segundo periodo - planificacion 4 - nasencio

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Transcript of segundo periodo - planificacion 4 - nasencio


Período de Práctica: Segundo período Institución Educativa: Colegio Kurt GodelDirección postal: Quaglia 625, BarilocheSala/Grado y sección: 4to gradoCantidad de alumnos: 17Nivel lingüístico del curso: ElementalTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Partes del cuerpoClase Nº4Fecha: 16/06/2014Hora: 9:50 hsDuración de la clase: 40 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 10/06/2014

Teaching points: Parts of the body


Ss will be able to identify the new vocabulary presented. Ss will remember the vocabulary presented the previous class. Ss will be able to recognise that we are all similar in the way we grow and

change. Students will identify what help us grow and change. Students will be able to develop their speaking and listening abilities through

motivating activities.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Follow certain commands.

Greetings, actions, boy, girl, fine, happy/sad, , big, small, numbers, tummy, arms, legs, head, long short, fingers, hand, foot/feet, baby, food, water, work, play, love

Hello! What day is today? How are you today?

/f/ /fingers/ /d/

New Identifying body parts.Identifying what that help us grow

Grow, change, child, teenager, adult, dark hair, fair hair, fat, thin,

We are...You are...We start life

/g/ /change/ /dark/

and change. exercise, rest, sleep, care

Teaching approach: Communicative approach. Materials and resources: flashcards, pictures, copies: Footprints 2, Mcmillan Seating arrangement: We will work at the tables in groups Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any

difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, the T will have flashcards to show them. Assessment: The target language will be assessed through group and individual work.


Routine (5 minutes)

The T will greet the ss and ask them to stand up and we will sing and dance the hello song. Then, she will show them a poster with the days of the week and we will say the rhyme in order to know what day it is. The T will tell them: “I want to write the date on the board, Can you help me? Let’s spell the date please! And the teacher will write the date on the board (they already know the alphabet).

Hello song: “Get up on your feet and to everyone you meet, say hello, hello, hello. When you meet somebody new, the first thing you should do, is say hello, hello, hello, hello. Say hi, say hello, say hi, say hello”

Rhyme: “Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week. There’s Monday and Tuesday; Wednesday and Thursday; Friday and Saturday, and then Sunday. Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week”

(The T will ask ss’ for homework too – I will check it and give it back next class for them to stick it on their copybooks)

Warm – up (5 minutes)

The T will show ss a personal photo with her friend, she will tell them: “Look, she is Pia, she is my best friend and she is also an English teacher. The other day I was looking at the photo and I realized that we are very different. What do you think? Are we different?” and she will encourage ss to answer: Yes, you are! And she will ask them: “Are we all different?” ss: Yes, we are! She will tell them: “Very good, we all look different – tall, short, fat, thin....” and she will also mime the adjectives.

Presentation (5 minutes)

On the board there will be some picture and word cards (tall-short-fat-thin-dark hair-fair hair) The T will point to the photo and say: “Let’s find our differences! Look! Who has got dark hair?” while she points to the card. The T will ask ss to answer: “you have got dark hair” and we will follow the same procedure with fair hair. Then, she will ask: “Who is tall?” and the ss will answer: “You are tall”. We will follow the same procedure with: short.

The T will show students the other picture+word cards and ask ss to help her. The T will say: “Look at these people! They are different, too! Help me to match the cards. Is he fat or thin (she will mime the adjectives and point to the card)” We will follow the same procedure with the other adjectives to match the cards and stick them on the board.

Then, the T will tell them: “But we grow and change in a similar way. Look!” and she will show them a picture and say: “we start life as babies” and stick the picture on the board, she will ask them: “Are you babies?” the T will encourage ss to answer: “No, we aren’t”. The T will say: “Ok! And then, we grow and change adult?” and show the picture for ss to answer: “No!” The T: Ok! So we grow and change into a teenager or into a child?” she will show the pictures for ss to answer: “Into a child!” The T: “Yes, and then we grow and change into a teenager or into an adult?” showing the pictures and miming all the actions, the T will encourage ss to answer: “Into a teenager and then an adult!” The T will say: “Very good! And are you a child, a teenager or an adult?” the ss: “I am a child” the T will say: “Yes! And am I teenager or an adult?” the ss: “you are an adult”


Activity 1 (10 minutes)

The T will tell them: “Since we know that we are all different and we grow and change in a similar way, we can work with the following activities. We will complete them in groups and we have 10 minutes to do them. First, pay attention to the explanation!” and she will say the rhyme: “pay attention, concentration!” She will show them the activities and say: “Look at him! (Showing ss the picture of the adult man) Is he a baby-a child-a teenager?” She will encourage ss to answer: “No, he isn’t – He is an adult”. The T will say: “You are right! He is an adult, his name is Jack and he is an English Teacher. Look at these other pictures of him, when he was younger!” and she will show them the baby-child-teenager pictures. The T will say: “You have to stick them in order and write the words”. The names will be written on the board and the T will show them each picture, she will also provide them a sheet of paper to stick the pictures.

Then, she will show them the other activity: “Look at this family, they are the Brown Family and as you can notice they are different from each other, right?” ss: Yes, they are!. Then, the T will say: “In this copy you have to read the sentences and circle the correct word. Let’s read the example from the board and complete it all together...” –We are all different YES NO- and we will circle the correct answer.

Then, the T will elicit the instructions for the activities from the ss. She will say: “In the first activity you have to put these pictures in or..... and write ....... on the correct picture. Then, on this activity you have to cir...... yes or ....... Very good! Please, stick everything on the sheet of paper”

While the ss work, the T will monitor them and ask some questions to interact with them, and to check the exercises.

Activity 2 (10 minutes)

The T will tell them: “Now children, let’s think about what we need to do to grow and change, because to grow into a child, a teenager and then an adult we need to....” and she will encourage ss to brainstorm. The T will guide ss with some questions such as: “Do we need to eat food? Do we need to drink water?” (she will mime the actions) and so on.

Then, she will tell them: “Pay attention to the next activity. We need to read and listen to a text (she will point the text). Then, we need to listen and number the pictures of the things that help us grow and change, such as food and water..” and she will point to the pictures. She will ask some ss to handout the copies and ask ss: “Ok, for the first activity we need to .... and read” she will elicit the instructions from the ss and mime the actions too. In order to complete the second activity the T will mime the different actions. And we will correct the activity all together, she will write the actions on the board and elicit from the ss the correct number, she will ask: “What is it number 1?” ss: “Rest and sleep”.

Activity 3 (3 minutes)

We will play “Simon says” to practice the vocabulary presented in the previous activity. The T will say: “Now, we are going to play Simon says and simon says stand up next to you chair. Yes!! Now, Simon say eat food to grow...” and so on.

Closure (2 minutes)

The T will tell them: “Now, it is time to say goodbye” and she will encourage them to say the goodbye rhyme (they know it). “Put, put, put, put your things away! See, you, you another day, day, day!”