Resumen Teorías de Autodeterminación

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Resumen Teorías de Autodeterminación

Resumen teoras de autodeterminacin:

La teora funcional de la autodeterminacin (Wehmeyer, M 2013) las conductas son valoradas de acuerdo a la funcin que cumplen para el individuo, siendo la autodeterminacin de carcter disposicional (rasgo)Ms all de esos razgos, las conductas para ser juzgadas como autodeterminadas deben ser autnomas, auto-reguladas, muestra del empoderamiento del agente y auto-realizadoras

The Minnesota Self-Determination Scales measure the self-determination of people with disabilities across many life domains. There are seperate scales to measure a person's ability to be self-determined (e.g. the person's skills, knowledge, and attitude) as well as the degree to which they exercise self-determination in their lives. The versions of scales include:

-Self-determination skills, attitudes and knowledge-Exercise of self-determination -Decision making preference-Importance of choices and decisions -Environmental support

The scales are based on the Tripartite Model of Motivation and Self-Determination: Actitudes y creencias sobre si mismo, sus capacidades y la manera en que conciben el papel del contexto en los resultados que obtienen, La fuerza o deseo de lograr una meta basado en el valor que se le otorga La estrategia o tcnica empleada para obtener ese resultado

The Tripartite Model defines self-determination as people having the amount of control they desire over the things that are important to them.

This model and the scales consider self-determination in the context of major life decisions that are made infrequently (e.g. where to live and where to work) and day to day decisions (e.g. what shirt to wear in the morning and what to eat for lunch).

There is a seperate scale to measure the ability of individual to support people with disabilities to be self-determined and the ability of the agencies where they work to support their efforts. This scale is broken into the following areas:

-Orientation -Skills and Knowledge -Application of Skills -Training -Quality of Training -Supervision -Staff work habits-Skills related to Self-Determination -Attitudes and Beliefs related to Self-Determination -Knowledge Supportive of Self-Determination