megapost Libros (( Varios))

Libros Química [rs]

Megapost Libros Química Orgánica

Problemas y Ejercicios Química Analítica, Yaroslavtsev

Megapost, Libros :)


Megapost Libros

Megapost Química Orgánica

Megapost Libros Química Inorgánica

Yaoting Zhang, Jian Huang, Heping Zhang - Development of Modern

Manual esencial Santillana (español)

Procesos Químicos de Felder

Ingeniería de la cinética Quimica. J.M. Smith


Principios de Análisis Instrumental - Skoog, Holler, Nieman


Problemas de Química, Antonio López Cancio

45 libros de Química Orgánica

Química Cuántica Levine

Conceptos clave para el estudio de la química. Los componentes de l...

Manual Química Agrícola

Titulo : Química orgánica - fundamentos prácticos para el laborat...

pack de organometalica y catalisis ((20 libros))

Química de los compuestos de coordinación Autor: Fred Basolo, Rona...

Química Física Atkins


Pack libros Bioestadística

A Concise Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Douglas N. Arnold

Principles of Numerical Taxonomy. por: Robert R. & Peter H.A.


Numerical Taxonomy: The Principles and Practice of Numerical


Probabilidad y estadistica

Introduccion a la bioestadistica. Sokal & Rolf


Libro Bioestadística

Bioestadística Teoría, Examenes Y Prácticas Resueltas


Nueva Guia Practica De Plantas Acuaticas G Brunner P Beck Tetra

Plantas de Acuario

Guia Practica De Plantas Acuaticas - G. Brunner P. Beck

Plantas de Acuario, Kaspar Horst

Diagnostico Clinico y Tratamiento

Biomedical Applications of Hydrogels Handbook By Kinam Park, Teruo


Manual de apoyo para el estudio de la Parasitología

Giuseppe Poli, Enrique Cadenas, Lester Packer - Free Radicals in Bra...

ACC Atlas of Pathophysiology


Concise Manual of Hematology and Oncology, Berger

Color Atlas Text of Human Anatomy, Locomotor System. Kahle,


Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy (Thieme 2004)

Color Atlas of Pathophysiology

Color Atlas of Pathology

Color Atlas of Otoscopy (Thieme, 1999)

Color Atlas of Hematology (Theml, Thieme 2004)

Atlas en Color y Texto de Endodoncia, 2ª Edición. Stock

Anatomia para el Movimiento, Bases de Ejercicios, Blandine Calais


Miranda Herbert Ferrara, "Human Diseases and Conditions, 2 ...

Pack Libros Oncología :D

Molecular Mechanisms of Cockayne Syndrome By: Shamim I. Ahmad

Sex Hormones And Immunity To Infection | 7.52 MB

A.D.A.M. Student Atlas of Anatomy Interactive CD | 243.59 MB

Alzheimer's and other Dementias: Answers at your fingertips, Th...

Keeping in Touch with someone who has Alzheimer's By: Jane Crisp

Pathobiology of Alzheimer's Disease (Neuroscience Perspectives)...

ABC of Nutrition, 4th edition


Color Atlas of Dental Medicine, Radiology

Clinical Neuropathology Text and Color Atlas

Clinical Neurology 5th edition (February 9, 2002)

Clinical Dermatology A Color Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy 4th edit...

Cirugia de Michans 5º Ed (2002)

Cardiologia, Netter

Cancer Principles and Practice of Oncology 6th edition (July 2001)

Braunwald Heart Disease A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 6th


Atlas of Regional Anatomy of the Brain Using MRI, Softcover Edition

Atlas Odontologia Estetica


Aparatología en Ortopedia Funcional, Atlas Gráfico

Kara Rogers, "Blood: Physiology and Circulation"

Kara Rogers, "The Cardiovascular System"

Kara Rogers, "The Respiratory System"

Kara Rogers, "The Digestive System (The Human Body)"

Kara Rogers, "The Brain and the Nervous System (The Human


Kenneth Maiese - Forkhead Transcription Factors: Vital Elements in


Amazing Human Body (Dk)

SuperMEN1: Pituitary, Parathyroid and Pancreas (Advances in



Atlas of Clinical Oncology

Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Katzung 10th Edition

Atlas de Dermatología, Roberto Arenas 3ª Edición

Anestesiologia Para Residentes

Anestesiologia Clinica

C. Michael Bowers D.D.S. J.D. , "Forensic Dental Evidence, Seco...

The Dentate Gyrus. A Comprehensive Guide to Structure, Function,


Atlas de Anatomía Humana, Netter 2ª, 3ª y 4ªEdición

Fernando Bello, Stéphane Cotin - Biomedical Simulation: 5th Interna...


Brushes anatomy

StockMix of Human Anatomy in 3D Renders

Stock Photo - Anatomy & Medicine

Brian W.J. Mahy, Marc H.V. van Regenmortel - Desk Encyclopedia of


Species Diagnostics Protocols: Pcr and Other Nucleic Acid Methods

Obstetricia, Universidad de Chile

Atlas de embriologia

La morfología de las células de la sangre humana - Diggs, Sturm &a...

Parasitología Humana (Portugués)


Diccionario Medicina Espasa

4 Diccionarios de Medicina, Imprescindibles!

Desarrollo motor en distintos tipos de paralisis cerebral (Berta y K...

Manual Medicina Deportiva Oxford

Harrison, Manual de Medicina Ed. 16

Javier Fernández - Alergia Elemental

Endocrinología en Ginecología Tomo I y II - Santiago Hung Llamos. ...

Harrison Principios de Medicina Interna - 17a edición

Tratado de Fisiología Médica, Guyton Hall


Butterflies and Moths

Control biológico de plagas.

El maravilloso mundo de los arácnidos, Hoffmann

Vertebrate Paleontology M J Benton.pdf

Fish and Amphibians

Crustaceans, Mollusks and Segmented Worms

Beautiful Minds: The Parallel Lives of Great Apes and Dolphins By


Reptiles and Dinosaurs

Barbara J. King - The Dynamic Dance: Nonvocal Communication in



The Insects -An Outline of Entomology

Richard E. White, Donald J. Borror, "A Field Guide to Insec...

Alessandro Minelli, "Forms of Becoming: The Evolutionary Bi...

Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 24

3 libros de Drosophila

Zoologia Invertebrados 6Ed - Ruppert & Barnes.By RaaHbens (en


Invertebrados: Brusca & Brusca

Infectious Diseases in Context

caracteristicas de las aves


guia de aves de argentina-Guia de Aves Argentina, Canavari 2 parte l...

Limitacion de poblaciones de aves

AVES, vida y conducta

tatus, Ecology, and Conservation of the Southwestern Willow Flycatch...

cuadernillo observacion de aves

Exploring the World of Mammals by Nancy Simmons

Grzimek enciclopedia 14/17

Douglas Medin, Scott Atran - Folkbiology

Nutrition of the Rabbit, Second Edition by Carlos de Blas, Julian Wi...


François Lieutier, "Bark and Wood Boring Insects in Living...

Christopher Lever, "Naturalised Birds of the World"

Pack libros Zoología

The Birds of Gwent (Helm County Avifauna) By Andrew Baker, Gwent


Birds of the West Indies (Princeton Field Guides) By Herbert Raffael...

Birds of Essex (Helm County Avifauna) By Simon Wood

Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti By Steven Latta, Christoph...

"Handbook on Wild and Zoo Animals: a Treatise for Students ...

Moths of Western North America By Jerry A. Powell, Paul A. Opler


Murcielagos de Brasil


Mamiferos de Brazil

David L. Denlinger, Richard E. Lee Jr Jr, "Low Temperature Biol...

