Download - Segundo periodo planificacion 2 - nasencio

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Período de Práctica: Segundo período Institución Educativa: Colegio Kurt GodelDirección postal: Quaglia 625, BarilocheSala/Grado y sección: 4to gradoCantidad de alumnos: 20Nivel lingüístico del curso: ElementalTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Partes del cuerpoClase Nº1Fecha: 09/06/2014Hora: 9:50 hsDuración de la clase: 40 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 03/06/2014

Teaching points: Parts of the body


Ss will be able to identify the new vocabulary presented. Ss will remember the vocabulary presented the previous class. Students will be able to develop their speaking and listening abilities through

motivating activities. Students will able to communicate in order to complete an activity. Ss will be able to comprehend a simple text describing a certain picture.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Follow certain commands.

Greetings, actions, boy, girl, fine, happy/sad, monsters, big, small, numbers, tummy, arms, legs, head, long short,

Hello! What day is today? How are you today? How many legs has it got?

/b/ /s/ /l/ /t/

New Identifying body parts.

Fingers, hand, foot/feet

Are his/her legs short or long?Is his/her tummy big or small?

/f/ /fingers/ /d/

Teaching approach: Communicative approach. Materials and resources: flashcards, pictures, copies

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Seating arrangement: We will work at the tables. Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any

difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, the T will have flashcards to show them. Assessment: The target language will be assessed trough a communicative and

collaborative activity.


Routine (5 minutes)

The T will greet the ss and ask them to stand up and we will sing and dance the hello song. Then, she will show them a poster with the days of the week and we will say the rhyme in order to know what day it is.

(The T will ask for ss’ homework too in order to check it all together)

Rhyme: A week has seven days, seven days has a week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday! Tuesday! Wednesday! Thursday! Friday! Saturday and Sunday! What day is today? Today is.............

The T will ask ss the homework from the previous class, first we will check it orally she will say: “Pay attention to the first activity! What is this?” (she will point to the monster’s head and to her head, too”. The T will encourage them to answer: it is the head. We will follow the same procedure with all the parts of the body. In order to check the second activity the T will say: “Who is this monster? What is his name? What colour are his.....?” and she will encourage ss to answer: “He is....... His arms are......”

Warm – up (5 minutes)

First, she will show them a picture of the genie’s head and stick it on the board. She will tell them: “Look, he is a Genie. Do you know him?” and she will encourage the ss to answer: “Yes, I do/No, I don’t”. She will ask ss to brainstorm about him and she will guide them asking some questions: “Is he funny? Is he bad? Is he Aladdin’s friend?” and she will encourage ss to answer: “Yes, he is/No, he isn’t”

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Then she will tell them: “Now, we are going to listen to a song about him. The song is like this....” First, she will sing it while she dances and touches the body part that is mentioned but she will encourage student to name that body part. So, we revise the vocabulary.

Song: I’ve got a head, a big, big head. I’ve got a tummy a big, big tummy.Arms, legs, head and tummy.Arms, legs, head and tummy.

The T will tell them: “You are excellent dancers and singers! Sit down, please.”

Presentation (10 minutes)

She will show them a box with pictures of the parts of the body of the Genie. First, she will tell them: “Look at my box! Look what I have inside...” and she will pick up a part of the body and show it to the ss. She will show them the picture of the arm and say: Is the Genie’s leg-arm?” and she will encourage ss to answer: “Yes, it is/No, it isn’t” and we will follow the same procedure with: tummy – leg. She will also encourage ss to say the full sentence: “It’s the Genie’s arm” Then, she will show them the picture of the hand and ask them: Is this a head – foot – hand? And she will encourage ss to answer: “Yes, it is/No, it isn’t” and full sentences too. The T will point to her part of the body while she asks these questions. We will follow the same procedure with foot and fingers, but she will clarify the difference among foot/feet. She will say: “Look! This is my foot, but these are my feet” (while she points at them) and she will write on the board: 1 foot – 2 feet. The T will also stick the pictures of the part of the body on the correct place to complete the picture.


Activity 1 (15 minutes) – checking comprehension.

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(We will play a game in order to check comprehension. On the board the target language words will be written down: 1. hand – 2. fingers – 3. foot/feet – 4. legs – 5. arms – 6. Head. Each number belongs to a value on the dice, so the T will choose a student to roll the dice and depending on the number he/she has to pick up the flashcard of the body part and stick it next to the number. Then, this student has to give indications to the rest of the class about the Genie’s body part for them to draw it.)

First, the T will tell to the class: “Now, we are going to draw our own Genie for the English class. You have to pay a lot of attention to the indications so let’s use our vanilla perfume” and she will spread some perfume and she will hand out some sheets of paper.

Then, the T will choose a student and tell him/her: “Please, roll the dice. What number is it?” ss: It’s 4. The T: “Excellent! What is it number 4? Look at the board.” SS: They are legs. The T: “Yes! Pick up the picture and stick it on the board.” Then, she will ask the other ss: “Are they legs?” While she is pointing to the card. SS: “Yes, they are/No, they aren’t”. Then, she will ask him/her: “Think of an incredible Genie! How many legs has it got?” ss: “He has got 4 legs” The T: “Ok! Everybody please draw 4 legs to our Genie, but we need to know more about the Genie’s legs so let’s ask him/her some questions” and the T will encourage ss to ask some questions: Are the legs long or short legs? What colour are the legs? And we will follow the same procedure to complete the Genie’s picture.

(I think that it will be better if the sheets of paper that I will hand to the ss will have the Genie’s tummy drawn on it)

While the ss draw the Genie the T will encourage them to show their pictures and to interact with each other talking about the pictures.

The T will tell them: “Those Genies are excellent! Now you are going to take them home to complete for homework”

Homework (5 minutes)

The T will tell them: “Now, we need to know more about the incredible Genie. What is his name? What is his favourite colour? And so on. So, for homework you have to complete some sentences or choose an option” and she will hand out a copy for each ss and we will read it all together while she elicits form them some examples to complete it.

“He is a Genie and his name is ___________. His favourite colour is _______.He has got _______ legs and they are short / long. He h___ got ______fingers and they are colour __________. He has g___ feet and they are colour _________. He has got ______ hands and they are big / small.”

Closure (2 minutes)

The T will them: “Now, it is time to say goodbye” and she will encourage them to say the goodbye rhyme (they know it). “Put, put, put, put your things away! See, you, you another day, day, day!”