Download - WWI 1st Balloon Squadron

  • 8/4/2019 WWI 1st Balloon Squadron


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    HE present gov01 ernmental tests

    of airships of

    various types-

    an aerial tourn-

    ament that will

    probably con-

    tinue until latein the autumn

    will serve to bring prominently be

    fore the public the functions and

    personnel of the newest and one of

    the most interesting branches of the

    Jnited States balloon


    The little group of men whohave within the last few months

    qualified as experts in the handling-

    of sky craft will serve as the

    nucleus of what will ultimately be

    come one of the most important

    organizations in Uncle Sams mili

    tary establishment trained body

    such as is essential if this nation is

    to overcome the long lead already

    gained by France

    Great Britain in military aeronau

    ticsTheballoon squad it may be

    explained is a branch ofthe United

    States Signal Corps For a num

    ber of years past ballooning has

    been regarded in military circles as

    an established adjunct to the signal

    work of the army but Americans

    have been inexplainably tardy in

    exploiting its possibilities Indeed

    with the exception of a limited

    amount of profitless balloon work

    during the SpanishAmerican war

    this sphere of activities remained

    wholly unexplored on this side ofthe Atlantic until abou a year ago

    PICTURESQUEIndeed were the

    that finallyYankee officers to

    spark that set In-terest and energy aflame In this direc-tion was the winning of the first in-

    ternational balloon race by LieutFrank P Lahm That a Ameri-can army officer barely twentyeightyears of age and almost a novice inthe work should defeat the most ex-perienced aeronauts of Europe andwin a decisive victory In what wasup to that tlqje the greatest sportingevent the world had ever seen could

    not help iut kindle the patriotism andthe aeronautic Interest of his fellowofficers at home and abroad-

    It was by mere chance that Lahmbecame a partlolpant In the Initialcontest for the Gordon Bennett

    July 1006 Lieutenant Lahm wetordered to Franco for a years workin the famous cavalry school atBaumur His duties were not to begin

    until October at least a week afterthe race and with a natural InterestIn inheritance fromhis father what more natural thanthat he should volunteer to represent-the United States in the aerialrace when there was no other personto bear aloft the Stars and Stripes

    Learned From FatherLahm made eight preparatory bal-

    loon journeys and under the tutelage

    of his father he acquired the science-

    of ballooning more rapidly than any

    man has ever done before or since

    When as the upshot of whirlwindinto a new career Lahm de-

    feated his fifteen competitors and

    the English channel at night

    American service who had already hadmore or less prontwnced leanings to

    ward aeronautical work were firedwith onthuetaam to take up militaryballooning as a life work

    The outcome C the sentiment thusaroused was the Issuance of an ordercreating the aeronautical division oC

    the Signal Corps li arranged toget out of storage the several balloonsof foreign make which had been pur-

    chased by the United States during

    the Spanish war and had been in stor-age ever since and it was decided thatthe headquarter ot the new activitiesshould be at a balloon house at FortDryer VA just across the Potomacfrom Washington and where theprogress of the innovation could beclosely by the administrativeofficials at the War Department Bestof all It was arranged that Lieuten-ant Lam shctuld return from Franceto assume the personal djrocitan of

    Page Four

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    Germany and







    wat hod




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    Aeronautics and other officers nota-

    bly Captain Chandler and LieutenantSelfrldge of t he Signal Corp pre-pared to make ballooning a specialty

    Squad Just a Year OldThe order creating the aeronautical

    division of the army was Issued onAugust I 1907 and the balloon squadwhch now gives so much promise ofeffective work was created with amembership of a sole IndividualSergU Edward Ward who Is now thehead of lKtl body of professionalballoonists who have gradually comeunder his standard The first thingWard dUl after being detailed for his

    duty was to spend some weeks atthe balloon factory of Leo Stevenswhere he learned all that could beIparned regarding the practical sideof balloon construction and the physi-cal characteristics of the gas bags