The Biology of Nematodes - Biología de los Nematodos

World Class Parasites: Volume 10 - Schistosomiasis Parásitos de Cla...

Game Management By Aldo Leopold

Louis M. Hernandez, Thomas J. Henry Plant Bugs, or Miridae


Bairbre O'Malley - Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Exotic Sp...


Barbara Blanchard - Tuatara Captive Management Plan and

Husbandry Ma...

Jason A. Lillegraven, "Mesozoic Mammals: The First Two Thirds o...

Louis N. Gotthelf - Small Animal Ear Diseases: An Illustrated Guide....

ragonfly Genera of the New World: An Illustrated and Annotated Key


Louis M. Hernandez, Thomas J. Henry Plant Bugs, or Miridae


LIbro Aves Amazonia Bolivia

Protozoology de Kudo,1946 3ªed.

Libro Aves de la reserva Nacional Eduardo Avaroa

Grzimek Enciclopedia 15/17


Libro Rojo Vertebrados de Bolivia

Aves rapaces diurnas de Colombia

Zoologia general. Storer

Frog [Libro de Fotografias de ranas]

103 Láminas de Aves a Todo Color

Libro de invertebrados, Silvia Mille Pagaza


Gila Monster: Facts Folklore Of Americas Aztec Lizard

Itai Bab, Carmit Hajbi-Yonissi, Yankel Gabet, Ralph Müller Micro-To...


Invertebrate Medicine

Patterns and Experiments In Developmental Biology

Sex and Death in Protozoa

Lectures On Physiology, Zoology And The Natural History Of Man:


Invertebrate Relationships: Patterns in Animal Evolution

The Development of Animal Form: Ontogeny, Morphology, and


A Dictionary of Zoology

Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: Complete Work

El Fascinante Mundo de las Hormigas


Inducible Gene Expression in Plants

Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development

Agricultural Values of Plant Genetic Resources

Mr. Bloomfield's Orchard: The Mysterious World of Mushrooms, Mo...

Phylogeny and Classification of the Orchid Family

Botany (Quickstudy Academic)

Fisiología Vegetal, Azcón Bieto

Fisiologia Vegetal Vol I & Vol II. Taiz & Zeiger

Libros Hongos y Líquenes

Pollen Biotechnology for Crop Production and Improvement By K. R.



Plants: Diversity and Evolution

The Fungi Second Edition

Hemp Diseases, Pests Management and Biological Control

John Leslie Dowe, Australian Palms: Biogeography, Ecology and


Photoreceptors and Calcium By Wolfgang Baehr, Krzysztof Palczewski

Christopher D. Stone, "Should Trees Have Standing?: Law, Mo...

Libro Botany. Plant Biology and its relation to Human Affairs

Ethnobotany (The Green World)


Botany for Gardeners

Pharmaceutical botany;: A text-book for students of pharmacy and sci...

Recent Advances in Phytochemistry: Integrative Phytochemistry: from


The Pineapple: Botany, Production and Uses

Plant Resins: Chemistry, Evolution, Ecology, and Ethnobotany

Sex, Botany and Empire

History of Palaeobotany: Selected Essays (Geological Society Special...

Laboratory Manual for Applied Botany

LINNAEUS AND THE LINNAEANS. The spreading of their ideas in



Principia botanica: Or, Beginnings of botany

Park S. Nobel, Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology

King of Colorado Botany: Charles Christopher Parry, 1823-1890

Litchi and Longan: Botany, Cultivation and Uses (Cabi Publishing)

Litchi and Longan: Botany, Cultivation and Uses (Cabi Publishing)

Florida Ethnobotany By Daniel F. Austin

Progress in Botany / Volume 66 (Progress in Botany)

Paleobotany: The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants, Second Edit...

Elements Of Structural And Systematic Botany: For High Schools And



Brian Capon, "Botany for Gardeners"

Jill Bailey, Inc. Facts on File, "The Facts on File Diction...

Contents Economic Botany Volume 62(3)

Heather Miller Coyle Forensic Botany: Principles and Applications to...

Botany: The Modern Study of Plants

The Lentil: Botany, Production and Uses

The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World By Michae...

The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World By Michae...

Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany: A Consideration of



Introduction to Botany

The Mango: Botany, Production and Uses

Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables

Cultivo de Plantas Medicinales, Aromáticas y Condimenticias

Trivedi, P. C., "Medicinal Plants: Utilisation and Conserva...

Perspectives in Plant Cell Recognition By J. A. Callow, J. R. Green

The Soybean , Botany production and uses

S.S. Bhojwani, M.K. Razdan - Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice

Chlorophyll α Fluorescence in Aquatic Sciences: Methods and Applica...


[Photoprotection in Plants: Optical Screening-based Mechanisms (Spri...

Ascorbate-Glutathione Pathway and Stress Tolerance in Plants

Applied Plant Geography

g re, Pramoda, "Applied Plant Geography"

Trace Elements in Soils and Plants

Apples: Botany, Production and Uses

A Guide to Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated, Scientific and Medicina...

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 47 By Jean-Claude Kader

Introduction to Botany


Bioprocess and Algae Reactor Technology, Apoptosis (Advances in


Red Algae in the Genomic Age (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habit...

Current Advances in Molecular Mycology By Youssuf Gherbawy

Clinical Mycology, Oxford University

Fungal Genomics, Volume 3 (Applied Mycology and Biotechnology) By


Estudio ilustrado de los generos de Orquideas

Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology

Orquideas para dummies

La botanica en experimentos


Las Cactaceas De Mèxico Vol. 1 - H. Bravo - Hollis

Cultivar Cactus Y Otras Suculentas En Interiores E Invernaderos

Las Plantas Mágicas, Paracelso

Michael Wink, "Annual Plant Reviews, Biochemistry of Plant Seco...

Status of Pollinators in north america

Bryophyte Biology, 2nd Edition

CD Botánica Strasburguer

K. Krassilov Cercidiphyllum and Fossil Allies: Morphological Interpr...

Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences, Four-Volume Set


Michael R. Davey, Paul Anthony, "Plant Cell Culture: Essential ...

G.h. Liang"Genetically Modified Crops"

Aviva Romm CPM RH(AHG) Botanical Medicine for Women's Health

Basics of Horticulture

Plant Cell Biology: From Astronomy to Zoology By Randy O. Wayne

James F. White, Monica S. Torres "Defensive Mutualism in Microb...

Kevin Kavanagh "New Insights in Medical Mycology"

R. Watling, J. Frankland, M. Ainsworth, S. Isaac, C. Robinson, &quot...

Alistair J. Lees "Photophysics of Organometallics (Topics in Or...

R Watling, J C Frankland, M Ainsworth, S Isaac, C H Robinson,



Mahendra Rai, Paul D. Bridge, "Applied Mycology"

Kevin Kavanagh "Medical Mycology: Cellular and Molecular Techni...

Applications of PCR in Mycology by: P.D.Bridge, D.K.Arora,


The Allman Brothers Band - Mycology: An Anthology (1998)

Handbook of Industrial Mycology

Jan Dijksterhuis, Robert A. Samson "Food Mycology: A Multifacet...

Mycotoxins in Foodstuffs by Martin Weidenbörner

Plant Physiology


K. Krassilov Cercidiphyllum and Fossil Allies: Morphological Interp...

Manual Cultivos Para Huerta Organica Familiar

Libro Fisiología Vegetal

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 49

Kenneth Thompson - The Book of Weeds: How to Deal with Plants That


Clinical Mycology

Curso de Biología Vegetal. Atlas de Imágenes


Botanica Criptogamica =.=...


