Download - Соmап, · 2014. 6. 2. · autoritatea еmitепtЁ./IhЬ certificate rеflесЬ the statu' of the mапчfасturiпg site at the time of the inspection noted above апd should

Page 1: Соmап, · 2014. 6. 2. · autoritatea еmitепtЁ./IhЬ certificate rеflесЬ the statu' of the mапчfасturiпg site at the time of the inspection noted above апd should

д бЁNг// м Е D lcAM ЕNтU Lu l5l Dl SPoZlTlVELoR м EDIiALE

Certificat Nr./ сеrtifiсаtе No: AMDM/MD/GM Р/00 tl2ОtЗ


Раrtеа L/ Part 7 !

Emis iп urmа unei inspectii Тп conformitate cu Ordinul Agentiei Medicamentului 9i DispozitivelorMedicale пr. A07.Rg-04-49 din 07.10.20LЗ/Issчеd following ап iпsресtiоп iп ассоrdапсе with Medicinesапd Medical Devices Аgепсу Огdеr пr. Д07.Rg-04-49 of 07.10.201З

Autoritatea competent5 Agenýia Medicamentului 5i Dispozitivelor Medicale din Republica Moldovaсопfirmё urmёtоаrеа iпfоrmаýiе/Тhе соmреtепt ачthоritу Меdiсiпеs апd Medical Devices Дgепсу frоmRepublic of Moldova сопfirms the following:

Fabricantul/The mапufасturеr: iCS Вчrоfаrmасо SAАdrеsа locu]ui de fabricaýie/Sife address: МD-202З, Republica Moldova, mчп. Chi9inЁu, str. Vadul

lui VоdЁ, 2Licenýa de activitate fаrmасеutiсё/Мапufасtчrеr's license пumЬеr: sеriа Д ММII пr.0217Вб diп

14.07.2006.Altele (specificaEi) / Оthеr ( please specify) :

Autorizaýie de fаЬriсаýiе а medicamentelor de uz uman/Manufacturing Authorization fоr medicinalрrоduсts fоr human use: пr. АМDМ/МD/ЛF/001/201З din 19.11.2013

Diп informatiile acumulate in timpul inspeФiei la acest fabricant. ultima fiind efectuatё in07-О811О1201З, se apreciaz5 сЁ acesta rеsресtЁ ceringele Regulilor de Ьчп5 рrасtiсЁ de fabricatie аmedicamentelor (GMP) de uz чmап conform ordinului Ministerului SЁпЁtЁtii пr.309 din 26.0З.2013 cuрriчirе la арrоЬаrеа Regulilor de Ьчп5 рrасtiсё de fabricatie а medicamentelor (GMP) de uz чmап ýiordinului Agentiei Medicamentului ýi Dispozitivelor Medicale пr, 24 din 04.04.201З cu privire la арюЬаrеаGhidului privind buna рrасtiс5 de fabricalie а medicamentelor (GMP) de uz umапz,/Frоm the knowledgegained duriпg iпsресtiоп oF this mапufасtчгеr, the latest of which was conducted оп О7-ОаlаО|2ОLЗ, itis сопsidеrеd that it complies with the Good Мапufасturiпg Practice rеquirеmепts iп ассоrdапсе withMinistry оf Health Оrdеr пr. З09 of 26.03.2О13 оп the аррrоvаl of the rules of good mапufасturiпgpractice for medicinal products (GMP) fоr humап use апd Оrdеr of Medicines апd Medical Devices Аgепсупr, 24 оF 04,04,201З оп аррrоvаl of the Guideline oF Good Мапчfасtчriпg Ргасtiсе fог medicinal рrоdчсЕ(GMP) fоr humап usё,

Acest certificat reflectЁ Statutul locului de fabricaýie la data inspectiei mепtiопаtЁ mai sus ýi пu vaputea fi luat in consideratie dасЁ de la data acestei inspectii ач trecut mai mult de trei ani; dupЁ асеаstЁperioad5 trebuie consultatЁ autoritatea emitent5. Autenticitatea acestui certificat poate fi verificatб laautoritatea еmitепtЁ./IhЬ certificate rеflесЬ the statu' of the mапчfасturiпg site at the time of theinspection noted above апd should поt Ье relied uроп to reflect the compliance status if mоrе thап threeyears have elapsed since the date of that inspedion, аftеr which time the issuing authoity should Ьеconsulted. The authenticity of this certificate mау Ье verified with the issuing authority,


Аlехапdrч Соmап, ,

Director general al ,,', ,

Agentiei Medicamentului gi ,, ' ,,'

Dispozitivelor Medicale ,,l,., :; 1\ ;,\


i Mondiale а SЁпЁtёýii.12 These геquiгеmепts fulfill

pag. 1 diп 2la пr. ДМ DM/MD/GMP/00 1/20 1 3

the GMP rесоmmепdаtiопs of WHO.

