Bahan Presentasi Gol. VA

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  • 8/17/2019 Bahan Presentasi Gol. VA



  • 8/17/2019 Bahan Presentasi Gol. VA



    Inventor: Daniel Rutherford

    Year: 1772

    Name of element: Nitrogen

    ntoine Lavoisier menyebut nitrogenengan nama “aote!" berarti atmas# Dinama$an at lemas $arena ati tida$ a$tif berea$si dengan unsur


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    %otassium Nitrate" #

     used as fertilier and solid o&idier in ro'$et#


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    )hile salt*eter"

    used as fertilier" medi'al *rodu'ts" +re,or$s" e&*losives"

    *igment" food *reservative" o&idier in ro'$et#


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     -here are t,o stable isoto*es of nitrogen

    1.N /00"3

    14N /5". 3

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    %rodu'e Isolation of nitrogen

    Nitrogen is se*arated fromthe Air ,ith theli6uefa'tion follo,ed bydistillation

    %rodu'e from ammoniumnitrate

    N.N82/a63 9 N2/g3 228/l3

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    8&idation stateOxidation state Examples of Compounds

    -3 NH3 ( ammonia

    -! N. /ammonium ion3

    -" N28 /hydro&ylamine 3

    # N2 /nitrogen gas3

    $" N28/dinitrogen mono&ide3

    $! NO(nitro%en oxides

    $3 N28;/nitrogen trio&ide3

    HNO!(citric acid


    N82 /nitrogen dio&ide3

    N28./dinitrogen tetrao$sida3


    N284 /nitrogen *entao$sida3

    N8; /nitri' a'id3

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    Nitro%en Oxides

    Nitrogen 'an 'ombine ,ith o&ygen to form o&ides,ith di

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    b# Nitrous o&ide" N28#

    @onovalent nitrogen o&ides# %yrolysis of ammonium nitrate

    ,ill *rodu'e this o&ide by the rea'tion:

    N.N8; 9 N28 2 28 /heating at 245 )3#

    '# Dinitrogen trio&ide" N28;#

     -he o&idation number of nitrogen in these 'om*ounds is ;"this 'om*ound is unstable and de'om*oses into N8 and N82 

    at room tem*erature#

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    d# Nitrogen dio&ide N82#

     -hese 'om*ounds 'an form a dimer dinitrogen tetrao$sida"

    N28." 'olorless" namely the merger bet,een N82 ,ithN82#

    N28. 'an be *rodu'ed by *yrolysis of lead nitrate

    2 %b /N8;3 2 9 .N82  2%b8 82 at .55o


    Bhen N82 dissolved in ,ater *rodu'ed nitri' a'id and


    2 N82  28 9 N8;  N82

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    e# Dinitrogen *entao$sida" N284#

    Nitrous *entao$sida obtained ,hen 'on'entrated nitri'

    a'id is slo,ly dehydrated ,ith *hos*horus *ento&ide at lo,tem*eratures#

    2 N8;  N284  28

    Bhen dissolved in ,ater *rodu'ed nitri' a'id# Dinitrogen*ento&ide also 'alled anhydrous nitri' a'id#

    N284  28 9 2 N8;


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    Oxyacid Nitro%en

    8&ya'id of nitrogen that 'an be en'ountered is 2N282 

    /hi*onitrit a'id3" N82 /nitrous a'id3" N8; /nitri' a'id3 andN8. /*ero&ynitrite a'id3#

    Rea'tions of Nitrogen" ,ith:

    a# 8&ygen

     -hen" 'om*ound of N8 ,ill rea't to form N82" ,ith the

    follo,ing rea'tion#


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    b# ydrogen

    Ammonia manufa'turing *ro'ess 'alled the aber Cos'h



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    )e use of ammonia

    Nitri' a'id industries /3#

    or the manufa'ture of urea /)83 and EA /E,velamonia3 /3#

     -o ma$e ammonium 'hloride /)l3 on the battery#

    As 'ooling in an i'e fa'tory#

     -o ma$e hydraine /3 as a ro'$et fuel#

    or the manufa'ture of e&*losives" a *lasti' *a*er" anddetergents#


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    '# Nitrit A'id

    @anufa'ture of ammonia is the 8st,ald *ro'ess# At +rstammonia is o&idied"