Monitoring Plant and Animal Populations

D. Dudley Williams, "The Biology of Temporary Waters"

"Soybean and Wheat Crops: Growth, Fertilization, and Yield"

Annual Plant Reviews, Seed Development, Dormancy and Germination


Annual Plant Reviews, Seed Development

Botany: The Modern Study of Plants

Plant Anatomy: An Applied Approach"

Chile Peppers (Brooklyn Botanic Garden All-Region Guide)

Advances in Botanical Research, colume 46


Committee on Learning Science in Informal Environments, National


Indian Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated Dictionary

Ethnopharmacology of Medicinal Plants: Asia and the Pacific[New Link]

Tea: Bioactivity and Therapeutic Potential

Aaron Tabor, Robert M. Blair "Nutritional Cosmetics:

The Baobabs: Pachycauls of Africa, Madagascar and Australia

Medicinal Plants of the World, Volume 3:

The World of Plants "The World of Plants (Science Readers: L...

Dean E. Arnold: Material Meanings: Critical Approaches to the Interp...


Sex, Botany and Empire

Ayurveda: The Divine Science of Life by Todd Caldecott CIH AHG

Urtica: The genus Urtica (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Industrial...

Insect Repellents: Principles, Methods, and Uses

The Bamboos of the World

Introduction to Bryophytes

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 36: Plant Virus Vector

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 38 By J. A. Callow

Maize Cobs and Cultures: History of Zea mays L. By John E. Staller


Flowering Plant Origin, Evolution And Phylogeny

D.C. Watts - Elsevier's Dictionary of Plant Lore

Jean-Claude Kader "Advances in Botanical Research: Volume 50

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 40 (Advances in Botanical

J. A. C llow “Adv nces in Bot nic l Rese rch, Volume 41"

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 11

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 12

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 09

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 48


Advances in Botanical Research (Vol 10)

Advances in Botanical Research. Volume 44: Developmental Genetics


J. A. C llow “Adv nces in Bot nic l Rese rch, Volume 39"

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 14

Introduction to Bryophytes

Helechos Nativos Centro Sur Chile 2009

Plantas Útiles De La Cuenca Del Orinoco

Fenomenos de transporte Bird ,Steward , y apuntes de la UNLP

Plant-derived Natural Products: Synthesis, Function, and Application


Atlas of Woody Plant Stems

The Botany of Desire

Plant Diversity and Evolution

Plant Evolution and the Origin of Crop Species

Ecology and Evolution of the Grass-Endophyte Symbiosis

Ecology and Evolution of Flowers

Spirulina Platensis Arthrospira

Biochemical Mechanisms of Detoxification in Higher Plants

Introgression from Genetically Modified Plants into Wild Relatives

Dangerous Harvest: Drug Plants and the Transformation of Indigenous


Green Plants: Their Origin and Diversity

Economía de la Agricultura

Functional Plant Ecology

Plantas: Variedad y Modos de Vida

El Árbol Urbano en Chile, Adriana Hoffmana

Nueva guia de Plantas Acuaticas

Cultivos de Tejidos en la Agricultura

Micología Médica Ilustrada

Plantas y Flores Medicinales, Aldo Poletti


Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Membranes 5th Ed.

Thermal Biophysics of Membranes (Tutorials in Biophysics)

Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Membranes

Masaharu Takemura, Sakura The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology


T.C. Lee, P.F. Niederer, Basic Engineering for Medics and Biologists

Biochemistry 6th Ed. - Berg, Tymoczko, Stryer

Atlas de Bioquímica

T.C. Lee, P.F. Niederer, Basic Engineering for Medics and Biologists

miRNA Regulation of the Translational Machinery (Progress in



The New Phrenology: The Limits of Localizing Cognitive Processes in ...

V(D)J Recombination (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)

Benoît Perthame, Transport Equations in Biology

Handbook of Single-Molecule Biophysics

Extracellular ATP and adenosine as regulators of endothelial cell fu...

Concise Encyclopedia of Bioresource Technology 200

Biological Magnetic Resonance - Volume 16: Modern Techniques in


"Vitamin D: Physiology, Molecular Biology, and Clinical App...

Guglielmo Lanzani, "Photophysics of Molecular Materials: Fr...


Joanna M. Bridger, Emanuela V. Volpi, "Fluorescence in situ...

Molecular Methods in Developmental Biology: Xenopus & Zebraf...

Lipids and Atherosclerosis By Chris J. Packard, Daniel J. Rader

Reparando LinksHarper's Illustrated Biochemistry 26º Edition

Molecular Biology of the Parathyroid

The Nucleic Acid Protocols Handbook

The ADAM Family of Proteases by: Nigel M. Hooper, Uwe Lendeckel

Biosystems Engineering I: Creating Superior Biocatalysts (Advances i...

Biocatalysis Based on Heme Peroxidases: Peroxidases as Potential Ind...


Micro- and Nano-Transport of Biomolecules

Jack Salway – Medical Biochemistry at a Glance (2nd Edition)

Techniques in Molecular Biology By Agrawal, Suraksha

Gajera, H. P. Patel, S. V. Golakiya, B. A. , "Fundamentals ...

"Protein Misfolding Diseases: Current and Emerging Principl...

Ronald Hoffman , Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice, 3rd ed.

Fundamentals of Protein Structure and Function

Hames - Protein Expression - A Practical Approach

Pack libros Bioquímica:


In Silico: 3D Animation and Simulation of Cell Biology with Maya and...

Annette Beck-Sickinger, Peter Weber - Combinatorial Strategies in Bi...

Paul Singleton, "Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology, S...

Clinical Studies in Medical Biochemistry 3rd ed. Glew

Eicosanoid Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)

Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Peptides (Methods in Molecular


Signal Transduction Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)

siRNA and miRNA Gene Silencing: From Bench to Bedside (Methods in


Xiaoyuan Wang, Peter J. Quinn Endotoxins: Structure, Function and



Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Cyclooxygenases: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular


PCR Primer Design

"Molecular Forces and Self Assembly: In Colloid, Nano Sciences ...

Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation

Bioquímica y Fisiopatologia de la Nutrición

Bioquimica de Harper 14ª Edición

Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations By Thomas M.


Lehninger bioquimica 4 edicion color


Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition

DNA: The Secret of Life - (AudioBook)

Protein Kinase Functions

Bioquimica 6Ed Stryer, Castellano!

Bioquimica , I H Segel

Bioquimica Voet

Silverman Nucleic Acid Switches and Sensors (Molecular Biology Intel...

Andrew D. Bates, Anthony Maxwell, "DNA Topology"

Susan Libes Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry, Second Edition


Biochemistry and Genetics: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review


Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 28 ed

Lehninger 4º Bioquímica [Castellano]

Leningher 4ª Edición, Bioquímica

Bioquímica, Lehninger

Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, vol 9

Bioquímica Mathews

Libro de Metabolismo Humano escrito por la universidad politécnica ...

Enciclopedia Bioquímica, 3ª Edición,Richard E. McCarty


Bioquímica Schaum 2ª Edición

Bioquímica Autor: Lubert Stryer

Diccionario Ingles-Español de Bioquímica

Bioquímica Ilustrada, Harper

Bioquímica Pacheco. Leal

Bioquímica Médica, Cardellá Hernández

Bioquímica Clínica, Allan Gaw

Axon Growth and Guidance By Dominique Bagnard

Color Atlas of Neurosciences, Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology



Gordon Shepherd MD DPhil, Sten Grillner MD, "Handbook of


Biological Psychology: An Illustrated Survival Guide by: Paul Aleixo

New Aspects of Axonal Structure and Function

Practical Neurology

Richard F. Thompson and Stephen A. Madigan, "Memory: The


Joshua R. Dupri - Focus on Neuropsychology Research

High-Yield Neuroanatomy [Aporte nº1000]

Neutron Scattering in Biology: Techniques and Applications

Jeffrey M. Camhi, "Neuroethology: Nerve Cells and the Natural B...


