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Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain

Co – tutoras: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur

Lesson Plans – Practicum – First Period

I.F.D.C. Lenguas Vivas

Taller de Práctica Docente

ALUMNA PRACTICANTE: Myriam Beatriz Tielve

Período de Practica: Primero – Nivel Inicial

Institución Educativa: Instituto Juana de Ibarbourou

Dirección: Avenida Gral. Rojo 4415 – Gregorio de Laferrere – Buenos Aires

Sala/ Grado/ Año – Sección: Sala de 5 – Turno Mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 30

Nivel Lingüistico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Nos identificamos

Clase N°: 4

Fecha: 13/05/2015

Hora: 10:50 – 11:20

Duración de la clase: 30´

Fecha de la primera entrega: 8/05/2015

Teaching Points: Items of clothes (t-shirt/ skirt/ shoes/ tie/ necklace) – Phrasal verbs (go away – come back)


During this lesson, learners will be able to…

Identify and name different items of clothes for boys and girls.

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Identify and follow simple commands while getting organized to work. Understand the meaning and perform a poem. Follow direct instructions to work on their books or to make a poster.

Language focus:



The ImperativeSit down!Stand up!

Clothest-shirt; skirt; shoes; tie; necklace

-Greeting people.

-Giving commands and instructions.

Wh- Questions in the simple present-How are you today? I´m fine.

Polite requests-Let´s sit down.

Recognition and use of the sounds of

|ɜː| Skirt


NEW Phrasal VerbsGo awayCome back

-Telling and dramatizing a poem.

Commands-Go away-Come back

Recognition and use of the sounds of|æ| Pam Jack

Teaching approach: Natural approach and PPP method. In this lesson a final task will be included.

Integrating skills: Listening and speaking will be integrated by producing the dramatization of a poem.

Materials and resources: Flashcards, students´ books, wallpapers and pictures of items of clothes, glue, finger puppets.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson background sounds related to a story will be listened to from an mp3 file to create suspense and to put students in the right mood to interact with the teacher. Just in case there is not electricity I will record the sounds in my mobile phone and play the sounds from their connecting it to the speakers. Another option is performing the sounds myself.

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Seating arrangement: In a semicircle on a carpet in front of the board and later at their tables in groups of five.

Cooperative work: If the final task in this lesson will be performed using the wallpapers, the students will work in a cooperative way so as to create a poster which later will be hanged on the English board in their classroom.

Possible problems/ difficulties and their solutions during the class: At this age children find it difficult to work in a cooperative way to create a poster, then I will deliver direct instructions and will go round the room prompting solutions if there is any kind of conflict among them. I will create a chant to explain them that they have to share the pictures and the wallpaper will have to be designed by the group.

Potential problems students may have with the language: Some students may feel shy to repeat the poem and only perform it with gestures. In that case I will encourage them to repeat verse by verse in pairs so that they feel more confident at the time of doing it with the whole group.

Assessment: I will assess students´ comprehension while taking an active role during the interaction and performing the poem.

Routine: 3´

Purpose: to greet students and get them into a positive mood to start the lesson.

I will come into the classroom and greet the students “Hello!” (waving my hand at the same time. Then I will ask the students “How are you today?” and with my thumbs up I will say “I´m fine!” EA: “I´m fine!”.

I will not sing the greeting song at this stage of the lesson as the teacher usually does it when she comes into the classroom. So I don´t sing it with them because it would be repetitive and boring for the students.

T: “Great, kids! You are fine today! Let´s sing a song to start working now! Stand up, please!” (I will move my hands so that they can understand the instruction). Let´s sing with me!

This is the way I clap my hands, clap my hands, clap my hands;

this is the way I clap my hands, in the English class!

This is the way I stomp my feet, stomp my feet, stomp my feet;

this is the way I stomp my feet, in the English class!

This is the way I say shh! Say shh! Say shh!

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this is the way I say shh! In my English class!

Source : Adapted for pedagogical use from

Transition: Well done, kids! Let´s sit down and open your ears (while winding my ears) to listen to a story!

Warm up: 7´

Purpose: to revisit the vocabulary and structures learnt in the previous lesson.

T: “Last Monday we were working with a story about a boy called Jack and a girl called Pam.” (I will start sticking the same pictures on the board) “Do your remember them? Let´s see: What´s the boy´s name?” EA: “Jack”

T: “Well done, kids. This is Jack! And What´s this girl´s name?” EA: “Pam”.