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     -he use of nitri' a'id:

     -o ma$e fertilier ammonium nitrate /3#

     -he laun'h of the missile" using nitri' a'id anddimetilhidrain" #

     -o ma$e e&*losives" su'h as -N- /trinitrotoluene3"nitroligserin" and nitro'ellulose#

    As nitration organi' 'om*ound that is used for the*rodu'tion of dyes" *harma'euti'als" *esti'ides" anddetergan#


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    d# alogen

     -he rea'tion is 'ommon is by forming Fuorine triFuorideN2 /g3 ;2 /g3 9 2N; /g3

    e# Nitrogen rea'ts ,ith metals to form an ioni' nitride

    f# Nitrogen does not rea't ,ith ,ater" a'ids and base


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    g# ydraine" N2GN2

    N; 8)l N2)l 8G

    N2)l 8G N;N2. )lG 28

    Rea$si $eseluruhan :

    2 N; 8)lN2. )lG 28

    h# Nitride

    ; @g/N232  @g;N2 . N;

    i# -he hydrauli' a'id or hydrogen aide" N;N2. N82  N; 2 28

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    )e Nitro%en Cycle

    Nitrogen +&ation


    Amoni+$asi Nitri+'ation


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     -he 'ommer'ial use of nitrogen is as a 'om*onent in the manufa'tureof ammonia" ,hi'h is then used as fertilier and to *rodu'e nitri'a'id#

    Hsed to ma$e nitrogen fertiliers" su'h as urea /)83 and /EA3#

    Li6uid nitrogen /often referred to as 3 is used as a refrigerant forfreeing food *rodu'ts" to *reserve re*rodu'tive 'ells /s*erm andegg3" and for storage of biologi'al sam*les#

    Nitration of organi' 'om*ounds" su'h as nitroGgly'erine andtrinitrotoluene" 'ommonly used as an e&*losive#

    As the veil of inert gas to remove o&ygen in the manufa'ture ofele'troni' e6ui*ment for inert o,ned *ro*erties#

    Hsed as a 'oolant to 'reate a lo, tem*erature" for e&am*le in thefood *ro'essing industry#

    @a$e room for the storage of inert e&*losive substan'es#

    illing the em*ty s*a'e inside the thermometer to redu'e theeva*oration of mer'ury#


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    Laboratory >'ale: heating the salt solution'ontaining ammonia and nitrite salts#

    N. /a63 N8 2 /a63 N2 /g3 228 /l3


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    %re*aration of nitrogen from ammonium nitrate#

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    2# )ommer'ially obtained from the fra'tional distillation of air/the linden and 'laude3#

    ;# In the laboratory of thermal de'om*osition of ammoniumnitrite 'om*ounds )N.N82 by heating# -he rea'tion ,as as


    )N.N82 /s3 9 N2 /g3 2 28 /l3

    .# In the industry" by ,ay of terra'ed destru'tion andli6uefa'tion /distillation udara'air3 for N2 having a boiling *oint

    lo,er than the +rst 82 then it eva*orates as the +rst fra'tion4# s*e'tros'o*e *ure N2 is made by the thermal de'om*ositionNatriumCarium aide# -he follo,ing rea'tion:

    NaN; 9 2 Na ; N2

    # eating N.N82 through the follo,ing rea'tion:

    N.N82 9 N2 2 28

    7# 8&idation of N; through the follo,ing rea'tion:

    2 N; ;)u8 9 N2 ;28 ;)u

    # Distillation /re+ning3 storey of li6uid air#