Compendio de Biología Celular y Molecular

Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique,5 Ed

libro de biologia celular y molecular...Gerald Karp

Alberts, La Célula 4ºEd. Español

Programmed Cell Death in Protozoa (Molecular Biology Intelligence


Programmed Cell Death in Protozoa (Molecular Biology Intelligence


International Review Of Cytology, Volume 257: A Survey of Cell Biolo...

Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology Volume 37 Aspects of the


Stem Cell Biology


A Survey of Cell Biology (International Review of Cytology, Volume 1...

A Survey of Cell Biology (International Review of Cytology, Volume 1...

A Survey of Cell Biology (International Review of Cytology, Vol 168)...

A Survey of Cell Biology (International Review of Cytology, Volume 1...

The Arterial Chemoreceptors by: Yoshiaki Hayashida, Constancio


Stem Cells for Myocardial Regeneration: Methods and Protocols


The Cell: Nature's First Life-form (New Biology)

Michael P. Sheetz, Methods in Cell Biology: Laser Tweezers in Cell B...

Statistical Methods in Molecular Biology


Stem Cell Research: Medical Applications And Ethical Controversy


Cellular Automaton Modeling of Biological Pattern Formation

Light Propagation Through Biological Tissue and Other Diffusive


The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's Art...

Molecular Biology of Human Cancers: An Advanced Student's Textb...

Introduction to the Blood-Brain Barrier: Methodology, Biology and Pa...

Principles Of Animal Cell Culture (students Compendium) By Dr.


Stem Cell Research (Introducing Issues With Opposing Viewpoints)



International Review of Cytology, Volume 182: A Survey of Cell Biolo...

Junqueira's Basic Histology, 12th ed. 2010

The Wisdom of Your Cells: How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology

Pack libros Biologia celular y molecular

Pack libros Histología

Rebecca Hogue Wojahn, Donald Wojahn - A Cloud Forest Food Chain:

A W...

Regulation of Sertoli Cell and Germ Cell Differentiation By R. Brehm...

Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems

Stem Cell Research, Revised Edition (New Biology) by: Joseph Pann


Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy

Cell Biology in the Post-Genomics Era

¿Cómo funciona una célula?

Atlas de Histologia, Gartner y Hiatt 2ª (2002)

Anatomy, Histology & Cell Biology: PreTest Self-Assessment and R...

Metodos de biologia molecular

Raymond E. Spier, "The Encyclopedia of Cell Technology, 2 Vol. ...

Stem cell biology and gene therapy. Quesenberry, Peter. 1998

Stem cell biology, Marchak, Daniel


Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice

Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th Edition (with DVD)

Alberts, La célula el CD [New Links]

Louis J. Ignarro Nitric Oxide, Second Edition: Biology and Pathobiol...

Mouse Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular


Mike Bradley, Paul O'Donnell, "Atlas of Musculoskeletal Ul...

"Networks in Cell Biology" Buchanan, Guido Caldarelli, Pa...

"Fundamentals of Inflammation" ,Serhan Charles N. PhD, War...

Species Diagnostics Protocols: PCR and Other Nucleic Acid Methods


Cell Adhesion, Behrens Nelson

Biologia Molecular del Gen, de James Watson [-libro y cd]

Dellmann's Textbook of Veterinary Histology + CD - ROM

Atlas Color de Histologia Geneser



Aspectos de Biologia celular y la transformacion maligna

Manual de Histología - Universidad Católica.

Antología de Biología Celular, Pérez Campos, Harper,

Antologia de biologia celular Autor: Josefina Perez Campos, et al.


Física Para Las Ciencias De La vida, Cromer

Manual de Fisiología y Biofísca Montoreano

Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine: 2-Volume Set

Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology - 2 Vol, and CD-ROM

Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook, 6º Edition : Pocket Edition

Medicina clínica del perro y el gato

Canine and Feline Nutrition: A Resource for Companion Animal


Medicine and Surgery of Camelids, 3rd Edition

Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and Reconstruction


Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat

Johnny D. Hoskins - Veterinary Pediatrics: Dogs and Cats from Birth ...

Small Animal Toxicology, Second Edition

O. Lynne Nelson - Small Animal Cardiology

Paul R. Greenough - Bovine Laminitis and Lameness: A Hands on


Mastitis Control in Dairy Herds 2 nd Edition (Cabi)

Parasitologia practica y modelos de enfermedades parasitarias en los...

Atlas de anatomía topográfica de los animales domésticos - P. Pop...

Centro Veterinario - 28 Numeros


Patología General Veterinaria - Trigo 4 Edición Español/Spanish

Atlas De Bolsillo De Fisiología Humana

Eckert. Fisiología Animal: Mecanismos Y Adaptaciones[MediaFire]

Fisiologia Humana - Cingolani, Houssay

Kara Rogers, "The Eye: The Physiology of Human


Pack libros Anatomía y Fisiología

Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology, 5th Edition

Fish Physiology: Sensory Systems and Electric Organs

Atlas of Physiology, Netter


Anatomia Funcional, Biomecanica. Cailliet

Atlas Fotografico de Anatomía del Cuerpo Humano [3ª Edición]

Gray Anatomia para Estudiantes

Atlas de Anatomía Humana, McMinn

Anatomia para el Diagnostico Radiológico

Anatomía de Rouviere 11ª Edición (4 Tomos)

Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy 4th edition

Anatomia Humana Latarjet 4º Edicion.

Anatomia de la Cara, Cabeza y Órganos, Bouchet

Fisiologia Animal Eckert: Español


Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy J. Artner (2002)

Atlas of Anatomy P. Tank, T. Gest (Lippincott, 2008

Atlas de Anatomía Humana 5a Ed. J. Rohen, C. Yokochi (Elsevier, 200...

- Anatomy and Physiology, The Unity of Form and Function 3th Ed.


Anatomy and Physiology 6th Ed. R. Seeley (McGraw-Hill, 2004)

Vander's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function with...

The Physiology of Polar Fishes

Fish Osmorregulation

The Physiology of Tropical Fishe


Atlas De Bolsillo De Fisiología Humana

Fisiologia Respiratoria de West 7ma Edicion

La reproducción y el ser humano

Diccionario de Anatomía Comparada de vertebrados

Diccionario de Anatomía Comparada De Vertebrados

Life in Space: Astrobiology for Everyone

Libro Edafología



Ecología de Poblaciones Autor: Jorge Soberón Mainero


Introduccion a la ecologia de poblaciones

Midiendo la diversidad biologica

Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life

A Citizen's Guide to Ecology

Pack libros Ecología

"Peri-urban Water and Sanitation Services: Policy, Planning...

Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems

La distribución de los seres vivos y la historia de la tierra de Ll...

Introduction to Ecological Genomics By Nico M. van Straalen, Dick Ro...


Joyas que estan desapareciendo

Libro de Ecologia, Begon 4ªed[Mf,Mu]

Libros de Ecología, Gran Selección [megapost]

Research Techniques in Animal Ecology

Comunicacion en aves y mamiferos

Theoretical Ecology: Principles and Applications

Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change: Transforming Knowledge and


Neil Saintilan, Paul Adam, Rod Connelly, Pat Dale, Pia Laegdsgaard -...

Peter W. Atkinson, "Vector Biology, Ecology and Control"


Hayes' Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, Third Edition

A Textbook of Agronomy

Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An


Ecological Intelligence by Prof. Daniel Goleman Ph.D.

The Biology of Peatlands (Biology of Habitats) By Håkan Rydin, John...