T: “Great kids, this is Jack and this is Pam”. (at that moment I will play the snoring sound in my computer.” “Listen! Jack and Pam are sleeping! How does Jack snore?” EA: children will snore. “But Pam is not snoring, she is smiling”. “What is Pam doing? EA: children will smile!

T: “But then the alarm clock rings! (sound of an alarm) and Who is coming? Let´s see (showing the picture of the mother) Who is coming? EA: “La mamá!” “Yes, kids! Mum is coming! And mum says: “Wake up Jack and Pam!” (changing my voice) How does mum say?” EA: “Wake up Jack and Pam!” (repeating with me)

T: (imitating mother´s voice) “Put on your clothes and let´s go to the park! (miming the action) How does mum say? EA: “Put on your clothes and let´s go to the park! (children will repeat with me)

T: Well done, kids! Jack and Pam go to the wardrobe and choose their clothes!

Here I will encourage the students to come to the board at random, pick up one item of clothes from the box and put it on Jack or Pam. I will proceed like this:

T: “Let´s help Jack and Pam to put on their clothes. Leila come here, please! Take a picture from the box! Well, done Leila! (showing it to the whole group) How do you say this in English?” EA: “Skirt!” If the students can´t produce the correct name I will continue like this: Is it a skirt or a jumper? EA: “It´s a skirt!”

T: “Yes, kids! It´s a pink skirt! Is it for Jack or for Pam?” EA: “for Pam” “Well done, kids! Leila, put the skirt on Pam, please! Thank you! Sit down, please! Now Jorge… so on and so forth with other students and with the other items of clothes.

I will put more clothes for boys and for girls in my box similar to the ones I used in the previous lesson. For example:

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Transition: Excellent! Now open your ears (while winding my own ears) and listen to this poem about Jack and Pam. Are you ready? (thumbs up) EA: Yes!

Development : 15´

Activity 1 : 5´

Purpose: to foster communication through a poem

I will put a finger puppet of Jack and Pam in each hand. I will make the puppets myself. I will try not to show them to the students until I start telling the poem:

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Two little children

Two little children playing in a park;

one called Jack, one called Pam.

Go away Jack, go away Pam;

Come back Jack, Come back Pam.

Source: Adapted from pedagogical reasons from

T: Ok, kids! Put your hands in your back and tell this poem with me!

I will encourage the students to repeat the poem with me and follow my movements. We will say it two or three times depending on the students´ attitude towards this activity.

Transition: What a beautiful poem kids! It´s time to sit at the tables! Let´s count altogether:

I sit on my chair at 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9…I sit on my chair at… at… at…TEN! Well done, kids!

Activity 2 : 10´

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If students haven´t finished with the activity of dictation planned for the previous class, I will follow the same procedure to finish it in this lesson.

If this is not the case I will proceed with the following activity:

I will distribute a wallpaper for each table like this:

Source :

I will also place on each table an envelope full of pictures of clothes for girls and for boys taken from magazines and some glue. For example:

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Then I will give the students the following instructions while modelling the activity on an identical wallpaper which I will hang on the noticeboard:

T: Look, kids! On the table you have a wallpaper, an envelope with pictures of items of clothes for boys and girls and some glue. Take one item of clothes and stick it on the boys circle or on the girls circle! Are you ready? (with my thumbs up). If the students do not understand the instructions in spite of my modelling it, I will call one of them and encourage him or her to perform the activity in front of his/ her partners.

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During the activity I will go round the classroom encouraging all the students to work cooperatively and eliciting from them names and colours of different items of clothes. I will also elicit from them if they are clothes for boys or for girls.

When all the groups have finished I will ask them to show their posters to the whole class and I will give them positive feedback. These posters will decorate their classroom.

Transition: Our classroom looks nicer now! It´s time to finish our lesson!

Closure : 5´

Purpose: to recap the activities we have done during this lesson.

The students will remain sitting at their tables.

T: “Let´s think about our lesson today” (I will put my finger on my forehead and show them that I am trying to remember):

“ First we listened to a story in a park” (pointing at the poster which is still hanging on the board)

“Second we learnt a poem” ( I will put my puppet fingers again and encourage the students to tell the poem with me)

“ Third we did very nice posters” (pointing at the posters) “ And now it is time to say goodbye” I will start singing the goodbye song with them:

This is the way I say goodbye, say goodbye, say goodbye!This is the way I say goodbye, in my English class!

Source : Adapted for pedagogical use from

T: “Goodbye, kids! See you next class!” EA: Goodbye!

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