    After some weeks another enlistedman was detailed for balloon workand he took a course of Instruction atthe Stevens plant Stevens is aformer tightrope walker who hasgraduated to the dignity of Americasforemost balloon builder He had thecontract for the big balloon which theballoon squad has used In its practicework during the last year and hismanufactory is manifestly the bestplace on this side of UicVA lanUc to

    construction which enables the balloon


    acquire that with baleen




    wS YtIt Y tTImtBALLc5t7UAD FTJsquad men to make any needed repairs-to balloons In their charge

    Select Men of ExperienceGradually one by one other

    were added to the littleof balloon specialists Every effortwas wade to men roaaotrof training or temperament mightbe to develop ttretclass





    balloonists For instance one ui tnemen chosen upon his own application-came Into the squad fortified withnine years experience with travelingcircuses and was a past master ofthe art of handling canvas manipu-lating ropes class of operations-not so different from some phasesof balloon work Aside fromeittty gained in handling thecaptive balloons of the army in con



    nection with the numerous ascentsmade during the past year the boyswith the balloon squad had an opportunity to gain practical experience inconnection th the aeronautic workat the Jamestown Exposition and atthe second international balloon raceat St Louis last autumn

    such is tie of the workthat there have been vary few changes-in the personnel of th squad

    Casein n



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    since its organization sid the roeternow comprises Edward Wardwho enlisted from Kentucky CorporalStewart K Rosenberger of Philadelphta Charles De KIm of New YorkW il li am McC onne li of Georgia

    Cecil R C one of Philadelphia Edward 0 of Denver BenjaartnSchmidt of lUtnofe a LBurge of Illinois J MCanton Ohio and Frederick lilrioh





    of Illinois The squad Is quartttte balloon house at Fort 3 r


    the expcttto thatelapseof ftero MUid MvMoa wttt he or-

    S atz d at Fort Omaha Neb wherGoveraawBt is vam IM1 g

    balloon howe sad to iaatallhrthe sleet vptodate plant in worldfor the manufacture of hydrogenSM used for the ttatton of

    The baUotmiate at Fort Meyw havthe care of all the ballooaw aat bthe War Department There Mantla French baltooa of cubiceajMKity which w s purchased dartetiN Spanish war balloon J6W e bi

    feet capacity of Gorman uiaiiuliHCture which was acquired at the tamth e the famous balloon No It oAM cubic feet capacity which wa

    built especially for the Signal Corp

    of German manufacture N

    cubic feet capacity each which arIntended primarily for signal workbut which are proving very ueotal aFort Xyer as reserve rosonwlrsthe of a surplus nuppiy ohydrogen during the hifhurhMi of thuic balloons Only a few mesh aghe balloon

    uf its equipment sad burned vp threballoons which were not only besetsbut worn out for balloons

    iraj Ball aists Help OthersThe army baltoootats at Fort My

    ave been ordered te hold rn

    redtoeceto lend every aoifctamj

    n the builders of airships who wry o t their raft on the Virgin

    heights during the next few monthCaptain Baldwin the Wright brotherand other contractors bring their owmechanic said other helpers to tI

    rial ground but they will find Itimmense nuetstance to have the sod

    a body of experiencedbe it knows it r utrM at amonths to train a young mea te

    fany practical nHpfnlaeas m baOowork

    rnete balloon estaVMnhuius pretty well equipped In BiiiiHtham

    x vast array of such standard a

    kets x there are matrumosits freglst rm the power of a g

    gas ta use meehaaaaassistant Is an apparatus operatedturning a crank and which intaka balloon with air so that It maytested for leaks or facilitates repwork The squad has the use ofhigh power automobile with whichfollow aerial craft in tbetr flights sIs daily the arrival of seve

    constructedfor the transportation ofballoons skindred equipment For the time b

    the hydrogen gas used as the tt

    Oanttaaed on Fifth Page

    July 26 1908





    1 fee

    by Leo three


    squad took



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    uncle lap anchors

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    Stevens and amen balloons

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