De la Biologia al Mito

Advances in Ecological Research, Volume 41

Advances in Ecological Research, Volume 9

Título del libro: Amigos De La Tierra - Contaminacion Genetica


ACTÚA consejos para una vida sostenible. Autor: Greenpeace

AGROECOLOGIA Autor: Gliessman Stephen

Ingenieria Ambiental 2da. Edicion J.G.Henry

Introducción a la ecología del bentos

Ecología Microbiana del Suelo Compendio práctico Autor: María Val...

Diccionario de Ecología - Fausto O. Sarmiento

Diccionario de Ecologia, Fausto Sarmiento

Evolutionary Ecology y Conservation an Genetics of Populations

Ecologia microbiana del suelo. Compendio Practico [Practicas de Lab.]


Agroecología, Procesos Ecológicos en Agricultura Sostenible

Sean D. Sutton - Biotechnology: Our Future As Human Beings and


Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Stephenson

Animal Biotechnology: Science Based Concerns

Biotechnology in Animal Feeds and Animal Feeding

Your World, Biotechnology and You

An Introduction to Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy

Cell and Tissue Culture

The Mouse in Animal Genetics And Breeding Research


Food Biotechnology in Ethical Perspective

Rice Biotechnology

Chemical Engineering Dynamics: Modelling with PC Simulation, 2nd


Fundamentos y Casos Exitosos De La Biotecnología Moderna,Francisco


Retos de la sociedad Biotecnológica, César Nombela

Grave Secrets of Dinosaurs: Soft Tissues and Hard Science

Adaptación Biologica, Stephen Jay Gould

Filogenia de Falconidae

Erika L. Milam, Looking for a Few Good Males: Female Choice in



Jung Carl Gustav: La Interpretación De La Naturaleza Y La Psique

Guia de manejo de plagas en Agicultura

Viajes de Emilio Budin: La Expedición al Chaco, 1906-1907

Ronald L. Numbers, "The Creationists: The Evolution of Scie...

Manual de metodos para el desarrollo de inventarios de biodiversidad

Filosofía Zoológica, Lamark

Tecnicas de muestreo para manejadores de recursos naturales

Informe sobre el estado de la biodiversidad en Colombia 2006-2007

Barbara Ann Hocking - The Nexus of Law and Biology


Uhrmacher - ransactions on Computational Systems Biology XII

How to Build a Dinosaur: Extinction Doesn't Have to Be Forever ...

Michael Boulter, "Extinction"

Thinking Like a Mountain: Aldo Leopold and the Evolution of an


Encyclopedia of Bioethics (5 Volume Set)

Jonathan C. K. Wells, "The Evolutionary Biology of Human Body F...

Geostatistics Explained: An Introductory Guide for Earth Scientists

Bioseguridad en Laboratorios de Microbiologia y Biomedicina

El Gen Egoista, Richard Dawkins


Design and Analysis of Quality of Life Studies in Clinical Trials, S...

The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What


Now or Never: Why We Must Act Now to End Climate Change and

Create a...

Peter Loxley, Lyn Dawes, Linda Nicolls, Babs Dore, "Teaching Pr...

Andrzej Polanski, Marek Kimmel, "Bioinformatics"

Sharing Publication-Related Data and Materials: Responsibilities of ...

Florian Hahne, Wolfgang Huber, Robert Gentleman, Seth Falcon, "...

Web Service Mining: Application to Discoveries of Biological Pathways

Desde Darwin, Stephen Jay Gould


Diferentes Fundaciones, Ebooks Gratis

Libros de Darwin

Introducción a La Metodología de La Investigación Empírica

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Lexus

B.B.S. Singhal, R.P. Gupta, "Applied Hydrogeology of Fractu...

Geología General

Nora Noffke Geobiology: Microbial Mats in Sandy Deposits from the


Marine Science: An Illustrated Guide to Science"

The Geology of Mars


Encyclopedia of Geology

Geología de España: una historia de seiscientos millones de años

Tratado de Geología. Tomo 2: Paleontología, estratigrafía.



Geología Aplicada de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Alan H. Strahler, Geografía Física

Compendio de Geología, Juan Vilanova

Ciencias de la Tierra, Tarbuck, Lutgens

Diccionario Geología


Manual Edafología

Manual Geograía General, Leonardo Olivera

Geología General, Hugo Rivera

PCR Applications: Protocols for Functional Genomics

Foundations of Systems Biology: Using Cell Illustrator and Pathway D...

The Concept of the Gene in Development and Evolution By Peter J.


Ted R. Anderson, "Biology of the Ubiquitous House Sparrow: ...

The Evolution of the Genome

Matt Ridley, "Nature Via Nurture: Genes, Experience, and Wh...


Eberhard Passarge, Color Atlas of Genetics 2nd. Edition

Genetics (Macmillan Science Library) (4 Volume set)

Molecular biology of the gene

busqueda de genetica

Discovery in Biomolecular Data: Tools, Techniques, and Applications

Robert A. Wilson, "Genes and the Agents of Life: The Indivi...

Conceptos de Genetica: Klug

Gustavo Caetano-Anollés, "Evolutionary Genomics and System...

Fish Development And Genetics: The Zebrafish And Medaka Models



Andreas Gogol-Döring, Knut Reinert, "Biological Sequence A...

Sequence Comparison: Theory and Methods

Behavioral Genetics: The Clash of Culture and Biology By Ronald A.


«The Bioeconomy to 2030: Designing a Policy Agenda»

Pack libros genética

The Colors of Mice: A Model Genetic Network

Lynn Margulis, Dorion Sagan, "Acquiring Genomes: A Theory o...

Srivastava, H. C. Barh, Debmalya, "Genetics: Fundamentals a...

Principles of Developmental Genetics by: Sally A. Moody


Kara Rogers, "New Thinking About Genetics"

Genomics and Proteomics Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Genetic Data Analysis 2: Methods for Discrete Population Genetic Data

Richard Dawkins, "The Selfish Gene (30th Anniversary Editio...

Genetica de poblaciones

Genetics: A Conceptual Approach , Benjamin Pierce

An Introduction to Human Molecular Genetics, Mechanisms of


Gregor Mendel: And the Roots of Genetics (Oxford Portraits in Science)

Drosophila Cytogenetics Protocols


Varios Libros :D

Medical Cytogenetics

The Principles of Clinical Cytogenetics 2nd edition

Plant Cytogenetics, Second Edition

Cytogenetics, FISH and molecular testing in hematologic malignancies

Hematopathology: Morphology, Immunophenotype, Cytogenetics, and


Cancer Cytogenetics

Diccionario de Genetica

"Bioinformatics for Geneticists" ed. by Michael R. Barnes,...


Reporter Genes

Genes, Memes, Culture, and Mental Illness

Nature Via Nurture CD: Genes, Experience, and What Makes Us


Biotechnology, 2nd Edition, Volume 2: Genetic Fundamentals and


Genetic Fuzzy Systems

Concepts in Genetic Medicine

Genética Griffiths Suzuki

Genetica Molecular Universidad Barcelona

Thompson & Thompson: Genética Humana


Genética humana, Solari

Introducción De Genética Médica, Aracelli Lantigua

Genética: la continuidad de la vida Autor: Ana Barahona, Daniel Pi�...

Introducción a la Genética Médica, Araceli

Ingeniería Genética Extrema

Microbial Forensics, Second Edition

Viral Oncology: Basic Science and Clinical Applications

Freshwater Microbiology: Biodiversity and Dynamic Interactions of


Pack libros Microbiología e Inmunología:


Medical Microbiology

Advances in Microbial Physiology (Vol. 21) By Author Unknown

Structures and Organelles in Pathogenic Protists (Microbiology Monog...