Agenlia Medicamentului gi Dispozitivelor MedicaleMedicines and Medical Devices AgencyRepublica Moldova, I\ЛD-202В, Chiginйu, str. Korolenka, 211

tel, +373 22737аа2, e-mail: [email protected]; Web:

Page 2: Соmап, · 2014. 6. 2. · autoritatea еmitепtЁ./IhЬ certificate rеflесЬ the statu' of the mапчfасturiпg site at the time of the inspection noted above апd should

Раrtеа а 2-а/ Part 2

Medicamente de uz чmап/Нumап Medicinal Products

- ореrаýiiIе de fаЬriсаýiе autorizate includ' fabricalia totalё 5i pa(ial5 (inclusiv diferite рrосеsе de divizare,аmЬаlаrе sau рrеzепtаrе), еliЬеrаrеа 9i сеrtifiсаrеа seriei, importul, depozitarea 9i distribuýia fоrmеlоrfarmaceutice menýionate mai jos, cu exceptia situatiei iп саrе sunt iпfогmаýii contradictorii/authorisedmапufасtчriпg орегаtiопs iпсlчdе total апd partial mапufасturiпg (iпсludiпg vаriоus рrосеssеs of dividinguр, packaging оr ргеsепtаtiоп), batch rеlеаsе апd сегtifiсаtiоп, stоrаgе апd distribution of specified


- testele репtru controlul calitЁýii gilsau activitёýile de еliЬеrаrе gi сеftifiсаrе а seriei, atunci сбпd пu ехistёореrаtii de fabricaýie, trеЬuiе menýionate la compartimentele respective/quality сопtгоl testing апd/оrrеlеаsе апd batch сеrtifiсаtiоп activities without mапufасtuгiпg ореrаtiопs should Ье specified uпdеr therеlеvапt items;

- in cazul in care соmрапiа este iпiplicatЁ Тп fabricatia produselor pentru care exist5 сеriпtе speciale (de i

ех. . produse radiofarmaceutice Sau medicamente conýinand peniciline, sulfonamide. citostatice,

Icefalosporine, substante cU аФiчпе hоrmопаlё sau iпgrеdiепtе active potenlial periculoase). aceasta j

trebuie mentionat5 la tipul de produs ýi fоrmа fаrmасечtiсЁ respective/rf the соmрапу is епgаgеd iп i

mаПUfасturе oF ргоdчсЬ with special rеquirеmепts e.g. rаdiорhаrmасеutiсаIs ог products сопtаiпiпg I

РеПiСilliП, sulphonamides, cytotoxics, cephalo1porins, substances with hоrmопаl activity оr other оr !

p_oъntially hazardous active ingredienЕ this should Ье stated uпdеr the rеlеvапt рrоduсt type апd dosage |,

fогm. l

: 1) Рrоdusе пеstеrilе (lista fоrmеlоr dozate)/Non-sterile products (list of dosage fоrms)i а) Capsule/Ca psules, hаrd shetti ") t-icbide pentru uz extern/L iquids fоr ехtеrпаl usei r) Lichide репtru uz intern/Liquids fог iпtеrпаl use

m) Соmрrim ate/Tabletsо) РulЬеri dozate (multidozё) pentru uz extern/Dosed роwdеr (multidose) fоr

Teste репtrч сопtrо!ч! саlitЁtii I Quality сопtrоl testing6

з) гiiiо-rО'Л'rr!rrrЛ*UО*!

Agenlia Medicamentului gi Dispozitivelor MedicaleMedicines and Medical Devices АgепсуRepub|ica Moldova, MD-202B, Сhigiпйu, str. Коrоlепkо, 211tel. +373 22737002, e-mail: [email protected], Web: www,

Numele 5i funcýia peiioinei iеiропsЬЬilё: АlехапdiчDirесtоr gепеrаl al AgentieiMedicamentului gi DispozitiveIor Medicale


ю. //,20Е,

pag, 2 din 2la пr. АМDМ/МD/GМР/001/201З