Tongue twisters in Spanish


Transcript of Tongue twisters in Spanish

Page 1: Tongue twisters in Spanish
Page 2: Tongue twisters in Spanish

…para practicar la BL/CL/LV

Pablito clavó un clavito en la calvade un calvito.

Pablito nailed a nail in the bald patch of a small bald man.

Page 3: Tongue twisters in Spanish

…para practicar la CH

Me han dicho que has dicho un dicho, un dicho que yo he dicho. Ese dicho que te han dicho que yo he dicho, no lo he dicho; y si yo lo hubiera dicho, estaría muy bien dicho por haberlo dicho yo.

Somebody has told me that you have said a saying that I have said. Thi ssaying that they have told you that I said, I have not said it; and if I had said it, it would be vert wellsaid for having said it myself.

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…para practicar la C

Señora, cómpreme un coco.No compro coco, porque poco coco como poco coco compro.

Madam, buy me a coconut. I don’t buy coconut, because not much coconut I eat as not much coconut I buy.

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…para practicar la R

Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en trestristes trastos sentados tras un trigal.

Three sad tigers swallowed wheat in three sad utensils seated behind a wheatfield.

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…para practicar la R

Erre con erre guitarra, erre con erre barril. Mira que rápido ruedan, las ruedas del ferrocarril.

R with R guitar, R with R barrel. Look howfast they turn, the wheels of the train

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…para practicar la R

El perro de San Roque no tiene rabo porqueRamón Ramírez se lo ha cortado.

The dog of San Roque doesn't have a tail, because Ramon Ramirez has cut it off.

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…para practicar la CA/QUE/QUI/CO/CU

Poquito a poquito Paquito Cubito empacapoquitas copitas en pocos paquetes.

Bit by bit Paquito Cubito is packing some wine glasses in a few packages.

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…para practicar la CA/QUE/QUI/CO/CU

¿Cómo quieres que te quiera si el que quieroque me quiera no me quiere como quieroque me quiera?

How do you want me to love you if the one I want to love me doesn't love me as I want him to love me.

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…para practicar la LL

El cielo está enladrillado ¿quién lo desenladrillará? El desenladrillador que lo desenladrille, ¡buen desenladrillador será!

The sky is full of bricks. Who will put them out now?The 'unbricker' who could put them out, will be such a good 'unbricker'!

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…para practicar la CA, QUE, QUI, CO, CU

El que poco coco come, poco coco compra;el que poca capa se tapa, poca capa se compra. Como yo poco coco como, poco coco compro, y como poca capa me tapo, poca capa me compro.

The one that doesn’t eat much coconut, not much coconutbuys; the one that not much cape covers, not much cape buys. As I not much coconut eat, not much coconut I buy, and as I not much cape I cover, not much cape I buy.