Antigenic Variation By Alister G. Craig, Artur Scherf

Natural and Engineered Resistance to Plant Viruses (Advances in Viru...

Soil Microbiology and Sustainable Crop Production

Microbe-vector Interactions in Vector-borne Diseases

Modern Food Microbiology 6th. Ed.

Protozoologia de Kudo


Desk Encyclopedia of Human & Medical Virology

Desk Encyclopedia of General Virology

Color Atlas of Diagnostic Microbiology

Harald Kessler, "Molecular Diagnostics of Infectious Diseas...

Edward K. Wagner, Martinez J. Hewlett - Basic Virology

Manual de Laboratorio para la Identificación de bacterias

Trivedi, Pravin Chandra, "Microbes: Applications and Effect...

Collins and Lyne's Microbiological Methods (Arnold Publication)

Titulo: Microbiología Médica de Jawetz, Melnick y Adelberg

Human Cytomegalovirus (Current Topics in Microbiology and



Stanley Falkow - The Prokaryotes: A handbook on the biology of bacte...

Laboratory Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications to


Guo-Qiang Chen, "Plastics from Bacteria: Natural Functions and ...

Tara C., Ph.d. Smith, "Streptococcus, Group a (Deadly Diseases ...

Modern Food Microbiology 6th Edition, James M. Jay

Biochemical Protozoology

Prescott Microbiologia 5 ed, MU, MF

Microbiología General, Schlegel


Bacteriófagos. Romilio Espejo T.

Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology, Kayser (Thieme 2005)

World of Microbiology and Inmunology

Microbiología Médica, Murray 5ª Edición.

Manual de procedimientos para Escherichia coli, 2008, Marta Rivas

Introduction to Modern Virology (Dimmock, Introduction to Modern


Natural History of Host-Parasite Interactions, Volume 68 (Advances i...

Atlas of Medical Helminthology and Protozoology - 4º Ed - Chiodini,...

World's #1 Academic outline - Microbiology



Libro de Handbook of shrimp diseases

Antibiotic Resistance Protocols: Second Edition (Methods in Molecula...

Antibiotic Resistance Protocols:

Atlas Virtual de Microbiología


Manual de procedimientos bacteriológicos en infecciones intrahospit...

Environmental Microbiology, Second Edition: A Laboratory Manual



MEGAPOST Methods In Molecular Biology Collection


Microbiologia y Parasitologia Médica, PUMAROLA

Microbiología y Parasitología Médica Autor : Alina Llop Hernández

Biologia de los Microorganismo. Brock

Microbiología Médica

Edible Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology, Second Edition


El fenomeno ENOS Descripcion e impactos sobre le sector pesquero


R. N. Gibson, Margaret Barnes, "Oceanography and Marine Bio...


Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 15 By Frederick S. Russell

Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 16 By Frederick S. Russell

Marine Biology

Adv Marine Biology By Academic Press

Boris Mikhaylovich Kozo-Polyansky, "Symbiogenesis: A New Pr...

Restocking and Stock Enhancement of Marine Invertebrate Fisheries,


The Biochemical Ecology of Marine Fishes By Southward Et Al

Advances In Marine Biology, Volume 47 By Alan J. Southward, Paul A.

Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 54 By D.W. Sims


Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 44 By Alan J. Southward, Paul A.

Advances In Marine Biology, Volume 46 By Alan J. Southward, Paul A.


Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 41 By Alan J. Southward, Craig


"From Ocean to Aquarium: The global trade in marine ornamen...

Regional Oceanography - Matthias Tomczak /

Timothy Richard Parsons, Carol M. Lalli, "Biological Oceano...


Biología Marina, Castro Huber

Apuntes de biologia marina


Ernest Naylor, "Chronobiology of Marine Organisms"

An Introduction to Marine Ecology

Compendium of Trace Metals and Marine Biota: Vol 1 and Vol 2

Phytoplankton Productivity: Carbon Assimilation in Marine and


Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems: Biological-Physical Interactions in t...

Marine Chemical Ecology (Marine Science)

Elements of Marine Ecology, Fourth Edition

El océano y sus recursos, III. Las ciencias del mar: oceanografía ...

El océano y sus recursos. II. Las ciencias del mar. Oceanografia ge...


Plankton: A Guide to their Ecology and Monitoring for Water Quality ...

Estuarine Nutrient Cycling: The Influence of Primary Producers: The ...

Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea

Libros de Oceanografia Quimica y fisica

Lea P. Mertens, "Biological Oceanography Research Trends"

Timothy Richard Parsons, Carol M. Lalli, "Biological Oceanograp...

Chemical Oceanography and the Marine Carbon Cycle

Susan Libes Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry, Second Edition

Methods of Seawater Analysis


Heather C. Hudak Oceans (Biomes)

Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 43

D vid Willi m Sims “Adv nces In M rine Biology"

Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives (Marine Biology)

The Evolution of Exudativory in Primates

Pierre Pontarotti,Evolutionary Biology - Concepts, Molecular and Mor...

Allene S. Phy-Olsen, "Evolution, Creationism, and Intellige...

David M. Buss, "The Evolution Of Desire"



Pictorial Atlas of Soil and Seed Fungi: Morphologies of Cultured Fun...

Carbon Nanotubes: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular


Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Prote...

Selective Sweep (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)

Algae: Anatomy, Biochemistry and Biotechnology

High-Pressure Microbiology Author: , Date: 2010-04-28, Bookmark and


Fisheries Management: A manual for still-water coarse fisheries


The Future of Genetics


Ending and Extending Life

Energy And Life (Modules in Life Sciences)

Modern Biotechnology:

The Theory of the Chemostat: Dynamics of Microbial Competition

Inorganic Chemistry. A guide to advanced study. R. B. Heslop and P. ...

libros de zooplankton

International Glossary of Biochemistry, Construction, Energy Power E...


Freshwater Algae: Identification and Use as Bioindicators

Carbon Nanotubes: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular


The Epic History of Biology

Sensuous Seas: Tales of a Marine Biologist

Filogenetica sistematica

Haines XX - Neuroanatomy

Desk Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 2 Ed[NEW LINKS]

Guide to Protein Purification, Second Edition (Methods in Enzymology...

Toxoplasmosis: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide

The Vicuña

Development, Second edition


Philippe Sebert, "Comparative High Pressure Biology"

Biodiversity and Native America

10 entretiens en psychologie clinique de l'adulte By Olivier Do...

Raven, Jonhson - Biology (6th Edition) [2002]

Why Evolution Is True (Unabridged)


Mycotoxins in Feedstuffs

What Bugged the Dinosaurs?: Insects, Disease, and Death in the Creta...

Fisheries Management: A manual for still-water coarse fisheries

The Evolution of Animal Communication: Reliability and Deception in



Cicely D. Williams, Naomi Baumslag, Derrick B. Jelliffe - Mother and...

Botany Illustrated: Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering ...

Botany for Gardeners

Anatomy Demystified

n the Light of Evolution: Volume 1. Adaptation and Complex Design

Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, Second Edition

Phycology (4th Edition) [Repost]

Science of Everyday Things (Vol. 3): Real Life Biology

The Facts On File Illustrated Guide To The Human Body, vol.3: Heart ...


Yvonne Agazarian, Susan Porter Gantt - Autobiography of a Theory

Scott E. Hygnstrom, Robert M. Timm, Gary E. Larson - Prevention and


Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie

Thomas E. Loynachan, Kirk W. Brown, Terence H. Cooper, Murray H.


Wildflowers in the Field and Forest

Selective Sweep (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)

Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution: His Life and Work (Illustrated Ed...

Charge Transfer Complexes in Biological Systems

What Is Biodiversity?


Genetics (Macmillan Science Library) (4 Volume set)

Bridget S. Green, Bruce D. Mapstone, Gary Carlos, Gavin A. Begg - Tr...

Introduction to Proteomics: Principles and Applications

Elements of Computational Systems Biology

Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology, Secondary


Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology, Primary


Ewa Pietka, Jacek Kawa - Information Technologies in Biomedicine:


Chiral Recognition in Separation Methods: Mechanisms and



Bemisia: Bionomics and Management of a Global Pest

Benjamin Bonavida - Nitric Oxide (NO) and Cancer: Prognosis,


Conservation Biology for All

Xie's Chinese Veterinary Herbology

Marine Mammals: Fisheries, Tourism and Mangement Issues

Glucose Sensing (Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy)

Biocontrol-Based Integrated Management of Oilseed Rape Pests

Neil Saintilan, Paul Adam, Rod Connelly, Pat Dale, Pia Laegdsgaard -...

Nathan A. Berger - Cancer and Energy Balance, Epidemiology and



Anil K. Jain, Stan Z. Li - Encyclopedia of Biometrics

Techniques in Free Radical Research (Laboratory Techniques in


Time Traveler: In Search of Dinosaurs and Other Fossils from


Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals,

3rd ed...

Dinosaurs of the Flaming Cliffs

Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution

Andreas Spreinat - Malawisee-Buntbarsche: Erfolgreiche Haltung und


Ad Konings - Back to Nature - Handbuch f��r Malawi Buntbarsche

Animal Locomotion: The physics of flying, The hydrodynamics of



Basic Books, Why We Feel

Plant Stress Tolerance: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular ...

Biodiversity in Trust: Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resourc...

The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World

Alex Me CD: How a Scientist and a Parrot Discovered a Hidden World


Agamid Lizards: Keeping Breeding Them in Captivity

Daniel L. Hartl, Elizabeth W. Jones, "Genetics: Principles and ...

Vincenzo Balzani, "Molecular Devices and Machines: A Journey in...

Cockroaches: Ecology, behavior, and natural history


Handbook of Prebiotics

Advanced Environmental Monitoring

How Life Began: Evolution's Three Geneses

Medical Physiology: The Big Picture

The Coevolutionary Process

The Jaguar's Shadow: Searching for a Mythic Cat

Making Sense of Evolution: The Conceptual Foundations of


Paradoxical Life: Meaning, Matter, and the Power of Human Choice

Eugene N. Kozloff - Plants of Western Oregon, Washington British Col...


Beginning Life

The Meaning of Evolution:

Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology

BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets, 4th Edition

The Scientific American Brave New Brain

Chemokine Receptors and NeuroAIDS

Why Don't Jumbo Jets Flap Their Wings?: Flying Animals, Flying ...

At the Roots of Christian Bioethics: Critical Essays on the Thought ...

Concepts In Bacterial Virulence


The Ecology and Behavior of Amphibians

MegaPack de ebooks

Computational Methods in Systems Biology: International Conference,


Insects and Wildlife

Biometric Authentication: First International Conference, ICBA 2004,...

Analysis of RNA-Protein Complexes in vitro

The Ecology of Mycobacteria: Impact on Animal's and Human'...

Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide (Texas Natural History Guides)



Ann M. Dvorak - Ultrastructure of Mast Cells And Basophils

Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, 3rd Edition

Geographical Genetics (MPB-38) (Monographs in Population Biology)

Practical Cell Analysis

Vitamins and Minerals Demystified

Sensuous Seas: Tales of a Marine Biologist

hat Bugged the Dinosaurs?: Insects, Disease, and Death in the Cretac...

Botany Illustrated: Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering ...

The Evolution of Animal Communication: Reliability and Deception in



In the Light of Evolution: Volume 1. Adaptation and Complex Design

Megapost de 42 Libros de la Serie Demystified

Botany for Gardeners

Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, Second Edition

The Facts On File Illustrated Guide To The Human Body, vol.3: Heart ...

Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History

Thomas E. Loynachan, Kirk W. Brown, Terence H. Cooper, Murray H.


Scott E. Hygnstrom, Robert M. Timm, Gary E. Larson - Prevention and


Yvonne Agazarian, Susan Porter Gantt - Autobiography of a Theory


Wildflowers in the Field and Forest

The High Frontier: Exploring the Tropical Rainforest Canopy

Ecology (Britannica Illustrated Science Library)

Saving Gracie: How One Dog Escaped the Shadowy World of American


Annual Plant Reviews, Functions and Biotechnology of Plant


Diagram Group - In the Air (Life on Earth)

High School Biology Tutor

Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications


Mechanosensitivity of the Heart (Mechanosensitivity in Cells and Tis...


Bumblebees: Behaviour, Ecology, and Conservation

Animals: From Mythology to Zoology

The Ghosts of Evolution

Biology the Easy Way (E-Z Biology)

Mountain Timberlines: Ecology, Patchiness, and Dynamics

Ajit Krishnaswamy, Arthur Hanson - Our Forests, Our Future

Biology the Easy Way

The Search: The Continuing Story of the Tracker

Repetitorium Biochemie


Biomedical Engineering for Global Health (Cambridge Texts in


D. McIlroy - The Application of Ichnology to Palaeoenvironmental


Biostatistical Design and Analysis Using R

The Biology of Citrus (The Biology of Horticultural Crops)

A New Biology for the 21st Century

Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique,5 Ed

colección de libros de Humana Press, Methods in Molecular Biology

How to Build a Dinosaur: Extinction Doesn't Have to Be Forever

Endangered Species: Vol 2 - Arachnids, Birds, Crustaceans, Insects, ...


Endangered Species: Vol 3 - Amphibians, Fish, Plants, and Reptiles

Avian Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology of the Islets of Langerhans

Guinea Pigs, Cobayas

Ferrets, Hurones

Frogs, Great Pets

Estuaries of South Africa

Maritime Provinces: Off the Beaten Path (Off the Beaten Path Series)

Courtney Humphries - Superdove: How the Pigeon Took Manhattan ...



Nursery Rearing of Nonhuman Primates in the 21st Century

Matrix Metalloproteinase Protocols

Bernd-Olaf K��ppers - Information and the Origin of Life

The Conservation of Artifacts Made from Plant Materials (Getty Trust...

Practical Biotransformations: A Beginner's Guide

Invasive Microbes (Invasive Species)

Encyclopedia of Adaptations in the Natural World

Natalie Kuldell, Neal Lerner - Genome Refactoring

Recent Advances in Phototrophic Prokaryotes (Advances in



Peter Mertens, Matthew Baylis, Philip Mellor - Bluetongue (Biology o...

The Physics of Proteins: An Introduction to Biological Physics and M...

Speciation and Patterns of Diversity

Flowering Plants

Bioceramics and Their Clinical Applications

Handbook of Single-Molecule Biophysics

Marta Vannucci - Mangrove Management and Conservation: Present

and F...

Dental Perspectives on Human Evolution: State of the Art Research in...

Endangered Species Volume 2 Arachnids, Birds, Crustaceans, Insects, ...


Communication Skills for Biosciences

Vincent J. Cristofalo, Richard Adelman - Annual Review of


The Coral Reef (Life in the Sea)

The Coast (Life in the Sea)

Biotechnology: Changing Life Through Science 3-Volume Set

The Open Ocean (Life in the Sea)

The Saltwater Wetland (Life in the Sea)

People And The Sea (Life in the Sea)

Richard McElreath, Robert Boyd - Mathematical Models of Social



The Continental Shelf (Life in the Sea)

Esther Zoref-Shani, Oded Sperling - Purine and Pyrimidine


Transgenic Crop Plants: Volume 2: Utilization and Biosafety

Investigations Life Science

Multilingual Dictionary of Fish and Fish Products

Schaum's Outline of Pharmacology (Schaum's Outline Series)

11th Hour: Introduction to Biology

Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction

The PCR Revolution: Basic Technologies and Applications


William Slikker Jr., Louis W. Chang - Handbook of Developmental


New Concepts of Psychostimulants Induced Neurotoxicity

Rapid Microbiological Methods for Foods, Beverages and


Fundamental Molecular Biology

Mangroves Nature's Defence Against Tsunamis

Equine Surgery,Auer & Stick

Animal Cells as Bioreactors

Color Atlas of Veterinary Pathology: General Morphological Reactions...

Animals with Novel Genes


Cooperative Breeding in Mammals

Flow Cytometry Data Analysis: Basic Concepts and Statistics

Manual of Equine Gastroenterology

The Real Chimpanzee: Sex Strategies in the Forest

Epidemic Modelling: An Introduction (Cambridge Studies in


Morphological Change in Quaternary Mammals of North America

A Systems Analysis of the Global Boreal Forest

Root Hairs: Excellent Tools for the Study of Plant Molecular Cell Bi...

Dynamics of Weed Populations


Paleomagnetism of the Atlantic, Tethys and Iapetus Oceans

Microbial Biofilms (Biotechnology Research)

Cardiorenal Syndromes in Critical Care (Contributions to Nephrology)

Acute Blood Purification (Contributions to Nephrology)

Pollen Biotechnology for Crop Production and Improvement

Data Analysis in Community and Landscape Ecology

Population Biology of Grasses

Molecular Mechanisms of Adult Stem Cell Aging (Else Kroner-


TNF Pathophysiology: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms (Current



Fluid Overload: Diagnosis and Management (Contributions to


Sustainable Agriculture

Insect Pest Management and Ecological Research

Neuroelectrodynamics: Understanding the Brain Language - Volume 74


Neuroeconomics (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society seri...

Neuronal Mechanisms of Memory Formation: Concepts of Long-term


Benthic Suspension Feeders and Flow

Molecular Modeling Applications in Crystallization

Cytokinesis in Animal Cells (Developmental and Cell Biology Series)


Oculomotor Systems and Perception

Autoimmune Neurological Disease

Ecologie comportementale : Cours et Questions de réflexion

Translational Pain Research: From Mouse to Man

Light Sensing in Plants

Viral Transport in Plants

Toll-like Receptors in Inflammation

Veterinary Ocular Pathology: A Comparative Review

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Bioscience. Second Edition


Biochemistry and Histocytochemistry Research Developments

Mosquito-Borne Illnesses (Health Alert)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment Manual (2010)

Cell Adhesion (2004)

Theropithecus: The Rise and Fall of a Primate Genus

Introduction to Flow Cytometry

The Earth in Transition: Patterns and Processes of Biotic Impoverish...

Climate Variability, Climate Change and Fisheries

Brian Fagan - Cro-Magnon: How the Ice Age Gave Birth to the First



Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia

Advances in Parasitology, Volume 71

Temperature Regulation in Laboratory Rodents

Self-Awareness in Animals and Humans: Developmental Perspectives

Zoontologies: The Question Of The Animal

Dictionary of the Fungi, 10th Edition

Stig S. Gezelius - Making Fisheries Management Work: Implementation


Egg Incubation: Its Effects on Embryonic Development in Birds and


Butterflies of Britain Europe (Collins Field Guide)


Enzyme Kinetics: From Diastase to Multi-enzyme Systems

Biostratigraphy: Microfossils and Geological Time

The Shape of Life: Genes, Development, and the Evolution of Animal F...

Protein Engineering

Flattened Fauna: A Field Guide to Common Animals of Roads, Streets


Bacterial Infections of the Central Nervous System: Handbook of Clin...

Evolving Brains

Hair of West-European Mammals: Atlas and Identification Key

Genome Informatics Series, Volume 19


Seagrass Ecology

Dictyostelium: Evolution, Cell Biology, and the Development of Multi...

Sustaining Global Surveillance and Response to Emerging Zoonotic


Il ronzio delle api (I blu) (Italian Edition)

Dictionary of Earth Science

Body Heat: Temperature and Life on Earth

Radiobiology for the Radiologist, Sixth Edition

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Learning to Read:

The Green Pen: Environmental Journalism in India and South Asia


Anthropometry: The Individual and the Population

Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics, and Informatics: Vol...

Prevention of Bug Bites, Stings, and Disease

The Unified Learning Model: How Motivational, Cognitive, and


Riparian Landscapes (Cambridge Studies in Ecology)

Tropical Alpine Environments: Plant Form and Function

The EGF Receptor Family: Biologic Mechanisms and Role in Cancer

Nuclear Envelope Dynamics in Embryos and Somatic Cells

Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing


Vicki Myron, Bret Witter - Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat


Genetic models of schizophrenia

Medical Microbiology, Updated Edition: With STUDENT CONSULT

Online A...

Looking for a Few Good Males: Female Choice in Evolutionary Biology

Subcortical Structures and Cognition: Implications for Neuropsycholo...

Merlin D. Tuttle, Donna L. Hensley - Bat House Builder's Handbook

Molecular Mechanisms of Spondyloarthropathies (Advances in


Genetically Yours: Bioinforming, Biopharming, and Biofarming

Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, Second Edition


Endangered Species Volume 3 Amphibians, Fish, Plants, and Reptiles, ...

Animal Physiology, Mechanisms and Adaptations. Fourth Edition.


Endocrine Involvement in Developmental Syndromes

Endangered Species Volume 2 Arachnids, Birds, Crustaceans, Insects, ...

Noonan Syndrome and Related Disorders - A Matter of Deregulated Ras


The Fossil Hunter: Dinosaurs, Evolution, and the Woman Whose


Endangered Species Volume 1 Mammals, 2nd Edition

Butterfly (Garden Minibeasts Up Close)

Evolution of Infectious Disease


Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution

Spider (Garden Minibeasts Up Close)

Cricket (Garden Minibeasts Up Close)

Beetle (Garden Minibeasts Up Close)

In Your Body (Under the Microscope)

In the Ocean (Under the Microscope)

In the Home (Under the Microscope)

In the Backyard (Under the Microscope)

Snail (Garden Minibeasts Up Close)


Principles of Neural Science, Eric Kandel

Principles of Genetics Tamarin 7th Edition

Biologia de las Tortugas (En Ingles)

Introduccion al analisis genetico

Neuroscience 3th Edition, Purves

The Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applicati...

Bacterial physiology and metabolism. Byung Hong Kim,Geoffrey M.


Human Physiology, Fox

Bioengineering and Molecular Biology of Plant Pathways, Volume 1


Color Atlas of Neurology (Neurología)

Molecular Biology in Cellular Pathology. John Crocker, Paul G. Murray

Herpetology: an introductory biology of anphibians and reptiles 2ed

Biochemistry & Genetics: PreTest Self-Assessment & Review (B...

Color Atlas of Genetics (Flexibook) by Eberhard Passarge

Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Eighteen-Volume


Heldt Plant Biochemistry 3rd Hans Walter

Fundación Nuffield

Publicaciones Nuffield


Publicaciones USAID Biología

Handbook Genetic GHR

Biology Autor(es): Raven, Peter & Johnson, George.

Comparative Vertebrates Neuroanatomy, Butler

The Dissection of Vertebrates: A Laboratory Manual Autor: Gerry


March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and ...

Metabolism at a Glance

fotocopia Aquatic systems Engineering, P R Escobal

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